Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 66 Emotions Anonymous meets 66 Trinity Lutheran Church 65 Grace Lutheran Church 64 Calvary Lutheran Church 63 Lutheran Church 63 Redeemer Lutheran Church 63 Zumbro Lutheran Church 63 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 63 Immanuel Lutheran Church 63 Bethel Lutheran Church 63 United Methodist Church 63 Atonement Lutheran Church 63 Congregational UCC 62 Mount Calvary Lutheran 62 Pilgrim Congregational Church 62 Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church 61 Weekday Masses 61 First Presbyterian Church 61 Lutheran Church ELCA 61 Faith Lutheran Church 61 Incarnation Lutheran Church 61 Bethany Presbyterian Church 61 Messiah Lutheran Church 61 Emmanuel Lutheran Church 61 Our Saviour Lutheran 61 Mount Olive Lutheran Church 61 Bethlehem Lutheran Church 61 Gethsemane Lutheran Church 60 First Congregational UCC 60 Women Aglow 60 Bethany Reformed Church 60 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 60 Holy Cross Lutheran Church 60 Matthias Episcopal Church 60 Hope Lutheran Church 60 Westminister Presbyterian Church 60 Bethany Lutheran Church 60 Epiphany Lutheran Church 60 Belle Aire Baptist Church 60 Eastminster Presbyterian Church 59 Grace Covenant Presbyterian 59 Luthern Church 59 Holy Cross Episcopal Church 59 Gibbsville Reformed Church 59 Christ Lutheran Church 59 Dutilh Road 59 Bull Shoals Presbyterian Church 59 Zion Lutheran Church 59 BUSINESSMEN 'S FELLOWSHIP 59 candlelight communion 59 Faith Baptist Church 59 Aglow International 59 Baptist Church fellowship hall 59 Resurrection Lutheran 59 Concordia Lutheran Church 59 Ebenezer Lutheran Church 59 chorus rehearses 59 Hosanna Lutheran Church 59 Soup supper 59 Fairlawn Lutheran Church 58 Pinochle Games 58 Overeaters Anonymous meets 58 St. Ansgar Lutheran Church 58 Universalist Unitarian Church 58 Our Redeemer Lutheran 58 candlelight Christmas Eve 58 Mount Zion Lutheran Church 58 Subud Hall 58 Sacrament Meeting 58 Leeland Heights Blvd 58 Faith Reformed Church 58 Filbert Ave 58 Cottman Ave 58 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran 58 Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 58 Bethany Evangelical Lutheran 58 Ascension Lutheran 58 Hesston Mennonite Church 58 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 58 Calvary Presbyterian Church 58 Macedonia AME 58 Gethsemane Baptist Church 58 Congregational Church 58 Multiple Sclerosis Support 58 Faith Evangelical Presbyterian 58 St. Alban Episcopal 58 Olive Missionary Baptist 58 Untied Methodist Church 58 Serenity Alanon meeting 57 # Northcliffe Blvd 57 Our Savior Lutheran 57 Nativity Lutheran Church 57 Atonement Lutheran 57 Frazeysburg Presbyterian Church 57 Beautiful Savior Lutheran 57 Quilt Guild meets 57 Immanuel Reformed Church 57 Ascension Lutheran Church 57 Ashbury Ave 57 Emmanuel Episcopal Church 57 Bethesda Lutheran Church 57 choir cantata 57 Congregational Church UCC 57 Springhill Baptist Church 57 Berean Baptist Church 57 Lenten luncheons 57 Christ Episcopal Church 57 Celebrate Recovery meets 57 Oaklandon Road 57 Northside Baptist Church 57 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 57 Orthodox Congregational Church 57 Meets #:#-#:# 57 Agape Fellowship 57 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 57 Piney Grove Baptist Church 56 NE Marysville 56 Augustana Lutheran Church 56 Plymouth Congregational Church 56 Mukilteo Presbyterian Church 56 Wednesdays 56 Mount Tabor Lutheran Church 56 Al Anon meets 56 Nazarene Church 56 Pilgrim Lutheran Church 56 Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church 56 Evangelical Congregational Church 56 Unitarian Fellowship 56 Boonville Noyes 56 Emanuel Lutheran Church 56 Libertyville Civic 56 Calvary Church 56 Abundant Life Tabernacle 56 Acton Congregational Church 56 Alcoholics Victorious 56 WELCA 56 Eyland Ave 56 Spring Rummage Sale 56 Men Prayer Breakfast 56 Deckner Ave 56 Peace Lutheran Church 56 Christian Reformed Church 56 UNITED METHODIST 56 Epiphany Episcopal Church 56 Duluth Gospel Tabernacle 56 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 56 Calvary Episcopal Church 56 Christmas Eve candlelight 56 Chorale rehearses 56 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 56 Westminster Presbyterian Church 56 Calvary Evangelical Lutheran 56 First Congregational 55 Bible Study 55 Abundant Life Church 55 Choir rehearsal 55 Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church 55 Narcotics Anonymous meets 55 CHRIST SCIENTIST 55 Emmanuel Baptist Church 55 Alzheimer Caregiver Support 55 Holy Spirit Lutheran Church 55 Sensibly TOPS meets 55 Quilting Circle 55 Cornerstone Missionary Baptist 55 Olivet Presbyterian Church 55 Oneg Shabbat follows 55 Victory Tabernacle 55 Calvary Missionary Baptist Church 55 Creswell Presbyterian Church 55 Apostolic Christian 55 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 55 choir rehearses 55 Churchville Ave 55 Zion UCC 55 Congregation Agudas Achim 55 Graceview Presbyterian Church 55 Evangelist Parish 55 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 55 United Meth odist 55 Fitzhugh Blvd 55 Holiness Tabernacle 55 Christ Congregational 55 Apostolic Lutheran Church 55 Advent Lutheran Church 55 Chancel choir 55 candlelight Communion 55 Candlelight Communion 55 Tenebrae service 55 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 55 Covered dish 55 Parish Unitarian 55 United Metho dist 55 Minnetonka Blvd 55 Gamblers Anonymous meets 55 n PlayAway #:#-#:# 55 Orthros 55 Parkview Baptist Church 55 Glory Lutheran Church 55 Hymn Sing 55 Greensky Hill 55 Apostolic Lighthouse 55 Mennonite Fellowship 55 Immanuel Trinity Lutheran 55 Pilgrim Congregational 55 Parish Congregational Church 55 Singspiration 55 Savior Lutheran Church 55 Ascension Episcopal Church 55 Vesper Hall 55 BETHEL AME 55 Immanuel Anglican 55 Holy Unction 55 Lenten supper 55 N. Maney 55 Covenant Church 55 Epworth UM 55 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE 55 Fairmount Presbyterian Church 55 Chetek Lutheran Church 55 CO DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS 55 Spiritual Awareness 55 Docent tours 55 Serenity Al Anon 55 Prayer Shawl Ministry 55 7 9p.m 54 Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist 54 Hedgcoxe Road 54 Servant Lutheran Church 54 E. Camino Colegio 54 Striar Jewish Community 54 Convent Chapel 54 Eastminster 54 Shepherd Lutheran Church 54 DIXIELAND JAZZ 54 Epsicopal Church 54 Apostolic Faith Church 54 Quilting Sewing 54 Chorus rehearses 54 Midweek Lenten 54 Brethren Church 54 Lurleen Wallace Blvd 54 Prayer Shawl 54 Easter Cantata 54 Taize worship 54 Northcliffe Blvd 54 Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran 54 CHURCH Worship 54 Westgate Chapel 54 Sweetheart Banquet 54 Fellowship Baptist Church 54 Teen MOPS 54 Grace Evangelical Lutheran 54 Mount Carmel Baptist Church 54 Poklasny Funeral Home 54 Barterbrook Road Staunton 54 Holy Communion Lutheran Church 54 First Congregational Church 54 Aglow Lighthouse 54 Christmas Eve Candlelight 54 Jamestown Philomenian Library 54 Spotswood Baptist Church 54 Ev Kuder 54 Lutheran