Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 83 CNN Gallup Poll 78 Gallup poll 75 USA TODAY Gallup poll 74 Zogby poll 73 Ipsos poll 72 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 70 Reuters Zogby poll 70 Gallup Poll 70 NEWSWEEK Poll 70 GFK poll 70 Associated Press Ipsos poll 68 Gallup Poll finds 68 Quinnipiac poll 68 Associated Press Gfk poll 68 AP Ipsos poll 68 Zogby Poll 67 Bluegrass Poll 67 Ipsos polling 67 McClatchy Marist 67 Ipsos Poll 67 News Opinion Dynamics 66 McClatchy Ipsos poll 66 IBD TIPP poll 66 USAToday Gallup poll 66 poll 66 WNBC Marist poll 66 Populus poll 66 GfK survey 65 Ipsos McClatchy 65 Field Poll 65 Marist Poll 65 Guardian ICM poll 65 AP Gfk poll 65 Rasmussen Reports poll 65 Gallup polling 65 Zogby Interactive 64 ComRes poll 64 SurveyUSA poll 64 Gallup pollsters 63 Quinnipiac Poll 63 Rasmussen Reports 63 IFOP poll 63 IBD TIPP Poll 63 PIPA poll 63 Hart McInturff 63 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 62 Zogby International 62 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers poll 62 Pew Research 62 McClatchy Ipsos 62 Gfk poll 62 CNN WMUR poll 62 nonpartisan Pew Research 62 Rutgers Eagleton poll 62 Battleground Poll 62 Diageo Hotline 62 Ekos poll 62 Newspoll survey 61 Diageo Hotline poll 61 WMUR Granite State 61 GfK poll 61 Datafolha poll 61 GfK polls 61 YouGov poll 61 Newspoll published 60 EPIC MRA poll 60 Big Ten Battleground Poll 60 PPIC poll 60 ACNielsen poll 60 McClatchy Newspapers Marist 60 SurveyUSA poll conducted 60 Annenberg Election 60 Badger Poll 60 ICM poll 60 Associated Press GfK poll 60 Gallup Polls 60 Guardian ICM 60 CROP poll 60 Ipsos MORI poll 60 AP GfK Poll 59 PublicMind poll 59 unfavorability rating stood 59 Angus Reid poll 59 InsiderAdvantage Majority Opinion 59 Gfk Poll 59 ComRes survey 59 opinion polls 59 TNS Sofres poll 59 Environics poll 59 Rassmussen Reports 59 McClatchy MSNBC 59 Decima poll 59 SurveyUSA 59 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers Poll 59 Strongly Disapprove 59 Opinion Dynamics 59 EKOS poll 58 YouGov Plc poll 58 respondents disapproved 58 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 58 C SPAN Zogby 58 InsiderAdvantage poll 58 latest Newspoll 58 Metroscopia 58 Economist YouGov poll 58 NY1 Marist 58 disapproval rating 58 Eurobarometer poll 57 Forsa poll 57 UPI Zogby poll 57 Winthrop ETV poll 57 MSNBC Zogby poll 57 Ibope poll 57 favourability rating 57 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 57 WHDH-TV/Suffolk University 57 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 57 Newspoll 57 MORI poll 57 CNN Opinion 57 Populus survey 57 uh pe ack 56 Harris Decima poll 56 favorability rating 56 surveyed disapproved 56 Poll 56 unfavorability rating 56 C SPAN Zogby poll 56 Populus Ltd. 56 Ipsos Mori poll 56 56 An Ekos poll 56 Pollara poll 56 