Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 63 Mortgage Servicing Rights 58 derivative liabilities 58 nonaccrual loans 57 non accrual 57 MSR valuation 57 owned OREO 57 hedge ineffectiveness 57 repossessed assets 57 OREO properties 56 Amortized 56 derivative instrument 56 valuation adjustments 56 FDIC indemnification asset 56 amortized cost 55 nonaccruing loans 55 intangible assets impairment 54 unrealized derivative 54 loans receivable 54 nonaccrual status 54 identifiable intangibles 54 excluding unrealized gains 54 identifiable intangible assets 54 MSR impairment 54 unrealized appreciation 54 net realizable 54 uncollectible accounts receivable 54 temporary impairments OTTI 53 OREO 53 nonaccrual 53 securitized loans 53 MSR hedging 53 Real Estate Owned OREO 53 temporary impairments 53 Real Estate Owned 53 ALLL 53 - -Belusko 53 FDIC indemnification 53 securitized receivables 52 OREO valuation 52 doubtful accounts receivable 52 Cleartel 52 OTTI 52 derivative instruments 52 Doubtful Accounts 52 mortgage loan originations 52 FHLMC preferred stock 52 - -seemingly unquenchable 52 temporary impairment OTTI 52 Unrealized gains 52 actuarial liabilities 52 Nonaccruing loans 52 Non accruing 52 unamortized deferred 51 Amortized cost 51 -Josephine Marcotty 51 Impaired loans 51 - Adjusted [003] 51 unamortized discount 51 OTTI charges 51 unamortized 51 discount accretion 51 unrealized depreciation 51 nonaccruals 51 CICA Handbook section 51 loan chargeoffs 51 amortizable intangible assets 51 early extinguishments 51 Asset Retirement Obligation 51 AOCL 50 CIC convertible debenture 50 securitization trusts 50 - - Total [007] 50 depreciable assets 50 unamortized financing 50 accretable yield 50 Subordinate MBS 50 Accretion expense 50 Remeasurement 50 identifiable intangible 50 accretion expense 50 Currency fluctuation 50 Extinguishment 50 = Net [005] 50 accruing loans 50 nonoperating expense 50 Unrealized Loss 50 Than Temporary Impairment 50 Charge offs 50 nonaccrual loan 50 - - [106] 50 adequately collateralized 50 intangible impairment 50 goodwill intangible 50 BERKSHIRE HILLS BANCORP INC. 50 realizable value 50 -Sunrise Surf Shop 50 Acquired Intangible Assets 50 undesignated hedges 50 - Adjusted [028] 50 unrealized gains 50 Contingent consideration 50 intangible asset impairments 50 amortized 50 notional amounts 50 Embedded Derivatives 50 - - Total [037] 50 undepreciated 50 prepayment speeds 50 Xceed Mortgage Trust 50 LibertyBank Acquisition 49 lae reserves 49 -disc protrusion 49 - - Net [003] 49 Foreclosed assets 49 noninterest expense decreased 49 CRE loans 49 debt extinguishments 49 Foreclosed real estate 49 noncovered loans 49 #,#,# #,#,# Allowance [001] 49 Unrealised gains 49 amort 49 noncash impairments 49 Nonperforming 49 intangible assets 49 -Gottron 49 Derivative liability 49 Adjusted EBITDA excludes 49 Unizan merger 49 Nonaccrual loans 49 Foreclosed Assets 49 Loan servicing 49 unrealized derivative gain 49 MSR valuation adjustments 49 Tangible Common 49 Non accrual 49 recourse indebtedness 49 unconsolidated investee 49 noncurrent assets 49 Adjustments Amortization 49 Intangibles Goodwill 49 hedging instruments 49 Loss Gain 49 noncurrent 49 