Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 77 polls 73 Opinion polls 73 opinion polls 68 Exit polls 67 Poll 64 Polling 63 poll 62 Exit Polls 61 Polls indicate 60 exit polls 59 Pollsters 58 polling 57 SurveyUSA 57 Surveys 56 pollsters 56 Quinnipiac Poll 55 Rasmussen Reports poll 55 Zogby Poll 55 Quinnipiac poll 54 SurveyUSA poll 54 Zogby poll 54 USA TODAY Gallup poll 53 Exit Poll 53 Polls suggest 53 Rasmussen Reports 52 Marist Poll 52 Poll Shows 52 Opinion polls indicate 52 SurveyUSA Poll 52 Gallup poll 51 Pollster 51 WNBC Marist poll 51 Rutgers Eagleton poll 51 Public Policy Polling 50 Unofficial tallies 50 Field Poll 50 Primaries 50 pluralities 50 AP GfK Poll 50 CNN Gallup Poll 49 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 49 Diageo Hotline 49 Undecideds 49 preelection polls 49 NEWSWEEK Poll 49 Opinion Polls 49 Forsa poll 49 CNN Gallup poll 49 PPIC poll 49 Undecided voters 49 Reuters Zogby poll 49 Big Ten Battleground Poll 49 Ipsos poll 48 Clarus Poll 48 outpolls 48 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 48 Gallup Polls 48 EKOS poll 48 Polling stations 48 Polling booths 48 AP GfK Battleground 48 EPIC MRA poll 48 Nambariin Enkhbayar 47 C SPAN Zogby poll 47 Poll Indicates 47 CNN WMUR 47 McClatchy Marist 47 Opinion polls suggest 47 GFK poll 47 GfK polls 47 Midterm Election 47 IBD TIPP Poll 47 favorability ratings 47 C SPAN Zogby 47 Datafolha poll 47 InsiderAdvantage Majority Opinion 47 Unofficial returns 47 CNN WMUR poll 47 Polls Suggest 47 McClatchy Ipsos 47 Electoral Votes 47 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 47 Bluegrass Poll 47 independents disapprove 46 GOP caucusgoers 46 voters 46 Pollsters predict 46 Poll Suggests 46 Gubernatorial Race 46 WMUR Granite State 46 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 46 Generic Ballot 46 Consultants CPOD Global 46 pollster 46 Badger Poll 46 Winthrop ETV poll 46 Insider Advantage 45 pollers 45 Voting 45 Tracking Poll 45 PublicMind poll 45 Midterm elections 45 polled 45 Independents 45 Polls Indicate 45 AP Gfk poll 45 Voters 45 Disapprove 45 ICM poll 45 Presidential Preference 45 SurveyUSA poll conducted 45 Turnout 45 Ipsos McClatchy 45 Poll Majority 45 Opinion Poll 45 Lead Widens 45 Race Tightens 45 Presidential Runoff 45 Ballot counting 44 Ipsos Poll 44 firm Datanalisis 44 elections 44 Majorities 44 HuffPost Pollster 44 Gallup Poll finds 44 Ekos poll 44 ComRes poll 44 Gallup polling 44 Zogby Interactive 44 Guardian ICM poll 44 Eurobarometer poll 44 Voter Turnout 44 GfK survey 44 Poll Finds 44 ComRes survey 44 Cast Votes 44 TNS Sofres poll 44 WMUR UNH 44 Unofficial 44 Nevada Caucuses 44 PublicMind 44 Delegate Count 44 Epic MRA poll 44 Voters Favor 44 Approval Ratings 44 GfK Polonia 44 ELECTION UPDATE 44 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers poll 44 Herald DigiPoll survey 44 Diageo Hotline poll 44 Battleground Poll 44 Ibope poll 44 Courier Journal Bluegrass 44 Rutgers Eagleton 44 YouGov Plc poll 44 Ipsos polling 44 CID Gallup poll 44 favorables 44 Zogby International 44 PRRI RNS Religion 44 Rassmussen Reports 44 Keystone Poll 43 hypothetical matchups 43 43 undecided voters 43 Voters Cast Ballots 43 Election Day 43 uh pe ack 43 Associated Press