Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 86 Hiring Incentives 83 Restore Employment HIRE 71 HIRE Act 64 Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization 63 Unemployment Compensation Extension 62 Job Creation Act 62 Tax Extenders Act 60 Tax Extenders 60 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 59 Travel Restriction 59 Closing Tax Loopholes 59 Education Affordability Reconciliation 58 Worker Homeownership 58 American Jobs Creation 58 Telework Enhancement Act 57 Economic Stimulus Act 57 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination 57 Omnibus Appropriations Act 57 Consolidated Appropriations 57 Addiction Equity 57 America COMPETES Reauthorization 57 Multiple Peril Insurance 57 Toxic Chemicals Safety 57 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 56 End Racial Profiling 56 Cybersecurity Enhancement Act 56 American Dream Downpayment 56 Emergency Economic Stabilization 56 Paul Wellstone Mental 56 Supplemental Appropriations Act 56 Physician Payments Sunshine 56 Credit VEETC 56 Securely Protect Yourself 56 Anabolic Steroid Control 56 Student Non Discrimination 55 Worker Retiree 55 Surface Transportation Authorization 55 Border Protection Antiterrorism 55 Fire Sprinkler Incentive 55 CIR ASAP 55 Against Cyber Trespass 55 COBRA Subsidy Extension 55 Intelligence Authorization 55 Patient Protection 55 Fair Minimum Wage 55 Post-#/# Veterans Educational 54 Lawsuit Abuse Reduction 54 Continuing Appropriations 54 FY# Defense Authorization 54 Homeland Security Appropriations 54 PL #-# [001] 54 Tax Extenders Bill 54 Illegal Immigration Control 54 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations 54 Mental Health Parity 53 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 53 Taxpayer Transparency 53 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 53 SCHIP Reauthorization 53 SAFETEA 53 Improper Payments Elimination 53 Precious Metals Marking 53 Specialty Crop Competitiveness 53 Pedophile Protection 53 AgJOBS 53 Export Enhancement 53 FAA Reauthorization Act 53 Emergency Unemployment Compensation 53 Meaningfully Promote Excellence 53 Act AJCA 52 COBRA subsidy 52 Telework Improvements Act 52 Efficiency Act ISTEA 52 Lilly Ledbetter Fair 52 Offshore Moratorium 52 Diesel Emissions Reduction 52 Nonadmitted 52 Homegrown Terrorism Prevention 52 BY CORY REISS 52 Obstruct Terrorism Act 52 Iran Sanctions Enabling 52 America COMPETES Act 52 Broadcast Decency Enforcement 52 Reauthorization 52 Doc Fix 52 Military Readiness Enhancement 52 NAT GAS Act 52 Troop Readiness 51 #st Century Nanotechnology 51 Employer Mandate 51 USA PATRIOT Improvement 51 ADA Amendments Act 51 Financial Stability Improvement 51 Consolidated Omnibus Budget 51 Disclosure CARD Act 51 Tax Incentives 51 Act HEOA 51 TIPRA 51 Industrial Hemp Farming 51 Baucus Grassley 51 PROMISES PROMISES Jobs 51 WHO 'S SWITCHING 51 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement 51 Homebuyer Tax Credit 51 Combat Meth 51 Native Hawaiian Recognition 51 Broadcaster Freedom 51 Broadcast Decency 51 Tyler Clementi Higher Education 51 FSC ETI 51 Iran Refined Petroleum 51 HITECH Act 51 Activity Tax Simplification 50 Drug Eradication 50 Foreclosure Prevention Act 50 Affordable Care Act 50 Border Protection Anti Terrorism 50 Paycheck Fairness Act 50 Congresswoman Hirono 50 Circular nr 50 AMT patch 50 Internet Gambling