Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 63 Alumnae Panhellenic Association 63 Alumnae Panhellenic 63 Sigma Sorority 62 Lambda Chapter 62 Zeta Chapter 61 alumnae chapter 61 Evening Optimist Club 60 Elks Lodge # 60 Zonta Club 59 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 59 Extension Homemakers Club 59 Delta Sigma Theta 58 Quilter Guild 58 Noon Optimist Club 58 Kiwanis Club meets 58 Kokomo Lafayette 58 Beta Sigma Phi Sorority 57 Sorority Rancocas Valley 57 Retired Educators 57 Noon Kiwanis Club 57 GFWC Woman Club 57 Sunrise Rotary Club 57 Altrusa International 57 Soroptimist International 57 Breakfast Rotary Club 57 Knitting Guild 57 Young Professionals 57 Alumnae Chapter Delta 56 Elks Ladies Auxiliary 56 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority 56 Soroptimist Club 56 Choral Guild 56 Porcelain Artists 56 Delta Sorority 56 El Cerrito El Sobrante 56 Advent Moravian 56 Sigma Theta Sorority 56 Iota Chapter 55 Kiwanis Club 55 Lioness Club 55 Noon Kiwanis 55 Altrusa Club 55 Clarksdale Greenwood 55 Ballroom Dancers 55 Retired Teachers 55 Omicron Chapter 55 Scale Modelers 55 Matterhorn Restaurant 55 Scholarship Luncheon 55 Ladies Civitan Club 55 Epsilon Sigma Alpha 55 Sertoma Club 55 Hebert Seacoast Karaoke 55 Ducks Unlimited Banquet 55 Chapter ABWA 55 Alpha Kappa 55 ABWA 55 Chapter DAR 55 Contra Dancers 55 Alpha Eta 54 Parrothead Club 54 Retired Educators Association 54 Composite Squadron 54 Newcomers Club 54 Aglow Lighthouse 54 Debutante Cotillion 54 Delta Kappa 54 Baptist Church fellowship hall 54 Chapter IAAP 54 Beta Sigma Chapter 54 Civitan Club 54 Women Aglow 54 MyN 54 Phi Theta 54 MOMS Clubs 54 Wonderscope Children Museum 54 Ouachita Rapides 54 Chapter NSDAR 54 Stitchery Guild 54 BETA SIGMA PHI 54 Civic Chorus 54 Alpha Iota 54 Stonecroft Ministries 53 Rotaract Club 53 Ikebana International 53 Quilters Guild 53 Heberts Lounge Seacoast Karaoke 53 Signature Chefs Auction 53 Golden Corral Restaurant 53 Philanthropic Educational Organization 53 Symphony Guild 53 Macon Milledgeville 53 Anaheim MacGregor Sharp 53 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 53 Holiday Inn Beachfront 53 Lawrenceville Lilburn 53 Soroptomist International 53 Prom Closet 53 JOINT MEETING 53 Beta Phi 53 BPOE Lodge 53 Harmony Chorus 53 Optimist Club 53 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 53 American Sewing Guild 53 Pomona Grange 53 Quilting Guild 53 Sorority Incorporated 53 Civil War Roundtable 53 Rotary Club 53 Sigma Alpha Lambda 52 Bonsai Society 52 Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance 52 Kappa Kappa Kappa 52 Preceptor Beta 52 Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority 52 Public LIbrary 52 Zeta Tau 52 Hill Rincon Statesboro 52 Berkeley Emeryville 52 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 52 Covered Dish 52 Xi Nu 52 Junior Auxiliaries 52 Beta Lambda 52 Alpha Pi 52 Phi Fraternity 52 Alpha Theta Chapter 52 LUNCHEON 52 Epsilon Sigma 52 Richland Saluda 52 Area Daylily Society 52 NARFE Chapter 52 Alpha Theta 52 Optimist Club Noon 52 RETIRED TEACHERS 52 Greenwood Laurens Oconee 52 Alpha Lambda 52 Los Altos