Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 79 redistricting 73 Reapportionment 69 reapportionment 67 Districting 65 redistrict 65 re districting 60 districting 60 Redistrict 60 Gerrymandering 60 Redistricting Committee 59 Redrawing 58 Apportionment Commission 57 redrawing legislative 57 Annexation 57 Independent Redistricting 57 redrawing 56 Voter ID 56 Reapportionment Committee 56 Teacher Tenure 56 decennial redistricting 56 Redistricting Map 56 redraw boundaries 55 redrawing congressional 55 California Citizens Redistricting 54 partisan gerrymandering 54 Annexations 54 Apportionment 53 Statewide Smoking Ban 53 Student Assignment 53 congressional reapportionment 53 redraw 53 gerrymandered districts 53 redrawing boundaries 53 Judgeships 53 Death Penalty Repeal 53 congressional redistricting 52 Voter Suppression 52 Ballot Issues 52 Primaries 52 Affirmative Action Ban 52 Felon Voting 52 Jail Overcrowding 52 redraw congressional 52 Charter Revision 52 Teacher Layoffs 52 SBOE 52 Lawmaking 52 gerrymandering 51 redistricted 51 Legislature redrew 51 legislative reapportionment 51 Parcel Tax 51 reapportioning 51 Gay Marriage Amendment 51 Voting Machines 51 Presidential Preference 51 Redraw 51 Gerrymander 51 Citizens Redistricting Commission 51 Impeachment Trial 50 Referenda 50 Congressional Districts 50 Slavery Apology 50 Budget Shortfall 50 Anti Meth 50 Legislature redraws 50 Runoff Election 50 Redrawn 50 Electoral Boundaries 50 Personhood Initiative 50 Income Tax Hike 50 Paper Ballots 50 Early Voting 50 Millage Increase 50 Recall Effort 50 Ex Felons 50 Furlough Days 49 Gay Marriage Vote 49 Polling Locations 49 redrawn 49 Cervical Cancer Elimination 49 Property Tax Hike 49 gerrymandered 49 Legislative Redistricting Board 49 nonpartisan redistricting 49 Anti Illegal Immigration 49 Provisional Ballots 49 Budget Vetoes 49 Special Legislative Session 49 Redistricting Subcommittee 49 Sex Offender Laws 49 Polling Places 49 Negative Ads 49 Ballot Initiatives 49 Recall Petitions 49 Budget Impasse 49 Ballot Measures 49 Legalizing Marijuana 49 Partisanship 49 Touch Screen Voting Machines 49 Plastic Bag Ban 49 Cityhood 49 Sales Tax Hike 48 Provisional Ballot 48 gerrymander 48 Sex Offender Restrictions 48 Gubernatorial Races 48 Ban Gay Marriage 48 Apportionment Board 48 Cigarette Tax Hike 48 Unicameral 48 Fetal Homicide 48 Sex Offender Ordinance 48 Instant Runoff Voting 48 Immigrant Crackdown 48 Gubernatorial Candidates 48 Term Limit 48 Water Rate Hike 48 Million Shortfall 48 Voter Registrations 48 Gubernatorial Race 48 Immigrant Tuition 48 Capo Unified 48 Stopgap Spending Bill 48 Voter Fraud 48 Incumbency 48 Prison Crowding 48 Legislative Delegation 48 Prison Overcrowding 48 Legislative Priorities 48 Indoor Smoking Ban 48 Workers Comp Reform 48 Anti Illegal Immigrant 48 Delimitation 48 redraw legislative 48 Judicial Confirmation 48 Malpractice Reform 48 Privatize Social Security 48 Redistricting Reform 48 Nominating Convention 48 Gay Marriage Issue 47 automotive tubing hollows 47 Extending Unemployment Benefits 47 Judicial Appointments 47 Revote 47 Stem Cell Debate 47 LINK * 47 Lobbying Disclosure 47 Unallotment 47 redrew congressional 47 Child Fatality 47 Eminent Domain 47 Death Penalty Moratorium 47 Mayoral Runoff 47 Mayoral Hopefuls 47 instant runoffs 47 Veto Session 47 Racetrack