Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 74 Proposition 71 Prop. 68 Propositions 1A 67 ballot propositions 65 Prop 63 Measure 61 Ballot Measure 61 propositions 59 Prop. 1D 58 Prop. 1A 57 Proposition 1E 57 Prop 1A 57 Proposition 1A 56 Ballot Question 56 Props 1A 56 propositions 1A 56 Proposition 1C 54 Initiated Measure 54 Propostion 54 Referred Law 54 Ballot Measures 54 Proposition 1B 54 Proposition 1D 54 1D 1E 54 Ballot Issue 53 Prop 1B 53 Propositions 1D 53 1C 1D 53 Referenda C 52 Propositions 1C 1D 52 Prop. 1C 52 HJR 52 Nunez Perata 51 Prop 1D 50 Propositions 1A 1B 1C 50 Ballot Propositions 50 Prop. 1B 50 Measure Z 50 propositions 1D 50 sevenths majority 50 mill levy override 49 Cures Initiative 49 Referred Question No. 49 Ron Unz 49 Tim Eyman Initiative 49 Referendum 49 PROPOSITION 48 Prop 1E 48 Hometown Democracy amendment 48 Hometown Democracy Amendment 47 Measure Y 47 Prop. 1E 47 PROPOSITIONS 47 overturn Proposition 47 SB 47 Prop. 1F 47 Referred Question 47 Vote YES 47 Senator Jenny Oropeza 47 Prop.# 47 Klehs 47 Prop 1C 47 referenda 46 Ammiano 46 Californians 46 invalidate Proposition 46 Referendums C 46 Parcel Tax 46 Measure #-# [002] 46 Supervisor Jake McGoldrick 45 Propositions 1A 1F 45 Tonia Reyes Uranga 45 constitutional amendment authorizing 45 legalized medicinal marijuana 44 proposed constitutional amendment 44 Lottery Modernization Act 44 Measure DD 44 TransNet 44 Measure #-# [001] 44 Sups 44 Krekorian 44 HCR# [002] 44 Poochigian 44 Peripheral Canal 44 Assemblymember Noreen Evans 44 Proposition 1F 44 supervisorial 44 Senator Carole Migden 44 Assemblyman Joe Simitian 44 Carmen Chu 44 Regulate Control 44 Supervisors Sean Elsbernd 44 Joint Resolution 44 Michela Alioto Pier 44 Assemblyman Leland Yee 44 voters resoundingly rejected 44 Yes 43 Assemblywoman Jenny Oropeza 43 Schwarzenegger 43 Assemblywoman Betty Karnette 43 Referendum C 43 Repeal Prop 43 Measure WW 43 SB# [004] 43 Ballot Initiatives 43 Voter Pamphlet 43 Amendments 43 #/#-cent 43 Richard Holober 43 Negrete McLeod 43 PPIC poll 43 Fiona Ma 43 Senate Concurrent Resolution 43 Perata 43 Ballot Issues 43 Proposition 8 43 Referendums 43 Obligation Bond 43 GPU4 43 Assemblymember Tom Ammiano 43 Assemblyman Dave Cogdill 43 SPLOST referendum 43 Karnette 43 millage renewals 43 Prop. 8 43 Schwarz enegger 43 DeSaulnier 42 Sen. Chuck Poochigian 42 millage renewal 42 Julia Brownley 42 Lois Wolk 42 Senator Alan Lowenthal 42 Podesto 42 Kevin Faulconer 42 Ballot Initiative 42 Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg 42 Referendum 1A 42 Growing Greener II 42 Constitutional Amendment 42 referendums 42 Assemblywoman Lois Wolk 42 NJSA #:# [002] 42 Sen. Lois Wolk 42 constitutional amendment 42 Chula Vistans 42 Prop 8 42 Supervisorial 42 Tom Ammiano D 42 Proposition 1a 42 Senator Sheila