Church fellowship hall 54 & CREMATION CENTRE 54 Lutheran Preschool 54 Co Dependents Anonymous 54 church narthex 54 Faith Evangelical 54 Cornerstone Baptist Church 54 Baha'i Unity 54 Religion briefs 54 Augsburg Lutheran Church 54 Taize prayer 54 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 54 Presbyterian Church 54 Grace Episcopal Church 54 Koinonia Recovery Group 54 Our Saviors Lutheran 54 Oak Grove Missionary Baptist 54 Abiding Savior Lutheran Church 54 Molloy Murfreesboro 54 Episcopal Parish 54 Linden Linthicum 54 Exmore Baptist Church 54 Cumberland Presbyterian Church 54 Salad Luncheon 54 Immanuel Baptist Church 54 SEXUAL ABUSE TREATMENT 54 Missionary Church 54 Mount Zion Baptist 54 Horseheads Elks Lodge 54 Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist 54 Moorings Presbyterian Church 54 Quilters Guild meets 54 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship 54 fellowship hall 54 Businessmen Fellowship 54 Reformed UCC 54 Zion Evangelical 54 Divine liturgy 54 ROAST BEEF DINNER 54 Evesham Rd 54 Stutsmanville Chapel 54 First Baptist Church 54 Methodist Church fellowship hall 54 SOLO FLIGHT SINGLES 54 noon Resurrection Lutheran 54 Non denominational 54 Juneau Gastineau Rotary Club 54 POETRY WORKSHOP 54 Apostle Roman Catholic 54 Messiah Lutheran 54 Al Anon Family 54 Immanuel Bible 54 Calvary Baptist Church 54 Olivet Lutheran Church 54 Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church 54 Saron Church 54 Alcoholics Anonymous Closed 53 Weekend Masses 53 St. Barnabas Episcopal 53 Fall Rummage Sale 53 Seasons Hospice 53 Parastas 53 Overeaters Anonymous Meets 53 Aguajito Road Carmel 53 Traditional Worship 53 Abundant Life Ministries 53 Dunstan Episcopal Church 53 Apheresis platelet collections 53 Preschool storytime 53 Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren 53 Duplicate bridge 53 Kiwanis Club meets 53 NE Vivion 53 Danby Federated Church 53 Sinai Missionary Baptist 53 Sedge Garden Road 53 Immanuel Presbyterian Church 53 Caregivers Support Group 53 Diamond Causeway 53 HOLIDAY BAZAAR 53 Lupus Support 53 N. Halcyon 53 Handbell Concert 53 Wesley Monumental United 53 Ruritan Building 53 Potluck dinner 53 Prospector Hotel 53 Badou Drive 53 Immanuel Evangelical 53 Friedens Lutheran Church 53 Freewill Baptist Church 53 GARDEN CLUB meets 53 #-# Ditmars Blvd 53 BAHA'I FAITH 53 PRAYER MEETING 53 Trinity Reformed Church 53 Meets #:#-# [002] 53 Manchester Singers rehearse 53 Alateen meets 53 Benfield Blvd 53 Lifepoint Church 53 EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP 53 Shady Grove Baptist Church 53 Criswell Ada 53 Holy Comforter 53 Labyrinth Walk 53 Dayspring Fellowship 53 Serengeti Trek 53 Redwoods Presbyterian Church 53 Risen Savior Lutheran Church 53 Sensibly meets 53 St. Felicitas 53 MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS 53 Mount Moriah AME 53 Konrad Behlman Funeral Home 53 Immanuel Ev 53 Bartholomew Episcopal Church 53 Al Anon Meetings 53 Nicollet Av 53 Bull Shoals Historical Society 53 Latonia Baptist Church 53 Fieldfare Ave 53 DISCUSSION GROUP 53 Tiburon Blvd 53 CHURCH Holy Eucharist 53 ALZHEIMER 'S CAREGIVER SUPPORT 53 Zion AME 53 Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 53 Sideburn Road Fairfax 53 SPAGHETTI SUPPER 53 Enon Baptist Church 53 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 53 Beverly Unitarian Universalist 53 Duplicate bridge #:# 53 Beulah Baptist Church 53 Unitarian Universalist Congregation 53 Calvary Fellowship 53 Redeemer Lutheran 53 Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 