Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 80 Anti Illegal Immigration 79 Anti Gay Marriage 79 Alito Nomination 78 Gay Marriage Amendment 77 Pot Legalization 77 Voter Anger 77 Against Gay Marriage 77 Ruled Unconstitutional 77 Gay Marriage Issue 77 Abortion Debate 76 Could Backfire 76 Marijuana Legalization 76 Voters Favor 76 Gay Marriage Ban 76 Immigration Raids 75 Banning Gay Marriage 75 Abortion Stance 75 Gay Marriage Ruling 75 Negative Ads 75 Governor Vetoes 75 Law Upheld 75 Lawmakers Propose 75 Poll Shows Support 75 Groups Criticize 75 Immigration Overhaul 75 Heated Debate 75 Voter Suppression 74 Backlash Against 74 Sotomayor Nomination 74 Draws Fire 74 Ctd 74 Racial Tensions 74 Homosexual Marriage 74 Vote Nears 74 Fee Hikes 74 Oppose Gay Marriage 74 Flip Flopping 74 Gay Marriage Debate 74 Voter Intimidation 73 Attack Ads 73 Stance Against 73 Panel Hears 73 Same Sex Weddings 73 Political Rhetoric 73 Anti Illegal Immigrant 73 Partisan Politics 73 Uproar Over 73 Stirs Debate 73 Cigarette Tax Hike 73 Racially Charged 73 Minimum Wage Hike 73 Abortion Notification 73 Disavows 73 Minimum Wage Increase 73 Statewide Smoking Ban 73 Debate Heats Up 73 Draws Mixed Reaction 73 Is Unconstitutional 73 Lawsuit Challenges 73 Debate Rages 73 Alito Confirmation 73 Compromise Reached 73 Proposed Smoking Ban 73 Watered Down 73 Wrestles With 73 Lawmaker Proposes 73 Be Repealed 73 Presidential Hopefuls 73 Erupts Over 73 Gay Marriage Decision 73 Resolution Condemning 73 Lawmakers Reject 73 Election Nears 73 Race Baiting 73 Pension Overhaul 73 Fetal Pain 73 Hate Crimes Legislation 72 Justices Weigh 72 Flag Burning 72 Budget Stalemate 72 Renews Calls 72 Hold Hearings 72 Distances Himself From 72 Spark Debate 72 Miers Nomination 72 Perpetuates 72 Draw Attention 72 Gets Heated 72 Supreme Court Hears Arguments 72 Flag Desecration 72 Legalize Gay Marriage 72 Ban Gay Marriage 72 Global Warming Debate 72 Politically Motivated 72 Signed Into 72 Supports Gay Marriage 72 Gubernatorial Candidates 72 Groups Oppose 72 Argues Against 72 Jobless Benefits 72 Could Sway 72 Homosexual Activists 72 Ballot Initiatives 72 Struck Down 72 Lawmaker Calls 72 Gay Marriage 72 Anti Abortion 72 Hate Crime Laws 72 DADT Repeal 72 Same Sex Marriages 72 Indefinite Detention 72 Boils Over 72 Override Veto 72 Abortion Restrictions 72 Detainee Treatment 72 Ruffles Feathers 72 Immigration Raid 72 Veto Threat 72 Earmark Ban 72 Will Backfire 72 Oppose Abortion 72 Supreme Court Upholds 72 Extending Unemployment Benefits 72 Racially Motivated 71 Gonzales Resignation 71 Candidates Spar 71 Trade Jabs 71 Passes Legislation 71 Deeply Divided 71 Suit Challenges 71 Undocumented Workers 71 Accusations Fly 71 Faces Scrutiny 71 TribBlog 71 Amid Controversy 71 Says CCRKBA 71 House Panel Approves 71 Activists Protest 71 Reaction Mixed 71 Violent Rhetoric 71 Wires 71 Prompts Debate 71 Judicial Nominee 71 Lawmaker Seeks 71 Deeply Disappointed 71 Politicians React 71 Phone Jamming 71 Goes Awry 71 Leaders Criticize 71 Bipartisan Support 71 Voters Reject 71 Undocumented Students 71 Gun Laws 71 Extend