loan origination fees 49 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 49 Restructured Loans 49 hedging derivative instruments 49 - TOTAL ASSETS [015] 49 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS [006] 49 readily determinable 49 assets# [001] 49 MFB Corp 49 Metris Master Trust 49 Lease Losses ALLL 49 Derivative instruments 49 accretable 49 - -Victor Ezeji 49 CAPITAL ASSETS 48 OTTI charge 48 NOL carryforwards 48 AOCI 48 f Reflects 48 EFFECT OF FOREIGN CURRENCY 48 deemed uncollectible 48 unrealized losses 48 Realised gains 48 Nonperforming assets totaled 48 Asset Retirement Obligations 48 - - Net [035] 48 prepayment speeds loan originations 48 - Adjusted [016] 48 =SpatialFX 48 DAC offsets 48 Total nonperforming loans 48 - - Net [047] 48 USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 48 junior subordinated debentures 48 -Murabayashi 48 Total nonperforming assets 48 prepaids 48 accrual status 48 deferred loan origination 48 lien RMBS 48 Realized gains 48 Purchased intangible assets 48 - - Net [029] 48 Note Receivable 48 Restricted Cash 48 Marketable Securities 48 accounts receivable balances 48 Net Charge Offs 48 - - Total [061] 48 LAE reserves 48 #,#,# #,#,# PLANT AND 48 unaccreted 48 nonperforming assets totaled 48 -Tioman 48 losses ALLL 48 - - [007] 48 Discontinued Lines 48 depreciable asset 48 - - NetMarigot Bay r 48 -Pentair Inc 48 Noncash 48 Inventory Portfolio 48 amorti 48 - - [094] 48 Goodwill impairment 48 TOTAL OTHER INCOME EXPENSE 48 Noninterest expense decreased 48 EBITDAO 48 - - Net [034] 48 Fixed maturities 48 mandatorily redeemable 48 = Net [031] 48 - - Net [051] 47 redeemable noncontrolling interest 47 Unearned premium 47 LIFO adjustment 47 - - Net [007] 47 modified coinsurance 47 Renegotiated loans 47 unconsolidated subsidiaries 47 loan participations 47 FHLB advances decreased 47 -READFIELD Maine 47 - Adjusted [034] 47 Derivative instrument 47 SFAS No. 47 - - Net [058] 47 redeemable preferred stock 47 - - Total [039] 47 Tangible Equity 47 Net Charge offs 47 ceded reinsurance 47 amortizable 47 - -Commey 47 AMF Ultra Short 47 nonrecourse mortgage 47 - CASH FLOWS [012] 47 excluding depreciation depletion 47 Impairment Charges 47 marketable securities 47 Loans receivable 47 - - [016] 47 -Vallipunam 47 #,#,# #,#,# Accumulated depreciation 47 - TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS [003] 47 Convertible Debt 47 CMBS collateral 47 SHAREHOLDER 'S EQUITY 47 d Represents 47 EBIAT 47 excludes unrealized gains 47 SFAS 47 - -watt amp 47 Compensation Expenses 47 Agency MBS 47 accrued liabilities approximate 47 Debt extinguishment 47 - - Total [052] 47 Loans receivable net 47 TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSE 47 OTTI write downs 47 -TORONTO BLUE JAYS Optioned 47 Loans #,#,# #,#,# [001] 47 flow hedges 47 NET CASH PROVIDED BY 47 Average Tangible 47 Interest receivable 47 unamortized issuance costs 47 Goodwill #,#,# #,#,# [003] 47 Timeshare segment 47 amortization# 47 - AdjusETON 47 Net chargeoffs 47 unamortized portion 47 Intangible assets Goodwill 47 Interest Earning Assets 47 Premiums Earned 47 - NeDEFENDERS 47 Unrealized derivative 47 - Adjusted EBITDA [002] 47 nonconsolidated