Datafolha 56 Dahaf poll 55 polled 55 Press Harris Decima 55 CBOS institute 55 Ipsos Reid poll 55 Zogby 55 PublicMind poll released 55 independents disapprove 55 Courier Journal Bluegrass 55 EPIC MRA 55 Qunnipiac University 55 nonpartisan Pew Hispanic 55 GfK polling 55 white evangelical Protestants 55 polls 54 favorability ratings 54 FG Wahlen 54 Gallup 54 Viavoice agency 54 Harris Decima survey 54 Herald DigiPoll survey 54 Forsa institute 54 CNN WMUR 54 Mustel poll 54 bipartisan Battleground Poll 54 BPIX poll 54 CNN WMUR TV 54 pollsters 54 WNBC Marist Poll 54 Opinion Dynamics Corp. 54 Dahaf 54 YouGov survey 54 white mainline Protestants 54 PublicMind 54 GOP leaners 54 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 54 precincts reporting Sestak 54 WMUR UNH 54 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind Poll 54 Datum poll 53 Democratic caucusgoers 53 Herald DigiPoll 53 TIPP poll 53 ComRes Ltd. 53 Ipsos 53 YouGov Plc survey 53 Quinnipac University 53 leaning independents 53 Forsa Institute 53 Ipsos Reid survey 53 Leger Marketing poll 53 Gfk Polonia 53 Tracking Poll 53 Associated Press GfK Poll 53 InsiderAdvantage Poll Position 53 AgePoll 53 favourability ratings 53 Alienation Index 53 Public Policy Polling 53 Rutgers Eagleton 53 Merdeka Centre 52 Times TNS mrbi 52 Fabrizio McLaughlin 52 Keystone Poll 52 Westpoll 52 GOP caucusgoers 52 Colmar Brunton poll 52 Congress Remain Unpopular 52 gfs.bern 52 firm Datanalisis 52 Emnid poll 52 Ifop poll 52 Gfk poll released 52 Quinnipiac University 52 Benenson Strategy Group 52 gallup poll 52 IPSOS poll 52 52 Haaretz Dialog 52 52 HealthDay poll 52 Maagar Mohot 52 Newspoll surveys 52 exit polls 52 PRRI RNS Religion 52 unaffiliateds 52 polling firm Datanalisis 52 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 52 GfK Poll conducted 52 Vox Latina 52 Newspolls 52 By NANCI HELLMICH 52 YouGov Polimetrix 52 religiously unaffiliated 52 TNS mrbi poll 51 Ipsos Public 51 Infratest poll 51 FG Wahlen surveys 51 RCP Average 51 pollster Bill McInturff 51 pollsters BVA 51 Cedatos Gallup poll 51 Catalina Camia 51 favorables 51 Dahaf Institute published 51 Dahaf Institute poll 51 biweekly Lundberg Survey 51 COMPAS poll 51 Midwesterners disapprove 51 GW Battleground 51 SurveyUSA Poll 51 OpinionWay 51 Nanos Research 51 GfK Poll 51 disapprove 51 TNS Teleseker 51 poll 51 Public Opinion Strategies 51 Ross Perot siphoned 51 researcher Forsa 51 Dahaf Institute 50 Kapa Research 50 stop behaving rudely 50 Rob Schroth 50 CID Gallup poll 50 pollsters ICM 50 ESPN WBCA Coaches 50 Mason Dixon Polling 50 Large majorities 50 Very Favorable 50 Gregg Zoroya 50 ESPN WBCA 50 USA Today 50 CATHY LYNN GROSSMAN 50 Poliarquia Consultores 50 Infratest dimap 50 Ifop 50 Leger Marketing survey 50 News Colmar Brunton 50 Ayres McHenry & 50 GfK Polonia 50 precincts reporting