Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung

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"Alte Schulhefte" - school exercise books

The project builds a comprehensive platform for uploading, archiving, sharing, browsing, searching and discussing "alte Schulhefte" - school exercise books. "alte Schulhefte" was created in 2013 as an OJS-application (http://alteschulhefte.net/) by Alois Pichler from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) and is now jointly run and developed further by Alois Pichler (WAB) and Ulrike Handelshauser and Max Hadersbeck from the Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung (CIS) at the LMU Munich. The project aims at creating the best possible user experience of the site, incl. additional task specific plugins and support for metadata contribution and browsing. Moreover, the project will seek to implement advanced search facilities and multilingual linking as well as HTR of handwritten texts.