Los Gatos 52 Juneteenth Celebration 52 USBC WBA 52 Cymbidium Society 51 Pubic Library 51 Scottish Rite Bodies 51 Beta Nu 51 Civic Chorale 51 Beta Sigma Phi 51 Storytellers Guild 51 Breakfast Optimist Club 51 Scholarship Banquet 51 RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES 51 Artisans Guild 51 Kappa Kappa 51 #K/#K [001] 51 Area Retired Educators 51 Kokomo Muncie 51 Ameristar Vicksburg Jackson 51 Juneteenth Festival 51 MOMS Club 51 Delta Theta Tau Sorority 51 Foster Adoptive Parent 51 Womans Club 51 Kappa Kappa Sigma 51 International Folk Dancers 51 Celiac Support 51 consolidated naval brig 51 Scleroderma Support Group 51 Extension Homemaker 51 Gamma Omega 51 Holistic Moms Network 51 Iredell Mecklenburg 51 Schenectady Schoharie 51 Academic Boosters 51 Sigma Gamma 51 Great Strides Walk 51 # Intraplex Parkway 51 Phi Sorority 51 Homemakers Club 51 Zeta Eta 51 Optimist Clubs 51 Delta Kappa Gamma 51 Grupo Latinoamericano 51 Alpha Phi Sorority 51 Sweetheart Ball 51 Lupus Support 51 Kiwanis Clubs 51 Cribbage Club 51 Cornucopia Restaurant 51 Cheesecake Factory Opens 51 Culberson Funeral Home 51 Chorus rehearsals 51 Homemakers Extension 51 Elks Auxiliary 51 BJ Restaurants Opens 51 Aggie Moms 51 Scholarship Pageant 50 Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 50 Epsilon Tau 50 Jaycees 50 POPS Orchestra 50 Eta Sigma 50 Associated Artists 50 Washtenaw Counties 50 Anderson Oconee Pickens 50 Alpha Psi 50 Business Owners NJAWBO 50 Dulcimer Society 50 Morrow Pickaway 50 Visiting Nurse Hospice 50 Cattle Barons Ball 50 Psi Iota Xi 50 Emblem Club 50 Potters Guild 50 Mayors Prayer Breakfast 50 NNCO #TV 50 HALLOWEEN PARADE 50 Rho Lambda 50 Canton Dedham Dunstable 50 Tippecanoe Tipton 50 BPOE Elks 50 Classical Guitar Society 50 Ladies Sodality 50 Family YMCA 50 Chapter Beta Sigma 50 Artist Guild 50 Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas 50 Lucile Tatum 50 Northcross Lanes 50 Alumnae Association 50 Ostomy Support Group 50 Genealogy Society 50 REUTERS Francois 50 Chi Omega Alumnae 50 UNIVERSITY WOMEN 50 Rowan Stanly 50 Cooperating Churches 50 Early Childhood PTA 50 Beta Sigma Phi sorority 50 Ducks Unlimited banquet 50 Multicultural Sorority 50 Sigma Alpha Iota 50 Kappa Gamma 50 Cemetery Vandalized 50 Obedience Training Club 50 Multipurpose Complex 50 Police Investigate Homicide 50 Sunrise Rotary 50 Untied Methodist Church 50 Weavers Guild 50 Delta Theta Tau 50 MCL Cafeteria 50 Yalobusha counties 50 Winterfest Celebration 50 Exempt Firemen Association 50 Camellia Society 50 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 50 LIONS CLUB 50 BPO Elks Lodge 50 Area VOTF 50 Tornado Warning Issued 50 Aldersgate UMC 49 Pan Hellenic Council 49 Considers Smoking Ban 49 Moriah Baptist Church 49 49 Volunteer Firemen Association 49 Athletic Booster 49 Coshocton BPW 49 Striffler Hamby Mortuary 49 Battle Creek Benton Harbor 49 Longaberger Basket Bingo 49 Warchol Funeral Home 49 Daylily Society 49 Mayoral Candidate Forum 49 asked Dale Hyerstay 49 USBC Bowling Association 49 La Sertoma Club 49 Extension Homemakers 49 Graceview Presbyterian Church 49 Gelene Simpson 49 Choral Society 