Related by string. * : ICSC UBS tally . ICSC Goldman Sachs . ICSC RECon . ICSC tally . ICSC Niemira . Niemira ICSC . Mike Niemira ICSC / uber . ubs . UBD . ub . Uber . Ub . UBER : Switzerland UBS AG . Shopping Centers UBS . UBS Wealth Management . UBS AG . Universiti Brunei Darussalam UBD . ZURICH Switzerland UBS AG . UBS E TRACS * ICSC UBS Index . ICSC UBS Weekly . ICSC UBS Store . ICSC UBS Chain *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 78 BTM UBSW 77 ICSC Goldman Sachs 76 ICSC Goldman 75 BTM UBS 74 Redbook Research 69 Redbook Retail Sales 68 ICSC UBS Index 68 samestore sales 67 Shopping Centers Goldman Sachs 67 ICSC tally 66 Rural Mainstreet economic 66 Shopping Centers UBS 66 Swiss KOF leading 66 ICSC Chain 66 PCE Core 65 implied deflator 65 Shoe Carnival SCVL 65 Upscale Nordstrom 64 UMich consumer sentiment 64 weekly MasterCard SpendingPulse 64 benchmark IPCA consumer 64 ISM nonmanufacturing 64 nonmanufacturing activity 63 latest Distributive Trades 63 UMich index 63 acquired Brooks Eckerd 63 Redbook releases 63 NAHB homebuilders 63 ISM nonmanufacturing index 63 ISM Mfg. Index 62 Nationwide Consumer Confidence 62 BRC KPMG 62 Durable goods inventories 62 CBI distributive 62 ICSC UBS tally 62 Swiss SVME PMI 62 ISM Manufacturing Survey 62 Excluding autos sales 62 ICSC UBS Chain 62 Johnson Redbook Retail 62 researcher Kantar Worldpanel 62 Personal Consumption Expenditures PCE 62 Nordstrom Rack discount 61 nonpetroleum import prices 61 sales excluding autos 61 BTM UBS Warburg 61 Wholesale Inventories 61 TNS Worldpanel grocery 61 store sales 61 CIPS NTC 61 Sales excluding autos 61 Statscan revised 61 Investec PMI 61 Institute ECRI 60 CB Consumer Confidence 60 Retail Consortium 60 distributive trades survey 60 GDP deflator broad 60 CFLP PMI 60 Shoppertrak 60 Distributive Trades Survey 60 German Zew 60 pollsters GfK NOP 60 Markit Economics showed 60 Help Wanted Index 60 ICSC 60 quarterly Tankan 60 CBI distributive trades 60 CIPS RBS 60 quarterly tankan 59 Nondurable goods orders 59 Switzerland KOF 59 Predicted planetary 59 benchmark IPCA 59 IMACEC 59 RPT TABLE US 59 German IFO survey 59 Inegi 59 ShopLocal Index 59 Swiss KOF 59 Retail Metrics 59 yearover 59 wholesale inventories 59 analyst Catlin Levis 59 MasterCard SpendingPulse weekly 59 Eurozone Manufacturing PMI 59 IBGE statistics institute 59 IBD TIPP Economic 59 IELEC.T 59 Retail FootFall Index 59 TRXFLDPIPU 59 IPCA inflation 59 ShopperTrak RCT Corp 58 Nomura JMMA 58 redesigned Odyssey minivan 58 Markit Economics Purchasing Managers 58 Comparable coffeehouse 58 Retailing Index 58 RBC CASH Index 58 LOFT comparable 58 Nonfarm productivity 58 Homebuilder sentiment 58 NMG.A 58 ZEW index 58 Wholesale inventories 58 FTSC FTSE 58 John Lewis JLP.UL 58 Personal Consumption Expenditure 58 TJX Cos. TJX 58 CLSA PMI 58 ISM Non Mfg 58 Spherion Employee Confidence Index 58 core PCE index 58 BOJ quarterly tankan 58 Continuing Claims 58 AP-Re/Max 58 monthly distributive trades 58 UMich consumer 58 Rival discounter Target 58 NIESR GDP 58 PRAGUE Komercni Banka 58 