Kuehl 42 Tom Ammiano 42 Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske 42 ballot 42 Luis Acle 42 Assemblyman Ira Ruskin 42 Sit Lie 42 Schwarzenneger 41 thirds supermajority requirement 41 de Brucing 41 Supervisors Ross Mirkarimi 41 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger 41 Sophie Maxwell 41 Supervisor Michela Alioto Pier 41 Audra Strickland 41 1F 41 Tax Cannabis 41 Assemblyman Johan Klehs 41 Brulte 41 G. Kevin Calogera 41 SJR# [002] 41 Bevan Dufty 41 AB# [003] 41 HB 41 Bonnie Lowenthal 41 amendment HJR 41 Supervisor Bevan Dufty 41 Kelly Seyarto 41 Greg Aghazarian 41 Lina'la Sin Casino 41 Assemblyman Mark Manendo 41 Referred Measure 41 Assemblywoman Noreen Evans 41 Senator Christine Kehoe 41 VOTE NO 41 businessman Ward Connerly 41 mill levies 41 Wesley Chesbro 41 Núñez D 41 Sen. Dede Alpert 41 Assemblyman Gil Cedillo 41 Assemblymembers 41 overturning Proposition 41 SB5 41 1A 1B 1C 41 Fairbank Maslin Maullin 41 Assemblyman Fabian Nunez 41 SB# [003] 41 TABOR Amendment 41 Councilmember Carl DeMaio 41 Crist vetoed 41 Pro Tem Don Perata 41 Concurrent Resolution 41 Anna Caballero 41 #/#-cent sales 40 Jose Huizar 40 HJ Res 40 Tom Torlakson 40 Arveschoug Bird 40 Cabaldon 40 mil levy 40 Assemblyman Tom Ammiano 40 slate mailers 40 Marijuana Legalization 40 Sen. Don Perata 40 Amendment 40 Democratically controlled Legislature 40 Director Geoff Kors 40 Proposal 40 Obligation Bonds 40 Supervisor Gavin Newsom 40 Poppaw 40 Rae Gabelich 40 Gov. Arnold 40 Assemblyman Tom Umberg 40 Democrat Phil Angelides 40 Christopher Cabaldon 40 Assemblywoman Alyson Huber 40 Supervisor Tom Ammiano 40 CQ Vote # 40 Constitutional Amendments 40 HB# [001] 40 constitutional amendments 40 Sean Elsbernd 40 Con Res 40 ESHB 40 Issue 40 Payday Loan Reform Act 40 Measure NN 40 Torlakson 40 HJR# [001] 40 Lois Wolk D 40 Strongly Opposed 40 Orderly Growth Initiative 40 Elton Gallegly 40 Gerardo Sandoval 40 Assemblymember Alberto Torrico 40 Treasurer Phil Angelides 40 Bistate II 40 Origin Appendix 40 Senator Lois Wolk 40 MRDD levy 40 Sen. Darrell Steinberg 40 legalize recreational 40 Anthony Portantino 40 Senator Dave Cogdill 40 Unz 40 Oropeza 40 Johan Klehs 40 mill levy overrides 40 Pot Legalization 40 Pot legalization 40 Assemblywoman Christine Kehoe 40 Mello Roos 40 CQ Vote 40 Voters Decide 40 Debra Bowen 40 peripheral canal 40 40 Controller Westly 40 Regulate Cannabis 40 Paul Aizley 39 SPECIAL BUSINESS 39 Constitutional amendment 39 Measure EE 39 Sen. Christine Kehoe 39 VOTE NO ON 39 SB1 39 YES VOTE 39 Canciamilla 39 Bogh 39 SPLOST 39 Assemblywoman Wilma Chan 39 Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa 39 AB# [002] 39 James Ohrenschall 39 Gubernatorial Primary 39 Richard Stapler 39 Plastic Bag Ban 39 Assemblyman Tick Segerblom 39 Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro 39 Parental Notification 39 supervisors Bevan Dufty 39 Aghazarian 39 AB8 39 Senator Don Perata 39 Councilwoman Tonia Reyes Uranga 39 Suppl S# [002] 39 Outspent 39 Supervisor Sean Elsbernd 39 DELPHI Bankruptcy News 39 Supervisor Aaron Peskin 39 A#/S# [001] 39 Proposed constitutional amendments 39 pot legalization 39 Sen. Alan Lowenthal 39 Jon Lauritzen 39 Equalization Chairwoman 39 Harvey Munford 39 Val Lerch 39 Assemblywoman Loni Hancock 39 Councilman Zack Scrivner 39 Councilwoman Suja Lowenthal 39 Supervisor Mirkarimi 39 RTID 39 Betty Karnette 39 Pataki vetoes 39 Kathay Feng 39 POBs 39 overwhemingly 39 Assemblywoman Patty Berg 39 Supervisors Bevan Dufty 39 Jamiel Law 39 Manuel Pérez 39 Sophina Maxwell 39 Koretz 39 Ross Mirkarimi 39 BALLOT MEASURES 39 Assemblywoman Cindy Montanez 39 Chuck Devore 39 Assemblyman Sandré Swanson 39 Field Poll 39 Assembly Concurrent Resolution 39 Headlee Override 39 ABX1 1 39 Sieglock 39 Speaker Fabian Núñez 38 Information Pamphlet 38 Stupak Pitts Amendment 38 Constitutional Revision Commission 38 38 Ballot Proposal 38 Civil Rights Initiative 38 suppl #S #S 38 Instant Runoff Voting 38 Jake McGoldrick 38 HJRes 38 Senator Gil Cedillo 38 Legalizing Marijuana 38 Assemblyman Sandre Swanson 38 Safe Neighborhoods Act 38 Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian 38 Julia Brownley D 38 Rafael Mandelman 38 Gavin Newsom 38 Assemblyman Alan Lowenthal 38 constitutional amendment disallowing 38 townwide referendum 38 clunkers refill 38 Assemblyman Isadore Hall 38 Garamendi 38 Disclose Act 38 Lorie Zapf 38 supes 38 personhood amendment 38 FrRodriguez Los Angeles 38 Nader Camejo 38 universal preschool 38 Eanes ISD 38 AUSD 38 Jesse Arreguin 38 Assemblywoman Mariko Yamada 38 Reyes Uranga 38 Compl. ¶ ¶ 38 Puppy Mill Cruelty 38 Bistate 38 Proposition #âÑ# 38 ESPLOST 38 Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher 38 Ballot 38 mill levy 38 Farm Animal Cruelty 38 USC § #a [001] 38 Leland Yee D 38 Mirkarimi 38 Ray Tretheway 38 Income Tax Hike 38 NJSA #A #A 38 Curren Price 38 SJR2 38 Referenda 38 Senator Mark DeSaulnier 38 Scwarzenegger 38 Kurt Vander Weide 38 Growing Smarter 38 Katcho Achadjian 38 Assemblymember Fiona Ma 38 senators Dianne Feinstein 38 proposition 38 Con Con 38 LIFESTYLE IN BRIEF 38 Eric Jaye 38 Harry Ovitt 38 constitutional amendment HJR 38 countywide millage 38 Sherri Lightner 38 SmokeFreeOhio 38 Supervisor Don Nottoli 38 Rodoni 38 GENDA 38 Anita Mangels spokeswoman 38 Julián Castro 38 Ben Hueso 38 Lisbon Treaty Referendum 38 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger 38 Sonogram Bill 38 Sumir Karayi CEO 38 Tax Extenders Act 38 Allison Copening 38 Ron Kuhnel 38 GGRA 38 Scharzenegger 38 Don Perata 38 Shays Meehan 38 Supervisors Tom Ammiano 38 Tom McClintock 38 TABOR 38 Hiltachk 38 