
Related by string. comparability * * enhances comparability . items impacting comparability . items affecting comparability . comparability purposes . Items impacting comparability . Items affecting comparability . Items Impacting Comparability . affecting comparability . Items Affecting Comparability . distort comparability . impacting comparability . Employees Pay Comparability *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 67 Non GAAP Disclosures 65 Non GAAP Measure 64 Pro Forma EPS 64 Adjusted Diluted EPS 64 Adjusted Non GAAP 63 FINANCIAL CONDITION AND 63 Items Affecting Comparability 63 non GAAP Measures 62 Supplemental Non GAAP 62 Consolidated Cash Flow 61 Specified Items 61 Recent Accounting Pronouncements 61 Non GAAP Diluted EPS 61 nonGAAP 60 Before Unusual Items 60 Noninterest Expense 60 Unaudited Pro Forma 60 NON GAAP MEASURES 60 GAAP Diluted EPS 60 Reconciliation Tables 60 Diluted Earnings Per Share 59 Cautionary Factors 59 Pro Forma Results 59 Cautionary Information 59 Normalized EBIT 59 -Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki 59 =America Airline Satisfaction 59 LPT Agreement 59 Supplementary Data 59 Significant Items 59 > > > [002] 59 Normalized EBITDA 59 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 59 Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated 59 WESTWOOD ONE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL 59 Impairment Charges 59 Incr 59 Supplemental Disclosures 59 -Lighting Designers 59 Non Recurring 59 Exceptional Items 59 Segment Margin 59 PremierWest Bancorp Announces 59 Fully Diluted EPS 58 Consolidated EBITDAR 58 Currency Translation 58 GAAP Measures 58 Premiums Written 58 Balance Sheet Cash Flow 58 Leveraged Lease 58 Non GAAP Reconciliation 58 Normalized EPS 58 NON GAAP 58 Non GAAP adjustments 58 Non IFRS 58 CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 58 GAAP Adj 58 Sequential Quarterly 58 Operational Metrics 58 Pretax Income 58 Tax Expense 58 Supplemental Data 58 Reportable Segment 58 Fourth Quarter Dividend 58 Reconciling Items 58 Consolidated Condensed Statement 58 Condensed Cash Flow 58 Adjusted Basis 58 Items affecting comparability 58 FUND Consolidated Statements 58 Adjusted EBT 58 Foreign Currency Translation 58 impacting comparability 58 Revised Guidance 58 Items Impacting Comparability 58 items affecting comparability 58 Acquisition Related 57 AND PRO FORMA 57 Earnings Per Diluted 57 Measures Reconciliation 57 Non Recurring Items 57 = Non GAAP [014] 57 -Ganga aarti 57 Cost Structure 57 POLYCOM INC. GAAP 57 non gaap 57 Condensed Consolidated Income 57 Summary Table 57 Goodwill Impairment Charge 57 FINANCIAL MEASURES 57 Accounting Policies 57 Pro Forma EBITDA 57 NON RECURRING ITEMS 57 Previously Disclosed 57 SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statement 57 Pro Forma Adjusted 57 Financial Measures 57 Maintenance Capital Expenditures 57 Items impacting comparability 57 captioned Adjusted EBITDA 57 EBITDA Calculation 57 OPERATING EARNINGS LOSS 57 Quarterly Dividends 57 Adjusted Cash Flow 57 Pro Forma Net 57 Fourth Quarter Earnings Per 57 FFO Per Share 57 AND SUBSIDIARIES SEGMENT REPORTING 57 Pro Forma Operating 57 Pro forma EBITDA 57 Statistical Tables 57 Lifts FY# Revenue 57 netincome 57 affecting comparability 57 Fourth Quarter Ended 57 -Sheikh Mohammed Godolphin 56 Historical Pro Forma 56 FY# Guidance 56 XPEL Announces 56 Add subtract 56 Adjusted FIFO EBITDA 56 Non Gaap 56 Related Costs 56 Unaudited Reconciliation 56 Discretionary Cash Flow 56 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION 56 IFRS IFRS 56 Pro forma EPS 56 Qtr Ended 56 Pro Forma Adjusted EBITDA 56 Earnings Per Share 56 AND ADJUSTED 56 EARNINGS UNAUDITED 56 Not Meaningful 56 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. 