Gfk poll 43 GEA ISA 43 RCP Average 43 Unofficial totals 43 McClatchy MSNBC 43 Marist pollster 43 Gallup Poll 43 Datafolha 43 Newspolls 43 Widens Lead Over 43 Global Scan 43 Undecided Voters 43 favorability rating 43 GfK Poll 43 PIPA poll 43 unpredictable multicandidate race 43 Angus Reid Consultants CPOD 43 Overwhelming majorities 43 MSNBC Zogby poll 43 InsiderAdvantage Poll Position 43 surveys 43 undecideds 42 Metroscopia 42 Gallup pollsters 42 Referenda 42 primaries 42 favourability rating 42 Straw Poll 42 Voter turnout 42 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 42 News Opinion Dynamics 42 Quinnipiac University 42 precincts reporting 42 Constituent Dynamics 42 Congress Remain Unpopular 42 Unaffiliated voters 42 ComRes Ltd. 42 bipartisan Battleground Poll 42 Pollsters interviewed 42 CVVM poll 42 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers Poll 42 Mina Tzemach 42 CQ Politics rates 42 Mustel poll 42 Ipsos Bimsa 42 IBD TIPP poll 42 EXIT POLL 42 OpinionWay 42 SUSA 42 Ayres McHenry & 42 Associated Press GfK poll 42 Early Voting 42 McClatchy Newspapers Marist 42 Voter turnouts 42 Presidential Contenders 42 Newspoll published 42 Westpoll 42 Mina Zemach 42 Angus Reid poll 42 Infratest poll 42 Herald DigiPoll 42 Centrists 42 Specter Sestak 42 Governorships 42 unfavorability ratings 42 Ipsos Apoyo poll 42 ACNielsen poll 42 Gubernatorial Races 42 FG Wahlen surveys 42 Colmar Brunton poll 42 Campaigning 42 Election 42 pollster Lee Miringoff 42 CPOD Global Scan 42 TNS OBOP 42 Referendums 42 Newspoll surveys 42 ELECTION NOTEBOOK 42 CROP poll 42 Voter registration 41 Strongly Favor 41 chanting Evo 41 Lori Weigel 41 Approval Rating 41 election 41 unofficial tallies 41 Environics poll 41 Presidential Election 41 Gfk Polonia 41 Presidential Elections 41 Voter apathy 41 Suffers Defeat 41 Pollsters surveyed 41 Concedes Defeat 41 IPSOS poll 41 AP Ipsos poll 41 battleground ridings 41 elctions 41 Guardian ICM 41 Runoff Election 41 Cedatos Gallup 41 Decima poll 41 EMRS poll 41 unfavorability rating 41 Abstract Angus Reid 41 Strongly Opposed 41 InsiderAdvantage poll 41 Evenly Split 41 Maurice de Hond 41 cast ballots 41 Rob Schroth 41 CBOS institute 41 Datum Internacional 41 vote 41 CSTV AVCA Coaches 41 eleciton 41 AgePoll 41 pollster Apoyo 41 Gubernatorial Debate 41 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind Poll 41 Pollster Ed Sarpolus 41 YouGov poll 41 MPR Humphrey 41 CPOD Aug. 41 COMPAS poll 41 Presidential Straw Poll 41 Thom Riehle 41 Rasmussen Reports Telephone 41 OF INTEREST 41 Global Scan Adults 41 biweekly Lundberg Survey 41 WNBC Marist Poll 41 USCHO CSTV 41 Epic MRA 41 Precinct Caucuses 41 Angus Reid 41 IssuesPA Pew poll 41 Taloustutkimus 41 Voter Rolls 41 Jerome Sainte Marie 41 Presidential Primaries 41 wing nationalist Ollanta 41 Suan Dusit Poll 41 CNN WMUR TV 41 . Diaries Index 41 ticket splitters 41 crosstabs 41 Vote Count 41 Associated Press Ipsos poll 41 WNBC Marist College 41 Pechter Middle East 41 Leans Democratic 41 pollster Ed Sarpolus 40 Kapa Research 40 CVVM 40 Low Voter Turnout 40 TNS OBOP institute 40 Zogby 40 Leans Democrat 40 Vote Recount 40 CPOD Jun. 40 Populus Ltd. 40 disapprove 40 Gallup 40 Candidacies 40 Jorge Buendia 40 