Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 80 HIV prevention 75 HIV AIDS 66 AIDS 64 HIV Aids 63 HIV AIDs 63 HIV AIDS epidemic 61 combating HIV AIDS 61 anti-HIV/AIDS 60 HIV AIDS pandemic 60 HIV 59 combating HIV Aids 59 Hiv Aids 59 Aids 58 PMTCT 58 UNAIDS 57 malaria eradication 57 UNFPA 56 PEPFAR 56 AIDs 56 AIDS pandemic 55 Population Fund UNFPA 55 Sexually Transmitted Infections STI 55 Pepfar 54 Population Fund 54 sexually transmitted diseases 54 malaria 54 HIV AIDS sufferers 54 HIV infection 54 STD prevention 54 AIDS epidemic 54 maternal newborn 54 Polio eradication 54 anti retroviral treatment 53 HIV AIDS scourge 53 Malaria Control 53 HIV prevalence 53 AIDS orphans 53 abstinence faithfulness 53 maternal neonatal 53 NetsforLife 53 UNAids 53 HIV Aids pandemic 52 Aids pandemic 52 HIV AIDS malaria 52 HIV AIDS Awareness 52 MNCH 52 AIDS sufferers 52 polio eradication 52 AIDS UNAIDS 52 HIV Aids epidemic 52 insecticide treated nets ITNs 52 PLHIV 52 ACHAP 52 antiretroviral treatment 52 HIV STD 51 trachoma 51 BOTUSA 51 insecticide treated mosquito nets 51 PLWHA 51 UNICEF 51 bed nets 51 HIV Aids tuberculosis 51 prevention 51 Malaria 51 poverty alleviation 51 Piot 51 insecticide treated nets 51 eradicate illiteracy 51 routine immunization 51 poverty eradication 51 multi sectorial 50 Richard Wolitski acting 50 MDGs 50 insecticide treated bed 50 measles vaccination campaign 50 lifesaving antiretroviral treatment 50 SGBV 50 testing VCT 50 HIV infections 50 UNAIDS Secretariat 50 PLWHAs 50 HIV infected 50 Aids epidemic 50 Voluntary Counseling 50 antiretroviral drugs 50 generalized epidemics 50 ILO IPEC 50 HIV Aids prevalence 49 long lasting insecticidal 49 Abstain Be faithful 49 HIV AIDS tuberculosis 49 Safe Motherhood 49 Expanded Programme 49 PLWAs 49 Adolescent Reproductive Health 49 sanitation 49 HIVAIDS 49 MSMs 49 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 49 MTCT Plus 49 PLWA 49 Sexual Reproductive 49 antiretroviral ARV treatment 49 abstinence 49 gender mainstreaming 49 HIV Aids scourge 49 BIPAI 49 GYT Get Yourself Tested 49 Millennium Development Goals 49 life prolonging antiretroviral 49 Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric 49 reducing maternal mortality 49 male circumcision 49 Unaids 49 Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs 49 LOVE Condoms 49 Population Activities 48 Unifem 48 Female Genital Mutilation FGM 48 Get Yourself Tested 48 STD Prevention 48 SRHR 48 HIV Aids malaria 48 anti retroviral 48 measles immunization 48 Avahan 48 UNIFEM 48 AIDs epidemic 48 child transmission PMTCT 48 CNLS 48 Kathleen Cravero 48 ARV treatment 48 illiteracy eradication 48 anti retroviral treatments 48 maternal mortality 48 Aids scourge 48 ARV rollout 48 bednets 48 WHO UNAIDS 48 IDUs 47 Aids orphans 47 mosquito nets 47 Tennessee Outlive 47 AMICAALL 47 anti retroviral drugs 47 HIV AIDS prevalence 47 measles immunization campaigns 47 male circumcisions 47 child transmission MTCT 47 PPTCT 47 Child Survival 47 neonatal tetanus 47 noncommunicable diseases 47 Aids Tuberculosis 47 gender equality 47 promoting gender equality 47 AIDS NACA 47 WHO polio eradication 47 Rollback Malaria 47 Tuberculosis Malaria 47 Millenium Development Goals 47 Child Transmission PMTCT 