Slots 47 Ballot Propositions 47 Possible Budget Cuts 47 Votes Unanimously 47 Medical Malpractice Reform 47 Ran unsuccessfully 47 Governorships 47 Gay Marriage Case 47 Pit Bull Ban 47 Partisan 47 Ballot Counting 47 Gay Marriage Debate 47 Seek Recount 47 Mandate Relief 47 Minimum Wage Increase 47 Approves Gay Marriage 47 #nd Legislative Session 47 Abortion Notification 47 Tort Reform 47 Regionalization 47 Eminent Domain Case 47 Remap 47 Filibuster Showdown 47 Proposed Smoking Ban 47 Gubernatorial Hopefuls 47 Deficit Cutting 47 Extend Jobless Benefits 47 Foreclosure Mediation 47 Budget Woes 47 Trans Fat Ban 47 gerrymanders 47 Budget Stalemate 47 Legalizing Pot 47 TribBlog 47 Gubernatorial 47 Contested races 47 Base Closure 47 Impartial Courts 46 Drought Preparedness 46 Gubernatorial Primary 46 Enough Signatures 46 Desegregation Case 46 Hemp Farming 46 Julie Aranibar 46 Instant Runoff 46 Parental Consent 46 Extend Unemployment Benefits 46 Gay Marriage Ban 46 Possible Layoffs 46 Judgeship 46 Wildfire Threat 46 Greatest Hometown Heroes 46 Patriot Act Renewal 46 Fee Increases 46 HCR# [002] 46 Assisted Suicide Law 46 Judicial Selection 46 Vitter Melancon 46 Voter Participation 46 Hopefuls Debate 46 Switches Parties 46 redraws 46 REDISTRICTING 46 Teacher Evaluations 46 Congestion Pricing Plan 46 Commandments Monument 46 Same Sex Benefits 46 Concealed Gun 46 Roadside Memorials 46 Presidential Nomination 46 Alito Nomination 46 Approps 46 Abortion Restrictions 46 Gang Injunctions 46 Tax Repeal 46 Budget Cuts Could 46 Rezoning 46 Zoning Map 46 Gerrymandered 46 Earmark Reform 46 Dropout Rate 46 Hate Crime Laws 46 Gay Marriage Licenses 46 Immigration Overhaul 46 Non Partisan 46 Voter Registration Deadline 46 Gay Marriage Decision 46 Paycheck Protection 46 Election 46 Sonogram Bill 45 Supermajority 45 Earmark Ban 45 Fill Vacancies 45 Budget Shortfalls 45 Smallpox Vaccinations 45 Teacher Shortage 45 Voter Verification 45 Condominium Conversion 45 Boards Commissions 45 Property Tax 45 Statewide Voter Registration 45 Defund NPR 45 Rezonings 45 Ethics Complaint 45 Candidate Profiles 45 Yellowstone Snowmobile 45 Absentee Voting 45 Voter 45 Ricin Scare 45 Grassroots Lobbying 45 Presidential Primaries 45 FCC Net Neutrality 45 Parental Notification 45 THE PILOT LIGHT 45 Candidates Debate 45 Caucusing 45 Fiscal Accountability 45 Automaker Bailout 45 Absentee Ballots 45 reapportioned 45 #st Legislative Session 45 Code Revision 45 Alito Confirmation 45 Handgun Ban 45 Voter Registration Fraud 45 Nursing Shortage 45 Recount Begins 45 SAT Scores 45 Pet Sterilization 45 Balanced Budget 45 apportionment 45 Judicary 45 Gay Marriage Foes 45 Residency Requirement 45 Higher Minimum Wage 45 Parental Involvement 45 Elections 45 Kagan Nomination 45 Postpones Vote 45 Mayoral Candidates 45 SUNO UNO merger 45 Jobless Aid 45 Term Limits 45 Zoning 45 Adequate Education 45 Dividing Lines 45 Delwin Jones 45 Kent Grusendorf 45 CHCCS 45 Politicking 45 Gas Tax Hike 45 Disenfranchisement 45 Passes Legislation 45 Ballot 45 Chronic Homelessness 45 Candidates Scramble 45 Pork Barrel Spending 45 Smoking Ordinance 45 Low Voter Turnout 45 redraws congressional 45 Millage Rate 45 Being Counted 45 Reassignment 45 Politics 45 Probable Swine Flu 45 Mayoral Bid 45 Multijurisdictional 45 Approves Minimum Wage 45 Abortion Ultrasound 