Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 68 Stenberg v. Carhart 66 Boumediene v. Bush 64 Bilski v. Kappos 64 Grutter v. Bollinger 64 al Odah v. 63 Roe v. Wade 62 v. Heller 62 Hamdi v. 62 Scalia dissented 62 Planned Parenthood #-# 61 Al Odah v. 61 Riegel v. 60 legalized abortion nationwide 60 SCOTUS 60 Kiyemba v. Obama 60 Rasul v. Bush 59 v. Raich 59 Alito 59 Judge Alito 59 overrule Roe v. Wade 59 Slaughterhouse Cases 59 Partial Birth Abortion Ban 59 Hamdan v. 59 sharply worded dissent 58 Partial Birth Abortion 58 Partial birth 58 overrule Roe 57 granted certiorari 57 strongly worded dissent 57 Blakely v. 57 Judge Samuel Alito 57 overturn Roe v. Wade 57 Scheidler v. 57 concurring opinions 57 Samuel Alito Antonin Scalia 57 Berghuis v. Thompkins 57 Justice Breyer 57 Gratz v. Bollinger 56 Justices Souter 56 Samuel Alito 56 KSR v. Teleflex 56 Bruesewitz v. 56 Justice Rehnquist 56 Ling Cohan 56 super duper precedent 56 liberal justices dissented 56 Griswold v. 56 SCOTUSblog 56 opinion concurring 56 v. Wade 56 ruling legalizing abortion 56 Alito dissented 55 interracial marriage bans 55 v. FEC 55 Ginsburg Antonin Scalia 55 Justice Harry Blackmun 55 Judge Bork 55 David Souter dissented 55 Ginsburg Sonia Sotomayor 55 Harry Blackmun 55 Ginsburg Breyer 54 Washington v. Glucksberg 54 dissenting justices 54 decriminalized sodomy 54 Justice Felix Frankfurter 54 Bader Ginsburg 54 Justice Antonin Scalia dissented 54 Rehnquist 54 Justices Scalia Thomas 54 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 54 v. Hardwick 54 Loving v. 54 reargued 54 overturn Roe 54 Kathryn Mickle Werdegar 54 Branzburg 54 Gonzalez v. Carhart 54 Antonin Scalia dissented 54 infamous Dred Scott 54 Judge Sotomayor 54 strict constructionists 54 Judge Steeh 54 TOTENBERG 54 Abortion Ban 53 Granholm v. Heald 53 overturning Roe v. Wade 53 Justice Samuel Alito 53 v. Gore 53 Wesberry v. Sanders 53 Judge Ambro 53 Justices Clarence 53 justices 53 Van Orden v. 53 Justice William Rehnquist 53 nominating Harriet Miers 53 overturning Roe 53 Justices Thurgood Marshall 53 Roe vs. 53 concurrences 53 DC Handgun Ban 53 Justices Breyer 53 Judges Sonya Sotomayor 53 Zorach v. Clauson 52 Plyler v. Doe 52 Justices Ginsburg 52 Sotomayor 52 Sonia Sotomayor dissented 52 Alito confirmation 52 Varnum v. Brien 52 Justices Scalia 52 originalist 52 Samuel Alito dissented 52 Dahlia Lithwick 52 ACLU Cecillia Wang 52 frequent dissenter 52 Dred Scott decision 52 Justice Scalia 52 Elana Kagan 52 stare decisis 52 conservative jurists 52 William H. Rehnquist 52 Ninth Circuit 52 Norma McCorvey Jane 52 BAIPA 52 landmark Roe v. 52 First Amendment jurisprudence 52 Ginsburg dissented 52 Judge Guido Calabresi 51 Gall v. 51 Justices Sonia Sotomayor 51 Roe v 51 Kathryn Werdegar 51 Clarence Thomas 51 Supreme Court Nominee 51 Faretta v. California 51 justices Antonin Scalia 51 Justices Antonin Scalia Clarence 51 Ruth Bader Ginsberg 51 nominee