Operating Results


Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 73 Third Quarter Results 73 Fourth Quarter Results 72 First Quarter Results 71 Second Quarter Results 71 Second Quarter 71 Financial Results 70 Operational Results 70 Third Quarter 70 First Quarter 69 Fiscal Third Quarter 69 Preliminary Fourth Quarter 68 Preliminary Third Quarter 67 Fiscal Second Quarter 67 Unaudited Fourth Quarter 67 Fourth Quarter 67 Unaudited Third Quarter 67 Fiscal Fourth Quarter 67 Schedules Fourth Quarter 66 Unaudited Second Quarter 66 Second Quarter Ended 66 Record Second Quarter 66 2nd Quarter Results 66 Increases Guidance 66 Third Quarter Fiscal 66 First Quarter Earnings 65 Full Year 65 Third Quarter Earnings Release 65 First Quarter Fiscal 65 Host Fourth Quarter 65 Earnings Release Schedule 65 Discuss Fourth Quarter 65 1st Quarter Results 65 Preliminary Second Quarter 65 Second Quarter Earnings Release 65 Third Quarter Ended 64 Reschedules Fourth Quarter 64 Fourth Quarter Fiscal 64 Revises Third Quarter 64 Fourth Quarter Ended 64 Highlights Three Months 64 Reports Profitable 64 Host Third Quarter 64 3rd Quarter Earnings 64 3rd Quarter Results 63 Selected Operating 63 Schedules Second Quarter 63 Announces Fourth Quarter 63 Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets 63 -Edgewater Networks 63 Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets 63 Fiscal Quarter Results 63 Announces Second Quarter 63 Schedules Third Quarter 63 Highlights unaudited 63 EARNINGS UNAUDITED 63 Fourth Quarter Earnings Release 63 End Earnings Release 63 Year Ended Ended 63 Discuss Third Quarter 63 Releases Second Quarter 63 Second Quarter Earnings 63 Fourth Quarter Dividend 63 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS 63 Year Ended 63 Earnings Guidance 62 Schedules Earnings Release 62 Subsidiaries Consolidated 62 Earnings Release Date 62 Third Quarter Earnings 62 Consolidated Condensed Statement 62 Earnings Announcement 62 Third Quarter Nine Months 62 Reports Significantly Improved 62 Quarter Ending 62 Fiscal Quarter 62 Updates Guidance 62 Declares Increased 62 Sets Second Quarter 62 Third Quarter Dividend 62 Subsidiaries Summary 62 CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS 62 Second Quarter Fiscal 62 Releases Third Quarter 62 Beats Analyst 62 Condensed Statement 62 Quarter Ended 62 Increases Quarterly Cash Dividend 62 Declares Fourth Quarter 62 Subsidiaries CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF 62 Record Third Quarter 62 Revises Fourth Quarter 62 Updates Fourth Quarter 62 1st Quarter Earnings 61 Nine Month 61 Results Release Date 61 Declares Cash Dividend 61 Announces Dividend 61 Reschedules Third Quarter 61 Summary Unaudited 61 Delays Filing 61 Consolidated Balance Sheets Unaudited 61 Pro Forma Pro Forma 61 BlackPearl Announces 61 Thallion Announces 61 Schedules Third Quarter Fiscal 61 Projected Release Date 61 Unaudited Supplemental 61 Reschedules Second Quarter 61 Announces Restatement 61 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 61 Declares Increase 61 Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Balance 61 Month Period Ended 61 Virco Announces 61 Declares Third Quarter 61 Announces Profitable 61 Q4 Loss Narrows 61 Months Months 61 Universal Shelf Registration 61 Pro Forma EPS 61 Teleconference Announcement 61 TriCo Bancshares Announces 61 Announces Third Quarter 61 Supplemental Non GAAP 61 CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF 61 Winmark Corporation Announces 61 Three Months Ending 61 Host Second Quarter 61 