Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 89 Third Quarter Fiscal 88 Second Quarter Fiscal 85 First Quarter Fiscal 79 Fourth Quarter Results 77 Third Quarter Earnings Release 77 Third Quarter Results 77 Discuss Fourth Quarter 77 Second Quarter Earnings 76 Third Quarter Earnings 75 Second Quarter Results 75 Fourth Quarter 75 Third Quarter 74 First Quarter 74 Schedules Fourth Quarter 74 Second Quarter 74 Earnings Guidance 74 Fourth Quarter Earnings 73 Discuss Third Quarter 73 Full Year 73 First Quarter Earnings 72 First Quarter Results 72 Fiscal Quarter 72 Discuss Second Quarter 70 Announces Fourth Quarter 70 Schedules Second Quarter 70 Schedules Third Quarter 70 Financial Results 68 Announce Fourth Quarter 68 Earnings Announcement 68 Earnings Release 68 Announces Fiscal 68 Quarterly Earnings 68 Release Third Quarter 68 EPS Guidance 68 Release Fourth Quarter 67 Announces Third Quarter 67 Earnings Release Date 67 Announces Second Quarter 67 Announce Second Quarter 67 Reports Fourth Quarter 66 Year Ended Ended 66 Comparable Store 66 Release Second Quarter 66 Reports Third Quarter 66 Announce Third Quarter 66 2nd Quarter 66 Q4 Profit Rises 66 Reports Second Quarter 65 Q3 Profit Rises 65 Reports Fiscal 65 Quarterly Results 65 Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Balance 65 Q1 Profit Rises 65 Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets 64 Operating Results 64 Outlook Quick Facts 64 Per Diluted 64 1st Quarter 64 Announces Quarterly 64 3rd Qtr 63 Revenues Increase 63 4th Qtr 63 Q2 Profit Rises 63 Months Months 63 Selected Operating 63 RECONCILIATION OF NON GAAP 63 4th Quarter 62 1Q Earnings 62 3rd Quarter 62 Declares Cash Dividend 62 RECONCILIATION OF GAAP 62 Q2 Profit 62 Increases Quarterly Dividend 62 1st Qtr 62 FINANCIAL RESULTS 62 4Q Earnings 62 Announces Webcast 62 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements 62 NON GAAP 61 Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements 61 Increases Dividend 61 Condensed Consolidated Statement 61 Unaudited Dollars 61 Month Period 61 TO NON GAAP 61 Income Unaudited 61 Q3 Profit 61 3Q Profit 61 Q4 Profit 61 Host Investor 60 Announces Timing 60 3Q Earnings 60 Three Months Three Months 60 Unaudited Quarter Ended 60 2Q Earnings 60 1Q Profit 60 2Q Profit 60 Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend 60 Loss Per Share 60 Three Months Twelve Months 60 Declares Quarterly Dividend