45 Gay Marriage Opponents 45 Fill Vacant 45 Lame Duck Session 45 Supreme Court Hears Arguments 45 Override Veto 45 Sotomayor Confirmation 45 Tobacco Tax Hike 45 Lobbying Reform 45 Electoral College 45 Gubernatorial Debate 45 unicameral Legislature 45 Re Alignment 45 Unemployment Benefits Extension 45 Bicameral 45 Cell Phone Ban 45 Concealed Weapons 45 Net Neutrality Proposal 45 Tuition Freeze 44 Animal Cruelty Laws 44 Motorcycle Deaths 44 Panhandling Ban 44 Eminent Domain Ruling 44 Unopposed candidates 44 Veto Override 44 Lesbian Custody 44 Racial Health Disparities 44 Comp Lite 44 Nomination Process 44 Legalize Gay Marriage 44 Educational Adequacy 44 Legislative Session Ends 44 Birthright Citizenship 44 Nebraska Unicameral 44 Primary Runoff 44 Referendums 44 Sotomayor Nomination 44 Political Subdivisions Interim 44 Judicial Nomination 44 Abramoff Scandal 44 Fiscal Restraint 44 Same Sex Marriage Licenses 44 Legislative 44 heavily gerrymandered 44 Voting Integrity 44 Achievement Gaps 44 Abolish Death Penalty 44 Constitutional Revision 44 Alito Filibuster 44 Candidates Spar 44 Anti Bullying Bill 44 Voter Registration 44 Constitutional Amendments 44 Candidates Spar Over 44 VUSD 44 Ballot Box 44 apportioning delegates 44 Paid Sick Days 44 Dede Schaffner 44 Uncounted ballots 44 Marijuana Legalization 44 Extended Unemployment Benefits 44 Conceal Carry 44 Parental Notification Law 44 Record Voter Turnout 44 Illegal Immigration Enforcement 44 Bus Seat Belts 44 Whooping Cough Outbreak 44 Anti Bias 44 Fill Vacancy 44 Death Penalty Debate 44 Senate Confirmations 44 Lobbyist Disclosure 44 Educator Effectiveness 44 Gas Price Gouging 44 Voters Decide 44 MDUSD 44 Undecided Voters 44 Recall Petition 44 Exurban 44 Gay Marriage Ruling 44 Mosquito Spraying 44 SJR# [002] 44 Rezoning Request 44 Electoral Boundaries Review 44 Gonzalez Toureilles 44 Touch Screen Voting 44 Rejects Gay Marriage 44 H#N# Vaccination Clinics 44 Hear Gay Marriage 44 Loser Pays 44 Midterm Election 44 Racial Preferences 44 Fred Tilman 44 Alito Hearings 44 Legislative Agenda 44 Flu Shot Shortage 44 Orderly Growth 44 Property Taxes 44 Same Sex Weddings 44 Jobless Benefits Extension 44 Delinquent Taxpayers 44 Talmadge Heflin 44 Pot Legalization 44 Methamphetamine Abuse 44 member Brenda Reddout 44 annexations 44 Condemned Killer 44 Indigent Defense 44 Voter Rolls 44 Joint Capital Outlay 44 Voter Apathy 44 Passes Smoking Ban 44 Hydrofracking 44 Electricity Deregulation 44 Burn Bans 44 Proposed Budget Cuts 44 Projection Forces 44 Partisan politics 44 Immunity Clause 44 Recusal 44 Legislative Session 44 Realignment 43 nonpartisan 43 Concealed Guns 43 Anti Immigrant 43 Burt Solomons R 43 Uncontested races 43 Valerie Foushee 43 Teaching Positions 43 Unanimously Passes 43 Civil Jurisprudence 43 Government Shutdown 43 Legislative Redistricting 43 Teen Pregnancy Rate 43 Senate Elections Reapportionment 43 Undocumented Students 43 Hotly Debated 43 Base Closures 43 districted 43 supervisorial districts 43 Base Closings 43 Seth McKeel 43 Abortion Foes 43 Supervisorial 43 Con Con 43 deseg 43 Andy Duyck 43 Contested Election 43 Pocatello Chubbuck School 43 Secede From 43 Attack Ads 43 Deficit Reduction 43 SUN EDITORIAL 43 GOP Gubernatorial Candidate 43 Bill Kennemer 43 Exit Exams 43 Ten Commandments Displays 43 UIL realignment 43 Navajo