Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 72 Per Diluted 71 Per Common Share 70 Loss Per Share 67 From Continuing Operations 66 Cash Dividend 66 Diluted Earnings Per Share 64 PER SHARE 64 Declares Cash Dividend 64 Announces Quarterly 64 Announces Dividend 64 Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend 64 Declares Quarterly Dividend 63 Declares Dividend 63 Diluted Share 63 Quarterly Dividend 63 Full Year 62 Announces Cash Dividend 62 Quarterly Cash Dividend 62 Net Income 62 Announces Quarterly Dividend 62 Net Loss 61 Earnings Per Share 61 Shareholders Approve 61 Earnings Guidance 61 Reports Second Quarter 60 Reports Third Quarter 60 Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend 60 Revenues Increase 60 More Than Doubles 59 Announces Receipt 59 Cash Tender Offer 59 Monthly Distribution 59 Posts Profit 59 Announces Proposed 59 First Quarter Results 59 Million Private Placement 59 Fourth Quarter Results 59 Beats Estimates 59 Announces Preliminary 59 Reports Fourth Quarter 59 Posts Loss 59 Diluted EPS 58 1Q Profit 58 Third Quarter Results 58 Posts Higher 58 share assuming dilution 58 Discuss Third Quarter 58 Announces Closing 58 Month Period 58 Bln 58 Net Income Loss 58 Financial Results 58 Q4 Profit Rises 58 Earnings Rise 58 Basic Earnings Per 58 4Q Profit 57 Highest Level 57 Be Acquired 57 Q3 Profit 57 2Q Profit 57 Discuss Second Quarter 57 Reports Record 57 Q2 Profit 57 Reports Fiscal 57 Weighted Average Number 57 Mln 57 Weighted Average Common 57 Update7 57 Update6 57 Announces Completion 57 3Q Profit 57 Outlook Quick Facts 57 Second Quarter Results 57 Earnings Loss 57 Up Slightly 57 Announces Fourth Quarter 57 Announces Second Quarter 57 Comparable Store 56 Discuss Fourth Quarter 56 Swings To 56 Actual Actual 56 = Diluted [007] 56 Q3 Profit Rises 56 Announces Expiration 56 Diluted Earnings 56 - 56 Release Second Quarter 56 Crosses Pivot Point 56 Announces Third Quarter 56 Q2 Profit Rises 56 Sell Off 56 Reports Positive 56 Q1 Profit Rises 56 Release Third Quarter 56 Shares Outstanding 56 Non GAAP EPS 56 Shares Surge 56 Mln Quick Facts 56 DILUTED 56 Receives Notice 56 Profit Drops