Landrieu 50 Education Next PEPG 50 Ipsos Apoyo poll 50 Epic MRA poll 50 markup Tollin 50 TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence 50 Maurice de Hond 50 ComRes 50 Half 50 TNS Sofres Unilog 50 unfavorables 50 NWCA Coaches Poll 50 ZOGBY 50 ISPO institute 50 NFCA Coaches Poll 50 stations WXYZ WILX 50 pessimists outnumber optimists 50 EXIT POLL 50 pollsters GfK NOP 50 MORI survey 50 Clarus Poll 50 Insider Advantage 50 ChangeWave survey 49 EPIC MRA Lansing 49 pollster Khalil Shikaki 49 Opinion polls 49 GfK Polonia institute 49 forgave Zidane 49 Adimark 49 Pollsters surveyed 49 Ayres McHenry 49 Susan Pinkus 49 SWS survey 49 Battleground Poll conducted 49 pollster Pulse 49 ESPN Coaches Poll 49 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 49 By Todd Plitt 49 By SANDRA BLOCK 49 Global Attitudes 49 BPIX 49 Op ed piece 49 CVVM 49 OF INTEREST 49 Hinterlaces 49 Ibope poll published 49 poll title = Online 49 BY SANDRA BLOCK 49 Gfk poll conducted 49 Gallup Organization 49 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 49 Polls 49 pollster ComRes 49 PBS DGA 49 unreasonable obstructionists 49 PAUL DAVIDSON 49 Ekos Research 49 survey 49 persuadable voters 49 Glengariff Group 49 fav unfav 48 Dennis Cauchon 48 pollster Apoyo 48 Strategic Counsel 48 oversamples 48 pollster Ed Goeas 48 TNS Sofres 48 Tribune WGN 48 pollster Lee Miringoff 48 director Susan Pinkus 48 optimists outnumber pessimists 48 challenger Jonathan Tasini 48 Lydia Saad 48 TNS MRBI poll 48 Polls indicate 48 Sigma Dos 48 Times Ipsos MRBI 48 Overwhelming majorities 48 TNS mrbi 48 Raghavan Mayur president 48 firm Coredata 48 Ispos 48 MARY BROPHY MARCUS 48 Weather Stations SWS 48 Suomen Gallup 48 Ifop institute 48 Just 48 IFOP 48 NOP poll 48 VTsIOM polling 48 Szonda Ipsos 48 unfavorability ratings 48 Edison Mitofsky exit 48 Pew 48 Trevor Tompson contributed 48 Iowa caucusgoers 48 Fairbank Maslin Maullin 48 Pollsters interviewed 48 surveyed 48 Emnid 48 Very Unfavorable 48 By Kathleen Fackelmann 48 BY MARLEN GARCIA 48 pollster Ed Sarpolus 48 pollster Zogby 48 Harris Poll 48 DETAILS Conducted 48 CommunicateResearch 48 TNS OBOP institute 48 CSTV AVCA Coaches 48 Ipsos Bimsa 48 institute Forsa 48 EDWARD C. BAIG 48 CVVM agency 48 pollers 48 Ipsos Mori survey 48 Ipsos Apoyo 48 respondants 48 McCain 48 ELIZABETH WEISE 48 Metron Analysis 48 MBF Healthwatch survey 48 EMRS poll 48 Viavoice 48 ROMIR 48 ICM interviewed 48 48 Fifty 47 Mr. KOHUT 47 Apoyo poll 47 pollees 47 Infratest Dimap 47 TNS OBOP 47 IBD TIPP 47 pollster Instituto Opina 47 Angus Reid Strategies 47 Independent Ralph Nader 47 strongly disapprove 47 Ibope 47 SRBI 47 Susquehanna Polling 47 Yedioth poll 47 Exit polls 47 AP Gfk Poll 47 Mc Cain 47 LIZ SZABO • 47 Dennis Jacobe 47 Pollster Andrew Kohut 47 CPAC straw poll 47 Substantial majorities 47 By Liz Szabo 