Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 83 Abuse Cases 83 Clergy Sex 81 Clergy Abuse 80 Priest Abuse 80 Sex Abuse Scandal 79 Abuse Victim 78 Sexual Abuse Victims 78 Pedophile Priest 77 Gay Clergy 77 Alleged Abuse 76 Abuse Lawsuit 76 Priest Accused 76 Abuse Scandal 76 Abuse Suits 76 Haiti Quake Victims 76 Slain Teen 76 Hurricane Evacuees 75 Abuse Claims 75 Murder Victim Family 75 Clergy Abuse Victims 74 Domestic Abuse Victims 74 Abuse Suit 74 Priest Sentenced 74 Diocese Settles 74 Abuse Claim 74 Priests Accused 74 Same Sex Weddings 73 Alleged Sexual Abuse 73 Defrocked Priest 73 Abuse Allegations 73 Alleged Molestation 73 Abuse Charges 73 Lesbian Couple 73 Denied Communion 73 Priest Removed 73 Stabbing Victim 73 Abusive Priests 73 Priest Convicted 73 Homeless Vets 73 Stalking Conan O'Brien 73 Be Examined 73 Accused Rapist 73 Bishops Urge 73 Priest Admits 72 Against Gay Marriage 72 Brain Damaged Woman 72 Shaken Baby Case 72 Ex Convicts 72 Newborn Death 72 Sex Assault Charges 72 Pope Prays 72 Arson Suspects 72 Alleged Shooter 72 Hold Vigil 72 Victim Speaks Out 72 Mother Pleads 72 Same Sex Couple 72 Crowds Gather 72 Gustav Evacuees 72 Haiti Earthquake Victims 72 Convicted Sex Offender 72 Accused Child Molester 72 Tougher Laws 72 Sex Abuse 72 Abuse Case 72 Prison Inmates 72 Gay Marriage Ruling 72 Holds Vigil 72 Lottery Winnings 72 Plane Crash Victim 71 Slain Soldier 71 Molesting Boy 71 Alleged Murder Plot 71 Heroin Overdose 71 Gay Marriage Case 71 Archdiocese Settles 71 Convicted Rapist 71 Beating Victim 71 Serial Arsonist 71 Molestation Case 71 Child Porn Suspect 71 Polygamist Sect 71 Schiavo Feeding Tube 71 Fatal Bus Crash 71 Malpractice Suit 71 Age Bias 71 Polygamous Sect 71 Priest Pleads Guilty 71 Same Sex Unions 71 Adoption Scam 71 Neglected Horses 71 Inappropriate Relationship 71 Gay Marriage Opponents 71 Wrongly Convicted Man 71 Gay Marriage Issue 71 Hurricane Evacuee 71 Homeless Dumping 71 BTK Suspect 71 Autistic Boy 71 Starvation Case 71 Kidnap Suspect 71 Immigration Raids 71 Suspected Murderer 71 Gay Marriages 71 Dropped Against 71 Smallpox Shots 71 Kidney Donation 71 Mother Speaks Out 71 Slain Toddler 71 Gay Marriage Debate 71 Alleged Sexual Assault 71 Katrina Evacuees 71 Domestic Violence Victims 71 Rescued Dogs 71 Alleged Abduction 71 Hostage Suspect 71 Ex Cons 71 Missing Climbers 71 Teenager Sentenced 71 Violated Rights 71 Autistic Son 70 Abandoned Pets 70 Arson Suspect 70 Child Abuse Case 70 Porch Collapse 70 Haitian Earthquake Victims 70 Teacher Fired 70 Murder Charge Dropped 70 Accused Cop Killer 70 Crowd Gathers 70 Accused Molester 70 Child Pornography Case 70 File Wrongful Death 70 Missing Toddler 70 Kidnapping Victim 70 Smuggling Deaths 70 Of Killing Wife 70 Abortion Foe 70 Heal Wounds 70 Swine Flu Shots 70 Immigrant Smuggling 70 Rape Cases 70 Home