Noreen Evans 38 Teacher Tenure 38 Sen. Betty Karnette 38 Gene Mullin 37 gfs.bern showed 37 voters 37 Paycheck Protection 37 Sonja Eddings Brown 37 Torrico 37 Achadjian 37 Angelique Ashby 37 1E 37 Senator Leland Yee 37 Schipske 37 Torliatt 37 Senator Martha Escutia 37 Voted NO 37 Ohana Kauai 37 Workers Comp Rate 37 Robert Weygandt 37 Cybersecurity Enhancement Act 37 Joe Coto 37 Councilmember Kriss Worthington 37 Kousser 37 Florida Hometown Democracy 37 EdVoice 37 Chris Norby 37 Schwarzenegger vetoed 37 Galizio 37 Ira Ruskin 37 Legislature 37 NONE OF THE ABOVE 37 Instant Runoff 37 exclusion override 37 Resolution #-# [003] 37 Joe Spallo 37 SB #/HB [002] 37 abolish SAIF 37 Kristin Ostrom 37 Councilmembers 37 Newsom 37 PROPOSITIONS Voters 37 Assemblymember Julia Brownley 37 Gale Kaufman 37 SJ Res 37 HB# HB# 37 Act CEQA 37 Assemblyman Warren Furutani 37 Andrew Pugno lawyer 37 Janice Parvin 37 Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña 37 Sam Blakeslee 37 Angelides 37 Assembly Speaker Fabian 37 pro Tem Don 37 HJR# [002] 37 Eyman 37 outlaw gay marriage 37 Jenny Oropeza 37 Covell Village 37 councilmembers 37 Jay Schenirer 37 H.Con.Res 37 Andrew Pugno 37 constitutional amendments banning 37 § § #-# [002] 37 Rep. Austin Badon 37 Schwarznegger 37 Villaraigosa 37 Sen. Elaine Alquist 37 Rep. Valinda Bolton 37 Hidden Gems Wilderness 37 Inclusionary Housing Ordinance 37 House Concurrent Resolution 37 Assemblymember 37 Susan Gorin 37 CureMichigan 37 Member Juan Arambula 37 Steve Pougnet 37 Gary Jeandron 37 renegotiated compacts 37 Supermajority 37 San Franciscans 37 referendum 37 Gang Injunctions 37 Personhood amendment 37 Matt Rexroad 37 37 Cypriots obliged 37 Code § #.# [001] 37 Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval 37 Tom D' Agosta 37 Gilbert Cedillo 37 Kozachik 37 Controller Steve Westly 37 CA GOs 37 MVST 37 COMMUNITY COMMENTARY 37 Dalidio Ranch 37 challenger Len Munsil 37 Surtax 37 Assemblyman Alberto Torrico 37 Councilman Ray Tretheway 37 Sandre Swanson D 37 Ideaviruses 37 Capo Unified 37 Ban Gay Marriage 37 Sen. Martha Escutia 37 SPLOSTs 37 Luis Alejo 37 37 Ted Lieu 37 gambling compacts 37 gaming compacts 37 HB #/SB [001] 37 Referendum Petition 37 Howard Jarvis Taxpayers 36 Kromko 36 Nestande 36 TRIPLES JWilson Pittsburgh 36 Racial Privacy 36 Councilman Carl DeMaio 36 Leader Darrell Steinberg 36 Westly 36 Ron Dudum 36 Sen. Sheila Kuehl 36 Stupak Pitts amendment 36 Núñez 36 H.Res [002] 36 Poll NYers 36 Gary Podesto 36 PPIC 36 Councilwoman Jyl Lutes 36 Tavaglione 36 Sandre Swanson 36 Zaremberg 36 Assemblyman Bill Monning 36 Personhood 36 Aaron Peskin 36 Mariko Yamada 36 Assemblyman Wes Chesbro 36 Escutia 36 SCR# [001] 36 Measure OO 36 Stupak Amendment 36 SPLOST VI 36 Alberto Torrico 36 september kl #.