Samuel Alito 51 partial birth 51 Alito confirmation hearings 51 Ayotte v. 51 Wickard v. Filburn 51 Patience Drake Roggensack 51 Laurie Zelon 51 justices Ruth Bader 51 O'Connor Antonin Scalia 51 Antonin Scalia 51 SCOTUS nominee 51 9th Circuit 51 Associate Justices Antonin Scalia 51 Judge Robert Bork 51 Dawn Johnsen 51 Carlos Bea 51 Miers nomination 51 Kelo eminent domain 51 Abortion Ruling 51 v. Shatzer 51 wise Latina remark 51 homosexual sodomy 50 Bell v. Wolfish 50 City v. Summum 50 separate concurring opinion 50 Bilski v. Doll 50 G. Harrold Carswell 50 Supreme Court 50 Judge Consuelo Callahan 50 David Souter Ruth 50 William Rehnquist Antonin Scalia 50 Maria Lourdes Sereno 50 David Souter 50 Lithwick 50 Robert Bork nomination 50 Parents Involved 50 Lucas Bersamin 50 Breyer Ginsburg 50 Romer v. 50 prochoice 50 Torture Memo 50 Wrotnowski 50 SCALIA 50 Ricci v. 50 textualist 50 Judge Tauro 50 Harriet Miers nomination 50 Judge Diarmuid F. 50 Detainee Treatment Act 50 SOTOMAYOR 50 originalists 50 Bork hearings 50 Tenth Circuit 50 MGM v. Grokster 49 spousal notification provision 49 Rita Garman 49 Rehnquist Scalia 49 People v. Falsetta 49 Adam Liptak 49 Marbury v. 49 pro choicers 49 Ginsburg Stephen Breyer 49 Celotex Corp. 49 decision legalizing abortion 49 Judge Rosemary Barkett 49 Judge Dyk 49 Elena Kagan 49 En banc 49 Paul V. Niemeyer 49 Scalia 49 justice Maura Corrigan 49 Karen LeCraft Henderson 49 legalized abortions 49 Ninth Circuit Court 49 nominates Elena Kagan 49 Antonin Scalia Clarence 49 Dissenting Opinion 49 Justice Priscilla Owen 49 Johnson v. Eisentrager 49 Rapanos v. United 49 JAN CRAWFORD GREENBURG 49 conservative jurist 49 Alito nomination 49 Rompilla 49 LaRue v. DeWolff 49 Markman Order 49 Judge Scheindlin 49 justices Stephen Breyer 49 spokesman Ron Keefover 49 Eleventh Circuit 49 Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer 49 Professor Chemerinsky 49 Adarand 49 Dred Scott 49 Solicitor General Kagan 49 reinstated Spisak 49 Bork nomination 49 JUSTICE SCALIA 49 pro lifers 49 Sekulow 49 Eighth Amendment prohibits 48 Justice Judith Cowin 48 Enemy Combatant Case 48 Partial Birth 48 Stephen Breyer 48 Goodridge v. 48 Tennard 48 Alito dissents 48 en banc rehearing 48 Clerked 48 Schacter cautioned 48 Roger Taney 48 Justice Antonin Scalia 48 concurring opinion 48 D. Susano 48 ADA Amendments Act 48 ALITO 48 Rhenquist 48 TOOBIN 48 strict constructionist judges 48 BPAI 48 Martin Villarama Jr. 48 Tafas v. Doll 48 Zubulake v. UBS Warburg 48 Justices Samuel Alito 48 Justice Sandra 48 v. Olano 48 Celotex Corp. v. Catrett 48 nominate Solicitor General 48 prolifers 48 Plyer v. Doe 48 Carol Beier 48 Judge Jose Cabranes 48 Robert Bork 48 appellate courts 48 amicus briefs 48 Judge Kermit Lipez 48 Specter defection 48 Roe V. 48 dissent Justice Antonin 48 decriminalized abortion 48 Jerrold Jensen 48 intermediate appellate 48 Frequent vociferous protests 48 Justice