47 YouGov Plc 47 polltakers 47 Democratic caucus goers 47 Almost 47 47 frontrunner Rudy Giuliani 47 respondents 47 47 hypothetical matchups 47 Sifo poll 47 Rodham Clinton 47 Strongly Approve 47 precincts reporting Deutch 47 BY LIZ SZABO 47 Lori Weigel 47 47 plurality 47 BY NANCI HELLMICH 47 Critical Insights 47 Strongly Favor repeal 47 Geocartographia 47 Alan Secrest 47 EKOS Research 47 Mainline Protestants 47 Bush 47 By Robert Hanashiro 47 Teleseker published 47 Capacent Gallup poll 47 Poliarquia Consultores suggested 47 Korina Lopez 47 pollster 47 Taloustutkimus 47 By Greg Toppo 47 repealing DADT 47 Synovate Temo 46 commuted Libby sentence 46 Guest lineups 46 MasterCard SpendingPulse survey 46 Ann Selzer 46 Sarpolus 46 Sizable majorities 46 survery 46 Teleseker 46 pluralities 46 publisher Trilby Lundberg 46 By Anthony Breznican 46 Wirthlin Worldwide 46 RoperASW 46 JOHN ZOGBY 46 Andrew Kohut 46 Suan Dusit Poll 46 Opinion Research 46 Lonnstrom 46 Trounstine 46 Eurobarometer survey 46 AVCA Coaches Top 46 SANEP 46 An IFOP poll 46 AP GfK Battleground 46 Ekos survey 46 Univision Poll 46 pollster Mark Baldassare 46 Feingold D Wis 46 Latinobarometro 46 ESPN USAToday 46 SWS surveys 46 Ulat ng Bayan 46 THE POLL 46 Debat acknowledged 46 Undecideds 46 STEPHANIE ARMOUR 46 ComRes interviewed 46 reporter Elisabeth Bumiller 46 Associated Press Ipos poll 46 WNBC Marist College 46 PBS DGA poll 46 consultant Bernie Pinsonat 46 Goeas 46 Léger Marketing poll 46 Latinobarómetro 46 Rehnquist hospitalization 46 Jorge Buendia 46 Globicus coincident index 46 http:/ 46 Adam Clymer 46 adviser Rand Beers 46 Ifop polling agency 46 VPRC 46 persuadables 46 Karlyn Bowman 46 Rumsfeld micromanaged 46 Consulta Mitofsky 46 Strongly Favor 46 Constituent Dynamics 46 Epic MRA 46 TIPP unit 46 Markinor survey 46 buyer remorse Wolfson 46 PEW Research 45 Eleftheros Typos newspaper 45 Altmire Y 45 Warrantless wiretapping 45 DETAILS Conducted Sept. 45 International Policy Attitudes 45 Blogger Sentiment 45 Allensbach Institute 45 Democrat Celinda Lake 45 45 Mina Zemach 45 Emnid institute 45 By Nanci Hellmich 45 UMR Research 45 Strongly Disapprove giving 45 Douglas Stanglin 45 Teleseker poll 45 Anzalone Liszt 45 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 45 CVVM poll 45 KATHY KIELY 45 novice Ned Lamont 45 By Dan Vergano 45 pollster Synovate 45 Bill Keveney 45 Herald Digipoll 45 Populus interviewed 45 MIKE SNIDER 45 BCS standings Weiberg 45 CID Gallup 45 SMG KRC 45 IFOP agency 45 SUSAN PAGE 45 Dick Polman 45 Datanalisis poll 45 Dahaf polling institute 45 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 45 Reuters Econometer 45 Bernie Porn 45 Generic Ballot 45 CONSOLIDATED BUDGET 45 45 AC Neilsen poll 45 GEA ISA 45 BigResearch 45 NEC Preseason Coaches 45 Lundberg Survey 45 Dr. Nabil Kukali 45 By Sue Kirchhoff 45 