Prohibition 50 Affordable Choices 50 Passenger Rail Investment 50 Omnibus Budget 50 SCHIP Extension 50 Haiti Hemispheric Opportunity 50 Global Warming Pollution Reduction 50 Increased Accessibility Act 50 Paycheck Fairness 50 Increasing Adoptions Act 50 Reinvestment Act 50 Habeas Corpus Restoration 50 Jobs Creation Act 50 Economic Stabilization Act 50 Commodity Futures Modernization Act 50 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 50 StartUp Visa Act 50 Lifespan Respite Care 50 Honest Leadership 50 Stop Arming Iran 50 Omnibus Spending Bill 50 Credit Cardholders Bill 50 Textile Labelling Act 50 Mortgage Forgiveness Debt 50 Trillion Spending 50 SPY ACT 50 Orphan Drug Act 50 Sexual Orientation Non Discrimination 50 Iran Counter Proliferation 50 War Supplemental Appropriations 50 Hate Crimes Prevention 50 AgJobs 50 DTV Delay 50 Supplemental Appropriations Bill 50 Federal Torts Claim 50 S. #/HR [002] 50 Physician Payments 50 HR.# 50 Workplace Religious Freedom 50 Private SecuritiesLitigation Reform Act 49 MOBILE Cell Phone 49 Employment Non Discrimination 49 exempted fracking 49 S.# [003] 49 Credit Card Interchange Fees 49 Employee Misclassification Prevention 49 EESA 49 Unemployment Extension 49 Price Gouging Prevention 49 Colby Itkowitz CALL 49 AGOA Acceleration Act 49 Faster FOIA 49 sweeping antifraud 49 Intermodal Surface Transportation 49 Safety Modernization Act 49 Safe Accountable Flexible 49 Generations Invigorating Volunteerism 49 National Defense Authorization 49 invoking PSLRA safe harbor 49 FATCA 49 Protection Reauthorization Act 49 Patient Self Determination 49 Extended Unemployment Compensation 49 Economic Stimulus 49 Startup Visa 49 STRIVE Act 49 FDAAA 49 exempting fracking 49 H.Con.Res 49 Security Through Regularized 49 COBRA subsidy eligibility 49 Partial Birth Infanticide 49 COBRA subsidies 49 Recommendations Implementation 49 REFORM ACT OF 49 Program Reauthorization Act 49 Dodd Frank 49 Anti Predatory Lending 49 Tell Repeal 49 JGTRRA 49 CITY MOVES 49 Data Breach Notification 49 Radiation Exposure Safety 49 Disabilities Act Amendments 49 Newborn Screening Saves Lives 49 Medicaid Extenders 49 Child Nutrition Reauthorization 49 Tax 49 non itemizers 49 Defense Authorization Act 49 Payday Loan Reform Act 48 BSA Anti 48 Omnibus Appropriations bill 48 Partnership Encouragement 48 Telecommuter Tax Fairness 48 Grassley Baucus 48 H.Res [002] 48 Ben Cardin D-Md. 48 PL #-# [002] 48 FHA Modernization Act 48 Telephone Excise Tax 48 UNITED STATES SECURITIES ACT 48 Act FATCA 48 AHIP Statement 48 Amounts Unaudited 48 Hedge Fund Transparency 48 COBRA Subsidy 48 Props aplenty 48 EPAct 48 regarding Anviron 48 HJ Res 48 Project BioShield Act 48 Graham Leach Bliley 48 Subtitle B 48 Divestment Act 48 Money Laundering AML 48 Reps. Edolphus Towns DN.Y. 48 Act UETA 48 Healthy Forests Restoration 48 Breast Cancer Patient Protection 48 Section #I 48 Asset Coverage Ratio 48 HEALTHCARE BILL 48 Stem Cell Therapeutic 48 Temporary expensing 48 Affordable Footwear 48 Human Cloning Prohibition 48 Grandfathered plans 48 Innocence Protection 48 Act of# 48 Nunn Lugar Comprehensive 48 Granholm vetoed 48 Hate Crime Prevention 48 SECTORS 48 Secure Fence Act 48 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 48 ARRA 48 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 48 Landrieu Snowe 48 Medicare Modernization Act 48 S.