Provides Preliminary 61 Webcast Third Quarter 61 Files Annual Report 61 Webcast Second Quarter 61 -Andrea Seabrook 61 Plumas Bancorp Reports 61 Unaudited 61 Reports Fourth Quarter 61 Reports Third Quarter 61 Revises Guidance 60 Innovium Announces 60 Declares Second Quarter 60 Consolidated Condensed Statements 60 Reaffirms Guidance 60 Hold Fourth Quarter 60 Forward Looking Guidance 60 Highlights Dollars 60 Q2 Loss Narrows 60 Subsidiaries Supplemental Data 60 Files Quarterly Report 60 Announces Filing 60 Selected Consolidated 60 Fourth Quarter Earnings 60 Nordson Corporation Declares 60 FINANCIAL CONDITION AND 60 Jennifer Convertibles Reports 60 SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Consolidated Statements 60 Q3 Loss Widens 60 Announces Cash Dividend 60 Highlights Unaudited 60 Nine Months Nine Months 60 Six Month Periods 60 Reports Second Quarter 60 eOn Communications Reports 60 Earnings Release Webcast 60 Unaudited Six Months 60 Fiscal Quarter Ended 60 Discuss Second Quarter 60 CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 60 unaudited Amounts 60 Attracting Bullish Investors 60 Earnings Per Diluted 60 Quarter Earnings Release 60 Q1 Loss Widens 60 unaudited Nine Months 60 Unaudited Dollars 60 Extendicare REIT Announces 60 Declares Regular Quarterly 60 Earnings Release 60 Quarterly Dividend Declared 60 Balance Sheets Unaudited 60 Habersham Bancorp Announces 60 PPD Declares 60 Preliminary Unaudited 60 Announces Quarterly Dividend 60 Schedules 2Q 60 Sinks Lower 60 BioFuel Reports 60 Record Fourth Quarter 60 Non GAAP Disclosures 60 4th Quarter Earnings 60 Operations Unaudited Amounts 60 Herbalife Ltd. Announces 60 Reiterates Fiscal 60 Earnings Announcement Date 59 OPERATIONS UNAUDITED 59 Webcast Fourth Quarter 59 Second Quarter Six Months 59 Q1 Loss Narrows 59 Annual Meeting Date 59 Cash Flows Dollars 59 Months Ended Ended Ended 59 Cash Flows Three Months 59 Provides Updated 59 Dividend Declared 59 SUBSIDIARIES HISTORICAL TRENDS 59 Fiscal Quarter Earnings 59 Quarter Results 59 Hold #QF# Earnings 59 Subsidiary Selected 59 IDEXX Laboratories Announces 59 Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend 59 Univest Corporation Declares 59 Second Quarter Dividend 59 Provides Update Regarding 59 -Quarriers 59 Three Months Twelve Months 59 DUPONT FABROS TECHNOLOGY INC. 59 Declares Dividend 59 Selected GAAP Measures 59 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING RESULTS 59 Balance Sheets unaudited 59 Sets Third Quarter 59 Files Shelf Registration Statement 59 2nd Quarter 59 SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements 59 Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr 59 Quarter Ended Six Months 59 Receives NASDAQ 59 OPERATIONS Amounts 59 Second Quarter Earnings Announcement 59 Irvine Sensors Releases 59 - Three Months [002] 59 Schedules Earnings 59 Condensed Statements 59 Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement 59 Release Fourth Quarter 59 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF 59 unaudited -Nesha Starcevic 59 Subsidiaries Selected 59 Sets Fourth Quarter 59 Announces Stock Repurchase 59 Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements 59 Sono Tek Announces 59 Third Qtr 59 Years Ended 59 Lifts FY# Revenue 59 Third Quarter Earnings Per 59 Quarter Ended Nine Months 59 Hold Third Quarter 59 Corporation Schedules Third 59 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURES REGARDING NON 59 # -GT2 RS 59 Net Income 59 Cashflow Report 59 Condensed Income 59 Cash Dividend Declared 59 Q3 Loss