49 Inner Wheel Club 49 Log Cabin Quilters 49 MEMORY WALK 49 Omicron chapter 49 Distinction Luncheon 49 GFWC 49 Phi Alpha 49 Genealogical Society meets 49 Zeta Xi 49 Areal Flood Advisory 49 Alpha Delta Kappa 49 Alpha sorority 49 DAV Chapter 49 MLK Observance 49 Indiana Ft. Wayne 49 Upsilon Chapter 49 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 49 Arthritis Support 49 Com munity College 49 Valley Amateur Astronomers 49 Sorority 49 # Dedeaux 49 Cooperative Preschool 49 Irregardless Café 49 Gamma Eta 49 By LINNEA BROWN 49 Okatie Rotary Club 49 Alliance Française de 49 Gourd Patch 49 Presbyterian Church Fellowship 49 Widowed Persons 49 County Oldest Newspaper 49 Piecemakers Quilt Guild 49 ACTIVITY CENTER 49 Accelerated Networking 49 Annual Spaghetti Dinner 49 Unitarian Fellowship 49 Pheasants Forever banquet 49 Junior Civitan 49 #v# Soccer Tournament 49 KIWANIS CLUB 49 Merry Widow Rosalinda Naughty 49 Gander Mountain Store 49 Mayoral Candidates Debate 49 Figure Skating Club 49 Babe Ruth Baseball 49 EXCHANGE CLUB 49 Sobriety checkpoint planned 49 Chorus rehearses 49 Junior Cotillion 49 Beta Psi 49 Bedford Botetourt 49 Handweavers Guild 49 Allendale Bamberg Barnwell 49 Ramblin Roses 49 Basketball Boosters 49 CAAO 49 Soccer Boosters 49 Theta Zeta 49 Kiwanis Club Noon 49 Springhill Missionary Baptist Church 49 Monterey Salinas Laredo 49 Congregational UCC 49 Mendleson Drive 49 flapjack fundraiser 49 # Leavells Road 49 Airman Graduates 49 Kidney Walk 49 Bamberg Barnwell 49 SPEBSQSA 49 Embroiderers Guild 48 Symphony Youth Orchestras 48 MLK Celebration 48 Warrior Booster Club 48 Altrusa 48 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 48 Interfaith Clergy Association 48 Scholarship Golf Outing 48 Multiples Club 48 Omega Nu 48 Delta Theta Chi 48 MCABW 48 NJAWBO 48 Noontime Rotary Club 48 Business Owners NAWBO 48 Hoop Fest 48 Olive Baptist Church 48 Storytelling Guild 48 Beta Sorority 48 Moundbuilders Chapter 48 Diablo Blvd 48 Quilt Guild 48 Bridal Showcase 48 Membership Luncheon 48 Youth Fishing Rodeo 48 Sigma sorority 48 beefsteak dinner 48 Marengo Sumter 48 HOG Chapter 48 Van Buren Wapello 48 Sewing Guild 48 American Needlepoint Guild 48 Alpha Upsilon 48 Historical Society Kittochtinny 48 Annual Juneteenth Celebration 48 Tau Kappa 48 PANCAKE BREAKFAST 48 Gamma Lambda 48 Daybreak Rotary Club 48 Parkwood Baptist Church 48 white flecked turtleneck 48 Delta Gamma Alumnae 48 Planter Lane 48 prostitution sting nets 48 DAV Auxiliary 48 Pheasants Forever Banquet 48 Poverty Reduction Initiative 48 By RON JOHNSTON 48 Volunteer Recognition Luncheon 48 Lioness clubs 48 BY JOE CULPEPPER 48 Alpha Mu 48 Hills Hi Lites 48 Junior Civitans 48 Positively Single 48 MOMS Moms Offering 48 Networking Luncheon 48 Alumnae 48 HOLIDAY BAZAAR 48 administer nasal mist 48 Zeta Phi 48 Driftwood Parkway 48 Chorus Sweet Adelines 48 Associated Churches 48 Widowed Persons Services 48 Golf Course Clubhouse 48 Mohawk Boosters 48 St. Petersburg Sarasota Manatee 48 Chapter Daughters 48 Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball 48 Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity 48 Civil War Round