Helen Hoens 48 Sotomayer 48 J. concurring 48 Ledbetter v. 48 Gilbert Nares 48 Bruce Selya 48 Elena Kagan confirmation hearings 48 Melendez Diaz 48 strict constructionist 48 Daubert v. 48 Carpio Morales 48 Schriro v. 48 SCOTUS Blog 48 Eighth Circuit 48 Judge Sonia Sotomayor 48 rulings 48 Karsenty appealed 48 Sonya Sotomayor 48 Robert Bork Clarence 48 Scalia homophobe 48 Establishment Clause jurisprudence 48 Justice Sonia Sotomayor 48 Sonia Sotomayor 48 pro abortionists 48 Stephen Breyer dissented 48 SONIA SOTOMAYOR 48 v Zvi Goffer 48 Richard Teitelman 48 Justice Rosalie Abella 48 en banc 48 ponencia 48 v Raj Rajaratnam 48 Apprendi 48 Diamond v. Diehr 48 legalized abortion 48 Constitution Eighth Amendment 48 Helen E. Hoens 48 Jay Sekulow chief 47 Kagan Nomination 47 Sotomayor dissented 47 originalism 47 Peter T. Zarella 47 Justice Joyce Kennard 47 Judith Ann Lanzinger 47 Edwards v. Aguillard 47 uphold Roe v. 47 Associate Justice Antonin 47 electrocution inflicts intense 47 Justice Louis Dembitz 47 Partial Birth Abortions 47 OLC memos 47 Belkacem Bensayah imprisonment 47 judicial activism 47 v. Fanfan 47 Supreme Court justices 47 Judge Gajarsa 47 Almendarez Torres 47 judicial nominees 47 nominate strict constructionists 47 spousal notification 47 To Hear Arguments 47 RFRA 47 miscegenation laws 47 Sonia Sotomayer 47 Priscilla Richman 47 antisodomy laws 47 justices dissented 47 Sandra Day 47 Souter Ginsburg 47 Amerithrax investigations 47 James Harvie Wilkinson 47 anti abortionists 47 Memorandum Opinion 47 Kim McLane Wardlaw 47 longstanding prohibitions 47 JUSTICE STEVENS 47 Justices Maura Corrigan 47 Peggy Quince 47 WTO Appellate Body 47 Plessy v. Ferguson 47 banning interracial marriage 47 El v. Dretke 47 Korematsu conviction 47 Linda Greenhouse 47 Lyle Denniston 47 Judge Royce Lamberth 47 Ms. Miers 47 THE SUPREME COURT 47 nicknamed Scalito 47 Judge Ciparick 47 Surpeme Court 47 Justices William Rehnquist 47 Brett Kavanaugh 47 liberal judicial activism 47 quoting Twombly 47 Martin Villarama 47 Michael Melloy dissented 47 pro aborts 47 dissents 47 Supreme Courts 47 egregious injustices 47 Parental Notice 47 Jack Balkin 47 Flast 47 Nancy Cruzan 47 Blaine Amendments 47 oral arguments 47 nominees Priscilla Owen 47 v. Cavera 47 rehearing en banc 47 Nos. #-# #-# 47 Originalists 47 Reagan appointee 46 terminate pregnancy 46 Garre interpretation 46 Personnel Bd 46 Judge JL Edmondson 46 spousal notification requirement 46 Justices 46 inferences therefrom 46 affirmance 46 Supreme Court Justices 46 substantive unreasonableness 46 Gratz v. 46 Toonen v. Australia 46 Sixth Circuit 46 Myrna Dimaranan Vidal 46 William Rehnquist 46 Xiao Ji Chen 46 judicial overreach 46 abort fetus 46 court Wash. ecoterror 46 Judgment affirmed 46 reargument 46 Justice Jorge Labarga 46 Safeco Ins 46 Bernard Nathanson 46 Stupak Pitts Amendment 46 Bilski patent 46 Stephen G. Breyer 46 foreclose litigant success 