53 Brookland Baptist 53 Mukilteo Blvd 53 UNIVERSAL PEACE 53 #S# Route 53 Israelite Baptist Church 53 Mount Tabor Baptist Church 53 Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist 53 Marlborough Congregational 53 Outings accepted 53 Ostomy Support Group 53 Thursdays #:# 53 Holy Apostles Parish 53 Contemporary Worship 53 Register 53 Suttons Bay Congregational Church 53 Zion Mennonite 53 * Macatawa Resource 52 JW Filmore 52 DesignAcard workshop 52 Lighthouse Tabernacle 52 Sunnycrest Baptist Church 52 Calvary Evangelical 52 Friendship Feast 52 Braswell Chateau Villa 52 Elim Lutheran Church 52 Mon. Thu 52 Parkwood Baptist Church 52 Dularge Branch Library 52 First Universalist Church 52 Takeouts available 52 TOPS Chapter 52 52 DISCOVERY PLACE 52 Trinity Episcopal Church 52 AME ZION CHURCH 52 Abiding Hope 52 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 52 Northcliffe Baptist Church 52 Calvary Lutheran 52 Theotokos Greek Orthodox 52 Aldersgate Methodist Church 52 REVIVAL SERVICES 52 Eckley Lane 52 Burnt Store Presbyterian Church 52 John Nepomucene Catholic 52 Crossview 52 Pancake supper 52 Havenwood Lane 52 Tenebrae Service 52 WICHMANN FUNERAL HOME 52 Olive Baptist Church 52 Moriah Baptist Church 52 Calvary Tabernacle 52 Glad Tidings Assembly 52 Genealogical Society meets 52 congregation worships 52 Epworth Methodist Church 52 Corinth Reformed United 52 Rummage sale 52 Fairview Mennonite 52 Fairmount Blvd 52 E. Bobier 52 Outwest Steakhouse NC 52 Spiritual Path Foundation 52 Greenside Drive 52 Libal St. 52 Northminster Presbyterian Church 52 Covenant Presbyterian Church 52 # SEUS 52 GriefShare Support Group 52 Noank Baptist Church 52 Businessmen Fellowship International 52 Toddlertime 52 Reformed Church 52 Bidwell Presbyterian Church 52 toddler storytime 52 Lind Funeral Home 52 Galactic Blast 52 Zele Funeral Home 52 McDow Funeral Home 52 Northbrae Community Church 52 Ridgecrest Baptist Church 52 am holy eucharist 52 COMMUNITY CHURCH 52 Soup Suppers 52 Tai Chi Classes 52 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING 52 Victorious Living 52 Fernwood Baptist Church 52 Trinity Presbyterian Church 52 PINOCHLE GAMES 52 GUITAR HERO Jam Session 52 Primitive Methodist Church 52 Alum Springs 52 Exodus Missionary 52 Youree Drive Shreveport 52 Brunner Farmhouse 52 Wyandotte Grange 52 Sensibly TOPS 52 Trinitarian Congregational Church 52 Aldersgate United 52 Lompoc Foursquare 52 Holy Comforter Episcopal Church 52 Mater Dolorosa Catholic 52 Euchre Tournament 52 Monte Vista Ave 52 Bonnerup Funeral Service 52 STEP RECOVERY GROUP 52 Gospel Tabernacle 52 Singers rehearse 52 #G Capitola Ave 52 Annual Rummage Sale 52 Estero Monterey 52 S. Portage Path 52 Wichmann Funeral Home 52 Golden Agers 52 Valhi Blvd 52 Resurrection Parish 52 Crazy Quilters 52 Ladusau Evans Enid 52 Good Shepherd Episcopal 52 Believers Fellowship 52 candlelighting 52 Epworth UMC 52 î ¿ Al Anon 52 Orlando Donsante Funeral Home 52 Midweek worship 52 St. Zepherin 52 Plandome Rd 52 Fireside Room 52 Retz Funeral Home 52 Baptist Chruch 52 Serenity Seekers 52 Bethany Baptist Church 52 UCC Congregational 52 YWCA Wausau 52 Joyful Harvest 52 AA noon Ryanwood 52 Somerford Place 52 Meal Site 52 Camino Tassajara Danville 52 Ygnacio Valley Library 52 Crosspoint Church 52 Jimmy Guy Cottengim 52 Blueberry Twist 52 Glad Tidings Church 52 Olive Knolls 52 WomenVenture St. 52 N# Hwy 52 Methodist Church 52 Advent Moravian 52 Ritchay Funeral Home 52 Candlelight Christmas Eve 52 Vigil Mass 51 Freewill Baptist 51 Chorus rehearsal 51 Faith Tabernacle 