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 40 IFOP poll 40 Voting Begins 40 Runoff 40 Equipos Mori 40 Byelections 40 SMG KRC 40 Presidential Hopefuls 40 unfavorables 40 Marae Digipoll 40 PBS DGA 40 buyer remorse Wolfson 40 PublicMind poll released 40 outpolling 40 Ibope poll published 40 GfK poll 40 Metron Analysis 40 Maagar Mochot released 40 Parliamentary Elections 40 Low voter turnout 40 Borge y Asociados 40 Zoran Lucic 40 Avi Dichter lagged 40 Maagar Mohot 40 polling stations 40 unaffiliated voters 40 Weather Stations 40 disapproval rating 40 MORI poll 40 Poll NYers 40 Reshuffle Cabinet 40 Public Opinion 40 Hinterlaces 40 Peter Schoeppner 40 Populus survey 40 LINK * 40 pollster Khalil Shekaki 40 Emnid poll 40 Edges Ahead 40 WHDH-TV/Suffolk University 40 Herald Digipoll 40 nonpartisan Pew Research 40 ICM interviewed 40 Low Turnout Expected 40 Ciruli Associates 40 precints reporting 40 Televised Debate 40 precincts counted 40 challenger Al Franken 40 poll 40 independents 40 Elections 40 SWS surveys 40 Haaretz Dialog 40 TNS Sofres 40 Gubernatorial Candidates 40 Repolling 40 Exit Poll Shows 40 40 Landslide Victory 40 GW Battleground 40 Politicians React 40 surveyed disapproved 40 Absentee balloting 40 favourability ratings 40 Informe Confidencial 40 Cifra Factum 39 polling firm Datanalisis 39 Inside Lacrosse Media 39 Double Digit Lead 39 Fundraising Totals 39 Polling Places 39 Rightward 39 CURS 39 Very Unfavorable 39 Populus poll 39 Gilles Duceppe Bloc Quebecois 39 Gfk Poll 39 Pinsonat 39 Times Ipsos MRBI 39 Very Favorable 39 Press Digests 39 POLLS 39 Gubernatorial Primary 39 Survey 39 Sizable majorities 39 MaryEllen FitzGerald 39 EPIC MRA 39 pollster Pulse 39 Democratic caucusgoers 39 OBOP 39 Tribune WGN 39 Public Opinion Strategies 39 Lead Shrinks 39 tossups 39 Midterm Elections 39 Eduardo Estrella 39 Times TNS mrbi 39 Reichert Burner 39 Caucuses 39 Teleseker published 39 poll title = Online 39 THE POLL 39 Sasko Kedev 39 majorities 39 Moderates 39 Ipsos Reid poll 39 Critical Insights 39 Cedatos Gallup poll 39 incumbent Megawati Sukarnoputri 39 Party Affiliation 39 Qunnipiac 39 s 39 Gfk poll 39 AVCA Coaches Top 39 Republican Charles Djou 39 Howey Gauge Poll 39 Ipsos MORI poll 39 SANEP 39 Szonda Ipsos 39 electorate 39 Anambra Guber 39 Pollster Nik Nanos 39 FG Wahlen 39 Seek Recount 39 gfs.bern 39 Anzalone Liszt 39 Recount Begins 39 39 Forsa institute 39 Angus Reid Global 39 Kerala Puducherry 39 Negative Ads 39 Qunnipiac University 39 voter turnout 39 Demcrats 39 precincts reporting unofficial 39 Suomen Gallup 39 Primary Runoff 39 Poll Reveals 39 Retakes Lead 39 Synovate Temo 39 NOP poll 39 McClatchy Ipsos poll 39 TNS Teleseker 39 undecided 39 uncounted votes 39 frequent churchgoers 39 Voters Oust 39 Wyoming Caucuses 39 Quinnipac University 39 HealthDay poll 39 Poll Shows Support 39 NEC Preseason Coaches 39 Josip Kregar 39 David Paleologos 39 Turnout Expected 39 Electability 39 casting ballots 38 Mircea Geoana defeating 38 Ipsos 38 An Ekos poll 38 Ballot Measures 38 INSOMAR 38 rival Eduardo Montealegre 38 respondents disapproved 38 Libertarian Kathie Glass 38 Vox Latina 38 Figures 38 Mark Rutte VVD 38 Presidential Bid 38 Slight Lead 38 ZOGBY 38 EOS Gallup 38 