Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 74 -stockcar 68 DAILY PRODUCTION 66 Average Realized 65 - - [058] 64 -gasline 64 -RESIDENCE 63 - - [012] 62 cu ft gas 62 Total Proved 62 Bbl d 61 Depreciation Depletion 61 -Rainer Bonhof 61 - - [090] 60 - - [059] 60 Provides Operational Update 60 - - Total [050] 60 Natural Gas Liquids 60 - - [086] 60 mcf d 59 - - [127] 59 - - Total [068] 59 - - [044] 59 - -Nicolas Leoz 58 - -osmium 58 Per Barrel 58 -Waie 58 Operating netback 58 Netback 58 - Total [003] 58 - -Kondhwa 57 -Castries St. 57 Boe d 57 MBOE 57 -JUNCTION 57 - -Lucintel 57 - - [080] 57 Mboe 57 Bbls d 57 Segment Profit 57 -Eden Monaro 56 Mmcfe 56 Oil Prices Climb 56 MBbl d 56 -Gudger 56 Million Barrels 56 - - [110] 56 - Jim Clack 56 Amortization Expense 56 - - [111] 56 OPERATING INCOME LOSS 56 - - [098] 56 # -DiBacco 56 - - [048] 56 MBbls 56 COSTS AND EXPENSES 56 -Jimmerson 56 =shen 55 END OF PERIOD 55 - Total [015] 55 Bbls 55 - Operating [026] 55 CONTINUING OPERATIONS 55 #,# -Veen 55 - Operating [029] 55 - - [115] 55 DILUTED 55 NET EARNINGS 55 - ToTrain Derails 55 - Total [004] 55 Mcf d 55 -Homburg Invest Inc. 55 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 55 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 55 -Kowalchuk 55 Midday Leaders & 55 BEGINNING OF PERIOD 55 Commodity Outlook 54 - - [049] 54 - - Total [057] 54 -prosumer 54 - -Byyny 54 mboe 54 Depletion depreciation 54 Foreign Currency Translation 54 - - [108] 54 Total Capitalization 54 -#Gb s InfiniBand 54 Non Current Assets 54 INCOME TAX EXPENSE 54 54 -TUMS 54 -semitransparent 54 -Bullying Prevention 54 54 - [039] 54 - - [122] 54 - - [025] 54 - - [024] 54 -jumpoff 54 - - [112] 54 MMBbls