Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 68 AHCCCS 55 Medi Cal 54 KidsCare 51 ALTCS 51 Denti Cal 51 MassHealth 51 MediCal 51 BadgerCare Basic 50 Gov. Jan Brewer 49 Medi Cal recipients 49 CalWorks 49 Medicaid 49 KidsCare Parents 49 AccessTN 49 ARKids First 49 Mastercard Visa accepted 49 AHCCCS eligibility 49 BadgerCare 49 CalWorks welfare 49 Disability Lifeline 48 RIte Care 48 CalWORKs 48 CHAMPVA 48 Mo HealthNet 48 Dual eligibles 47 medically needy 47 PLADs 47 Medi Cal beneficiaries 47 medically indigent 47 Gov. Janet Napolitano 46 NJ FamilyCare 46 Monica Coury 46 Medically Needy 46 DirigoChoice 46 HUD Continuum 46 TennCare rolls 46 WisconsinCare 46 MinnesotaCare 46 Maricopa County 46 General Assistance Unemployable 46 BadgerCare Core 46 Medicaid enrollees 46 CoverKids 46 Medicade 46 KCHIP 46 Medically Needy Program 45 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 45 Administration AHCA 45 MO HealthNet 45 Carbofed products 45 Jennifer Carusetta 45 MRMIB 45 CalWORKS 45 Denali KidCare 45 IowaCare 45 Medically Needy program 45 Program FEHBP 45 Insure Montana 44 Medigap insurance 44 ConnPACE 44 Keiki Care 44 Healthy Families Program 44 Needy Families TANF 44 SSI SSP 44 childless adults 44 Healthy Families 44 GAMC 44 HUSKY 44 Medi Cal reimbursements 44 Program CHIP 44 Cenpatico 44 HealthWave 44 SoonerCare 44 Medicaid BadgerCare 44 CalOptima 44 Medically Indigent Program 44 MassHealth Basic 44 Stan Rosenstein 44 CalWORKS welfare 44 CoverTN 43 Tenncare 43 Peachcare 43 Medicaid recipients 43 PeachCare 43 BadgerCare Plus 43 Medi caid 43 XLV Bearish Underweight 43 Pinal County 43 Prescription Advantage 43 Pima County 43 indigent 43 Badgercare 43 MAWD 43 uninsured Tennesseans 43 spokeswoman Stephanie Babyak 43 Title XIX 43 categoricals 43 Medi Cal Healthy Families 43 disenroll 43 BadgerCare Plus Core 43 BadgerCare Plus Basic 43 TennCare 42 Arizonans 42 Commissioner Cal Ludeman 42 Temporary Assistance 42 Dr. Dynasaur 42 Hoosier Rx 42 Pinal Gila Council 42 FACT CHECK Barbour 42 MaineCare 42 FamilyCare 42 deductible coinsurance 42 Education Affordability Reconciliation 42 Drug Assistance Program 42 Sandra Shewry 42 Medigap coverage 42 Medicaid Waiver 42 PEEHIP 42 Idaho Regence BlueCross 42 Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program 42 SCHIP 42 Patti Woodcock 42 Career Ladder 42 Tohono O'odham tribe 42 Needy Families 42 CalFresh 42 Rullan 42 ARKids 42 CoverColorado 42 Assistance Programs ADAPs 41 Insure Missouri 41 Representative Jeff Flake 41 Adam LaRoche 1b 41 SB# [001] 41 Act WIA 41 adultBasic enrollees 41 SCAAP 41 KidCare 41 Governor Jan Brewer 41 Systematic Alien Verification 41 Sen. Frank Antenori 41 Cochise County 41 medicaid 41 Program SCHIP 41 Voluntary Prekindergarten 41 Medicaid caseloads 41 Medicaid EHR Incentive 41 homestead exclusion 41 Immunizations McGowan Institute 41 disenrolling 41 ProviderOne 41 Medicare 41 Senseman 41 disenrolled 41 TennCare recipients 41 Cornyn Kyl 41 Mercy CarePlus 41 Joffe Halpern 41 Medigap supplemental insurance 41 Roy Jeffus 41 Granting amnesty 40 McKinney Vento 40 SCHIP eligibility 40 enrollees 40 Elderly Pharmaceutical 40 Hoosier Healthwise 40 Medicaid DSH 40 EPSDT 40 underfunds