Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 61 lynching 56 Voter Intimidation 56 Slavery 55 Political Discourse 55 Lynchings 55 Racial Profiling 55 Racial Tensions 54 THE HUTCHINSON REPORT 54 Genocides 54 Remain Unsolved 54 Guilty Plea Entered 54 Murders 53 lynchings 53 Mass Murderer 53 Hate Speech 53 Inmate Charged 53 Man Executed 53 Massacres 53 Hostage Situation 53 Injustice 53 Injustices 53 Serial Killings 52 Seeks Pardon 52 Thuggery 52 Harrassment 52 Ethnic Cleansing 52 Victim Speaks 52 Suspect Confesses 52 Abortion Debate 52 Whitewashing 52 Brutal Attack 52 Cop Killing 52 Necrophilia 52 White Supremacist 52 Politically Motivated 51 Suspect Apprehended 51 Blood Libel 51 Ex Convict 51 Fort Hood Shootings 51 Serial Killing 51 Killer Sentenced 51 Deadly Bus Crash 51 Couple Indicted 51 Man Acquitted 51 Courtroom Drama 51 Homosexual Acts 51 Teenager Sentenced 51 Lawmaker Apologizes 51 Man Confesses 51 Flag Flap 51 Jury Begins Deliberating 51 Mysterious Death 51 Shooting Deaths 51 Jury Recommends Death 51 Radicalism 51 Murder Confession 51 Unsolved Murder 51 Trial Underway 50 Serial Killer 50 Jurors Deliberate 50 Helped Shape 50 Voter Suppression 50 Sectarian Violence 50 Jury Selection Underway 50 Opening Arguments 50 Priest Sentenced 50 Teenager Arrested 50 Teacher Fired 50 Soldier Found Guilty 50 Inmate Executed 50 Rape Murder 50 Jury Tampering 50 Accused Shooter 50 Perpetuates 50 Slaying Trial 50 Tornado Rips Through 50 Gay Bashing 50 Tapes Reveal 50 Racially Motivated 50 Vigilantism 50 Murder Attempt 50 Trial Continues 50 Murder Kidnapping 50 Jury Hears 50 Hearing Begins 50 Revisionism 50 Teenager Charged 50 Teen Disappearance 50 Unpunished 50 Justices Weigh 50 Treasonous 50 Child Rapist 50 Soldier Convicted 50 Resentenced 50 Jury Weighs 50 Seeks Apology 50 False Rape 50 Book Explores 50 BTK Serial Killer 50 Double Slaying 50 Teen Pleads Guilty 50 Inmate Convicted 50 Woman Disappearance 50 Racist Graffiti 50 Interracial Marriage 50 Shooting Suspect Charged 50 Disunion 50 Guilty Plea Expected 50 Moral Responsibility 50 Roy Exum 49 Court Upholds Sentence 49 Female Circumcision 49 Firebombing 49 Gang Rape 49 Excessive Force 49 Still Unsolved 49 ADL Condemns 49 Root Causes 49 Falsehoods 49 Racial Slur 49 Guilty Verdict 49 Teen Found Guilty 49 Inhumanity 49 Alleged Abuse 49 Arson Case 49 Political Rhetoric 49 Judicial Activism 49 Imminent Threat 49 Trial Adjourned 49 Judge Denies Bail 49 Hate Crime 49 Domestic Dispute Turns 49 Go Unpunished 49 Racial Politics 49 Death Penalty Case 49 Racial Stereotypes 49 Witnesses Testify 49 Misdeeds 49 Convictions Upheld 49 Artifacts Found 49 DNA Tests Confirm 49 Sniper Case 49 Judge Denies Request 49 Ayoon Wa Azan 49 Alleged Rape 49 Jury Recommends 49 Ctd 49 Race Baiting 49 Historical Context 49 JFK Assassination 49 Honor Killings 49 Pleaded Guilty 49 Causing Controversy 49 Racial Bias 49 Exoneration 49 Death Penalty Sought 49 Rwanda Genocide 49 Strip Searches 49 Accused Killer 49 Nun Slaying 49 Partisan Politics 49 Spared Death Penalty 49 Answers Sought 49 Phone Jamming 49 Wants Apology 49 Verdict Expected 49 Animal Neglect 49 Woman