Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 79 Adult CPR AED 79 Heartsaver CPR 78 Adult CPR 74 Heartsaver AED 73 AND FIRST AID 73 Adult Infant 73 Heartsaver 73 Lifeguard Training 72 CPR AED 72 Child CPR AED 72 Babysitter Training 72 Infant CPR 71 Red Cross Lifeguard 71 Heartsaver First 70 Red Cross Babysitter Training 70 CPR Recertification 70 CPR AED Adult 70 Infant Child 69 Lifeguard Certification 69 Red Cross Babysitting 69 Alive Mature Driving 69 CPR recertification 68 Aid CPR AED 68 Babysitter Training Course 67 Baby Sitter Training 67 Lay Responder 67 Babysitting Course 66 Red Cross Lifeguard Training 66 ADULT CPR 66 About Boating Safely 65 CHILD CPR 65 Instructor Training 65 Boating Skills 65 SWIM LESSONS 65 Babysitters Training 65 pm Wadsworth Rittman 64 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION 64 Safe Boating Course 64 Double deck pinochle 64 Pointe Claire CPR 64 DIABETES SELF MANAGEMENT 64 Monjack performs 64 Bloodborne Pathogens 64 FIRST AID 64 Prepared Childbirth 64 Red Cross Lifeguarding 63 Tutor Training 63 Tai Chi Classes 63 Seamanship Course 63 Safe Sitter 63 INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING 63 Volunteer Orientation 63 Wilton Cake Decorating 63 Mon. Thur 62 HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS 62 AARP Taxaide 62 CPR AED FA 62 GUITAR HERO Jam Session 62 Instant Piano 62 Prepared childbirth 62 Hampton Inn Colchester 62 Swim Lessons 62 SAFE SITTER 62 Preregistration required 62 ACBL duplicate bridge 61 am 1p.m 61 Blood Pressure Clinic 61 Infant CPR AED 61 LOS ANGELES MARITIME MUSEUM 61 DesignAcard 61 FMH Wellness Center 61 TL Duplicate Bridge 61 Exercise Classes 61 TUESDAY NIGHT DANCE #-#:# 61 Tues Thur 61 Interviewing Skills 61 #:#-#:# p.m. [001] 61 Covedale Branch Library 61 BRBC ride 60 TCM Sat 60 Vero Beach #:#-#:# [004] 60 ADULT CHILD 60 Instructor Course 60 TCM Wed 60 JAZZERCISE 60 TRUNK OR TREAT 60 Myth Maplewood 60 Blood Pressure Checks 60 DesignAcard workshop 60 Phlebotomy Technician 60 FITNESS CLASSES 60 pm Mon. Thu 60 pm Thurs. Sat 60 Sun. Thu 60 ENC Fri 60 Mature Driving 60 Recertification 60 Chest Compressions 60 BLOOD DRIVES 60 COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR 60 LOW IMPACT AEROBICS 59 Breastfeeding Basics 59 MONTHLY LUNCHEON 59 Meets Thursdays 59 Sports Physicals 59 pm Sun. Thurs 59 pm Sun. Thu 59 FSK Mall Frederick 59 TCM Thu 59 Clinical Trials Update 59 STRENGTH TRAINING 59 ALZHEIMER 'S SUPPORT GROUP 59 Heartsaver Adult 59 EMT Basic 59 ENC Tue 59 Informational Session 59 Facilitation Skills 59 WBAP airtime 59 TCM Tue 59 Reception #:#-#:# 59 Lap Swim 59 Outlaw Karaoke 59 AARP Mature 59 BLOOD DRIVE Donor 59 HOURS Lunch 59 Homebuyer Education 59 Osteo exercise 59 OXYGEN Sat 59 Fairytale puppets 59 Preschool Storytimes 59 Support ACLS 59 YOGA CLASS 59 Plymouth Av 59 Chandler Newberger Center 58 pm Wed. Sun 58 SWING DANCING 58 Jimmy Guy Cottengim 58 Composting Workshop 58 Hazwoper 58 Van