Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 77 Asset impairments 73 Goodwill impairment 73 Restructuring impairment 71 Asset Impairment 69 Non recurring 68 Interest expense net 68 asset impairment 67 Goodwill impairment charge 67 - Adjusted [025] 67 intangible asset impairments 67 Restructuring 67 asset impairments 67 Intangible amortization 67 Intangibles amortization 66 Lease termination 65 Debt extinguishment 65 -David# 65 Accelerated depreciation 64 Adjustments Restructuring 64 - Operating [001] 64 Restructuring Charges 64 Debt extinguishment costs 63 b Includes 63 early extinguishment 63 Impairment 63 -Mr Devani 63 Intangible asset 63 Unallocated expenses 63 - Operating [029] 63 Curtailment gain 63 - Operating [021] 63 - - [023] 63 - Unaudited [001] 63 pension curtailment 63 TOTAL EXPENSES 62 - Operating [024] 62 - Operating [004] 62 - Adjusted [028] 62 - Adjusted [015] 62 Subtotal 62 - Adjusted [006] 62 Interest expense 62 Nonrecurring 62 intangible assets impairment 62 - Non GAAP [027] 62 - Operating [025] 61 Total Operating Expenses 61 Amortization 61 - Total operating 61 Intangible assets amortization 61 - Operating [023] 61 intangibles impairment 61 Other Income Expense 61 - Total [024] 61 - - [074] 61 - Adjusted [001] 61 - Operating [017] 61 -rightness 61 - [013] 61 - - Total [044] 61 - - [097] 61 Loss Gain 61 -Batho Pele 61 - OperaStankowski 61 debt extinguishments 61 - Income [025] 61 - Adjusted [003] 61 - Operating [019] 61 - - [096] 61 - Income [002] 61 Valuation allowance 60 - Operating [026] 60 - Income [032] 60 - Loss [022] 60 Gain Loss 60 Reconciling items 60 - TotaMTBC 60 - -Labyer 60 - Non GAAP [002] 60 - OperatKarnas 60 - Total [005] 60 - Non GAAP [018] 60 - - Total [073] 60 Unallocated corporate 60 - Adjusted [009] 60 Accretion expense 60 - Total [007] 60 - Operating [002] 60 Non GAAP adjustments 60 Purchased intangibles amortization 60 - -Corporatism 60 c Excludes 60 -Brad Dorfman editing 60 - Operating [007] 60 - InFree Documentation License 60 - Adjusted [022] 60 - Total [008] 60 Restructuring asset impairments 60 - -Offensive Rookie 60 - OperatiMcGrath RentCorp 60 -Tilak Marg 60 - Operatingdanged 60 - Operating [028] 59 - - [092] 59 - - Total [045] 59 - Total [022] 59 Goodwill impairment - [002] 59 - - [088] 59 - Non GAAP [007] 59 acquired intangible assets 59 - Adjusted [024] 59 - - Total [062] 59 - - Total [037] 59 - - [124] 59 - Total [030] 59 - - Total [002] 59 - OCBSO 59 debt extinguishment 59 - Income [017] 59 - Loss [021] 59 - - [058] 59 asset impairments restructuring 59 - Income [023] 59 - Adjusted [017] 59 - Operating [015] 59 - Operatinluddites 59 timberland disposals net 59 intangible impairment 59 c Includes 59 Discontinued operations 59 - Income [010] 59 - Incombingos 59 - ToTrain Derails 59 - Operating [005] 59 - -Corn Palace 58 - AdjusETON 58 - Totgarden gnome 58 Deferred income 58 - Operating [003] 58 - Non GAAP [028] 58 - - [085] 58 INCOME LOSS FROM CONTINUING 58 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE Interest 58 - Non GAAP [004] 58 - - TotaCNK 58 - Operating [009] 58 intangibles amortization 58 - Adjusted [010] 58 - - Total [020] 58 - TSANTA CLARITA Calif. 