Table 48 Calligraphers Guild 48 YWCA 48 Shambhala Meditation Group 48 Sorosis Club 48 defeats UNC Greensboro 48 Ladies Luncheon 48 Caregiver Volunteers 48 Interfaith Hospitality Network 48 quilt guild 48 Pinehurst Raleigh 48 Masterworks Chorus 48 mixer #:#-#:# 48 Rebekah Lodge No. 48 Model Railroaders 48 LaLeche League 48 Sigma Phi Gamma 48 Alpha Omicron 48 Examiner SANE 48 CoHo Theatre 48 Civitan Clubs 48 Tewksbury Westford 48 Psi Iota Xi Sorority 48 Recognition Dinner 48 Longaberger basket bingo 48 Schwerha Noll Funeral Home 48 Scottish Rite Consistory 48 Wine Tasting Event 48 Tipoff Club 48 Jingle Mingle 48 Muncie Noblesville 48 Tau Omega 48 Area Chamber 48 Cadet Squadron 48 Gamma Iota 48 Presbyterian Church fellowship hall 48 WOMEN 'S CLUB 48 Monthly Meetup 48 Alpha Sigma 48 Interdenominational Ministers 48 Gentry Gravette 48 Gamma Theta 48 Pi Gamma Mu 48 Purvis Picayune 48 Area Ministerium 48 Woodcarvers Guild 48 NAAAP 48 Gadsden Anniston 48 XVII Century 48 Wrestling Booster Club 48 THE AMERICAN LEGION 48 USABDA 48 Recap Coll 48 Alumni Assoc 48 Lighthouse Shelter 48 Ruritan Club 48 Tornado Warnings Issued 48 SOROPTIMIST 48 Delta Omicron 48 Bradenton Municipal Auditorium 48 S. Enota Drive 48 Estates Clubhouse 48 Gaithersburg Germantown 48 UU Fellowship 48 Decorative Artists 47 Kiwanis Aktion Club 47 Co op Preschool 47 BOYS TEAM SCORES 47 Bocce Tournament 47 Kinsloe House 47 Arcadia Watermelon 47 Elementary PTO 47 Wrestling Boosters 47 Radisson Inn 47 Phi Sigma Theta 47 Gamma Sigma 47 Princess Pageant 47 BY JERRY SNOW 47 Fundraising Banquet 47 Widowed Persons Service 47 Pumpkin Palooza 47 Aglow 47 By Amanda Codispoti 47 Speech Achievers Toastmasters 47 Foster Grandparent Program 47 Beautillion 47 Ramblin Acres Farm 47 splits twinbill 47 BY JOHN KRUPA 47 Hattitude 47 Tau Sigma 47 Approves Smoking Ban 47 ACT SO 47 Autism Awareness Walk 47 pm Tuesdays Laurelwood 47 Marriott SouthPark 47 AMERICAN REVOLUTION 47 Phi Sigma 47 Debutante Ball 47 Sarett Nature Center 47 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser 47 Phi Beta 47 Plein Air Artists 47 Daylily Show 47 Breast Cancer Survivor 47 HandsOn Greater 47 Depression Bipolar Support 47 Reads Together 47 Genealogical Society 47 United Metho dist 47 Perrysburg Rossford 47 Preschoolers MOPS 47 Youth Mentoring Program 47 By Tonia Moxley 47 Singles Dance 47 SCORE Chapter 47 Rose Pruning Demonstration 47 Membership Meeting 47 Sigma Gamma Rho 47 Fundraising Dinner 47 Kerens Library 47 Bethany Presbyterian Church 47 Ministerial Fellowship 47 NATIONAL MORTGAGE growing 47 Interfaith Prayer Breakfast 47 Howl o Ween 47 Masquerade Ball 47 Alpha Fraternity 47 W. Tyvola Road 47 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE 47 Ali Lassen Leads 47 Sidney Lanier Room 47 Soroptomist 47 Master Gardener Volunteers 47 Clayton Siesta Grille 47 Fashionetta 47 Making Strides Walk 47 Barcarrota Blvd 47 Crafts Guild 47 Bromeliad Society 47 Wiregrass Hospice 47 Scrapbooking Crop 47 Benefit Luncheon 47 NSDAR 47 Alpha Phi Alpha Kappa 47 Crochet Guild 47 ARTWALK 47 NeighborWorks HomeOwnership Center 47 Rebekah Lodge 47 Alpha Epsilon 47 Latinas Unidas 47 