Unemployment Benefits 71 Lawmakers Vow 71 Schwarzenegger Vetoes 71 Repudiate 71 Border Fence 71 Poll Suggests 71 Reach Compromise 71 Leaders React 71 Postpones Vote 71 Won'T 71 Gay Bashing 71 Raises Concerns Over 71 Loom Large 71 Renews Push 71 Could Undermine 71 Pay Hikes 71 Honduras Coup 71 Op Ed Columnist 71 Could Complicate 71 Lawmakers React 71 NSA Spying 71 Illegal Alien Amnesty 71 Veto Override 71 Robo Calls 71 Casts Vote 71 Presidential Contenders 71 Draws Praise 71 Nears Vote 71 Domestic Spying 71 Stirs Concern 71 Passes Sweeping 71 Approves Gay Marriage 71 Would Weaken 71 Fetal Homicide 71 Gets Mixed Reaction 71 Locals React 71 Protest Planned 71 Polls Suggest 71 Kagan Nomination 71 Fight Looms 71 NEWSWEEK Cover 71 Repeal Effort 71 Finger Pointing 71 Dems Seek 71 Aide Quits 71 Ill Conceived 71 Leaders Propose 71 Judge Dismisses Suit 71 Faces Backlash 71 Fear Backlash 71 Could Derail 71 Reader Commentaries 71 Tussle Over 71 Felon Voting 70 Secede From 70 Fear Mongering 70 Holds Hearing 70 Wasteful Spending 70 Debate Rages Over 70 Delays Vote 70 Lawmaker Pushes 70 Tougher Stance 70 Reverses Course 70 Strip Searches 70 Legal Limbo 70 Budget Vetoes 70 Voter Registration Fraud 70 Satellite Radio Merger 70 Senators Propose 70 Voter Apathy 70 Tougher Laws 70 Makes Mockery 70 Same Sex Marriage 70 Taxpayer Funding 70 Lawmakers Seek 70 Faces Hurdles 70 Furor Over 70 Losing Steam 70 Cause Concern 70 Passes Resolution 70 Abortion Ultrasound 70 Legalizing Pot 70 NewsMax Wires 70 Birthright Citizenship 70 Illegal Immigrants 70 Employer Sanctions 70 Illegal Immigration 70 Arouses 70 Filibuster Reform 70 Systemic Failure 70 Hears Testimony 70 Court Upholds Ban 70 Slavery Apology 70 Spark Outrage 70 Legislation Introduced 70 Reveals Flaws 70 Draws Criticism 70 BELTWAY BLOGROLL 70 Puts Brakes 70 Mixed Reactions 70 Squabble Over 70 Fundraising Totals 70 Warrantless Wiretapping 70 Bozell Column 70 Rankles 70 Self Imposed 70 Supreme Court Overturns 70 Disregards 70 Lawmaker Urges 70 Seeks Compromise 70 Urges Passage 70 Backpedals 70 Legislative Session Ends 70 Declared Unconstitutional 70 Arises 70 Gay Marriage Fight 70 Gay Marriage Opponents 70 Judge Hears Arguments 70 Activists Urge 70 Regulatory Overhaul 70 Ballot Proposal 70 Fuels Debate 70 Roils 70 Ex Felons 70 Judge Overturns 70 Meth Addiction 70 Groups Decry 70 Openly Gay 70 Ban Overturned 70 Panel Weighs 70 Concealed Gun 70 Demonstrators Protest 70 Filibuster Fight 70 Antigay 70 No Letup 70 Groups Protest 70 Senators Urge 70 Wage Freeze 70 Domestic Spying Program 70 Leaders Urge 70 Decision Nears 70 Toughens 70 Leaders Denounce 70 Questions Abound 70 Panel Debates 70 Legalizes 70 Ruling Expected 70 Awaits Ruling 70 Alito Hearings 70 Raise Minimum Wage 70 Battle Looms 70 Ballot Measures 70 Gitmo Prisoners 70 Assails 70 Undecided Voters 70 Seeks Tougher 70 Leaders Condemn 70 Ad Focuses 70 Stirs Up 70 Would Restrict 70 Malpractice Reform 70 Trade Barbs 70 Military Recruiters 70 Poll Indicates 70 Being Counted 70 Passes Controversial 69 Raising Debt Ceiling 69 Causing Controversy 69 Unnerves 69 Put