Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 78 Change - [001] 73 Percent Percent 71 -Edgewater Networks 70 # -GT2 RS 69 Quarter Ended Quarter Ended 69 THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 68 YTD YTD 68 ENDED MARCH 68 NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 67 SELECTED BALANCE SHEET DATA 67 YEAR TO DATE 67 unaudited unaudited unaudited unaudited 67 Average Average 67 -JUNCTION 67 Fourth Quarter Ended 67 # -DiBacco 67 BY SEGMENT 66 # -loudly protested 66 -Bullying Prevention 66 unaudited unaudited unaudited 66 Six Months Ended Ended 65 Nine Months Ended Ended 65 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 65 Months Ended Ended Ended 65 SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 65 -Name Directory DND 65 Net Charge Offs 65 -Clu 65 Nine Months Nine Months 65 Second Quarter Ended 65 Fiscal Quarter Ended 65 Ended Three Months 65 Unaudited Unaudited Net 65 Ended Ended Ended Ended 65 FINANCIAL DATA 65 Thousands Unaudited 65 Third Quarter Ended 64 -Quarriers 64 unaudited unaudited 64 Quarter Ended Six Months 64 - ASSETS Current [013] 64 SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE 64 Quarter Ended Nine Months 64 OPERATING RESULTS 64 Ended Ended Ended 64 Months Months 64 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 64 FINANCIAL AND 64 INCOME STATEMENT 64 Six Months Six Months 64 SEGMENT INFORMATION 64 PER SHARE DATA 64 Year Ended Ended 64 Unaudited Unaudited 64 #/#/# #/#/# [011] 64 Restated Restated 64 Unaudited Six Months 64 - Revenues [007] 64 Three Months Ended Ended 63 Three Months Twelve Months 63 Unaudited Quarter Ended 63 AND SUBSIDIARIES 63 THE THREE MONTHS 63 SUBSIDIARIES 63 - [005] 63 ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES 63 Month Period Ended 63 - [036] 63 Six Months Ended 63 amounts Quarter Ended 63 - [006] 63 - [023] 63 Twelve Months Ended Ended 63 -sodium chloride 63 - Revenues [009] 63 -MSPmentor 63 THREE MONTHS ENDED 63 SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 63 - [040] 63 Quarter Quarter 63 BALANCE SHEET DATA 63 Average Balance 63 Three Months Ended - 63 Unaudited Assets Current 62 GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES 62 OPERATING ACTIVITIES 62 -Hanagan 62 #Q# #Q# #Q# #Q# 62 -stockcar 62 - Revenues [010] 62 - [015] 62 =shen 62 unaudited ASSETS Current 62 - [029] 62 - [014] 62 CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS 62 Unaudited Audited 62 -Fili 62 Months Months Ended 62 AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE 62 NET EARNINGS