Medicaid 40 TANF Temporary Assistance 40 Coconino County 40 TANF 40 Illinois Cares Rx 40 IHSS 40 MassHealth Medicaid 40 Medicaid reimbursements 40 Childless adults 40 SenioRx 40 MediKids 40 Mohave County 40 Growing Smarter 40 Affordable Care Act 40 Disproportionate Share Hospital 40 S CHIP 40 COBRA subsidies 40 TEUC 40 Override opponents 40 legalizes racial profiling 40 HPMR 40 Medigap policies 40 McKinney Vento Act 40 MFIP 40 Utilicare 40 HOPWA 40 Elective abortions 40 attorney Gerri Katzerman 40 fullday kindergarten 40 Pell Grant eligibility 40 Mcare abatement 40 Fountain Hills 40 PAAD 40 automatic birthright citizenship 40 Alien Minors Act 40 Mike Willden 39 Delinquency Prevention Act 39 PEBB 39 IHSS recipients 39 Dori Salcido spokeswoman 39 noncitizens 39 Tohono O'odham Nation 39 Prescription Advantage Program 39 Oregon Regence BlueCross 39 Operation Stonegarden grants 39 Schip 39 Norman CQ HealthBeat 39 matricular consular 39 Longevity Bonus 39 Avalere estimate 39 incarcerating illegal immigrants 39 David Schapira 39 Medi Cal reimbursement 39 Nationality Act INA 39 spokesman Francis Rullan 39 Seguro Popular 39 Grandfathered plans 39 dual eligibles 39 Reichard CQ HealthBeat 39 spokeswoman Jeanine L' 39 Kidcare 39 Maricopa 39 AdultBasic 39 Napolitano vetoed 39 incarcerating illegal aliens 39 Apache Junction 39 Tucson Sector 39 bandits shoving 39 APIPA 39 Sahuarita 39 Arizona 39 Secure Rural 39 CHIP 39 imposing unfunded mandates 39 PEHP 39 Copayments 39 businessman Buz Mills 39 Operation Stonegarden 39 LIEAP 39 Supports CLASS Act 39 CalWORKs recipients 39 living adjustment COLA 39 Sierra Vista 39 ConfiDent R 39 DEFICIT REDUCTION CBO 39 Inpatient Prospective Payment 39 SEAGO 39 Sexually explicit productions 39 SFHP 39 Program Reauthorization Act 39 Del Puerto 39 Program HICAP 39 JLBC 39 spokesperson Peter Ashkenaz 39 Yavapai County 39 PEBP 39 Pre Existing Condition 39 Lillian Koller 39 Antenori 39 undocumented immigrants 39 TennCare enrollees 39 disenrollment 39 Medicare recipients 39 CASE HOSPICE SUPPLIES 39 Assistance Program SCAAP 39 unreimbursed medical 39 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenneger 39 ICE Secure Communities 39 owner Dyke Messinger 39 Consolidated Omnibus Budget 39 TUSD 39 Alien Minors 39 calling #-#-MEDICARE 39 RIPAE 38 Tohono O'odham 38 Alternate Rates 38 copayments deductibles 38 recoup overpayments 38 Social Security actuaries 38 Home Supportive 38 pell grant 38 Administrator Chuck Huckelberry 38 Medicare Medicaid 38 Rio Rico 38 permanently medically incapacitated 38 spokesman Paul Senseman 38 Marana 38 Palm Springs Unified 38 HUD VASH 38 System EEVS 38 SecureHorizons 38 uninsurables 38 Access HealthSource 38 Simpson Mazzoli bill 38 Anne Dunkelberg 38 Joseph Kanefield 38 Tucson Unified 38 Aetna PPO 38 Jack Cheevers 38 CGUHSD 38 PPACA 38 Pinal Gila 38 Medicaid HMO 38 Medicare HMOs 38 ECEAP 38 Clean Elections 38 PACENET 38 HMO enrollees 38 Copays 38 OHCA 38 FEHBP 38 LaCHIP 38 Subtitle B 38 Eldon Vail 38 incarcerated felons 38 STRIVE Act 38 Dr. Plested 38 ADMHS 38 Americhoice 38 Addiction Equity 38 ineligible noncitizens 38 unappropriated balance 38 Badone 38 Granholm vetoed 38 Dave Kettel former 38 mini med 