56 Projected Release Date 56 > > > > 56 Critical Accounting Policies 56 Adjusted EBITDAS 56 Sensitivity Analysis 56 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated 56 Total Capitalization 56 Comparative Figures 56 - -Hector Allende 56 NON GAAP RECONCILIATION 56 Amount Amount 56 PER DILUTED SHARE 56 Impairment Losses 56 Pro Forma Earnings Per 56 Interest Coverage Ratio 56 Core FFO 56 -Andrea Seabrook 56 EBIT Margin 56 Kaydon Corporation Announces 56 EBITDAC 56 EXCLUDING SPECIAL ITEMS 56 Diluted Share 56 NON GAAP FINANCIAL INFORMATION 56 EPS Guidance 56 Disclosure Controls 56 Reports 56 Provides FY# EPS 56 SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Consolidated Statements 56 See IRS Publication 56 unaudited Consolidated Statements 56 Disclosure Requirements 56 -Kaloki 56 Cash Flow Statement 56 Selected GAAP Measures 56 -Edgewater Networks 56 Pro Forma Non GAAP 56 Raises FY# EPS 56 Cash Flow Statements 56 SEGMENT RESULTS 56 Pro forma diluted 56 FY# FY# FY# 56 EOG RESOURCES INC. 56 Fourth Quarter Ended Twelve 56 Regulatory Developments 56 Stock Repurchases 56 Diluted EPS 56 Retained Earnings unaudited 55 - -DARDEN 55 USGAAP 55 comparability 55 Adjusted Gross Profit 55 First BanCorp Announces 55 Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA 55 IBERIABANK Corporation Reports 55 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING RESULTS 55 #/#/# #/#/# - [002] 55 Asure Software Announces 55 Guidance Quick Facts 55 Maintains FY# 55 Assuming Dilution 55 Deferrals 55 AND SUBSIDIARY Condensed Consolidated 55 Winmark Corporation Announces 55 Going Concern Qualification 55 LUXOTTICA GROUP CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL 55 Guidance Range 55 GASB Issues 55 Thallion Announces 55 Third Consecutive Quarter 55 -Krefeld Germany 55 Q1 FY# EPS 55 OPERATING SEGMENTS 55 Tables reconciling 55 COMPANY CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS 55 Quarterly Dividend Payment 55 ROCA Reports 55 Subsidiaries Consolidated Condensed 55 Second Quarter Dividend 55 Revises FY# 55 Income Applicable 55 Footnote Table 55 Floating Rate Debt 55 Segment Highlights 55 analyst William 55 Constant Currency 55 Stock Compensation Expense 55 Reaffirms FY 55 GAAP BASIS 55 Payout Ratio 55 -Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC 55 Reiterates Guidance 55 ANALYSIS OF 55 REPORTED GAAP 55 Based Compensation Expense 55 Quarter Comparison 55 Non GAAP Measurements 55 Functional Outcomes 55 BioFuel Announces 55 Pro Rata 55 Discontinued Ops 55 #,# =Jaegle 55 EARNINGS SUMMARY 55 REIT Taxable 55 Backs FY# 55 -Laemmle Music 55 EARNINGS AND 55 Items excluded 55 Adjusted Earnings 55 adopting SFAS #R 55 Forward Looking Guidance 55 Unlevered Free Cash Flow 55 OPERATING INFORMATION 55 Nine Months Months 55 Expandable Polystyrene 55 Asset Impairment Charge 55 -ANDREA SACHS 55 FIRSTMERIT CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES 55 Adjusted EBITDAX 55 Reaffirms FY# Revenue 55 Comparable Basis 55 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION 55 AND RATIOS 55 AND OTHER SELECTED DATA 55 - Non GAAP [031] 55 Fixed Charges 55 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 55 reconciles GAAP 55 Nine Month 55 Oil Refineries Announces 55 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 55 Insteel Industries Announces 55 Underwriting Income Loss 55 CorVel Announces 55 TO NET CASH 55 -Elie Nadelman 55 HUMAN SCIENCES INC. Condensed 55 Consolidated Cash Flows 55 UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY 55 Goodwill Impairment 55 GATEHOUSE MEDIA INC. AND 55 Balance Sheet Restructuring 55 Revises Full 55 IAROC 55 Adjusted EBIT 55 Non GAAP reconciliations 55 Income Per Share 55 Fourth Quarter Cash Dividend 55 Nine Month Periods 55 RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES 55 #.