affiliate 47 Inventory obsolescence 47 #,#,# Total [002] 47 unrealized gain 47 estimated undiscounted 47 - - [049] 47 ASC #-#-# 47 Incurred losses 46 principal paydowns 46 Tangible Common Equity 46 -LLDF 46 - -Cash Flow Available 46 -Laemmle Music 46 Visa indemnification 46 #R Share 46 Depreciations 46 -BY LESLIE BIXLER • 46 RMBS exposures 46 unbilled revenue 46 consolidated VIE 46 extinguishments 46 Repossessed assets 46 Restructured loans accruing 46 - -secretary VK Duggal 46 FHLB borrowings 46 #,#,# #,#,# TOTAL ASSETS [002] 46 -Ierodiaconou 46 nonaccrual loans accruing 46 income teb 46 = Net [033] 46 -Asci 46 OREO write downs 46 = NetSao Pedro 46 Loan originations 46 BlackRock MLIM transaction 46 unconsolidated affiliate 46 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued [001] 46 nonaccruing 46 nonvested stock 46 unamortized deferred financing 46 -THE FORUM 46 -Sheikh Mohammed Godolphin 46 FNMA preferred 46 Goodwill #,#,# #,#,# [002] 46 -Petrzelka 46 Noninterest 46 nonaccruing loans accruing 46 DEFERRED COSTS 46 - Total Assets [013] 46 CICA Section 46 unbilled receivables 46 undiscounted cash 46 Covered Loans 46 Deposit Composition 46 consolidated VIEs 46 SFAS #R Share 46 -mintages 46 unobservable inputs 46 collateralizing 46 - - NetGranara 46 Derivative Liabilities 46 Interest Expense Interest expense 46 #,# =Bill Duemling 46 -TUMS 46 LIFO inventory 46 -ABGL 46 - - Total [002] 46 Non GAAP Diluted EPS 46 - -Justice Lynn Ratushny 46 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 46 Nitram backlog 46 Petition Date 46 - Total Assets [014] 46 Loan Losses ALLL 46 SFAS No.# 46 Notes Payable 46 -Alcampo 46 Based Compensation Expense 46 Unrealized Gain 46 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOPinkNews 46 Lease Losses 46 - -freefall parachute 46 adopting FIN 46 - BalaSTEWART ENTERPRISES INC. AND 46 Reinsurance recoverables 46 undepreciated book 46 uncollectible receivables 46 warranty accruals 46 Excludes goodwill 46 Pay Option ARMs 46 Realized Loss 46 -blueberry barrens 46 uncollectible accounts 46 - Total Assets [005] 46 #,# -oxidative enzymes 46 liabilities1 46 - - Net [019] 46 nonperforming residential 46 =steepling bounce 46 remeasurement 46 - - [119] 46 -homing instinct 46 Pro forma adjustments 46 -Sibusisiwe 46 - Adjusted [012] 46 amortization expense 46 rent escalations 46 FAS CAS Pension 46 Less Accumulated Depreciation 46 business acquired VOBA 46 - Adjusted [015] 46 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 46 - Total noninterest [003] 46 PERFORMANCE RATIOS Return 46 Nonaccrual Loans 46 RECEIVABLES 46 Total nonaccrual loans 45 intangibles impairment 45 Total noninterest 45 - -plumbers pipefitters 45 Total noninterest income 45 prepayment penalty 45 - TOTAL ASSETS [003] 45 = Net [004] 45 Excludes unrealized 45 cash equivalents marketable securities 45 Banker Acceptances 45 CMHC insured mortgages 45 Identifiable intangible assets 45 - Total Assets [006] 45 - - [041] 45 - - Nforecaddie 45 - Total assets [002] 45 - Total noninterest expense 45 Ps.6 45 - - Net [031] 45 Amortized Cost 45 No. #R 45 postretirement benefit 45 - Non GAAP [001] 45 PLRMBS 45 #,#,# #,#,# - [018] 45 SmartGrowth Deposits 45 #,# #,# #,# [009] 45 Nonperforming assets consist 45 Unvested 45 Debt Extinguishment 45 ZIONS BANCORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES 45 Earning Assets 45 - Adjusted [029] 45 Reconciling Items 45 unrealized gains losses 45 Surface Specialties acquisition 45 Average Tangible Common 45 No. #R Share 45 PERH 45 Valuation allowance 45 - - Net [023] 45 net chargeoffs 45 reinsurance recoverable 45 QSPEs 45 purchased intangible assets 45 Unbilled revenue 45 Interest Rate Assets 45 unconsolidated ventures 45 CIP FENOFIBRATE 45 - -Guldeniz 45 - Net [011] 45 ACTIVITIES Payments 45 SFSB Inc. 45 Notes Receivable 45 Core FFO 45 - - Net [004] 45 - - Net [037] 45 = Net [019] 45 unaccreted discount 45 retrospectively adjusted 45 postretirement benefit plans 45 unproved properties 45 LPT Agreement 45 Goodwill Impairment 45 exchangeable debentures 45 c Includes 45 goodwill impairment 45 - - [126] 45 Unrealised 45 -Ewurun 45 OTHER INCOME Gain 45 No. #R SFAS 45 Net Tangible Assets 45 - - TotRobert Gisevius Jr. 45 Recurring Adj 45 -FreeAgent Pro 45 noncurrent liabilities 45 - Total Assets [018] 45 - Non GAAP [002] 45 IRUs 45 Impairment Losses 45 Extinguishments 45 Oilseeds Processing 45 Excludes amortization 45 Annualized Return 45 nonperforming assets 45 reclass 45 Unearned premiums 45 Net Gains Losses 45 #,#,#,#,# [010] 45 Ps.7 45 -MOG.A 45 Identified intangible assets 45 intangible amortization 45 EURO#.# [001] 45 c Calculated 45 - -Frode Johnsen 45 FGIC insured 45 Derivative liabilities 45 TRUPs 45 Purchased intangibles 45 Total Capitalization 45 nonperforming loans totaled 45 - -Labyer 45 Deferred Income Tax 45 Unrealized foreign 45 #,#,# #,#,# -placekicker Sandro DeAngelis 45 Intangible amortization expense 45 NOL utilization 45 perpetual debentures 45 - - [001] 45 -him.I 45 #,# -Bob Straniere prevailed 45 Accounts receivables 45 - - Total [017] 45 GBP'# 45 Interest Margin 45 receivables 45 noncash unrealized 45 - Adjusted EBITDA [004] 45 consolidated balance sheet 45 Accruals 45 undepreciated assets 45 #,#,# #,#,# OTHER ASSETS [001] 45 Tangible stockholders 45 Gramercy Realty 45 MDP Transaction 45 Hemagen 45 Ending Balance 45 Unamortized discount 45 = Diluted [027] 45 Deposits #,#,# #,#,# [003] 45 Fully taxable 45 balance sheet securitizations 45 impairment charges 45 -triseries 45 - - Total [020] 45 - Adjusted [021] 45 Retained earnings #,#,# #,#,# [002] 45 depreciable real estate 45 = Diluted [036] 45 - - Total [056] 45 = Net [030] 45 -SVW 45 = Diluted [012] 45 Previously Securitized Loans 45 = Diluted [022] 45 balance UPB 45 accretion DD & 44 #,#,# #,#,# - [013] 44 valuation allowance 44 FAS# [001] 44 NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER 44 IFRS IFRS 44 Installment Loans 44 Than Temporary Impairments 44 IAROC 44 accounts receivable 44 impairment 44 - NetTransy 44 Loans Held 44 notes receivable 44 Variable annuity 44 nonmarketable 44 - CASH FLOWS [009] 44 -Candra Wijaya Sigit Budiarto 44 Loans Receivable 44 noninterest expenses 44 - - [074] 44 - - Net [046] 44 b Excludes 44 Income Taxes Allocable 44 Loans #,#,# #,#,# [002] 44 Delinquent Loans 44 = Net [002] 44 Mortgage loan originations 44 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 44 charge offs 44 accruing restructured 44 CICA Accounting Guideline 44 consolidated balance sheets 44 Nonrecurring 44 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCItowering cherry picker 44 LIFO inventory valuation 44 GMDB 44 subserviced 44 #,#.