Hopi Land 43 Veto Proof 43 Candidates Vie 43 Mac Thornberry 43 GOP Hopefuls 43 House Criminal Jurisprudence 43 Renatta Cooper 43 Childhood Vaccines 43 Levee Repairs 43 Parent Trigger 43 Gas Gouging 43 Stormwater Utility 43 Smoking Ban Passes 43 Sniper Execution 43 Deer Baiting 43 Hurricane Evacuation 43 Condo Conversion 43 Wasteful Spending 43 Stimulus Czar 43 Grassroots Effort 43 Partisan Politics 43 CZMP 43 Pension Reform 43 Wrongful Conviction 43 Boating Accidents 43 Leans Democratic 43 Midterms 43 Robo Calls 43 Term limits 43 Noise Ordinance 43 constitutional amendment HJR 43 Immigration Raids 43 Dropout Rates 43 Bipartisan Effort 43 Booster Seat Law 43 Cloning Ban 43 Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick 43 Chairman Paul Gieleghem 43 HJR# [001] 43 Execution Method 43 remapping 43 decennial Census 43 Gov't Shutdown 43 Jobless Benefits 43 Medicaid Redesign 43 Seat Belt Law 43 Candidate Profile 43 Legislature 43 Gubernatorial Candidate 43 magisterial districts 43 Temporary Redistricting 43 Illegal Immigration 43 Same Sex Divorce 43 Proposed Cuts 43 Godwin Ronquillo 43 Graduation Requirements 43 voter ID 43 Tax Rollback 43 Roberta MacGlashan 43 Ballot Access 43 councilmanic districts 43 Community Visioning 43 Voter Guides 43 Uncontested 43 David Syfan 43 Chairman Kent Grusendorf 43 FairDistricts 43 Outdoor Smoking Ban 43 Desegregation 43 Panhandling Ordinance 43 DTV Switch 43 XXX Domain 43 Same Sex Marriages 43 Smart Growth 43 Kernan Shepard 43 incumbants 43 FOIA Requests 43 aldermanic races 43 Security Breach Notification 43 TRIBUNE STAR 43 Ballot Proposal 43 Legislature Adjourns 43 Rejects Effort 43 Mudslinging 43 Superdelegate 43 Adam Pagnucco 43 Bi Racial 43 N.Va. 43 PERS TRS 43 Racial Fairness 43 Minimum Wage Hike 43 Ex Offender 43 Drug Importation 43 Serial Arsonist 43 Billion Economic Stimulus 43 Issues Boil Water 43 Kalamazoo Gazette Editorial 43 Fundraising Totals 43 Wrongful Imprisonment 43 DC Handgun Ban 43 Consolidation 43 Clean Elections 43 Gillibrand DioGuardi 43 Gubernatorial Bid 43 Racial Disparities 43 Workplace Smoking Ban 43 Legislative Session Begins 43 Paulette Burdick 43 Pay Raises 43 Robyn Gabel 43 Racially Charged 43 Electoral Votes 43 Global Warming Debate 43 Congestion Pricing 43 Judicial Nominations 43 Funeral Picketing 43 Gifted Talented 43 Bipartisan 42 Repeal Effort 42 Anette Carlisle 42 Judicial Nominating 42 Pat Herrity 42 #.#MM GOs AA 42 Gets Heated 42 ISTEP testing 42 Carolyn Hugley 42 Dora Olivo 42 Marijuana Dispensaries 42 Ricky Harcrow 42 Dangerous Intersection 42 Overrides 42 GOOOH 42 Copper Theft 42 Racial Profiling 42 Fetal Pain 42 Floy Hinson 42 MaryAlice Erickson 42 Voting Irregularities 42 Commuter Rail 42 Hydraulic Fracturing 42 Med Mal 42 Electoral 42 Constitutional Revision Commission 42 No Fault Divorce 42 Land Use 42 H#N# Outbreak 42 Obstructionism 42 Marijuana legalization 42 Approves Smoking Ban 42 Livestock Siting 42 Spending Affordability 42 Celina ISD 42 To Hear Arguments 42 Eleanor Sobel 42 Voting 42 Antiwar Activists 42 Evenly Split 42 Raise Minimum Wage 42 Whooping Cough Cases 42 Lloyd Doggett D 42 Individual Mandate 42 Eminent Domain Reform 42 Lethal Injections 42 Privacy Protections 42 Vicki Truitt 42 Beach Nourishment 42 Voter Identification 42 Nurse Shortage 42 partisan gerrymander 42 DTV Delay 42 