# [002] 48 Unborn Victims 48 Patent Reform Act 48 bipartisan cosponsors 48 Private Securities LitigationReform Act 48 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage 48 climactic Christmas Eve 48 Loyalty Recognition 48 Immigrant Responsibility Act 48 Reinsurance Reform Act 48 Credit Card Holders 48 Drug Administration Amendments 48 Sanctions Accountability 48 omnibus appropriations 48 Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax 48 Doyle TELEGRAM 48 Credit Card Accountability Responsibility 48 OFAC Privacy Gramm Leach 48 A#/S# [001] 48 Patriot Act reauthorization 48 Widow Penalty 48 Funeral Picketing 47 MHPAEA 47 Consumer Protections 47 Distracted Driving Prevention 47 EGTRRA 47 Veterans Omnibus 47 Welfare Reform Act 47 Voter Confidence 47 Global Warming Response 47 HR# [003] 47 Trade Preference 47 Act NDAA 47 SBIR STTR Reauthorization Act 47 Antitrust Enforcement 47 Bob Corker R-Tenn. 47 Economic Recovery 47 prohibited cruel inhuman 47 Community Self Determination 47 Act ATPA 47 Users TEA LU 47 USA PATRIOT 47 Reps. Edolphus Towns 47 thePrivate Securities Litigation Reform 47 Defund ACORN Act 47 Arbitration Fairness Act 47 Begins Debate 47 Act ENDA 47 Act EESA 47 By Corey Boles 47 Fostering Effective Technologies 47 loss carryback 47 Unorganised Workers Social Security 47 Extending Unemployment Benefits 47 Waxman Markey climate 47 Gramm Rudman Hollings 47 Riegle Neal Interstate 47 Higher Education Opportunity 47 Income Tax Benefit 47 Tax Reform Act 47 College Textbook Affordability 47 Act WIA 47 Cleverley Times Colonist 47 Combating Child Exploitation 47 Defense Authorization 47 Scottsboro Boys Sister 47 Overseen Reviewed 47 Violent Radicalization 47 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 47 Refined Petroleum 47 unobligated stimulus 47 Employee Non Discrimination 47 BY MALIA RULON ENQUIRER 47 carryback provision 47 Toreador intends 47 Health HITECH Act 47 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention 47 HITECH 47 AMT disallows certain 47 Section#E 47 THE AUTO INDUSTRY 47 Government Pension Offset 47 NASA Authorization 47 NAT GAS 47 SAFETEA LU 47 Video Voyeurism Prevention 47 Work Pay 47 Unemployment Benefits 47 Jobless Benefits 47 Million Unsecured Revolving 47 federally funded extensions 47 Claire McCaskill D-Mo. 47 Reform Legislation 46 FHA Modernization 46 Impoundment Control 46 Reauthorize 46 REMAIN INDOORS UNTIL 46 Superfund Amendments 46 Omnibus Crime 46 Payroll processor 46 Section #D 46 Brownfields Revitalization Act 46 Jobs Creation 46 Employee Verification 46 Despite Veto Threat 46 ACESA 46 Foreclosure Rescue 46 Line Item Veto 46 Bush Threatens Veto 46 standardize interrogation techniques 46 Newspaper Revitalization 46 Avert Shutdown 46 Opportunity Zone 46 Lawful Commerce 46 Uniform Electronic Transactions 46 NICS Improvement Amendments 46 Reid MEEGAN M. 46 Recovery Act 46 Omnibus Appropriations 46 TAX CREDIT 46 Act VAWA 46 Clean Water Restoration 46 Title VIII 46 Birthright Citizenship Act 46 Mary Landrieu D-La. 46 Consequential Amendments Bill 46 Cameron Gulbransen 46 Reasonable Prudence 46 struggled inconclusively 46 California Compassionate Choices 46 c Copyright Thomson Reuters 46 Jim Bunning R Ky 46 lone wolf provision 46 Marketplace Modernization 46 Regulatory Reform Act 46 Title XVII 46 CHIPRA 46 Gramm Leach Bliley 46 SEC Rule #g# 46 H 1B Visa 46 COMPETES 46 RESTORE Act 46 Fostering Connections 46 No Taxpayer Funding 46 WASHINGTON Prospects dimmed 46 Ricky Brigante Posted 46 Deceptive Practices 46 AgJOBS bill 46 Vibrant Economy 46 USC #a [002] 46 Act S.