Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 73 Soaring 69 Surging 66 Falling 63 rising 63 Skyrocketing 62 Spiraling 61 Rocketing 58 Spiralling 58 Higher 57 soaring 57 Rapidly rising 56 Escalating 54 Declining 53 Dwindling 53 Plunging 52 Waning 52 Plummeting 52 Increasing 52 Spiking 50 skyrocketing 50 sky rocketing 50 surging 50 Dearer 49 Sluggish 49 Increased 49 Shrinking 49 RISING 48 Decreasing 48 Sinking 48 Steadily rising 48 Diminishing 48 Stagnating 48 rises 47 Mounting 47 Weaker 46 rise 46 Volatile 46 Fluctuating 46 Weak 46 soar 46 Slumping 46 Slowing 46 Low 45 Lower 45 Costlier 45 Weakening 45 Scarcity 44 Heightened 44 Snowballing 44 Reduced 44 Burgeoning 44 spiraling 44 Stagnant 44 Receding 44 Rise 44 rocketing 44 Easing 43 Sagging 43 Lackluster 43 Elevated 43 Oversupply 43 Rapidly escalating 43 Lowering 43 Diminished 43 Slower 43 SOARING 43 Unrelenting 43 Inflated 42 Crumbling 42 Exploding 42 Fading 42 Collapsing 42 Tumbling 42 Lingering 42 Rising Faster Than 42 Subsiding 42 Deteriorating 42 Rampant 42 Exorbitant 42 Stronger 42 Recessionary 41 SPIRALLING 41 Rises 41 Worsening 41 ROCKETING 41 Sharply 41 Istanbul Menelaos Hadjicostis 41 Continue Upward 41 Stabilizing 41 Raising 41 Steep declines 41 Slackening 40 Lowered 40 Continue Decline 40 Spurt 40 Stubbornly 40 Withering 40 Nudge Higher 40 Boosting 40 Faltering 40 Decelerating 40 Evaporating 40 Rekindled 40 WINNIPEG Closing 40 Considers Raising 39 Excessive 39 Intensifying 39 Prices Soar 39 Fizzling 39 Booming 39 Dampened 39 Tighter 39 Worries 39 Firmer commodity 39 CANADA STOCKS 39 Dismal 39 Decreased 39 skyrocket 39 Unprecedented 39 upward spiral 39 Tepid 38 Increases 38 Persistently 38 Worries Linger 38 Weaker Dollar 38 Eroding 38 Fear 38 Creep Higher 38 Unabated 38 Inflation Worries 38 Sliding 38 Sapping 38 Unsustainable 38 Hun Kai Properties 38 Continue Climb 38 Roiling 38 Persistent 38 Reducing 38 Downward pressure 38 Climbing 38 soars 38 risen 38 Glut 37 Drop Slightly 37 Weakness 37 Bulging 37 Curtailed 37 Renewed 37 Leveling Off 37 Stagnant wages 37 Upward 37 Benefits Outweigh 37 surge 37 Supply Shortage 37 Slowdowns 37 Softer 37 Accelerating 37 escalating 37 Subsides 37 Huge 37 Deflationary 37 Slowdown 37 Steeply rising 37 Geopolitical concerns 37 Subdued 37 Runaway 37 surges 37 Swooning 37 Rise Update1 37 Buoyant 37 Sustained 37 Roiled 37 Wildly fluctuating 37 Keeps Climbing 37 Meagre 37 plummeting 37 Anemic 37 Swelling 37 Near Record Lows 37 Prices Climb 37 Retreating 37 Shortfalls 37 Jitters 37 spiraling upwards 36 Ballooning 36 Blistering 36 Declines 36 Galloping 36 Creeps Higher 36 Festering 36 Fluctuate 36 Dip Slightly 36 Overestimated 36 Lagging 36 Raging 36 Changing demographics 36 Impending 36 Extend Decline 36 Lessening 36 Unexpected 36 MARKET WATCH 36 Hover Near 36 Headwinds 36 Steep 36 Shortages 36 Steady 36 Freefalling 36 Unrest 36 Jump Sharply 36 Firmer 36 Interest Rate Worries 36 Strong 36 Dragged Down 36 great follybeachgal 36 Seen Boosting 36 Fears 36 Upping 36 Douses 36 Drops Slightly 36 Melting 36 Uneven 36 Pares Gains 36 Recession Fears 36 Them Thar 36 Mostly Unchanged 36 Burning 36 Hiked 36 Steadying 36 Influx 36 risin 36 Melting glaciers 36 skyrocketting 36 risen astronomically 36 Moderating 