# 36 Tax Repeal 36 Assemblymember Jared 36 Supervisorial District 36 Amy Bublak 36 SJR 36 GK Butterfield D 36 glossy mailers 36 Kristina Wilfore 36 EQCA 36 Supervisor Jan Beautz 36 Medical Malpractice Reform 36 Voters Pamphlet 36 Pamela Torliatt 36 Strongly Oppose 36 Sal Quintero 36 subseries J 36 Cruz Bustamante 36 Assemblywoman Fiona Ma 36 Voted YES 36 Morning Communiqué 36 SJR# [001] 36 Voters 36 Greg Caput 36 Carole Migden 36 suspend AB# 36 Nicole Parra 36 Sandeep Kaushik spokesman 36 Overrides 36 Van De Wege 36 Subsections 36 Schwarzenegger Vetoes 36 Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger 36 Tax Increase 36 Dale Skillicorn 36 Lou Papan 36 Frankenstein Veto 36 Assemblyman Joe Canciamilla 36 Increased Accessibility Act 36 Gann Limit 36 Assemblywoman Audra Strickland 36 Governor Arnold Schwarznegger 36 fifths supermajority 36 SCR# [002] 36 DA Kamala Harris 36 Senator Dean Florez 36 Dave Meserve 36 Brian Bilbray 36 thirds supermajority 36 constitutional amendments outlawing 36 Measure FF 36 deceptively worded 36 Pot Dispensaries 36 Ahsha Safai 36 S.Amdt 36 sponsor Tim Eyman 36 Protect Marriage Initiative 36 Jimmie Yee 36 pro Tem 36 Alan Lowenthal 36 Engrossed Substitute Senate 36 Tramutola 36 Hal Stocker 36 Congressman Richard Pombo 36 ASoriano Chicago 36 Wilfore 36 exclusion overrides 36 A.# [001] 36 Ordinance #-# [002] 36 SB# [001] 36 Veto Proof 36 PRECINCTS COUNTED 36 Anita Mangels 36 DAN WALTERS 36 Dave Gilliard 36 Simitian 36 Provisional Ballots 36 eliminates CalWORKS 36 Cathleen Galgiani D 36 Constitutional amendments 36 Carol Migden 36 FairDistricts 36 Million Solar Roofs 36 Andrae McGary 36 inclusionary ordinance 36 Yvonne Brathwaite Burke 36 incumbants 36 OakPAC 36 Dario Frommer 36 Supervisor Mariko Yamada 36 Assemblymember Pedro Nava 36 Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation 36 Assemblyman Roger Niello 36 Doug Ose 36 Jose Solorio 36 Gene Thach 36 A.#/S.# 36 Nubar Hanessian 36 Term Limit 36 amendment SJR 36 Missourians Against 36 Richard Alarcón 36 legalizing pot 36 #/#/# Appendix 3Y Page 36 Dean Florez 36 Senator Chuck Poochigian 36 JEncarnacion Florida 36 Hueso 36 Appenzell Switzerland passed 36 Hinchey Rohrabacher 36 Thomaides 36 Foreclosure Prevention Act 36 Line Item Veto 36 Sally Lieber 36 Janice Hahn 36 Dan Logue 36 supermajority requirement 35 Bustamante 35 See ARS § 35 Greatest Hometown Heroes 35 DRoberts San Francisco 35 Alds 35 Councilman Kevin Faulconer 35 EQCA Executive 35 Steve Poizner 35 Richard Vladovic 35 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi 35 Morongo tribe 35 NOOZHAWK 35 Sen. Wes Chesbro 35 Mayor Luis Alejo 35 Bonnie Schoch 35 Act S. #/HR 35 Councilmember Desley Brooks 35 Eminent Domain Reform 35 Matt Kokkonen 35 Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg 35 Barbara Kondylis 35 Preparatory Seminars 35 legalized