Lois Wexler 42 Natural Hazard Mitigation 42 Net Neutrality Rules 42 Commissioner Annabelle Jaramillo 42 Stimulus Spending 42 FCBOE 42 Lawyer Discipline 42 Passes Sweeping 42 Racial Privacy 42 member Kathy Kleinlein 42 Unauthorized Practice 42 Gerrymandered districts 42 Pot Dispensaries 42 Prescribed Burning 42 Panel Mulls 42 Deliberative 42 Gubernatorial hopefuls 42 Shutdown Looms 42 Legis lature 42 Equalization 42 Recount 42 Satellite Radio Merger 42 Doctor Shortage 42 Census 42 Input Sought 42 Paulie Brading 42 Fee Hikes 42 NCLB reauthorization 42 Legislative Reapportionment Commission 42 Sherrie Sprenger 42 Elton Gallegly 42 Sotomayor Hearings 42 Heated Debate 42 Downzoning 42 ACLU Applauds 42 Mayoral Race 42 SCHIP Veto 42 Dueling Rallies 42 Shooting Prompts 42 Flooded Roads 42 Chafee Whitehouse 42 Crack Sentences 42 Randy Neugebauer R 42 Flag Burning 42 Precinct Committeeman 42 Offshore Drilling Ban 42 Vicious Dog 42 Mandatory Minimums 42 Democrat Hubert Vo 42 Impact Fees 42 JoAnne Favors 42 Defund Planned Parenthood 42 Voter Turnout 42 Legalize Pot 42 GK Butterfield D 42 Gay Marriage Fight 42 Low Turnout Expected 42 multimember districts 42 Districting Committee 42 Employee Misclassification 42 Abortion Foe 42 Kathryn Starkey 42 Workers Comp Rates 42 Election Day 42 Kingsport BMA 42 LEGISLATURE 42 Underage Drinking Prevention 42 Gay Marriage Advocates 42 Votes Count 42 Governor Vetoes 42 Postsecondary Education Review 42 Warrantless Searches 42 Eminent domain 42 Judicial Qualification 42 XM Sirius Merger 42 Ellen Freidin 42 Delegate Count 42 Toll Hikes 42 Exit Exam 42 Tribal Casinos 42 Tainted Peanut Butter 42 PRIMARY ELECTION 42 Kidnapping Charge 42 multimember 42 Tuition Hikes 42 Workers comp 42 Rucho 42 Stem Cell Patents 42 Midterm Elections 42 Spending Restraint 42 Teacher Effectiveness 42 CQ Politics Election 42 Kaye Kory 42 Tort reform 42 Carl Leubsdorf 42 Tuition Hike 42 Governmental Organization 42 Presidential Debates CPD 42 Abortion Ruling 42 Bipartisan Support 42 Passes Gay Marriage 42 Digit Dialing 42 Representative Bill Konopnicki 42 Human Spaceflight Plans 42 Workers Comp Rate 42 BRAC 42 Sandra Dungee Glenn 42 Jurisdictional 42 Sewer Rate Hike 42 voter referendums 42 Enemy Combatant Case 42 comissioners 42 Tweeddale Area 42 Dropout Prevention 42 2nd Graders 42 Lori Sturdevant 42 Zoning Hearing 42 Rail Relocation 42 Gay Marriages 42 Phone Jamming 42 H#N# Flu Cases 42 Texting Ban 42 Confirmed Swine Flu 42 Republican 42 Affordable Housing Advisory 42 Bill Bibbiani 42 CHRIS POWELL 42 Cloture Vote 42 Farmland Protection 42 Binding Arbitration 42 Prosecutor Firings 42 Randy Rives 42 42 Serial Killer Case 42 Tuition Increase 42 Detainee Treatment 42 Dawn Creekmore 42 Daytime Curfew 42 Teen Sexting 42 Racial Disparity 42 FCAT Scores 42 Pesticide Use 42 Reassessments 42 Priest Abuse 42 GOP 42 Opposing Troop Surge 42 Guy Guzzone 42 Flag Desecration 42 Overtime Rules 42 Gainful Employment Rule 42 Repbulican 42 Voter IDs 42 Truancy 41 CHARTER SCHOOLS 41 Physician Workforce 41 Legislative Ethics 41 Indecency Fines 41 Equal Representation 41 Senator Kel Seliger 41 Precinct Chairs 41 Ballot Question 41 Reconfiguration 41 Detained Immigrants 41 Personnel Policies 41 Minority Caucus 41 7th Graders 41 Hiring Freeze 41 Illegal immigration 41 Oust Him 41 Hometown Democracy