Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 65 KCBT wheat 63 CBOT soybeans 62 MGE wheat 60 Wheat futures 60 ¼ bushel 60 CBOT soybean futures 60 #.# ¾ bushel 60 Lean hog futures 60 ¾ bushel 59 KCBT wheat futures 59 FCOJ futures 59 CBOT corn 59 lean hog 59 soymeal futures 59 soyoil futures 58 CBOT corn futures 58 COMEX gold 58 Pork bellies 58 KCBOT 58 CBOT Wheat 57 #.#-# 4 [001] 57 Arabica coffee futures 57 Corn futures 57 E#.# tonne 57 NYMEX crude 57 #.#-# 4 [002] 56 lean hogs 56 KCBT 56 MCX Nickel 56 Pork bellies closed 56 COMEX copper 56 soybean futures 56 #.#/bu [002] 56 NCDEX Jeera 56 Comex gold 56 arabica futures 56 Live Cattle 56 Soybean meal 56 FCOJ 56 Nybot 56 EUR#/ton 55 Oat futures 55 CBOT oats 55 NOV'# 55 RM Seed 55 deferreds 55 feeder cattle futures 55 Lean hog 55 Cattle futures 55 NCDEX Chana 55 NCDEX soybean 54 Comex copper 54 Feeder cattle futures 54 CME hogs 54 Cocoa futures 54 RBOB gasoline futures 54 soymeal 54 Feeder cattle 54 India jeera futures 54 GRAINS US 54 MCX Zinc 54 Nifty Futures 54 CBOT soyoil 54 soyoil 54 CBOT feedgrain 53 futures 53 Soybean futures 53 Lean hogs 53 eurodollars 53 ICE FCOJ 53 CBOT soy 53 LME billet 53 Nymex WTI 53 CBOT soy futures 53 RBOB gasoline 53 Bund futures 53 WTI crude futures 53 NCDEX Turmeric 53 MCX Copper 53 robusta coffee futures 53 WTI Brent 53 Corn soybeans 53 #.#/bushel 53 SRW wheat 52 CME pork bellies 52 Lean Hogs 52 guar futures 52 MCX cardamom 52 soyaoil 52 #.#/cwt [004] 52 Soybeans 52 WTI crude 52 Feeder Cattle futures 52 RJ CRB 52 LIVE CATTLE futures 52 NCDEX pepper 52 Eurodollar contracts 52 Mercantile Exchange lean hogs 52 CME lean hogs 52 NCDEX Pepper 51 Lean hogs closed 51 frozen pork bellies 51 eCBOT 51 MCX Aluminium 51 Castor Seed 51 CBoT 51 Kapaskhali futures 51 WTI Crude futures 51 #.#/bu [001] 51 Corn soybean 51 kgs almond 51 Canola futures 51 EURO GOVT Bund 51 LEAN HOGS 51 Nifty PCR 51 mio bales 51 Brent WTI 51 GRAINS Wheat 51 ICE arabica coffee 51 Soyoil 51 GBPCAD 51 Arabica futures 51 WHEAT futures 51 R# ton 51 NCDEX Soybean 51 Liffe robusta coffee 51 Lean Hog 51 near dated Alsi 51 CPO futures 51 METALS STOCKS Gold 51 MCX Cardamom 50 Soymeal 50 Soyoil futures 50 Robusta coffee futures 50 Lean Hog futures 50 feeder cattle 50 NCDEX Jeera futures 50 5/tonne 50 GRAINS Soy 50 CBOE VIX 50 #-#/# yr 50 Soymeal futures 50 USDINR 50 Guarseed 50 Matif rapeseed values 50 CBOT 50 FEEDER CATTLE 50 Refined Soy Oil 50 Euribor futures 50 brent crude 50 Refined soy oil 50 breakevens 50 implied vol 50 India chana guar 50 #.