Opinium Research carried 45 mtvU poll 45 George W. Bush 45 Jennifer Agiesta contributed 45 Pollster Darrell Bricker 45 YouGov 45 PublicMind Poll 45 KRC Research 45 Kerry 45 Quinnipac 45 45 Pollsters 45 By PAUL QUEARY 45 hasty pullout 45 Obama disowns critique 45 Midghall Inc. 45 strategist Ed Goeas 45 45 Mike Mokrzycki 45 Hugick 45 pollster Taloustutkimus 45 Auspoll 45 InsiderAdvantage 45 USCHO CSTV 45 IPSOS MORI 45 Pluralities 45 Glengariff Group Inc. 45 Digipoll 45 By Eileen Blass 45 CAMARILLO Calif. Gasoline 45 JAYNE O'DONNELL 45 INSOMAR 45 Huge majorities 45 By Roscoe Nance 45 Democratic pollster Celinda 45 THE FACTS Biden 45 candidate Ralph Nader 45 By Vicki Michaelis 45 ROMIR Monitoring 45 CHRIS WOODYARD 45 Opinium 45 RICHARD WOLF • 45 adviser Greg Strimple 45 Andy Kohut 45 Evi Mustel 45 GMIPoll 45 audiotaped message 45 Jerome Sainte Marie 45 editor Trilby Lundberg 45 By BABE WAXPAK 45 bigamy polygamy incest 45 By RON MORRIS 45 Noelle Knox 45 NFCA Poll 44 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 44 pollster Ipsos Reid 44 Quinnpiac 44 Pechter Middle East 44 Mathew Greenwald & 44 uncritical cheerleader 44 Datum Internacional 44 pollster Darrell Bricker 44 polling 44 NEWSWEEK POLL 44 strategist Mark Mellman 44 Forsa polling institute 44 Telhami 44 By MARY DEIBEL 44 By ARMANDO SALGUERO 44 Bob Velin 44 crosstabs 44 Kathy Kiely 44 pre-#/# worldview 44 preprimary polls 44 Howey Gauge Poll 44 Mustel 44 leadoff Iowa caucuses 44 SCOTT BOWLES 44 percent/# 44 Ed Goeas 44 ROGER YU 44 Broun N 44 weekly MasterCard SpendingPulse 44 Laura Bly 44 Allensbach 44 sampling error margin 44 ChangeWave Research 44 Taloustutkimus interviewed 44 preelection polls 44 H. Darr Beiser 44 Nanci Hellmich 44 latest AAII Sentiment 44 By Dan MacMedan 44 spokesman Naoya Narita 44 RUSSERT 44 Julia Kiden 44 By Malcolm Maclachlan 44 Mary Beth Marklein 44 midterm elections 44 Hall Singe 44 MRBI poll 44 Informe Confidencial 44 By Tom Spousta 44 Roper ASW 44 Forsa polling agency 44 Weekday circulation 44 Religious Identification 44 pollster Andrew Kohut 44 Infratest 44 pollster Mark Mellman 44 NFCA poll 44 RT Strategies 44 UPI Zogby 44 Harstad Strategic Research 44 Datafolha polling institute 44 Maria Puente 44 pollster Joel Benenson 44 Schur nephew 44 poll 44 Populus 44 Robert Klemko 44 LH2 poll 44 nonpartisan Kaiser 44 Spherion Employee Confidence Index 44 Equipos Mori 44 By BRIDGET BYRNE 44 correspondent Suzanne Malveaux 44 favorability 44 Mina Tzemach 44 TOM VANDEN BROOK 44 Tarrance Group 44 GfK battleground 44 Presumptive Democratic nominee 44 Katharine Seelye 44 polling institute gfs.bern 44 Ipsos Mori 44 Universidad de Lima 44 Auspoll survey 44 nonscientific poll 44 DAVID BROOKS 44 AVCA Coaches Poll 44 DeGette Y 44 Pulse Opinion 44 Maagar Mohot polling 44 s 44 McCain R Ariz 44 Judy Keen 44 