
Related by string. distributable * * distributable cash flow . Distributable Cash Flow . standardized distributable cash . calculating distributable cash . Standardized Distributable Cash . Standardized distributable cash . adjusted distributable cash . Adjusted Distributable Cash . Adjusted distributable cash . distributable surplus . distributable cash *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 64 adjusted distributable cash 61 Distributable cash 61 Adjusted diluted 61 - Diluted 61 Adjusted distributable cash 61 Standardized distributable cash 60 Normalised 60 Normalized EBITDA 60 standardized distributable cash 60 Unitholder distributions 60 - - Net [047] 60 distributable 59 #,# =Jaegle 59 Payout ratio 59 AFFO 59 Adjusted Gross Profit 59 FFO FFO 59 Normalized EPS 59 - Adjusted [028] 59 - - Net [055] 59 Distributable Earnings 59 -#.# % [001] 59 FFO allocable 59 Pro forma diluted 58 Adjusted 58 = Net [006] 58 Payout Ratio 58 Distributable Cash 58 EBITDA distributable cash 58 - - [094] 58 - - Net [019] 58 -DD2 58 = Adjusted [009] 58 equity excluding AOCI 58 Income Applicable 58 Adjusted EBITDAX 58 Pro forma EPS 58 income allocable 58 adjusted ebitda 58 - - NetMarigot Bay r 58 - -Mike Butia 57 Distributions declared 57 - Adjusted [006] 57 Normalised earnings 57 From Operations AFFO 57 Pro Forma Adjusted 57 = Basic [019] 57 Declared distributions 57 #,# -ANDREW J. FERRARO 57 Non GAAP Diluted EPS 57 - Adjusted [022] 57 per dilutedshare 57 - Adjusted [031] 57 = Net [034] 57 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 57 = Net [041] 57 - - NetGranara 57 EBDDT 57 Fixed Charges 57 Diluted FFO 57 = Non GAAP [014] 57 - - Net [034] 57 NAREIT FFO 57 = Net [018] 57 Distributable Income 57 CORE EARNINGS PER SHARE 57 Core FFO 57 - - [015] 57 Consolidated EBITDAR 56 - - Earnunderwent resection 56 EBITDA1 56 = Basic earnings [007] 56 - Non GAAP [009] 56 Non GAAP diluted 56 Adjusted pro forma 56 = Diluted [019] 56 - Adjusted [019] 56 DISTRIBUTABLE CASH 56 netincome 56 GBP'# GBP'# GBP'# GBP'# 56 - Adjusted [029] 56 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 56 OP Unit 56 - Adjusted [030] 56 - - Diluted [008] 56 Priority Unitholders 56 Products Declare Monthly 56 loss allocable 56 - -Corporatism 56 operating income1 56 distributable earnings 56 - -Manvinder Singh 56 = Earnings [026] 56 - Adjusted [026] 56 EUR -#.# -#.# [001] 56 Fully diluted EPS 56 GAAP EARNINGS 56 - - [085] 56 = Adjusted [002] 56 - - [046] 56 CurrencyShares SM Exchange Traded 56 - Adjusted [017] 56 Based Compensation Expense 56 - - Net [028] 56 Unitholder Distributions 56 - - Non GAAP [001] 56 - Adjusted [034] 56 = Earnings [018] 56 = Net [019] 56 depreciation amortization accretion 56 = Basic [028] 55 - Net [006] 55 - - Net [046] 55 = Net [039] 55 - NeDEFENDERS 55 - - [019] 55 = Earnings [006] 55 Pro forma net 55 - - [126] 55 = Adjusted [003] 55 - - Net [026] 55 = Operating [002] 55 Modified EBITDA 55 -Laemmle Music 55 Recurring distributable income 55 = Earnings [013] 55 Pro forma EBITDA 55 - -OfficeMax ImPress R 55 = Adjusted [001] 55 - AdjusETON 55 = Adjusted [008] 55 Adjusted Diluted EPS 55 SEK -#.