#/cwt [006] 50 frontmonth 50 S.Africa maize 50 FUTURES MOVERS Oil 50 kapaskhali 50 SPI# 50 arabica coffee futures 50 India guar futures 50 FUTURES MOVERS Crude 50 Wheat corn soybeans 50 arabicas 50 Mentha Oil 50 Feeder Cattle 50 Refined soya oil 50 METALS LME copper 50 GRAINS Corn 50 CFTC Commitments 50 NCDEX Chilli 49 bushel 49 robustas 49 arabica coffee 49 LME nickel 49 Euronext.liffe 49 Forex EUR CHF 49 NCDEX Refined Soy 49 Eurodollars 49 Sensex plummets 49 eurodollar futures 49 SPOT GOLD 49 MAR'# 49 HRW wheat 49 Chana futures 49 chana futures 49 EURNOK 49 Euronext Liffe 49 Gbp Usd 49 LME tin 49 CBOT soyoil futures 49 Indian jeera futures 49 CBOT oat futures 49 CBOT Corn 49 Malting barley 49 CBOT soy complex 49 MGEX 49 RBOB futures 49 Jeera futures 49 Skim milk powder 49 Turmeric futures 49 India chana futures 49 IPE Brent 49 EURUSD 48 MCXCOMDEX 48 RBOB 48 Kapaskhali 48 MCX mentha oil 48 WTI Crude Oil 48 Refined Soybean Oil 48 WTI Crude 48 MCX Crude 48 robusta futures 48 COFFEE Coffee prices 48 TOCOM rubber 48 NOPA crush 48 Hedgers 48 SOFTS Cocoa 48 eCBOT market 48 Choice cutout 48 Eurodollar futures contracts 48 SOFTS Raw sugar 48 bond #'# 48 Guar futures 48 Mentha oil 48 timespread 48 tonne cif NWE 48 GBP INR 48 Premarket Dow 48 Brent crude LCOc1 48 IPE Brent crude 48 chana 48 VStoxx 48 Anil Patadia Commodity 48 USD#.# bushel 48 Indian guar futures 48 Non reportable 48 intermonth spread 48 Forex EUR JPY 48 Jeera 48 pork cutout 48 refined soya 48 Guar Seed 48 SOFTS Sugar 48 COMEX silver 48 CME feeder cattle 48 euribor futures 48 Tim Hannagan 48 48 German Bund 48 Milling wheat 48 Brent LCOc1 48 Eds Contains livestock 48 Noncommercial net 47 COT cutoff 47 per quintal clocking 47 JPY INR 47 NMCE Rubber 47 Implied volatilities 47 intraweek 47 ICE Gasoil 47 LCOc1 47 euribor 47 Liffe 47 LIVE CATTLE 47 #.# #JGBv# 47 LME copper 47 Gasoil futures 47 EUR SKK 47 Strategy Attempt small 47 NMCE pepper 47 Sensex slips 47 USDSGD 47 DIJF1 47 -# pips [002] 47 swissie 47 option 47 NYBOT ICE 47 ¢ bu 47 Summary Box Corn 47 47 Pork belly 47 CBOT oats futures 47 traders unwound 47 #.# bushel [001] 47 Soybean Meal 47 Heavyweight EDP 47 gilt futures 47 Sensex plunges 47 Traded volumes 47 Swap spreads 47 GBPAUD 47 DEC'# futures 47 USD MXN 47 NCDEX 47 bil bu 47 jeera pepper 47 SOYBEAN futures 47 NYMEX WTI crude 47 Boxed beef 47 #.# bushel [002] 47 COMMODITIES Gold 47 jeera 47 GBPEUR 47 ICE Brent crude 47 HRS wheat 47 COPPER1KG 47 US@CL.1 Loading 47 soyameal 47 Robusta futures 47 #.#/#.# [024] 47 profittaking 47 #.#/cwt [002] 47 NCDEX Guar seed 47 Liffe cocoa 47 NYMEX Crude Oil 47 NYMEX Crude 47 EUR PLN 47 abarrel 47 NYMEX natgas 47 Eur Jpy 47 Refined Soya Oil 47 CME hog 47 GRAINS Soybeans 47 SOYBEANS 47 guarseed 47 #.# bushel [004] 47 Crude Oil 47 GRAINS 47 USD INR 47 DXY 47 S.Africa maize deliveries 46 implied vols 46 spec longs 46 crude CLc1 46 Eurostoxx 46 MARKET WATCH Crude 46 LIBOR OIS 46 Mexican Peso Futures 46 Pork cutout 46 index futures NIFc1 46 Oil steadies above 46 soybeans soymeal 46 Pork carcass cutout 46 spread = TWEB 46 gold futures GCZ0 46 guar seed futures 46 EURAUD 46 Eurodollars futures 46 SET# Index 46 Aggressive traders 46 speculative longs 46 castorseed 46 CME Eurodollar futures 46 benchmark Ibovespa index 46 #.