47 NHAS 47 anti retroviral therapy 47 measles vaccination 47 obstetric fistula 47 eradicate malaria 46 AIDS BC EFA 46 antiretroviral 46 HIV AIDS PLWHA 46 Anti retroviral therapy 46 Anti Retroviral drugs 46 NACP 46 Khomanani 46 noncommunicable disease 46 Testing VCT 46 NTDs 46 FAWE 46 ARV therapy 46 Anti retroviral 46 Mr Sidibé 46 Nicholas Alipui 46 Aids sufferers 46 visit 46 epidemiological surveillance 46 insecticide impregnated bed 46 Safe Motherhood Initiative 46 MDG 46 Childhood Obesity Prevention 46 Unicef 46 ChildFund 46 antiretrovirals 46 measles vaccinations 46 UNPFA 46 BONEPWA 46 PANCAP 46 Purnima Mane 46 indoor insecticide spraying 46 Tuberculosis TB 46 DKT International 46 promote gender equality 46 HIV AIDS malaria tuberculosis 46 Polio Plus 46 EngenderHealth 46 UNPF 46 PolioPlus 46 fistula repair 46 eradicate guinea worm 46 NASCOP 46 Immunization EPI 46 Pierrette Vu Thi 46 mainstreaming gender 46 eradicate poliomyelitis 45 Anti Retroviral 45 Heimo Laakkonen 45 EFA FTI 45 schistosomiasis 45 Aizhixing Institute 45 antimalaria 45 distributing mosquito nets 45 FC2 female 45 FMOH 45 preventing unwanted pregnancies 45 antiretroviral drugs ARVs 45 salt iodization 45 achieving gender equality 45 HIV transmission PMTCT 45 guinea worm disease 45 IRIN PlusNews 45 Malaria GFATM 45 Poverty alleviation 45 Sexually Transmitted Disease 45 eradicating poverty 45 STIs 45 eradicating polio 45 Chi Heng 45 Maternal Child 45 infant mortality 45 eradicating illiteracy 45 Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs 45 sexually transmitted infections 45 CPPW 45 Teen Pregnancy Prevention 45 PneumoADIP 45 polio eradication initiative 45 Ipas 45 disadvantaged communes 45 Malaria Tuberculosis 45 Gender Mainstreaming 45 NCASC 45 Melinda Gates Foundation 45 Support Organisation TASO 45 lassa fever 45 AIDS Foundation EJAF 45 HIV Aids sufferers 45 human immuno deficiency 45 Polio vaccination 45 told IRIN PlusNews 45 antiretroviral ARV therapy 45 Tuberculosis Control 45 Immunisation EPI 45 DIPECHO 45 HIV Testing 45 ARVs 45 H.I.V. 45 Luis Sambo 45 KNOW HIV AIDS 45 sexually transmitted disease 45 DOTS 45 Peter Piot Executive 45 Disturbing Voices 45 Vulnerable Children 45 antiretroviral therapy ART 45 Polio immunization 45 UNGEI 45 teen pregnancy 45 Catherine Mbengue 45 treated bednets 45 PLHAs 45 Fund UNICEF 45 tuberculosis TB 45 Binagwaho 45 sexual transmitted infections 44 filariasis 44 Orphan Care 44 Actionaid 44 EVAW 44 Buruli Ulcer 44 Mr. Sidibé 44 Female Genital Mutilation 44 Development Goal MDG 44 condoms 44 malaria endemic countries 44 AFP 44 SECURE THE FUTURE 44 sensitization workshops 44 universal salt iodisation 44 Decent Work Agenda 44 Gianfranco Rotigliano 44 STDs 44 RNTCP 44 Qi Xiaoqiu 44 open defecation 44 Phoun Sokha 44 Panzi Hospital 44 Dr. Maria Wawer 44 communicable diseases 44 MTCT 44 FGM C 44 Maternal Infant 44 microbicides 44 TANSACS 44 PLHA 44 measles vaccination campaigns 44 Minister Urbain Olanguena 44 Male Circumcision 44 NGO ActionAid 44 polio vaccination campaign 44 Consol Homes 44 Metro TeenAIDS 44 Ms. Obaid 44 Poverty Alleviation 44 Lymphatic Filariasis 44 visit 44 IntraHealth 44 Dr Peter Piot 44 Dr Parirenyatwa 44 Jesper Morch 44 MDR TB 44 sexually transmitted