#-# Evaluation Commercial 55 SOUTHWEST BANCORP INC. 55 Och Ziff Funds 55 Distributions Paid 55 #,#,# =blueberries strawberries 55 Catastrophe Losses 55 Six Month Periods 55 Managements Discussion 55 Upward Revision 54 Recurring FFO 54 Financial Ratios 54 AND RECONCILIATION OF 54 SMURFIT STONE CONTAINER CORPORATION 54 Nymox Reports 54 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 54 Lifts FY# EPS 54 - Adjusted [018] 54 SEGMENTED INFORMATION 54 Adjusted Operating Expenses 54 Income Loss Per Share 54 Boosts FY# 54 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS 54 Merger Related 54 Non GAAP Basis 54 OF EARNINGS UNAUDITED 54 Fully Diluted Earnings Per 54 Diluted Earnings 54 Possible Loan Losses 54 Matches Estimate 54 Gross Premiums Written 54 Preliminary Third Quarter 54 Comprehensive Income Loss 54 Palladon Announces 54 INC. Supplemental 54 Equity Investees 54 Statutory Accounts 54 PRO FORMA 54 Noninterest Expenses 54 PetroQuest Energy Announces 54 Quantifiable 54 Herbalife Ltd. Announces 54 BERKSHIRE HILLS BANCORP INC. 54 TriCo Bancshares Announces 54 Fully Diluted Earnings 54 Supplemental Disclosure 54 - Three MZigWheels 54 PER UNIT 54 Compensation Expenses 54 BioFuel Reports 54 Preliminary Second Quarter 54 Realized Gains 54 Reaffirms Full 54 Third Quarter Dividend 54 Condition unaudited 54 QUARTER ENDED JUNE 54 Bladex Announces 54 AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT 54 IDEXX Laboratories Announces 54 AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements 54 Downward Pressure 54 Aircastle Announces 54 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 54 -6News Jennifer 54 = Diluted [019] 54 -Keops 54 Results Release Date 54 Company Periodic Filings 54 Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow 54 -Unprovoked 54 TOTAL COMPANY 54 #,#,# #,#,# = [010] 54 STOCK BASED COMPENSATION 54 nonoperating income 54 From Continuing Operations 54 = Per [007] 54 Pro Forma Income 54 Habersham Bancorp Announces 54 Lifts FY# 54 Operating Results 54 FASB ASC 54 See Attachment 54 - -OfficeMax ImPress R 54 PIONEER DRILLING COMPANY 54 -Lee Seung chul 54 Segmental 54 Cash Flow Provided 54 Retained Earnings Deficit 54 Earnings Guidance 54 Guides FY# Earnings 54 Net Income Loss 54 Normalized Payout Ratio 54 Adjustments Adjusted 54 Tightens FY# 54 Plumas Bancorp Reports 54 Non Controlling Interests 54 Favorable Unfavorable 54 Corporate Overhead 54 Revises Third Quarter 54 -plastisol 54 Quarter Ended Year 54 - Unaudited UnauditWatercutter 54 -AL Gustin 54 Condensed Statement 54 Exclude Restructuring 54 CHINA TRANSINFO TECHNOLOGY CORP. 54 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 54 Non GAAP Proforma 54 Annualized Return 54 Expense Adjustment 54 Funds Declare Dividends 54 STOCK BASED COMPENSATION EXPENSE 54 Cost Reductions 54 Twelve Months Ending 54 Condensed Consolidated 54 Deprecation 54 Comparable RevPAR 54 - Non Shane Germann 54 = Non GAAP [005] 54 Virco Announces 54 items impacting comparability 54 Reveals Significant 54 REGARDING NON GAAP 54 Average Balance Sheet 54 Nine Months Nine Months 54 OPERATING AND 54 Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr 54 Comparative Condensed Consolidated Statements 54 Lifts FY# Earnings 54 ViRexx Announces 54 Taxable equivalent 54 -Employment Eligibility Verification 54 Affirms FY# 54 