#/cwt lower 46 Bund yields 46 NCDEX chana 46 Cumin Seed 46 Guar Seeds 46 HRSW 46 MYR2 #/ton 46 #.#-#.# [034] 46 Nybot pit 46 GBPJPY 46 Forward premia 46 milling wheat 46 USDCHF 46 RPT PRECIOUS Gold 46 EURCHF 46 Sc1 46 Volume Averaged 46 LME stockpiles 46 mil bu 46 S.African rand 46 EUR CHF 46 Minneapolis Grain 46 Fibonacci confluence 46 Guar seed 46 EONIA 46 USD#.# barrel [001] 46 LME copper inventories 46 EUA CER spread 46 futures LCOc1 46 #.# EUR CZK 46 Summary Box Grains 46 CRB Commodity Index 46 Sensex dips 46 Vic Lespinasse 46 NYMEX WTI 46 wheat soybeans 46 steepeners 46 #.# bushel [003] 46 Eonia 46 #.#-# usd 46 Rupee Rupee 46 soybean soyoil 46 PRECIOUS Gold rises 46 Fund PCX DBA 46 wheat flour barley rye 46 weekly candlestick chart 46 feedgrain 46 Forex USD CHF 46 #-#-# KLCI 46 Swissy Usd Chf 46 Osaka JNIc1 46 JGB futures #JGBv# 46 #-#/#-month low 46 Cbot 46 per qtl 46 CBOT soybean 46 backwardated 46 Córdoba EUR USD 46 RJ O'Brien 46 bund futures 45 Currency speculators 45 LME zinc 45 CHICAGO Soybean futures 45 IMM speculators 45 Forex EUR GBP 45 LIFFE cocoa 45 soymeal settled 45 sterling Libor 45 wheat 45 NYMEX WTI Crude 45 #.#/cwt [001] 45 #.#/#.# [009] 45 oats soybeans 45 Gann angle 45 benchmark Ibovespa 45 Yen Usd Yen 45 MCX COMDEX 45 PRECIOUS Gold ticks 45 NYME 45 EURJPY 45 WIG# 45 Comex Gold 45 December soymeal settled 45 Sensex pares 45 VIX volatility 45 bearish trendline 45 KLIBOR futures 45 Ibovespa 45 -#.# [001] 45 EUR CZK 45 swissy Usd Chf 45 Dow Jones Eurostoxx 45 #/#-month highs 45 #-#/#-year peak [002] 45 Telvent DTN analyst 45 TNote 45 AUDCAD 45 timespreads 45 MONEY MARKETS Libor 45 guar seed 45 Cad Usd Cad 45 turmeric futures 45 Forex NZD USD 45 LIBOR OIS spread 45 US#/tonne 45 Euribor 45 #.#/MMBtu [001] 45 Aluminium MAL3 45 Nearby Feeder Cattle 45 sovereign CDS 45 CME Feeder Cattle 45 ICE Canola 45 AUDJPY 45 Reuters CRB Index 45 RBOB Gasoline 45 Strategy Attempt longs 45 * Naphtha swaps 45 PRECIOUS Gold dips 45 LCNS 45 Gold steadies 45 Tocom gold 45 Tocom 45 DJIA Loading 45 Hanoi HASTC Index 45 pork cutout values 45 #'# [007] 45 MIASJ#PUS #.# 45 COMEX 45 technically overbought 45 KL mart 45 .#/# [002] 45 Aussie Aud Usd 45 downmove towards 45 Pct Chg -Solomon HorseChief 45 EUR SKK #.# [002] 45 GBP CHF 45 STOCKS SNAPSHOT Indexes 45 Forex GBP JPY 45 SPDR holdings 45 EMERGING MARKETS Stocks 45 Cardamom futures 45 LME aluminum 45 National Commodity Derivatives 45 NYMEX Crude ends 45 NOB spreads 45 STOXX#E 45 daily candlestick chart 45 #.# unch 45 February pork bellies 45 rice #.# -#.