58 - Total [013] 58 equity method investees 58 - Total [006] 58 OPERATING INCOME 58 - -Bredbury 58 - Income [012] 58 - Total [002] 58 - - Total [067] 58 -Cretin 58 - - [019] 58 - Total [018] 58 Goodwill impairment - [003] 58 - Income [028] 58 b Excludes 58 - - Total [021] 58 -Castries St. 58 - Total [031] 58 - Income [005] 58 - - Total [041] 58 - Income [018] 58 - Income [020] 58 - Total [003] 58 - Income [011] 58 - Operating [030] 58 - Total [034] 58 - Income [004] 58 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 58 - Operating [012] 58 Imputed interest 58 purchased intangible assets 58 - - Net Loss Attributable 58 - - Total [071] 58 57 Depreciation amortization 57 Unrealized foreign 57 Noncash goodwill impairment 57 -Lockman 57 - Income [003] 57 - Loss [009] 57 - - [111] 57 - Income [027] 57 - - [021] 57 - Income [029] 57 - Income [019] 57 #,#,#,# [002] 57 INCOME LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 57 - Net [006] 57 - Operating [008] 57 - Adjusted [016] 57 - OperAyscough 57 - - [090] 57 - Loss [026] 57 shutdowns asset impairments 57 - Operating [018] 57 - Income [006] 57 - Jim Clack 57 -lipid nanoparticles 57 - Operating [020] 57 - Loss [030] 57 - Adjusted [005] 57 admini strative 57 -TUMS 57 Capitalized software 57 - OpeDHQ 57 - Total [015] 57 Debt extinguishments 57 - - Total [072] 57 #,#,# [005] 57 - Adjusted [007] 57 -Irizarry 57 LOSS INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED 57 postretirement benefit 57 - OpBPMs 57 - Net [029] 57 expenses# [002] 57 - Income [034] 57 Accrued severance 57 amorti zation 57 Add subtract 57 - Income [033] 57 Noncash 57 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 57 - Total [012] 57 - Loss [024] 57 - Total [010] 57 - - Net [027] 57 INCOME TAX EXPENSE BENEFIT 57 - IncomeMarkit Economics showed 57 - Loss [003] 57 - Loss [013] 57 - Non GAAP [012] 57 - - [045] 57 - Total [017] 57 - - [112] 57 - ADLs 57 - Adjusted [033] 56 #,# -Reid Brignac homered 56 - Ifreshly dug 56 Mayne Pharma intangible assets 56 - - [049] 56 - Income [024] 56 -Gottron 56 Deduct 56 - Loss [010] 56 - Non GAAP [021] 56 - Total [029] 56 - Total [025] 56 - - [059] 56 Restruc turing 56 - Income [021] 56 - Net [014] 56 LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 56 -Kowalchuk 56 - Adjusted [034] 56 - Income [030] 56 Pension curtailment 56 -BY LESLIE BIXLER • 56 - NetTransy 56 INCOME TAXES 56 noncash intangible 56 - Non GAhornbeams lining 56 Pro forma adjustments 56 Intersegment eliminations 56 INCOME LOSS BEFORE INCOME 56 - Non GAAP [025] 56 unamortized debt 56 - Operating [013] 56 Adjustments Inventory 56 - Stave Lake 56 - Adjusted EBITDA [001] 56 -Josephine Marcotty 56 - IncLightWorks 56 - - [106] 56 56 - Total [019] 56 - - Total [033] 56 LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 56 - Total [016] 56 - Loss [017] 56 - -TEST 56 - Operating [016] 56 - - Total [028] 56 Amortisation 56 - Income [013] 56 Adjustments Amortization 56 - - EarningsGordan Strachan 56 #,#,# [023] 56 - - Income [007] 56 Deferred 56 - - Net [049] 56 - Income [031] 56 - Net [033] 56 - Income [014] 56 Timberland disposals net 56 - -Semiconductor Manufacturing International 56 -Caged Bird Sings 56 #,#,#,# [014] 56 Gains Losses 56 - Adjusted [026] 56 Nonoperating income 56 Nonrecurring items 56 - -contralateral 56 - TotalEstadio 56 - -watt amp 56 - Operating [022] 55 unconsolidated affiliate 55 - - [014] 55 Restructuring Expenses 55 - Loss [032] 55 OTHER EXPENSE 55 -Laemmle Music 55 #.