Brakes 69 Repudiates 69 Gay Marriages 69 Mammogram Guidelines 69 Mixed Feelings About 69 Yellowstone Snowmobile 69 Debate Continues 69 Could Weaken 69 Seek Recount 69 Alleged Attacker 69 Provokes 69 Advocacy Groups 69 Stir Controversy 69 Troop Withdrawal 69 Betrays 69 Argument Against 69 Leaders Warn 69 Political Discourse 69 Debate Focuses 69 Overrules 69 Appears Likely 69 Alito Filibuster 69 Demands Answers 69 Mountaintop Mining 69 Issue Heats Up 69 Showdown Looms 69 Draws Ire 69 Draw Ire 69 Workplace Smoking Ban 69 Takes Effect 69 Denounces 69 Gas Tax Hike 69 Showdown Looms Over 69 Welfare Recipients 69 Concealed Guns 69 Revolt Against 69 Sparks Furor 69 Senate Panel Approves 69 Seek Tougher 69 Would Require 69 Ken Schram Commentary 69 Hiring Illegal Immigrants 69 Inch Toward 69 Tobacco Tax Hike 69 Unanimously Passes 69 Recall Effort 69 Stirs Controversy 69 Sales Tax Hike 69 Gay Marriage Vote 69 Emboldens 69 Holds Firm 69 Being Debated 69 Renews Call 69 Panel Considers 69 Considers Extending 69 GOP Presidential Hopefuls 69 Proposed Cuts 69 Justices Uphold 69 Washn 69 Step Backward 69 Homegrown Terrorists 69 NSA Eavesdropping 69 Argue Against 69 Cloture Vote 69 Jobless Benefits Extension 69 Law Unconstitutional 69 Immigrant Smuggling 69 Gay Marriage Advocates 69 Tax Hikes 69 Smear Campaign Against 69 Legalizing Marijuana 69 Candidates Differ 69 Lawmakers Urge 69 Global Warming Skeptics 69 Rejects Idea 69 Mixed Feelings 69 Controversy Surrounds 69 Leaders Decry 69 Sparks Outcry 69 Tougher Penalties 69 Unemployment Extensions 69 Gubernatorial Hopefuls 69 Mandatory Minimums 69 Vote Looms 69 Immigrant Tuition 69 Sirius XM Merger 69 Auto Bailout 69 Redistricting Map 69 Sends Mixed Signals 69 Gun Ownership 69 Tough Stance 69 XM Sirius Merger 69 Fallout Continues 69 Resolve Conflict 69 Gov't Shutdown 69 Gay Marriage Foes 69 Causes Uproar 69 Evenly Split 69 Shutdown Looms 69 Repealed 69 MICHAEL GOODWIN 69 Saggy Pants 69 Stricter Gun 69 Raises Concern 69 Files Complaint Over 69 Credit Raters 69 Affirmative Action Ban 69 Sotomayor Confirmation 69 Lawmakers Oppose 69 Gaining Steam 69 Head Scarves 69 Jobless Numbers 69 Prospects Dim 69 Plastic Bag Ban 69 Pressure Builds 69 Double Digit Lead 69 Extend Jobless Benefits 69 Net Neutrality Rules 69 Flouts 69 Be Scrutinized 69 Renews Debate 69 Virtual Border Fence 69 Cell Phone Ban 69 Shouting Match 69 Abortion Ruling 69 Racial Preferences 69 Spark Controversy 69 Leaders Endorse 69 Gay Marriage Bans 69 Reaches Compromise 69 Softens 69 Closely Watched 69 Heavy Handed 69 Panel Discusses 69 Disapproves 69 Legalizing Drugs 69 Speaks Out Against 69 Panel Approves 69 Ad Touts 69 Petition Seeks 69 Questions Surround 69 GOP Hopefuls 69 Sparks Outrage 69 Uphill Fight 68 Terrorism Suspects 68 Same Sex Unions 68 Takes Step Toward 68 Deals Blow 68 Would Violate 68 Slams Door 68 Tax Cheats 68 Taxpayer Funded 68 Short Sighted 68 Iraqi Prisoner Abuse 68 Teacher Tenure 68 Mud Slinging 68 Budget Impasse 68 Groups Condemn 68 OTHER VIEWS 68 Prosecutor Firings 68 Envoy Warns 68 Panel Advises 68 Raises Concerns 68 Priest Abuse 