# 45 AHMEDABAD Commodity Online 45 bund yields 45 3mth 45 BVSP index 45 Modified Wet Distillers 45 ICE Brent 45 MIWD#PUS rose 45 USDCAD 45 USD BRL 45 EUR HUF 45 Sensex surges 45 soybeans 45 #.#/tonne [002] 45 BankNifty 45 ProShares UltraShort Euro 45 MUMBAI Benchmarks 45 Robusta coffee 45 Globex electronic platform 45 #.# +#.# [002] 45 EGX# [001] 45 NZD AUD 45 Overnight NDFs 44 Gold XAU = 44 overbought Relative Strength 44 GBPCHF 44 ringgit tonne 44 JGB futures 44 PLN HUF 44 CLc1 44 WCE feed wheat 44 MILA#PUS 44 USD THB USD THB 44 #-#/#-week low 44 NYMEX RBOB 44 apprx # 44 FOREX Euro rises 44 aussie greenback pair 44 Spreads widened 44 Feed barley 44 VIX futures 44 bullspread 44 EurJpy 44 #.#/#.# [005] 44 weekly Ichimoku cloud 44 #DMA [002] 44 Grains soybeans 44 Brazil benchmark Ibovespa 44 Soyabean futures 44 CFTC Commitment 44 Sensex tumbles 44 tonne cif 44 JGB yield edged 44 CAD JPY 44 #/#-month lows 44 soyabeans 44 Ibovespa index 44 dated soyabean meal 44 TREASURIES Treasuries 44 EUR USD 44 Euribor futures contracts 44 Dow Jones NOL N# 44 MCX SX USDINR 44 USDX futures 44 Aud Usd #.# 44 PRECIOUS Gold edges 44 SENSEX 44 backwardation 44 nickel MNI3 44 #/#-cents 44 SOFTS 44 robusta coffee 44 #c/lb 44 Rupee eases 44 NYSE MOO 44 BRENT CRUDE 44 NCDEX turmeric 44 ETF SPY 44 Euro steadies 44 shortcovering 44 Bunds 44 Insurance Index AMBEUR 44 PRECIOUS Gold steadies 44 downward sloping trendline 44 Forex AUD NZD 44 MARKET DIRECTION Stock 44 Turmeric Futures 44 8bps 44 EURCAD 44 February lean hogs 44 .#/.# [002] 44 2bps 44 Robustas 44 Guar seed futures 44 Soybeans Corn 44 COFFEE Coffee 44 abv #.# 44 Carryover stocks 44 WTI crude oil 44 MKTS GLOB 44 LME copper stocks 44 Soybeans Rise 44 UltraShort QQQ ProShares 44 NSea Crude Forties 44 #,#-#,# tonne CIF ARA 44 bullish trendline 44 CADJPY 44 #.# +#.# [005] 44 longs 44 ICE gasoil futures 44 Euroyen futures 44 Eurodollar Futures 44 LIFFE Robusta quality 44 CHF JPY 44 Crossrate Currencies Futs Vol 44 pork bellies 44 symmetrical triangle 44 India cottonseed oilcake 44 Phutti 44 ICE Canola Futures 44 AUDNZD 44 #.#/ton [001] 44 GOL SPDR 44 grains oilseeds 44 Usd Chf 44 SGX Nifty 44 #year/# 44 MCX 44 benchmark Ibovespa stocks 44 hog slaughters 44 German bunds narrowed 44 CNY2 #/ton 44 Trade NYBOT 44 #.#-# pivot 44 usd tonne 44 #.#/#.# troy ounce 44 bollinger bands 44 AMEX GDX 44 Swissie 44 feedlot placements 44 IPE Brent Crude 44 #pips [001] 44 schatz 44 #/tonne [003] 44 benchmark Ibovespa stock 44 Planted acreage 44 Gilt futures 44 settled CNY# 44 RBOB crack spread 44 Grains Soybeans 44 RBOB unleaded gasoline 44 LCOc1 settled 44 #/cwt [002] 44 Wheat Soybeans 44 OUTSIDE MARKETS 44 BG# index 44 #.#/barrel [001] 44 NZDUSD 44 RM1 ,# RM1 44 Fibonacci resistance 44 #.#/# [009] 44 steep contango 44 German bund 44 PRECIOUS Gold steady 44 Nymex unleaded gasoline 44 soybean carryover 44 JGB futures edged 44 Rupee recovers 44 Amsterdam AEX index 44 CNY3 #/ton 43 #-#/#-month peak 43 EUR#.