Invasion Suspects 70 Quadruple Murder 70 Sex Offender Accused 70 Prostitution Charges 70 Faces Arraignment 70 Unsolved Murder 70 Rape Suspects 70 Father Speaks Out 70 Possible Hate Crime 70 Settle Claims 70 Sex Abuser 70 Child Rape 70 Custody Dispute 70 Child Abuse Cases 70 Vigil Planned 70 Autistic Kids 70 Hurricane Victims 70 Chimp Attack 70 Child Sex Crimes 70 Child Sex Assault 70 Strip Searches 70 Frozen Embryos 70 Drunken Drivers 70 Bus Crash Victims 70 Comatose Woman 70 Haitian Orphans 70 Alleged Rapist 70 Accused Murderer 70 Pedophile Priests 70 Hundreds Gather 70 Families Mourn 70 Anthrax Hoax 70 Aid Tsunami Victims 70 Suspected Arsonist 70 Text Message Leads 70 Abortion Doctor 70 Suspected Rapist 70 Lawyer Pleads Guilty 70 Iraqi Prisoner Abuse 70 Migraine Sufferers 70 Gay Sex Scandal 70 Katrina Evacuee 70 Faces Eviction 70 Abortion Notification 70 Bryant Accuser 70 Gay Couples 70 Judge Denies Request 70 Ordains 70 Serial Flasher 70 Sexual Abuse Charges 70 Cuban Dissidents 70 Answers Sought 70 Discrimination Suit 70 Spears Conservatorship 70 Teen Slaying 70 Megachurch Pastor 70 Alleged Threat 70 Gov'T 70 Distressed Homeowners 70 Murdered Teen 70 Animal Cruelty Case 70 Gonzales Resignation 70 Sexual Abuse Allegations 70 Suspected Serial Killer 70 Same Sex Benefits 70 Man Who Fled 70 Sex Assaults 69 Double Slaying 69 Gunman Had 69 Struggling Homeowners 69 Shooting Deaths 69 Openly Gay Bishop 69 Convicted Child Molester 69 Gay Marriage Foes 69 Collects Donations 69 Animals Seized 69 Kidnap Victim 69 Knife Wielding Man 69 Gitmo Inmates 69 Abduction Rape 69 Wrongful Death Lawsuit 69 Discrimination Claims 69 Kidnapping Suspect 69 Rape Victim 69 Charity Scams 69 Woman Admits 69 Car Crash Victim 69 Student Loan Borrowers 69 Taped Beating 69 Collect Taxes 69 Face Transplant Patient 69 Parents Warned 69 Recovering Addicts 69 Help Tsunami Victims 69 Manhunt Underway 69 Alleged Beating 69 Openly Gay 69 Emotional Testimony 69 Victim Speaks 69 Woman Tried 69 Guantanamo Prisoners 69 CO Poisoning 69 Settle Suits 69 Dragging Death 69 Meningitis Outbreak 69 Woman Arraigned 69 Faces Closure 69 Proposed Smoking Ban 69 Child Molestation Case 69 Conviction Overturned 69 Whooping Cough Outbreak 69 Alleged Molester 69 Accused Serial Killer 69 Videotaped Beating 69 Possible Budget Cuts 69 Anti Gay Marriage 69 Couple Charged With 69 Meth Addiction 69 Sex Assault Suspect 69 Bond Denied 69 Ceiling Collapse 69 Killing Suspect 69 Seeks Clemency 69 Unborn Babies 69 Woman Found Guilty 69 Making Bomb Threat 69 Elderly Couple 69 Alleged Rape Victim 69 Tricked Into 69 Flu Deaths 69 Sheds Tears 69 Sexual Assualt 69 Patient Deaths 69 Help Flood Victims 69 Pregnant Woman Death 69 Pope Beatifies 69 Assault Victim 69 Suspected Gunman 69 Same Sex Marriages 69 Lewd Behavior 69 Alleged Victim 69 Abuse Probe 69 