Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 56 Dickey Wicker Amendment 54 Grutter v. Bollinger 54 DADT 53 DOMA 53 Title IX 53 Plyler v. Doe 53 Bayh Dole Act 53 Dickey Wicker 52 Dickey Wicker amendment 51 nondiscrimination policy 51 Hyde Amendment 50 Detainee Treatment Act 50 antidiscrimination 50 RLUIPA 50 Kemp Kasten 50 Establishment Clause 50 FERPA 49 Partial Birth Abortion Ban 48 Military Commissions Act 48 RFRA 48 Rooker Feldman doctrine 48 First Amendment 48 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 48 imposing unfunded mandates 48 Posse Comitatus Act 48 Chemerinsky 48 Proposition 8 47 Powers Resolution 47 Tiahrt Amendment 47 antidiscrimination policies 47 Feres doctrine 47 Ninth Circuit 47 nondiscrimination policies 47 State Secrets Privilege 47 AUMF 47 Free Exercise Clause 47 First Amendment Establishment Clause 47 Gratz v. Bollinger 46 Title VI 46 affirmative action admissions 46 racial preferences 46 Algiers Accords 46 Higher Education Opportunity 46 Jack Balkin 46 First Ammendment 46 DREAM Act 46 Eleventh Amendment 46 Civil Rights Act 46 Title IX prohibits 46 Constitution Supremacy Clause 46 Constitution Establishment Clause 46 USA PATRIOT Act 46 America COMPETES Act 46 Caruolo Act 46 Defense Authorization Bill 45 Zorach v. Clauson 45 affirmative action 45 Title VII 45 Stupak Amendment 45 Boalt Hall 45 Hamdan v. 45 NCLB 45 Scalia dissented 45 Act RFRA 45 repeal DOMA 45 PPACA 45 Marriage Act 45 Defense Authorization Act 45 Fourteenth Amendment 45 NCLBA 45 NSA Wiretapping 45 PATRIOT Act 45 Individual Rights 44 McCain Feingold 44 NYCHRL 44 recruiters 44 Global Gag Rule 44 Tell DADT 44 supremacy clause 44 repeal DADT 44 Authorization Act 44 judicial canons 44 Constitution Eighth Amendment 44 Shakman Decree 44 Roe v. Wade 44 ADA Amendments Act 44 Bayh Dole 44 thinly disguised quota 44 Illegal Immigration Reform 44 heckler veto 44 repealing DADT 44 Marriage Affirmation Act 44 Res judicata 44 Shakman decree 44 Declaratory Judgment Act 44 antidiscrimination laws 44 Title VII retaliation 44 Stupak Pitts Amendment 44 Musladin conviction 44 Partial Birth Abortion 44 MNA NNU 44 USERRA 44 Taft Hartley Act 44 Beta Upsilon Chi 44 authorizers 44 Clery Act 44 Congressionally 44 v. Newdow #-# 44 9th Circuit 44 HEOA 43 Widow Penalty 43 MoCRI 43 LRAP 43 Professor Chemerinsky 43 Immigrant Responsibility Act 43 Parhat 43 Justice Louis Dembitz 43 FEHA 43 Hosty v. Carter 43 Judge Steeh 43 Triborough Amendment 43 Double Jeopardy Clause 43 Lawful Commerce 43 Stupak Pitts amendment 43 Jeanne Clery Act 43 random suspicionless testing 43 WRFA 43 gainful employment rule 43 BAMN 43 FOIA exemption 43 USA PATRIOT ACT 43 Anti Deficiency 43 Gainful Employment Rule 43 Patriot Act 43 Prop 8 43 Defense Authorization 43 viewpoint neutrality 43 dormant Commerce Clause 43 Handschu guidelines 43 Younger abstention 43 Deficit Reduction Act 43 Alito dissented 43 Boumediene v. Bush 43 Stupak amendment 43 CAFA jurisdiction 43 Jeanne Clery Disclosure 43 Islamo Fascism Awareness Week 43 Adarand 43 Erwin Chemerinsky dean 43 nondiscrimination 43 Opportunity Scholarship 43 Act ENDA 43 Blaine Amendments 43 UARC 42 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination 42 ROTC 42 Vikram Amar 42 troop withdrawal deadlines 42 Dean Harold Koh 42 Bybee memo 42 Hate Crimes Legislation 42 SLUSA 42 headscarf ban 42 Omnibus Appropriations bill 42 Jeremy Rabkin 42 Fourteenth Amendment Equal 