38 CYFD 38 Partnership HealthPlan 38 illegal immigrants 38 Julie Munsell 38 uninsured Coloradans 38 TEXAS Grants 38 TIPRA 38 Rachael Kagan 38 National Foreclosure Mitigation 38 Rapid REPAT 38 Maricopa Pinal 38 uninsured San Franciscans 38 heat Ruha 38 Piecemeal reform 38 CHANGES TO MEDICAID 38 Pete Hershberger 38 SHIPs 38 ICHIP 38 nonelderly 38 undocumented alien 38 Women Infants 38 EduJobs 38 HB# [001] 38 Cindy Ehnes director 38 Kimberly Belshe 38 SB# [004] 38 CalWORKS recipients 38 AB8 38 federally subsidized 38 Terry Goddard 38 Tom McFarland Wickenburg 37 Border Protection Antiterrorism 37 Dirigo Choice 37 Senate 37 PSOB 37 Stavneak 37 sickest enrollees 37 politically sacrosanct 37 eliminates CalWORKS 37 representative payee 37 Guam Madeleine Bordallo 37 SCHIP enrollees 37 Veterans Omnibus 37 Medicare Advantage 37 SustiNet 37 Operation Streamline 37 Alien Minors DREAM Act 37 deportable 37 Care GAMC 37 Blue Shield HMO 37 #-# biennium [002] 37 Dinoire immune 37 Rent Rebate Program 37 PBGC insures 37 Amy Kelchner 37 AgJOBS 37 IBCCP 37 retroactivity clause 37 Oro Valley 37 voluntary prekindergarten 37 undocumented immigrant 37 food stamps 37 ReadyReturn 37 Medicare Advantage enrollees 37 Teachers Defined Contribution 37 TRICARE Prime 37 illegal border crossers 37 Accountability Block Grants 37 MPSERS 37 Scheduled Departure 37 CSRS annuity 37 PACE PACENET 37 Medicaid reimbursement 37 PF Chang Rock 37 CalHFA 37 Pascua Yaqui Tribe 37 nonsubsidized 37 Simpson Mazzoli 37 repealers already 37 #-# biennium [001] 37 Famagu'on ta 37 Banner Desert 37 Salud Para La Gente 37 actuarially equivalent 37 Tenenexpan small 37 Tibshraeny 37 GraniteCare 37 Medicare Modernization Act 37 Agency CalHFA 37 LTCH PPS 37 Arveschoug Bird 37 Brian Sandoval 37 Uncompensated care 37 BadgerCare Plus enrollees 37 Ellen Bilbrey 37 Toumpas 37 unobligated stimulus 37 Secure Horizons Medicare Advantage 37 SIMPLE IRAs 37 PCIP 37 Washoe County 37 SAFETEA 37 Adelanto Detention Center 37 Weiers 37 Andrea Espejo 37 HB# HB# 37 MinnesotaCare enrollees 37 Supplemental Security 37 Bullhead City 37 Jan Brewer 37 Indigent 37 Cigna 4Q Profit 37 Tax Extenders Act 37 JTED 37 indigents 37 Project BioShield Act 37 Crist vetoed 37 Medicare HMO 37 CBO predicts 37 Foreclosure Prevention Act 37 aZ visa 37 eHealth eOD platform 37 copayments 37 Anna Tovar 37 Proposition 37 Carusetta 37 Medicare eligibles 37 SCOTTSDALE Scottsdale 37 adjustment COLA 37 FQHCs 37 Livestock Compensation 37 Saver Credit 37 Mae Worthey 37 Accelify 37 DREAM Act 37 Paula Cysneiros 37 Coordinated Approach 36 FERS retirees 36 Med QUEST 36 HHSA 36 Prop. 1F 36 ConfiDent ® 36 multiemployer plans 36 Lake Havasu City 36 spokesman Doug Nintzel 36 Desert Foothills 36 EOPS 36 CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy 36 Billy Mayfair Scottsdale 36 Medifund 36 illegal aliens 36 FEDVIP 36 Scottsdale Unified 36 MIChild 36 COBRA continuation 36 Ahwatukee 36 FUSD 36 Choice Vouchers 36 DHCS 36 spouses surviving spouses 36 Community Self Determination 36 Marylyn Kish turns 36 Program ERRP 36 Luebbering 36 Urban Homesteading Act 36 ADAP 36 Apache Sitgreaves National 36 MCare 36 Outpatient Prospective Payment 36 HH PPS 36 Like Wilders