amendment 41 Lethal Injection Case 41 remap 41 Votes 41 Vacant Seat 41 Caucuses 41 Standardized Tests 41 Wells Ogunquit Community 41 Furloughs 41 Absentee ballot 41 Revenue Estimating 41 Juan Arambula 41 Death Penalty Cases 41 Televised Debate 41 spokeswoman Karen Permetti 41 Could Sway 41 Levee Breach 41 Opinions Differ 41 Elections Canvassing 41 Against Gay Marriage 41 Mukasey Nomination 41 Filibuster Reform 41 Wasting Disease 41 Hometown Democracy 41 Trash Pickup 41 Racial Imbalance 41 Abortion Procedure 41 Filing Deadlines 41 Lloyd Doggett 41 Gets Uglier 41 Jane Pfeilsticker 41 Ambitious Agenda 41 Marriage Licenses 41 Inquirer Editorial 41 Traffic Congestion 41 Sudan Divestment 41 Flag Flap 41 Tobacco Buyout 41 Inmate Execution 41 Undecideds 41 Lethal Injection 41 Voting Rights Act 41 Gitmo Panels 41 Physician Shortage 41 Midterm elections 41 Dems Seek 41 Democrat Alyson Huber 41 Readiness Subcommittee 41 Traffic Calming 41 Bike Ped 41 Chairwoman Karen Handel 41 Ted Ankrum 41 Chairman Welton Cadwell 41 Radical Overhaul 41 Voting Machine 41 Bus Routes 41 Gov Elect 41 attorney Emmet Bondurant 41 Considers Changing 41 Stimulus Oversight 41 Jonathan Narcisse 41 Political 41 IN OUR VIEW 41 Marcel Groen 41 Judicial Nominee 41 LWV 41 Farmland Preservation 41 NASBE 41 Sexual Predators 41 Saggy Pants 41 Ron Margiotta 41 BOBBY HARRISON 41 Voters Reject 41 Chairman Fred Skillern 41 Judical 41 Voters Favor 41 IN OUR OPINION 41 Execution Delayed 41 Paid Sick Leave 41 Files Paperwork 41 Gender Fairness 41 Brian Oneto 41 Overriding veto 41 3rd Supervisorial District 41 Absentee Voters 41 Voters Oust 41 H#N# Vaccinations 41 Probate 41 DJ Nybot Sugar 41 Patriot Act Reauthorization 41 Tony Peraica R 41 Pension Overhaul 41 Voter Registrars 41 Pat Ownbey 41 Turnpike Tolls 41 Filibuster Fight 41 Shared Governance 41 Changing Demographics 41 English Learners 41 Corporate Personhood 41 Debt Limit 41 Voter Anger 41 Line Item Veto 41 Ex Rep 41 Nastiness 41 Presidential Contenders 41 Fiscal Discipline 41 Hotly contested 41 Rebublican 41 downballot 41 ballot propositions 41 Edujobs 41 Taxpayer Funding 41 Livable Streets 41 Nonpartisan 41 Ney Pleads Guilty 41 Margie Berrie 41 Dwayne Bohac 41 REINS Act 41 Ban Plastic Bags 41 VOTERS GUIDE 41 Slavery Reparations 41 Lacks Votes 41 Ballot Initiative 41 Woman Disappearance 41 Bipartisan Campaign Finance 41 Carl Gullick 41 Extra Fizz 41 Broadband Deployment 41 Reelection Bid 41 Workers Comp Fraud 41 Simonaire 41 Workers Comp 41 Closed Door 41 Traffic Fatality 41 Teen Pregnancies 41 Biodefense Lab 41 Critical Areas 41 Lawmaker Proposes 41 Chapa LaVia 41 Report Employee Confidence 41 Offshore Drilling Moratorium 41 Tossup 41 Lisa Weik 41 HJR# [002] 41 Boxer Fiorina 41 Damien Filer 41 PDP Primaries 41 Glen Casada 41 Lammersville Elementary School 41 Hometown Democracy Amendment 41 Graduation Rates 41 Petition Filed 41 OKs Gay Marriage 41 Realignments 41 Drunken Driving Death 41 Ten Commandments Monument 41 Contempt Charge 41 Tornado Cleanup 41 Hears Arguments 41 # NJPatchChat 41 John Selawsky 41 Prop. 1F 41 Suit Challenges 41 EIR Environmental Impact 41 Kathy Tingelstad 41 Mac Thornberry R 41 Scott Lautenbaugh 41 Military Recruiters 41 Unlikely Allies 41 Harassment Claims 41 Reconvenes 41 Marti Rutherford 41 Keystone Exams 41 Strip Searches 41 Pot Dispensary