46 fetal viability 46 dissenting Justice Antonin 46 Fifth Circuit 46 Steinbeck copyrights 46 Doris Ling Cohan 46 prosecute CIA interrogators 46 Samuel Alito confirmation hearings 46 grandparent visitation 46 Justice Dahiru Musdapher 46 Solicitor General Elena Kagan 46 Greineder lawyers 46 executing mentally retarded 46 rulings upholding 46 Harriet Miers 46 Doe v. 46 respectfully dissent 46 Mrs. Schlafly 46 Judie Brown 46 Originalism 46 summarily affirm 46 Slouching Towards Gomorrah 46 Judge Cabranes 46 anti choicers 46 Alitos 46 Stupak Pitts amendment 46 Justice Judith Lanzinger 46 white mainline Protestants 46 Ginsburg Souter 46 midlevel appeals 46 Remedios Salazar Fernando 46 appeal Cabranes 46 filibustered nominees 46 Judge Merrick Garland 46 Norberto Geraldez 46 abortion 46 Diana Motz 46 Scotusblog 46 Branzburg v. Hayes 46 Louis Oberdorfer 46 Helen Hoens 46 M. Blane 46 Oral Argument 46 ruptured ectopic 46 overruling Roe 46 Prudential Ins 46 Terri Shiavo 46 laws criminalizing homosexual 46 mentally retarded killers 46 Martha B. Sosman 46 v. Valeo 46 Justice Nasir ul 46 Janet Crepps 46 Jodi Jacobson 45 Doctrinal Note 45 Mildred Loving 45 Determinate Sentencing Law 45 Tushnet 45 manifestly unsupported 45 Kagan 45 mahogany lectern 45 Josue Bellosillo 45 Tjoflat 45 Jose Cabranes 45 blistering dissent 45 Seventh Circuit 45 By Gudrun Schultz 45 spokesman Naoya Narita 45 State ex rel 45 outlawing executions 45 Liberty Mut 45 precedential value 45 Rosenkrantz supra 45 soh toh my 45 SDW Va. 45 Transcript Docket 45 Harry Pregerson 45 Decision Upholding 45 Judge Dolores Sloviter 45 Sotomayor SUHN' ya soh 45 Justice Stephen Breyer 45 Circ Res 45 David S. Tatel 45 Carabell v. 45 USPSTF recommendations 45 Justice William Leaphart 45 Renato Corona 45 HJ Res 45 Justice Joette Katz 45 AUMF 45 v. Quarterman 45 Breyer 45 Abortion Federation 45 Flast v. Cohen 45 Fireman Fund Ins 45 lesbian insemination 45 saddening Rao 45 Su preme Court 45 dicta 45 v. Dretke 45 Sonia Sotomayor SUHN' ya 45 Judge McKathan 45 Tex. R. Evid 45 Cancio Garcia 45 conflicting rulings 45 Abortion 45 David B. Sentelle 45 Toobin 45 AP Newsbreak Jena 45 Appellate Judges 45 Justice Kathryn Mickle 45 Lethal injection executions 45 Judge Barbara Crabb 45 v. Scheidler 45 William Leaphart 45 judicial nominations 45 Stephen Markman 45 Caperton v. 45 Term Abortion Ban 45 Justice Marla Luckert 45 lethal injection executions 45 per curiam 45 Justice Lloyd Karmeier 45 Breyer dissented 45 Batson v. 45 Judicial Nominee 45 USPSTF 45 judge Priscilla Owen 45 Abortion Ban Act 45 exclusionary rule 45 Confirmation Hearings 45 Davila #-# 45 OKs Elena Kagan 45 v. Siracusano 45 Younger abstention 45 preclearance provision 45 Ninth Amendment 45 Consider Lethal Injection 45 SUPREME COURT 45 Rehnquist dissented 45 Ex parte Young 45 befallen Mrs. 45 Peter Kirsanow 45 Elias Zacarias 45 Judge Kollar Kotelly 45 People v. Breverman 45 Lethal