# -#.# [001] 55 = Weighted average [026] 55 = Diluted [023] 55 - - [093] 55 Basic #,#,# #,#,# [001] 55 - Loss [020] 55 - Adjusted [014] 55 - -Belusko 55 Recurring FFO 55 -Unprovoked 55 Distributions Distributions 55 = Net [011] 55 Income Loss Per Share 55 - - Net [060] 55 = Diluted [014] 55 Non GAAP net 55 CORE EARNINGS 55 - Non GAAP [025] 55 - - Net [003] 55 - Net income 55 - -Prevelle 55 EBITDAC 55 Adjusted FFO 55 - - Net [016] 55 -vnunet.com 55 - - Income [031] 55 - - Net [049] 55 Before Unusual Items 55 - Net [013] 55 - NetTransy 55 - Aijaz Hussain 55 Distributable Cash Flow 55 - - [016] 55 Non GAAP adjusted EBITDA 55 NOI FFO 55 Interest Coverage Ratio 55 Currency translation adjustments 55 #,# #,# #,# [012] 55 = Earnings [027] 55 Cents Cents 55 Consolidated adjusted EBITDA 55 Headline PBIT 54 = Earnings [001] 54 Exchangeable LP units 54 - -Bredbury 54 = Net [030] 54 Continuing Ops 54 Derivative Liabilities 54 - -vanilla buttercream 54 Headline earnings 54 - Net [014] 54 GBP'# 54 Deferred Taxes EBDT 54 = NDelara 54 = Net [031] 54 =Thomas van Schaik 54 Unlevered Free Cash Flow 54 = Diluted [009] 54 DNOI 54 - - Net [037] 54 = [016] 54 NON GAAP MEASURE 54 distributable cash 54 Non GAAP Adjusted EBITDA 54 Adjusted EBITDAS 54 Non GAAP Proforma 54 Before Depreciation Amortization 54 - Adjusted [010] 54 - -freefall parachute 54 = Net [029] 54 = Basic [010] 54 = Earnings [017] 54 - Operating [028] 54 NET INCOME TO NON 54 - - Non GAAP [007] 54 Rm Rm 54 Depreciation Amortization 54 = Non GAAP [005] 54 = EMusei 54 Distribution FAD 54 non gaap 54 Adjusted Earnings 54 = Diluted [033] 54 - Non GAAP [002] 54 = Non GAAP [003] 54 -# TEUR 54 - Adjusted [016] 54 = Basic [034] 54 = Net [013] 54 = Net [036] 54 AND ADJUSTED DILUTED EARNINGS 54 - Adjusted EBITDA [003] 54 = NetSao Pedro 54 -FORT IRWIN Calif. 54 = Diluted earnings [008] 54 - - Net [002] 54 = EarningSTEF 54 - - [081] 54 income1 54 R'# 54 Proportionate 54 pro forma adjusted EBITDA 54 Recurring Adj 54 = Diluted [021] 54 = Loss [007] 54 Equity Compensation Expense 54 - - [067] 54 R'# R'# 54 - Adjusted [015] 54 - - Net [021] 54 IFRS IFRS 54 #.# =Atatahak 54 - Adjusted [003] 54 = Net [002] 54 Consolidated OIBDA 54 Equity Investees 53 TO NET CASH 53 -Inc. NASDAQ CHTR 53 Non GAAP 53 items impacting comparability 53 - Non Shane Germann 53 Exceptional Items 53 = Basic [002] 53 - - Nforecaddie 53 - Non GAAP [019] 53 = Basic [015] 53 #.#p #.#p [007] 53 = Diluted [036] 53 Numerator 53 PIXMA MX# Office 53 continuingoperations 53 endedSeptember 53 = Net [021] 53 - - Net [008] 53 unrealized derivative gain 53 - Non GAAP [027] 53 Net Income 53 -#,# -#,# [004] 53 Adjusted Distributable Cash 53 Discretionary Cash Flow 53 = Diluted [032] 53 Cash Generated 53 #/#/# #/#/# - [002] 53 = Diluted [026] 53 Accumu 53 = Barenâ 53 Operations FFO 53 SEK -#.