Political observers 38 Pollara poll 38 Tanner Tillotson 38 Preliminary 38 polling booths 38 Provisional Ballots 38 Gay Marriage Ruling 38 Ipsos Apoyo 38 Eurobarometer survey 38 Economist YouGov poll 38 Leans Republican 38 Cast Ballots 38 EXIT POLLS 38 precincts reporting Sestak 38 IPSOS MORI 38 CPOD Oct. 38 Susquehanna Polling 38 Scan Adults 38 parliamentary elections 38 firm Greenberg Quinlan 38 Benenson Strategy Group 38 Miringoff 38 balloting 38 pollster Mark Baldassare 38 analyst Arne Modig 38 SORA Institute 38 incumbent hardliner Mahmoud 38 Jobless Numbers 38 Ballot 38 precincts reporting Landrieu 38 Brad Coker 38 unity Alienating 38 Likability 38 Charlotte Observer WCNC 38 Unenrolled voters 38 Ipsos Mori poll 38 Democrat Celinda Lake 38 Poll Watchers 38 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings 38 Mayoral Race 38 Oppose Gay Marriage 38 Being Counted 38 Troop Escalation 38 Pundits 38 Democrat Kendrick Meek 38 TNS Nipo 38 Demercrat 38 Susan Pinkus 38 ABC7 Listens 38 institute Forsa 38 Alan Secrest 38 Latinobarómetro 38 ISPO institute 38 Potomac Primaries 38 latest Newspoll 38 Vicente Leon 38 ROMIR 38 flamboyant ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky 38 David Redlawsk 38 Iowa caucusgoers 38 Strongly Disapprove 38 RealClear Politics 38 Ipsos Markinor survey 38 CID Gallup 38 Margaret Kenski 38 Independent Anthony Pollina 38 Humala overtook 38 Siena pollster 38 Globescan 38 Caucus goers 38 candidate Antanas Mockus 38 Infratest dimap 38 Revote 38 Pulse Opinion 38 38 evenly divided 38 Repertory Films 38 Unpopularity 38 Ifop poll 38 Projections 38 Ifop published 38 Poll Shows Voters 38 CBOS 38 Deeply Divided 38 Votes 38 Quinnipiac Polling 38 GfK Polonia institute 38 challenger Manuel Rosales 38 unaffiliateds 38 POLL 38 Teleseker poll 38 Jobless Rate Remains 38 CommunicateResearch 38 voting blocs 37 de Berge 37 challenger Romano Prodi 37 Poliarquia Consultores 37 8NewsNow 37 Datum poll 37 Hunter Bacot 37 Communist Gennady Zyuganov 37 Paper Ballots 37 votes 37 Voter Registrations 37 voting 37 Reshuffles Cabinet 37 Narrowly Wins 37 Iowa Caucuses 37 Infotrak Harris 37 Cong NCP alliance 37 DigiPoll 37 Nanos Research 37 Dahaf poll 37 Jobless Rate Drops 37 Greatest Hometown Heroes 37 CNN Opinion 37 Large majorities 37 Sifo poll 37 Tossup 37 Yuri Levada Analytical 37 Democratic caucus goers 37 Ballots 37 Papandreou Socialists 37 Presidential Candidacy 37 poling stations 37 Majority UMP 37 Eleftheros Typos newspaper 37 Election Nears 37 MORI survey 37 Razor Thin 37 Pulls Ahead 37 Yanukovych Tymoshenko 37 CADRES poll 37 Interviews 37 Debates 37 Newspoll survey 37 typically Democratically aligned 37 Toss Ups 37 Voter Anger 37 TNS mrbi poll 37 Fabrizio McLaughlin 37 Epidemiological studies 37 Gay Marriage Issue 37 leaning independents 37 Ibope 37 candidate Noemi Sanin 37 parlimentary elections 37 BIG EAST Preseason Coaches 37 SWS survey 37 based Gani Bobi 37 Turnouts 37 apportion delegates 37 Gay Marriage Vote 37 Benjamin Netanyahu hardline Likud 37 Edison Mitofsky exit 37 Kedev 37 Independent Ralph Nader 37 Troop Pullout 37 Quinnpiac 37 Megawati PDI P 37 Touch Screen Voting Machines 37 deeply unpopular 37 Apoyo poll 37 Cobb LaMarche 37 Man Takes Hostages 