AXFJ 58 Core PPI 58 TRXFLDAXPU 57 Excluding autos 57 Retail Leathercraft 57 nonmanufacturing index 57 MasterCard SpendingPulse survey 57 benchmark IPCA index 57 excluding autos 57 homebuilder sentiment 57 NAHB Housing 57 CIPS Markit PMI 57 Sentix investor confidence 57 SVME PMI 57 NOPA crush 57 domestic Borders Superstores 57 Case Shiller indexes 57 FTMC FTSE 57 broadline retailers 57 discounter Target Corp 57 ShopperTrak RTC 57 Canadian Ivey PMI 57 Uniqlo casual clothing 57 #.#pts m m 57 seasonably adjusted 57 IMRG Capgemini 57 Headline CPI 57 Upscale Nordstrom Inc. 57 Westpac Consumer Sentiment 57 nonstore retailers 57 RETAIL STOCKS 57 GDP deflator gauge 57 Index RLX 57 Claimant Count 57 RMB BER 57 NYSE JWN 57 NAPM Chicago 57 ICSC UBS Weekly 57 CIPS Markit 57 ISM Manufacturing Index 57 Reuters Econometer 57 BJ Wholesale BJ 57 Inflation Gauge 57 manufacturing PMIs 57 Markit PMI 57 CRB commodities 57 MBA Refinancing 57 Gfk consumer 57 nonfarm productivity 57 BIGresearch polled 57 UoM consumer 56 IPCA consumer 56 pessimists outnumber optimists 56 analyst Don Gher 56 SFE Futures 56 Eurozone Purchasing Managers 56 OUTLOOK Highlights 56 Comparable store 56 GAFO 56 DJ BTM 56 IBD TIPP 56 GfK Consumer Confidence 56 UoM Consumer Sentiment 56 HomExpert 56 RCT ShopperTrak research 56 RCT ShopperTrak 56 Excluding autos retail 56 Summary Box Wholesale 56 David Lereah NAR 56 rose#.# 56 Deflation persisted 56 core PCE inflation 56 Retails Sales 56 Market Tightness 56 anecdotal Beige Book 56 RBC Expectations 56 Bebe Stores BEBE 56 Polished diamond 56 Shopping Centers 56 ShopperTrak calculations 56 Instanex FII 56 Eurozone PPI 56 Costco Wholesale COST 56 SXRP 56 Westpac Consumer Confidence 56 nonmanufacturing sector 56 Dollar Tree Stores DLTR 56 MasterCard SpendingPulse 56 Mastercard Advisors 56 PubMatic AdPrice Index 56 Zumiez ZUMZ 56 SVME Purchasing Managers 56 net TIC flows 56 ZEW institute monthly 56 unadjusted Purchase 56 Identical store 56 Bon Ton Stores BONT 56 done humorously PNC 56 Marketbasket Survey 56 smooths volatility rose 56 SAME STORE SALES 56 Urban Outfitters NASDAQ URBN 56 Shopping Centers predicts 56 AGEM Index 56 Core Malls 56 coincident indicator 56 Consumer Sentiment Index 56 coincident CI 56 Michael Balmuth Vice 56 Seasonally Adjusted Annualized 56 statewide unadjusted jobless 56 CIPS Markit purchasing 56 bloomingdales.com combined 56 Volterra Semi 56 TJX Companies TJX 56 HSBC Markit Purchasing Managers 56 Comps Down 56 Costco Wholesale Corp. COST.O 56 Coincident Index 55 Globicus coincident index 55 RPX Monthly Housing 55 Refinery utilization rebounded 55 V1XI 55 Cache CACH 55 BOJ Tankan 55 Comps Rise 55 Glenigan Index 55 core PCE deflator 55 Internationally EDC 55 retailing vending 55 Purchasing Managers Indexes 55 Eurozone PMI 55 Sainsbury LSE SBRY 55 Leading Indicators Index 55 Retail Footfall 55 Michael Niemira ICSC 55 optimists outnumber pessimists 55 Eurozone ZEW 55 Michael Exstein 55 Mitsubishi Motors # MMTOF 55 HSBC Purchasing Managers 55 RMB BER BCI 55 AMAG Pharmaceuticals NASDAQ AMAG 55 Rise Unexpectedly 55 slight downward revision 55 Saks OFF 5TH 55 Associated Press-Re/Max Housing 55 Econintersect 55 Markit Chartered 55 HedgersEdge packer margin 55 Limited Brands Inc LTD.N 55 Cbeyond Comms 55 Ivey PMI 55 Industry distributive trades 55 Nomura JMMA Purchasing Managers 55 #-#/# yielding #.