# -Rineholt 55 Interest Expense Net 55 - - Total [061] 55 - - Non GAAP [005] 55 - - [098] 55 - - [084] 55 early extinguishments 55 Related Expenses 55 -ASSAULT ON 55 - Loss [005] 55 EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 55 - Operating [010] 55 -Onufrak 55 Expenses Interest expense 55 - Non GAAP [019] 55 Depletion depreciation amortization 55 - -Walshaw 55 - - Net [007] 55 - NeDEFENDERS 55 - Non GAAP [023] 55 Impairment Charges 55 -ecoterrorism 55 - -champioship 55 - - Net [031] 55 - - [130] 55 Divested Businesses 55 - Adjusted [012] 55 - Income [022] 55 - - Income [014] 55 - Total [004] 55 - Non GAAP [017] 55 - Total [028] 55 - Loss [025] 55 asset impairments severance 55 - - Income [021] 55 INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 55 - - Net [028] 55 - Total [001] 55 - Loss [018] 55 - - Net [047] 55 - Loss [016] 55 OPERATING EXPENSES Research 55 - Non GAAP [003] 55 Extinguishment 55 - Non Shane Germann 55 - Income [001] 55 Impairments 55 - - [108] 55 - Adjusted [019] 55 - - Income [027] 55 Restructuring Charge 55 c Consists 55 - - [025] 55 - -Nicolas Leoz 55 - Loss [031] 55 - - Net [003] 55 - Non GAAP [005] 55 BEFORE TAXES 55 inventory obsolescence 55 Adjusted OCI 55 Related Costs 55 - - Net [035] 55 undernoted items 55 - Expenses [018] 55 EARNINGS LOSS FROM CONTINUING 55 - Loss [020] 55 - - TotRobert Gisevius Jr. 55 - - Total [058] 55 - - 55 - Non GAAP [009] 55 - - Earnunderwent resection 55 - - [080] 55 Containerboard Packaging 55 Unallocated 55 - Net [010] 55 - - Income [033] 55 - - [104] 55 - Loss [023] 55 Realized gains 55 Cumulative Effect 55 accretion expense 55 - Total [037] 55 - Non GAAP [001] 55 - Operating [006] 55 - Income [007] 55 - - [015] 55 Restructuring Costs 55 #,# -Outasight 55 - - [070] 55 - - [127] 55 - Loss [027] 55 - - Non GAAP [006] 55 - - Net [038] 55 OPERATING LOSS 55 - - [041] 55 - -DARDEN 55 Reconciling Items 55 - - [115] 55 - SchedulStream 55 - Total [027] 55 - -Punishes 55 - Aijaz Hussain 55 Expenses Operating 55 - - [005] 55 - - Total [057] 55 equity investee 55 Provision Benefit 54 - - Net [026] 54 -Gacy 54 - Net [002] 54 - - Total [007] 54 - Total [026] 54 - - Non GAAPHawai'i Paroling Authority 54 Excludes amortization 54 - - Net [011] 54 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 54 - Non GAAP [029] 54 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE NET 54 BEFORE INCOME TAXES 54 Accrued restructuring 54 - Total [021] 54 - Loss [034] 54 - - Non arachnophobes 54 - Adjusted [002] 54 Preopening 54 hedging derivative instruments 54 #,#,# #,#,# Amortization 54 - Net [005] 54 - - [054] 54 - - [086] 54 Depreciation 54 - Segment [005] 54 Cumulative effect 54 OREO valuation 54 intangible impairments 54 - Net [026] 54 - - Net [055] 54 - - [122] 54 equity investees 54 - Adjusted [013] 54 -Robin Preiss Glasser 54 - - Total [070] 54 Accretion 54 - - [001] 54 - - [048] 54 - Total [032] 54 Visa indemnification 54 depreciation depletion amortization 54 extinguishment 54 - - Eric Loretizo 54 LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 54 - - [067] 54 #.#/MCFE 54 - Adjusted [014] 54 -Economically 54 - Non GAAP [015] 54 - LossSanta Margarita Ranch 54 unconsolidated subsidiaries 54 Goodwill Impairment 54 non recurring 54 - Loss [033] 54 -Angelo Nieves 54 Pharmacia Monsanto 54 unallocated corporate 54 Asset Impairments 54 -coziness 54 Non GAAP Diluted EPS 54 - - Total [051] 54 - - Net [043] 54 Deprec iation 54 d Represents 54 - - Operating [001] 54 - Loss [019] 54 - - Total [053] 54 #,# -Radhika Menon Theodore 54 -homing instinct 54 Depletion depreciation 54 b Relates 54 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 54 Mayne Pharma acquisition 54 c Reflects 54 - - Total [032] 54 -Senanu 54 - - Income [016] 54 postretirement expense 54 Operating Expenses Compensation 54 -Blyleven 54 Expense Income 54 Selling general 54 Based