Testifies 49 Slaying Suspect 49 Sexual Assaults 49 Desecrated 49 Slavery Apology 49 Atrocity 49 Genocide 49 Racial Divide 49 Prison Escapee 49 Teen Slaying 49 Negative Campaigning 49 Plagiarized 49 Soldier Acquitted 49 Desecration 49 Deadly Shooting 49 Conspiracy Theorists 49 Global Warming Debate 49 Rape Case 49 Cover Ups 49 Pair Accused 49 Home Invasions 49 Fuels Debate 49 Seditious 49 Charges Tossed 49 Civil Rights Era 49 Court Upholds Death Sentence 49 Sailor Pleads Guilty 49 Disenfranchisement 49 Terror Ties 49 Abortion Doctor 49 Involuntary Servitude 49 Suspected Killer 49 Gets Death Sentence 49 Iraqi Prisoner Abuse 49 Crime Spree 49 Accused Murderer 49 Jury Sentences 49 Inmate Death 49 Suspected Serial Killer 48 Ten Commandments Monument 48 Escaped Killer 48 Grave Marker 48 Shooting Spree 48 Dred Scott Decision 48 Sabotages 48 Manhunt Underway 48 Handed Down 48 Sex Offender Sentenced 48 Conviction Overturned 48 Perfidy 48 Murder Trial Begins 48 MANN TALK 48 Trial Starts 48 Racism Sexism 48 Convicted Killer 48 Misogyny 48 False Confessions 48 Suspect Indicted 48 Arraignment Set 48 Jury Returns 48 Triple Slaying 48 Police Investigate Possible 48 Income Inequality 48 Legal Limbo 48 Victims Remembered 48 Witness Testifies 48 Murderess 48 Be Destroyed 48 Bank Robber Sentenced 48 Obscenity Charges 48 Bozell Column 48 Cattle Rustling 48 Mother Pleads 48 Suspects Indicted 48 Issues Raised 48 Child Abuse Case 48 Racial Remarks 48 Condone 48 Sentence Handed Down 48 Possible Hate Crime 48 Denied Bond 48 Woman Jailed 48 Suspects Caught 48 Murder Case 48 Misbehavior 48 All Deliberate Speed 48 Plea Deal Reached 48 Seeks Death Penalty 48 Car Jacking 48 Book Exposes 48 Trial Nears End 48 Face Death Penalty 48 Jury Considers 48 Pointing Fingers 48 Suspect Pleads Guilty 48 Man Pleads Innocent 48 Jury Recommends Death Penalty 48 Slanderous 48 Minstrelsy 48 Rape Cases 48 Perversion 48 Racially Charged 48 Victim Testifies 48 Soldier Sentenced 48 Quran Desecration 48 Ethnic Profiling 48 Gonzales Resignation 48 Alleged Shooter 48 Soldier Testifies 48 Sex Offender Pleads Guilty 48 Manhunt Ends 48 Racial Segregation 48 Shooting Rampage 48 Argument Turns 48 Travesty 48 MICHAEL GOODWIN 48 Jury Convicts Man 48 Who Escaped 48 Accused Kidnapper 48 Man Faces Charges 48 Dragging Death 48 Crimes Committed 48 Suspect Admits 48 Affront 48 Deadly Shootings 48 Investigating Shooting 48 Slaying Victim 48 Gone Awry 48 Slur 48 Suspect Wanted 48 Witnesses Describe 48 Murderabilia 48 Portrays 48 Prosecution Rests 48 Machete Attack 48 Gun Ownership 48 Reverse Racism 48 Charges Dismissed 48 Witch Hunts 48 Suspect Captured 48 Serial Rapist 48 Ordered Removed 48 Murder Charges Filed 48 See TIME photoessay 48 Killing Suspect 48 Rearrested 48 NEWSWEEK COVER 48 Be Executed 48 Reprehensible 48 Uproar Over 48 Prejudiced 48 Robbery Suspect Charged 48 Coverup 48 Outrages 48 What Really Happened 48 Banality 48 Immigration Raids 48 Plea Entered 48 White Supremacists 48 Ruled Unconstitutional 48 Niggers 48 Voting Irregularities 48 Priest Pleads 48 Kidnapping Charges 48 Inflames 48 Tape Released 48 Enslaving 48 See s 47 