Current portion

Related by string. Current Portion * cur rent . current . currents . Currents . CURRENT : Current Population Survey . ocean currents . Total Current Assets . Current liabilities Accounts payable / portions . Portions . Portion . portioned : heaping portions . any portion thereof . portion thereof . redacted portions * Less Current Portion . OF CURRENT PORTION . CURRENT PORTION OF *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 77 Accounts payable 76 Current maturities 72 Accrued expenses 72 Deferred revenue 72 Accrued liabilities 71 Accrued 70 Deferred income 70 Other accrued liabilities 68 Total Current Liabilities 67 Long Term Liabilities 67 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 66 LONG TERM LIABILITIES 66 Deferred rent 66 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 66 liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [003] 65 Deferred 65 -Tel +# 65 liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 64 accrued expenses 64 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 64 accrued liabilities 64 Convertible subordinated notes 64 - Total [035] 64 Accounts payable accrued 64 - Total [014] 63 - Total [023] 63 - Total [028] 63 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [002] 63 Other noncurrent liabilities 63 Convertible debentures 63 Accrued compensation 63 - Total [038] 62 - - Total [023] 62 Current Liabilities 62 - Total [032] 62 -#kHz 62 - Total [033] 62 #,#,# #,#,# Total [001] 62 -Minister Gary Lunn 62 Noncurrent 62 - Total [011] 62 - Total [036] 62 - Total [034] 62 - Total [005] 62 Prepaid expenses 62 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [003] 62 Current liabilities Accounts payable 61 - - Total [064] 61 #,#,# [009] 61 #,#,# [001] 61 - Total [007] 61 - Total [026] 61 liabilities Accounts payable 61 - Total [030] 61 AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current 61 Total liabilities 61 #,#,# LIABILITIES AND [002] 61 TOTAL ASSETS 61 Increase decrease 61 Stockholders Equity Current liabilities 60 Accrued interest 60 LIABILITIES 60 TOTAL LIABILITIES 60 - Total [029] 60 Restricted cash 60 - Total [012] 60 - Total assets [003] 60 - Total [006] 60 - - Total [018] 60 - Total [008] 60 Accounts payable #,#,# #,#,# 60 - Total [010] 60 Current liabilities 60 - Total [013] 60 - Total [021] 60 -trillion rupiah 60 Current liabilities Short 60 Subordinated notes 60 Liabilities Accounts payable 60 Accrued severance pay 59 - Total [009] 59 - Total [025] 59 - Total [015] 59 Trade payables 59 Current liabilities Current 59 - TotalEstadio 59 #,#.# #,#.# Deferred 59 - - Total [070] 59 - -Corn Palace 59 Intangible assets net 59 - Total [024] 59 Other payables 59 - -Kondhwa 59 - - Total [005] 59 - Total [027] 59 - - Total [051] 59 - Total [004] 59 - - Total [069] 59 - Total [031] 59 EQUITY Current liabilities 59 #,#,#,# [010] 59 Accrued warranty 59 - - Total [010] 59 - - Total [036] 58 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 58 LIABILITIES Current maturities 58 - Total [016] 58 #,#,# [023] 58 - TSANTA CLARITA Calif. 58 Unearned revenue 58 Notes receivable 58 Imputed interest 58 noncurrent portion 58 - Total Current LiabilitiDouglas H. McCorkindale 58 - Total [001] 58 - Total [017] 58 #,#,# Accrued expenses 58 #,#,# #,#,# - Totalholder Paul Tergat 58 Non Current Liabilities 58 -Marystown 58 Noncurrent liabilities Long 58 - Total assets [004] 58 Shareholders Equity Current liabilities 58 accrued liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 57 #,#,# #,#,# - TotYemeni descent 57 Repayment 57 Noncurrent liabilities 57 - Total [002] 57 - Total assets [005] 57 - - Total [057] 57 Accrued payroll 57 AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Current 57 - Total liabilities [012] 57 - - Total [011] 57 INTEREST EXPENSE Interest 57 #,#,# Total [003] 57 - Total liabilities [020] 57 - - Total [039] 57 -Economically 57 -coziness 57 - Total [003] 57 - -Offensive Rookie 57 Liabilities Current maturities 57 #,#,# Liabilities [002] 57 Convertible subordinated 57 Convertible subordinated debentures 57 - Total [018] 57 -Aquila al Hashimi 57 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current liabilities 57 - Total liabilities [019] 57 #,#,# #,#,# [002] 57 - Total Current Liabilities [008] 57 Intangibles net 56 #,#,# #,#,# Accounts payable 56 Accrued expenses #,#,# #,#,# 56 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Current liabilities 56 AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY CURRENT 56 - - Total [002] 56 Accounts payable accrued liabilities 56 - Total [037] 56 #,# - Total 56 - - [051] 56 AND EQUITY Current 56 -Kowalchuk 56 Trade accounts receivable 56 liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [002] 56 #,#,# #,#,# Goodwill [002] 56 Deferred Income Taxes 56 - Total assets [001] 56 -Castries St. 56 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued expenses [002] 56 -nev 56 Other noncurrent assets 56 lease obligations 56 - Total [020] 56 #,#,# LIABILITIES AND [003] 56 - - Total [068] 56 - - Total [020] 56 - Total liabilities [018] 56 Total Current Assets 56 - Totgarden gnome 56 TOTAL LONG TERM 56 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERprolix 56 EQUITY Current Accounts payable 56 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS [007] 56 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOPinkNews 56 Distributions payable 56 liabilities# [001] 56 CURRENT LIABILITIES 56 -Tilak Marg 56 Derivative liability 56 - Total [019] 56 -Candleford 56 MINORITY INTEREST 56 Prepaids 56 Repayments 56 Current liabilities Current maturities 55 - Total Assets [009] 55 - Total liabilities [003] 55 Other Current Assets 55 - TotaMTBC 55 -Cretin 55 Current Maturities 55 liabilities Current maturities 55 #,#,# = LIABILITIES [010] 55 - Total [022] 55 - Total Assets [014] 55 DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 55 Noncurrent Liabilities 55 Taxes payable 55 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable 55 #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# [005] 55 LIABILITIES Current 55 Accounts receivable 55 - - Total [050] 55 #,#,# #,#,# Repayment [002] 55 - Total liabilities [006] 55 Unamortized 55 - TOTAL ASSETS [004] 55 #,#,# #,#,# - Total [002] 55 - - Total [054] 55 - Jim Clack 55 LONG TERM ASSETS 55 - Total Current Liabilities [005] 55 #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# [006] 55 - Total liabilities [014] 55 - Total revenueDefensive coordinators 55 #,#,# #,#,# -Anshuman Daga 55 EQUITY Current liabilities Accounts 55 Convertible debenture 55 - Total Current LiabilitiesJon Scheyer Kyle Singler 55 - TOTAL ASSETS [003] 55 Goodwill #,#,# #,#,# [001] 55 #,#,# = LIABILITIES [004] 55 Unearned 55 Identifiable intangible assets 55 - - [025] 55 Marketable securities 55 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 55 Accreted interest 55 Total Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 55 Current Liabilities Current 55 - -watt amp 55 - Total liabilities [001] 55 EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES 55 -TUMS 54 Unrealized foreign 54 Total [001] 54 Capital Lease Obligations 54 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 54 #,# -appartment 54 MINORITY INTERESTS 54 Accrued Expenses 54 #,#,# Total [002] 54 Accretion 54 - Total Current Assets [004] 54 Current Liabilities Accounts payable 54 = Liabilities [010] 54 Convertible subordinated debt 54 Total Liabilities 54 -lofted sacrifice fly 54 - - [074] 54 Cumulative translation adjustment 54 LONG TERM INVESTMENTS 54 - Total Assets [005] 54 - #,#,# #,#,# [006] 54 -verbatim transcripts 54 = Liabilities [008] 54 LIABILITIES Current liabilities 54 AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY CURRENT 54 Stockholders equity #,#,# #,#,# [002] 54 - - Total [016] 54 - Total liabilities [002] 54 - Total liabilities [004] 54 #,#,# Prepaid expenses 54 Promissory note 54 -Boorowa 54 Other Noncurrent Liabilities 54 EQUITY - CurrenPARTNER PROGRAM 54 - - Total [056] 54 -Irizarry 54 Stockholders Equity Accounts payable 54 -Cuisinier 54 - Total Assets [007] 54 Interest expense 54 OTHER LIABILITIES 54 liabilities# [002] 54 Current Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 54 Accrued restructuring 54 Current Portion 54 - #,#,# #,#,#http:/ 54 #,#,# Accrued liabilities 54 - NetTransy 54 Derivative liabilities 54 - Total Current Liabilities [002] 54 EQUIPMENT net 54 Prepayments 54 Stockholders equity Common 54 - ToTrain Derails 54 Senior unsecured debentures 54 - - Total [025] 54 #,#,# #,#,# Prepaid expenses [001] 54 - Total Liabilities [007] 54 #,#,# #,#,# Intangible assets [002] 54 current liabilities# [001] 54 Total Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 54 liabilities #,#,# [001] 54 OTHER LONG TERM 54 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES 54 -rightness 54 #,#,# #,#,# Commitments [003] 54 - Total Liabilities [025] 53 #,# -Glenn Argenbright 53 - - [093] 53 - - Total [041] 53 - - Total [044] 53 Redeemable preferred 53 OTHER ASSETS 53 - Total Liabilities [006] 53 #,# = Liabilities [004] 53 - TOTAL ASSETS [001] 53 Accounts receivable net 53 -Reynaldo Funez 53 Stockholders Equity Current Liabilities 53 #,#,# = LIABILITIES AND [002] 53 -deniable 53 LIABILITIES Long 53 #,#,# = Liabilities [002] 53 Shareholders Equity Current Liabilities 53 -Hyndman Pa. 53 CURRENT LIABILITIES Short 53 - -TEST 53 CURRENT LIABILITIES Current maturities 53 - Total Liabilities [002] 53 - Total Assets [006] 53 - Total Liabilities [018] 53 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current 53 #,#,# - Total [007] 53 #,#,# #,#,# Stockholders equity [002] 53 #,#,# Liabilities [001] 53 - - Total [001] 53 - - [112] 53 Intangible assets 53 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 53 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [007] 53 #,#.# #,#.# [004] 53 - Net [006] 53 EQUITY Current Liabilities 53 - Total liabilities [008] 53 #.# Other noncurrent 53 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Current Liabilities 53 borrowings repayments 53 Restructuring accrual 53 -subsidiaries Kraton 53 Minority interests 53 #,# = Liabilities [006] 53 #,#,# [017] 53 Current Liabilities Short 53 #,#,#,#,# [010] 53 Current liabilities Borrowings 53 Derivative instruments 53 = Liabilities [001] 53 - - [026] 53 #,#.# #,#.# - Total [001] 53 #,#,# #,#,# Accounts receivable [002] 53 - Total liabilitieRebuked 53 #,#,# = Liabilities [005] 53 Amounts receivable 53 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE Interest 53 LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 53 - Operating [001] 53 Stockholders Equity -Flintoffs 53 #,#,# = Liabilities [014] 53 #,# = LIABILITIES [001] 53 Inventories #,#,# #,#,# [001] 53 Amortization 53 BEFORE INCOME TAXES 53 Total Liabilities #,#,# 53 EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts 53 #,# = LIABILITIES [005] 53 INCOME LOSS BEFORE INCOME 53 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY -portly entertainer 53 -Batho Pele 53 - Loss [021] 53 liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 53 #,#,# #,#,# - Total [005] 53 #,#,# = LIABILITIES [011] 52 - - [104] 52 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current Liabilities 52 #,#,# #,#,# Prepaid expenses [002] 52 - Total Liabilities [004] 52 #,#,# #,#,# [007] 52 assets# [002] 52 Noncurrent deferred income 52 #,#,# - Total [001] 52 Goodwill #,#,# #,#,# [002] 52 Decrease Increase 52 - - Total [043] 52 #,#,# LONG TERM 52 - - Total [062] 52 Derivative instrument 52 - Stave Lake 52 #,#,# - Total [005] 52 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 52 Accrued Liabilities 52 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Payments 52 - - [096] 52 - TOTAL ASSETS [006] 52 - OperAyscough 52 - - TotaCNK 52 Subordinated debt 52 Prepaid Expenses 52 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOMoaveni 52 - - Total [003] 52 Non Current Assets 52 payables #,#,# #,#,# [002] 52 - - Total [028] 52 Interest Expense Interest 52 -FDLR rebels 52 - Total Assets [018] 52 #,#,#,#,# [007] 52 - - Total [006] 52 -Detective Joseph Colanduono 52 #,#,# #,#,# TOTAL LIABILITIES [001] 52 #,# -inch #:# widescreen 52 - Total revuncontrollable shaking 52 - LONG TERM [002] 52 LIABILITIES Deferred 52 unamortized discount 52 -Arzola 52 EXPENSE NET 52 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES 52 - - Total [060] 52 - Total Liabilities [003] 52 #,#,# #,#,# Prepaid [002] 52 Secured revolving 52 - TOTAL ASSETS [014] 52 = Liabilities [018] 52 -Robin Preiss Glasser 52 - Total assets [002] 52 - Total liabiliCorumba 52 Accounts payable #,#.# #,#.# 52 - Total liabilities [010] 52 INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 52 - Net [013] 52 - Operating [007] 52 #,#.# LIABILITIES AND [002] 52 LIABILITIES Accounts payable 52 CURRENT LIABILITIES Current 52 #,#.# #,#.# Total 52 #,#,# -Patrick Chamusso 52 Shareholders Equity Liabilities 52 EQUITY Liabilities Accounts payable 52 Purchased intangible assets 52 Stockholders equity Preferred 52 EQUITY Current 52 #,#,# #,#,# Accounts receivable [001] 52 TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE 52 Accrued postretirement benefits 52 receivables #,#,# #,#,# 52 EQUITY Current maturities 52 - Income [033] 52 liabilities #,#,# [002] 52 Noninterest expense Salaries 52 Receivables net 52 #,#,# #,#,# - Total [004] 52 #,#,# Deferred [003] 52 - OperatiMcGrath RentCorp 52 Interest Expense Net 52 - OpBPMs 52 Lease termination 52 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDBreckenridge CO 52 #,#,# #,#,# - [001] 52 - Total Liabilities [024] 52 Notes Receivable 52 Liabilities 52 #,# = LIABILITIES [002] 51 TOTAL LIABILITIES #,#,# #,#,# [001] 51 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT NET 51 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [001] 51 - - Net [003] 51 - Total Current Liabilities [001] 51 - TOTAL [022] 51 -Shulsky 51 - Total Current Assets [005] 51 #,#,# Commitments 51 #,# = Liabilities [001] 51 #,#,# #,#,# Inventory 51 Deposits #,#,# #,#,# [003] 51 - - Total [007] 51 #,#,# - Total [006] 51 = Current liabilities [004] 51 receivable 51 FINANCING ACTIVITIES 51 - - Total [049] 51 - TOTAL [023] 51 - Total Liabilities [022] 51 - - [001] 51 - Total Assets [012] 51 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDP1s 51 Postretirement benefits 51 LIABILITIES #,#,# #,#,# [001] 51 Financing Activities Borrowings 51 Junior subordinated debentures 51 Trade receivables 51 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 51 - - Net [046] 51 - - [090] 51 - Net [014] 51 Expenses Interest expense 51 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS [001] 51 - Total Assets [003] 51 Accounts payables 51 #,# -Veen 51 -Forbis 51 Dividends payable 51 #,#,# = Liabilities [006] 51 - - Total [045] 51 - Aijaz Hussain 51 Unearned premium 51 Shareholders Equity Accounts payable 51 - Total liabilities [015] 51 AND EQUITY CURRENT 51 - - Total [073] 51 51 -Tioman 51 COST OF GOODS SOLD 51 SEVERANCE PAY FUND 51 - -contralateral 51 INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR 51 - Total Liabilities [005] 51 - Operating [023] 51 #,#,# #,#,# Deposits 51 - - Total [053] 51 net# [002] 51 Liabilities #,#.# #,#.# 51 #,#,# = LIABILITIES [003] 51 - Operating [024] 51 - Total Assets [010] 51 -BY LESLIE BIXLER • 51 - LiabiDON JORDAN 51 LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 51 -manager Peter Chiarelli 51 51 INCOME TAX EXPENSE 51 Goodwill impairment 51 #,#,# Deferred [001] 51 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES 51 NOTES PAYABLE 51 DEFERRED RENT 51 receivable #,#,# #,#,# 51 - - [070] 51 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [006] 51 Total noncurrent liabilities 51 #,#,# #,#,# - [011] 51 - TOTAL ASSETS [008] 51 LONG TERM DEBT 51 Stockholders equity 51 Interest Expense Deposits 51 - Total liabilities [007] 51 #,#,# #,#,# - [003] 51 #,#,# #,#,# - Total [003] 51 INCOME TAX PROVISION BENEFIT 51 - LossSanta Margarita Ranch 51 #,#,# #,#,# - Tundocumented laborers 51 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERStuie 51 - TOTAL [008] 51 Unrealized gain 51 Current Assets #,#,# #,#,# 51 #,#,# #,#,# LONG TERM [002] 51 #,#,# = LIABILITIES ANRoppolo 51 NET PROPERTY PLANT 51 - TOTAL ASSETS [002] 50 - Unaudited [001] 50 - NeDEFENDERS 50 - [028] 50 - Total Assets [019] 50 Financing Activities Payments 50 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES SHAREHOLDERS 50 = Liabilities [014] 50 - - TotalYourLink 50 -Caged Bird Sings 50 -Prudentia 50 - - [064] 50 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Accounts payable 50 TOTAL LIABILITIES #,#,# 50 #,#,# #,#,# Inventories [001] 50 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment 50 #,#,# #,#,# -IBS C 50 - Operating [020] 50 - Total Current Liabilities [003] 50 #,#,# OTHER ASSETS 50 Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 #,#,# = LIABILITIES Bushley 50 EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts 50 - OperaStankowski 50 Liabilities Deferred 50 NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER 50 NET CASH PROVIDED BY 50 Shareowners equity 50 Acquired intangible assets 50 - Net [039] 50 - #,#,# #,#,# [003] 50 = LIABILITIES AND STOStacey Fitts 50 Long Term Obligations 50 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 50 #,#.# Liabilities [002] 50 INCOME TAX BENEFIT 50 Depreciation amortization 50 Inventory #,#,# #,#,# 50 #,#.# #,#.# -Claude Humphrey 50 - Commitments [011] 50 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE 50 - - Net Loss Attributable 50 - - [049] 50 - - [110] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Commitments [001] 50 - - [077] 50 #,# -Van Hove 50 - Total liabilitinike shox 50 - TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS [002] 50 Contributed surplus 50 Unbilled revenue 50 INTEREST EXPENSE 50 OTHER ASSETS Goodwill 50 #,#,# #,#,# Repayments 50 - Total liabilities [013] 50 - OperatKarnas 50 Subordinated convertible debentures 50 COST OF REVENUE 50 current liabilities #,#,# 50 - Operating [019] 50 - Operatingdanged 50 #,#,# #,#,# Contributed surplus [002] 50 CURRENT MATURITIES 50 #,#,# #,#,# -DH Ellis Burks 50 - - Total [061] 50 lease inducements 50 T otal 50 = Liabilities [019] 50 Accrued salaries 50 TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 50 - TOTAL ASSETS [013] 50 -WayForward Technologies 50 Notes Payable 50 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS 50 OTHER INCOME NET 50 #,#,# LIABILITIES AND [001] 50 - Total Current Assets [012] 50 Interest expense net 50 liabilities noncurrent 50 Redeemable convertible preferred 50 - Operating [010] 50 Total noninterest 50 - [035] 50 liabilities1 50 #,#,# #,#,# - [005] 50 #,# -Outasight 50 - Total Liabilities [010] 50 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS DEFICIT 50 - NUGF 50 liabilities# #,# 50 #,#,# = LIABILITIES [001] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Borrowings 50 Current Liabilities Notes 50 #,# [010] 50 - Net [003] 50 - TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 50 - Net [035] 50 - Total Liabilities [011] 50 Deficit #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 Less Current Maturities 50 -Onufrak 50 - Total Assets [011] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Total Liabilities [002] 50 - Expenses [018] 50 - Total Liabilities [009] 50 - Total Assets [008] 50 - - Total [017] 50 #,#,# #,#,# OTHER ASSETS [002] 50 - Total Current Liabilities [004] 50 #,#,# #,#,# OTHER ASSETS [001] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Inventories [002] 50 #,#,# #,#,# - [013] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Total [002] 50 LIABILITIES MINORITY INTEREST 50 - TOTAL ASSETS [005] 50 - Gross [022] 50 - LONG TERM [006] 50 - - Income [029] 50 - - [108] 50 Debt issuance 50 #,#,# #,#,# Amortization 50 - - Total [067] 50 Unbilled receivables 50 - Total Current Assets [009] 50 EQUITY Liabilities 50 - - Total [015] 50 - Total liabilities [016] 50 Subordinated convertible 50 #,#.#,#.# 50 AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY DEFICIT 50 OTHER INCOME 50 Accrued royalties 50 - - Changu 49 Accrued severance 49 - NET CASH [001] 49 -Chris Bocklet 49 - Total liabilities [005] 49 - Net [032] 49 #,# -Radhika Menon Theodore 49 OPERATING EXPENSES 49 AND MINORITY INTEREST 49 IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 49 #,#,# #,#,# - [012] 49 - TOTALCornel Chin Sue 49 - Net [023] 49 #,#,# [026] 49 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER 'S 49 INTEREST EXPENSE Deposits 49 accrued liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 49 Expenses Employee 49 = Liabilities [009] 49 EXPENSES Cost 49 AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 49 Borrowings repayments 49 #,#.# #,#.# - [004] 49 - [011] 49 = Liabilities [013] 49 - Total Assets [016] 49 Expenses Operating 49 = Liabilities [003] 49 Postretirement 49 - Income [023] 49 ACCRUED 49 TOTAL REVENUES 49 - Total liabilities [017] 49 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [008] 49 #,#,# -Somawansa Amarasinghe 49 -exhaust tailpipe 49 Noninterest Expense Salaries 49 #,#,# #,#,# Restricted [002] 49 IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 49 - - [115] 49 - OpeDHQ 49 #,# = LIABILITIES [007] 49 - Income [025] 49 Current liabilities Notes 49 = Liabilities [023] 49 #,#,# = LIABILITIESPhilippines LMP 49 EQUITY Accounts payable 49 #,#,# #,#,# Intangible assets [001] 49 equity method investees 49 - NET INCOME [017] 49 Goodwill impairment - [002] 49 - - Net [031] 49 INCOME TAX EXPENSE BENEFIT 49 NON CURRENT 49 = Liabilities [020] 49 - Total Liabilities [013] 49 - - Income [007] 49 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE NET 49 - Operating [026] 49 notes receivable 49 INCOME BEFORE TAXES 49 Borrowings 49 equity Current liabilities 49 = Liabilities [005] 49 #,#,# #,#,# - Totaelectromagnetic signals 49 contingencies Stockholders equity 49 AND STOCKHOLDER 'S 49 - Total InteresGrowden Memorial 49 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [003] 49 Noncash 49 Noncurrent assets 49 current assets# [002] 49 USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 49 - OCBSO 49 - INCOMSergio Quintana 49 - Total Assets [020] 49 - Operating [002] 49 - [006] 49 - Income [011] 49 INCOME TAX PROVISION 49 NON CURRENT ASSETS 49 #,#,# #,#,# [003] 49 TOTAL NONINTEREST INCOME 49 - - TotRobert Gisevius Jr. 49 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [002] 49 -Sibusisiwe 49 - - Total [037] 49 Less Allowance 49 - - [092] 49 AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY -APAF 49 #,#,# #,#,# - [020] 49 - -Semiconductor Manufacturing International 49 TOTAL EXPENSES 49 Current Liabilities Current maturities 49 Goodwill #,#.# #,#.# 49 -Brad Dorfman editing 49 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Share 49 - Operating [028] 49 - ADLs 49 Increase Decrease 49 Stockholders Deficit Current liabilities 49 Total Liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [002] 49 Total Interest Expense 49 #,# -SYLACAUGA Ala. 49 ACTIVITIES Net borrowings 49 -Mohmand tribal region 49 - - Net [027] 49 BEFORE TAXES 49 Identified intangible assets 49 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 49 assets1 49 #,#,# #,#,# TOTAL ASSETS [002] 49 #,# = Liabilities [005] 49 INVESTING ACTIVITIES 49 Accrued liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 49 - Gross [020] 49 #,#.# #,#.# - Total [003] 49 INTEREST INCOME 49 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 49 - - [048] 49 =SpatialFX 49 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS [003] 49 #,#,# = LIABILITIESValentine aka YoBaby 49 #,#,#,#,# [003] 49 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERSRM#.# Tenaga 49 Taxes receivable 49 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLWikiPedia 49 Total noninterest expenses 49 #,#,# -Samsung DualView TL# 49 - - [088] 49 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLPaul Withers 49 noncurrent assets 49 #,#,# TOTAL LIABILITIES [001] 49 Expenses Cost 49 #,#,# [005] 49 #,#.# #,#.# - Total [004] 49 - Total noninterest [010] 49 NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Long 49 - #,#,# #,#,# [002] 49 - IncoMudug 49 - - Total [072] 49 OPERATING INCOME 49 Stockholders Equity Deficit 49 - Operating [025] 49 #,#,# Intangible assets 49 -Petrzelka 49 CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS 49 #,#,# #,#,# -WEP keys 49 #,#,# #,#,# - [017] 49 - - Net [060] 49 - Total Assets [002] 49 Short Term Borrowings 49 -Aijaz Hussein 49 noncurrent liabilities 48 - Total Current LiabilitieEhsaan Qureshi 48 - Operating [029] 48 Convertible preferred 48 = LIABILITIES [003] 48 #,# = LIABILITIES [004] 48 Total stockholders 48 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net 48 #,#,# Accounts receivable [002] 48 COSTS AND EXPENSES 48 -MSPmentor 48 #,#,# Total [001] 48 Subordinated debentures 48 - Net [038] 48 - TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS [003] 48 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING 48 GROSS PROFIT #,#,# [001] 48 - - Net [039] 48 - SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY [004] 48 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS [002] 48 Receivable 48 - Operating [021] 48 - [032] 48 #,# [022] 48 CONTINGENCIES AND 48 #,#,# #,#,# - [018] 48 #,#,# #,#,# Restricted [001] 48 Liabilities Accounts Payable 48 -Gacy 48 -David# 48 - - Total [035] 48 - NET CASH [002] 48 -ABGL 48 - Commitments [012] 48 FIXED ASSETS NET 48 Unrealized 48 #,#,# #,#,# Interest expense 48 Interest receivable 48 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHR. Wolfgram 48 Total Stockholders Equity 48 INTANGIBLE ASSETS net 48 Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 48 -ranolazine extended release 48 - Operating [016] 48 #,#.# = Liabilities [003] 48 #,#,# #,#,# -Yacht Collection IYC 48 Leasehold inducements 48 - - Net [042] 48 NonInterest expense 48 #,#,# #,#,# LONG TERM [001] 48 Amortizable intangible assets 48 - TOTAL ASSETS [015] 48 Stockholders Equity Common 48 Shareholders Equity Share 48 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKRt.# 48 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDEVHS trumped 48 #,#,# #,#,# - TotalLa Plume 48 contingencies Stockholders Equity 48 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND [013] 48 - Net [029] 48 - Net [031] 48 INCOME TAXES #,#,# 48 - - Nforecaddie 48 EQUIPMENT NET #,#,# 48 #,#,#,#,# [004] 48 - Operating [015] 48 postretirement benefit obligations 48 - Commitments [008] 48 Financing Activities Repayment 48 -Blyleven 48 - - [023] 48 #,#,# [012] 48 - - [053] 48 -Boerne ISD 48 - Loss [033] 48 - Net [027] 48 -e.sat 48 Deposits Demand 48 NON INTEREST EXPENSE Salaries 48 #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# [001] 48 - TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIEShalf decaf vanilla 48 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES 48 NCO GROUP INC. 48 - -Walshaw 48 LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 48 TOTAL EQUITY AND 48 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued [003] 48 #,#,# #,#,# -Lindsay Czarniak 48 INCOME TAX BENEFIT PROVISION 48 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 48 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 48 consolidated VIEs 48 Acquired intangibles 48 Commodity derivative 48 - Total Liabilities [014] 48 - - Total [032] 48 #,#,#,# [016] 48 OF DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 48 REDEEMABLE PREFERRED STOCK 48 - Total noninterest [003] 48 =Implementation Unit PIU 48 #,# -oxidative enzymes 48 -lipid nanoparticles 48 #,# -INDUSTRIES INC. 48 CONTINUING OPERATIONS BEFORE INCOME 48 - - [014] 48 #,#,#,# [015] 48 - - Net [011] 48 - Operating [014] 48 - - [065] 48 #,# -ANDREW J. FERRARO 48 -RiverRats 48 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY DEFICIT Current 48 #,#.# #,#.# Goodwill [002] 48 unconsolidated subsidiaries 48 Interest expense Deposits 48 Accounts receivables 48 Deferred Credits 48 Accumulated deficit #,#,# #,#,# [002] 48 - Operating [017] 48 Inventories #,#,# #,#,# [002] 48 Capitalized software 48 NET CASH USED IN 48 - Net [008] 48 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES 48 CASH PROVIDED BY 48 -AccessLine brand 48 - -Sumi é Art 48 EXPENSE Interest income 48 Contingencies Shareholders equity 48 - Total Assets [001] 48 NONINTEREST EXPENSES Salaries 48 Accounts receivable #,#,# #,#,# [002] 48 - TOTAL [007] 48 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHRoschman 48 - Income [005] 48 #,#,# - Total [008] 48 - Net [020] 48 - Gross [004] 48 -PROCTOR Water 48 Stockholders Equity Liabilities 48 NOTE PAYABLE

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