Matre Duplicate Bridge 58 By 58 Oakton Skokie campus 58 Pagliai Restaurant 58 Childbirth classes 58 Terry Armes 58 5/class 58 Double deck Pinochle 58 Blood Pressure Screening 58 HEALTHCARE PROVIDER 58 Coping Skills 58 Childbirth Preparation Class 58 9a.m. noon 58 VOLUNTEER TRAINING 58 Thursdays Tiny Tots 58 Prostate Cancer Screenings 58 HATHA YOGA 58 #/session 58 Beginners Yoga 58 Hamot Wellness Center 58 Mangrove Chico 58 ENC Mon 58 LIFEGUARD TRAINING 58 Quilting Workshop 58 Lifeguarding 58 PARENTS NIGHT OUT 58 Dinner seatings 58 Estero Monterey 58 Refresher Course 58 #/nonmembers 58 pm Tues. Fri 58 Ordean Building 58 ★ ★ ★ ☆ 58 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 58 LATIN DANCE 58 Joey Ciamacco published 58 TIMES #-#:# 58 #/member 58 Sal Cangeloso posted 58 7 9p.m 58 MONSTER SPECTACULAR Saturday 58 Boating Course 58 Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro 58 Arthritis Aquatic 58 Childbirth Preparation 58 Onsite registration 58 Place Bull Shoals 58 ALATEEN 58 Vero Beach #:#-# [002] 58 Classes Offered 58 SUMMER READING CLUB 58 Nicotine Anonymous #:#-#:# 58 Oneg Shabbat follows 58 Cholesterol Screenings 58 Private Pesticide Applicator 58 AT CENTURY LANES 58 Blood Pressure Screenings 58 REGISTRATION IS 58 LeTIP CHICO LUNCH CLUB 57 Parent Tot 57 Greenside Drive 57 Lamaze Childbirth 57 WORSHIP SERVICE 57 WFWA Channel 57 Dog Obedience Classes 57 Lifeguarding CPR 57 Thur. Sat 57 HAZWOPER 57 Manchester Singers rehearse 57 CHICO LIBRARY TODDLER STORY 57 Babysitting Basics 57 STARZ Mon #:# 57 Hazardous Waste Operations 57 DAWSON SPRINGS VFW POST 57 Sun. Tues 57 UNIVERSAL PEACE 57 http:/ # 57 www.cfi 57 Prenatal Classes 57 Reiki Circle 57 #-# Dueling Pianos 57 Sinto Senior Activity 57 BREC Webb 57 Treasure Coast Toastmasters 57 Wilderness First Responder 57 Facilitator Training 57 GROUP RUN 57 Homebuyer Workshop 57 Flu Vaccine Clinic 57 Apheresis platelet collections 57 Bushland Blvd 57 Childbirth Education 57 Crowbar Ybor City 57 6 8p.m 57 INSTRUCTIONAL 57 Traditional Worship 57 HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP 57 TAX ASSISTANCE 57 HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR 57 Water Aerobics 57 Vallombrosa Chico 57 Oro Dam Flea Market 57 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 57 Mat Pilates 57 Blood Pressure Testing 57 ServSafe Certification 57 Introductory Certificate 57 Mon Thur 57 SUND Mon 57 pm Tues. Thurs 57 HOLIDAY BAZAAR 57 Boating Safely 57 Adult Beginner 57 Cockeysville Library 57 rescuer CPR 57 n PlayAway #:#-#:# 57 Swim Lesson 57 Flu Shot Clinic 57 Vero Beach #:#-#:# [002] 57 Plantation Flotilla 57 Mon Tues Thurs 57 Ð Churchill 57 Western Sizzlin Phoenix 57 Thurs. Fri 57 pm Sun. Mon 57 FOR AGES 57 Wildflower Retirement 57 YOUTH VOLLEYBALL 57 KTTV # 57 Docent Training 57 Mon. Tues 57 SEXUAL ABUSE TREATMENT 57 SUND Sun 57 #/residents 57 BEGINNING YOGA 57 By droseman 57 Zehmer Hall Conference 56 BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING 56 EVERY THURSDAY 56 By Ashley Northington 56 Military Whist 56 ACLS PALS 56 pm Hamot Wellness 56 Reception #:#-# 56 Japanese Flower Arranging 56 #:#-#:# a.m. [001] 56 pm Tue. Sat 56 ENTRY FEE 56 Smoking Cessation Classes 56 By Joshua Brunsting 56 iStrategy Studio 56 By Marco Monteverde 56 Contemporary Worship 56 Adeline Teoh 56 Sun. Thurs 56 Mon. Thu 56 ART CLASS 56 Helene Achanzar published 56 Divine liturgy 56 Aerobic Kickboxing 56 YOGA CLASSES 56 Healthy Eating Habits 56 Probation Revocation Hearing 56 By Dennis Bakay 56 COMPUTER CLASS 56 Arthritis Exercise 56 Vero Beach #-#:# [003] 56 W. Sinto Ave 56 Swimming Lessons 56 ACLS certification 56 Computer Basics 56 #-#-# 56 Wednesdays 56 Basic Dog Obedience 56 Baby Sign Language 56 NEWSWATCH UPDATE 56 Resume Critique 56 SE Emigrant 56 PARENT SUPPORT GROUP 56 Domonkas Branch Library 56 Immunization Clinics 56 COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE 56 #-#:# p.m. 56 Wed. Mon 56 COLUMBUS COUNCIL 56 Nelson Olstrom #-# 56 Speechcraft 56 Osteoporosis Exercise 56 pm Mon. Thurs 56 CPR AED instructor 56 Fri Sat 8pm 56 CLE credits Professional 56 Infant Massage 56 Wheel Throwing 56 AMATEUR BALLROOM DANCERS ASSOCIATION 56 Outlaw Karaoke #:# 56 am/# 56 pm Mons Fris 56 Geoscience Seminar 56 SUPPORT GROUP #:#-# [002] 56 Lap Sit 56 Vida Hispano 56 RABIES CLINIC 56 Person Scramble 56 Gulfcoast Toastmasters Communications 56 Arthritis Foundation Aquatics 56 Kid Aikido 56 Fine Tuning column 56 SPANISH CLASS 56 Stress Reduction 56 WOMEN 'S SUPPORT GROUP 56 Stonebriar Country Club 56 Eggshell Restaurant 56 Josh Kalven 56 pmMonday 56 Conversational Spanish 56 Cardio Mix 56 Aqua Aerobics 56 am Scripture Ephesians 56 Anchors Aweigh wrap 56 Reducing Stress 56 BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 56 Priesthood Relief Society 56 56 BABY SITTING 56 FAMILY FUN DAY 56 @ SIFF Cinema 56 #/person/month 56 #/non-residents 56 Spring Rummage Sale 56 BY Christopher Hoile 56 Lomar Park Pepperell 56 Heatherdowns Toledo 55 Lenten supper 55 By CNSYD 55 STROKE SUPPORT GROUP 55 Sun. Wed 55 By JACOB LAMMERS 55 pm Tue. Wed 55 Weekly Torah Portion 55 FOR CAREGIVERS 55 Schweinhaut Senior Center 55 YOGA PILATES 55 Ygnacio Valley Library 55 Lap Sit Story 55 beginning 55 ACBL Duplicate Bridge 55 Speakers Toastmasters 55 Stated Communication 55 Safe Boating 55 pm Tue. Thu 55 By WebitPR 55 Thursdays #:#-#:# [003] 55 Tactile Toddler Time 55 QUILTING CLASS 55 Devilish Angel 55 EXERCISE CLASSES 55 Automated External Defibrillation 55 Mark Joyella #:# [001] 55 Beginning Genealogy 55 BOY SCOUT TROOP 55 RN LVN CNA 55 By mumbrella · 55 BOATING SAFETY 55 BALLROOM DANCING 55 HEALTH FAIR 55 Preschool Storyhour 55 pm Northshore Psychiatric 55 SAT Prep 55 Sun. Fri 55 7/seniors 55 pm 55 Proceeds benefit UCSPCA 55 Clinical Competence 55 1/children 55 NAMI Basics 55 Aquacize 55 Kindergarten roundup 55 osteo exercise 55 Prepared Childbirth Class 55 Vesper