Backs FY# Revenue 54 Three Month Periods 54 PIXMA MX# Office 54 Sequential Quarterly Statistical 54 INC. UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED 54 BROADCOM CORPORATION Unaudited 54 Non GAAP diluted 54 HIGHLIGHTS Three Months 54 Non GAAP Reconciliations 54 CARDINAL HEALTH INC. AND 54 - - [046] 53 Excluding Unusual Items 53 [004] 53 #H# #H# 53 Appendix 4E 53 SUBSIDIARIES Unaudited Condensed Consolidated 53 unaudited consolidated balance sheets 53 Percentage Change 53 CRITICAL ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES 53 Univest Corporation Declares 53 FAS CAS pension 53 STATEMENT OF EARNINGS 53 Reaffirms FY# EPS 53 Content Outline 53 FSP FAS #-# 53 Fourth Qtr 53 Loan Delinquencies 53 CASELLA WASTE SYSTEMS INC. 53 Financing Costs 53 -ABGL 53 > > [002] 53 Restruc 53 Operational Results 53 AOCL 53 Guidance Guidance 53 PPD Declares 53 - Adjusted [001] 53 > > > [001] 53 FFO FFO 53 53 Backs FY# Earnings 53 - -Ascaron 53 Slashes FY# 53 Diluted Income Loss 53 Unusual Items 53 Q#/FY# 53 FIFO EBITDA 53 -Lake Andrusia 53 Gross Margins 53 Fifth Consecutive Quarter 53 Texas Instruments Narrows 53 Backs FY# EPS 53 Revises FY# EPS 53 Non GAAP Adjustments 53 NET INCOME AS REPORTED 53 Set Asides 53 FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNAUDITED 53 standardized distributable cash 53 Three Months Twelve Months 53 reconciles EBITDA 53 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURES REGARDING NON 53 Van Kampen Closed End 53 - -Yang Ailun climate 53 GAAP Basis 53 Supplemental Financials 53 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 53 Cuts FY# EPS 53 Unrealized Gain 53 Variable Interest Entities VIEs 53 - Babelgum Online 53 condensed consolidated balance sheets 53 #M# #M# 53 OF EARNINGS Unaudited 53 Critical Accounting 53 Q# Q# Q# 53 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA 53 Guides Q2 53 operatingincome 53 AirIQ Announces 53 Estimate Estimate 53 QUARTER QUARTER 53 Profit Margin 53 Summary RECONCILIATION OF 53 AND TAXES 53 -Gail Lissner vice 53 INC. SUPPLEMENTAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION 53 .# Per Share 53 FIRST DATA CORPORATION 53 Hematological Cancers 53 HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS INC. 53 Condensed Income 53 Proxy Disclosure 53 REPORTS SECOND QUARTER 53 Pennichuck Corporation Announces 53 -Hanzala Malik 53 EBITDA Margin 53 Earnings Release Schedule 53 Tops Estimate Update 53 AMR CORPORATION NON 53 Ameris Bancorp Reports 53 TRICO MARINE SERVICES INC. 53 Fully diluted #,#,# #,#,# 53 EOP Employees 53 Synthetic Fuel 53 Profitability Ratios 53 Purchased Intangible Assets 53 Restruct 53 Segmented Results 53 Earnings Announcement Date 53 - -Belusko 53 Synalloy Corporation Announces 53 adjusted ebitda 53 corresponding reconciliations 53 * Reclassified 53 -Primetime Emmy nominations 53 PRO FORMA RESULTS 53 AND ADJUSTED DILUTED EARNINGS 53 Non GAAP Adjusted 53 Adjusted diluted 53 Premiums Earned 53 AND FUNDS FROM 53 =Marc Dreier 53 Newmont Declares Regular 53 SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements 53 Delinquency Rates 53 FINANCIAL SERVICES GUIDE 53 Lowers FY# EPS 53 NET INCOME TO NON 53 = Earnings [026] 53 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. AND 53 NET INCOME TO ADJUSTED 53 Credit Losses 53 EBIAT 53 Accruals 53 MEASUREMENTS 53 Spherix Announces 53 Stent Placement 53 Distribution Coverage Ratio 53 Antidumping Duties 53 OPERATING RESULTS 53 Rating Methodology 53 -tiger muskies 53 CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME 53 PER SHARE AMOUNTS 53 Standardized Distributable Cash 53 Fully diluted EPS 53 Significant Accounting