Brutal Murder 69 Estranged Husband 69 Alleged Hate Crime 69 Slaying Victim 69 Measles Outbreak 69 Child Endangerment Charges 69 Legalizing Pot 69 Fatal Beating 69 Babysitter Charged 69 Patient Dumping 69 Renewed Effort 69 Accused Kidnapper 69 Immigration Raid 69 Condemned Killer 69 Funerals Held 69 Attempted Murder Case 69 Pleads Insanity 69 Lawmaker Pushes 69 Gay Marriage Licenses 69 Candlelight Vigil Held 69 Family Offers Reward 69 Formerly Conjoined Twins 69 Anthrax Suspect 69 Gunshot Victim 69 Newborn Baby 69 Couple Fights 69 Gitmo Inmate 69 Abduction Suspect 69 Execution Method 69 Shark Attack Victim 69 Kept Alive 69 Death Penalty Cases 69 Suspected Killer 68 Priest Pleads 68 Teen Murder Suspect 68 Tossed Out 68 Prayer Vigil Held 68 Strangling Wife 68 Lost Loved Ones 68 Inmate Escape 68 Tuberculosis Cases 68 Transplant Patient 68 Racial Bias 68 Gay Marriage Advocates 68 Fort Dix Plot 68 Stab Victim 68 Stolen Items 68 Marijuana Dispensaries 68 Kidnapping Case 68 Feeding Tubes 68 Flooded Homes 68 Ex Cop 68 Faithful Pray 68 Donations Needed 68 Confessed Killer 68 Stroke Victims 68 Heart Transplants 68 Wage Freeze 68 Subpoenas Issued 68 WTC Site 68 Hostage Standoff 68 Ordinations 68 Businessman Charged 68 Sexual Assaults 68 Wrongful Arrest 68 Abduction Case 68 Vigil Held 68 Couple Convicted 68 Copper Thieves 68 Phil Spector Murder Trial 68 Stabbing Incident 68 Cop Arrested 68 Abusing Infant 68 Rape Conviction 68 Jackson Accuser 68 Gay Marriage Decision 68 Fundraiser Held 68 Woman Murdered 68 Killing Daughter 68 Gambling Raid 68 Pair Sentenced 68 Victim Testifies 68 Car Thief 68 Gag Order Issued 68 Cheaper Drugs 68 Couple Plead Guilty 68 Firefighter Accused 68 Kidnapping Suspects 68 Credit Card Debts 68 Girl Disappearance 68 Businessman Sentenced 68 Settle Lawsuits 68 TB Patient 68 Admits Lying 68 Settle Antitrust 68 Death Row Inmates 68 Antiwar Protesters 68 Victims Speak Out 68 Leaders React 68 Icy Pond 68 Child Rapist 68 Case Settled 68 Residents Warned 68 Same Sex Couples 68 Katrina Devastation 68 Family Wants Answers 68 Mentally Ill Inmates 68 Tax Refund Loans 68 Sex Offender Pleads Guilty 68 Woman Escapes 68 Get Flu Shots 68 Alleged Kidnapper 68 Abandoned Newborn 68 Apartment Blaze 68 Of Sexually Abusing 68 Caregiver Charged 68 Mall Shooting Suspect 68 Fertility Treatments 68 Pizza Deliveryman 68 Bathtub Drowning 68 Dying Wish 68 Swine Flu Vaccines 68 Killing Girlfriend 68 Lawsuit Involving 68 Manslaughter Case 68 Polygamist Retreat 68 WTC Rebuilding 68 Convicted Murderer 68 Inmate Sentenced 68 Gitmo Prisoners 68 Sex Offender Arrested 68 Sex Assault Case 68 Stricter Rules 68 Leaders Warn 68 Meningitis Vaccine 68 Double Murder Suicide 68 Sperm Donors 68 Parents Plead 68 Accused Arsonist 68 Deplorable Conditions 68 Teacher Suspended 68 Fort Hood Shooting Suspect 68 Slay