# [001] 46 FAA reauthorization bill 46 AgJobs bill 46 Billion Stimulus 46 Employees Paid Parental 46 Continuing Resolution 46 Obstruct Terrorism 46 Paid Sick Time 46 Nonpublic Postsecondary Educational Institutions 46 By Bertel Schmitt 46 Asbestos Injury Resolution 46 CQ Vote 46 Taxpayer Relief 46 reauthorize SCHIP 46 DISCLOSE Act 46 Consulting Altus Geomatics 46 Internet Gambling Enforcement 46 FHA modernization 46 Act EFCA 46 PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 46 http:/ 46 FTC Telemarketing Sales 46 Waxman Markey bill 46 Accountability Appropriations 46 Fostering Effective Technology 46 TANF Emergency 46 Engrossed Substitute Senate 46 Surface Mining Control 46 Minimum Wage Increase 46 Jo Ann Emerson R-Mo. 46 Ron Wyden D-Ore. 46 Implementing Recommendations 46 Conquer Childhood Cancer 45 Kirsten Gillibrand DN.Y. 45 whistleblower protections 45 #st Century TEA 45 HEALTH CARE PLAN 45 BY RICHARD RYMAN 45 FAA Reauthorization Bill 45 Illegal Immigration Reform 45 Protecting Tenants 45 Motorcoach Enhanced Safety 45 Trafficking Victims Protection 45 CUT COSTS 45 FORINT HR HR 45 Physician Payment 45 Protecting Intellectual 45 Uniform Protection STANDUP 45 Wyden Snowe 45 GH Farooqui 45 Lobbyist Disclosure 45 Civil Marriage Equality 45 Internet Gambling Regulation 45 Ex Felons 45 Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic 45 SR ISE 45 Strongly Favor repeal 45 Regulatory Flexibility Act 45 Simpson Mazzoli bill 45 CLEAN TEA 45 harmless glycerin 45 Fetal Pain 45 PROTECT IP 45 Patriot Act Reauthorization 45 Higher Education Reauthorization 45 Patriot Act Provisions 45 Paid Vacation 45 Increasingly skittish 45 unfairly punishes gays 45 Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient 45 NOL carryback 45 Homebuyer Credit 45 Early Retiree Reinsurance 45 BY LAURA RIVERA laura.rivera 45 NICS Improvement Act 45 HSR Antitrust Improvements 45 Oli Skehan 45 Deficit Reduction Act 45 GREEN JOBS 45 DREAM Act 45 conditionally vetoed 45 By Greta Wodele 45 Signed Into 45 Violent Crime Control 45 Credit Card Debt Settlement 45 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 45 Enacted 45 Servicemembers Protection 45 Medical Malpractice Reform 45 FISMA HIPAA 45 Windfall Elimination Provision 45 Altus Realty 45 Reauthorization Act 45 Servicemen Readjustment Act 45 JOHN WOIKE HARTFORD COURANT 45 undeserved homebuyer 45 Stopgap Spending Bill 45 Veto Stem Cell 45 Act IRCA 45 indefinitely suspend AB# 45 By MARY DALRYMPLE 45 Senate 45 Ryan Stonebraker · 45 Caulkers 45 unfairly punishes patriotic 45 Napolitano vetoed 45 Reemployment Act 45 TM ACCPAC 45 Improper Payments Information 45 EFCC Establishment 45 Whistleblower Protection 45 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 45 Interior Appropriations 45 Defense Authorization Bill 45 Defence Authorisation 45 Therapeutic Discovery Project 45 Posey R Fla 45 Antitrust Improvement 45 Corey Boles Of 45 Government Paperwork Elimination 45 Bipartisan Effort 45 Legislation reauthorizing 45 Renter Protection 45 Extend Unemployment Benefits 45 MEDICARE AND 45 BY SUSANA ENRIQUEZ susana.enriquez 45 Cosponsoring Fair Elections 45 Accurate Credit 45 Jeanne Shaheen vetoed 45 decriminalizes possession 45 Law Enforcement Hate Crimes 45 Stokes MOTHERS Act 45 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 45 • TENNESSEAN 45 HR Influencer 45 Novice Driver 45 homebuyer tax 45 Postal Accountability 45 Rules #b 45 By Simon MacMichael Posted 45 Sens. Jay Rockefeller 45 #.