# [001] 55 #.#percentage 55 Sports Fascias 55 Nasdaq Composite COMP #.# 55 Shopping Centers ICSC 55 UBS Consumption Indicator 55 Weekly Jobless Claims 55 #-#/# yielding #.# [002] 55 Pending resales 55 quarterly Tankan survey 55 #-#/# yielding #.# [004] 55 Rural Mainstreet Index 55 Detailed WSBT Stormtracker HD 55 Index INDEX RLX 55 QSBO 55 Latest CEA CNET 55 HSNSI stood 55 CBOE Vix volatility 55 CIPS Markit manufacturing 55 Logan Roadhouse restaurants 55 KOF Swiss 55 Hot Topic Inc 55 Nordstrom Inc JWN.N 55 yearearlier 55 0.l 55 Sentix 55 Portfolio.hu poll 55 GFK Consumer Confidence 55 backlots edged 55 Index PHSI 55 Eurodollar futures yielded 55 Lowe Cos Inc 55 TRXFLDGLPU 55 index CGPI 55 resales dipped 55 NAR Pending 55 Nonfarm payroll 55 Traders mulled 55 CIPS PMI 55 ISCS Goldman Sachs 55 Lagging Indicators 54 Implied vols 54 broader HDAX Index 54 RC2 NASDAQ RCRC 54 Seasonally unadjusted 54 backlots rose 54 Imacec 54 MarketWatch Andria Cheng 54 PCE deflator 54 undershot expectations 54 nonmanufacturing ISM 54 Tankan Survey 54 nonsupervisory workers dropped 54 Markit CIPS PMI 54 Big Lots BLI 54 Personal Consumption Expenditures 54 Comps Up 54 nyse JWN news 54 analyst Jharonne Martis 54 Systemwide sales 54 reading undershot Kyodo 54 Durable Orders 54 RUXX investment 54 Turkstat 54 Skilled vacancies 54 Lewis Partnership JLP.UL 54 Econoday 54 Wet Seal WTSLA 54 GSPF slid 54 Identical supermarket 54 Dillard DDS 54 ISM Manufacturing PMI 54 B2W Cia 54 BRC KPMG Retail 54 Catlin Levis 54 By Bertel Schmitt 54 FootFall 54 Consumer Inflationary Expectations 54 JGB futures #JGBv# 54 analsyts 54 GSPAERO 54 ShopperTrak RCT 54 DJ BTMU Business 54 Bebe Stores 54 MILA#PUS 54 Coincident Economic Index 54 Mortgage Bankers Associations 54 downwardly adjusted 54 Discounter Target Corp. 54 Zumiez NASDAQ ZUMZ 54 CNX Mid Cap 54 Limited Brands LTD 54 CIPS Purchasing Managers 54 NTC Economics Ltd. 54 Countrywide loan fundings 54 Sentix Investor Confidence 54 LME copper inventories 54 Trimmed Mean PCE 54 RETAIL SALES Retail 54 chicken Snack Wraps 54 Joseph LaVorgna Deutsche 54 price index INWPI 54 BOJ quarterly Tankan 54 Index RMPI 54 IBGE statistics agency 54 broader BG# 54 Ivey Purchasing Managers 54 BOJ Tankan survey 54 Goldman Sachs Seventeenth 54 overyear 54 Broader stock 54 statistically smoothed 54 IDEX Online Polished Diamond 54 REUTERS FORECAST 54 Summary Box Pending 54 Barclay Hedge Fund 54 targeted CPIX inflation 54 Bargain Wholesale 54 comScore SCOR 54 CBI Distributive Trades 54 SymphonyIRI 54 F2Q EPS 54 Economy Watchers 54 comScore NASDAQ SCOR 54 Supplier Deliveries Index 54 Germany Ifo institute 54 SME Direkt survey 54 Machine Tool Orders 54 MBCPO 54 ZEW survey 54 AAII sentiment 54 nonpharmacy 54 FTS6 techMARK 54 CFTC Commitments 54 Personal Incomes 54 Sears NASDAQ SHLD 54 #.