36 Inflationary 35 Rate Rises 35 Fluctuates 35 Dust Storms 35 Dropping 35 Finish Mixed 35 Pinched 35 risen sharply 35 exerting upward 35 Looming 35 Nears Record 35 Prices Jump 35 soared 35 Mushrooming 35 Drought 35 Prices Tumble 35 Flagging 35 Holding Steady 35 dwindling 35 Cheaper 35 Prices Rebound 35 Depleted 35 Freezing 35 Deflation Fears 35 Recessionary fears 35 Resurging 35 Stages Comeback 35 May Have Peaked 35 spike 35 Pent Up 35 Abundant 35 Prices Plunge 35 Futures Climb 35 Rise Slightly 35 Lehman Brothers economist Mingchun 35 Relentless 35 Shortage 35 Fluctuating commodity 35 Cheapening 35 Opium Cultivation 35 Uptick 35 Downward 35 skyrocketed 35 Gyrating 35 Abating 35 Futures Little Changed 35 Settle Above 35 Biz Briefing 35 Bumper crop 35 Caterpillar 4Q Profit 35 Little Changed Amid 35 Surge 35 Uncomfortably 35 Souring 35 Stabilising 35 Depleting 35 Upsurge 35 Prices Skyrocket 35 Eke Out 35 Little Changed Ahead 35 Inches Higher 35 Futures Decline 35 Inflation Soars 35 Growing 35 Fluctuations 35 resurging 35 Snowstorms 35 Seen Steady 35 Finish Higher 35 Heavy 35 Paucity 35 Continued 35 Washes Away 35 Sinking Into 35 sky rocketed 35 GLOBAL MARKETS WEEKAHEAD 35 Tightening Concerns 35 Enormous 35 RPT ANALYSIS 35 Easing Inflation 35 Inflation Concern 35 shrunken nest eggs 35 Climate Inaction 35 Crunched 35 Recede 35 PRECIOUS METALS Gold 35 Slipping Into 35 Futures Gain 35 Bone chilling 35 Encroaching 35 Ease Slightly 35 Continues Decline 35 Glaciers Melting 35 Hidden 35 Subprime Concerns 35 Resurgent 35 Tougher 35 Firmer Against 34 Unhappiness 34 Inch Up 34 Tempered 34 Drastically Reduce 34 RPT FEATURE 34 Exacerbates 34 Supply Disruption 34 Extend Declines 34 CREDIT OUTLOOK 34 Uncertainty 34 regains #k 34 Immense 34 Rise Update2 34 stagnant incomes 34 Extend Slide 34 Modest Gains 34 Prices Surge 34 Drop Sharply 34 Turbulent 34 Vanishing 34 Despair 34 Rapid urbanization 34 Stocks Tumble Amid 34 Inches Up 34 Prices Plummet 34 Sluggishness 34 Softening 34 supply gluts 34 Raw Material Costs 34 higher 34 Uncertainty abounds 34 Diminishes 34 Continue Upward Trend 34 Prices Steady 34 Pent 34 Shifting 34 Shortage Looms 34 Rising Above 34 Fiercer 34 Steep Decline 34 Darkens 34 Dwindling stockpiles 34 Stiffer 34 Desperation 34 Colder Weather 34 McSweeney Quarterly 34 Flattening 34 Population Explosion 34 Depreciating 34 Weigh Heavily 34 administrator Connie Sandbrink 34 Trades Near 34 Narrowly Mixed 34 Lacklustre 34 Plentiful 34 Recession Worries 34 Decline Sharply 34 Extend Rally 34 Output Steady 34 Bleak 34 Supply Glut 34 Skyrocketing diesel 34 Hovers Near 34 Recession 34 Oil Fluctuates 34 Inflates 34 Devalued 34 Deflating 34 lower 34 Parched 34 Futures Dip 34 Decline 34 Fears Linger 34 Ganging Up 34 Nosedive 34 WEEKEND READ 34 outlook dims 34 Swollen 34 urbanization industrialization 34 ASIA MARKETS 34 Outweigh 34 Foreboding 34 Higher Yielding Assets 34 Turmoil 34 Has Peaked 33 Low Carb Craze 33 straining pocketbooks 33 Tighter lending standards 33 Unstable 33 Interest Rate Concerns 33 Upward Pressure 33 Summary Box Wheat 33 Instability 33 microloan repayment 33 Highest Ever 33 Greenspan Warns 33 Spillover 33 Concern Eases 33 Stays Above 33 Artificially 33 Dips Slightly 33 Declines