# [003] 53 = DilutedG. Neeleman 53 - Adjusted [027] 53 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. 53 Unlevered free 53 = Earnings [023] 53 - - Adjusted [001] 53 #.#c #.#c #.#c #.#c 53 = Juhng 53 Unfavourable Changes 53 #.#c #.#c [006] 53 Discretionary cash 53 - - Net [011] 53 distributable cash flow 53 = Basic [013] 53 Adjusted EBITDA1 53 Distributions Declared 53 EBIAT 53 = Operaanalytic geometry 53 - - Net [031] 53 -triseries 53 - - [045] 53 OTHER EXPENSE 53 - Income [004] 53 cash inflow outflow 53 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 53 - - [029] 53 HPU holders 53 - Net [040] 53 =information visit www.fundtech.com 53 - Net [007] 53 =Daggerhorn 53 - Adjusted EBITDA [004] 53 - -plumbers pipefitters 53 = Diluted [012] 53 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm 53 nonoperating expense 53 excluding BIBP 53 Non IFRS 53 USD#.#m USD#.# per [002] 53 Non Gaap 53 Pro Forma Operating 53 #.#p #.#p #.#p [001] 53 FFOM 53 - Adjusted EBITDA [001] 53 #,#,# #,#,# = [010] 53 Noninterest 53 Fourth Quarter Earnings Per 53 - - Net [001] 53 AND CASH FLOW 53 = Adjusted [010] 53 Fully Converted 53 = Net [007] 53 Profit Loss 53 Nil Nil Nil Nil 53 R'# R'# R'# 53 undistributed earnings 53 - - Net [043] 53 NET LOSS INCOME 53 Fully taxable 53 = Diluted [004] 53 EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC 53 - -Guldeniz 53 = Non GAAP [008] 53 TOTAL EQUITY 53 Costs Incurred 53 =steepling bounce 53 flow hedges 53 Expense Income 53 #,# NOVA MEASURING 53 PER SHARE DATA 53 income teb 53 - Income [012] 53 #.#p #.#p [004] 53 -#,# -#,# -#,# [006] 53 - Adjusted [012] 53 NET LOSS TO 53 = Diluted [034] 53 Impairment Losses 53 ANOI 53 Normalized FFO 53 Adjusted EPS 53 - -Minister K Natwar 53 - -Dorothy Rothrock 53 SEK -#.# -#.# [003] 53 = Diluted [027] 53 = Diluted [015] 53 - Stave Lake 53 -Ajkai Timfoldgyar plant 53 - - Quicks 53 equity method investees 53 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 53 #,#,# = [009] 53 Fully diluted earnings 53 - - Net [061] 53 Valuation allowance 53 #.# = Diluted [003] 53 EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS 53 Second Quarter Highlights 53 items affecting comparability 53 - -secretary VK Duggal 53 - IncomeMarkit Economics showed 53 Projected FFO 53 = GAAP [002] 53 QUARTER ENDED JUNE 53 NON GAAP 53 = Net [004] 52 MFFO 52 MTM adj 52 - - [073] 52 #,# #,# [011] 52 = Reconciliation [008] 52 - Adjusted [009] 52 DAC offsets 52 = DiluteAbdul Ghafoor Haideri 52 Recurring EBITDA 52 = Earnings [016] 52 -Sheikh Mohammed Godolphin 52 GBP'# GBP'# 52 Adjusted Homebuilding EBITDA 52 #,# #,# #,# [008] 52 SEK -#.