#pc #.#pc 54 Spherion Employment Report 54 Rises Unexpectedly 54 Inflation quickened 54 Richfield Minn. retailer 54 KS# KOSPI 54 Midday Action 53 Iberiabank NASDAQ IBKC 53 Household Spending 53 Kantar Worldpanel 53 Bon Ton BONT 53 Headline PCE 53 Red Lobster chains 53 smoothes volatility 53 Men Wearhouse MW 53 Initial Jobless 53 Home Resales 53 RPX Composite 53 permanent tsb ESRI 53 CBOT oats futures 53 ZEW indicator 53 benchmark Mimshal Shiklit 53 SUSR 53 eSpending report 53 Spending Pulse 53 Mortgage Approvals 53 GDP shrank 53 Scott Corfe 53 GSPMS 53 BoJ Tankan survey 53 By LiseS 53 CFNAI 53 Avago Technologies AVGO 53 coincident indexes 53 Non farm payrolls 53 FNB BER consumer 53 ind ex 53 Rival Target 53 Nonresidential Construction 53 firm Retail Metrics 53 research firm Shoppertrak 53 Nasdaq SMRT 53 Inc. NYSE CKR 53 ISX index 53 CIPS Markit Purchasing Managers 53 quarterly tankan survey 53 AXT NASDAQ AXTI 53 HAMPSTEAD Md. BUSINESS WIRE 53 ADP payrolls 53 Halifax HPI 53 Euroyen futures 53 Wholesale Leathercraft posted 53 durables orders 53 downwards revision 53 DEB LN 53 ZEW Indicator 53 undershooting forecasts 53 DJ Stoxx telecoms 53 benchmark IPCA inflation 53 latest AAII Sentiment 53 Best Buy BBY.N 53 benchmark Ibovespa stock 53 Continuing Jobless Claims 53 SymphonyIRI Group 53 price deflator 53 ZEW Survey 53 Supply Markit 53 Supplier Deliveries 53 Nasdaq Composite NASDAQ COMP 53 By VERDEL BISHOP 53 Sarah Pavlus 53 Costco COST Fortune 53 Rate SAAR 53 Prescriptions filled 53 Boardwalk REIT announces 53 NODX 53 humorously PNC 53 GSPINSC 53 Next Plc NXT.L 53 net PLT inflow 53 2 #/#-year CDs 53 Incidents Injuries None 53 TNS Worldpanel 53 Citi Trends NASDAQ CTRN 53 Destatis statistics 53 Broader indicators 53 Markit CIPS 53 DJUSHB 53 MEMPHIS Tenn. AutoZone 53 PCE Deflator 53 HM B.SK 53 Thomson Financial IFR Markets 53 Arteixo Spain based 53 revenue trades DARTs 53 +#.# mmb [002] 53 Weighted Composite Index 53 Debenhams Plc DEB.L 53 Africa APMEA 53 NASDAQ BBBY 53 chargeoff rate 53 GfK NOP Consumer Confidence 53 KSH detected 53 ISM Manufacturing 53 ECRI WLI 53 HSBC Manufacturing PMI 53 ISM Non 53 residential mortgage originations 53 ADESA Analytical Services 53 Eco Watchers 53 IGP DI 53 Nonfarm Productivity 53 Core PCE inflation 53 Kohl Corp KSS.N 53 ISM Purchasing Managers 53 IVEY PMI 53 Permanent TSB ESRI 53 benchmark Bovespa stock 53 marketed workover rigs 53 MCXCOMDEX 53 YY =Anders Ostergaard 53 bond US#YT RR 53 By Ewa Grzybek 53 Guess GES 53 SME Direkt poll 53 CII ASCON survey 53 GSPPM 53 Durable Goods Orders 53 gainers outpacing decliners 53 EU Harmonised Index 53 Rural Mainstreet 53 US#YT RR 53 Inc WMT.N 行情 53 Core PCE 53 Upscale retailer 53 Initial Claims 53 Balances accruing interest 53 Next NXT.L 53 Prospective Plantings report 53 Cumulative placements 53 Amex Airline 53 professionals NRF SmartBrief 53 Fasting glucose levels 53 Corp. BGFV 53 Inc. AMEX TLF 53 Future Inflation Gauge 53 CMBS delinquency rate 53 Aeropostale NYSE ARO 53 coincident indicators gauge 