Camerata Singers 47 Gamma Beta Phi 47 # Dequindre Road 47 Noon Rotary 47 Crogan St. 47 UGA Alumni 47 Sertoma Clubs 47 Oakhurst Baptist Church 47 Hospital Auxiliary 47 Litter Pickup 47 Memory Walk 47 Master Networkers 47 Altar Rosary Society 47 Artists Guild 47 #K/#K Run 47 Basket Bingo 47 Adventure Boot Camp 47 UU Church 47 PacRep Theatre 47 Interagency Coordinating Council 47 CIVIL FILINGS 47 Sigma Kappa Sorority 47 NEWCOMERS CLUB 47 Varsity Cheerleaders 47 Cedartown GA 47 Networking Mixer 47 Tornado Confirmed 47 Handweavers 47 Oroville Docent Association 47 SENIOR FRIENDSHIP CENTER 47 Aglow International 47 CROP Hunger Walk 47 Softball Umpires 47 Alpha Tau 47 Blackmon Amphitheatre 47 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL 47 STROKE SUPPORT GROUP 47 Gamma Kappa 47 Beta Iota 47 Tax Aide Program 47 Apartments Clubhouse 47 Hemerocallis Society 47 Needlework Guild 47 Dessert Auction 47 REGIONAL LAW FIRM 47 Baptist Male Chorus 47 Empire Pachyderm Club 47 Rape Suspect Arrested 47 BUSINESS NETWORKING INTERNATIONAL 47 Volunteer Appreciation Banquet 47 Chandelier Restaurant 47 Clarendon Hills Darien 47 Junior Civitan Club 47 SOUTH FLORIDA MUSEUM 47 Sporting Clays Shoot 47 Coweta Fayette 47 SOCCER REGISTRATION 47 First Presbyterian Church 47 Fall Fling 47 Soup Luncheon 47 HOBY Leadership Seminar 47 Artisans Cooperative 47 Holmen Onalaska 47 Ministerial Alliance 47 AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 46 Rye Rye Brook 46 AdFed 46 Unitarian Universalist Congregation 46 Phi Eta Sigma 46 Labby Memorial Funeral Home 46 Zeta Phi Beta 46 D' Feet 46 LibertyTown Arts Workshop 46 Wyandot Counties 46 Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 46 Calligraphy Guild 46 Theta Phi 46 WOMEN VOTERS 46 Ruritan Building 46 Jingle Bell Jog 46 Euchre Tournament 46 ARTSNET 46 Ostomy Association 46 Prom Boutique 46 Belmont Boxborough Boxford 46 Scholastic Chess 46 Ebright Funeral Home 46 NATIONAL LGE 46 Certified Literate Community 46 IAQA 46 BY MARK MINTON 46 Red Hat Mamas 46 BY ANDY CROUCH 46 Barbershop Singers 46 Stroudsmoor Country Inn 46 Honors Fallen Soldier 46 Miniature Enthusiasts 46 Calvary Missionary Baptist Church 46 Disability Awareness Day 46 Sigma Beta 46 Bemidji Brainerd 46 chapter Meets #-#:# 46 Substance Abuse Coalition 46 Dormann Library 46 BEREAVED PARENTS 46 Alumni Association 46 Downers Grove Lisle 46 Sigma Lambda 46 Outwest Steakhouse 46 Opelousas Breaux Bridge 46 Burn Ban Lifted 46 Shadelands Art 46 Sweet Repeats 46 Mocha Moms 46 Medfield Millis 46 Sportsmans Club 46 Arthritis Walk 46 Folkdancing 6 pm 46 Ladies Civitan 46 Carrie H. Chiuso 46 PFLAG Parents Family 46 Breastfeeding Coalition 46 Propeller Club 46 Community Yard Sale 46 Hospice Thrift Shop 46 Amputee Support Group 46 Paternal grandparent 46 Barbershoppers 46 Rabid Bat Found 46 Reiki Circle 46 Halloween Extravaganza 46 Walk Thon 46 Weekend Tipoff 46 Auletto Caterers 46 ArtBeat Gallery 46 OL Quave Theatre 46 CROP WALK 46 eWomen Network 46 Rug Hookers 46 Summer Swim Lessons 46 Firefighters IAFF Local 46 AMF Lanes 46 McCelvey Center 46 Unfavorable matchup 46 Unitarian Congregation 46 Mount Carmel