Exonerate 47 Cowardice 47 Businessman Pleads Guilty 47 Srebrenica Massacre 47 Teen Sniper Suspect 47 Collective Punishment 47 Child Pornography Case 47 Lawmaker Charged 47 Murder Conviction 47 Raped Woman 47 Suspect Pleads 47 Barbarity 47 Found Innocent 47 Copper Thefts 47 Peaceful Protest 47 Couple Charged With 47 Remains Unsolved 47 Abu Ghraib Abuse 47 Heated Debate 47 Short Sighted 47 Stabbing Boyfriend 47 Firefighter Accused 47 Fugitive Caught 47 Anthrax Attacks 47 Fratricide 47 Be Retried 47 Racial Inequality 47 Police Investigate Alleged 47 Repudiation 47 Desecrating 47 Descends Into 47 Man Confesses To 47 Mystery Novel 47 Torture Case 47 Miscegenation 47 Jury Selection Starts 47 Kidnapping Case 47 Copper Thieves 47 Suspected Murderer 47 AIDS Epidemic 47 Causes Uproar 47 Ayoon wa Azan 47 Arson Fires 47 Deaths Ruled 47 Ex Klansman 47 Sentence Upheld 47 Bond Denied 47 Repulsive 47 Ethics Violation 47 Remembers Victims 47 Couple Arrested 47 Jury Acquits Man 47 ACLU Sues 47 Trial Gets Underway 47 Gets Maximum Sentence 47 Locals React 47 Aide Accused 47 Journalist Jailed 47 Rapist Sentenced 47 Police Seek Clues 47 Rape Victims 47 Homoerotic 47 Premeditated Murder 47 Killing Spree 47 Must Confront 47 Indefinite Detention 47 Alleged Abduction 47 Rights Violations 47 Abramoff Scandal 47 Racial Slurs 47 Seeks Clemency 47 Gay Marriage Debate 47 Re Examined 47 Grand Jury Hears 47 Inmate Sues 47 Lynched 47 Anti Immigrant 47 Beating Death 47 Cop Shooter 47 Mine Explosion 47 Hazing Incident 47 Fear Backlash 47 Lewd Behavior 47 Rape Victim 47 Remind Us 47 Slay Suspect 47 Trial Wraps Up 47 Suspect Arraigned 47 Heinous Crime 47 Double Homicide 47 Vigil Planned 47 Shooting Suspect 47 Wrongful Conviction 47 Slander 47 Convicted Murderer 47 Verdict Guilty 47 Motives Behind 47 BTK Killer 47 Roadside Memorials 47 Kidnap Suspects 47 Terrorizing 47 Civil Rights Icon 47 Woman Arraigned 47 Prompts Debate 47 Eyewitness Accounts 47 Murder Suspects 47 Parolee Arrested 47 Argument Against 47 Videotaped Beating 47 Mother Speaks Out 47 Judge Sentences 47 Inmate Accused 47 Violent Rhetoric 47 Girl Disappearance 47 Conviction Tossed 47 Matters Arising 47 Suspects Arraigned 47 Charges Pending 47 Refinery Explosion 47 Case Reopened 47 Seek Death Penalty 47 Evidence Tampering 47 Faces Sentencing 47 Rape Allegations 47 Mountaintop Mining 47 Car Break Ins 47 Drug Offenses 47 Inmate Gets 47 Faces Execution 47 Cocaine Smuggling 47 Priest Abuse 47 Impeachable 47 Much Worse Than 47 Human Remains Found 47 Possible Motive 47 Inappropriate Relationship 47 Bitter Harvest 47 Publishes Book 47 Sex Slavery 47 Ex Boyfriend Charged 47 Remains Found 47 Death Threat 47 Vigil Held 47 Jury Deciding 47 Remains Identified 47 Bad Behavior 47 Racial Identity 47 Killer Executed 47 Flag Burning 47 Massacre 47 Cop Fired 47 Third Suspect Arrested 47 Presidential Campaigns 47 Smear Campaign Against 47 Inmate Pleads Guilty 47 Brutal Murder 47 Conviction Upheld 47 Inmate Sentenced 47 Gun Laws 47 Admits Lying 47 Hundreds Gather 47 Kidnapping Robbery 47 Hate Filled 47 Turns Deadly 47 Criminalization 47 Be Arraigned 47 Murder Trial 47 Colonialist 