53 Isae 53 DJUSRU 53 SXEP 53 benchmark NZX# 53 Harvey Norman HVN 53 Incyte NASDAQ INCY 53 Jarred peanut butter 53 Mortgage Bankers Assn 53 International Leathercraft 52 briefing.com 52 Mortgage loan fundings 52 Nonresidential structures 52 HFMWeek Daily 52 Cashcard retail 52 Munich Ifo institute 52 Sows farrowed 52 Nominal incomes 52 Domestic CGPI 52 ay y basis 52 IndySport 52 Cencosud CENCOSUD.SN 52 Bakers Footwear 52 Index INDEX XNG 52 MIAPJ#PUS rose 52 JC Penney JCP.N 52 Kuwait KSE 52 broader EGX 52 Inc. TLB.N 52 By Brad Brevet 52 ANTAD 52 #k barrels 52 diffusion indexes 52 MarketLive Performance Index 52 Japan tankan 52 tankan quarterly 52 Morning TUES 52 Retail HOLDRs RTH 52 By Karenh# 52 Consumer Sentiment Survey 52 KLIBOR futures 52 #.# mmb [002] 52 Wholesale Leathercraft 52 ¥ #.#b 52 Florence Hamlish Levinsohn 52 Challenger Job Cuts 52 Nonfarm payrolls rose 52 Purchasing CFLP 52 OshKosh wholesale 52 office ISTAT 52 confidentiality #/up lbs 52 Leading Indicators 52 NABE Outlook 52 Reuters CRB Index 52 Getúlio Vargas Foundation FGV 52 Hot Topic Inc HOTT.O 52 Sharper Image SHRP 52 CLP#.# trillion 52 BGCantor Market 52 Michigan Consumer Sentiment 52 ifo 52 office INSEE 52 Summary Box Treasurys 52 American Eagle AEO 52 cocoa grindings 52 Nonfarm Payrolls 52 WENN Jul 52 CTD Jeopardy 52 CBOE VIX volatility 52 postpaid subscriber ARPU 52 NasdaqNM ROST closed 52 NTC Economics 52 Its RedPlum media 52 Meteorologist Kevin Skarupa 52 Mulpuru predicts 52 ZEW institute index 52 Haver Analytics 52 Vix volatility index 52 Hot Topic HOTT 52 Census Bureau IBGE 52 Chicagoland PMSA 52 HSBC Markit PMI 52 Blogger Sentiment 52 dd DISCOUNTS locations 52 Lowes Cos. 52 By vickifitz 52 Neogen NASDAQ NEOG 52 materials A#M# 52 SOXX gained 52 Coldwater Creek NASDAQ CWTR 52 Econometer 52 Personal Consumption 52 Group Plc HOME.L 52 BBA Mortgage Approvals 52 ScrewMaster # 52 Initial Jobless Claims 52 Haseeb Ahmed 52 Millennium Traders.com 52 Nonfarm payroll employment 52 Present Situations 52 Debenhams PLC 52 Miracle Mile Vero Beach 52 Euro LIBOR OIS 52 Nonfarm payrolls 52 USDA Crop Production 52 Edmunds.com predicts 52 nonseasonally adjusted basis 52 namesake superstores 52 Employment Situation Report 52 Manheim Used 52 Nielsen VideoScan 52 FD.N Quote Profile Research 52 Charttrack 52 Mindy Fothergill KUAM News 52 eSpending Report 52 MIAS#PUS 52 kapaskhali futures 52 slight upward revision 52 BEHIND THE FIGURES 52 inflation quickened 52 NYSE DSW 52 eHoliday Mood Study 52 Nationwide HPI 52 NAW staff 52 Gillian Brunette 52 chloejn 52 Booked Orders 52 Vanessa Bostwick 52 Durables Orders 52 from#.# [002] 52 Metro TSX MRU.A 52 Comparable Store 52 weekly candlestick chart 52 Target Corp. TGT.N 52 Housing Starts Plunge 52 Debmar Mercury Family Feud 52 By dave atkinson Posted 52 NOAA SATOPS Morning 52 Deb Shops Inc 52 #.#c bearish 52 annual HICP inflation 52 By CORY FROLIK 52 LME copper stocks 52 Average Workweek 52 Frankfurt Xetra DAX 52 NASDAQ SMRT 52 Tesco LON TSCO 52 SXMP 52 RTTNews Eurozone 52 BKAS 52 excluding #cc minivehicles 52 BKEUR 52 Euro Libor #.