Narrows 59 Revises Earnings 59 Schedules Third Quarter Earnings 59 Unaudited Nine Months 59 Q4 Profit Rises 59 Quarterly Dividend Payment 59 Operations Amounts 59 SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENTS 59 Reaffirms Full 59 SELECTED FINANCIAL AND 59 PARK OHIO HOLDINGS 59 COMPANY CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS 59 Subsidiaries Unaudited Condensed Consolidated 59 Previously Announced 59 Q4 Profit Declines 59 FFO Per Share 59 EARNINGS unaudited 59 Hold Second Quarter 59 widens Quick Facts 59 Unaudited Consolidated Statement 59 HemaCare Reports 59 Schedules Fiscal 59 Consolidated Balance Sheets 59 Period Ending 59 MEDTOX Scientific Announces 59 Qtr Ended 59 INCOME unaudited 59 Revises Second Quarter 59 NYMAGIC INC. Reports 59 ALEXANDRIA REAL ESTATE EQUITIES 59 FINANCIAL AND 59 AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements 59 Increases Quarterly Dividend 59 Release Third Quarter 59 Provides Guidance 59 STATEMENTS OF INCOME UNAUDITED 58 AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 58 Q2 Loss Widens 58 Profitable Quarter 58 FINANCIAL CONDITION 58 Q3 Profit Rises 58 OPERATIONS unaudited 58 Balance Sheets Dollars 58 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 58 Income Unaudited 58 Subsidiaries Segment 58 Kronos Worldwide Reports 58 Declares Quarterly Distribution 58 INCOME UNAUDITED Three Months 58 Q4 Loss Widens 58 Items Affecting Comparability 58 Declares Regular Cash Dividend 58 Narrows Guidance 58 Non GAAP Reconciliations 58 Provides Updates 58 Declares Monthly Dividend 58 Raises Guidance 58 Restate Financial 58 UNAUDITED Nine Months 58 INC. Summary 58 Schedules Fourth Quarter Earnings 58 Financial Condition Dollars 58 Earnings Decline 58 Announces Debt Refinancing 58 Qtr Qtr 58 Announces Revised 58 OPERATIONS Unaudited Three Months 58 Sets Earnings Release 58 FORWARD AIR 58 OF OPERATIONS unaudited 58 Results Exceed Expectations 58 Ended Three Months 58 Announces Monthly Distributions 58 Nymox Reports 58 > > > [001] 58 TOTAL COMPANY 58 Adtegrity.com Reports 58 OF INCOME UNAUDITED 58 Tikcro Technologies Reports 58 OF EARNINGS UNAUDITED 58 SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA 58 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF 58 Post Earnings Checkup 58 Summary Balance Sheet 58 IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER 58 INC. Unaudited 58 INCOME UNAUDITED 58 Q4 Adj 58 Audited Unaudited 58 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance 58 F#Q# Earnings 58 INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES 58 FFO Rises 58 Preliminary Condensed Consolidated 58 Deficit unaudited 58 Subsidiaries Selected Financial 58 Bingo.com Announces 58 Schedules Fiscal Year 58 FY# Guidance 58 CASH FLOWS unaudited 58 ROCA Reports 58 FINANCIAL RESULTS 58 FLOWS UNAUDITED 58 Declares Quarterly Dividend 58 INCOME GLOBAL PAYMENTS 58 Revises Full 58 4th Qtr 3rd Qtr 58 Release Second Quarter 58 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 58 Unaudited Pro Forma 58 Results Reflect 58 Cash Flows unaudited 58 AND THREE MONTHS 58 Data Unaudited Amounts 58 Common Share Dividend 58 Cash Dividends 58 Announces Timing 58 Lowers Guidance 58 Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements 58 Files Restated 58 Quarters Ended Nine Months 58 Nine Months Months 58 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 58 Six Months Months 58 SEACOR Holdings Announces 58 Supplemental Information 58 Months Months Ended 58 Initiates Quarterly 58 Announces Earnings Release 58 