Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 63 Consolidated Balance Sheet 62 Balance Sheet 60 Consolidated Statement 60 Consolidated Statements 60 Unaudited 59 Condensed Consolidated 59 UNAUDITED 59 Non GAAP Measures 59 Adjusted Earnings 59 Net Income 58 condensed consolidated financial 58 Three Months Nine Months 58 Condensed Consolidated Statements 58 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS 58 Three Months Six Months 58 Consolidated Financial 56 Pro Forma 56 Non GAAP 56 unaudited 56 GAAP 56 Year Ended 56 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets 56 Non GAAP Financial 56 Three Months Three Months 56 Quarter Ended 55 reportable segment 55 unaudited condensed consolidated 55 Unaudited Unaudited 55 Balance Sheets 55 Consolidated Balance Sheets 55 Net Loss 54 Diluted EPS 54 Net Income Loss 54 Three Months Ended Twelve 54 Three Months Ended 54 Operations unaudited 54 = [026] 54 = [047] 54 reportable segments 53 Cash Flows 53 Twelve Months Ended 53 OF OPERATIONS 53 Quarters Ended 53 unaudited consolidated financial 53 Restated 53 Years Ended 53 = [040] 53 unaudited interim 53 Amounts 53 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS 53 Shareholders Equity 52 Financial Statements 52 = [039] 52 = [004] 52 amounts unaudited 52 Free Cash Flow 52 -Restart 52 = [015] 52 Operating Income Loss 52 = [034] 52 Segment Operating 52 Quarter Quarter 52 unaudited unaudited 52 Discontinued Operations 52 Financial Measures 52 Operating Income 52 Three Months Ended Nine 51 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF 51 = [029] 51 Distributable Cash 51 Diluted 51 Six Months Ended 51 From Continuing Operations 51 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 51 = [022] 51 NET INCOME LOSS 51 Continuing Operations 51 Comprehensive Income 51 ANALYSIS OF 51 = [044] 51 T -0 * 51 Nine Months Ended 51 Operating Cash Flow 51 Income Loss 51 FLOWS 51 non GAAP 50 OF CASH FLOWS 50 Ended Ended 50 STATEMENTS OF INCOME 50 Income Unaudited 50 Adjusted Pro Forma 50 - [041] 50 = [045] 50 Period Ended 50 Diluted Earnings Per Share 50 Canadian Generally Accepted 50 = [028] 50 Adjusted EBITDA 50 -sodium chloride 50 Supplemental Information 50 Months Ended