slot machines 35 Bill Monning 35 Lori Saldana 35 StanCOG 35 Witkin Cal 35 Fabian Nunez 35 Tony Winnicker 35 Personhood Amendment 35 Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger 35 Pedro Nava D 35 DFL'ers 35 Mark DeSaulnier 35 Recall Effort 35 R Richvale 35 Jon Coupal 35 Senator Sam Aanestad 35 Id. ¶ ¶ 35 Magdalena Carrasco 35 Appropriation Ordinance 35 5l #l 35 Daniel Weintraub 35 Legalize Marijuana 35 SBCAG 35 ESSB 35 John Tavaglione 35 Gov. Arnold Schwarz enegger 35 Tom Sockwell 35 Elsbernd 35 Joe Canciamilla 35 instant runoffs 35 Vidak 35 Juan Arambula 35 EXIT POLL 35 Sragow 35 Legislative Analyst Office 35 Maviglio 35 Extraordinary Resolution 35 Grenbeaux 35 Stocks Approaching Greatness 35 Christine Kehoe 35 Public Instruction Tom Torlakson 35 Migden 35 GOs 35 POLITICAL LANDSCAPE 35 Loni Hancock D 35 Paul Krekorian 35 Voter Owned 35 Quintin Mecke 35 Assemblyman Dario Frommer 35 Assemblywoman Diane Harkey 35 Hidden Gems wilderness 35 Vermont legalizes 35 Councilmen Kevin Faulconer 35 Nathan Magsig 35 amendment 35 Holober 35 Corporate Personhood 35 Med Assoc 35 Les Baugh 35 Sen. Tom Torlakson 35 millages 35 Peter Camejo 35 Lou Filipovich 35 Assemblywoman Julia Brownley 35 Timothy W. Scee 35 SMMUSD 35 Steve Brozosky 35 Gubernator 35 Antonio Villaraigosa 35 DRoberts San Diego 35 spokesman Sandeep Kaushik 35 SACRAMENTO CA KGO 35 Jim Madaffer 35 HB #/SB [002] 35 § #:# [002] 35 Iya Falcone 35 Alberto Torrico D 35 Tamar Galatzan 35 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 35 Resolution Authorizing 35 Edujobs 35 monounsat 35 PUSD 35 Beth Willon 35 Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed 35 SB #/HB [001] 35 Resolutions 35 Assemblymember Loni Hancock 35 nonbinding referendums 35 Prosper ISD 35 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 35 signature gatherers 35 con con 35 Maine Estler 35 Alioto Pier 35 Sheila Kuehl 35 Herb Wesson 35 Teachers Assn 35 Veto Override 35 taxing sugary beverages 35 Genevieve Shiroma 35 Legalizing Pot 35 Fran Pavley 35 Wendy Rigby KENS 35 Hydra Mendoza 35 Grusendorf 35 Mayor Judith Valles 35 Hemp Farming 35 newcomers Rafael Palmeiro 35 Assemblywomen 35 amendement 35 Busby Bilbray 35 Duke Bainum 35 Taxpayer Protection 35 voter referendums 35 Nader Camejo ticket 35 Alyson Huber 35 Hate Crimes Legislation 35 Villines 35 Jerry Lenthall 35 Ammendment 35 Marriage Amendment 35 Illegal Alien Amnesty 35 S. Amdt 35 Tom LaBonge 35 Alice Lai Bitker 35 Lai Bitker 35 Headlee override 35 Physiol Rev 35 USC § #a b 35 Newberg Dundee bypass 35 Gaylord Bose 35 precincts reporting Villaraigosa 35 Numb Thumb 35 Arnold Schwarz enegger 35 DiCamillo 35 SPLOST Special Purpose 35 Repubicans 35 Marijuana legalization 35 Rep. Doug Ose 35 aldermanic runoffs 35 Arizonans 35 Senator Loni Hancock 35 Lou Correa 35 Leland