Compensation Expense 54 -astrolabe 54 - - Total [034] 54 unallocated expenses 54 INCOME TAX PROVISION BENEFIT 54 - - Total [050] 54 -Musul Mosul 54 - - Income [032] 54 intangible amortization 54 - [004] 54 - Loss [015] 54 - -Kondhwa 54 - Adjusted [029] 54 - - Total [039] 54 Income Loss Before 54 postemployment benefits 54 - Adjusted [020] 54 - Total [020] 54 Remeasurement 54 -Von Hippel Lindau 54 -Tioman 54 RVP segment 54 - -Apprenticeship Standards 54 f Represents 53 lease terminations 53 Early Extinguishment 53 - Non GAAPsmokable form 53 - IncoMudug 53 - - Income [005] 53 - Total [009] 53 - -TINDALL 53 - - [065] 53 Operating Expense 53 GROSS LOSS 53 - -profitabilty 53 - - [036] 53 -Hyndman Pa. 53 -CLOSURE 53 - - TotalYourLink 53 Unrealized gain 53 - Net [011] 53 -exhaust tailpipe 53 - - Operating [002] 53 - Loss [011] 53 -Miner Res 53 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 53 - Income [009] 53 Partially offset 53 -#,# -#,# [009] 53 -Ajkai Timfoldgyar plant 53 - Net [008] 53 INCOME TAX BENEFIT EXPENSE 53 -offcourt 53 Expenses Selling 53 - - Net [039] 53 Debt prepayment 53 - Loss [006] 53 - Non GAAP [026] 53 Total noninterest expenses 53 - -Advance Micro Devices 53 - Income [026] 53 Excluding goodwill impairment 53 OPERATING EXPENSES 53 Depreciations 53 - Expenses [015] 53 #,# -SYLACAUGA Ala. 53 Operating Expenses 53 - - Net [034] 53 - - Income [019] 53 compensation expense 53 expense# [002] 53 - Adjusted EBITDA [011] 53 -#,# -#,# [002] 53 = Adjusted [002] 53 amortization expense 53 #.# -§ #C#.# 53 OxyVinyls 53 DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Loss 53 - - Total [036] 53 - -Ahnu 53 -Mohmand tribal region 53 - - [053] 53 - -Schaake 53 net# [002] 53 Depreciation depletion amortization 53 - - Loss [001] 53 NONINTEREST INCOME Service 53 -Unprovoked 53 - Income [015] 53 - Net [020] 53 - - [013] 53 - INCOME FROM [001] 53 - Non GAAP [022] 53 -Inc. NASDAQ CHTR 53 unamortized deferred 53 non capitalizable 53 - - [002] 53 Preopening expenses 53 Unconsolidated Affiliates 53 - Net [030] 53 - OperatingAlcoholics Anonymous nonsmoking 53 - - [117] 53 -Warhammer Fantasy 53 - Non GAAP [020] 53 unamortized financing 53 #.# -FSHL 53 - - [087] 53 Expensed 53 - - Quicks 53 - Net [023] 53 Deferred Income Tax 53 OTHER INCOME NET 53 Noncurrent liabilities 53 - - Total [009] 53 - - [051] 53 intangible assets 53 Assumed provision 53 - Expenses [012] 53 - - Net [042] 52 - -HERS rating 52 - 52 Currency translation 52 undernoted 52 - Loss [001] 52 COSTS AND EXPENSES 52 shortline railway 52 - - Total [060] 52 #,#,# #,#,# -IBS C 52 - Net [013] 52 - -Cropwell Bishop 52 - - Income [002] 52 -Ewurun 52 - Adjusted EBITDA [010] 52 - - Income [035] 52 #,# -POLAROID trademark 52 identifiable intangibles 52 EXPENSE Interest income 52 Discontinued Operations Loss 52 - Operating [014] 52 - - Income [022] 52 - - Net [022] 52 adminis trative expenses 52 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 52 - - Net [046] 52 accelerated depreciation 52 - - [110] 52 Discontinued Operations 52 inventory write downs 52 - - [126] 52 - - [089] 52 - - Total [047] 52 Intersegment Eliminations 52 - - Net [002] 52 - - Loss [005] 52 - Gross Profit [004] 52 - Total [035] 52 Accrued 52 - Expenhouse Anna Neur 52 - - Net [053] 52 -CSMMU 52 #,# -INDUSTRIES INC. 52 Administrative Expense 52 - #,#.# #,#.