51 Galilee Lutheran Church 51 Ethel Berger 51 Tactile Toddler Time 51 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 51 Call #-#-# ext 51 San Damiano Retreat 51 Candlelighting 51 LUTHERAN CHURCH 51 Alfy Pizza 51 Zion Holiness 51 Annunciation Church 51 CLUB meets 51 GENEALOGY SOCIETY 51 Minnesota WorkForce 51 Sydenstricker Road Burke 51 Vero Beach #:#-#:# [004] 51 # Roseland 51 Log Cabin Quilters 51 Pohick Library 51 Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church 51 EESAC meets 51 FALL BAZAAR 51 Baptist Church 51 W. Chelten Ave 51 Holy Name Parish 51 Olivet Congregational Church 51 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 51 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 51 9a.m. noon 51 Hilldale Baptist Church 51 E. Matilija 51 Place Euchre 51 Mobberly Baptist Church 51 Graymoor Spiritual Life 51 OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 51 Taftville Congregational Church 51 Vero Beach #:#-# [002] 51 Preschoolers MOPS 51 Pisgah Baptist Church 51 Emmaus Lutheran Church 51 Pequotsepos Road 51 Ruritan Rd 51 Temple Beit HaYam 51 Friends Meetinghouse 51 Trinity AME Zion 51 Loxley Civic 51 Intercessory Prayer 51 Nicotine Anonymous 51 Joyful Noise Choir 51 Devotional gatherings 51 Valley Quilters Guild 51 N. Trenholm 51 TOPS AR 51 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 51 Smyrna Gratitude Group 51 Congregation Or Atid 51 FIRST CHURCH OF 51 Deliverance Tabernacle 51 Westgor Funeral Home 51 potluck brunch 51 Seder Meal 51 SE Cowls St. 51 Canaan Missionary Baptist 51 Mount Olivet Lutheran Church 51 Wheatland Retirement 51 Depression Bipolar Support 51 Sardis Baptist Church 51 Holy Eucharist Rite 51 Fire Baptized Holiness 51 Area Rug Hookers 51 PAUL 'S EPISCOPAL 51 Dorothy Pecaut Nature 51 Reiki Healing Circle 51 GOSPEL SINGING 51 Errett Circle 51 Candlelight Communion Service 51 Junkins Ave 51 Grief Support Group 51 Vallombrosa Ave 51 Spiritual Awakening 51 CCW Rosary 51 Great Vespers 51 Mennonite Brethren Church 51 Galilee Baptist Church 51 Greater Bethel AME 51 BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING 51 Kindergarten orientation 51 Christ Evangelical Lutheran 51 #-#-# 51 Le Peep Restaurant 51 Wiget Lane Walnut Creek 51 Luke Episcopal Church 51 Fishersville Baptist Church 51 Melrose Unitarian Universalist 51 Anacapa Drive 51 Tot Shabbat 51 Brain Injury Support 51 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 51 Presbyterian Preschool 51 Grace Brethren Church 51 Divorced Separated 51 Temple Apostolic Church 51 Gages Lake Road 51 Presbyterian Church fellowship hall 51 W. Lugonia Ave 51 Sedge Garden 51 Macatawa Resource Center 51 Elachee Nature Science 51 HARMONY BAPTIST CHURCH 51 Manor Apartments Sherrill 51 NARFE Chapter 51 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 51 Huehns Funeral Home 51 Vinje Lutheran Church 51 Alcoholics Anonymous meets 51 Bethesda Missionary Baptist 51 Pathway Ministries 51 holy eucharist 51 Tuesdays #:#-# 51 Apostolic Temple 51 Unity Freewill Baptist 51 S. Kalmia St. 51 Covenant Congregational Church 51 N. Edgelawn Drive 51 THE NAZARENE 51 Hospice Grief Support 51 Piecemakers Quilt Guild 51 N. Halagueno St. 51 GEORGE 'S EPISCOPAL 51 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets 51 Mount Hermon Baptist Church 51 LINE DANCE CLASS 51 Beth Tikvah Congregation 51 Abundant Life Fellowship 51 Ostomy Association 51 Holy Trinity Orthodox 51 Tuesdays #-#:# [002] 51 COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR 51 Niblack Funeral Home 51 Salamonie Interpretive Center 51 