#,#.# 44 - Non GAAP [021] 44 - Total Assets [009] 44 - CASH FLOWS [014] 44 LIFO reserve 44 intangible impairments 44 securitized cardmember loans 44 Barrett NDEx 44 ROAA 44 Add subtract 44 liabilities noncurrent 44 Derivative Instruments 44 invoiced shipment 44 prepayment penalties 44 Gain Loss 44 Och Ziff Operating 44 #,# - TOTAL [001] 44 Stockholders equity #,#,# #,#,# [002] 44 ceding commissions 44 ASC Topic #-# 44 Current Assets 44 Contingent Consideration 44 realizability 44 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 44 Less Charge offs 44 Accounts receivable #,#,# #,#,# [002] 44 CREL DI 44 Non Interest Expense 44 Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr 44 AND INCOME TAXES 44 = Net [006] 44 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [002] 44 FHLB advances 44 Prepayment penalty 44 Unusual Items 44 ACTIVITIES Purchases 44 Asset Impairments 44 - TOTAL [022] 44 Interest expense decreased 44 liabilities# [001] 44 -Ajkai Timfoldgyar plant 44 TO TOTAL LOANS 44 #,#,# #,#,# - [007] 44 foreign currency remeasurement 44 reinsurance recoverables 44 Fundo Wheels 44 continuingoperations 44 Stockholder equity 44 = Net [018] 44 - - [055] 44 - Net [006] 44 Decrease Increase 44 Non Accrual 44 obsolete inventory 44 NALs 44 nondeductible portion 44 depreciation accretion 44 Currency translation adjustments 44 EBITDA EBITDAM EBITDAR 44 FAS #-# 44 Nonperforming loans totaled 44 equity method investees 44 #,#,#,# [010] 44 -sky scrapers 44 WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES 44 Restructured loans - 44 DSUs 44 -murtad 44 = Net [017] 44 addback 44 -Commissioner Srinagar Mehraj 44 Position EITF #-#-# 44 - Weighted average [004] 44 Currency translation differences 44 - Adjusted [002] 44 - TOTAL ASSETS [011] 44 Average Loans 44 Capital Gains Losses 44 -DD2 44 Acquiree 44 income# [002] 44 unamortized debt 44 net# [002] 44 Normalized EBITDA 44 Non accrual loans 44 Total Nonperforming Assets 44 SmartGrowth Loans 44 Redeemable Preferred Stock 44 junior subordinated deferrable 44 assets ROAA 44 noncash amortization 44 Purchased Intangible Assets 44 unrealized derivative gains 44 - Total assets [005] 44 Compensation Expense 44 - - Net [041] 44 = Diluted [019] 44 = Net [039] 44 adopting SFAS 44 Total [001] 44 Total noninterest expenses 44 mandatorily redeemable preferred 44 -models 3G 3Gs 44 Nonutility 44 From Financing Activities 44 - Expenses [006] 44 Realized Losses 44 - Total assets [001] 44 FHLBNY advances 44 DPAC amortization 44 Foreign Currency Translation 44 INCOME TAX EXPENSE BENEFIT 44 -Envoy PDM 44 FASB #R 44 44 Proved Plus 44 BOLI COLI 44 accumulated depreciation 44 - - Net [021] 44 From Investing Activities 44 inventory obsolescence 44 noncash goodwill 44 Nonprime 44 DAC unlock 44 AND MINORITY INTEREST 44 Charge Offs 44 #,#,#,# [016] 44 Merchandise inventories 44 #,#,#,#,#,#,# [001] 44 Buzzard derivative 44 PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES 44 Receivables Held 44 - - Quicks 44 - EBITDA [003] 44 -Hyndman Pa. 44 Premiums Written 44 ACTIVITIES Net 44 adopted SFAS #R 44 Unrealized 44 Items excluded 44 d Reflects 44 = Net [029] 44 defeased loans 44 Unamortized 44 - Total assets [003] 44 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND [003] 44 - -Hardy Magerko 44 HOPFED BANCORP INC. 44 #,# -Marhoefer 44 #,#,# #,#,# OTHER ASSETS [002] 44 = Net [041] 44 Adjustable Rate Mortgages ARMs 44 -Kibby Mountain 44 -killing Alan Shalleck 44 MCLP 44 NET ASSETS 44 f Represents 44 nonperforming status 44 Convertible debenture 44 Movado boutiques 44 - - TotalYourLink 44 #,# -INDUSTRIES INC. 44 subordinate lien holders 44 - - [062] 44 = Earnings [026] 44 -SIFs 44 intangible asset 44 Realized Gains 44 EXPENSE Interest expense 44 - - Net [052] 44 #,# -ANDREW J. FERRARO 44 Balance Sheet Assets 44 Than Temporarily Impaired 44 MBS AFS increased 44 - Net [003] 44 Intangible Assets Net 44 Tax Expense 44 uncollectable receivables 44 - TOTAL ASSETS [004] 44 FIFO EBITDA 43 = Diluted [021] 43 debt extinguishment 43 MFFO 43 - - Net [016] 43 AVAILABLE SEAT KM 43 - -Monkton Farleigh 43 - - [058] 43 EITF #-# [001] 43 Real Estate Owned REO 43 - Total Liabilities [005] 43 SILO LILO charges 43 TEB adjustment 43 Capital Lease Obligations 43 TFG CLO investments 43 depreciable 43 SEVERANCE PAY FUND 43 Nonoperating expenses 43 #,#,# #,#,# - TotYemeni descent 43 Accretion 43 CDFS 43 #,#,#,#,# [007] 43 PGS Onshore acquisition 43 - Non GAAP [019] 43 - CASH FLOWS [006] 43 #,# =Guatemala Honduras Panama 43 CDFS joint ventures 43 reinsurance receivables 43 observable inputs 43 HAMP modifications 43 = Adjusted [010] 43 Interest Rate Risk 43 - Non GAAP [027] 43 Assuming Dilution 43 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. 43 CREL CDOs 43 AcG 43 OPERATIONS BEFORE TAXES 43 #,#,# OTHER ASSETS 43 - - [054] 43 - Total noninterest [010] 43 liabilities# [002] 43 - Adjusted [022] 43 TOTAL ASSETS #,#,# #,#,# [001] 43 Cumulative translation adjustment 43 Leveraged Lease 43 Currency translation adjustment 43 ASC Subtopic #-# 43 #,#,# #,#,# Deficit [002] 43 noninterest income 43 Restructured loans 43 uncollectible reinsurance 43 b Calculated 43 Premiums receivable 43 COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING Basic 43 Consolidated Balance Sheet 43 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 43 - - [124] 43 OTHER ASSETS Goodwill 43 - Total Liabilities [025] 43 unrealized MTM 43 paydowns 43 Subordinate MBS portfolio 43 - - Total [072] 43 - - Earnunderwent resection 43 - Adjusted [019] 43 per dilutedshare 43 Contingent commissions 43 #,#,# #,#,# - [004] 43 - Adjusted [023] 43 -Gacy 43 NON INTEREST EXPENSE 43 - -Virginie Ledoyen 43 Annualized Adjusted EBITDA 43 Gains Losses 43 - - Non GAAP [001] 43 Possible Loan Losses 43 Nonperforming Assets NPAs 43 Other assets# [001] 43 extinguishment 43 Accounting Guideline AcG 43 unconsolidated joint ventures 43 c Represents 43 - - Net [042] 43 Normalized FFO 43 #,#,# #,#,# Shareholders Equity [002] 43 adopting SFAS #R 43 - - Net [055] 43 Leasehold inducement 43 ASC #-# 43 - - Net [015] 43 - Adjusted [014] 43 Reinsurance recoverable 43 c Relates 43 -Von Hippel Lindau 43 Equity Investees 43 #,#.