RealClearPolitics 44 Bruce Horovitz 44 PIPA 44 Rebecca Heslin 44 ALAN LEVIN 44 Less 44 By BARRY SHLACHTER 44 challenger Dick DeVos 44 Investor Optimism 44 Persuadable voters 44 analyst Stuart Rothenberg 44 plusers 44 KATHY CHU 44 Forsa 44 oversample 44 Trillion Dollar Gap 44 outpolls 44 unscientific straw 44 pollster Frank Luntz 44 Seth Livingstone 44 Ipsos MORI interviewed 44 HSNSI stood 44 Instituto Sensus 44 BIG EAST Preseason Coaches 44 Marist pollster 43 TNS Teleseker survey 43 Independent Anthony Pollina 43 GRAHAM MESSNER 43 Unabashedly conservative 43 Rasmussen Reports Telephone 43 Rural Mainstreet economic 43 ambivalent networkers 43 ELYSA GARDNER 43 Ipsos Markinor 43 Iowa caucus goers 43 Fritz Wenzel 43 Hunter Bacot 43 Insomar 43 web 43 WILLIAM KRISTOL 43 Anne Rochell Konigsmark 43 Saddam Mutar 43 Ipsos MRBI 43 Survey Superdelegates Jump 43 Telephone Omnibus 43 IPSOS 43 HuffPost Pollster 43 NAFTA Goolsbee 43 RBC CASH Index 43 ANDREW KOHUT 43 TNS MRBI 43 By JERRY TIPTON 43 MetroPOLL 43 Director Susan Pinkus 43 An ICM Populus 43 James Webb D-Va. 43 Stephen Ansolabehere political 43 journal Demography 43 poll 43 GlobeScan 43 pardon Toussie 43 CCH Unscheduled Absence 43 Suan Dusit poll 43 Ed Sarpolus 43 Corn silked 43 Pollster Ed Sarpolus 43 Sean Trende 43 pollsters Populus 43 Associated Press poll 43 Dahaf Research 43 Surveys 43 Dimap 43 Forsa polling 43 analyst Trilby Lundberg 43 spokeswoman Adora Andy 43 surveys 43 Fairbank Maslin Maullin Metz 43 By Roger Cleaveland 43 Darin Calcut 43 Yougov poll 43 nonpartisans 43 Pastor Hagee views 43 Donna Freydkin 43 By Donna Freydkin 43 Social Attitudes 43 Biggert N 43 unpredictable multicandidate race 43 Claudia Puig 43 Cedatos Gallup 43 CNN Jack Cafferty 43 NewYorkCountryLawyer # * 43 already erupting Solidum 43 By LANCE GAY 43 Implied vols 43 challenger Renee Ellmers 43 Casey Wian 43 reporter Michael Isikoff 43 Margaret Kenski 43 Mario Canseco 43 Kaiser Family 43 David Ehrenstein headlined 43 http:/ 43 ISM nonmanufacturing index 43 offered angry denouncements 43 Polling Institute 43 Ipsos Markinor survey 43 CSTV Division 43 Steve Wieberg 43 Datanalisis 43 Kitty Bean Yancey 43 Indo Barometer 43 Gasoil cargo 43 optimists outweigh 43 incomes scarcely budged 43 HSNSI 43 voters 43 Only 43 Julie Schmit 43 Jacqueline Blais 43 Pollster ICM interviewed 43 Decima Research 43 hopeless Terkel told 43 overwhelming majorities 43 Metropoll 43 IssuesPA Pew poll 43 declawing debarking 43 Mark Mellman pollster 43 Joel Benenson 43 OBOP showed 43 memoirs Decision Points 43 NABE Outlook 43 Gilles Duceppe Bloc Quebecois 43 nonpresidential election 43 respected Levada Analytical 43 spokeswoman Marion Steinfels 43 viewed unfavorably 43 Liz Szabo 43 DiBileo 43 Anthony DeBarros 43 Speech #/#/# 43 Léger Marketing 43 BOGOR Indonesia 43 Martin Sieff 43 purplish indelible