Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 89 P.Geo 84 P.Eng 81 P.Geol 81 PGeo 81 P. Eng 80 P. Geol 78 M.Sc. P.Geo 77 Ph.D. P.Geo 72 Qualified Person 71 designated Qualified Person 71 MAusIMM 70 VP Exploration 69 Qualified Persons 69 Chief Geologist 68 Consulting Geologist 68 National Instrument #-# 68 Senior Geologist 67 Certified Professional Geologist 66 M. Sc 66 Qualified Person QP 66 consulting geologist 64 Professional Geologist 62 NI #-# 62 Project Geologist 61 Independent Qualified Person 58 NI# [002] 57 Micon International 57 National Instrument NI 56 Watts Griffis 55 sampling analytical 55 M.Sc. 55 Snowden Mining 55 Wardrop Engineering Inc. 55 Mineral Resource Estimate 53 AusIMM 53 NI #-# Technical 53 Wardrop Engineering 53 ON BEHALF OF 53 Mining Consultants 52 Australasian Institute 52 Wilson Roscoe Postle 52 SRK Consulting 52 THE BOARD 52 Technical Report 52 #-#-# FAX 51 Coffey Mining 51 Intrepid Mines Limited 51 resource estimation 51 QP 51 Wilson RPA 51 Mineral Resource estimate 50 THE BOARD OF 50 Geologist 50 GlobeNewswire CONTACT 50 #-# FAX Website 50 Continental Nickel 50 #-# compliant resource 50 Inter Citic 50 Email Website 50 NOT REVIEWED AND DOES 49 #-# Email Website 49 Alderon 49 NI #-# resource 49 COMPANY SECRETARY 49 Assaying 49 #-# compliant 49 Alexis Minerals 49 Drill Program 48 TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE HAS 48 Exploration 48 #-# FAX Email 48 Competent Person 48 Ore Reserves 48 Duran Ventures 48 NI #-# compliant 48 Resource Estimate 48 % SEDAR #E 48 Golden Dory 48 mineral resource 48 Preliminary Feasibility Study 48 Behre Dolbear 47 Serengeti Resources 47 Abcourt Mines Inc. 47 Yours faithfully 47 By Miranda Hitti 47 MAX Resource 47 Explor Resources Inc. 47 Opawica 47 NI #-# compliant inferred 47 Strateco Resources Inc. 47 % SEDAR #EF 47 Commences Drilling 47 #,#,#-# 47 http:/ Argue 47 Tyhee 47 Geochemical 46 Richfield Ventures 46 Inferred mineral resource 46 diamond drilling 46 inferred resource estimate 46 Mines Limited