Suspect 68 Traffic Headaches 68 Molesting Girl 68 Homosexual Activists 68 Teacher Gets Probation 68 Woman Disappears 68 Arthritis Sufferers 68 Triple Digit Heat 68 Of Assaulting 68 Drowning Death 68 Woman Faces Charges 68 Mom Pleads 68 Commandments Monument 68 Accused Shooter 68 Tax Exempt Status 68 Sexually Active 68 Welfare Recipients 68 Trial Ordered 68 Missing Pregnant Woman 68 Sniper Victim 68 Sex Assault Trial 68 Few Clues 68 Dogs Rescued 68 Toddler Death 68 Dogfighting Ring 68 Racist Graffiti 68 Sex Tape Case 68 Raping Child 68 Stimulus Checks 68 Underage Drinkers 68 Swine Flu Vaccinations 68 Gay Marriage Ban 68 Statewide Smoking Ban 68 Lawmaker Seeks 68 Of Sexually Assaulting 68 Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed 68 Zeta Jones Stalker 68 Van Gogh Painting 68 Bomb Plot Suspect 68 Homicide Suspect 68 Child Abuse Charges 68 Feeding Tube 68 Duct Taping 68 Teacher Pleads Guilty 68 Awaits Ruling 68 Vacant Homes 68 Assault Suspect 68 Deadly Plane Crash 68 Freeway Shootings 68 Porn Sites 68 Sexual Assault Case 68 Court Upholds Dismissal 68 Threatening Letter 68 Cop Killing 68 Sales Tax Hike 68 Manslaughter Charge 68 Considered Resigning 68 Purse Snatching 68 Tow Truck Drivers 68 Asthma Sufferers 68 Shooting Victims 68 Woman Disappearance 68 Buses Collide 68 Convicted Molester 68 Laptop Theft 68 Katrina Relief Efforts 68 Papal Address 68 Quadruple Shooting 68 Flu Vaccine Shortage 68 Of Molesting 68 Guantánamo Detainees 68 Hate Crime Charge 68 Gay Marriage Trial 68 Cop Sues 68 Override Veto 68 Uproar Over 68 Tougher Penalties 68 Input Sought 68 Kidnapped Journalist 67 Remain Vigilant 67 Arson Case 67 Kidnapping Daughter 67 Stranded Passengers 67 Minimum Wage Hike 67 Deadly Stabbing 67 Causes Controversy 67 Coroner Identifies 67 Gossip Lindsay Lohan 67 Cause Concern 67 Spray Painted 67 Murdering Girlfriend 67 Donations Sought 67 Doctor Testifies 67 Overtime Pay 67 Boy Found Dead 67 Of Embezzling 67 Tragic Accident 67 Draw Attention 67 Closing Arguments Set 67 Wildfire Victims 67 Protests Planned 67 Fort Hood Shootings 67 Raping Woman 67 Child Porn Ring 67 Sexual Harassment Case 67 Shutdown Looms 67 Budget Stalemate 67 Unpaid Taxes 67 Funerals Begin 67 Witness Testifies 67 Custody Fight 67 Serial Burglar 67 Manslaughter Trial 67 Nonprofit Groups 67 Escaped Inmate 67 Slaying Suspects 67 Scams Targeting 67 Plane Crash Victims 67 Teen Confesses 67 Dentist Accused 67 Judge Clears Way 67 Clergy Abuse Scandal 67 Deer Crashes 67 Suit Claims 67 Flag Desecration 67 Suspected Child Molester 67 Mental Exam Ordered 67 Killing Husband 67 Abandoned Baby 67 Couple Charged 67 Woman Stabs 67 Seek Dismissal 67 Killing Toddler 67 Missing Teen 67 Trans Fat Ban 67 Animals Rescued 67 Stimulus Funded 67 RI Nightclub 67 Couple Arrested 67 Justices Reject 67 Alleged Killer 67 Homeless