68 Gets Uglier 68 Lawmaker Says 68 Tossed Out 68 Obamacare Repeal 68 Toning Down 68 Teacher Layoffs 68 Considers Ban 68 Enforce Immigration 68 Omits 68 Headed Toward 68 ACLU Sues 68 Defends Stance 68 Dealt Setback 68 Cloning Ban 68 Weigh Options 68 Sotomayor Hearings 68 Breaks Ranks 68 Filibuster Showdown 68 Spending Freeze 68 Tones Down 68 Lawsuit Challenging 68 Claim Victory 68 Gains Steam 68 Groups Applaud 68 Hits Roadblock 68 Draw Criticism 68 Fact Checking 68 Battle Intensifies 68 Lawmaker Apologizes 68 Demand Apology 68 Derides 68 Conflicted Over 68 Controversy Surrounding 68 Threatens Lawsuit 68 Hails Passage 68 Grapples With 68 Harsh Criticism 68 Gay Marriage Licenses 68 Cause Confusion 68 Focuses Attention 68 Trans Fat Ban 68 Face Scrutiny 68 Racial Slurs 68 Undocumented Immigrants 68 Abolish Death Penalty 68 Decry 68 Budget Woes 68 Gay Marriage Case 68 Causes Confusion 68 Abortion Foes 68 Deliberates 68 Offshore Drilling Ban 68 Declare Victory 68 Stirs Emotions 68 Could Hinder 68 Dealt Blow 68 Edging Toward 68 Enacts 68 Panel Criticizes 68 Biggest Obstacle 68 One Sided 68 Lawmaker Resigns 68 Protests Planned 68 Must Confront 68 Discriminates Against 68 Cries Foul Over 68 Lawmaker Quits 68 Ayoon wa Azan 68 Legalize Marijuana 68 Bhutto Assassination 68 Polls Indicate 68 Cuba Embargo 68 Dems Criticize 68 Stands Firm 68 Immigrant Crackdown 68 Wrangle Over 68 Low Voter Turnout 68 Powder Sent 68 Shooting Prompts 68 Imperils 68 Broadcast Indecency 68 Fiscal Restraint 68 Renounces 68 Bishops Urge 68 Steel Tariffs 68 Should Resign 68 Remains Elusive 68 Creates Controversy 68 Bipartisan Effort 68 Patriot Act Renewal 68 Charges Dismissed 68 Deal Struck 68 Demands Apology 68 Clears Hurdle 68 Proposed Budget Cuts 68 Deeply Troubled 68 Wage Hike 68 Vote Delayed 68 Vicious Attack 68 Court Voids 68 Diminishes 68 Remain Vigilant 68 Hit Snag 68 Faces Uphill Battle 68 Groups Seek 68 Questions Arise 68 Voter Registrations 68 Publicizes 68 Protested 68 Continues Unabated 68 Automaker Bailout 68 Ruled Illegal 68 Undercuts 68 Spells Trouble 68 Reignites 68 Religious Persecution 68 Sex Offender Laws 68 Devastating Impact 68 Legislator Wants 68 Income Tax Hike 68 Racial Bias 68 Dropped Against 68 Litmus Test 68 Neglects 68 Antiwar Protesters 68 Aide Arrested 68 Face Hurdles 68 Closed Door 68 Must Accept 68 Judge Tosses Out 68 Human Smuggling Ring 68 Activists Condemn 68 Nullifies 68 Gun Smuggling 68 Drunken Drivers 68 Suit Challenging 68 Groups Warn 68 Raises Doubts About 68 Lashes Out Against 68 Flag Flap 68 Legislation Passed 68 Hits Snag 68 Empty Rhetoric 68 Recess Appointments 68 Rebut 68 Ratchets Up 68 Death Penalty Repeal 68 Shoring Up 68 Expresses Concern 68 Draws Protest 67 Retaliate Against 67 Scoffs At 67 Rears Its Head 67 Switches Parties 67 Tempers Flare 67 Steers Clear 67 Backs Gay Marriage 67 Panel Mulls 67 Antiwar Movement 67 Poses Challenge 67 Could Jeopardize 67 Casts Doubts 67 Swipe Fee 67 Panel Rejects 67 Negotiators Agree 67 Rejects Claim 67 Interracial Marriage 67 Judge Dismisses Lawsuit 67 Stem Cell Debate 67 Poll Shows Majority 