# 52 TNS Superpanel 52 YUM.N Quote Profile Research 52 Jeffrey Bigongiari 52 ECONOMIC REPORT 52 Eurozone M3 52 Markit Eurozone Services 52 Citi Trends CTRN 52 smooths fluctuations rose 52 Homebuilder sentiment index 52 yields US5YT = RR 52 Giselle Bautista 52 Home Depot HD.N 52 Thomson Reuters Datastream 52 Niemira 52 VIX Volatility Index 52 Japan Tankan survey 51 By Carol Deacon 51 statistics institute INSEE 51 nyse FDO 51 Tim Cashmere 51 Thomson Financial IFR 51 industry tracker comScore 51 Brands YUM 51 Ted Purlain 51 Ventures RVI 51 Wm Morrison Supermarkets MRW.L 51 MacIntyre Mar 51 Kate O'Hare Zap2It 51 Wholesale Inventories Rise 51 CPI HICP 51 Real disposable incomes 51 Raw Materials Price 51 Think Tank RTT 51 BKLA 51 FD.N 51 Odyssey HealthCare NASDAQ ODSY 51 PLEASANTON Calif. Safeway 51 Dress Barn Inc 51 VFACTS 51 F3Q EPS 51 nyse JCP news 51 ITEQP.T 51 ISAE institute 51 Gfk Consumer Confidence 51 Taylor Hatmaker 51 periodic Beige Book 51 Retail Leathercraft posted 51 Sector Snap Teen 51 #k exp 51 Producer Price Index 51 Unexpectedly Fell 51 By CHAUNCEY ALCORN 51 Rs #.# crore 51 Kazuto Uchida chief 51 Globicus qEcon EMU 51 Thomson Reuters IFR Markets 51 GDP deflator 51 Nasdaq BEBE 51 statistics institute Insee 51 Firm NorCal 51 Belgium Bel# Index 51 discounter Costco Wholesale 51 Seoul benchmark KOSPI 51 Tankan survey 51 Refinance Index 51 Nonmanufacturing 51 Charming Shoppes Inc 51 tankan survey 51 TOPIX shed 51 SHORT TERM TREND 51 broader DJStoxx 51 Target TGT.N Quote Profile 51 TMR Newswire 51 Investec Purchasing Managers 51 technology heavy Kosdaq 51 MIAPJ#PUS edged 51 Trim Tabs 51 Kroger Co KR.N 51 TOPX Quote Profile Research 51 BOJ tankan 51 Markit Eurozone Manufacturing 51 MIWD#PUS rose 51 Sportingo Staff 51 Kitco gold 51 TTM Technologies NASDAQ TTMI 51 Asda WMT.N 51 Index WLI 51 mil bu 51 IELEC.T Quote Profile Research 51 By Marcus Dysch 51 TIC flows 51 Marmaxx Group 51 Federal Reserveâ 51 fed cattle marketings 51 NAHB Wells Fargo 51 Costco Wholesale Corp COST.O 51 Borders Superstores 51 Confidence Index SBCI 51 Aerovironment NASDAQ AVAV 51 ISECU.T 51 Hanmi Financial NASDAQ HAFC 51 DAVE MCNAIR published 51 FREE SIGN UP 51 -#.# mmb [001] 51 Citifmonline.com Wed #th 51 Retail Federation NRF 51 Inflation Moderates 51 INSEE 51 Nordstrom Rack stores 51 VITALWARNING 51 theprior 51 Chase Paymentech Pulse 51 Kris Devasabai 51 TSE# 51 Stores NYSE FDO 51 Lean hogs closed 51 Winter Wheat Seedings 51 Sentiments soured 51 bankers acceptances futures 51 Hannaford Bros. grocery 51 Consumer Prices HICP 51 Chile Ipsa 51 F#Q# EPS ahead 51 BY TRAVIS COLEMAN 51 Troop Scoop 51 nonmanufacturers 51 CBOE Vix 51 #.# bln usd [002] 51 Tertiary Industry 51 JP Morgan EMBI + 51 yield JP#YTN = JBTC 51 Paula Schaap Reporter 51 pct yy 51 IRI InfoScan 51 Fas Fax 51 AMERICAS NEWS AT 51 MacIntyre Jun 51 nationwide spokeswoman Deisha 51 Long Term Purchases 51 Japan quarterly Tankan 51 RAD SVT 51 Landstar System NASDAQ LSTR 51 Stores NDN 51 Luxembourg LuxX Index 51 #.