37 Mike Labno 37 Flu Shot Shortage 37 Poll Shows Majority 37 Declared Winner 37 Voter Turnout Expected 37 Consulta Mitofsky 37 Forsa polling agency 37 unfavorability rating stood 37 Harris Decima poll 37 lawmaker Haim Ramon 37 Vote Nears 37 Runoff Vote 37 TNS NIPO 37 Boxer Fiorina 37 Quinnipac 37 Secede From 37 GOP leaners 37 Term Limit 37 BPIX poll 37 overwhelming majorities 37 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 37 Mudslinging 37 Vote Looms 37 Ballot Count 37 Trade Jabs 37 Rutte VVD 37 Radio Dan Gorenstein 37 viewed unfavorably 37 37 Passport Files Breached 37 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 37 Datanalisis poll 37 Tim Vercellotti 37 Narrow Lead 37 CVVM agency 37 mistaken Barhoum 37 37 Congresswoman Keiko Fujimori 37 NY1 Marist 37 CPAC straw poll 37 rival Andres Manuel 37 Meek Rubio 37 ComRes 37 Weather Stations SWS 37 Stances 37 electoral battlegrounds 37 Voter Registration Deadline 37 Suan Dusit poll 37 Absentee Votes 37 leaderless Liberals 37 IFOP 37 Valery Fyodorov 36 Shuffles Cabinet 36 Midghall Inc. 36 challenger Blake Farenthold 36 elex 36 Chafee Whitehouse 36 Provisional Ballot 36 Thaci PDK 36 Findings 36 Geocartographia 36 Dahaf Institute 36 Harris Decima survey 36 pollster Khalil Shikaki 36 wife Serwin Suker 36 PublicMind Poll 36 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 36 Voter 36 BPIX 36 By STEVE MARRONI 36 unenrolled voters 36 Nuke Treaty 36 Fla Mich 36 TPM Poll 36 researcher Forsa 36 Overwhelming Support 36 Recounts 36 Reelection 36 straw poll 36 http:/ 36 polling places 36 CPOD Nov. 36 By Lynda Waddington 36 Ipsos Reid survey 36 Bernie Porn 36 downticket 36 Dems Seek 36 Backs Gay Marriage 36 http:/ 36 Politics 36 Votes Counted 36 candidate Balbina Herrera 36 Voter Apathy 36 Substantial majorities 36 plurality 36 Democratics 36 Yanukovich Regions 36 Abac Poll 36 effectively sidetracking 36 FiveThirtyEight 36 Tallies 36 CAMPAIGN NOTEBOOK 36 Mustel Group 36 Unemployment Holds Steady 36 DETAILS Conducted Sept. 36 fav unfav 36 Nikolic Radicals 36 Troop Withdrawal 36 Voting Machines 36 Datafolha polling institute 36 candidate Ralph Nader 36 scientist Dante Scala 36 Lu Olo 36 Blogger Sentiment 36 Against Gay Marriage 36 Legislative Session Ends 36 Absentee Ballots 36 tossup 36 TNS MRBI poll 36 Kannur Ernakulam 36 TNS Sofres Unilog 36 Consumption Habits 36 Léger Marketing poll 36 Infratest Dimap 36 Troop Levels 36 Insomar 36 Press Digests . 36 Expatriate Iraqis 36 Strongly Oppose 36 EKOS Research 36 Distances Himself 36 businessman Danny Tarkanian 36 IFOP agency 36 outpolled Labour 36 Disapproval 36 independents caucusing 36 Newspoll 36 Byelection 36 Prosser Kloppenburg 36 pollsters ICM 36 Pullout Plan 36 candidate Andrés Manuel 36 Papandreou PASOK party 36 RT Strategies 36 Vote 36 Polling Stations 36 InsiderAdvantage 36 unofficial tallies trend 36 challenger Freman Hendrix 36 GfK polling 36 Maagar Mochot 36 Pull Troops 36 Favorability ratings 36 challenger Dick DeVos 36 Rodham Clinton 36 stations WXYZ WILX 36 Midterms 36 Blunt Carnahan 36 Fairbank Maslin Maullin 36 pollster VTsIOM 36 polling stations countrywide 36 WIRE WATCH 36 Legalizing Pot 36 Ayres McHenry 36 Incomplete returns 36 Voronin Communists 36 