# [001] 52 -Lee Seung chul 52 = Weighted average [003] 52 = Net [009] 52 IAROC 52 = Basic [024] 52 Continuing Operations Before 52 Stock Compensation Expense 52 =Kasasa Saver account 52 OPERATING CASH FLOW 52 = Net [005] 52 Unappropriated 52 = Net [035] 52 adjusted EBITDAR 52 Numerator Net income 52 Premiums Earned 52 - - Net [041] 52 CASH AVAILABLE FOR 52 = Diluted [030] 52 -cleveland.com 52 HK#.# cents [001] 52 Proved Developed Reserves 52 Adjusted EBIT 52 Currency translation adjustment 52 -#,# -#,# -#,# [004] 52 earnings pershare 52 - - [084] 52 Net income 52 #,# #,# #,# [010] 52 LIMITED PARTNER UNIT 52 QUALCOMM Strategic Initiatives 52 - Adjusted [025] 52 = Basic [004] 52 #,# #,# [003] 52 OTHER INCOME 52 Adjusted Non GAAP 52 Unallocated expenses 52 - - Diluted [005] 52 Premiums Written 52 Reclassification adjustment 52 -maidenly 52 Individual Annuities segment 52 #,#,# #,#,# =Motichka 52 Operations AFFO 52 - - [042] 52 - - Net [035] 52 = Non GAAP [001] 52 OUTSTANDING BASIC AND DILUTED 52 INTEREST EXPENSE NET 52 FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 52 = Earnings [019] 52 #,# #,# [008] 52 nonGAAP 52 CGAAP 52 NET INCOME AS REPORTED 52 Comparable FFO 52 Cents Per Unit 52 - - [065] 52 = Net [010] 52 - -McCOURTY Jason 52 Items impacting comparability 52 Distribution Coverage Ratio 52 OTHER INCOME Interest 52 = Earnings [029] 52 - - Net [052] 52 -nees 52 = Net [027] 52 - Non GAAP [017] 52 - - Net [051] 52 - - [005] 52 THIRD QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS 52 - OperatiMcGrath RentCorp 52 - Adjusted [018] 52 Cumulative translation adjustment 52 Exchangeable Share Ratio 52 ACCRETION 52 TO NET LOSS 52 = Non GAAP [012] 52 = Net [033] 52 Per Share Diluted 52 Net Income Loss 52 #.#p #.#p [008] 52 FUTURE INCOME TAXES 52 = Diluted [017] 52 =Nguebla 52 -HOLCOMB Kan. 52 - Adjusted [001] 52 FFO 52 GBP eg CFD 52 Dhs1 #m 52 IMPORTANT NOTES 52 Comprehensive Income Loss 52 - CaLou Smit 52 Cont Ops 52 -# -# -#,# 52 ATCF 52 ASSUMING DILUTION 52 - - Net [013] 52 Cash Flow Available 52 = Income [004] 52 excludes depreciation amortization 52 - Adjusted EBITDA [009] 52 Assumed provision 52 = Basic [022] 52 - Net [028] 52 Conversion Ratio 52 AUDIOCODES LTD 52 ADJUSTED EBITDA 52 Maintenance Capital Expenditures 52 Discontinued operation 52 Reviewed Reviewed Audited 52 SMURFIT STONE CONTAINER CORPORATION 52 - - Non GAAPHawai'i Paroling Authority 52 - - Net [042] 52 - - Net [015] 52 - Non GAAP [031] 52 = Net [028] 52 -By DON HUNTER 52 CASH FLOW DATA 52 contingently convertible securities 52 = Basiverrucas 52 Reconciling Items 52 = Net [038] 52 Income Loss Before 52 Pro Forma EBITDA 52 - -Comic Book Challenge 52 -#,# -#,# -#,# [001] 52 AFTER TAX 52 Rm Rm Rm 52 = Net [040] 52 - Net [030] 52 Pro forma 52 discontinued operations - 52 FINANCIAL RATIOS 52 = Average [001] 52 Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA 52 - -Patrick Leahy Vt. 52 Pretax Income 52 Qualcomm Strategic Initiatives 52 Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 52 = [009] 52 = Diluted earnings [005] 52 Non GAAP Operating Margin 52 = Net [014] 52 - Loss [032] 52 Net Tangible Assets 52 Items excluded 52 - -Apace Systems 52 =FIG.N 52 = Basic [005] 52 - Net [037] 52 =MAP Pharmaceuticals MAPP 52 - -AccuWeather meteorologist 52 -#,# -#,# [010] 51 Distributions 51 Unlevered Cash Flow 51 - - [041] 51 = Basic [006] 51 - Net [003] 51 Diluted# 51 - LossSanta Margarita Ranch 51 - -Ker WingHouse Bar 51 Weighted Avg 51 - NET INCOME [023] 51 Rs.