Injection Case 45 strict constitutionalists 45 Ten Commandments displays 45 Wallace v. Jaffree 45 Leyla Sahin 45 DOMA 45 Ronald Reagan pardoned Felt 45 dissenting opinion 45 5th DCA 45 Parental Notification 45 Beth Brinkmann 45 Warrantless Wiretaps 45 Tenn. R. Evid 45 Leslie Southwick 45 Stephen Wermiel 45 Gay Marriage Case 45 Evelyn Lundberg Stratton 45 textualism 45 Justice Nasirul Mulk 45 Rooker Feldman doctrine 45 spokesperson Midas Marquez 45 obiter dictum 45 v. Black #cr# 45 Humanae Vitae 45 conclusively interpreted 45 ACLJ 45 precedential 45 Kelo v. City 45 Originalist 45 Clement F. Haynsworth 45 Gyan Sudha Misra 45 reh'g denied 45 Joyce Kennard 45 Justice Louise Charron 45 Judge Gerald Tjoflat 45 Washington DC 45 Turner v. Safley 45 Nan Aron president 45 Election Petition Tribunals 45 Therasense 45 Justice Reynato Puno 45 ponente 45 Dred Scott Decision 45 Patricia Millett 44 anti miscegenation laws 44 Commerce Clause jurisprudence 44 lenity 44 Delgamuukw 44 Alice Robie Resnick 44 Mainline Protestants 44 Evangelium Vitae 44 suspending Lamberth 44 Guido Calabresi 44 Yoo memos 44 interlocutory appeals 44 Justices Joyce Kennard 44 Laurence Tribe 44 Circuit CAFC 44 Monica Goodling 44 Paul Pfeifer dissented 44 ยง #.# Vernon 44 Judge Leopold Borrello 44 Merit Sys 44 ore tenus 44 Presidential Election Petitions 44 Diarmuid O'Scannlain 44 Slate Dahlia Lithwick 44 Emily Bazelon 44 Judge Luckern 44 Cabranes 44 credentialed Landrieu 44 Nina Totenberg 44 mem. op 44 Pam Karlan 44 v. Alvarez Machain 44 Inc. v. Broudo 44 Justices RV Raveendran 44 Theodore Boehm 44 amicus brief 44 antiabortion activists 44 Pro Lifers 44 Aide Pitino 44 Kennedy Antonin Scalia 44 Daniel Eismann 44 antiabortion movement 44 Contempt citations 44 BREYER 44 Ming Chin 44 partial dissents 44 Inc. v. PSKS 44 Terri Schiavo 44 UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 44 Judge Marsha Berzon 44 Sweden Claes Borgstrom 44 Marie Deschamps 44 Enemy Combatants 44 rehears 44 Jay Sekulow 44 Edward MacCallum 44 Vicente Roxas 44 nominee Priscilla Owen 44 Justice Margot Botsford 44 Carmony supra 44 Bench comprising Justice YK 44 Shiavo 44 Oppose Alito 44 L.Ed. 2d 44 Justices Rehnquist 44 GP Mathur 44 Ontario v. Quon 44 Mohammad Munir Paracha 44 Oral Arguments 44 Bench Memos 44 O'Scannlain 44 credibility determinations 44 Rosemary Barkett 44 Pro lifers 44 Leonardo Quisumbing 44 Eleventh Circuit Court 44 Solomonese 44 Learned Hand 44 Judicial Activism 44 Angelina Sandoval 44 Michael Luttig Priscilla 44 Justice SN Srivastava 44 Justice Sabhahit 44 Slip op 44 Judge Jay Bybee 44 strict constructionism 44 Justice Donald Allegrucci 44 Nominee Kagan 44 Nancy Northup 44 Barry Albin 44 Steven Zinter 44 Judge Gertner 44 Joan Biskupic 44 Souter 44 NARAL 44 NINA TOTENBERG 44 Judge Rosemary Collyer 44 antiabortion 44 ideologically divided 44 UCBR 44 JUDGE JOHN 44 Suspension Clause 44 Dante O. Tinga 44 State Secrets