#T Budget 45 H.R. 45 Private Securities Litigation 45 Email Equal Opportunity 45 Postal Reorganization 45 Compassionate Use Medical 45 Act DERA 45 Dan Quarrell 45 BUSINESS TAX 45 omnibus appropriations bill 45 Immigration Overhaul 45 Fortune 45 NAW staff 45 enacted Patient Protection 45 Everglades Forever 45 Four phorid species 45 Sexual Offences Amendment 45 Uniform Prudent Management 44 FISA Amendments Act 44 MIPPA 44 Trillion Budget 44 Cramdown 44 Unemployment Benefits Extension 44 Jobless Benefits Extension 44 Transactions FACT 44 McCarran Ferguson Act 44 carryback 44 Skimask 44 Debt Limit 44 Lumbee recognition 44 theSecurities Exchange 44 Stupak Pitts Amendment 44 reauthorizes 44 Act Pub. L. 44 Omnibus appropriations 44 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 44 received royal assent 44 Applauds Passage 44 Diesel Emission Reduction 44 Fairness Act 44 V. Solis Rogelio V. 44 Simpson Mazzoli 44 Amended Substitute 44 Coin Modernization 44 Pete Domenici Mental Health 44 STUDIO BRIEFING TV 44 Account Code A/C> 44 http:/ 44 J. EPSTEIN reid.epstein 44 constitutional amendment SJR 44 Cost Reduction 44 Prescription Drug Benefit 44 Hemp Farming 44 partisan Congressional Budget 44 PAYGO 44 BY ROCCO PARASCANDOLA rocco.parascandola 44 Automaker Bailout 44 Identity Theft Penalty 44 Hobbled Dems eager 44 Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction 44 Slavery Reparations 44 Tax Cuts 44 HB# HB# 44 Modernization Act 44 BY JOE GERGEN 44 Johnny Isakson R-Ga. 44 mergers acquisitions recapitalizations 44 Tax Cut 44 archaic Income Tax 44 Consumer Confidence Slips 44 Unemployment Compensation 44 Radioactive Import Deterrence 44 Los Bambinos 44 updated Interstate Horseracing 44 Pension Overhaul 44 Gramm Rudman 44 Regulatory Overhaul 44 seasonally adjusted nonagricultural 44 AMT fix 44 EAWA 44 Unanimous Consent 44 Home Oxygen Therapy 44 cleared procedural hurdle 44 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 44 Hate Crimes Statistics 44 nonpartisan Congressional Budget 44 Safe Cosmetics Act 44 Invents Act 44 PROTECT Act 44 Credit CARD Act 44 FUNDED BY 44 Tackling Violent Crime 44 Chuck Hagel R-Neb. 44 Earned Income Credit 44 By RomeNewswire • 44 Cornyn Kyl 44 Equitable Treatment 44 GLBA Sarbanes Oxley 44 CICA issued 44 Tax Incentive 44 Pension Protection 44 PASS ID 44 Act S.# [002] 44 Simplification Act 44 Project Bioshield Act 44 USA PATRIOT ACT 44 Inducing Infringement 44 HJRes 44 Reinvestment Plan 44 BY GRETA GUEST 44 Lifelong Learning Accounts 44 Max Baucus D-Mont. 44 Gender Expression 44 Payroll Tax 44 Jeff Merkley D-Ore. 44 Vanessa Bostwick 44 SENATE VOTE 44 Bankruptcy Filings Up 44 REPEALED 44 Marylyn Kish turns 44 Crystal Eskelsen · 44 Ines Franck director 44 MILC program 44 gunmaker immunity bill 44 Telecom Immunity 44 BILL SUMMARY 44 Debbie Stabenow D-Mich. 44 Facility Anti Terrorism 44 Lame Duck session 44 HR6 44 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure 44 AS COMPARED TO 44 Concurrent Receipt 44 Billion Economic Stimulus 44 Project Bioshield 44 #/Hr part 44 COMPETES Act 44 Tobacco Buyout 44 Sportingo Staff 44 earmarks congressionally 44 USA PATRIOT Act 44 involuntarily terminated 44 Patriot Act 44 doc fix 44 Employer Provided 44 Electronic Signatures 44 Military Whistleblower Protection 44 CQ Vote # 44 LABOR MARKET 44 Job Creation 44 Brian Fuentes lhp 44 A.