67 Gains Ground 67 Feds Investigate 67 Bargaining Rights 67 Misrepresents 67 Turns Ugly 67 Lesbian Couple 67 Distracted Drivers 67 Get Mixed Reviews 67 Preempt 67 SCHIP Veto 67 Proposes Tougher 67 Walks Tightrope 67 Enacts Law 67 Marchers Protest 67 Readers React 67 Teen Sexting 67 Raises Doubts 67 Make Inroads 67 MTA Fare Hike 67 Trashes 67 Sidesteps 67 Differs 67 Airport Screeners 67 Shaky Economy 67 Motives Behind 67 Fee Increases 67 Defend Itself 67 Racist Remarks 67 Biased Against 67 Raise Concerns 67 Panel Probes 67 Privacy Protections 67 Deficit Spending 67 Seek Compromise 67 Sues Feds 67 Discourages 67 Dems Urge 67 Resonates 67 Seek Answers 67 Rift Widens 67 Marijuana Dispensaries 67 Be Spared 67 Judge Throws Out 67 Opinions Vary 67 Embarrasses 67 Death Threat 67 Budget Shortfalls 67 Gets Earful 67 Demands Removal 67 Handgun Ban 67 Deadly Virus 67 Readers Respond 67 Gay Marriage Trial 67 Pair Sentenced 67 Ex Aide 67 Unlikely Allies 67 Reshapes 67 Seeks Answers 67 Draws Protests 67 Confusion Surrounds 67 Troop Withdrawl 67 TALK BACKS 67 Lawmaker Wants 67 Scorns 67 Attorney Firings 67 Voters Cast Ballots 67 Portends 67 Rejects Proposal 67 Decried 67 Signals Shift 67 Opinions Differ 67 Eminent Domain Ruling 67 Reverses Position 67 Groups Denounce 67 Deficit Cutting 67 Race Tightens 67 Task Force Recommends 67 Warrantless Searches 67 Hearings Scheduled 67 THE HUTCHINSON REPORT 67 Watchdog Warns 67 Oppose Proposed 67 Candidates Vie 67 Propose Changes 67 Bush Commutes Libby 67 Could Harm 67 Leans Toward 67 Effort Fails 67 TODAY 'S EDITORIAL 67 Warrantless Surveillance 67 Face Uphill Battle 67 Pose Problem 67 Term Limit 67 Raise Doubts 67 CAREER PROS 67 Lines Drawn 67 Introduce Legislation 67 Proposed Legislation 67 Activists Criticize 67 Experts Weigh 67 Troop Pullout 67 Nears Approval 67 Dems Push 67 Panders 67 Differing Views 67 Must Apologize 67 Cries Foul 67 Court Reinstates 67 Draws Scrutiny 67 Defuses 67 Tensions Rise 67 Elicits 67 Tramples 67 Ex Convicts 67 Panel Oks 67 Ethics Complaint 67 Draws Attention 67 Vote Rigging 67 Harassment Claims 67 Causes Concern 67 Seeks Reversal 67 Hopefuls Debate 67 Tuition Hikes 67 Unsettles 67 Touts Progress 67 Terror Warnings 67 Must Reject 67 Move Toward 67 Condone 67 Suit Settled 67 Distances Himself 67 Passes Landmark 67 Could Trigger 67 Legalize Pot 67 Imperil 67 Be Enforced 67 Non Existent 67 NAVARRETTE 67 Opting Out 67 Strongly Oppose 67 Charges Pending 67 Pay Raises 67 Scaling Back 67 Gun Toting 67 Approves Same Sex 67 Partial Birth 67 Rally Draws 67 Stimulus Spending 67 Gov't Seeks 67 Abortion Pill 67 Texting Ban 67 Same Sex Couple 67 Overreach 67 Stop Whining 67 Allegedly Involved 67 Passes Gay Marriage 67 Dire Consequences 67 Prompts Concern 67 Sex Offender Accused 67 Faces Criticism 67 Cause Stir 67 Stimulate Economy 67 Declares Victory 67 Flares Up 67 OKs Gay Marriage 67 Opposite Sides 67 Official Defends 67 Approach Needed 67 Book Explores 67 Defends Controversial 67 Same Sex Benefits 67 Turns Deadly 67 Aide Resigns 67 Troop Withdrawals 67 Ban Unconstitutional 67 Raises Hopes 67 