Rutte 36 homestead deduction 36 Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug 36 Safford 36 Jeff Stensland 36 NACOG 36 Menifee Valley 36 FMAP extension 36 OHLAP 36 dreaded donut hole 36 Longevity Bonus Program 36 DPHHS 36 SeniorCare prescription 36 Sandy Raynor 36 deportable immigrants 36 Early Periodic Screening 36 Gann Limit 36 ERRP 36 Napolitano vetoes 36 HOPE Scholarship 36 Flagstaff Unified 36 Ahwatukee Foothills 36 CalHome 36 Kevin Lembo 36 Medicare Advantage HMO 36 Prescription Drug Benefit 36 reimbursement arrangements HRAs 36 EUTF 36 UAHC TN 36 Commissioner Kevin Goodno 36 Trojan horse Braley 36 noninsured 36 Prop. 36 MaxHR 36 PELL grants 36 Notice #-# [001] 36 Roberto Organo 36 HIV AIDS Hepatitis C 36 Carlos Baerga 1b 36 Kim Belshe secretary 36 federally funded LIHEAP 36 Pajaro Valley Unified 36 CGRMC 36 EaglePicher Incorporated founded 36 AB# [003] 36 Secretary Kim Belshé 36 prescription contraceptives 36 Paul Senseman 36 HOPE scholarships 36 Congestion Mitigation 36 LI HEAP 36 Security Through Regularized 36 Flowing Wells 36 BlueChoice 36 Head Start grantees 36 Romley 36 dually eligible 36 PSNs 36 CAHRA 36 Director Lillian Koller 36 PLAD 36 Los Suns ganaron 36 Medicare Advantage Plans 36 RxAmerica 36 Rep. Judy Burges 36 JaxCare 36 WorkFirst 36 habilitation centers 36 Maintenance Organizations 36 Jeanine L' Ecuyer 36 FEHB Program 36 Cibola 36 Deficit Reduction Act 36 Inmate Welfare 36 prudent layperson 36 Job Killing 36 nonresident tuition 36 Richard Cauchi 36 supplemental Medigap 36 accounts HRAs 36 WIC Women Infants 36 Hilary McLean 36 ITINs 36 birthright citizenship 36 Physicians IPA 36 Medi CareFirst 36 Budget Stabilization 36 Coverage EPIC 36 Banner Ironwood 36 Coconino 36 eliminate CalWORKS 36 Paradise Valley 36 Voluntary Pre Kindergarten 36 Illegal Immigration Reform 36 OLHSA 36 adjustments COLAs 36 AARP MedicareRx Saver 36 Medicare Advantage beneficiaries 36 E. Ajo Way 36 uninsured 36 Miguel Batista rhp 36 HEALTH INSURANCE Self 36 Susan Besio 36 Individual Taxpayer Identification Number 36 KidCare enrollment 36 determinate sentencing 36 Crisis Intervention Program 36 Barbara Leff 36 spokesman Carl Rusnok 36 AgJobs 36 Cut 36 SelectCare 36 Kent Cattani 36 HealthChoice 35 TCRS 35 AHCCCS enrollment 35 welfare caseloads 35 Rx Outreach 35 Pneumonia vaccinations 35 NCQA Accredited 35 MFH 35 Yucaipa Calimesa Joint 35 Lizelda Lopez spokeswoman 35 AIDS HOPWA 35 Huachuca City 35 Marana Unified School 35 Measure Standards 35 undelivered refund 35 Desert Willow 35 GAMC enrollees 35 Baracy 35 DMEPOS supplier 35 Charlene Frizzera 35 Congressional Budget Office 35 via intradermal injections 35 poorer Washingtonians 35 Concurrent Receipt 35 WestCare 35 nonelderly residents 35 meth lab cleanups 35 Plyler v. Doe 35 McKinney Vento Homeless 35 CIGNATURE Rx 35 Gila Bend 35 Emergency Unemployment Compensation 35 Humana nyse HUM 35 Human Services 35 Tom Betlach 35 Republic David Kadlubowski 35 Indigent Care 35 avoidable readmissions 35 Health HITECH Act 35 Catherine Singley 35 Hyde Amendment 35 deny birthright citizenship 35 Medicare Advantage HMOs 35 VHAP 35 premiums copays 35 FACT CHECK Shaky 35 Prop 1E 35 PEBTF 35 Deductibles 35 Matricula