Hall 55 By Nick Walshaw 55 visit https:/ Deck 55 VINELAND LIBRARY 55 Early Childhood Screening 55 Arthritis Foundation Exercise 55 Medication Aide 55 Clearmont Branch Library 55 Boating Basics 55 Churchmans Road Christiana 55 ,#:# 55 TODDLER TIME 55 UH SBDC 55 Literacy Tutor 55 pm TVAR 55 Nurse Aide 55 PMP Exam Prep 55 #/class 55 8/person 55 SWIMMING LESSONS 55 PAINTING CLASS 55 SE Kentwood 55 RADIANT RED HATS 55 Raindate 55 Vero Beach #-#:# [001] 55 Alive Mature 55 Saltair Magna 55 Columbus OH weekdays 55 Weekend Masses 55 ABE GED 55 SUMMER READING PROGRAM 55 Thu. Fri 55 Interviewing Techniques 55 SEMPER FIDELIS Masonic Lodge 55 Mahaffey Theater St. Petersburg 55 Children Storytime 55 Insulin Pump Therapy 55 noon 4p.m 55 Kindergarten orientation 55 3/adults 55 DISCOVERY PLACE 55 5p.m 55 BUSINESS NETWORKING INTERNATIONAL 55 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP 55 Alzheimer Caregiver 55 SPRING REVIVAL 55 Cyril Kowaliski #:# 55 Summer Swim Lessons 55 By LAURA COLLINS 55 By CHAUNCEY ALCORN 55 Final eliminations 55 Hobe Sound #:#-#:# 55 Hopelessly Busy People 55 Prix fixe menu 55 PINOCHLE GAMES 55 AARP Driver 55 By REUTERSPosted 55 By HOLLY ABRAMS 55 Christina Radish Posted 55 Weekday Masses 55 8a 5p 55 dePaul Hall 55 pm Friday# 55 Wed. Thu 55 TEEN NIGHT 55 Tryout fee 55 BREAKFAST BUFFET 55 Stitchery Guild 55 noon 5p.m 55 WATER EXERCISE CLASS 55 Scott Ciosek 55 Free Document Shredding 55 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR 55 Emeline Ave 55 PIZZA NIGHT 55 Sammy Wejinya 55 Kick Off Event 55 Carbohydrate Counting 55 Blueberry Twist 55 BEAN supper 55 VOICE OF THE READER 55 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD 55 Meets #:#-# [002] 55 #/non-member 55 Cozy Diner 55 Roast Beef Dinner 55 Greencroft Senior 55 CHICKEN BARBECUE 55 Isiah Fredericks Community 55 LITTLE LEAGUE REGISTRATION 55 Budgeting Basics 55 DUPLICATE BRIDGE #:# 55 Meets #:#-#:# 55 Michael Prokopchak #-#-# 55 Reiki Level 55 Cloudview Park 55 Broadway Plaza Elmsford 55 Dancercise 55 Hours #a.m.-#p.m. 55 # saratoga # 55 Baby Sitters 55 By JENNIFER GRATHWOL 54 OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 54 waltz foxtrot swing 54 Mon. Thurs 54 Fiddle Jam 54 EXETER SPEAK UPS 54 Organizational Meeting 54 FITNESS PROGRAM 54 Sandsprit Park Stuart 54 Informational Meeting 54 #/per person 54 W. Gause Blvd 54 Yoga Teacher 54 Pharmacy OneSource Announces 54 #a.m. 4p.m. 54 Glynnis MacNicol #:# [001] 54 • • 54 Instructor Certification 54 SUPPORT GROUP PARADISE #:#-#:# 54 DANCE CLASS 54 2/children 54 Karlo Feucht 54 PMP Certification 54 Packet pickup 54 Boater Safety 54 pm Saturday# 54 EXETER HISTORICAL SOCIETY 54 Peabody Lynnfield YMCA 54 pmEST 54 BRANCH crafts 54 GPHR 54 pm Skip bo 54 Mosside Blvd 54 Midweek worship 54 Takeouts available 54 Ostomy Support Group 54 Vero Beach #:#-#:# [003] 54 SOFTBALL REGISTRATION 54 Soup supper 54 ACBL Duplicate bridge 54 Tuesdays #-#:# [001] 54 am Kingstad Meeting 