Regarding Forward Looking Statements 58 L.P. Reports 58 OPERATING RESULTS 58 SUBSIDIARY Consolidated Statements 58 Announce Fourth Quarter 58 Announces Webcast 58 Nortech Systems Reports 58 3rd Qtr 2nd Qtr 58 MILLIONS EXCEPT PER SHARE 58 Welcomes Analyst Initiation 58 DATA UNAUDITED 58 Earnings Teleconference 58 SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 58 Achieves Positive 58 Subsidiaries FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 58 -MediaSyndicate.com 58 Below Estimates 58 Declares Regular 58 Unaudited Balance Sheet 58 SUBSIDIARIES Reconciliation 57 Viad Corp Announces 57 Files Shelf Registration 57 NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 57 SEGMENT RESULTS 57 ended December# 57 Thousands Unaudited 57 amounts unaudited 57 Announces Divestiture 57 Saehan Bancorp Reports 57 OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS 57 endedDecember 57 Six Months Ending 57 Operations unaudited 57 Announces Stockholder Approval 57 ENDED MARCH 57 Consolidated Cash Flows 57 Declares Dividends 57 Anadys Form 57 Three Months Nine Months 57 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS unaudited 57 Guidance Quick Facts 57 Net Income Attributable 57 Form# Q 57 Q1 Adj 57 COMPANIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF 57 Gentex Declares Quarterly 57 Nine Months 57 Insteel Industries Announces 57 Sheets Unaudited 57 Q2 Profit 57 Condensed Balance Sheets 57 Twelve Months Ended 57 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 57 Diluted Earnings Per Share 57 SUBSIDIARIES SEGMENT 57 Subsidiaries Consolidated Condensed 57 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated 57 Months Ended Nine Months 57 Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated 57 INCOME STATEMENT DATA 57 Q3 Profit Declines 57 Quarters Ended Years 57 Zacks Analyst Interview 57 Losses Narrow 57 SUMMARY OF OPERATING RESULTS 57 Bladex Announces 57 Quarterly Earnings 57 Net Loss Widens 57 Q2 Profit Rises 57 Bexil Corporation Announces 57 ENDED JUNE 57 Quarterly Results 57 Omnicare Declares Quarterly 57 Month Period 57 Fully Diluted Earnings Per 57 Nine Months Ended Nine 57 Aircastle Announces 57 Condensed Consolidated Income 57 Third Consecutive Quarter 57 AND THREE MONTH 57 Q1 Profit Declines 57 Weeks Ended Ended Ended 57 Completes Restatement 57 OPERATING INFORMATION 57 Second Quarter Earnings Per 57 BUSINESS SEGMENT 57 Schedules 3Q 57 OF INCOME Unaudited 57 Summary SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE 57 NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION 57 Posts Wider Loss 57 Declares Preferred Dividends 57 Backs FY# EPS 57 Quarterly Activities 57 PremierWest Bancorp Announces 57 # -b Reflects 57 Successor Successor 57 FTG Announces 57 CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE 57 Fourth Quarter Earnings Per 57 Shareholder Dividend 57 Arctic Glacier Posts 57 STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND 57 Consolidated Balance Sheets Amounts 57 Provides Operational Update 57 Pro Forma Results 57 Announces Share Repurchase 57 2nd Qtr 1st Qtr 57 THIRD QUARTER AND 57 Kaydon Corporation Announces 57 Completes Acquisitions 57 AND ADJUSTED DILUTED EARNINGS 57 4Q Loss Widens 57 SUBSIDIARIES SELECTED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL 57 Delay Filing 57 Posts Third Quarter 57 INTERNATIONAL INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES 57 Unaudited Consolidated Balance 57 Monthly Carloads 57 Revises Q4 57 OF OPERATIONS Dollars 57 Q1 Profit Rises 57 unaudited Dollars 57 THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 57 Posts Narrower Loss 57 Subsidiary Condensed Consolidated 57 TOFUTTI Announces 57 Declares Initial 57 Wizzard Software Announces 57 Valhi Reports 57 Sheets unaudited 57 Six Months Ended Ended 57 Dollars Except 57 Quarter Nine Months 57 SUBSIDIARIES RESULTS 57 EOG RESOURCES INC. 57 INCOME AND RETAINED 57 Sets Record Date 57 Declares Quarterly Cash 57 Per Diluted 57 Announces Fiscal 57 3rd Qtr 57 Period Ended 57 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME 57 -Woronoco 57 Reaffirms Fiscal 57 Q3 Profit Surges 57 Announce Second Quarter 57 Revises Fiscal 57 - -Kratofil 57 Predecessor Predecessor 57 AND SUBSIDIARIES 57 Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend 57 WESTWOOD ONE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL 57 OF FINANCIAL CONDITION 57 Increases Dividend 57 Revenues Increase 57 Unaudited Consolidated Statements 57 Raises FY# EPS 57 Unaudited Twelve Months 57 unaudited - 57 Announces Postponement 57 EARNINGS UNAUDITED DOLLARS IN 57 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS unaudited 57 AND ON FORM 57 Table Follows 57 Three Months Three Months 57 Declares Quarterly Dividends 57 3rd Quarter 57 OPERATIONS Unaudited 57 OF EARNINGS Unaudited 57 TriMas Corporation Reports 57 OF CASH FLOWS UNAUDITED 57 Net Loss Narrows 57 CONSOLIDATED AND 57 PetroQuest Energy Announces 57 - Unaudited UnauditWatercutter 57 Sheet Data 57 Announce Merger Agreement 56 Announces Regular Quarterly 56 Subsidiaries Unaudited Consolidated Statements 56 Sheets Dollars 56 Announce Fiscal 56 Provides FY# EPS 56 OF OPERATIONS Unaudited 56 Newfield Provides 56 -Tomine 56 SHEETS unaudited 56 Trans Lux Reports 56 Posts 4Q 56 GAAP FINANCIAL INFORMATION 56 Dollars Unaudited 56 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL SUMMARY UNAUDITED 56 Tops Estimate 56 AZCAR Announces 56 Subsidiaries Unaudited 56 Announces Quarterly 56 unaudited Three Months 56 Dividend Announcement 56 BioFuel Announces 56 Forecast Quick Facts 56 Guidance Guidance 56 ANSYS INC. AND 56 Selected Consolidated Balance 56 SHARE DATA 56 YTD YTD 56 Earnings Postmortem 56 Sets Annual Meeting 56 Cash Flows Unaudited 56 ENDED SEPTEMBER 56 Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation 56 unaudited Six Months 56 Unaudited Unaudited -PSE.com 56 FINANCIAL DATA UNAUDITED 56 IN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL 56 UNAUDITED PRO FORMA 56 OF CASH FLOWS Dollars 56 Adjusted Diluted EPS 56 Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet 56 Completes Divestiture 56 -Hendrex 56 Q2 Profit Declines 56 CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME 56 Confirms Guidance 56 Change -Holsteen 56 Pro Forma Adjusted 56 Supplementary Data 56 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS unaudited 56 2nd Quarter Earnings 56 SUMMARY DATA SHEET 56 Increases Cash Dividend 56 OF INCOME 56 CHINA TRANSINFO TECHNOLOGY CORP. 56 Six Months Six Months 56 Non GAAP Reconciliation 56 CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES 56 Extends Tender Offer 56 Increases Quarterly Distribution 56 TriMas Corporation Announces 56 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF 56 Cash Flows Unaudited Amounts 56 Taxable equivalent 56 AND FUNDS FROM 56 DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS 56 Three Months Six Months 56 Proposed Offering 56 Three Months Ended Twelve 56 Strengthens Balance Sheet 56 BY SEGMENT 56 Subsidiary Consolidated Statements 56 INC. UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED 56 Narrows Loss 56 EastGroup Properties Announces 56 Quarterly Dividend 56 -Name Directory DND 56 Declares Common Share 56 PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 56 Audited Consolidated 56 Raises Guidance AMEX DLA 56 Ended Twelve 56 OF FINANCIAL POSITION 56 Announce Third Quarter 56 IBERIABANK Corporation Reports 56 Announces Repurchase 56 SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statement 56 Measurement Specialties Announces 56 1st Quarter 56 Schedules Teleconference 56 Guides Inline 56 INCOME Three Months 56 Reports Fiscal 56 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Dollars 56 Reaffirms Fourth Quarter 56 Orckit Communications Reports 56 Q2 Adj 56 OF CHANGES IN 56 CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS 56 -6News Jennifer 56 EARNINGS Unaudited 56 Completes Tender Offer 56 THREE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 56 international seaborne transporter 56 DATA Unaudited 56 Approves Quarterly Dividend 56 OPERATING SEGMENTS 56 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS Unaudited 56 PRELIMINARY AND 56 OF CASH FLOWS Unaudited 56 Explore Strategic Alternatives 56 Stockholders Approve Merger 56 Cuts FY# 56 Endures Analyst Downgrade 56 Loss Per Share 56 Reaffirms FY# EPS 56 SHEETS Dollars 56 Cents Per Share 56 International Absorbents Announces 56 Fourth Quarter Twelve Months 56 NON GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES 56 Unaudited Reconciliation 56 Guides Below 56 Weeks Weeks Ended 56 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 56 Condensed Balance Sheets Unaudited 56 Third Quarter Ended Nine 56 Webcast Presentations 56 Highlights Unaudited Dollars 56 Sets Quarterly Dividend 56 Audited Financials 56 OF EARNINGS 56 THE THREE MONTHS 56 Non GAAP Measure 56 Earnings Webcast 56 Reportable Segment 56 RTI Biologics Announces 56 Cautionary Information 56 Financial Ratios 56 1st Qtr 56 EPS Guidance 56 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Unaudited 56 Announces Organizational Changes 56 SECOND QUARTER RESULTS 56 AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME UNAUDITED 56 PIONEER DRILLING COMPANY 56 Schedules Fourth Quarter Fiscal 56 Item 1a 56 Operations Unaudited Dollars 56 Pro Forma Net 56 LUXOTTICA GROUP CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL 56 1Q 2Q 56 Meets Estimates 56 Conference Call TRANSCRIPT 56 INFORMATION UNAUDITED 56 Webcast Annual Meeting 56 INCOME Unaudited 56 Critical NEWS ALERTS 56 FINANCIAL RESULTS RECONCILIATION OF 56 Cash Flow Unaudited 56 UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE 56 Delivers Solid 56 BIOSCIENCES INC. 56 Quarter Ended #/#/# [001] 56 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 56 Lowers Q4 56 Balance Sheet Highlights 56 Southwall Announces 56 OF OPERATIONS FOR 56 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS UNAUDITED 56 OF INCOME FOR 56 AND SUBSIDIARIES SEGMENT REPORTING 56 Widens Quick Facts 56 AND SUBSIDIARIES UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED 56 Ended Ended 56 > > > > 56 DXP Enterprises Announces 56 EXCEPT FOR SHARE 56 Schedules Release 56 Shareholders Approve Merger 56 EDAC Technologies Reports 56 - Unaudited [011] 56 Synalloy Corporation Announces 56 ENDED DECEMBER 56 Ended -Holkar Stadium 56 Nine Months Ended 56 Data Unaudited Dollars 56 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS Amounts 56 amounts Quarter Ended 56 Operations Unaudited 56 Receives Notification 56 Jumps Higher 56 SEGMENTED 56 Raises Quarterly Dividend 56 narrows Quick