Consular card 35 MATForce 35 CSRS retirees 35 David Engelthaler epidemiologist 35 doc fix 35 NYSE WCG 35 overbudgeted 35 undocumented 35 Sen. Toni Hellon 35 Entitlements SAVE 35 Medicare donut hole 35 Waiver Program 35 deductibles copayments 35 FAMIS 35 HealthPartners family 35 Florida KidCare 35 MedicareAdvantage 35 Ecuyer 35 Stupak Pitts amendment 35 CABHA 35 PSRB 35 constitutional amendment HJR 35 CMU Promise 35 Randy Pullen 35 Secure Communities 35 Phaysaleum 35 PHOENIX KOLD 35 Livestock Forage Disaster 35 Scream Mastermind award 35 adultBasic 35 Jason Helgerson 35 indigent burials 35 levy equalization 35 Tuition Assistance Program 35 spokesman Lloyd Frers 35 Medicare beneficiaries 35 Ak Chin Indian 35 HSGP 35 FSA HRA 35 nongroup 35 converter box subsidy 35 Program EQIP 35 nonpartisan Congressional Budget 35 Medigap 35 Roger Vanderpool 35 CalGRIP 35 FHA Secure 35 Cindy Ehnes 35 NMI Retirement Fund 35 Rural Opportunity Zones 35 Pasqua Yaqui 35 Medicare Advantage PFFS 35 LTCHs 35 Block Grants 35 noncitizen immigrants 35 GovGuam 35 U PASS 35 Heating Assistance Program 35 DSH payments 35 CeltiCare 35 Representative Payee 35 Social Secu rity 35 Zach Dal Pra 35 Transportation ADOT 35 Gilbert Gallegos 35 Cave Creek 35 multiemployer defined 35 Title XX 35 David Gaouette 35 Lake Elsinore Unified 35 Secretary Fred Cerise 35 COBRA subsidy 35 UniSource Energy Services 35 Schalansky 35 universal prekindergarten 35 Bisbee 35 CHAMPUS 35 Wickenburg 35 Cheneys owed 35 Appropriations Committee JFAC 35 advanceable 35 COLA freezes 35 Elizabeth Sollis 35 Gail Montenegro 35 Customs Enforcement 35 expressly disqualifies nonresident 35 Medicare Advantage premiums 35 nutritionally balanced boxes 35 COBRA premiums 35 ADOT 35 lifetime maximums 35 Insurance SSDI 35 Tanque Verde Unified 35 LillyAnswers 35 Texas Guaranteed Tuition 35 sweeping antifraud 35 Disproportionate Share 35 Peter Ashkenaz 35 HOMES CLOSED UNITS 35 unobligated funds 35 UCare 35 TANF recipients 35 Allowance ESA 35 Paul Allvin 35 drophouse 35 HealthInsight 35 Attorney Barbara LaWall 35 LOPFI 35 Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas 35 Case persistency 35 Promise Scholarship 35 Kronkosky Foundation 35 IIRIRA 35 director Dave Schmiedicke 35 Mae Worthey spokesman 35 Alliance CompleteCare 35 Program PDMP 35 Prop. 1B 35 Tricare 35 curbing malpractice lawsuits 35 Mcare 35 Sunnyside Unified 35 Ducheny 35 SeniorCare 35 BV Oce 35 jobseekers allowance 35 Rent Rebate 35 deporting illegal aliens 35 nondefense discretionary spending 35 Akujang 35 Sen. Jon Kyl 35 Sunnyslope 35 Dependent Care Tax 35 Assemblyman Dario Frommer 35 Furor grows 35 Arrowhead Regional 35 uninsured Marylanders 35 copays deductibles 35 Supports CLASS 35 recouping overpayments 35 Huckelberry 35 Marana Mountain View 35 Tom Prezelski 35 outlier payments 35 Ines Franck director 35 WIC vouchers 35 Farber Szekrenyi 35 UASI grants 35 Anita Slone 35 CAVIT 35 ERAF 34 Arpaio 34 SBHCs 34 HOW MANY COVERED 34 Dirigo Health 34 WHO 'S COVERED 34 Knaperek 34 representative payees 34 Svedjan 34 non revocable parole 34 ITIN 34 HSA HDHP 34 Homestead Rebate checks 34 Centene Corp. 34 unmarried cohabitating couples 34 Treatment IND 34 Director Sandra