Slightly 33 Regain Ground 33 Clouded 33 Bluest 33 Ends Down 33 Inflating 33 Outstrips 33 Spamalot Wicked 33 Interest Rate Hike 33 Increase Sharply 33 Sweltering temperatures 33 Interest Rate Concern 33 Inch Higher 33 Will Worsen 33 Creeps Closer 33 Dip Below 33 Stays Steady 33 Truckers Protest 33 Treasuries Tumble 33 Trending Down 33 Inflation Fears 33 Unremitting 33 Severe 33 Conflicting signals 33 Extend Gains 33 Rate Hike Fears 33 Insufficient 33 Disappointing 33 Price Hike 33 Continue Downward Trend 33 Concerns 33 WEEKEND ECONOMIST 33 plumetting 33 Curbing 33 Algae Blooms 33 Outlook Darkens 33 Drift Lower 33 fiercer storms 33 Holds Near 33 Stocks Stumble 33 Downturn Hits 33 Alleviating 33 Stocks Rise Modestly 33 Crippling 33 Amid Slowdown 33 Perilous 33 Concerns Weigh 33 Oil Steadies 33 Soars Above 33 Ascends 33 Being Exploited 33 Seeks Clues 33 Lack 33 Prices Continue 33 Dollar Retreats 33 Pressures 33 Futures Slip 33 Hit Lowest Level 33 Personal Bankruptcies 33 Slashing 33 Modest Rebound 33 Remain Stable 33 RPT GLOBAL MARKETS WEEKAHEAD 33 racetracks outpaces customers 33 Howls 33 Gnawing 33 Sticker shock 33 Gloomy Outlook 33 Fewest requests 33 Dry Conditions 33 coral salamander 33 Record Highs 33 plumes dispersants 33 TREASURY OUTLOOK 33 Remain Elusive 33 NEWSWEEK Cover 33 Unyielding 33 Buoying 33 Spread Widens 33 Edges Down 33 UK DATA WEEKAHEAD 33 Like Jazz Nonreligious 33 Insecurity 33 Futures Drop 33 Cutbacks 33 Shifting sands 33 Overcapacity 33 Warmer weather 33 Asiaā 33 Oil Extends Gains 33 Climbs Above 33 #/#-Year High 33 Continue Slide 33 Futures Rise 33 Summary Box Copper 33 RPT TREASURIES 33 Puts Damper 33 Growth Probably Slowed 33 Teeming 33 Holds Gains 33 Unaffordable 33 Thundering 33 Excess nitrogen 33 Conquering 33 risen steeply 33 Trickles Down 33 firmer rupiah 33 Frigid 33 Heartening 33 Interest Rate Fears 33 Saving 33 Cancelation 33 Shrugging Off 33 Scorching 33 Honi Deaton 33 Summary Box Wholesale 33 Leak Causes 33 BUY OR SELL 33 Extends Gains 33 Rate Bets 33 Bloated 33 Weak Dollar 33 Stricter 33 Stalled 33 Midmorning Trading 33 Takes Breather 33 Algiers Bombings 33 Dimming 33 WINNEBAGO Neb. 33 Four Baboons Adoring 33 Bearing Brunt 33 Urban sprawl 33 Hours Tues. 33 ENERGY STOCKS 32 Stormy seas 32 Erases Gains 32 Edges Higher 32 Fluctuation 32 METALS Copper rises 32 Devastating Impact 32 Floods 32 Decline Slightly 32 Ethnic Tensions 32 Pollution Levels 32 Edges Lower 32 Subsequent spikes 32 Concern 32 Spells Doom 32 Unseasonably 32 economist Kesner Pharel 32 Slight Drop 32 Nominal GDP includes 32 Scarce 32 Drastically 32 Brazil Bovespa Rises 32 Ekes Out 32 Shortage Threatens 32 Rampaging 32 Anguish 32 Growth Slowest 32 Steady Ahead 32 Likely Slowed 32 Spills Into 32 DATAWATCH 32 Accidental Deaths 32 Is Little Changed 32 Stocks Fluctuate Amid 32 Peering Into 32 exerting downward 32 Foundering 32 Bizbits 32 resurgence 32 Headed Toward 32 Productivity Growth Slows 32 Keeps Falling 32 Export Growth Slows 32 Darkest Night 32 Europe Gasoline Naphtha 32 Flowing Into 32 Uncontrolled 32 Fallen 32 deficient monsoon rains 32 Rally Falters 32 Swelters 32 Stronger Dollar 32 Lowest Ever 32 declining 32 Widespread 32 Bitterly Cold 32 Extends Slide 32 Abates 32 Drops Sharply 32 