Shelters 67 Water Rate Hike 67 Recalled Toys 67 Abduction Attempt 67 Sex Harassment 67 Alleged Attacker 67 Heat Related Illnesses 67 Misconduct Allegations 67 Child Porn Charge 67 Graffiti Vandals 67 Babysitter Arrested 67 Jobless Benefits Extension 67 Enter Pleas 67 Freezing Temperatures 67 Torture Case 67 Cop Impersonator 67 Of Fondling 67 Prostitution Bust 67 Cop Pleads Guilty 67 Lighter Sentence 67 Judge Dismisses Suit 67 Judge Dismisses Lawsuit 67 Molesting Teen 67 Couple Slaying 67 Pregnancy Discrimination 67 Murder Victim 67 Swine Flu Deaths 67 Home Invader 67 Drunken Driving Death 67 Cremated Remains 67 Suit Settled 67 Britney Spears Conservatorship 67 Child Pornographer 67 Van Flips 67 Abortion Foes 67 Surrogate Mom 67 Racial Tensions 67 Sect Leader 67 NK Defectors 67 Legalize Gay Marriage 67 Hurricane Relief Efforts 67 Body Believed 67 Thousands Gather 67 Transplant Patients 67 Cause Confusion 67 Flu Vaccinations 67 Frigid Weather 67 Attacked Robbed 67 Being Bullied 67 Sketch Released 67 Be Studied 67 Lawyers Argue 67 Supreme Court Hears Arguments 67 Autopsy Planned 67 Racial Slurs 67 Mom Charged 67 Possible Motive 67 Highlights Plight 67 Accused Killer 67 Abduction Hoax 67 Motorcycle Crashes 67 Bribe Case 67 Serial Killer Case 67 Daycare Owner 67 Stranded Travelers 67 Sago Mine Survivor 67 Virginity Pledges 67 Man Confesses To 67 Firefighter Sentenced 67 Balloon Boy Parents 67 Renews Calls 67 Pharmacy Robberies 67 Carbon Monoxide Leak 67 Grandmother Charged 67 Man Confesses 67 Violated Rules 67 Doctor Assisted Suicide 67 Legal Protections 67 Admits Stealing 67 Possessing Child Porn 67 Gun Scare 67 Alleged Fraud 67 Prescription Meds 67 Stirs Concern 67 Banning Gay Marriage 67 Ex Convict 67 Polygamist Compound 67 Religious Symbols 67 Standoff Suspect 67 Infant Daughter 67 Mom Pleads Guilty 67 Prevent Suicides 67 Effort Underway 67 Stirs Emotions 67 Car Trunk 67 Pilgrims Flock 67 Face Deportation 67 Resign Amid 67 Suspects Arraigned 67 Demonstrators Protest 67 Doctor Shortage 67 Charges Tossed 67 Feeling Pinch 67 Unpaid Bills 67 Fatal Shootings 67 Pot Shops 67 Largely Ignored 67 Childhood Abuse 67 XM Sirius Merger 67 Roethlisberger Accuser 67 Airport Body Scanners 67 Lay Offs 67 Inmate Pleads Guilty 67 Family Mourns 67 Temporary Halt 67 Retrial Begins 67 Wounded Vets 67 Tainted Peanut Butter 67 Phone Scam 67 Polygamist Leader 67 Feds Investigating 67 Pregnant Smokers 67 Carjacking Suspects 67 Wildfires Spread 67 Catalytic Converter Thefts 67 Credit Card Scam 67 Lethal Injection Case 67 Sexual Assault Charges 67 Fake Cop 67 Infant Death 67 Fraud Cases 67 Suicidal Man 67 Binge Drinkers 67 Inmate Death 67 Couple Indicted 67 Purse Snatcher 67 Child Porn Case 67 Not Guilty Pleas 67 Prompts Changes 67 Suspected Burglar 67 Molestation Charges 67 Help Needy 67 Katrina Aftermath 