# [002] 52 Loan servicing 52 Acquired intangible assets 52 52 DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Income 52 - - [081] 52 - - Loss [009] 52 - [030] 52 IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 52 - - Total [035] 52 - Gross [006] 52 Segment Profit 52 - Gross Profit [010] 52 - Net [019] 52 - -plumbers pipefitters 52 - - [105] 52 - - [073] 52 - - Operating [003] 52 OTHER INCOME 52 - - NetGranara 52 COST OF GOODS SOLD 52 -BiH Presidency 52 postretirement benefits 52 - Total [011] 52 .1 .1 52 - - Income [026] 52 INTEREST EXPENSE NET 52 - - Adjusted [001] 52 FAS CAS pension 52 - Total revenueDefensive coordinators 52 - - Total [016] 52 - - [060] 52 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES 52 INCOME LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED 52 GROSS PROFIT 52 nonoperating expense 52 discontinued operations - 52 - Adjusted [011] 52 LOSS INCOME FROM CONTINUING 52 Reorganization Items 52 - - Net [060] 52 - Net [015] 52 - Expenses [006] 52 expenses -#,# -#,# [001] 52 - Net [022] 52 - Income [016] 52 inventories revalued 52 #,# -ANDREW J. FERRARO 52 - - [016] 52 - Loss [004] 52 Discontinued operations Income 52 - Net [028] 52 -WIZO 52 - Non GAAPalanquero base 52 - Total [014] 52 unrealized derivative 52 - Gross [008] 52 nonconsolidated affiliate 52 # - -Cult Editor 52 AND MINORITY INTEREST 52 - Net [007] 52 #,# -Ehie 52 - -Bert Rechichar 52 -#Gb s InfiniBand 52 Unusual Items 52 -retinas 52 FAS CAS Pension 52 - Total Operating Expenses [002] 52 - Total noninte-Frito Lay snack foods 52 INCOME TAX EXPENSE 52 - #,#,# #,#,# [006] 52 expense# [001] 52 - - Non GAAP [007] 52 Accounting Principle 52 Pro forma net 52 Discontinued operations Loss 52 - - Totcheering lustily 52 - Loss [029] 52 Depreciation Amortization 52 #,#,# #,#,# OPERATING INCOME 52 -Resiliency Campus 52 - INVESTING ACTIVITIES [004] 52 - Total [036] 52 Addback Depreciation 52 - Total revuncontrollable shaking 52 Gain 52 - - Nforecaddie 52 -trillion rupiah 52 Contingent consideration 52 Currency translation adjustment 52 - Adjusted EBITDA [007] 52 Nonoperating Income Expense 52 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 52 #,#,# [009] 52 - NET CASH [001] 52 - -freefall parachute 52 EXPENSES Operating 52 - -secretary VK Duggal 52 Amortiza tion 52 - - [075] 52 Capitalized Interest 51 NET INCOME 51 - - Total [055] 51 - Adjusted EBITChanice 51 = GAAP [002] 51 DAC offsets 51 - Non GAAP [013] 51 -#,# -#,# -#,# [002] 51 Stock Compensation Expense 51 b Represents 51 -Sununu 51 = Adjusted [003] 51 -# -# [005] 51 - -OfficeMax ImPress R 51 LIFO inventory valuation 51 - - Total [049] 51 COS Restructuring 51 - Operating [011] 51 - Total assets [005] 51 Benefit Provision 51 Other accrued liabilities 51 - Net [004] 51 - Gross [018] 51 Discontinued Operations Income 51 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 51 EXPENSE Interest expense 51 CASH PROVIDED BY 51 Divestitures 51 - Net [032] 51 excluding depreciation depletion 51 Noninterest expense Salaries 51 - TotalRain disrupts 51 - - Total [023] 51 - Adjusted [030] 51 - INCOME LOEducation HMIe 51 Brand Exiting Activities 51 Non Recurring 51 valuation adjustments 51 Income Tax Provision 51 - - Income [006] 51 LIFO adjustments 51 - Loss [012] 51 - Net [036] 51 Discontinued Operations Net 51 - - [120] 51 - Total [033] 51 adminis trative 51 Intercompany eliminations 51 Octane Additives 51 Identifiable intangible assets 51 - Net [034] 51 - LTEAMMATES 51 - - Net [041] 51 - -Allegany Limestone 51 - Net [017] 51 Intangibles net 51 - - IncoLawrence Schiffman 51 accrual reversal 51 = Net [005] 51 Efficiency ratio excluding 51 - - [103] 51 - Adjusted EBITDA [004] 51 assets# [002] 