Antioch Baptist Church 51 Better Breathers 51 Evangelistic Church 51 Immaculate Conception Parish 51 SE Floresta Drive 51 MOUNT CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 51 Tue. Wed 51 SANTA MARIA Wednesdays 51 Congregational Holiness 51 Pray Petoskey 51 Barterbrook Road 51 HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL 51 Audrey Espeland 51 NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY 51 S. Enota Drive 51 Northland Arboretum 51 Potluck Dinner 51 Yntema Funeral Home 51 Church N# Streblow 51 NEW HOPE BAPTIST 51 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 51 Evangelical Lutheran 51 Cypress Amphitheater 51 Christ Reformed UCC 51 Southdale Library 51 Lomar Park Pepperell 51 Johnnycake Ridge Road 51 Immaculate Conception Church 51 vesper service 51 Bid Euchre 51 soup supper 51 Swearingen Seminole 51 FIRST UNITED METHODIST 51 Scarritt Bennett Center 51 Leavittsburg weigh 51 Armsdale Administration Building 51 Open trapshooting 51 Mount Pisgah Baptist Church 51 Speedwell Presbyterian Church 51 Adult Activity 50 Choral Evensong 50 Reformed Presbyterian Church 50 Potluck luncheon 50 Prima Vista Blvd 50 Gardendale Civic 50 Extension Homemakers Club 50 SPECIAL SERVICE 50 Broadmoor Baptist Church 50 Zion Tabernacle 50 Choral Eucharist 50 Waldensian Presbyterian Church 50 S. Buol Lane 50 SPRING RUMMAGE SALE 50 Fondren Presbyterian Church 50 Werner Harmsen Funeral Home 50 Guided Hike 50 Gospel Lighthouse 50 Bounds Funeral Home 50 Macken Funeral Home 50 Wesley Monumental 50 Visitation Visitation 50 Sacred Heart Parish 50 Fireweed Place 50 Mimi Cafe # 50 THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 50 Immanuel Congregational Church 50 Meets #-#:# pm 50 Oneg Shabbat 50 Boman Funeral Home 50 Evangelical Free 50 iStrategy Studio 50 Worship 50 Dotsonville Community Center 50 Clapboard Ridge Road 50 Parish Unitarian Universalist 50 Meets Thursdays 50 Michaelson Funeral Home 50 Aglow 50 Congregation Eitz Chaim 50 Pastor Appreciation 50 Rhoadesville Baptist Church 50 Cresthill Drive 50 Stafford Weathervane restaurant 50 Gastric Bypass Support 50 Jakubs Danaher Funeral Home 50 MARK 'S EPISCOPAL 50 CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 50 Ruminski Funeral Home 50 Cholesterol Screenings 50 SPAGHETTI DINNER 50 Dain Cullinan Funeral Home 50 AGLOW 50 Potluck lunch 50 Seekonk Congregational Church 50 Terry Armes 50 am/# 50 Stonegate Fellowship 50 GRIEF SHARE 50 WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 50 # Innerarity Point 50 Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 50 Lenten worship 50 choir rehearsal 50 Adult Choir 50 Naples Quilters Guild 50 Fellowship Church 50 Bid euchre 50 Cozy Diner 50 Volunteer Orientation 50 Ward Evangelical Presbyterian 50 Passionist Retreat Center 50 OF JESUS CHRIST 50 BIBLE STUDY 50 Tom Snyderwine 50 Dapron Drive Belleville 50 Joslyn Senior 50 Vero Beach #:#-#:# [002] 50 Carillon Assisted Living 50 Holy Temple COGIC 50 Mausoleum Chapel 50 Rev. Rolo Castillo 50 DEPOT MUSEUM 50 Sunol Blvd 50 Potti Funeral Home 50 Full Gospel Businessmen 50 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser 50 Audelia Road 50 W# Hwy 50 YORK STREET BAPTIST 50 METHODIST CHURCH 50 LUCAS MANSION GALLERY Hiddenite 50 Kostner Ave 50 pm Skip bo 50 Isaiah Fredericks 50 Arner Funeral Chapel 50 Beginning Knitting 50 GriefShare 50 LePeep Restaurant 50 Abundant Life Baptist Church 50 UAME Church 50 Bethel Reformed Church 50 Carverton 50 Savior Evangelical Lutheran 50 Mystic Noank Library 50 Living Sober 50 First Spiritualist Church 