Facts 56 Revises FY# EPS 56 INCOME STATEMENTS Amounts 56 Announces Record Date 56 Amends Merger Agreement 56 Condensed Consolidated Statement 56 Wholly Owned 56 TO NON GAAP MEASURES 55 Discretionary Cash Flow 55 SWOT Analysis Aarkstore Enterprise 55 RECONCILIATION OF NON GAAP 55 Average Balance Sheet 55 Nine Month Periods 55 Retained Earnings Deficit 55 L.P. Announces 55 Balance Sheet Unaudited 55 SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Consolidated Balance 55 Adjustment Non GAAP 55 SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED STATEMENTS 55 CARDINAL HEALTH INC. AND 55 Y#.# tln Operating 55 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS 55 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS Dollars 55 UNAUDITED Amounts 55 Reports Sharply Higher 55 Announces Refinancing 55 OPERATING AND 55 -Hattar 55 Income Unaudited Amounts 55 Fourth Quarter Ended Twelve 55 WGL HOLDINGS 55 Deficit Unaudited 55 TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 55 Ended Ended Ended Ended 55 Bearish Pressure Building 55 Announces Monthly Distribution 55 FINANCIAL TABLES FOLLOW 55 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 55 Spherix Announces 55 AMERISAFE Announces 55 Guides Above 55 NON GAAP 55 Six Months Ended 55 Subsidiaries CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 55 Consolidated Statements 55 Sequential Quarterly 55 - Three MZigWheels 55 Provides Clarification 55 Subsidiaries Supplemental Financial 55 Quarterly Earnings Release 55 EARNINGS SUMMARY 55 Year Ended -Hydroelectric Facility 55 Reiterates Guidance 55 Board Authorizes 55 IN THOUSANDS 55 OPERATIONS Three Months 55 Q2 Loss Per 55 Form# K 55 Lifts FY# EPS 55 Eliminations Total 55 .# Per Share 55 Achieves Profitability 55 Reported Basis 55 Files Audited 55 AND SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Consolidated 55 AND SUBSIDIARIES Segment 55 Risks Associated 55 Predecessor Successor 55 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION RECONCILIATION OF 55 StockPreacher.com Issues Trading 55 Q3 Adj 55 Millions Quarter Ended 55 SUBSIDIARIES SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA 55 AND DEFICIT 55 Lowers FY# 55 Subsidiaries Segment Information 55 1Q Loss 55 Ended #/#/# #/#/# [001] 55 OPERATIONS Dollars 55 Groupworks Announces 55 Announces Monthly Dividend 55 Raises FY# 55 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 55 Consummates 55 Unaudited Consolidated Condensed 55 Cash Flows Unaudited Expressed 55 SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES 55 SUBSIDIARIES 55 3Q Earnings 55 BioSyent Releases 55 Ended Nine 55 Shareholders Approve Acquisition 55 Caliper Annual Report 55 Vicon Reports 55 Host Investor 55 Q4 Profit Surges 55 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements 55 Bakers Footwear Reports 55 XPEL Announces 55 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Unaudited 55 Hedge Positions 55 SEGMENT AND 55 # -DiBacco 55 Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statement 55 Ended - [007] 55 2Q Loss 55 AND RECONCILIATION OF 55 Quarterly Cash Dividend 55 Decorator Industries Reports 55 STATEMENTS OF CONSOLIDATED INCOME 55 Consolidated Selected 55 Point.