Privilege 44 Lorie Chaiten 44 Al Odah 44 aborting fetus 44 Miers 44 Judge Emmet Sullivan 44 completely counterproductive Haferbeck 44 Afternoon Delight Why 44 Milgaard conviction 44 James Curwood Witt 44 Priscilla Owen 44 Stays Execution 44 Court Reverses Ruling 44 Parental Notification Law 44 State Farm Mut 44 H. Easterbrook 44 Dinakaran elevation 44 Pro choicers 44 Justices Antonin Scalia 44 Ynares Santiago 44 Asif Khosa 44 People v. Carmony 44 Edith Clement 44 Ciparick 44 Jian Hui Shao 44 Franchise Tax Bd 44 nominates Kagan 44 Terri Schaivo 44 Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick 44 Sloviter 44 Flag Desecration Amendment 44 Strickland supra 44 Francis X. Flaherty 44 Stupak Amendment 44 Solicitor General Eduardo Nachura 44 AEDPA 44 Korematsu v. United 44 Justice Ruth Bader 44 Justice Martha Sosman 44 Victoria Graffeo 44 Libby commutation 44 Justice Elena Kagan 44 v. Ashcroft 44 Schneckloth v. Bustamonte 44 Leroy Carhart 44 Todd Gaziano 44 concurring opinion Justice Antonin 44 Deborah T. Poritz 44 Judge Harry Pregerson 43 People v. Gardeley 43 felon disenfranchisement 43 overbreadth 43 Kate Michelman 43 read Cannady mouthed 43 Harriet Miers withdrew 43 Antiabortion activists 43 Grutter 43 Nationwide Mut 43 Arch Surg 43 Barbara Pariente 43 ceremonial deism 43 Beneficiente Uniao Do 43 Doug Kmiec 43 MARCIA COYLE 43 Justice Clarence 43 Argentina legalizes 43 Judge Ricardo Urbina 43 Hear Gay Marriage 43 Sup reme Court 43 originalist judges 43 Joanne Pescatore 43 Asif Saeed Khosa 43 Shannen Coffin 43 spokeswoman Liana Shlyaposhnikova 43 Ch Ijaz Ahmed 43 thromboembolic disorders missed 43 Scalito 43 Lawful Commerce 43 Judge Kermit Bye 43 intrinsic evils 43 Boumediene 43 Ronald Rompilla 43 Terry Shiavo 43 JUSTICE BREYER 43 Angel Raich 43 prosecutorial impropriety 43 unenumerated rights 43 Borked 43 Edwin Kneedler argued 43 dismiss al Marri 43 Ex parte Quirin 43 Bybee Yoo 43 unexpected Tambussi 43 instruct juries 43 Garcetti v. 43 43 nonfrivolous issue 43 recusal motions 43 SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK 43 curative petitions 43 sextuplet births 43 judicial confirmations 43 COURT OF APPEALS 43 Saletan 43 Miers withdraws 43 Swedenburg v. Kelly 43 Maj. Op 43 Flemming L. Norcott 43 Pat Roggensack 43 5th Circuit 43 infamous Kelo 43 anencephalic babies 43 amicus curiae briefs 43 teeny tiny lapse 43 willy nilly disregard 43 Justices Stephen Breyer 43 Justice Victor Omage 43 Totenberg 43 Professionals ARHP 43 jurisprudence 43 Sotomayor nomination 43 William Renquist 43 Judge Pallmeyer 43 defendant intervenors 43 Consuelo Callahan 43 originalist interpretation 43 Edwin Kneedler 43 4th DCA 43 Justices Barbara Pariente 43 Sherley v. 43 Williamses suspensions 43 Datuk Gopal 43 Studios v. Grokster 43 Jeffrey Toobin 43 BY JAN CRAWFORD 43 encyclical Humanae Vitae 43 Doe v. Groody 43 Trade Comm'n 43 Markman Hearing 43 Justice Saka Ibiyeye 43 Gen. Elec 