Baptist Church 46 Harundale Presbyterian Church 46 GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 46 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS 46 Middlebury Naugatuck 46 Komen Affiliate 46 Local Mitigation Strategy 46 Master Gardener Volunteer 46 Cabarrus Caldwell 46 American Revolution NSDAR 46 Aquatics Swim Team 46 Times Glenn Baeske 46 Congregational Methodist Church 46 Jiu Jitsu Classes 46 Houndslake Country Club 46 Phi Beta Psi 46 Civitan Club meets 46 Arner Funeral Chapel 46 Muskie Shootout 46 Hilton Oceanfront Resort 46 Rubber Stamping 46 Multiple Sclerosis Support 46 #th Birthday Celebration 46 Tau Beta 46 Holiday Craft Bazaar 46 Osterhout Free Library 46 Boomtown Biloxi casino 46 Alsatia Mummers Parade 46 LOB Los Angeles 46 Minority Achievers 46 Catholic Charismatic Prayer 46 UNCG Wrestling 46 By EVAN BEVINS 46 Tomma Bordenkircher 46 PEO Sisterhood 46 Bethune Cookman beats 46 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 46 Annual Gala Dinner 46 Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 46 Charity Golf Scramble 46 Southfield Sterling Heights 46 Catholic Charities Diocese 46 Embroiders Guild 46 Retarded Citizens ARC 46 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 46 Hamfest 46 Amateur Astronomers 46 Gala Co Chairs 46 Tai Chi Classes 46 MACPA 46 Cattlemen Assn 46 Celebrity Golf Scramble 46 Carillon Assisted Living 46 Jaycees Haunted House 46 Storyfest 46 Southtrust Bank 46 Omega Sorority 46 Woodcarvers Club 46 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 46 Duplin Sampson 46 Phi Alpha Theta 46 Elks BPOE 46 Meets Thursdays 46 Dryden Groton 46 LIbrary 46 Deltona DeBary 46 Softball Drops Doubleheader 46 Beta Omicron 46 Assisi Episcopal Church 46 Domestic Violence Task Force 46 Holy Cross Episcopal Church 46 Quilting Bees 46 Jean Spenner covers 46 Ky. Jon Gambrell 46 Substance Abuse Task Force 46 AND LYME DISEASE 46 Ashbury Ave 46 Potluck Picnic 46 Southdale Library 46 Intertribal Powwow 46 Caregiver Support Groups 46 Delta Epsilon Sigma 46 Installation Luncheon 46 Fall Bazaar 46 Easter Eggstravaganza 46 Kidfest 46 Convenience Store Robbed 46 Evening Optimist 46 Wide Garage Sale 46 Gesneriad Society 46 Abundant Life Ministries 46 Volunteer Recognition 46 Barbershop Harmony Chorus 46 Bright Shawl 46 WOMEN 'S SUPPORT GROUP 46 Pi Lambda Theta 46 Fortnightly Club 46 Crafters Guild 46 Elks Lodge BPOE 46 www.char em 46 Decorative Painters 46 9a.m. noon 46 Annual Crab Feed 46 Lacrosse Boosters 46 Mayoral Candidates Forum 46 Chocolate Affair 46 Crazy Quilters 46 NCBW 46 Betterment Association 46 Vacaville Vallejo 46 Young Careerist 46 Hoosier Heartland Chapter 46 Soroptimist 46 Daymar College 46 Tamassee DAR School 46 ECKANKAR 46 COL BKB Memphis 46 Total Fouls 46 Rev. Rolo Castillo 46 Women AAUW 46 Foster Adoptive Parents 46 Country Waffles 46 Tennis Defeats 46 Alpha Nu 46 #K/#K Run Walk 46 Distinguished Alumna Award 46 Cattlewomen Association 46 Tryon Estates 46 MLK Commemorative 46 Drama Boosters 46 Tennis Blanks 46 Epsilon Phi 46 Holistic Moms 46 THE WELLNESS COMMUNITY 45 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 45 By