47 Residents React 47 Police Investigate Shooting 47 Headless Body Found 47 Accused Rapist 47 Murder 47 Exonerates 47 Man Kills Himself 47 Death Throes 47 Voter Fraud 47 Gag Order Issued 47 Liquor Store Owner 47 Groups Protest 47 Sex Slave 47 Priest Pleads Guilty 47 Fugitive Wanted 47 Animal Abuse 47 Illegal Wiretapping 47 Convicted Rapist 47 Apology 47 Held Captive 47 Slave Narratives 47 Nightclub Shooting 47 Politicians React 47 Slayings Suspect 47 Murder Suspect Arrested 47 Alleged Robbery 47 Pregnant Woman Death 47 Guilty Verdicts 47 Cop Pleads Guilty 47 Morally Wrong 47 Woman Pleads Innocent 47 Indictments Handed Down 47 Perpetrated 47 Similarities Between 47 Bigotry 47 Scopes Trial 47 Fighting Extradition 47 Overnight Shooting 46 Videotape Shows 46 Flag Desecration 46 Wrongful Death Lawsuit 46 Population Explosion 46 Child Sex Trafficking 46 Moral Values 46 Woman Confesses 46 Material Witness 46 Trysts 46 Saddam Trial Resumes 46 Fetal Homicide 46 PUBLIC VIEWPOINT 46 Doctor License Suspended 46 Maintains Innocence 46 Extramarital Affairs 46 Groups Condemn 46 Ethnic Intimidation 46 Portrayal 46 Killings 46 Stray Voltage 46 Arrests Suspects 46 Premeditated 46 Sex Offender Laws 46 Reaches Plea Deal 46 Brutality 46 Starvation Case 46 Wasteful Spending 46 Terrify 46 Distances Himself From 46 Faces Arraignment 46 Persecution 46 Death Row Inmate Dies 46 Producing Child Pornography 46 Faces Death Penalty 46 Conflicting Reports 46 Assassination Plot 46 Bidding Farewell 46 Genocidal 46 Nappy Headed Hos 46 Murderer Sentenced 46 Ethnic Conflict 46 Robbery Kidnapping 46 Re Enactment 46 Escapee Caught 46 Racist 46 Mom Charged 46 Attempted Murder Charges 46 Draws Controversy 46 Murder Charges 46 Bodies Identified 46 Woman Escapes 46 Teacher Suspended 46 Biased Against 46 Rape Claim 46 Cop Charged 46 Accidentally Released 46 Runs Amok 46 Revisionist History 46 Trial Postponed 46 Stirs Outrage 46 Trial Opens 46 Racial Tension 46 Files Lawsuit Alleging 46 Homosexual Activists 46 Stirs Debate 46 Murder Victim 46 Civil Rights Struggle 46 Man Nabbed 46 Deadly Tornado 46 Whitewashes 46 Sex Slaves 46 Teachable Moment 46 Denmark Vesey 46 Bias Attack 46 Haditha Killings 46 Taxpayer Funding 46 Salem Witch Trials 46 Be Buried 46 Sex Offender Accused 46 Rape Accuser 46 Salem witch hunts 46 Hunting Accident 46 Race Riot 46 Charges Upgraded 46 Attorney Firings 46 Oral Histories 46 Mob Trial 46 Racial Barriers 46 Reconsidered 46 Novel Explores 46 Sexual Harrassment 46 Child Sex Assault 46 Rape Charges 46 Tire Slashing 46 Indecent Exposure 46 Mysterious Disappearance 46 Peaceful Protests 46 Men Plead Guilty 46 Red Blooded 46 Suspect Jailed 46 Suspect Caught 46 Judicial Tyranny 46 Jury Reaches Verdict 46 Mass Murderers 46 Double Murder Suspect 46 Strangling Wife 46 Abuse Scandal 46 Sex Offender Sought 46 Remains Mystery 46 Sotomayor Nomination 46 Animal Cruelty Case 46 Suspect Identified 46 Op Ed Contributor 46 Pipe Bombs 46 Domestic Violence Cases 46 Ruled Incompetent 46 Prisoner Abuse 46 Dumbing Down 46 Face Retrial 46 Tornado Strikes 46 Man Enters Plea 46 Pair Sentenced 46 Sexual Assualt 46 Antiwar