54 8p.m 54 Host WomenVenture 54 » Jillian Lebeck 54 Cribbage Wednesdays 54 shodeo 54 Euchre Tournament 54 Guided Hike 54 Hp Pavillion 54 Prenatal Yoga 54 TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY 54 Tues Thurs 54 Hatha yoga classes 54 Perkins Row Topsfield 54 noon Shawangunk Nature 54 Springton Manor Farm 54 Cyndie Lemmon 54 Kickboxing Tuesdays 54 Rabies Clinic 54 Resume Writing Workshop 54 #/series 54 James Plafke #:# [002] 54 Cookie Decorating 54 room #AB 54 Thurs/# 54 ServSafe Food 54 BEAN SUPPER 54 STERLING RURITAN CLUB 54 GRIEF LOSS SUPPORT 54 Pot Luck Luncheon 54 tripleplay 54 Thurs Sats 54 BEGINNERS 54 n Mensaje de 54 SENIORS AEROBICS #:# 54 Body Toning 54 Job Readiness 54 By MOLLY LINN 54 Pinochle Games 54 CPR 54 Tues. Sun 54 TEENS SUPPORT GROUP 54 3/person 54 • GIFT SHOP 54 By Victoriaco 54 LINE DANCING 54 PRESCHOOL STORY TIME 54 Visulite Theatre Charlotte 54 N. Lidgerwood St. 54 PANCAKE BREAKFAST 54 Technician Paramedic 54 Clothing Giveaway 54 STARZ Fri #:# 54 Thursday Bienville Toastmasters 54 pmpm 54 CRAFT SHOW 54 Mon. Wed. Fri 54 ANGELINA COLLEGE Applications 54 Accepting Entries 54 Nahanton St. Newton 54 ORIENTATION 54 Sea Squirts 54 GOLF LESSONS 54 By Carol Deacon 54 MISSIONARIES TO THE UNBORN 54 IABC Triangle 54 Sat. Mon 54 LEASING AGENT 54 Application Deadline Extended 54 Tues. Wed 54 Evening Storytime 54 N. Lagro Road 54 Reiki Healing Circle 54 Candler Professional 54 Preschool storytimes 54 POSTED #:# 54 Basics Seminar 54 CHICO COMMUNITY BAND 54 Volleyball Tryouts 54 Susana Polo #:# [002] 54 Cat Cradle Carr boro 54 Anamax Recreation Center 54 BETA SIGMA PHI 54 CCR Discount 54 Flu Shot Clinics 54 Introductory Course 54 Tornado Alley BMX 54 Orientation Session 54 Arkansas Woodcarvers Club 54 Faith Evangelical Presbyterian 54 7am 3pm 54 Organ Recitals 54 3p.m 54 FALL REGISTRATION 54 GENTLE YOGA #:# 54 EDVENTURE MUSEUM 54 Bull Shoals Historical Society 54 Four Person Scramble 54 Taftville Congregational Church 54 VITALWARNING 54 #/resident 54 Georgia Nicols horoscopes 54 COMPUTER CLASSES 54 Beginner yoga 54 Botanica admission 54 Prenatal yoga 54 LeadersConnect 54 Eugene Eash 54 SE Salerno Rd 54 Prostate Screening 54 Brent Rib 54 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 54 Thurs Sat 8pm 54 events semconfs 54 pm Wed. Fri 54 By BeckyFeather 53 Vallombrosa Ave 53 Oro Dam Blvd 53 Cholesterol screenings 53 Wed. Thurs 53 CompTIA RFID 53 Aberdeen Gamblers Anonymous 53 #/members [002] 53 Puppy Kindergarten 53 Nard Karaoke 53 Holiday Mathis horoscopes 53 #/single 53 Yuliya Talmazan 53 Patriotic Salute 53 Skyway Paradise 53 EESAC meets 53 QUILTERS 53 6/seniors 53 Complete EHRs 53 Basic Obedience 53 pm Sun. Fri 53 SUND Tue #:# 53 Chorus rehearsal 53 Start Storytime ages 53 EMT Intermediate 53 Keiichi RSS feed 53 Car Wash Fundraiser 53 Pennyrile Regional 53 4/children 53 Forbestown Community Center 53 HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL 53 Super Sitters 53 