42 Cuccinelli 42 defend DOMA 42 FOIA 42 repealing DOMA 42 Tyler Clementi Higher Education 42 Flast 42 WARN Act 42 Welfare Reform Act 42 SEVIS 42 Illinois Silent Reflection 42 antisodomy law 42 v. Valeo 42 Voting Rights Act 42 Faculty Handbook 42 Erwin Chemerinsky 42 ENDA 42 AEDPA 42 Military Recruiters 42 Issue preclusion 42 FISA Amendments Act 42 Judge Rosemary Collyer 42 Lindevaldsen 42 anti SLAPP statute 42 originalism 42 Marty Lederman 42 JUSTICE SCALIA 42 Intelligence Authorization 42 COMPETES 42 Project BioShield Act 42 Act NDAA 42 Plyer v. Doe 42 v. Heller 42 practicing homosexuals 42 COICA 42 Behind Act 42 Utah SJ Quinney 42 Equal Access 42 District v. Kuhlmeier 42 Debate Clause 42 TVPA 42 ACLU Lambda Legal 42 Student Non Discrimination 42 lawyer Anthony Coppolino 42 Military Readiness Enhancement 41 desegregation 41 Omnibus Appropriations Act 41 Civil Rights Acts 41 Terrorist Surveillance Program 41 Obstruct Terrorism Act 41 EESA 41 fledgling leftist Sandinista 41 homosexual sodomy 41 Korematsu conviction 41 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement 41 attorney Jonathan Hafetz 41 Gene Nichol 41 Edwards v. Aguillard 41 USA PATRIOT 41 Section #I 41 WorkLife Law 41 Christopher Edley dean 41 Terence Pell 41 Institutionalized Persons Act 41 Gay Straight Alliance 41 Ex parte Young 41 UCMJ 41 Kehowski 41 Regulation FD 41 SLDN 41 Post-#/# GI Bill 41 lawyer Gregory Garre 41 Judge Diarmuid F. 41 McKinney Vento Act 41 banning interracial marriage 41 Neal Katyal 41 fully inclusive ENDA 41 posse comitatus 41 Opportunity Scholarships 41 professorate 41 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 41 PAYGO rule 41 spousal notification provision 41 amicus brief 41 RTTT 41 Reemployment Rights Act 41 CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS 41 v. Hardwick 41 Military Readiness 41 Romer v. 41 constitution renounces 41 ADAAA 41 Parental Notice 41 McNulty Memo 41 Arbitration Clause 41 Plessy v. Ferguson 41 Sonny Bono Copyright 41 Greg Lukianoff 41 DISCLOSE Act 41 Feres Doctrine 41 Anti Harassment 41 v. Raich 41 anti SLAPP 41 Paycheck Fairness Act 41 Confrontation Clause 41 Force AUMF 41 bigamy statute 41 Lukianoff 41 Posse Comitatus 41 Justice Breyer 41 FECA 41 Tiahrt amendment 41 Intellectual Diversity 41 JUSTICE STEVENS 41 Supremacy Clause 41 textualist 41 inclusive ENDA 41 paygo rules 41 DREAM ACT 41 PAYGO 41 racial desegregation 41 Patient Protection 41 avowed homosexuals 41 secrets privilege 41 Government Pension Offset 41 GESO 41 Loving v. 41 warrantless surveillance program 41 FSIA 41 untenured professor 41 Chai Feldblum Georgetown 41 antitorture 41 punctured eardrum Widmark 41 Disclose Act 41 Jesse Choper 41 prohibiting interracial marriage 41 lawyer Ben Wizner 41 Susan Freiwald 41 UWRCF 40 Effective Death Penalty 40 sub silentio 40 Freeborne 40 HJ Res 40 interracial marriage bans 40 Helms Burton 40 Increasing Adoptions Act 40 Uniformed Services Employment 40 pre emption doctrine 40 UOCAVA 40 vague overbroad 40 exclusionary rule 40 blistering dissent 40 JAGs 40 USA Patriot Act 40 Constitutionally protected 40 NSLs 40 MaxHR 40 Massive Resistance 40 unconstitutional overreach 40 Ilya Somin 40 Partial Birth Infanticide 40 URAA 40 National Defense Authorization 40 Eugene Volokh 40 AAUP 40 Yellow Ribbon Program 40 Defund ACORN Act 40 Kirk Kolbo 40 EMTALA 40 Tafas v. Doll 40 spousal notification requirement 40 NLRA 40 Slaughterhouse