Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 50 Repubs 48 Harry Reid 47 Nancy Pelosi 47 liberals 46 POTUS 45 neocons 45 Barney Frank 45 neo cons 45 Teddy Kennedy 45 warmongers 44 Tea Partiers 44 progressives 44 Rick Santorum 43 democrats 42 libs 42 dems 42 demagogues 42 ideologues 42 Harry Reid D Nev 42 Bernie Sanders 41 Dennis Kucinich 41 Bill Kristol 41 Chuck Schumer 41 Newt Gingrich 41 Applause. 40 neo con 40 Rahm Emanuel 40 Karl Rove 40 HANNITY 40 Laughter. 40 GOPers 40 Ted Kennedy 40 neoconservatives 40 sycophants 40 cronies 39 Republicans 39 Senator Harry Reid 39 neocon 39 THE PRESIDENT 39 Mitch McConnell 39 neo conservatives 39 Democrats 39 William Kristol 39 Bushies 38 Michele Bachmann 38 lackeys 38 Dubya 38 Religious Right 38 morons 38 Speaker Pelosi 38 Dick Armey 38 kooks 38 VAN SUSTEREN 38 assholes 38 House Speaker Nancy 38 Arlen Specter 38 Obamacare 38 Congressmen 37 Reid D Nev 37 O'REILLY 37 populists 37 republicans 37 George W. Bush 37 Barbara Boxer 37 shills 37 Rush Limbaugh 37 Newt 37 ObamaCare 37 minions 36 fools 36 Dick Durbin 36 Cynthia McKinney 36 Senate Majority Leader Harry 36 Evan Bayh 36 Tom Harkin 36 buffoons 36 Dick Gephardt 36 Dems 36 David Broder 36 Alan Keyes 36 JIM LEHRER 36 war mongering 36 obstructionists 36 Chuck Grassley 36 Democratic 36 Oval Office 36 THE VICE PRESIDENT 36 Rahm 36 Sam Brownback 36 Dana Milbank 36 Richard Perle 36 pols 36 Barack 35 Russ Feingold 35 deluded 35 enablers 35 scumbags 35 robber barons 35 cabal 35 Trent Lott 35 Sen. Harry Reid