infections STIs 44 YouthAIDS 44 Anti Retroviral Treatment 44 44 Joel Rehnstrom 44 Director Michel Sidibé 44 LoveLife 44 NERCHA 44 diarrheal deaths 44 Darkoh 44 HKI 44 GRYD 44 Simelela 44 Antiretroviral Therapy ART 44 anti retroviral ARV 44 polio immunization 44 inter sectoral 44 impregnated mosquito nets 44 Child Trafficking 44 Women UNIFEM 44 Children Affairs MOWAC 44 Walid Heneine CDC 44 Dybul 44 mass polio vaccination 44 antitrafficking 44 Poverty Eradication Action 44 guinea worm eradication 44 Tostan 44 Viravaidya 44 Non Communicable Diseases 44 antiretroviral therapy 44 eliminate avoidable blindness 44 Insecticide Treated Nets ITNs 44 ITNs 44 Christina Barrineau 44 NBLCA 44 APSACS 44 AHF 44 anti retroviral medication 43 opioid substitution 43 diarrheal diseases 43 rotavirus diarrhea 43 Kihumuro 43 HIV ADIS 43 human trafficking 43 HIV AIDS UNAIDS 43 OVCs 43 UNAIDS Executive 43 WVI 43 Gender Violence 43 Onchocerciasis Control 43 Neglected Tropical Diseases NTDs 43 LWF DWS 43 gender inequality 43 UNICEF UNAIDS 43 José Van Dúnem 43 organizations CBOs 43 Short Course DOTS 43 Gheskio 43 Nashville CARES 43 JHPIEGO 43 ARV 43 malaria endemic 43 Dr. Nafis Sadik 43 Kala azar 43 NGO Médecins Sans Frontières 43 NACP III 43 Measles vaccination 43 sexually transmitted infection 43 disaster preparedness 43 IGLHRC 43 insecticide treated bednets 43 loveLife 43 injectable contraceptives 43 Organisation Naco 43 malaria tuberculosis HIV AIDS 43 Malaria Vaccine Initiative MVI 43 anti malarial medicines 43 Michel Sidibé Executive 43 Ambassador Randall Tobias 43 AMREF 43 eosinophilic disorders 43 indoor residual spraying 43 polio immunization campaign 43 PEPFAR reauthorization 43 LISA MICHALS covers 43 psychosocial counseling 43 Vanormelingen 43 Anti retroviral ARV 43 female genital mutilation FGM 43 underserved populations 43 Coll Seck 43 C2EA 43 Measles Initiative 43 antiretroviral treatments 43 MINARS 43 FSWs 43 RBM Partnership 43 eradicate polio 43 abstinence monogamy 43 Based Violence GBV 43 Coordinator Eric Goosby 43 influenza pandemic preparedness 43 polio vaccination 43 hygiene WASH 43 Aids Control 43 Guinea Worm 43 leprosy eradication 43 Kul Gautam 43 immunization 43 HPV vaccination 43 G CAPP 43 vocational trainings 43 Rotary PolioPlus 43 eliminate lymphatic filariasis 43 Jhpiego 43 Human Immuno deficiency 43 hiv 43 Fund Unicef 43 hiv aids 43 microenterprise 43 anti retroviral medications 43 teenage pregnancy 43 AIDS Relief PEPFAR 43 UNFPA UNICEF 43 KSAPS 43 bilharzias 43 CLTS 43 Female Condoms 43 Oliver Rosenbauer spokesman 43 lifesaving antiretroviral drugs 43 Anti Retro Viral 43 Control Programme NASCOP 43 prevent unwanted pregnancies 43 sensitization campaigns 43 Development Agency CIDA 43 Casa Herbalife 43 onchocerciasis river blindness 43 AIDS tuberculosis 43 De Cock 43 antiretroviral ARV medication 43 ARV drugs 43 Poverty Alleviation Fund 43 ICTCs 42 unsafe abortions 42 WHO 42 Tachi Yamada president 42 Aids tuberculosis 42 menstrual hygiene 42 Peter Piot 42 minister Brian Chituwo 42 malaria tuberculosis 42 opiate substitution therapy 42 anti retroviral medicines 42 users IDUs 42 Aids Orphans 42 lymphatic filariasis 42 ICPD 42 Gumulira 42 OAFLA 42 Stop TB 42 MDG targets 42 Condom Week 42 hunger