43 undiagnosed vaginal bleeding 43 Justice Jitendra Chauhan 43 Justice Dante Tinga 43 By PENNY BROWN 43 Stevens Ruth Bader 43 retry Tice 43 Minita Chico Nazario 43 Conchita Carpio Morales 43 conclusions de novo 43 Norgle 43 thirteenth juror 43 Delma Banks 43 preexisting bearish 43 enigmatic commas 43 materially prejudicing 43 hears oral arguments 43 procedural reasonableness 43 Fetal Pain 43 Appellate Term 43 Ten Commandments Displays 43 Borking 43 Michael Moldaver 43 habeas proceeding 43 M. Werdegar 43 Sosman 43 SCALIA J. 43 Risa Levine 43 William Hubbs Rehnquist 43 Ashhad Justice 43 Martha Geer 43 Cecile Richards president 43 MUKASEY 43 Fla. 3d DCA 43 legalize interracial marriage 43 Appellate Body 43 CH Pelton 43 Freeborne 43 maneuver Durr 43 contemporaneous objection rule 43 Obes Res 43 detectable heartbeat 43 renominations 43 Wyeth v. Kappos 43 Roadless Rule 43 reviewed de novo 43 nonprecedential 43 Arch Gen Psychiatry 43 Werdegar wrote 43 Mark Tushnet 43 concurring opinion Alito 43 prudential judgments 43 NRLC 43 William Saletan 43 Streamlined Procedures Act 43 v. Dagher 43 trimester fetus 43 Frances Kissling 43 Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented 43 Humane Vitae 43 Crawford Greenburg 43 Peter Verniero 43 Kentucky Ralph Baze 43 Joel Dubina 43 PPFA 43 cloture motions 43 Justice Michel Bastarache 43 Diosdado Peralta 43 Werdegar 43 ACLJ contends 43 Collateral estoppel 43 Economist YouGov poll 43 Sotomayor confirmation 43 Faretta motion 43 concurring opinion Justice 43 Eugene Pigott 43 Judge Bonnie Sabraw 43 prohibiting interracial marriage 43 Individual Mandate 43 Ilya Somin 43 detainee Mohamedou Ould Salahi 43 Walter Rothgery 43 Gunson testimony 43 SPECTER 42 Kelo v. 42 Products v. PSKS 42 Newdow 42 Zadvydas v. Davis 42 invoking cloture 42 eventual overruling 42 rarified mosh pit 42 Felix Frankfurter 42 hourlong oral arguments 42 liberals 42 Baze v. 42 Sandra Ikuta 42 RIGHT TO DIE 42 Dickey Wicker Amendment 42 Therasense Inc. 42 Judge Sandra Ikuta 42 Offshore Moratorium 42 Reginald Blanton 42 Judge Arthur Cooperman 42 Justice Frankfurter 42 unconstitutional abridgment 42 recriminalize abortion 42 amici briefs 42 Taxpayer Funding 42 Cathy Cleaver Ruse 42 Clement Haynsworth 42 Justice Patience Roggensack 42 defend DOMA 42 Ron Keefover spokesman 42 sub silentio 42 Harmelin v. Michigan 42 People v. Wende 42 NANCY KEENAN 42 Free Exercise Clause 42 Thomas Buergenthal 42 Justice Annette Ziegler 42 hewing faithfully 42 Ruling Upholding 42 justice Lossmann 42 Donald G. Collester 42 Bork 42 caustically droll Sheen 42 Bartha Jew 42 fetal personhood 42 PFAW 42 decriminalizing gay 42 filed amicus briefs 42 Stare decisis 42 First Ammendment 42 criminalizing abortion 42 THE JUDICIARY 42 JUSTICE GINSBURG 42 Amina Rubin 42 Tex. R. 42 Justice Tariq Parvez 42 Geier supra 42 Delma Banks Jr. 42 overturn Roe vs. 42 constructionist 42 B. Traxler 42 v. Caballes