Policies 53 Non GAAP Pro Forma 53 CALCULATION 53 Additions Accrual Basis 53 Record Second Quarter 53 sampling variability 53 AND CASH FLOW 53 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED 53 = [010] 53 REPORTED RESULTS 53 Earnings Loss 53 Sequential Quarter 53 MMLP Quarterly Report 53 Reviewed Reviewed 53 Raises FY# 53 Unaudited Reconciliations 53 MFFO 53 AND SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Consolidated 53 Generally Accepted Accounting Principle 53 Fully Diluted Share 53 Adjusted Pro Forma 53 Randomized Trials 53 KELLY SERVICES INC. 53 INCOME STATEMENT DATA 53 Option Expensing 53 BIG LOTS INC. AND 53 Factors Impacting 53 Net Income 53 NON GAAP NET INCOME 53 Generally Accepted 53 Gerdau Ameristeel Announces 53 Breast Cancer Incidence 53 Six Months Months 53 BROOKLINE BANCORP INC. AND 53 Inventory Valuation 53 Minimum Tax 53 Third Quarter Nine Months 53 Sono Tek Announces 53 ADJUSTED EBITDA 53 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS IN THOUSANDS 53 Common Share Assuming Dilution 53 OUTSTANDING BASIC AND DILUTED 53 Severance Costs 53 Wtd 53 Dividend Payment 53 From Operations AFFO 53 Diluted EPS Guidance 53 53 Reiterates FY# 53 Variance Variance 53 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME 53 Unaudited Second Quarter 53 Three Months EndedDecember 53 Items Affecting 53 FAR Clause #.#-# 53 Netbacks 52 Reaffirms Fiscal 52 Statutory Accounting Principles 52 = Diluted earnings [008] 52 Estimated Estimated 52 Non GAAP EPS 52 MEDTOX Scientific Announces 52 Twelve Twelve Months 52 Per Diluted 52 PHILIP MORRIS INTERNATIONAL INC. 52 Narrows FY# EPS 52 Pro Forma Revenues 52 PHOENIX TECHNOLOGIES LTD 52 = NetSao Pedro 52 Three Months Ending 52 Omnicare Declares Quarterly 52 -squalid shacks 52 Compensation Expense 52 Certifications Commercial 52 Unaudited Condensed 52 Income Loss Before 52 -Name Directory DND 52 #,# =Chavist 52 -Cedomir Jovanovic 52 FINANCIAL INFORMATION SEGMENT REPORTING 52 CNH GLOBAL NV 52 -receiver Rob Bagg 52 Strengthen Balance Sheet 52 GAAP EARNINGS 52 Reported ments 52 Cholinesterase Inhibitors 52 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 52 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS 52 Greg Giroux CONGRESSIONAL 52 SUBSIDIARIES Reconciliation 52 INC. NON GAAP 52 UNUSUAL ITEMS 52 DILUTED NET INCOME LOSS 52 END FOOTNOTE 52 Innovium Announces 52 Productivity Rises 52 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide 52 Unaudited Fourth Quarter 52 Non GAAP Measures 52 INCOME GLOBAL PAYMENTS 52 Home Buyer Seller 52 Shareholders Equity Unaudited 52 Normalized FFO 52 Appendix I. 52 Noninterest 52 Adjusted Margin 52 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 52 TOFUTTI BRANDS INC. Condensed 52 DILUTED #,#,# #,#,# [001] 52 DILUTED SHARE 52 Adjust ments 52 WELLS FINANCIAL CORP. 52 Diluted earnings 52 Reportable Segments 52 Expense Ratios 52 Flexsteel Announces 52 APPENDIX 52 Certain comparative 52 -mock incredulity 52 Appendix B 52 unaudited Amounts 52 SELECTED FINANCIAL AND 52 FINANCIAL CONDITION 52 SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENTS 52 Operations Unaudited Amounts 52 Illiquidity Risk 52 Greatly Improves 52 Beneficial Ownership 52 Improving Profitability 52 RECONCILIATION Unaudited 52 TO PRO FORMA 52 -hologram stickers 52 TOFUTTI Announces 52 -#,# -#,# [005] 52 Continuing Ops 52 Results Reflect 52 - - [126] 52 Income Statement 52 INSTRUMENTS LTD 52 Stockholder Approval 52 LKQ CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES 52 -Meadowbrook Parkway 52 OF OPERATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE 52 intersegment eliminations 52 