Televised debates 36 Batu Talam 36 ESPN WBCA Coaches 36 Gains Clout 36 Democats 36 GfK battleground 36 36 challenger Len Munsil 36 Opinion Research 36 Jobless Rate Climbs 36 Statehouses 36 Leftist Candidate 36 strongly disapprove 36 pollster Floyd Ciruli 36 voter turnouts 36 Downbeat Critics 36 Gubernatorial Hopefuls 36 PRESIDENTIAL RACE 36 Universidad de Lima 36 Scan Fewer 36 Pluralities 36 Iowa precinct caucuses 36 Preseason Coaches 36 Anthony Salvanto 36 Newsview 36 Jobless Rates 36 Strongly Somewhat 36 DETAILS Conducted 36 Responses 36 Constitutional Referendum 36 Electorates 36 Tension Builds 36 white mainline Protestants 36 Dem gov 36 magazine ABT SRBI 36 undeclareds 36 Leger Marketing poll 36 Widens Lead 36 Dean Debnam 36 Matinee buffet 36 turkeys shellacking 36 presumed frontrunner 35 Apoyo Opinion y 35 Absentee voting 35 voter dissatisfaction 35 Campaigns 35 ESPN USAToday 35 Gillibrand DioGuardi 35 gallup poll 35 poll 35 Associated Press GfK Poll 35 candidate Muhammadu Buhari 35 IBOPE 35 Abortion Stance 35 Norstat 35 pollster Taloustutkimus 35 precincts reporting Chafee 35 Populus interviewed 35 Tain constituency 35 Robo Calls 35 Unemployment Rate Jumps 35 Yedioth poll 35 Dr. Nabil Kukali 35 Ibope interviewed 35 Stu Rothenberg 35 favorability 35 voter disillusionment 35 Liberals PNL 35 Berwood Yost 35 Prof Curtice 35 Candidates 35 unreasonable obstructionists 35 Gani Bobi 35 Casts Vote 35 Glengariff Group 35 Uncounted ballots 35 sharp comedic chops 35 Misspoke About Ground Zero 35 YouGov survey 35 Judicial Filibusters 35 Supermajority 35 incumbent Traian Basescu 35 Legalize Gay Marriage 35 Gfk poll released 35 Ballot Issues 35 prime minister Cellou Dalein 35 Regions Viktor Yanukovych 35 NAFTA Goolsbee 35 Absentee ballots 35 Mystery Pollster 35 Infratest 35 Voting Irregularities 35 Unemployment Drops 35 Dissolves Parliament 35 oversamples 35 Same Sex Weddings 35 electable 35 Abac poll 35 #/#-#/# [015] 35 Dahaf Institute published 35 Blogpoll 35 Ifop institute 35 novice Ned Lamont 35 Altmire Y 35 challenger Lien Chan 35 Merdeka Centre 35 Rona Peligal acting 35 nonpartisans 35 Emnid institute 35 Half 35 Train Accidents 35 Optical Scanners 35 Provisional ballots 35 nationalist Tomislav Nikolic 35 Seeks Sweeping Changes 35 misprinted ballots delayed 35 Mario Canseco 35 Dahaf 35 Presidential Campaign 35 35 Maharashtra Haryana 35 Voting Underway 35 Press Harris Decima 35 Battleground Poll conducted 35 Teleseker 35 Aide Arrested 35 Progressive Anthony Pollina 35 nationalist challenger Tomislav 35 Gay Marriage Opponents 35 Ipsos Apoyo Opinión y 35 MetroPOLL 35 ERIN NEFF 35 Poll Finds Majority 35 Statewide Smoking Ban 35 GMIPoll 35 polling precincts 35 Stem Cell Debate 35 Outspent 35 OpinionWorks 35 Unemployment Rate Rises 35 spokesman Isaiya Kabira 35 Holds Slim 35 expert Joel Benenson 35 CADRES 35 Lisbon Treaty Referendum 35 Bracketed figures 35 Gay Marriage Debate 35 Assassination Plot 35 unilaterally abrogate NAFTA 35 nonaffiliated voters 35 Draws Huge Crowds 35 Papandreou Panhellenic Socialist 35 Ken Ballen 35 closely contested 35 Renato Mannheimer 35 Education Next PEPG 35 Survey Findings 35 Democrat Chellie Pingree 35 challenger Abdullah 35 Livni centrist Kadima