67 Overdose Death 67 Helicopter Crash Victims 67 Child Rape Suspect 67 Bees Swarm 67 Prostitution Sting 67 Suspect Surrenders 67 Lawyer Defends 67 Gunman Wounds 67 Double Murder Suspect 67 Couple Sues 67 Religious Sect 67 Family Reacts 67 Busier Than Ever 67 Workers Comp Fraud 67 Pipe Bomb Case 67 Gitmo Trials 67 Knife Attack 67 Slavery Apology 67 Worker Arrested 67 Swine Flu Precautions 67 Parking Lot Shooting 67 Raping Girl 67 Attempted Luring 67 Causing Controversy 67 Alleged Cop Killer 67 Mend Ties 67 Escaped Killer 67 Gitmo Detainees 67 Dogfighting Case 67 Scaffolding Collapse 67 Be Demolished 67 Focuses Attention 67 Premature Births 67 Badly Beaten 67 MTA Fare Hike 67 Cold Temps 67 Alito Nomination 67 Voter Registration Fraud 67 Accused Drunk Driver 67 Cops Seek 67 Gas Price Gouging 67 Wrongful Imprisonment 67 Forced Abortion 67 Unlicensed Drivers 67 Infant Dies 67 Pay Hikes 67 Threats Prompt 67 Confirmed Swine Flu 67 Stabbing Suspects 67 Pot Dispensary 67 Lawmaker Urges 67 Deadly Bus Crash 67 Meth Ingredients 67 Legal Limbo 67 Victim Remembered 67 Interracial Couple 67 Ruled Unconstitutional 67 Victims Testify 67 Found Unharmed 67 Wrongly Imprisoned 67 Harassment Claims 67 Slain Pregnant Woman 67 Indoor Smoking Ban 67 Acid Spill 67 Hazmat Situation 67 Sex Offender Charged 67 Increased Patrols 66 Burglary Charges 66 Murder Conviction 66 Abortion Ruling 66 Lawsuit Seeks 66 Pot Legalization 66 Waives Extradition 66 Foreclosure Scam 66 Burglars Strike 66 Concern Grows 66 Baby Sitter Charged 66 Couple Found Dead 66 Murder Trial Opens 66 Violent Robbery 66 Debate Rages Over 66 Teen Pregnancies 66 Teen Disappearance 66 Stabbing Wife 66 Strip Searched 66 Must Defend 66 Couple Robbed 66 Teacher Sentenced 66 Hundreds Attend 66 Nurse Shortage 66 Hail Damage 66 Leaders Decry 66 Alleged Robbery 66 Woman Abducted 66 Forced Abortions 66 Sever Ties 66 Missing Swimmer 66 Prophet Cartoons 66 Of Murdering 66 Budget Vetoes 66 Slain Woman 66 Sex Offender Caught 66 Wife Pleads 66 Hate Crime Charges 66 Attend Funeral 66 Alleged Abductor 66 Mixed Reactions 66 Couple Sentenced 66 Facing Foreclosure 66 Hate Crime Victim 66 Convicted Sex Offenders 66 Burning Apartment 66 Abortion Debate 66 Pot Plants Found 66 Sexually Abused 66 Mideast Truce 66 LifeFiles 66 Fight Erupts 66 Icy Conditions 66 Custody Hearing 66 Efforts Underway 66 Inmate Execution 66 Stabbing Boyfriend 66 Suspected Shooter 66 Killing Wife 66 H#N# Vaccinations 66 Drowning Victims 66 Drunk Driving Accident 66 Daycare Worker 66 Probes Into 66 Grave Condition 66 SoCal Fires 66 Jury Acquits Man 66 Cigarette Tax Hike 66 Law Unconstitutional 66 Horses Seized 66 Evacuations Ordered 66 Child Abuser 66 Ruled Competent 66 Serial Rape Suspect 66 Beatified 66 Seeks Damages 66 Racially Motivated 66 Forged Checks 66 Drops Lawsuit 66 Kidnapping