Yee 35 La Quotidienne 35 Gavin Newsome 35 http:/ 35 Lawful Commerce 35 bylaw amendments 35 Strongly Favor 35 TSPLOST 35 voter pamphlet 35 :4 35 SACRAMENTO CA KFSN 35 LAO 35 Roger Niello 35 Rell Vetoes 35 Travaglini Lees amendment 35 Sen. Loni Hancock 35 Bern Beecham 35 BWagner Philadelphia 35 Regulatory Reform Act 35 La Quotidienne 3 35 Knaperek 35 Bernie Herpin 35 Senator Abel Maldonado 35 Property Tax Hike 35 Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani 35 Diane Harkey 35 nonbinding resolutions 35 Congresswoman Lois Capps 35 Geoff Kors executive 35 Governmental Organization 35 Rep. Julie Menghini 35 Sen. Mark Amodei 35 Jim Dantona 35 Randy Pullen 35 Sen. Carole Migden 35 Fabian Núñez 35 Carl DeMaio 35 Jay La Suer 35 ROSEMEAD 35 Steven Maviglio 35 amendments 35 #l #l 35 CA 35 D Ossining Westchester 35 seismic retrofits 35 Repeal Amendment 35 Assemblywoman Chris Giunchigliani 35 HOPE Chest 35 Measures 34 HR.# 34 Assemblyman Russ Bogh 34 Concurrence motion 34 Electoral Votes 34 #st Legislative Session 34 Brian Bilbray R 34 assemblymembers 34 Senator Fran Pavley 34 Cantwell McGavick 34 Councilmember Laurie Capitelli 34 Schwarze negger 34 Sen. Gil Cedillo 34 Opposing Troop Surge 34 Schwarzen egger 34 BALLOT QUESTIONS 34 Legislative Analyst 34 Schwar zenegger 34 #au Gavin Punch 34 Allan Mansoor 34 unaffiliateds 34 Rocky Rockholm 34 Congressman Wally Herger 34 Dalidio 34 Supervisor Dario Marenco 34 MRS § 34 Assemblyman Abel Maldonado 34 HB# [002] 34 Proposition #-#/# 34 Charles Poochigian 34 Sen. Denise Ducheny 34 Napolitano vetoed 34 Agenda Item 34 Rebeca Sosa 34 Comp Lite 34 Envision Spokane 34 downballot races 34 Clif Clendenen 34 Sen. Steven Horsford 34 assessor recorder 34 Bryon Eagon District 34 Judge Bonnie Sabraw 34 Assemblywoman Jackie 34 Gina Papan 34 Santa Paulans 34 Cabrillo Unified 34 MeCabrera Kansas City 34 Christian Sinderman 34 regent Ward Connerly 34 Joel Fritzler 34 CPatterson Chicago 34 Sen. Rico Oller 34 Spanjian 34 Hometown Democracy 34 Brian Maienschein 34 Nondiscrimination Act 34 J Am Podiatr 34 bonded indebtedness 34 Pombo 34 Barnes Gelt 34 Supervisors 34 AB1 34 IREA Voices 34 SB8 34 Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee 34 Assemblyman Brian Nestande 34 panose 1 34 BRAD SHERMAN 34 Clin Orthop Relat Res 34 Bushland Independent 34 Majority Leader Dario Frommer 34 ERIN NEFF 34 J Pharmacol Exp Ther 34 Costerison 34 Assemblyman George Plescia 34 Bustamante McClintock 34 Marvin Hurst KENS 34 Darrell Steinberg 34 Dale Lucus 34 consitutional amendment 34 Bill Lonkart 34 outlawing gay marriage 34 Code #.#.# 34 nonbudget 34 Howard Troxler 34 Sales Tax Hike 34 Ovidiu Popescu 34 Supervisor Jerry Lenthall 34 Roy Ashburn 34 Personhood Initiative 34 Marguerite Poindexter LaMotte 34 K. Ramsburg 34 Monning 34 DETAILS Conducted Sept.