#/S.# 44 Reinvestment Act ARRA 44 HOW YOU CHOOSE 44 DOMA repealed 44 Cameron Gulbransen Kids 44 Taylor Hatmaker 44 Sens. Phil Gramm 44 Private Securities Litigation ReformAct 44 Employee Free 44 IHCIA 44 ARRA HITECH 44 Whistle Blower Protection 44 FACTA 44 Prosecute Contractors 43 Sheppard Towner 43 Enumerated Powers Act 43 DREAM ACT 43 By Deadly Submarine 43 Nunez Perata 43 By Amy Klamper 43 HOMESTAR 43 See INA § 43 Jon Kyl R Ariz 43 omnibus spending 43 UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE 43 NEWS SINGLES 43 Home Affordable Refinance 43 petition skimps 43 Wyden Gregg 43 Extend Jobless Benefits 43 Sport Hosts U# 43 BUDGET DIRECTOR Peter Orszag 43 TAX RELIEF 43 ESTATE TAX 43 misclassify employees 43 HOW MANY COVERED 43 KETRA 43 toughens restrictions 43 Enrolled Act 43 Kusum Pugalia 43 Veto Threat 43 Resilience Spur 43 guestworker program 43 Senator Stabenow 43 ESHB 43 Users SAFETEA LU 43 Repealing 43 Minimum Wage Increases 43 designate andro 43 HEALTH INSURANCE Through 43 Agricultural Disaster Assistance 43 Bipartisan Legislation 43 H 1B Visas 43 Hatch Waxman Act 43 Disclose Act 43 CLOE POISSON 43 Great Depresssion 43 Clean Water Legacy 43 VETOED 43 Military Spouses Residency 43 Nimrat Bagga 43 VEETC 43 QTDP 43 offered angry denouncements 43 By edg Posted 43 Project QTDP 43 aa nonsmoker too 43 Whistleblowers Protection 43 Trojan horse Braley 43 Combating Autism Act 43 FHA Refinance 43 Dorgan Snowe 43 Cloture Vote 43 D Nambé 43 TAXES Dramatically scales 43 Karan Mathur 43 Airgas ARG #/#/# PriceWatch 43 WORKERS COMPENSATION 43 Senators Chuck Grassley 43 By GadgetNews 43 Cruise Vessel 43 institutionalize bailouts 43 EBITDA Calculation 43 FAA Reauthorization 43 Illegal Immigrant Reform 43 CRYSTAL R. 43 Compensation Fairness 43 ROBERTO GONZALEZ ORLANDO SENTINEL 43 Teen Endangerment 43 roving wiretap provision 43 Patriot Act Renewal 43 Pataki vetoed 43 Employees Pay Comparability 43 House Panel Approves 43 EEOC enforces federal 43 Abortion Non Discrimination 43 Marijuana Decriminalization 43 Jeff Cirillo 3b 43 Paid Sick Leave 43 Troubled Assets Relief Program 43 reauthorization 43 ANTITRUST Amendment expected 43 By Brett Klucznik 43 Passes Landmark 43 Captive Primate Safety 43 Modernization Act MMA 43 Jeff Flake R Ariz 43 Counterfeits Act 43 Employer Sanctions 43 Detainee Interrogation 43 Auto Bailout 43 Growth Stalls 43 USA Patriot Act 43 System EEVS 43 Jobless Aid 43 Fiscal Responsibility Act 43 JOB CREATION 43 KCAA Inland Empire 43 Tax Relief 43 Billion Deficit 43 #g# 2 43 Bipartisan Support 43 Statewide Smoking Ban 43 LA GRAD 43 Mortgagee Letter #-# 43 PERIODS ENDED 43 Chertoff Defends 43 Missourinet Sports 43 narrowly averted partial 43 Reauthorization Bill 43 Ken Dennard Reba 43 caulkers 43 Retraining Notification Act 43 kemcha Way 43 Help Small Businesses 43 John McArdle CQ 43 SecuritiesExchange Act 43 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 43 Based Compensation Expense 43 Nominations Sent 43 Discharge Petition 43 Hms Holdings Corp 43 Harsh snowstorms 43 Dstv highlights 43 Extended Benefits 43 Abdullah Batarfi Yasir 43 Repealed 43 #.