Lenten Luncheon 53 SoccerTots 53 Yoga Classes 53 KTCA Ch 53 Brimbal Ave 53 Benefit Yard Sale 53 POKER RUN 53 ANNUAL SPRING 53 YMCA Dunmore 53 N# W# Silvernail 53 Matinee performances 53 Vero Beach #-#:# [002] 53 visit 53 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 53 ALZHEIMER 'S ASSOCIATION 53 By Moviebuzz 53 Hours Noon 53 Networking Luncheon 53 Sundays Fairplex Gate 53 Bereavement Support Groups 53 Rainforest Yoga 53 Seamanship Programs 53 CHARLEY PRIDE 53 Physician referral 53 Gentle Yoga 53 Seminars Offered 53 SPORTS CAMP 53 Tequesta Parks 53 #/couple [002] 53 Susana Polo #:# [001] 53 Family Caregiving 53 Pesticide Applicator Training 53 pm KXAS Channel 53 Orientation #:#-#:# 53 Cardio Kickboxing 53 Cardio Strength Training 53 pm Tues. Sat 53 By fitsnews 53 Beginner Ballroom 53 SHINE counseling 53 Candlelight Christmas Eve 53 N KCTS 53 AP Posted 53 Receives ONC ATCB 53 Soquel Drive Aptos 53 Pilates Mat 53 preregistration required 53 Potluck Lunch 53 EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP 53 Creative Writing Workshop 53 By BRANDI BARHITE 53 SUMMER PROGRAM 53 Bloomberg Japanā 53 Units CEU 53 ROAST BEEF DINNER 53 Kindergarten Orientation 53 Potluck dinner 53 Widowed Friends 53 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship 53 Filbert Ave 53 8/class 53 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA 53 POLITICS IN BRIEF 53 #/player [001] 53 Nature Journaling 53 Tai Chi Qigong 53 DUNDEE SOLUTIONS GROUP 53 53 #a 9p 53 Winterize Your 53 Danby Federated Church 53 TRIPLES Crawford Tampa Bay 53 Blood Drives 53 Diving preliminaries 53 53 requi . 53 BEREAVED PARENTS 53 GRIEF SUPPORT 53 #:#:# pm 53 Canoe Trip 53 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING 53 session punchcards 53 USABDA 53 am. noon 53 COMPUTER BASICS 53 H#N# Vaccination Clinics 53 Marianna Tolerico Family 53 MetroAction 53 Safe Boating Class 53 Diabetic Foot Care 53 preconference workshops 53 PG HBO2 53 Beginner Pilates 53 Zumba thon 53 Newcomer Orientation 53 FROM NOON 53 Jazzercise Lite 53 arrive Chennai Egmore 53 Mindful Meditation 53 Mangrove Ave 53 ArtsCenter Carrboro 53 Bloomberg Chinaâ 53 4p.m 53 Name Dropper appears 53 ON MENTAL ILLNESS 53 AND AUCTION 53 R HBO2 53 Certified Nurse Aide 53 annabelle tometich • 53 Spiritual Path Foundation 53 Kickin Kountry 53 Corpus Christi Natatorium 53 Seatings 53 Bid euchre 53 53 Hangar Ballroom 53 Ruritan Rd 53 AED Awareness Week 53 Tues. Thurs 53 2p.m 53 Course Teaches 53 Storm Spotter 53 CENTER CrossRoads 53 Blue Quill Angler 53 Gabriella Souza • 53 SUPPORT GROUP #-#:# 53 EXERCISE CLASS 53 COMING EVENTS 53 FLU CLINICS 53 Kerens Library 53 #.