Movement 46 Trial Delayed 46 Inner Workings 46 Charge Dropped Against 46 Hate Crime Charge 46 Neighbors React 46 Dangerous Precedent 46 Abortion Ruling 46 One Sided 46 Must Reject 46 Child Sex Crimes 46 Protest Planned 46 Fatal Wreck 46 Sex Scandals 46 Taken Into Custody 46 Victim Speaks Out 46 Watershed Moment 46 Court Upholds Conviction 46 To Be Arraigned 46 Growing Problem 46 Stirs Controversy 46 Alleged Burglar 46 Suspects Wanted 46 Fierce Urgency 46 Teen Sentenced 46 Fraternity Hazing 46 Woman Admits 46 Travolta Extortion Plot 46 Historical Perspectives 46 Wrongly Accused 46 Killing Girlfriend 46 Stabbing Incident 46 Slaying Arrested 46 Legislative Session Ends 46 Attorneys Argue 46 Domestic Spying 46 Fatal Bus Crash 46 Corrective Rape 46 Found Hanged 46 Vandalism Spree 46 Be Extradited 46 Shooting Incident 46 Slain Journalist 46 Slavery Ties 46 Dropped Against 46 Alleged Rapist 46 Executes Man 46 Conspiracy Theories 46 Ronni Chasen Murder 46 Misleads 46 Too Racy 46 Who Hid 46 Serial Killers 46 Religious Intolerance 46 Racist Remarks 46 Emergency Crews Respond 46 Murder Conviction Upheld 46 Case Dismissed 46 Provocation 46 Voter Rolls 46 Barbarism 46 Murder Suspect Charged 46 Hostage Taking 46 Civil Rights Violations 46 Fights Extradition 46 Turn Themselves 46 Cross Dressing 46 Racism 46 Businessman Charged 46 Murder Spree 46 Fatal Shootings 46 Katrina Aftermath 46 Vested Interests 46 Standoff Suspect 46 Woman Gets Probation 46 Husband Arrested 46 Escaped Prisoner 46 Hostage Crisis 46 Teen Confesses 46 Fallout Continues 46 Immorality 46 Businessman Sentenced 46 Jury Nullification 46 Bombs Found 46 Trucker Charged 46 Manslaughter Charge 46 Alleged Killer 46 Clues Sought 46 Serial Stabber 46 Armed Robberies 46 Fugitive Captured 46 Expresses Shock 46 Suspect Surrenders 46 Furor Over 46 Escaped Inmate 46 Unconscionable 46 Jury Deliberations Begin 46 Phil Spector Murder Trial 46 Witness Describes 46 Murder Weapon 46 Creates Controversy 46 Awaits Fate 46 Arouses 46 Documents Reveal 46 Animal Abuser 46 Seeks Reversal 46 Drug Trafficking Charges 46 Sit Ins 46 Trench Collapse 46 Serial Killer Case 46 Trial Jury Selection 46 Deadly Tornadoes 46 Awaits Sentencing 46 Citations Issued 46 Child Abuse Charges 46 False Allegations 46 Bank Robber Caught 46 Own Words 46 Graffiti Vandals 46 USS Cole Bombing 46 Woman Files Suit 46 Funeral Procession 46 Voter Registration Fraud 46 Tape Shows 46 Abduction Rape 46 Woman Found Guilty 46 Deafening Silence 46 Debate Rages Over 46 Cold Cases 46 Bomb Plots 46 Alleged Kidnapper 46 Mass Grave 46 Op Ed Columnist 46 Childhood Sexual Abuse 46 Sentencing Delayed 46 Woman Dragged 46 Prompts Calls 46 Sparks Outcry 46 Was Attacked 46 Employment Discrimination 46 Controversy Heats Up 46 Unraveled 46 Baby Survives 46 Hold Vigil 46 Abuse Allegations 46 Attempted Murder Case 45 Wants Probe 45 Hearing Underway 45 Woman Faces Charges 45 Writes Book 45 Isms 45 Quadruple Murder 45 Torture 45 Home Invader 45 Convicted Cop Killer 45 Infanticide 45 Decapitation 45 Sketch Released 45 Denied Parole 45 Robo Calls 45 Allegedly Used 45 Mud Slinging 45 Estrangement 45 