Shewry 34 PILT payments 34 Kozachik 34 Early Childhood Intervention Respite 34 IHCIA 34 Kielsky 34 federally subsidized lunches 34 allowance COLA 34 Speaker Jim Weiers 34 Russell Pearce 34 Sabrina Demayo Lockhart 34 Undocumented immigrants 34 Mohave 34 CHIPRA 34 D-Ariz. 34 Medicaid Waiver Program 34 uninsureds 34 medicaid medicare 34 spay neuter voucher 34 F SHRP 34 CongressDaily reports 34 Kaweah Delta 34 Transitional Assistance 34 Medicare prescription 34 UNHS 34 BCBSTX 34 nonviolent felons 34 Dan Pochoda legal 34 SBA Microloan 34 Kaz Matsui 2b 34 NSLP 34 Block Grant CSBG 34 Avra Valley 34 Compassionate Use Act 34 illegal alien 34 Canyon del Oro 34 foodstamps 34 Commissioner Tom Suehs 34 GAMC recipients 34 Extended Unemployment Compensation 34 Whip Jon Kyl 34 CIR ASAP 34 Temporary Aid 34 Councilman Doug Marmie 34 Rep. Raúl Grijalva 34 Early Retiree Reinsurance 34 Desert Oasis 34 Betlach 34 CSBG 34 Retroactive Stop Loss 34 Insurance SSDI benefits 34 lowincome 34 Herstam 34 Tax 34 COBRA coverage 34 Structured Sentencing 34 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 34 CDBG allocations 34 Legislation reauthorizing 34 ScriptSave 34 Sharon Rummery spokeswoman 34 CalFile 34 State Fiscal Stabilization 34 HOW YOU CHOOSE YOUR 34 LTAF 34 Pikes Peak Region 34 Coverdell accounts 34 Supplemental Appropriations Act 34 nonfederal entities 34 maximum Pell Grant 34 Rodel Charitable Foundation 34 Humana Medicare Advantage 34 Reimbursement Rates 34 KPERS 34 Michelle Mowery 34 Birthright Citizenship Act 34 Barrett Marson 34 consultant Peter Harbage 34 deemed uninsurable 34 Sinema 34 Desert Vista 34 HEMAP 34 BEP formula 34 Medicare Part 34 Yavapai 34 unexpended balances 34 Alcoholism Drug Abuse 34 bill 34 Patient Self Determination 34 Ann Lefert 34 Manager Katy Singlaub 34 Poway Unified 34 Shain Sproul Benson 34 #/#-year-old grandson 34 Steve Camarota 34 Herrmann Steckel 34 lone wolf provision 34 Glenn Hamer 34 Hartz IV welfare 34 biennium 34 Prop 1B 34 enhanced FMAP 34 Post-#/# Veterans Educational 34 Dependent Children 34 Hardest Hit Fund 34 Prospective Payment 34 SaveRx 34 eligibility determinations 34 Staywell 34 PL #-# [001] 34 capitated 34 #st CCLC 34 noncriminals 34 CalRecycle 34 Chino Valley 34 Socorro Independent 34 E Verify 34 TEFAP 34 R-Ariz. 34 MEDICARE AND 34 Andy Adame 34 ICE detainer 34 Patient Protection 34 illegal immigrant 34 KFHP H 34 Rubi Nava 34 ONE BILL 34 Tim Eyman Initiative 34 backdoor amnesty 34 SEABHS 34 Lucia Mar 34 Indemnity Compensation 34 PFFS plans 34 Pima Maricopa 34 Commissioner Christine Mulleneaux 34 CYMPO 34 Attorney Ed Rheinheimer 34 BenefitsCheckUp ® 34 Congressman Rick Renzi 34 CRONA 34 Rep. Kyrsten Sinema 34 near Sasabe 34 Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana 34 Sahuaro 34 Act UAFA 34 HDHPs 34 LAGERS 34 Reid D-Nev. 34 Act MIPPA 34 NIGHT MOTHER 34 Dysart Unified School 34 legislatively enacted 34 McKay Scholarships 34 Sen. Gloria Lawlah 34 Company noncontributory defined 34 JTEDs 34 Stupak Amendment 34 Medigap supplemental coverage 34 HHSC 34 Howard Skolnik 34 payroll withholdings 34 Tanque Verde 34 Nancy Barto 34 Stupak Pitts Amendment 34 Suanne Buggy spokeswoman 34 ineligible dependents 34 WAEPA