Bombing Rises 32 Mideast Turmoil 32 Interest Rate Rise 32 Inflationary fears 32 Stocks Sag 32 Data Awaited 32 Shortage Hits 32 Inflationary Pressures 32 Midday Trading 32 Descent Into 32 Dampens 32 Probably Slowed 32 Dreamcatcher Interactive 32 Futures Tumble 32 Zombrex Dead Rising 32 Graying 32 Afghan Civilian Deaths 32 Unbearable 32 Protectionist 32 Input Costs 32 Stocks tumble 32 evaporating wealth 32 METALS Copper falls 32 Slight Gains 32 Weighs Heavily 32 Inflation Quickens 32 Unquenchable 32 MICHAEL HICKS 32 Subprime Fallout 32 Infant Mortality Rates 32 Trending Higher 32 Higher Yielding 32 Modestly Higher 32 Drags Down 32 Mass Extinctions 32 Drop Dramatically 32 Rise Faster Than 32 Rapidly 32 Snap Losing Streak 32 Debt Worries 32 Ticks Higher 32 militancy wracking 32 Stocks Extend Losses 32 Gas Prices Skyrocket 32 By CHIP TOWERS 32 Bounces Off 32 Ruinous 32 Falls Sharply 32 Prevailing 32 Reduce Operational 32 Stocks Slammed 32 Amsterdam Donna Bryson 32 Daemon Moon 32 Rise Less Than 32 DATAWATCH Hong Kong 32 Slight Decline 32 EDITORIALS 32 spiraled upward 32 increasing 32 Lunchtime Market 32 Deregulating 32 Sweeps Across 32 Rising Interest Rates 32 Steeply 32 Steadies 32 Depressed 32 Getting Hotter 32 Drooping 32 Continues Upward 32 econ worries 32 CANADIAN MARKETS 32 Scuffling 32 Backlash Against 32 Above Normal 32 Sinks Into 32 Fears Weigh 32 Midafternoon Trading 32 Bottoming Out 32 Down Slightly 32 Distillates Fuel 32 By JULIE MEHEGAN 32 Abnormally 32 Double whammy 32 CreateSpace Disc 32 Single Digit 32 Down Sharply 32 Melting ice 32 Apathy 32 Reignited 32 Dollar Weakness 32 Inflationary pressures 32 Prices Dip 32 Slip Sliding Away 32 proverbial phoenix rising 32 Buying Frenzy 32 Creates Havoc 32 spiraled upwards 32 32 Dollar Steadies 32 Drug Overdoses 32 mth highs 32 Ravages 32 Friendly Foes 32 Geopolitical tension 32 REFILE ANALYSIS 32 Fears Subside 32 Pare Gains 32 Tick Higher 32 LEADER ARTICLE 32 Wanes 32 Unease 32 clouds darken 32 Finer Noble 32 Deflates 32 receding 32 Pares Losses 32 Gains Update1 32 Gas Pains 32 Fall Sharply 32 Worries Ease 32 Ticks Up 32 Cell Phone Makers 32 slumping 32 Revulsion 32 Refinery shutdowns 32 CREDIT CRUNCH CRISIS 32 Heftier 32 Massive 32 Valley Ketchum CVB 32 Gets Hotter 31 Yuan Peg 31 Sudden 31 Debt Contagion 31 Losing 31 Copper Climbs 31 Wheat Soybeans 31 Trending Up 31 Rise Sharply 31 Apollyon 31 Soaring loonie 31 Jammed 31 TODAY 'S EDITORIAL 31 Waning Demand 31 Outweighs 31 workbenches startups 31 Deflation 31 becoming scarcer 31 Broadly Higher 31 Trades Little Changed 31 Float Away 31 Dizzying 31 Drifts Lower 31 Doubling 31 Spreading 31 Surge Update1 31 Ends Weaker 31 Deepening 31 Weakening Economy 31 Dwindle 31 Chugging Along 31 Glance Miners 31 Modest 31 TREASURIES Rise 31 Burnin Down 31 Climate Warming 31 Tank Explodes 31 Greed 31 Brighter Than 31 Near Unchanged 31 Petroleum OTCBB SKPI 31 Tackling 31 Wider Than 31 Stirs Concern 31 Inflationary pressure 31 Outside Mkts 31 Urbanization 31 Halted Due 31 Unacceptably 31 Robert Tychkowski Edmonton 31 High 31 Chipping Away 31 Warmer Weather 31 Bombing Death Toll 31 Creeps Up 31 Slightest 31 Gouged 31 Geopolitical 31 TODAY 'S INTERVIEW 31 Outpacing 31 Rebound Slightly 31 Re Examined 31 Chart