Broccoli is good at boosting your immunity to colds and flus. Few foods measure up to the disease-fighting potential of broccoli. Broccoli is full of cancer-fighting antioxidants. Broccoli is packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants help reduce the risk of cancers. Gifted children were born with a denser than normal thicket of neural connections associated with the traits in which they are gifted. Gifted children were born with a sufficient amount of neural connections. Gifted children's abilities may be related in part to these enhanced neural connections. Denser, more efficient neural connections are shared by gifted children. Cyber bullying affects many teens on a daily basis. Cyber bullying can be very damaging to teens. Cyber bullying can do lasting harm to young people. Cyber bullying is a serious problem among teens. Cyber bullying can lead to anxiety. Although standard IQ tests are the most commonly used means of identifying gifted children, other tests of both intelligence and creativity are also used. During the twentieth century, gifted children were often classified via IQ tests; other identification procedures have been proposed but are only used in a minority of cases in most public schools in the English-speaking world. Today, the Wechsler child and adult IQ tests are by far the most commonly used IQ tests in hospitals, schools, and private psychological practice. Years ago, a child who achieved a score of 130 or higher on an IQ test was considered gifted. Gifted children are, by definition, "Children who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership capacity, or specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities." The term "gifted and talented" when used in respect to students, children, or youth means students, children, or youth who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities." Gifted girls hide their abilities and learn to blend in with other children. In order to gain popularity, gifted children will often try to hide their abilities to win social approval. Often these children learn to hide or deny their abilities so as to fit in better with the other children. Since many gifted children will hide their abilities in order to fit in more closely with classmates in a regular program, teachers may not be able to observe advanced intellectual or academic abilities directly. "Efforts to improve the taste of school foods through chef-enhanced meals should remain a priority because this was the only method that also increased consumption," the researchers wrote in their study. Chef Can Help Increase Students' Fruit And Vegetable Consumption By Jazzing Up Healthy Meals It can be difficult to get kids to eat healthy food but some help from a professional chef may improve the way students consume fruits and vegetables in the school cafeteria. The researchers said that the students can be encouraged to eat healthier food by improving the taste of the food with the help of a professional chef. As you might suspect, eating any amount of vegetables was better than none at all, but the benefits increased with more servings: I want to emphasize that eating any vegetable is better than eating no vegetables at all, so don't get down on yourself if you're able to juice organic fresh vegetables only a few times a week. If you were to get all of your vegetables from conventionally farmed sources, this would be better for your health than eating no fresh vegetables at all. According to research, boys initiate mean online activity earlier than girls do. As with traditional bullying, both boys and girls cyberbully, but tend to do so in different ways. Boys are more likely to be threatened by cyber bullies than girls Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying. Girls are at least as likely as boys to be cyber bullies or their victims Girls are somewhat more likely than boys to be involved in cyber bullying Girls are twice more likely to experience it than boys. However, by middle school, girls are more likely to engage in cyberbullying than boys. Cyberstalking is an extension of physical stalking. Most law enforcement agencies have cyber-crime units and often Internet stalking is treated with more seriousness than reports of physical stalking. Stalking online has criminal consequences just as physical stalking. There are consequences of law in offline stalking and online stalking, and cyberstalkers can be put in jail. Egypt's most powerful political group, the Muslim Brotherhood, has announced it is nominating the head of its party as a back-up candidate for president in the face of attempts to disqualify their primary nominee. Fearful that their primary nominee could also be disqualified, the Muslim Brotherhood, the country's most influential political group, nominated the head of its party as a back-up candidate. As for the second constituency, Abdel Rahman Salem won the professionals seat and Al-Said Al-Matboly won the workers seat. Fayoum's professionals seat went to Hassan Youssef while the workers seat was won by Mohamed Ibrahim, farmer. In the second constituency, Abdul Ghaffar Abdul Bari won the professionals seat and Tarek Morsi won the workers seat. In Assiut, Mohamed Sheriet won the professionals seat and Abdel Hady Abdallah won the workers seat. In Cairo's first constituency, Mahmoud Abu Al-Azaim won the professionals seat while Yasser Ramadan Mohamed won the workers seat. In Daqahliya, Khaled Youssef won the professionals seat in the first constituency and Safwat El-Sherbieny got the workers seat. In Gharbeya, Khaled Shalash won the professionals seats and Khaled Siyam, farmer, won the workers seat. In Qena, one of Upper Egypt's governorates, Ezz El-Din Hassan won the professionals seat and Mohamed Hamad Mohamed won the workers seat. In the Red Sea governorate, Ahmed Abdallah Ahmed won the professionals seat and Hesham Farrag won the workers seat. Yasser Hamoud won the professionals seat in Menufiya and Reda El-Hefnawy, farmer, won the workers seat. Islamists captured nearly 70 per cent of parliament seats in elections held late last year, with the Brotherhood alone capturing nearly half the legislature. The 83-year-old Brotherhood is Egypt's strongest political movement and won nearly half of parliament's seats in elections late last year. The Brotherhood, which already holds nearly half the seats in parliament, reversed an earlier promise not to enter the race and fielded a candidate. The Brotherhood, which emerged from last year's uprising as the most powerful party in Egypt when it won nearly half the seats in parliament, said in its statement that there appear to be efforts by Egypt's election committee to disqualify certain candidates from the race. The Brotherhood, which won nearly half the seats in parliament in recent elections, said in its statement that there appeared to be efforts by Egypt's election committee to disqualify certain candidates from the race. The FJP holds nearly 50% of the seats in Parliament. The Muslim Brotherhoods Freedom and Justice Party holds nearly half of parliament whose elected chief is Saad Al Katatni, a senior official in the party. The group won nearly half of parliament in elections late last year.