Shareholder Equity 52 Trading Option Straddles 52 Release Explanation 52 OMNOVA Solutions Reports 52 PRO FORMA HOTEL OPERATING 52 Revised Guidelines 52 AND NON GAAP 52 COMPANIES UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED 52 Operating Efficiencies 52 Kidney Function 52 Non GAAP Gross Margin 52 Pro Forma Combined 52 NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION 52 Dividend Payout 52 FISCAL YEAR 52 Supplemental Schedules 52 Net Assets Resulting 52 ACCOUNTING STANDARDS 52 LOSS UNAUDITED 52 Predictive Value 52 Cash Basis 52 - - NetGranara 52 Genetic Variants 52 MILLIONS EXCEPT PER SHARE 52 BEFORE TAXES 52 ENDED ENDED 52 AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 52 TEB adjustment 52 adjusted EBITDAS 52 SEACOR Holdings Announces 52 TO HOLDERS OF 52 YEAR ENDED 52 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC. 52 NONRECURRING ITEMS 1 52 FASB Emerging 52 Adjusted OIBDA Margin 52 PARK OHIO HOLDINGS 52 Reporting Requirements 52 Exceed Previous 52 Taxable Income 52 Wood Preservative Chemicals 52 CFR Pt 52 EBITDA RECONCILIATION 52 - Net Income 52 Adverse Event 52 INC. Condensed Consolidated Statements 52 Exceed Forecast 52 SPECIAL ITEMS 52 Cash Flows UNAUDITED 52 Consolidated Condensed Financial 52 -Senanu 52 OF NON GAAP 52 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 52 Credit Card Interest Rates 52 CONTINUED Unaudited 52 Unaudited Third Quarter 52 Restate Prior 52 Gentex Declares Quarterly 52 - Revenues [003] 52 NOL utilization 52 ADJUSTED FOR 52 Tikcro Technologies Reports 52 Costs Update3 52 Data Extraction 52 SUMMARY OF QUARTERLY RESULTS 52 - Adjusted [019] 52 -Kintera GivingFund 52 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME 52 -John F. Biemeck 52 YM BIOSCIENCES INC. 52 Second Quarter Six Months 52 Bankruptcy Filings Up 52 condensed consolidated 52 Preferred Stock Dividend 52 Outcome Measures 52 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 52 Discontinued Businesses 52 MOCON Announces 52 FINANCIAL RESULTS SUPPLEMENTAL 52 Net Realized Gains 52 Counterparty Criteria 52 Condensed Consolidated Statement 52 =shen 52 FOURTH QUARTER RESULTS 52 OTHER INFORMATION 52 SONIC CORP. Unaudited 52 Calgon Carbon Announces 52 = Operaanalytic geometry 52 Defined Contribution Plans 52 Steep Rise 52 Fully Diluted Shares 52 GUIDANCE AND 52 AUDITED 52 Bancolombia SA Announces 52 Income Tax Expense Benefit 52 Extraordinary Item 52 Anworth Announces 52 Period Ending 52 TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL 52 MIDSOUTH BANCORP INC. 52 LIFO adjustment 52 Recalculation 52 Qtr Qtr 52 SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 52 Announces 52 -NEFC Bogan 52 FINANCIAL REVIEW 52 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 52 WORKING CAPITAL 52 tabular reconciliation 52 OF CONSOLIDATED 52 -Powerstream 52 BlackPearl Announces 52 EBITDARM 52 ENDED NINE MONTHS ENDED 52 Above Consensus 52 Interest Differential FIRSTMERIT 52 SUBSIDIARIES 52 Cautionary Notes 52 Stockholder Equity 52 INC. Summary 52 Selected Quarterly 52 reconciles Adjusted EBITDA 52 Flow Through Entities 52 REPORT CONTINUED 52 SUPPLEMENTAL 52 FOR CERTAIN NON 52 FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL 52 Q#/# Q#/# Q#/# [002] 52 SUBSIDIARIES SEGMENT 52 AFFO + GOS 52 Condensed Consolidated Interim 52 NPV IRR 52 Newfield Provides 52 TECHNOLOGIES INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS 52 Introductory teaser rates 52 infrequently occurring 51 PER SHARE DILUTED 51 Non GAAP Condensed Consolidated 51 -Inc. NASDAQ CHTR 51 PALADIN ENERGY LTD 51 - - Diluted [008] 51 UNAUDITED PRO FORMA 51 Annual Audited Consolidated 51 