ink 43 unyielding partisanship 43 Darrell Bricker 42 Depressive disorders afflict 42 slaves Hollaway 42 Balance Luzon 42 stations WXYZ WJRT 42 http:/ 42 spokeswoman Nicole Guillemard 42 Michael Falgoust 42 Afrobarometer survey 42 pollsters Mori 42 RealClear Politics 42 CBOS 42 Geocartography Institute 42 Hardball MSNBC 42 Inside Lacrosse Media 42 Mustel Group 42 Gallup Healthways 42 AVCA poll 42 Populus interviewed random 42 #,# WeddingWire newlyweds 42 Celinda Lake Democratic 42 Opinium Research 42 unscientific poll 42 ticket splitters 42 By SABAH JERGES 42 ROVE Well 42 Democrat Al Gore 42 NBC Tim Russert 42 By RANDY GALLOWAY 42 By ME SPRENGELMEYER 42 Democrat Kendrick Meek 42 magazine ABT SRBI 42 troop surge 42 CRAWFORD TEXAS 42 CNT Sensus 42 Leger Marketing 42 lovers Suwat 42 Weprin Associates 42 Pollara Strategic Research 42 Bill McInturff 42 Voted Nay 42 tremendously dimwitted 42 Transatlantic Trends 42 NIKKI PRESTON Waikato 42 challenger Ned Lamont 42 American Religious Identification 42 unfavorability 42 ad linage 42 Greg Boeck 42 Andrea Mandell 42 antiwar sentiment 42 perceived closeness 42 Ciruli Associates 42 RBC CASH 42 Stephanie Armour 42 Steven Kull 42 By LES BLUMENTHAL 42 premarket trading 3Par 42 BIGResearch 42 Two thirds 42 challenger Lynn Swann 42 Eurobarometer 42 Blumenauer Y 42 Gregory Korte 42 Tim Vercellotti 42 MICHAEL GERSON 42 BPIX survey 42 troop withdrawal timetable 42 Joan Vennochi 42 Humala overtook 42 LIASSON Well 42 AAII sentiment 42 Unenrolled voters 42 Fredreka Schouten 42 wishy washy mealy mouthed 42 pollster Verne 42 Incomplete returns 42 National Intelligence Estimate 42 By CHUCK CAMPBELL 42 firm Penn Schoen 42 Nikolic Radicals 42 Editions Highlights 42 Public Opinion MCIPO 42 Favorability ratings 42 Col. Ralph Kauzlarich 42 industry analyst Trilby 42 On NAFTA Goolsbee 42 ABC7 Listens 42 Democrat Vostal 42 Andy Arrenquin Appeal 42 Thalia Assuras reports 42 BRUCE HOROVITZ 42 MCain 42 8NewsNow 42 Photo Tony Avelar 42 Pollsters YouGov 42 Amy Gahran Special 42 Inhofe R Okla 42 Qunnipiac 42 Health NSDUH 42 Chilcott Inquiry 42 Matthew Dowd 42 Curtis Gans director 42 Ipsos Reid 42 Linda DiVall 42 UMich consumer sentiment 42 By KAREN MACPHERSON 42 Adam Nagourney 42 UMich index 42 BALTIMORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 42 Marttila Communications 42 Greg Toppo 42 voter apathy inexcusable 42 ROBERT BIANCO 42 official Zekria Barakzai 42 pollster Renato Mannheimer 42 Strongly Opposed 42 AGE BIRTH DATE LOCATION 42 DAN REED 42 #.#/# -#.# 42 Bucuvalas Inc. 42 critic Claudia Puig 42 nonscientific survey 42 Giuseppe Boccardi told 42 Washington DC ENEWSPF 42 Unemployment hovers 42 Opposes scheduling 42 DayQuil capsules 42 wife Serwin Suker 42 frequent churchgoers 42 deadlier outbreaks 42 Illinois senator 42 GMA George Stephanopoulos 42 LUNTZ