50 Homemakers Club 50 Preregistration required 50 Western Sizzlin Steakhouse 50 Christus Victor 50 Evangelist Church 50 dependents Anonymous 50 Mount Zion AME 50 GROUP Meets 50 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 50 Bealeton Library 50 sponsoring spaghetti dinner 50 Widowed Friends 50 Edgell Road 50 First Universalist 50 Soup Supper 50 Universalist Fellowship 50 Zoar Lutheran Church 50 Preschool Story Time 50 Advent Vespers 50 Outlaw Karaoke 50 Messianic Synagogue 50 am. 50 Canadian Calorie Counters 50 ALLIANCE CHURCH 50 Holy Rosary Church 50 Callaghan Mortuary 50 Altar Guild 50 Spaghetti supper 50 pm Greeneville Congregational 50 GriefShare recovery 50 Hamot Heart 50 Bethel Baptist Church 50 Nondenominational 50 Fairytale puppets 50 Ebenezer Methodist Church 50 Off Pounds Sensibly 50 Zion Missionary Baptist Church 50 Kidron Mennonite Church 50 Silliman Activity 50 Parkinson Disease Support 50 Unitarian Church 50 Soup Luncheon 50 Woodfin Chapel Smyrna 50 N. Halagueno 50 ECKANKAR 50 potluck luncheon 50 Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church 50 Evangelistic Temple 50 Congregation B'nai Shalom 50 Lighthouse Ministries 50 HPH Hospice 50 Annunciation BVM Church 50 Applegrove St. 50 Bibleway 50 Mount Moriah Baptist Church 50 CHRISTIAN CENTER 50 Shadelands Art 50 Assumption Greek Orthodox 50 SCHOOL REUNION 50 HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR 50 Pastoral Anniversary 50 Trinity Baptist Church 50 Hollow Quilt Guild 50 Kiwanis Pancake Day 50 Unitarian Society 50 # Lappans Road 50 SE Airoso Blvd 50 Pax Christi Catholic 50 Trinity Episcopal Cathedral 50 McRaith Funeral Home 50 Funeral Home Clintonville 50 PARKINSON 'S SUPPORT GROUP 50 Lenten Luncheon 50 Temple Ner Tamid 50 Elsie Quirk Public 50 Pope Presides Over 50 TENTH STREET UNITED METHODIST 50 Duplicate Bridge 50 Spring Pops Concert 50 WORSHIP SERVICE 50 Cookie Walk 50 BestHealth 50 Oenoke Ridge 50 TEENS SUPPORT GROUP 50 Solemn Liturgy 50 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 50 Eckankar Religion 50 Lutheran Church LCMS 50 Missionary Baptist Church 50 TOPS OH 50 Stumpff Bartlesville 50 Loving Hands 50 Mount Olive AME 50 Nicotine Anonymous meets 50 Tewksbury Congregational Church 50 Camano Senior 50 WARE FUNERAL HOME 50 Calvary Pentecostal Church 50 Seton Parish 50 LOS ANGELES MARITIME MUSEUM 50 Abundant Grace 50 Potluck supper 50 Unitarian Universalist Society 50 Kanuga Road 50 Spiritual Formation 50 Camelot Ballroom 50 Alzheimer Caregivers Support 50 Drive Thru Nativity 50 Matterhorn Restaurant 50 Metropolitan Interdenominational 50 Spiritual Gifts 50 CHURCH UCC 50 Church 50 Saanich Rd 50 Riverview Evangelical 50 WOMEN 'S SUPPORT GROUP 50 Freewill offering 50 Better Breathers Club 50 n ALZHEIMER 'S 50 Temple Etz Chaim 50 Barrell Lane 50 Siloam Baptist Church 50 St. Adalbert Church 50 Thrift shop 50 Callahan Edfast Mortuary 50 HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 50 #:#-# pm [002] 50 Sno Isle Genealogical Society 50 Wentworth Connections 50 NW Vesper 50 Alterra Sterling House 50 Dartball 50 Wayland McClung 50 W. Sinto Ave 50 Bedtime Storytime 50 HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING 50 Casterline Funeral Home 50 McGoodwin Avenue 50 SWISS STEAK DINNER 50 Lenten soup 50 Ultreya 50 CELEBRATE RECOVERY 50 Stonecroft Ministries 50 Chetco Lane 50 Bodelson Mahn Chapel 49 St. Rte. 49 Presbyterian Church Fellowship 49 Hilfiker Elementary School 49 Transfiguration Church 49 Wed. Sun 49 Sinsinawa 49 pm Mon. Thu 49 CROSSVILLE TOPS Take 49 Revival Tabernacle