#.# crores [006] 51 = DilPIC#F 51 - - Net [038] 51 Income Taxes Allocable 51 - Non GAAP [018] 51 ments ments 51 = Basic [021] 51 -SIFs 51 EBITDAS 51 UNII Balance Average 51 = Diluted [018] 51 - - Net [025] 51 -Boorowa 51 = Net [026] 51 = Diluted [002] 51 #,# -Outasight 51 #,# -Kobita Desai principal 51 - - [087] 51 - - [054] 51 -Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki 51 -Dehring Bunting 51 Imputed 51 QSI GAAP 51 - Non GHanno Coetzee 51 - - Net [007] 51 GBP'# GBP'# GBP'# 51 = Basic [032] 51 Distributions Paid 51 Copano commodity 51 beia 51 = Net [032] 51 = Basic earnings [010] 51 MEDTRONIC INC. RECONCILIATION OF 51 -murtad 51 FAS CAS pension 51 Non Recurring Items 51 Nonrecurring items 51 - - [061] 51 Common Stockholders 51 = Basic [025] 51 -Arzola 51 OF CONSOLIDATED 51 = Net [025] 51 - Operating [004] 51 = Adjusted [005] 51 Earnings Excluding Specified 51 Recurring Segment Profit 51 Per Share Continuing Operations 51 - Non GAAP [028] 51 #.#c #.#c [004] 51 profit beia 51 SEK -#.# -#.# [002] 51 Diluted earnings 51 Non Controlling Interests 51 Pretax 51 Pesos Ps 51 - - Net [039] 51 Discontinued Ops 51 AIFRS 51 adopting SFAS #R 51 =epitomes 51 -GQ Lupi 51 Discontinued operations - [002] 51 - -Ascaron 51 Scantron segment decreased 51 - - [124] 51 -mintages 51 Month Avg 51 OPERATIONS TO ADJUSTED 51 Condensed Cash Flow 51 Total Capitalization 51 REIT Taxable 51 - Operatinluddites 51 #,# =Fiderion 51 = Basic earnings [005] 51 = Adjusted [013] 51 MNOK #.# 51 #.#/diluted share 51 - NET INCOME [003] 51 Adjusted EBT 51 -ABGL 51 Quarters Ended Twelve Months 51 - -Nicolas Leoz 51 unconsolidated investees 51 = Earnings [021] 51 NTAV 51 = Diluted [003] 51 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS 51 NET CASH 51 Add subtract 51 Profile Research AMXL.MX Quote 51 = Diluted [031] 51 #,#,# =blueberries strawberries 51 - Earnings [001] 51 FFO payout ratio 51 MSEK -#.# 51 - Net [004] 51 - Net [035] 51 Normalized 51 = Earnings [014] 51 #,#,# #,#,# -NFTY 51 Segment Profit 51 noninterest expense divided 51 = Weighted average [008] 51 Consolidated Cash Flow 51 - Net [021] 51 = Basic earnings [001] 51 LPT Agreement 51 - NET INCOME [017] 51 Tax Expense 51 -Juan'ya Green 51 - Net [002] 51 = Diluted [022] 51 Compensation Expense 51 = Earnings [010] 51 -Gacy 51 #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# -ATLANTA Jeff Francoeur 51 Annualized Return 51 = Earnings [007] 51 -Wallagrass 51 LOSS INCOME FROM CONTINUING 51 EBITD 51 QUARTER QUARTER 51 - Net [029] 51 OPERATING REVENUE 51 Ordinary Dividends 51 GAAP Adj 51 ended September# 51 depletion depreciation 51 Denominator 51 Translation Retained 51 - - Non arachnophobes 51 Cash Distributions 51 EUR -#.