# outperforming [001] 43 Eur Aud 43 Eurodollar futures 43 gasoil futures 43 KS# KOSPI 43 Fueloil cargo 43 COMMODITIES 43 4bp 43 P GSCI Index 43 Libor OIS 43 German bund yields 43 volatilty 43 COMEX GOLD 43 DOLLAR INDEX 43 Cc1 43 propylene RGP 43 CBOT Soybeans 43 soybean plantings 43 USD CHF 43 COCOA Cocoa prices 43 TBond futures 43 KLCI futures 43 #.#/cwt [003] 43 Summary Box Wheat 43 ` #.#/kg 43 Rs.4 #/qtl 43 FOREX Euro falls 43 Planting Intentions 43 Usd Jpy 43 SUGAR Sugar 43 futures #JGBv# 43 bund yield 43 JPY crosses 43 WASDE 43 AUD CHF 43 Eur#.#/MWh 43 downtrending Gann angle 43 S.Africa rand steady 43 V1XI 43 NAPHTHA Asian naphtha 43 NCDEX Pepper futures 43 Bursa Derivatives 43 Dow Jones CBOT corn 43 Soybean plantings 43 Tenco bought 43 NasdaqNM CME 43 CHFJPY 43 #.#/gal [001] 43 Comex Copper 43 GRAINS AND SOYA 43 Sensex zooms 43 CNY# #/ton 43 FOREX Euro edges 43 nonreportable 43 Implied yields 43 Dollar Index 43 Mehul Agrawal 43 Aurobinda Prasad deputy 43 CMCU3 43 feeder cattle settled 43 #.#/oz [003] 43 Nymex crude 43 NMCE rubber futures 43 GDAXI 43 GLOBAL MARKETS Euro 43 Rupee strengthens 43 EUR SKK #.# [001] 43 Bund futures FGBLc1 43 ICE Brent LCOc1 43 commodity ETPs 43 Zinc CMZN3 43 Commtrendz 43 Broadcom NasdaqNM BRCM 43 CurrencyShares Euro Trust FXE 43 GBX1 #.# [002] 43 NCDEX jeera 43 real BRBY 43 AUD CAD 43 Kedia Commodity 43 twds 43 Prices NCDEX 43 HG FT 43 Secondline stocks 43 Soyabean 43 #.#/gallon [002] 43 marketings 43 corn plantings 43 ind ex 43 MONEY MARKETS Euro 43 SPY ETF 43 backspread 43 USc 43 Nearby Cocoa 43 rates EONIA = 43 Gold XAU 43 FOREX Dollar steadies 43 VDAX 43 kapaskhali futures 43 SiMSCI 43 Grains futures 43 Amsterdam AEX 43 eurusd 43 Rupee weakens 43 wheatfields underwater 43 Urad dal 43 refined soya oil 43 WTI contango 43 hedgers 43 PRECIOUS Gold climbs 43 RBOB settled 43 LGOc1 43 Rs #/quintal [002] 43 POTATOTRWR 43 #/#.# [014] 43 gold XAU = 43 7bp 43 packer margins 43 #-#/tonne FOB Korea 43 Mercantile Exchange NYMEX 43 Libors 43 PRECIOUS Gold drops 43 COPPER1KG June 43 Bullish UUP 43 MCX SX INR 43 corn soybean 43 Matif rapeseed 43 aluminum CMAL3 43 Utilities HOLDRS AMEX UTH 43 Sao Paulo Ibovespa index 43 Dharmesh Bhatia technical 43 tin CMSN3 43 WHEAT 43 NYSE SGG 43 PROPYLENE Refinery grade 43 SPDR Gold ETF GLD 43 JPMEMBIPLUS 43 Soybean acreage 43 CRB index 43 5bps 43 MSCIAPJ 43 sideway trading 43 FOREX Dollar recovers 43 Eurodollar futures yielded 43 COMMODITIES Oil 43 options expiries 43 Shekel weakens 43 arabica 43 NYMEX 43 oil futures CLc1 43 derivatives ADV 43 usd chf 43 Charles Schwab NasdaqNM SCHW 43 Karen BULLISH List 43 beef cutout 43 Soy bean 43 LME monitored 43 Soybean Corn 43 Silver XAG = 43 Swap Spreads 43 Futures ETN NYSE 43 quintal respectively 43 durum wheat 43 EURGBP 43 JTOPI 43 Nasdaq NDc1 43 underlying FBM KLCI 43 Max Naylor Stratus 43 Durum 43 MXX 43 CNH Global CNH 43 interday 43 reversal 3m #delta 42 #yr treasury yields 42 th Stock 42 TSE# 42 traded choppily 42 #/#.