alleviation 42 PARN 42 HIV Aids orphans 42 remaining polio endemic 42 pandemic preparedness 42 Derek von Wissell 42 malaria measles 42 lasting insecticide treated 42 childhood immunization 42 PAHO WHO 42 IFAD 42 de stigmatize 42 Filariasis 42 Orago 42 Abstinence Be 42 discordant couples 42 NAPWA 42 combatting HIV AIDS 42 maternal 42 anthrax botulism typhoid 42 UNGASS 42 CEDPA 42 IPPF 42 Maternal mortality 42 gender inequalities 42 infant mortality maternal mortality 42 maternal morbidity 42 USAID 42 pushcart classroom 42 central Bié Province 42 Neglected Tropical Disease Control 42 End Fistula 42 UKaid 42 BONELA 42 anti retrovirals 42 Director Peter Piot 42 visceral leishmaniasis VL 42 Dr. Chituwo 42 outreach 42 antiretrovirals ARVs 42 African Women Educationalists 42 CPAR 42 PAHEF 42 charity Médecins Sans 42 Dr Tuiketei 42 Youth Empowerment 42 mosquito eradication 42 PNPM 42 Hiv 42 Organization NACO 42 sero prevalence 42 Herald 42 HealthRight 42 rectal microbicide 42 MEJN 42 Women Unifem 42 Adolescent Girls 42 Immunization GAVI 42 neglected tropical 42 Ithembalabantu 42 Hepatitis Awareness 42 Capacity Building 42 Leprosy Control 42 Anti retrovirals 42 Awa Marie 42 Michel Sidibe UNAIDS 42 condom 42 Global Handwashing Day 42 Anti Retroviral ARV 42 Mthathi 42 Dr. Sam Zaramba 42 emergency obstetric 42 Teenage Pregnancy 42 alleviating hunger 42 Thoraya Obaid 42 ZRCS 42 Denis Broun 42 Nonhlanhla Dlamini 42 Sexually Transmitted Infection 42 Agriculture Development IFAD 42 combating childhood obesity 42 bioterror preparedness 42 Sexually transmitted infections 42 Michel Sidibé 42 Antiretroviral therapy 42 literacy 42 Awono 42 YOHO 42 Camfed 42 GFATM 42 PrEP 42 Global Gag Rule 42 Tuberculosis 42 & Melinda Gates 42 HIV Aids Tuberculosis 41 Antiretroviral Drugs 41 fitball courses 41 Usaid 41 Poliomyelitis 41 GYT 41 poliomyelitis 41 Onchocerciasis 41 MOWAC 41 LLINs 41 polio measles 41 Violence Prevention 41 Maternal Mortality 41 Janani Suraksha Yojana JSY 41 Decent Work Country 41 serosorting 41 rotavirus vaccination 41 Domestic Violence 41 Women Empowerment 41 onchocerciasis 41 NetsforLife ® 41 Polio Eradication 41 Malaria Initiative 41 Festo Kavishe 41 sensitization 41 non communicable diseases 41 Health Organization PAHO 41 Reproductive Health 41 Hib vaccination 41 NZAF Executive 41 INSTRAW 41 Violence Against 41 Voluntary Counselling 41 PWAs 41 eradicate poverty 41 gender sensitization 41 Sidibé 41 Millennium Goals 41 Obstetric Fistula 41 Engebak 41 acute onset CINV 41 Inter Sectoral 41 Planned Parenthood Federation IPPF 41 Dr Skweyiya 41 generalized epidemic 41 sexual transmitted diseases 41 retroviral drugs 41 mothers2mothers 41 Muskoka Initiative 41 ADRA 41 Trachoma 41 HIV TB coinfection 41 Africare 41 bioterrorism preparedness 41 Poverty Reduction 41 Ambassador Eric Goosby 41 tobacco cessation 41 Oral Polio Vaccine 41 rapid rehousing 41 Food Programme UNWFP 41 HIV PMTCT 41 Deepening Democracy 41 UN Peacebuilding 41 EGPAF 41 Watoto 41 Catskill Rural 41 PASADA 41 Selma Aliye Kavaf 41 GEF SGP 41 iodine deficiency disorders 41 Activities UNFPA 41 SMART Moves 41 UNCT 41 VillageReach 41 Organisation NACO 41 POPCOM 41 CBAE 41 ABANTU 41 Dr Sam Zaramba 41 povery 41 pediatric palliative 41 de