51 Depreciation depletion 51 Consists 51 - - [062] 51 - - Income [009] 51 - - Income [036] 51 LOSS BEFORE TAXES 51 #,# -Veen 51 Hypernex assets 51 - - [035] 51 - - Net [014] 51 SILO LILO 51 Divested 51 discontinued operations 51 - Net [037] 51 - - Net [021] 51 #,# -oxidative enzymes 51 - - [066] 51 - -Dennis Georgatos 51 - - Total [068] 51 - - OperatinJudge Satyanand 51 OPERATING PROFIT 51 -Brookfield Asset Management BAMa.TO 51 - - Net [004] 51 #,#,#,# [015] 51 Profit Loss 51 -FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS CONTAINED 51 Goodwill #,#.# #,#.# 51 Operating Expenses Selling 51 - Non GHanno Coetzee 51 administ rative 51 - Gross [020] 51 - Loss [002] 51 - -Prevelle 51 USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 51 - - Net [013] 51 #,# -BOB SANSEVERE 51 - - Non GAAP [004] 51 INCOME BEFORE TAXES 51 IPRD 51 - -Justice Lynn Ratushny 51 NET LOSS 51 - - Total [064] 51 - - Non GAAP [003] 51 Add Depreciation 51 Deferred Financing 51 doubtful accounts receivable 51 acquired intangibles 51 -# -1 51 - Adjusted EBIJoaquim Rafael 51 - Net [001] 51 #,#,# [017] 51 remeasurement 51 PROVISION BENEFIT FOR 51 - - Income [012] 51 - - [071] 51 -Crohn disease rheumatoid arthritis 51 Derivative instrument 51 -#,# -#,# [010] 51 Unamortized 51 - - Total [025] 51 Prepaid Expenses 51 liabilities Receivables 51 Adjusted diluted 51 LIFO adjustment 51 Groveton mill 51 = Adjusted [013] 51 -starmaking 51 purchased intangibles 51 - - Net [037] 51 #,# -appartment 51 - Net [003] 51 - - [093] 50 = Non GAAP [015] 50 Continuing Operations Before 50 Smelter processing 50 Qualcomm Strategic Initiatives 50 - Earnings [001] 50 - - [009] 50 - - Income [030] 50 - - Income [023] 50 - - [091] 50 #,#,#,#,# [009] 50 Alcott Routon intangible assets 50 PRE TAX OPERATING EARNINGS 50 Tax Expense 50 f Reflects 50 EXPENSES 50 - Adjusted [008] 50 #,# -Glenn Argenbright 50 - - Earnings [001] 50 - - Total [069] 50 #,#,# [012] 50 - -larg 50 -# -# -# [004] 50 Reimbursed costs 50 - - [026] 50 liabilities Accounts receivable 50 - -Mike Butia 50 Noncurrent assets 50 - - Net [058] 50 Per Mcfe 50 Unrealized gains 50 Unizan merger 50 - Adjusted [021] 50 -Pagtakhan 50 - - Total [042] 50 - Gross [007] 50 - - Total [054] 50 Intangible amortization expense 50 NONRECURRING ITEMS 1 50 - Adjusted [031] 50 operations# 50 - - Income [031] 50 #.# -Bush Agenda Invading 50 Titanium Dioxide Pigments 50 amortization 50 #,#,# [026] 50 #,#,# #,#,# -By Innocent Anaba 50 identifiable intangible 50 Exclude Restructuring 50 - Net [021] 50 NET INCOME LOSS 50 -Botts 50 Excludes 50 - - Net [008] 50 -#,# -#,# [007] 50 Pretax 50 - Non GAAP [008] 50 - Expenses [017] 50 Adjusted EBITDA excludes 50 NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER 50 amortization# 50 Reimbursable expenses 50 Accretion Expense 50 goodwill impairments 50 Surface Specialties acquisition 50 - Total [038] 50 admini strative expenses 50 nm nm 50 - Net [025] 50 Addback 50 LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 50 - - Net [023] 50 - - Net [033] 50 - -Grabarkiewicz 50 - Expenses [008] 50 Amorti zation 50 Writedown 50 Omnicef inventory 50 - - Net [040] 50 OTHER INCOME Interest 50 intangible asset 50 FROM OPERATIONS 50 Inventory obsolescence 50 c Represents 50 - Operating [027] 50 deferred loan origination 50 - - Non GAAP [008] 50 - -VVAF 50 #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 - - NetMarigot Bay r 50 unamortized 50 Extraordinary Item 50 INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR