Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 59 Daily Reflector 55 Charlotte Observer 54 Daily Iowan 54 Virginian Pilot 52 Dallas Morning News 52 Porterville Recorder 52 Athens Banner Herald 51 Tampa Tribune 51 Island Packet 51 Anniston Star 50 Winston Salem Journal 50 Norman Transcript 50 Brownsville Herald 50 Star Exponent 49 Courier Journal 49 Steve Lyttle 48 Daily Transcript 48 Daily Camera 48 Palm Beach Post 48 WASHINGTON POST 48 Tennessean 48 Asheville Citizen Times 47 Beaufort Gazette 47 OBSERVER 47 Opelika Auburn News 47 Flint Journal 47 Fayetteville Observer 47 Missoulian 47 LOS ANGELES TIMES 47 Daily Item 46 Bluefield Daily Telegraph 46 Charleston Gazette 46 Natchez Democrat 46 Philadelphia Inquirer 46 Observer Raleigh NC 46 McClatchy Newspapers 46 Herald Dispatch 46 Kalamazoo Gazette 46 Lufkin Daily 46 Columbus Dispatch Ohio 46 Macon Telegraph 45 Journal Constitution 45 Hartford Courant 45 Collegian 45 Charleston Daily Mail 45 Ironton Tribune 45 Bradenton Herald 45 Saratogian 45 WRAL TV 45 Dothan Eagle 45 Times Dispatch 45 Herald Bulletin 45 St. Petersburg Times 45 THE DAILY 45 Daily Record 44 UNC CH 44 Coloradoan 44 NEW YORK TIMES 44 PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE REVIEW 44 Harvard Crimson 44 SPECIAL TO THE 44 GateHouse News 44 Cincinnati Enquirer 44 Santa Cruz Sentinel 44 UNC Chapel Hill 44 TimesDaily 44 Southern Illinoisan 44 Record Searchlight 43 CHAPEL HILL 43 Free Press 43 Boston Globe 43 Eureka Reporter 43 Orlando Sentinel 43 Sentinel Staff Writer 43 Star Ledger 43 TRIBUNE REVIEW 43 DAILY NEWS 43 Special Contributor 43 Herald 43 Louisville Courier Journal 43 Columbus Dispatch 43 FLORIDA TODAY 42 WRAL 42 Courier Post 42 Augusta Chronicle 42 Emporia Gazette Contact 42 By STEVE BROWN 42 Concord Monitor 42 Muskegon Chronicle 42 Daily Oklahoman 42 Courant 42 Oklahoman 42 Janesville Gazette 42 Berkshire Eagle 42 Tribune Tacoma WA 42 STAFF AND 42 Oregonian 42 StarNews 42 Commercial Appeal 42 Savannah Morning 42 By TERRI SANGINITI