worming 41 SWAPOL 41 NBHAAD 41 CEDEP 41 Coll Seck executive 41 underpriveleged 41 cataract blindness 41 uncomplicated malaria 41 Popcom 41 Koen Vanormelingen 41 preventable blindness 41 Routine immunization 41 USADF 41 ECCD 41 AIDS Relief 41 sleeping sickness Trypanosomiasis 41 Child Friendly Spaces 41 intravenous drug 41 contraception 41 TB 41 avoidable blindness 41 Health Organisation WHO 41 Sheila Tlou 41 HIVMA 41 contraceptive prevalence 41 pandemic influenza preparedness 41 HIV AIDS PLWHAs 41 coordinator Randall Tobias 41 FGM 41 FPAN 41 epidemic 41 Tebelopele 41 UNDAF 41 underprivileged 41 vaccination 41 PAHO 41 Health Crisis GMHC 41 Coordinator Mark Dybul 41 Development USAID 41 Anti Retroviral Drugs 41 stds 41 preventive curative 41 abstinance 41 Onchocerciasis Control APOC 41 Cholera epidemic 41 lifesaving anti retroviral 41 MTV Staying Alive 41 Durbar Mahila Committee 41 Suneeta Mukherjee 41 NetMark 41 Healthy Marriage 41 Antiretroviral treatment 41 Mozambique Tanzania 41 Lironga Eparu 41 PlusNews 41 federally funded abstinence 41 Chantal Biya Foundation 41 teenage pregnancies 41 infectious diseases 41 abstinence fidelity 41 Child Labour IPEC 41 Angola Benin Burkina 41 Unintended Pregnancy 40 Product Segment Male Condoms 40 Dr. Nicholas Alipui 40 Muslims Ubaid 40 Tobacco Prevention 40 Domestic Violence Prevention 40 UNDP UNICEF 40 Josh Ruxin 40 antenatal care 40 resource mobilization 40 extreme poverty 40 Casa Alianza 40 Tenofovir gel 40 UNAIDS WHO 40 UNICEF Representative 40 Dr. Mark Dybul 40 MDR XDR TB 40 Wang Longde 40 Sam Zaramba 40 Sexually Transmitted Infections 40 Shahnaaz Sharif 40 Los Angeles APLA 40 IWRM 40 alleviate poverty 40 chlamydia 40 João Baptista Kussumua 40 Oral Polio Vaccine OPV 40 antiretroviral medications 40 circumcision 40 distributing insecticide treated 40 Endemic Diseases 40 BKKBN 40 Malaria Reauthorization Act 40 female genital mutilation 40 tetanus vaccination 40 measles immunizations 40 antiretroviral ARV drugs 40 AMPATH 40 Dr Mario Raviglione 40 Ms. Veneman 40 Lesotho Malawi Mozambique Swaziland 40 ICDS scheme 40 Child Centered Spaces 40 Malaria Consortium 40 Immunization Programme 40 Anti retroviral drugs 40 Breastfeeding Week 40 STI sexually transmitted 40 Neglect ANPPCAN 40 OGAC 40 Literacy Decade 40 Pentavalent vaccine 40 PEDP II 40 perinatal transmission 40 spokeswoman Shantha Bloemen 40 CAMFED 40 Buruli ulcer 40 Solemn Declaration 40 leprosy sufferers 40 landmine clearance 40 Evelyn Foust 40 SANAC 40 reproductive 40 undergone FGM 40 Babatunde Osotimehin 40 diarrheal disease 40 Hao Yang 40 Routine Immunisation 40 syphilis 40 Health Organization WHO 40 contraceptive implants 40 HOPWA 40 Gender inequality 40 Alma Ata Declaration 40 Gender Equity 40 Rebecca Schleifer 40 Blindness Prevention 40 WaterAid 40 dropout prevention 40 social mobilizers 40 Nicholas Muraguri 40 Maiti Nepal 40 Accelerated Reduction 40 Human Trafficking 40 STDS 40 CSWs 40 Hepatitis B 40 Productivity Centre BNPC 40 continentwide backlash 40 cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis pulmonary 40 worksite wellness 40 UN HABITAT 40 HI Virus 40 Development Programme UNDP 40 DfID 40 ARVS 40 Against Abuse SWAGAA 40 antihunger 40 Dr. Brima Kargbo 40 polio outbreak 40 