Rape 66 Gas Gouging 66 Alleged Rape 66 ATM Skimming 66 Impotence Drugs 66 Accused Deserter 66 Trial Nears 66 Sexual Assault Suspect 66 Population Grows 66 Urgently Needed 66 Suspected Illegal Immigrants 66 Submerged Car 66 Caged Kids 66 Hepatitis Outbreak 66 Be Spared 66 Locating Missing 66 Sniper Suspect 66 Ceiling Collapses 66 Elderly Woman Robbed 66 Pope Accepts Resignation 66 Taking Precautions 66 Newborn Found 66 Burglary Suspects 66 Arson Spree 66 Curb Emissions 66 Alleged Torture 66 Unpaid Overtime 66 BTK Serial Killer 66 Missing Elderly Woman 66 Heal Rift 66 Wife Sentenced 66 Bone Fragments 66 Sexually Abusing 66 Gitmo Detainee 66 Slayings Case 66 Powder Scare 66 Nurse Charged 66 Wounded Troops 66 Suspected Thief 66 Amid Controversy 66 Vehicle Break Ins 66 Rejects Request 66 Condom Use 66 Teacher Accused Of 66 Prevent Foreclosure 66 Court Voids 66 Biotech Crops 66 Teen Sexting 66 Firefighter Arrested 66 Inmate Accused 66 Teaching Positions 66 Woman Held Hostage 66 Sentence Reduced 66 Malpractice Reform 66 Stimulus Dollars 66 Ruling Expected 66 Officials Urge Caution 66 Teacher Aide Accused 66 Doctor Pleads Guilty 66 Rights Abuses 66 Missing Boaters 66 Phone Jamming 66 Bird Flu Threat 66 Stepfather Charged 66 Convicted Cop Killer 66 Track Sex Offenders 66 Stiff Sentence 66 Vaccine Makers 66 Pope Decries 66 Gets Reprieve 66 Inmate Charged 66 Cop Convicted 66 Voluntary Evacuations 66 Machete Attack 66 Proposed Cuts 66 Sketches Released 66 Microwaving Baby 66 Fatal Plane Crash 66 Jury Begins Deliberating 66 Teen Suicides 66 Child Porn Charges 66 Could Prompt 66 Inmate Convicted 66 Prank Calls 66 Throat Slashed 66 Rape Victims 66 Alleged Kidnapping 66 Woman Fights 66 Terror Warnings 66 Gang Crackdown 66 Mend Fences 66 Reverse Discrimination 66 Lawyer Argues 66 Guilty Plea Expected 66 Suspect Turns Himself 66 Car Thefts 66 Freezing Temps 66 Marchers Protest 66 Marijuana Plants Found 66 Inappropriate Touching 66 Polygamist Sect Kids 66 Murder Charges Dropped 66 Scam Targeting 66 Teen Pleads Guilty 66 Stabbing Suspect 66 Autistic Hiker 66 Unborn Baby 66 Sex Offender Sought 66 Hopeful Signs 66 Credit Card Theft 66 Kidnapping Attempt 66 Assaulting Student 66 Wheelchair Bound Man 66 Be Monitored 66 Fatally Stabbing 66 Vaccine Autism 66 Op Ed Contributors 66 Identical Triplets 66 Sparks Outcry 66 Scam Involving 66 Satellite Radio Merger 66 Suspicious Powder 66 Brutal Attack 66 Smallpox Vaccinations 66 Assaulted Robbed 66 Girl Stabbed 66 Man Pleads Innocent 66 Extending Unemployment Benefits 66 Helped Him 66 Discrimination Case 66 Questions Abound 66 Killing Ex Girlfriend 66 Missing Kayaker 66 Be Compensated 66 Swine Flu Spreads 66 Faces Scrutiny 66 Gang Rape 66 Found Hanging 66 Write Memoir 66 Kidney Swap 66 Violates Rights 66 Man Drowns Trying 66 Sex Assault Charge 66 Kill Herself