# [001] 51 - Non GAAP [011] 51 - - Diluted [003] 51 Assuming Dilution 51 Fully Diluted 51 Cash Flow Provided 51 accretion DD & 51 - Non GAAPalanquero base 51 = Asbun 51 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 51 - - Net [040] 51 Income Trusts Declare 51 Diluted Share 51 #.#cps [002] 51 AMORTIZATION 51 - NET INCOME [028] 51 AND PRO FORMA 51 - - Non GAAP [006] 51 Annualized ROE 51 exclude noncash 51 #.# perdiluted 51 Fully diluted 51 Pro Rata 51 ISRAEL LTD 51 EUR -#.# -#.# [002] 51 CDFS dispositions 51 CASH FLOWS USED IN 51 Adjusted EBITDA 51 = Earnings [008] 51 Kilroy Realty Declares Quarterly 51 - Net [039] 51 INTEREST EXPENSE 51 Monthly Distribution Declared 51 = Adjusted [014] 51 Segmental analysis 51 Segment EBIT 51 calculating distributable cash 51 = DILUTED [004] 51 Qtr Qtr 51 Compensation Expenses 51 EARNINGS PER SHARE DILUTED 51 #.#p #.#p [002] 51 -squalid shacks 51 = Earnings [011] 51 Contribution Margin 51 EBITDAX 51 UNITHOLDERS EQUITY 51 Q1 #F 51 -ruminant animal 51 tions tions 51 CALCULATION 51 + - [010] 51 - Segment [001] 51 - EBITDA [003] 51 - Adjusted [024] 51 = Diluted earnings [011] 51 reconciles Adjusted EBITDA 51 = Earnings [012] 51 Unaudited Unaudited Audited 51 - NET INCOME [022] 51 - 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- Income [035] 50 - Adjusted [013] 50 - Net [027] 50 SILO LILO charges 50 EBITDA EBITDAM EBITDAR 50 Percentage Percentage 50 = Basic [014] 50 Adjustments Interest expense 50 Numerator Net 50 #,# -Radhika Menon Theodore 50 Reviewed Reviewed 50 RETALIX LTD 50 - Loss [023] 50 -FreeAgent Pro 50 Minority interests 50 #,# #,# #,# [011] 50 intersegment eliminations 50 -TJX TJX 50 - Income [023] 50 Significant Items 50 taxes EBDDT 50 = Adjusted [004] 50 - - [048] 50 - Operating [009] 50 = Basic [016] 50 -#.#-# 50 NET PROFIT LOSS 50 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 50 FFO Per Share 50 Income Loss Available 50 KEMET CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES 50 equity investees 50 FIRST NINE MONTHS 50 - - [103] 50 Annualized Adjusted EBITDA 50 YTD Q3 50 Invested assets 50 = Diluted earnings [009] 50 EUR Mio 50 AND ADJUSTED 50 = Net [017] 50 EURm 50 Tactical Strategies 50 mandatorily redeemable preferred 50 RECONCILIATION OF 50 - Operating [026] 50 COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING Basic 50 - Income [031] 50 THREE MONTHS ENDED SIX 50 Pro Forma Net 50 -#,# -#,# [009] 50 = [027] 50 #,#,# #,#,# = DilutedEphrata Raceway 50 = Segment [002] 50 ADJUSTED EARNINGS 50 CASH FLOW STATEMENTS 50 -prosumer 50 Amount Amount 50 WEIGHTED AVG 50 - Non GAAP [004] 50 DILUTED NET INCOME LOSS 50 - Income [002] 50 [047] 50 - - Net [058] 50 Regular Monthly Distribution 50 - Operating [013] 50 - - Adjusted [004] 50 BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF 50 - Nowww.bjc.psu.edu 50 Appendix 4D item 50 NON GAAP NET INCOME 50 EBITDAF 50 Paperboard Packaging segment 50 Diluted Income Loss 50 - -ventral fins 50 - - Net [029] 50 -#.