Apnewsbreak 67 Gets Flak 67 Fort Hood Shootings 67 Quashed 67 Doctor Shortage 67 Expresses Regret 67 Raise Debt Ceiling 67 Polygamous Sect 67 Considers Changing 67 Fraud Allegations 67 Appears Unlikely 67 AJC Applauds 67 Cracks Down On 67 Fuming Over 67 Causes Controversy 67 Lawyer Argues 67 Burqa Ban 67 Should Apologize 67 Suspected Murderer 67 Tensions Flare 67 Could Hamper 66 Violated Ethics 66 Sexual Harassment Claims 66 Defund NPR 66 Lawyer Defends 66 Considers Dropping 66 Crushing Blow 66 File Lawsuit 66 ACLU Files Lawsuit 66 Retaliates 66 Edges Toward 66 Draws Closer 66 Activists Decry 66 Alleged Abuse 66 Panel Votes 66 Mean Spirited 66 Rallies Planned 66 Cross Hairs 66 Revote 66 Political Posturing 66 Sectarian Violence 66 Groups Urge 66 Protests Continue 66 Contempt Charges 66 Mend Fences 66 Unlicensed Drivers 66 Pork Barrel Spending 66 Misinterpreted 66 Report Sheds Light 66 Negative Campaigning 66 Religious Hatred 66 Distance Himself 66 Government Shutdown Looms 66 Was Mistake 66 Non Committal 66 Presidential Hopeful 66 Panel Nixes 66 AIG Bonuses 66 Divisive Politics 66 Bicker Over 66 Equates 66 Lie Ahead 66 Fending Off 66 McCain Myth Buster 66 Battle Heats Up 66 Cop Killing 66 Seat Belt Laws 66 Op Ed Contributors 66 Revive Stalled 66 Mixed Reaction 66 Cop Pleads Guilty 66 Dismisses Claims 66 Fiscal Woes 66 Trade Pacts 66 Defends Actions 66 Appears Poised 66 Admonishes 66 Underscores Need 66 Ex Rep 66 Turn Themselves 66 Overtime Pay 66 Puts Strain 66 Chastises 66 White Supremacists 66 Be Examined 66 Criminalize 66 Gas Price Gouging 66 Libby Prison Sentence 66 Draws Crowds 66 Gun Lobby 66 Files Papers 66 Rallying Cry 66 Raises Questions About 66 Ignores 66 Reasserts 66 Candidate Withdraws 66 Bogged Down 66 ADL Condemns 66 Stalemate Continues 66 Stumbling Block 66 Stricter Rules 66 Heal Wounds 66 Sever Ties 66 Murder Victim Family 66 Ill Advised 66 Should Reconsider 66 Hearings Begin 66 Overtime Rules 66 Assassination Plot 66 Stiffer Penalties 66 Inmate Convicted 66 Momentum Builds 66 Draws Mixed 66 Lame Duck Session 66 FEC Complaint 66 Controversy Continues 66 Law Ruled Unconstitutional 66 Officially Enters 66 Questions Arise Over 66 Raises Concerns About 66 Age Bias 66 Found Innocent 66 Languishes 66 Quran Desecration 66 Raise Taxes 66 Expresses Concern Over 66 Man Pleads Innocent 66 Same Sex Couples 66 Ownership Rules 66 Thrown Into 66 Reconvenes 66 Hopeful Signs 66 WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 66 Guantánamo Detainees 66 Troop Surge 66 Accused Rapist 66 Nears Passage 66 Faces Arraignment 66 Lawmaker Asks 66 Rell Vetoes 66 Backs Off 66 Ex Cons 66 Shootings Prompt 66 Considers Easing 66 Falsehoods 66 Remains Unresolved 66 Indoor Smoking Ban 66 Assisted Suicide Law 66 Takes Backseat 66 Physician Assisted Suicide 66 Proposal Rejected 66 Tilt Toward 66 Holds Hearings 66 Rejects Gay Marriage 66 Racial Divide 66 Crack Sentences 66 Budget Shortfall 66 Counterproductive 66 Berates 66 Ethics Violations 66 Too Costly 66 Raise Concern 66 Talks Underway 66 Bragged About 66 Opposes Proposed 66 Ill Timed 66 Stays Strong