# #D T 43 Fee Disclosure 43 Repl 43 Cloture 43 Safer Alternatives 43 Revenue Stabilization 43 swift enactment 43 Choppy Trading Persists 43 Veterans Affairs Appropriations 43 HOUSE MINORITY LEADER 43 INDIVIDUALS WHO 43 Veto Override 43 Headwaters Incorporated Announces 43 Resolve False Claims 43 Mohammad Sundal 43 Homeowner Protection 43 Climate Stewardship 43 YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE 43 adopted CICA Handbook 43 Temporary Worker 43 BuzzFlash Mailbag 43 Terrorist Surveillance 43 Narrowly Passes 43 Troubled Assets Recovery 43 Defense Appropriations 43 Bob Corker R Tenn 43 heftiest rebates 43 legislation 43 Cumulative placements 43 Food Allergen Labeling 43 Evan Bayh D-Ind. 43 PrimeSUITE ® 43 Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification 43 McCarran Fergurson Act 43 OF COUNCIL AMENDING 43 Naturalization Certificate 43 Stupak Pitts amendment 43 CFPA oversight 43 Terrorism Risk 43 2B refill 43 Lily Ledbetter Fair 43 resolution H.Res 43 SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 43 SJ Res 43 theSecurities Act 43 See 43 Employee Compensation 43 enhanced FMAP 42 Reduce Deficit 42 Regulate Control 42 Sens. Tim Grendell 42 Proposed Legislation 42 Jim McDermott D-Wash. 42 enacted 42 § 8C 1 42 Sens. Arlen Specter R-Pa. 42 Broadcast Indecency 42 PPACA 42 Sotomayor Confirmation 42 ERISA preempts 42 Bailed Out Firms 42 stimulus package 42 Homebuilder Confidence 42 ARB No.# 42 Illegal Immigration Enforcement 42 JACOB LANGSTON ORLANDO SENTINEL 42 Partial Birth Abortion Ban 42 Performance Incentive Plan 42 Nonprescription Drug Consumer 42 Ending Offshoring Act 42 PAYGO rules 42 Tax Incentive Program 42 GreenLane Maritime Cargo 42 nonpartisan CBO 42 Medicare Prescription Drug 42 Project BioShield 42 Non Controlling Interests 42 Balances accruing interest 42 House 42 seasonally unadjusted payroll 42 FEET WATER 42 Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations 42 Utilicare 42 Form NT #Q 42 Workplace Flexibility 42 Status Passed 42 Earmark Reform 42 speedily enacted 42 Barbara Mikulski D-Md. 42 Bankruptcy Reform Act 42 Bicycle Commuter Act 42 Jessica Papini Of 42 Unborn Child Pain 42 Equal Remuneration 42 Nondiscrimination Act 42 ESSB 42 Stats. 42 SCHIP reauthorization 42 Schwarzenegger vetoed 42 Homebuyer Assistance 42 http:/ id = #,goalpost padding 42 Meena Thiruvengadam Of 42 Equal Pay Act 42 Trade Adjustment Assistance 42 Tort Reform 42 By Baiju NT 42 Deficit Hits 42 HDTV Listings 42 Civil False Claims 42 Form 8K filed 42 Non Discrimination Act 42 Dec #,# 42 Funding Advancements 42 By Supratim Sanyal 42 CONDITION AND 42 & Christiane Pelz 42 Coalition Applauds 42 Job Killing 42 James C. Capretta 42 adviser Rahm Emmanuel 42 Junk Fax 42 DEFICIT REDUCTION CBO 42 bill 42 Leading Indicators Rise 42 advocate Grover Norquist 42 Affordable Care 42 O. Reg 42 Hardrock Mining 42 Inc. incorporated 42 Downgrade Criteria June 42 PMCS symbol 42 Mentally Impaired Persons 42 Emmett Till Unsolved 42 TO REPEAL 42 avid earmarker 42 Guest Worker 42 Religious Freedom Protection 42 Healthcare Identifiers Bill 42 MEDICAID 42 Intelligence Identities 42 #.#-# Instructions 42 Reps. Rahm Emanuel 42 Stimulus Checks 42 Jobless Claims Drop 42 strengthen whistleblower protections 42 SSBCI 42 Economy Sheds 42 Total nonfarm payroll 42 LaTroy Hawkins rhp