# #,#.# Accumulated depreciation 43 - Net [007] 43 excluding BIBP 43 performing obligors 43 readily determinable fair 43 unsecuritized loans 43 - Adjusted EBITDA [005] 43 - - Net [024] 43 synthetic collateralized 43 - -skeleton sled 43 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [002] 43 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND [013] 43 - Adjusted [025] 43 Leverage Ratios 43 Subordinated Note 43 excluding unrealized derivative 43 - - Total [016] 43 RASP Data Security 43 ARSs 43 Core Deposits 43 = Adjusted [005] 43 defeasance 43 Partially offset 43 - - Cash [003] 43 Conditional Asset 43 - - Net [008] 43 CICA Handbook Section 43 Early Extinguishment 43 Engineered Support Structures 43 Invested assets 43 Fluid Handling Technologies 43 OLTV greater 43 -Andrew Mayeda Postmedia News 43 Adjustments Inventory 43 Preferred Units 43 USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 43 Incurred 43 Extra Ordinary Income 43 #,# -Preachintothedevil 43 FFO Fully Diluted 43 Reimbursable Expenses 43 derivative contracts 43 FHA insured mortgage 43 43 - - Non GAAP [005] 43 = Net [014] 43 - - Non GAAP [008] 43 -ATHENS ACADEMY 43 NON CURRENT ASSETS 43 - -blatant politicization 43 #,#,#,# [015] 43 - Aijaz Hussain 43 FASB Statement 43 - Commitments [012] 43 Rm Rm Rm 43 - - Total [054] 43 - - [065] 43 LIABILITIES Deposits 43 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC. 43 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 43 Balance Rate 43 translation adjustment 43 accruals 43 Promissory note 43 PV originations 43 OPERATING ACTIVITIES 43 Variable Interest Rate 43 - -Comic Book Challenge 43 = Basic [015] 43 EUR# mn [001] 43 intangibles amortization 43 QSPE 43 - Non GAAP [023] 43 b Represents 43 Loan Facilitation Services 43 - Adjusted [017] 43 = Liabilities [002] 43 LONG TERM RECEIVABLES 43 OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 43 Ps.3 43 HELOCs 43 Noninterest expenses 43 - - Net [028] 43 = Liabilities [014] 43 - - Net [027] 43 Weighted Weighted Average 43 INTEREST INCOME 43 Non Accrual Loans 43 LIFO accounting 43 equity investees 43 Advance billings 43 Impaired Loans 43 unamortized premiums 43 - - 43 securitizations 43 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 43 loans collateralizing 43 Securitized 43 Unrealized gain 43 Intangible asset 43 Hardwoods USLP 43 - Total [031] 43 EBDDT 43 Preferred Stock Dividends 43 - - [093] 43 - - Net [043] 43 unfavorable variance 43 - -Davis Jayalath 43 nondeductible expenses 43 OTHER EXPENSE 43 #,# -Radhika Menon Theodore 43 X Ceptor 43 FTRs 43 condensed consolidated balance sheet 43 - - Net [048] 43 liabilities Accounts 43 = Net [026] 43 Lease inducements 43 accrued liabilities 43 AVERAGE BALANCES Total 43 #,# -appartment 43 #,# = Liabilities [001] 43 Loan origination 43 Transeastern JV 43 ARM MBS 43 Partnered Brands segment 43 Consolidated Entities 43 Non Controlling Interests 43 Unrealized Gain Loss 43 - Adjusted EBITDA [003] 43 Reclassifications 43 CASH FLOWS USED IN 43 Ps.#.# [002] 43 - TOTAL ASSETS [009] 43 Nonperforming assets NPAs 43 -#.# -#.# -#.# [009] 43 nonperforming assets NPAs