Rape Slaying 45 Domestic Dispute Leads 45 Car Thefts 45 Suspect Turns Himself 45 Forged Documents 45 Kidnap Case 45 Sex Offender Arrested 45 Kidnap Suspect 45 Couple Pleads Guilty 45 Burglars Caught 45 Anthrax Scare 45 Dustup 45 Prosecution Rests Case 45 Painful Memories 45 Hypocrisy 45 Enduring Legacy 45 Perpetuate 45 Sect Leader 45 Pepper Sprayed 45 Fatal Beating 45 Imprisonment 45 Subhuman 45 Suspect Extradited 45 Seeks Dismissal 45 Exhibit Explores 45 False Alarms 45 Arrest Follows 45 Lawyers Argue 45 Self Immolation 45 Violent Robbery 45 Child Porn Investigation 45 Wrongful Death Suit Filed 45 Couple Plead Guilty 45 Bones Found 45 Greatest Threat 45 Heal Wounds 45 NewsMax Wires 45 Remain Behind Bars 45 Juveniles Charged 45 Escaped Convict 45 Insanity Plea 45 Sex Scandal 45 Prison Escapees 45 Taints 45 Killing Pregnant Woman 45 Car Thief 45 Coercion 45 Suspect Nabbed 45 Lays Blame 45 Lawmaker Says 45 Sex Discrimination 45 Smear Campaign 45 Repeat Itself 45 Confusion Reigns 45 Case Settled 45 Rape Kidnapping 45 Firefighter Arrested 45 Gangsterism 45 Racist Attacks 45 Victims Testify 45 Child Molestation Case 45 Accidental Shooting 45 Mockery 45 Controversy Rages 45 Right Wing Extremist 45 Tougher Penalties 45 Remains Silent 45 Retrial Begins 45 Defaming 45 Battle Erupts 45 Murder Charges Dropped 45 Killing Wife 45 Seeks Answers 45 Awaits Ruling 45 Murder Trial Opens 45 Death Sentence Upheld 45 After Pleading Guilty 45 Denies Abuse 45 Cop Cleared 45 Beating Caught 45 Death Probed 45 Shoots Self 45 Judge Recuses Himself 45 TODAY 'S EDITORIAL 45 Sweltering Heat 45 Identify Suspect 45 Child Enticement 45 Alleged Gunman 45 Fatal Carjacking 45 Sniper Suspect 45 Man Turns Himself 45 Discredit 45 PURPLE PATCH 45 BTK Suspect 45 mob lynching 45 Suspects Held 45 Crack Dealer 45 Hanged 45 Totalitarianism 45 Reveals Flaws 45 Knife Attack 45 Drunk Driver Sentenced 45 Police Investigate Apparent 45 Interrogation Memos 45 Unsolved 45 Drug Busts 45 Stonewall Uprising 45 Woman Indicted 45 Locked Doors 45 Accusations Fly 45 Porn Charges 45 Rapes 45 Falsely Claims 45 Kidnapping Suspect 45 Feds Probe 45 Belonged 45 Kidnapping 45 Family Reacts 45 Drunken Drivers 45 Deadly Disease 45 Tainted Spinach 45 Jury Indicts 45 Marginalisation 45 Hatchet Job 45 Inanity 45 Shuttle Debris 45 Burnings 45 Murder Conspiracy 45 Couple Charged 45 Seek Suspect 45 Domestic Dispute Ends 45 Pipe Bomb Case 45 Offers Apology 45 Bank Robber Strikes 45 Unindicted 45 Flip Flopping 45 Conviction Reversed 45 Immigrant Smuggling 45 Lawyer Testifies 45 Man Commits Suicide 45 Commited 45 Pope Laments 45 Cross Hairs 45 Rape Attempt 45 Stabbing Girlfriend 45 Firefighter Charged 45 Woman Pleads 45 Attempted Bombing 45 Suspects Detained 45 Sketches Released 45 Murder Victim Family 45 Cop Killers 45 Jail Escapee 45 Envoy Warns 45 Misrepresents 45 Murdering Wife 45 Dug Up 45 Suit Settled 45 Bhutto Assassination 45 Hostage Standoff 45 Misdemeanor Assault 45 Year Prison Sentence 45 Uppity 45 Arson Charges 45 Armed Robbers 45 Dark Skinned 45 Hire Plot 45 Verdict Reached 45 Thieves Caught 45 Woman Accuses 45 cross burnings 45 Prison Abuse