Significant Items Affecting 51 -Commissioner Srinagar Mehraj 51 Accounting Pronouncements 51 Funded Backlog 51 Pro Forma Consolidated Statements 51 Supplemental Schedule 51 Stock Option Expensing 51 SMITHFIELD FOODS INC. AND 51 Month Period 51 Processor Legal Footnote 51 DAC unlock 51 Guides FY# 51 WEIGHTED AVG 51 Nordson Corporation Declares 51 Highly Qualified Teacher 51 Hypertension Diagnostics Announces 51 = Operating [002] 51 Vyvx Advertising Distribution 51 FINANCIAL RESULTS RECONCILIATION OF 51 http:/ 51 Q4 FY# EPS 51 Randomized Controlled Trials 51 HALF YEAR 51 Distributable Cash 51 Derivative Liabilities 51 Measurement Specialties Announces 51 ROFE 51 -Jessica Shiery 51 Topics Covered Executive 51 table Normalizing Adjustments 51 CORE EARNINGS 51 Third Quarter Ended Nine 51 -Artunduaga 51 Matches Consensus 51 Factors Affecting 51 Unaudited -CMVs 51 BUSINESS SEGMENT 51 UNAUDITED Amounts 51 Cash Flow Available 51 Various Types 51 .cagy veteran 51 GAAP ments 51 QHR Announces 51 Diluted FFO 51 Fully diluted earnings 51 KEMET Announces 51 Tax Equivalent 51 #,#,# #,#,# =jerk seasoning 51 CASH FLOW TO 51 Adjusted EBITDA Margin 51 Predecessor Successor 51 Contents Introduction 51 Adjustment Expenses 51 titled SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE 51 accompanying condensed consolidated 51 ยง #.#-# [004] 51 AuEq g t 51 EastGroup Properties Announces 51 Per Fully Diluted 51 INTERNATIONAL COAL GROUP INC. 51 Issues Guidance 51 Unconsolidated Joint Ventures 51 Annualized ROE 51 OPERATIONS Amounts 51 LECG CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES 51 Osteoarthritis Pain 51 RESULTS TO NON 51 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC. RECONCILIATION 51 Audited Financials 51 Selected Operating 51 TO GAAP MEASURES 51 MEMC ELECTRONIC MATERIALS INC. 51 -gangplanks 51 Operating Cash Flow 51 Below Consensus 51 #.Q# #.Q# 51 Grandfathered Plans 51 CHEMICALS INC. 51 Seasonal Pattern 51 Common Share Dividend 51 Regular Quarterly Cash Dividend 51 Resource Utilization 51 BLUE COAT SYSTEMS INC. 51 EPS Rises 51 Reiterates FY# EPS 51 Currency translation adjustment 51 Accounting Practices 51 noninterest expense decreased 51 DILUTED EPS 51 [030] 51 Valhi Reports 51 Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation 51 BVPS 51 Cashflows 51 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 51 THIRD QUARTER AND 51 - Three MontBinalshibh interrogation 51 Positive Cash Flow 51 NASDAQ SMMF 51 RESTATED 51 Restatements 51 continuingoperations 51 TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 51 4Q 3Q 51 Recurring Adj 51 ROLLINS INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES 51 per share1 51 Trailing Twelve Months 51 ANNOUNCES FIRST QUARTER 51 - -Corporatism 51 CICA Handbook 51 Earnings Release Webcast 51 Q2 FY# [001] 51 CA BUSINESS 51 Expense Ratio 51 Segment EBIT 51 SUMMARY DATA SHEET 51 EOG RESOURCES INC. SUMMARY 51 Interest Drawdown Date 51 GAAP MEASURES 51 Dried soup 51 Market Disruption 51 AUDIOCODES LTD 51 STATE STREET CORPORATION 51 Cash Dividends 51 Natural Catastrophe Stress 51 Adjusted FFO 51 Defined Benefit Pension 51 FY# FY# [002] 51 Cash Dividend Declared 51 OPERATIONS FOR 51 Expense Expense 51 BY BUSINESS SEGMENT 51 Q#/# Q#/# [001] 51 Delinquent Loans 51 Logistic Regression 51 -Coco Reef 51 AGNICO EAGLE MINES LIMITED 51 BLUE SQUARE ISRAEL LTD 51 - -Took Bribes 51 DAC offsets 51 SABESP Announces 51 Six Months Months Ended 51 Six Months Six Months 51 - Adjusted [029] 51 Non Dilutive Financing 51 #.#-# Offeror Representations 51 Advocat Announces 51 - -facially insufficient

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