#pc yr yr 51 benchmark MerVal index 51 mildly bearish 51 Phil Lythell 51 ANZ Commodity 51 Rival Lowe Cos. 51 Sabre Travel Networks 51 ANAC TAM registered 51 Saks Incorporated Announces 51 Duckwall Alco 51 Dollar Tree NASDAQ DLTR 51 Wards AutoInfoBank 51 tenant lettings 51 HEX portfolio 51 JP5YTN = JBTC 51 Guy J Kewney 51 PLANO Texas JC Penney 51 LendingTree Weekly 51 CBOE Volatility 51 down#.# [002] 51 Coincident Indicators 51 Freight TSI 51 Cheap chic discounter 51 merchant wholesalers 51 DIJF1 51 Available Seat Kilometres ASKs 51 Employee Confidence 51 Autodata Corp. Pontiac 51 MRW.L Quote Profile Research 51 Haverty Furniture Reports 51 Eurozone PMIs 51 sharp downward revision 51 SmarTrend ® MidDay 51 tracker comScore 51 distillates inventories 51 nonseasonally adjusted 51 By edg Posted 51 First Alert StormTeam 51 IFO survey 51 manufactured nondurable goods 51 Panera Bread NASDAQ PNRA 51 GSPIC 51 MacIntyre Jul 51 fullyear outturn represents 51 Fashion Fascias 51 Group Plc MKS.L 51 Amanda Sachtleben Auckland 51 freight carloads 51 TELI 51 Korea Kospi Index 51 Remortgage approvals 51 TFNI 51 Mfg. Survey 51 benchmark ASX# 51 DIARY Czech Republic 51 IBM Coremetrics 51 #.# Million Barrels [002] 51 bloomingdales.com 51 Tomax Retail.net suite 51 Shopper Trends 51 Machinery Orders 51 Ataman Ozyildirim 51 Salix Pharmaceuticals NASDAQ SLXP 51 Purchasing Mangers Index 51 noninterest expense totaled 51 Retail postpaid churn 51 Karl Bjornson 51 Benihana Teppanyaki restaurants 51 Hometrack Ltd. 51 Dress Barn NASDAQ DBRN 51 Inc. BBY.N 51 Destination Maternity operates 51 Citifmonline.com Mon #th 51 Nonaccrual loans totaled 51 LISA PROVENCE published 51 another Chemcor adaptation 51 Jay Brownstown 51 Haverty Furniture Cos. 51 Heavyweight EDP 51 NASDAQ ORLY ranks 51 newratings.com Crude 51 splurging restrained 51 Footfall 51 association HDE 51 CFO Richard Galanti 51 Cost Plus CPWM 51 FD Federated 51 JPMorgan EMBI Plus 51 INTERNATIONAL WISCONSIN TOY 51 Citifmonline.com Tue #th 51 AnnTaylor Stores ANN 51 By bbrown Published 51 Chico FAS CHS 51 IDEX Online Research 51 nonfarm payroll jobs 51 Ex Autos 51 Surfactant gross 51 Inc. JCP.N 51 deflator 51 Deb Shops Inc. 51 CBOE volatility 51 THE GOSSIP SHEET 51 Unexpectedly Drop 51 FTSE NAREIT Equity 51 Newspaper Audience Databank 51 #.#pps m m 51 Nonfarm Jobs 51 neha gupta 51 ICIS forecasting 51 Eurodollars futures 50 Thomson Reuters IFR 50 Micros Systems Inc 50 Experian Gallup 50 Debenhams DEB.L 50 ovitrap index 50 By Janet Hefler 50 Nonfarm Payroll 50 Ifo index 50 smooths fluctuations dropped 50 UMich 50 Uwin statistics 50 from#.# [001] 50 DiaMed acquisition 50 PLT migration 50 morgan greywolf # 50 By Hayley Tsukayama 50 California Inc PSUN.O 50 Price Index IPPI 50 Cashcard Retail Activity 50 up#.# [001] 50 Economy shrinks 50 NOI decreased 50 USDA Prospective Plantings 50 DJ Pangburn 50 Consumer Confidence Survey 50 KQ# [001] 50 CIPS NTC Purchasing Managers 50 Comp Store 50 ShopperTrak 50 Employment Situation Summary 50 Indian soyoil futures 50 lfl sales 50 Albert Heijn supermarkets

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