WHO PAHO 40 eradicate hunger 40 TACAIDS 40 Sasakawa Global 40 Avian Influenza Control 40 please visit 40 NGOs CBOs 40 curable blindness 40 TB DOTS 40 spraying DDT 40 Immunization NPI 40 Marburg haemorrhagic fever 40 Anti Retroviral Therapy 40 Non Governmental Organisation 40 AO dioxin 40 pulse polio 40 Ligtas Tigdas 40 bOPV 40 Anil Gulati 40 PLUSNEWS 40 oral rehydration salts 40 Hepatitis B vaccination 40 CHWs 40 Behaviour Change 40 malaria endemic areas 40 activist Zackie Achmat 40 CSDW 40 Kemp Kasten 40 KSACS 40 Dr Jane O'Hallahan 40 Jodi Jacobson 40 Human Trafficking Awareness 40 Maternal Deaths 40 Immunization 40 condom usage 40 Victim Empowerment 40 WorldServe 40 tetanus vaccines 40 subregional organizations 40 Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis 40 neo natal mortality 40 influenza immunization 40 Multi Sectoral AIDS 40 Immunisation NPI 40 Poverty Eradication 40 Power Pool WAPP 40 Health Urbain Olanguena 40 Healthy Penis 40 Angola Malawi Mozambique 40 culturally competent 40 TrustAfrica 40 maternal deaths 40 chlamydia screening 40 Global AIDS Epidemic 40 BUSAC Fund 40 empowerment 40 Poverty Alleviation CFPA 40 cholera 40 ICRW 40 Luis Gomes Sambo 40 ComCare Fund 40 mass measles vaccination 40 perinatal HIV 40 IBFAN 40 A/H#N# Influenza 40 microinsurance 40 UNFPA Representative 40 Adolescent Pregnancy 40 lactating mothers 40 tuberculosis 40 violence SGBV 40 Henry Madzorera 40 alleviating poverty hunger 40 CENESEX 40 EDPRS 40 IIFWP 40 Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome 40 communicable disease surveillance 40 NACO 40 human papillomavirus HPV vaccination 40 Health Initiative GHI 40 Polio Eradication Initiative 40 Circumcision reduces 40 substance misusers 40 Makome 40 Sanac 40 poverty 40 PRSPs 40 Lob Levyt 40 nongovernmental organizations NGOs 40 cofinancing 39 CSSW 39 GNECC 39 preventing unplanned pregnancies 39 Tobacco Control 39 Positively Aware 39 human immunodeficiency virus 39 antipoverty 39 BRCS 39 Greater Mekong Subregion 39 Molo Songololo 39 Pandemic Preparedness 39 OFDA 39 Dr Tshabalala Msimang 39 MINSA 39 NZAID 39 Dance4Life 39 Esther Guluma 39 antiretroviral medication 39 Pedro Chequer 39 ISDR 39 Intelius identity theft 39 ICT4D 39 Ghana Mali Niger 39 Gender mainstreaming 39 antidrug 39 HIV AIDS Tuberculosis 39 ACDI VOCA 39 Bie Province 39 cervical cancer screening 39 Feachem 39 OXFAM GB 39 Health Disparities 39 Prem Rawat Foundation 39 KidsFirst 39 cytomegalovirus CMV retinitis 39 UNDP 39 Ong'udi 39 offender reentry 39 Tak Nak 39 psycho social 39 NACSA 39 Uige Province 39 Dr. Suomi Sakai 39 Peer Educators 39 Fistula 39 AIDS Orphans 39 antenatal clinics 39 undergone genital mutilation 39 AMFm 39 Gawanas 39 Communicable diseases 39 Female Condom 39 infectious disease 39 Back Malaria 39 medically underserved 39 Dam Huu Dac 39 AWDF 39 CalGRIP 39 Immunisation Programme 39 preventable illnesses 39 HPAI 39 Swaziland Zambia 39 DFID 39 Influenza AH#N# 39 Maternal Neonatal 39 Kaleeba 39 Zachie Achmat 39 Vadim Pokrovsky head 39 medically underserved communities 39 unintended pregnancies 39 NAYCONF 39 polio endemic 39 Sexual Violence 39 Somaly Mam Foundation 39 CNCDs 39 Global Hand Washing 39 snail fever 39 Population Fund UNPF 39 Mautner Project