#/seniors 53 CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP 53 CLE credits toward 53 EASTER SEALS 53 Badou Drive 53 #/non-members 53 Chehalem Aquatic Center 53 Hilby Ave 53 5/person 53 Hours Mon Fri 53 By Jill Nolin 53 YOUTH PROGRAM 53 Rachel Revehl • 53 Alzheimer Caregivers 53 DEMOCRATIC WOMEN 53 Personal Trainer Certification 53 #/player [002] 53 pm UH SBDC 53 OCEAN STREET CO 53 Pre Schoolers 53 Submission deadline 53 Scot Bihlman 53 Kindergarten Enrichment 53 LINE DANCE CLASS 53 SQUARE DANCING 53 Tannersville Inn 53 Arthritis Foundation aquatic 53 Reflector Staff Writer 53 visit 53 UNION COUNTY FARMERS MARKET 53 Manzanita Ave 53 Carryouts available 53 Bilingual Story 53 Toddler Story 53 Germain Lussier Posted 53 Systematic Training 53 YWCA Wausau 53 WriteByNight 53 Barterbrook Road Staunton 53 Susque Nango Kennel Club 53 Aerobics Classes 53 Noon 2p.m 53 Hardbeatnews GEORGETOWN Guyana 53 STARZ Thu #:# 53 DANCE LESSONS 53 PEER SUPPORT 53 Knitting Crocheting 53 Bernards Township Library 53 Fruit Tree Pruning 53 ECKANKAR 53 UVa Zehmer Hall 53 visit events 53 # Northcliffe Blvd 53 amto 53 visit 53 KALI NATHA YOGA 52 Stingray Feeding Program 52 Wed Fri 52 BEGINNER 52 Baby Lap Sit 52 LUFKIN STATE SCHOOL 52 Overeaters Anonymous HOW 52 52 Duluth Gospel Tabernacle 52 Reception #-#:# 52 Associate Degree Nursing ADN 52 Rose Pruning Demonstration 52 Dance Recital 52 ARTS BENICIA 52 Quirk Cultural 52 Healthy LifeSteps 52 #Noon 52 Greenmanville Ave 52 #/NR 52 CO DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS 52 Premiered Sept. 52 Position Requirements 52 Pavo Real Recreation 52 Weigh ins begin 52 GOLF TOURNAMENT 52 #/individual 52 SPANISH SPEAKING 52 8/adult 52 Amends TCA Title 52 -#:# pm 52 5/adult 52 Northcliffe Baptist Church 52 ARGENTINE TANGO 52 Tuesdays #-#:# [002] 52 Preventing Disease 52 RUBBER STAMPING 52 52 52 Beginner Guitar 52 Chancel choir 52 AQUATIC EXERCISE AND 52 SMPD blotter 52 Gentle Exercise 52 Guardsmark UNARMED SECURITY 52 Sydenstricker Road Burke 52 Religion briefs 52 YOUTH TENNIS LESSONS 52 Beginning Knitting 52 -#:# am 52 ViQuest Center 52 MEDITATION AND 52 SmartSenior Office 52 Informational Meetings 52 Closing Wrap Up 52 Sharlyn Berning 52 Shotgun Start 52 EKG Technician 52 EST DIAL IN 52 Ole Zim 52 therapist Psychologist 52 Thurs. Sun 52 Ki Gong 52 5/members 52 monounsat 52 Hardbeatnews BROOKLYN NY 52 EntertaiNet Copy 52 Wreath Making 52 Open trapshooting 52 Betty Verdun published 52 6/children 52 By Siddhi Sharma 52 writer Mickadeit writes 52 Off Coupon 52 ADMISSION IS 52 #/team [001] 52 • Woodcarving Coastal 52 Greenview Funeral Home 52 No Monthly.One Time 52 Common Sense Parenting 52 Emhouse Community Center 52 COUNTRY BREAKFAST 52 Two Person Scramble 52 HDTV Listings 52 Cat Cradle Carrboro 52 Preschool Storytime #:# 52 Chatting Needles 1 52 Automated External Defibrillator 52 PEACE CENTER 52 Reformers Unanimous Addiction Recovery 52 Beginner lessons 52 Showbox SoDo TM 52 GED Adult Literacy 52 Meets #:#-# [001] 52 Seasonal Flu Shot 52 Workshop Offered 52 BLS ACLS 52 TUTORS 52 Scramble Format 52 Nicotine Anonymous meets 52 Medicare EHR Incentive 52 Pneumonia vaccinations 52 Wednesdays #:#-#:# [001] 52 #/non-resident 52 SKILLS CAMP 52 Ascarate Fishing Club 52 Potluck supper