Presentation 31 Marke Andrews Vancouver 31 Stocks Climb Higher 31 Crashing Down 31 Cutting 31 Slight Improvement 31 Trades Near Record 31 Slowed Down 31 Political Impasse 31 Volatile Trading 31 Steadier 31 Stocks Rise Slightly 31 Hydrocarbons mixture 31 Cold Snap 31 Extends Decline 31 Admiral Fell 31 Ultralow 31 agflation 31 GLOBAL ECONOMY WEEKAHEAD 31 Sizzling 31 Timebomb 31 Ample Supplies 31 Stifling 31 ballooning 31 Rebounding 31 Rate Dips 31 pernicious downward spiral 31 Warmer Temperatures 31 Up Slightly 31 Intense 31 Slowdown Hits 31 Overcrowded 31 Bitter Cold 31 Devalue 31 Rise Dramatically 31 Disparity 31 Faster Than Expected 31 Replenished 31 Scorching heat 31 Unexpectedly Fall 31 Downward Pressure 31 Force Evacuations 31 Gyrations 31 Accrued liabilities Salaries 31 Overproduction 31 Dark Clouds 31 Cautious Optimism 31 Record Lows 31 Mild Weather 31 Drifting Toward 31 Jobless Claims Decline 31 Death Toll Continues 31 Starvation 31 Staggering 31 Rate Declines 31 Swelled 31 Explosion Destroys 31 Cresting 31 Slip Below 31 Stocks Slip Ahead 31 Outlook Gloomy 31 Soars 31 Downward Slide 31 Disappearing 31 Market Awaits 31 Melting Glaciers 31 Slump 31 Glittering 31 Asian Stocks Decline 31 skyrockets 31 miner Peabody 31 Interplanetary Kite craft 31 Cattle Hogs 31 regains footing 31 Soothsayers 31 Ice Chunk 31 Of Cydonia 31 Relatively Stable 31 Largely Unchanged 31 Stocks Plummet 31 Futures Movers 31 Markets Shrug Off 31 Dispelled 31 PAUL TURENNE Winnipeg 31 Mysterious 31 Changes 31 Turns Sour 31 Rates Unchanged 31 Stratospheric 31 Snaps Losing Streak 31 Higher Interest Rates 31 Explosion Levels 31 Tame Inflation 31 uncharted heights 31 Shows Slight 31 Dental Fillings 31 Prices Hold Steady 31 Trim Losses 31 Overburdened 31 Astromoneyguru 31 Blood Soaked 31 Stocks Decline Amid 31 Rises Slightly 31 Stagnating wages 31 Subprimes 31 Decreases 31 Could Worsen 31 Oil Prices Plummet 31 Caution prevails 31 Manufacturing Slows 31 Remains Unchanged 31 Biggest Drop 31 World Biggest Mover 31 ALEX UROSEVIC Toronto 31 Inflation Pressures 31 Fuel Shortages 31 End Sharply Lower 31 Glimmers 31 Deadly Riots 31 Slight Rise 31 Voter Apathy 31 Higher Than Expected 31 Break Losing Streak 31 Prices Rise 31 Socked 31 Credit Card Spending 31 Melting Arctic 31 Less Than Meets 31 VocaLink Take 31 LATIN AMERICAN MARKETS 31 Slow 31 Storms Lash 31 Plunge Into 31 Trims Gains 31 Double digit 31 ERNEST DOROSZUK Toronto 31 Summary Box Metals 31 Drying Up 31 Freezing Temps 31 Stiff Competition 31 Creeping 31 Bedevils 31 Costs Update2 31 Lower Than Expected 31 stoke inflationary 31 Prices Little Changed 31 METALS Copper dips 31 Corn Cobs 31 Factional Fighting 31 Unexpectedly Raises 31 Exceed Forecast 31 Manufacturing Growth Slows 31 Improved 31 relapse dimming 31 LONDON MARKETS 31 Slides Below 31 Two Edged Sword 31 Warmer temperatures 31 Evaporate 31 commods 31 Global warming 31 S.Asia 31 Cuts Update1 31 Mixed Ahead 31 PLUNGING 31 RPT PREVIEW 31 Mounting foreclosures 31 Prospects Dim 31 Damaged Skin 31 Wilting 31 TODD BURROW Hope 31 spiking 31 No Child Nilaja 31 Slowing Economy 31 Oil Hovers Above 31 Linkfest 31 STOCKS Financials 31 Disillusion 31 TREASURIES Steady 31 Searing 31 NASA Zwally 31 Crashes Onto 31 Raymore Sierra