# -#.# -#.# [012] 50 Fund TSX SEF.UN 50 Retained earnings #,#,# #,#,# [002] 50 EBT amounted 50 reconciles GAAP 50 Benefit Provision 50 Fully diluted weighted 50 Industrial CFOA 50 Unconsolidated Entities 50 BASIC AND DILUTED WEIGHTED 50 Interest Income Expense 50 -#,# -#,# [007] 50 - Cash flows [011] 50 Cash Flow Statement 50 -NIDC 50 EBITDARM 50 - - Net [024] 50 unvested restricted 50 Reported ments 50 -Elie Nadelman 50 - - [036] 50 kEUR 50 - Operating [030] 50 = Diluted [020] 50 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN 50 DILUTED EPS 50 -Gabriel McCulley 50 -CBDI 50 2nd QUARTER 50 PMPS brand 50 - -TheKnot.com 50 Income Loss Per 50 - Income [011] 50 + - + - [007] 50 EUR#.# EUR#.# [002] 50 NOPAT 50 EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 50 operations# 50 Condensed Consolidated Income 50 DISTRIBUTIONS 50 - - Net [023] 50 + - + - [009] 50 GBPm GBPm 50 adjusted unlevered free 50 nonoperating expenses 50 OPERATING EARNINGS 50 - - [128] 50 Income Tax Expense Benefit 50 CRIC shareholders 50 Operational EBITDA 50 Fully Diluted EPS 50 Preferred Stock Dividend 50 -Lighting Designers 50 = Basic [018] 50 Himax stockholders 50 - IncoMudug 50 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 50 Tangible stockholders 50 = Basic [033] 50 = Diluted earnings [003] 50 postretirement expense 50 - Adjusted [021] 50 FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNAUDITED 50 - - [089] 50 MSEK -# [002] 50 Items affecting comparability 50 Gaz Métro inc 50 EQUITY Share 50 PER SHARE 50 normalized FFO 50 -Gail Lissner vice 50 EBIT amounted 50 AND RATIOS 50 OUTSTANDING DILUTED 50 [045] 50 Loans Receivable 50 #,#,# #,#,#,# #,#,# 50 - Non GAAP [016] 50 OUTSTANDING BASIC 50 = [049] 50 - - Income [007] 50 - Adjusted EBcredible degrees Winneg 50 = Diluted earnings [012] 50 EPRA NAV 50 USD#.#m USD#.# [002] 50 - - [071] 50 = Weighted averageFloodwaters receded 50 - Adjusted [005] 50 Income Loss Applicable 50 #.#. #.#.# [002] 50 - Adjusted [033] 50 Trust KTF Declares 50 - - [066] 50 nm nm 50 Earnings Per 50 -INSERM U# 50 AND LIABILITIES 50 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS IN THOUSANDS 50 GBPm GBPm GBPm 50 EARNINGS LOSS PER SHARE 50 = Basic [001] 50 -Caged Bird Sings 50 Anworth Announces 50 - Unaudited UnauditWatercutter 50 SFAS#R 50 #,# -oxidative enzymes 50 YTD# YTD# 50 - NUGF 50 Normalized Funds 50 Gross Margin Gross 50 LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 50 - - Income [012] 50 assuming dilution 50 = Net [012] 50 Noninterest Expenses 50 - Net [011] 50 Adjust ments

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