# Announces 55 OF INCOME AND COMPREHENSIVE 55 INC. SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA 55 CONTINUED Unaudited 55 CASH FLOW TO 55 Unaudited -CMVs 55 Complete Merger 55 NON GAAP FINANCIAL INFORMATION 55 Announce Early Termination 55 Quarters Ended 55 Subsidiaries Supplemental 55 Announces Normal Course 55 -UNITED RENTALS 55 FINANCIAL DATA 55 OF HARRAH 'S 55 AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 55 Announces Preliminary 55 Interest Differential FIRSTMERIT 55 Reduces Workforce 55 Q2 Profit Decreases 55 Dividends Declared 55 DATA Three Months 55 Unaudited Interim 55 FLOWS unaudited 55 UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS 55 CORNING INCORPORATED AND SUBSIDIARY 55 Results Teleconference 55 Quarter Quarter Ended 55 Q# Q# Q# 55 Q3 Profit Drops 55 RECONCILIATIONS OF 55 Commences Mailing 55 Declares Monthly Dividends 55 Three Months Months Ended 55 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS 55 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME 55 Stockholders Approve 55 AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Balance 55 Reports Third Consecutive 55 unaudited Twelve Months 55 Cash Dividend 55 Reaffirms Outlook 55 FFO Declines 55 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets 55 Tops Estimate Update 55 GAAP Measures 55 unaudited Quarter Ended 55 ASSETS unaudited 55 Bullish Speculation 55 AND FINANCIAL DATA 55 4Q Profit Rises 55 Selectica Annual Report 55 Exploring Strategic Alternatives 55 Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet 55 CRWESelect CRWESelect.com Highlights 55 SUBSIDIARIES FINANCIAL SUMMARY 55 COST DATA 55 Updates Status 55 Supplemental Segment 55 UNAUDITED IN THOUSANDS 55 Quarter Ended Quarter Ended 55 Significant Increase 55 Posts Solid 55 CHEMICALS INC. 55 TECHNOLOGY INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED 55 Announces Operational Update 55 4Q Profit Surges 55 - Unaudited [008] 55 Q3 Profit 55 NET INCOME TO NON 55 Widens Loss 55 Retained Earnings unaudited 55 Ended - [026] 55 THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 55 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET UNAUDITED 55 QHR Announces 55 Variance Variance 55 UNAUDITED UNAUDITED 55 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS UNAUDITED 55 Announces Effectiveness 55 Declares Common 55 Funds Declare Dividends 55 Anworth Announces 55 UNAUDITED -Brainerd Dispatch Kelly 55 Unaudited -immanent 55 SUBSIDIARIES UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS 55 Cent Dividend 55 Announces Resumption 55 SELECTED OPERATING DATA 55 IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT SHARE 55 Sheets Amounts 55 Change - [002] 55 Net Loss 55 - Unaudited [010] 55 Declares Quarterly Preferred Stock 55 EOG RESOURCES INC. SUMMARY 55 Bearish MACD 55 TAUBMAN CENTERS INC. 55 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 55 SOUTHWEST BANCORP INC. 55 Announces Mailing 55 SEGMENT INFORMATION Unaudited 55 SUBSIDIARIES NET INTEREST 55 Posts Profitable 55 Announces Effective Date 55 Declares Preferred 55 Welcomes Analyst 55 INC. Condensed Consolidated Balance 55 Narrows Quick Facts 55 1st Qtr 4th Qtr 55 EARNINGS AND RETAINED 55 OPERATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE 55 YIELD RATE ANALYSIS 55 MOCON Announces 55 ManTech Annual Report 55 Nine Months Ending 55 NON GAAP RECONCILIATION 55 Guidance Raised 55 Three Months Ended Ended 55 EXCEPT SHARE AND 55 -sodium chloride 55 Q1 Profit Surges 55 INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Reconciliation 55 INC. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 55 Announces Quarterly Dividends 55 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET HIGHLIGHTS 55 -Fertile Hope 55 Boosts FY# 55 Genzyme Quarterly Report 55 FINANCIAL MEASURES 55 Amounts Unaudited 55 Financial Measures

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