# [011] 42 jpy 42 PRECIOUS Gold slips 42 CLc1 Quote Profile Research 42 oilmeal exports 42 GRAINS AND SOYA Grains 42 benchmark MerVal index 42 benchmark EGX# index 42 Implied Vol 3m 42 Trendline resistance 42 strategist Frederic Ruffy 42 Unleaded Gas 42 swissy Usd Chf #.# 42 eurodollar 42 Frankfurt Dax 42 Rupee dips 42 TREASURIES Bond 42 #.# bil bu 42 #.Now support [002] 42 JP5YTN = JBTC 42 MIAPJ#PUS edged 42 Currencies Dollar 42 nickel CMNI3 42 MF NAVs 42 COPPER1KG August contract 42 #-#/# yielding #.# [003] 42 aud jpy 42 RUXX investment 42 Eur Gbp 42 Prague PX index 42 CNXIT 42 expiries 42 Remortgage approvals 42 Chicago Merchantile Exchange 42 Western Cornbelt 42 Brent crude futures 42 pork carcass cutout 42 unrefined sugar 42 stg#.#/# 42 #-#/# mth 42 Backwardation 42 JGB futures dipped 42 Darin Newsom 42 retracements 42 Naphtha cracks 42 #.#/euro 42 Wheat 42 NYBOT 42 ALLENDALE LIVESTOCK FUTURES 42 Bund yield 42 Nizamabad mandi 42 COTTON CAKE AKOLA 42 GBP AUD 42 Paul Haugens 42 NYMEX COMEX 42 USD#.# troy ounce [001] 42 tonne CIF ARA 42 FOREX Euro rallies 42 Rupee slips 42 #.# lvl 42 IJH 42 Paris Cac 42 #.#/BBL 42 DEC'# contract 42 Insect infestation 42 Libor OIS spreads 42 mn MT 42 #.#-#.#/kg 42 9bp 42 DJ MARKET TALK 42 Steel billet 42 Nymex 42 QQQQ 42 TOCOM platinum 42 Eur Usd 42 Y#.#/# [001] 42 Alaron 42 Tin CMSN3 42 GBPUSD 42 Chilli futures 42 option expiries 42 Wet Distillers Grain 42 Broader indices 42 ONEOK NYSE OKE 42 LCOc1 Quote Profile Research 42 #/bl [002] 42 Boneless beef 42 CIF NWE 42 SWAPS Spreads 42 #/tonne CIF ARA 42 BKEUR 42 Scott BULLISH List 42 future FGBLc1 42 London Brent LCOc1 42 Prospective Plantings report 42 analyst Gary Wilhelmi 42 1/bbl 42 Oil CLc1 42 palladium XPD = 42 Markit CDX IG# 42 Dated Brent Spot 42 #bbl [001] 42 FOREX Euro slips 42 LME metals 42 m bu 42 tin MSN3 42 MSCIEF 42 #USc 42 per hundredweight cwt 42 ascending triangle formation 42 Forex AUD JPY 42 Tocom rubber 42 oxygenate blending RBOB 42 MARKET DIRECTION Stocks 42 yield curve steepen 42 NYSE TLT 42 James Hyerczyk 42 BUDAPEST Hungary Crude 42 CurrencyShares Euro Trust 42 RB CL 42 Call Soymeal 42 Greeceâ 42 FuturePath Trading LLC 42 corn 42 #.# pence EURGBP 42 #.# troy ounce [002] 42 € #/tonne [002] 42 #-#/#-month [001] 42 RJ CRB Index 42 agriculturals 42 bearish candle 42 WCoast Products Gasoline 42 e cbot 42 CME Hogs 42 ForexLive Asian market 42 4/lb 42 euroyen futures 42 indexes fluctuated throughout 42 #/#-cents above 42 Composite Index CI 42 0 # SXF 42 VXO 42 Brent crude 42 CNY1 #/ton 42 Canada Grain Oilseed 42 PAGG 42 FTATBNK