Chyna Broadnax 45 Safetytown 45 Heatherdowns Toledo 45 Kappa Lambda 45 Masonic Lodge # 45 Epsilon Chi 45 Mixed Doubles Tournament 45 USCB Performing Arts 45 Stafford Weathervane restaurant 45 Noon Rotary Club 45 Longbeards 45 Retarded Citizens 45 D' Alessandro Funeral Home 45 Businesses Burglarized 45 Presbyterian Preschool 45 OROVILLE OPTIMIST CLUB 45 Phi Beta Lambda 45 Cosponsored 45 Prayer Shawl Ministry 45 Times Bob Gathany 45 Barbershop Chorus 45 Citywide Cleanup 45 Cathy Heng 45 NJSFWC 45 MOMS Club Moms 45 Chap ter 45 Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast 45 am LePeep Restaurant 45 Aktion Club 45 Bernard Prezzy 45 NAWIC 45 St. Ansgar Lutheran Church 45 45 Plyler Mill 45 Believers Fellowship 45 Alpha Sorority 45 Toastmasters Club 45 Interact Clubs 45 Junior Bassmasters 45 Bull Shoals Presbyterian Church 45 Eagles Aerie # 45 Diesen Winkler Post 45 Karing Kitchen 45 Body washes ashore 45 Phi Gamma 45 Bowhunter Education Course 45 Healthy Carolinians 45 Bapt 45 Daybreak Rotary 45 Desotorow Gallery 45 Home Builders Associations 45 Alpha Kappa Delta 45 Tri Kappa sorority 45 Public Libraries 45 Aero Modelers 45 Harmonizers 45 Honorary Pallbearers 45 Knoxville Altona 45 Social Workers NASW 45 Omega Psi 45 eWomenNetwork Accelerated Networking 45 Downtown Holiday Stroll 45 PIEDMONT TRIAD 45 Noon Optimists 45 Chocolate Lovers Festival 45 BY CHARLIE MORASCH 45 Siepi native 45 Beta Gamma Sigma 45 Master Gardners 45 Double deck pinochle 45 Basics Seminar 45 Youth Orchestras 45 LINCOLN THEATRE 45 Phi Mu Sorority 45 ALZHEIMER 'S SUPPORT GROUP 45 BACKSTAGE LOUNGE 45 Worrell Funeral Home 45 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY 45 Macedonia AME 45 Khedive Temple 45 Hunger Hike 45 Cat Whitehill Birmingham Ala. 45 Linnemann Funeral Home 45 Handsboro Community Center 45 Sunrise Optimist Club 45 Cooperating Congregations 45 Lambda Sigma 45 Installation Dinner 45 McEver Road Extension 45 First Spiritualist Church 45 Community Col lege 45 Alumni Scholarship 45 WGIN AM 45 Ultreya 45 ALZHEIMER 'S ASSOCIATION 45 MITEF 45 Chesterfield Goochland Hanover 45 By Donna Swicegood 45 Cloverleaf Lanes 45 Lighted Boat Parade 45 Gymnastic Academy 45 Pastoral Counseling Center 45 TM Expands Into 45 Ark. Died 45 ATHENA Award 45 Healing Rooms 45 Crestline Galion 45 Siloam Baptist Church 45 DAUGHTERS OF THE 45 Oldtime Music 45 Pink Tie Gala 45 Babe Ruth signups 45 Boy Scout Troup 45 Areal Flood Warning 45 Affordable Housing Coalition 45 Abilene McAllen Harlingen 45 MICHAEL KOLE 45 Rotaract 45 FOP Lodge # 45 ALATEEN 45 La Strada Restaurant 45 Signature Chefs 45 Leadership Prayer Breakfast 45 Harvest Dinner 45 Phi Tau Omega 45 host Flapjack Fundraiser 45 Squares Dance 45 COL BKB Georgetown 45 BY SUSANNAH PATTON 45 GRAVITY LOUNGE 45 Ecumenical Food Pantry 45 Algonac Clay Library 45 Lambda Phi 45 Antique Faire 45 Amateur Ballroom Dancers 45 Micropolitan Statistical Area 45 Marine Corps JROTC 45 Café Escadrille 45 Elks Lodge 45 Fairways Restaurant 45 Methodist Church fellowship hall 45 Willow Grove Presbyterian Church 45 GARDEN TOUR 45 ï † 45 Stabbing Suspect Arrested 45 Cobblestone Golf Course