Cases 40 nondiscrimination clause 40 Dershowitz 40 troop withdrawal timelines 40 judicial estoppel 40 unfairly punishes patriotic 40 DOMA violates 40 ACLJ 40 DOMA repealed 40 preemption doctrine 40 quasi judicial immunity 40 Telework Enhancement Act 40 Stenberg v. Carhart 40 Regent Ward Connerly 40 Ineligibility Clause 40 Affordable Care Act 40 defunding 40 Jackson Vanik 40 Geneva Conventions protections 40 statutory PAYGO 40 Dietary Supplement Health 40 Wesberry v. Sanders 40 plea bargain Canny 40 contemporaneous objection rule 40 Laurence Tribe 40 ERISA preemption 40 Lt. Watada 40 Safford Unified 40 Alquist Priolo Act 40 JuicyCampus 40 NCAA bylaw #.#.#.# 40 Samuel Issacharoff 40 Riegel v. 40 inconsistently applied rule 40 Second Amendment 40 Dodd Frank 40 Judge Tauro 40 lawyer Edwin Kneedler 40 unconstitutionally overbroad 40 claim preclusion 40 severability 40 Newdow 40 HIPAA Privacy Rule 40 Troubled Assets Relief Program 40 severability clause 40 Code § #.#-#.# [001] 40 Rescission Act 40 MEALAC 40 Convention Against Torture 40 Supplemental Educational 40 Dred Scott decision 40 PAYGO rules 40 Takings Clause 40 Kagan 40 GI Bill 40 TANF Emergency 40 Mental Health Parity 40 criminalizing sodomy 40 Prop. 8 40 Whistleblower Protection Act 40 partisan gerrymandering 40 Kathryn Mickle Werdegar 40 Due Process Clause 40 Kathryn Nurre 40 strictly construe 40 Stephen Breyer dissented 40 Roadless Rule 40 CMU Promise 40 noncurricular 40 Ninth Circuit Court 40 Judge Dyk 40 MSPB 40 granting retroactive immunity 39 Hamdi v. 39 voluntary desegregation 39 Suspension Clause 39 Anti Injunction 39 overbreadth doctrine 39 anti miscegenation 39 Bioterrorism Preparedness 39 distinguished professorships 39 Eleventh Circuit 39 Aaron Belkin 39 v. Bakke 39 Gratz v. 39 DADT repeal 39 PLRA 39 laws criminalizing homosexual 39 COMPETES Act 39 First Amendment protects 39 ruling legalizing abortion 39 partial birth 39 TiZA 39 SHVERA 39 amicus brief supporting 39 Gramm Rudman 39 NSL statutes 39 FMLA 39 Douglas Kmiec Pepperdine 39 paygo 39 UIGEA 39 Act TVPA 39 THE SUPREME COURT 39 Strossen 39 Flast v. Cohen 39 Fairness Doctrine 39 CAHSEE 39 Pam Karlan 39 Edwin Kneedler 39 Nunn McCurdy 39 restraining order La Follette 39 Patent Reform Act 39 PELL grants 39 Student Athlete Discipline 39 v. FEC 39 Justices Souter 39 Martin Meehan D-Mass. 39 No Child Left 39 MEJA 39 AVM Biotechnology 39 Continuing Resolution 39 Torture Victim Protection 39 CISADA 39 president Hugh Caperton 39 FISA 39 Kirsanow 39 Charles Moskos 39 Alpha Iota Omega 39 Doug Kmiec 39 Torture Statute 39 JUSTICE BREYER 39 FFEL Program 39 First Amendment freedoms 39 spokeswoman Ravi Poorsina 39 Julea Ward 39 Harvard Law 39 Pell grants 39 Robert Bork nomination 39 antiharassment 39 Silent Reflection 39 DeShaney 39 McKinney Vento 39 Paul V. Niemeyer 39 Berghuis v. Thompkins 39 Judicature Act 39 habeas statute 39 anti SLAPP motions 39 Neutrality Act 39 appropriations bill 39 Justices Scalia Thomas 39 trans inclusive ENDA 39 pervasively sectarian 39 Shays Meehan 39 Arkans 39 Alito 39 OLC memo 39 SUNY Empowerment 39 prohibiting interracial marriages 39 antiretaliation provision 39 openly gay servicemembers 39 Network GLSEN 39 DMCA 39 David Rudovsky 39 Branzburg 39 jobseekers homed 39 Akaka Bill 39 Siljander Amendment 39 Determinate Sentencing Law 39 Parent Trigger 39 Nathaniel Persily 39 facially neutral 39 ACLU 39 Flag Desecration Amendment 39 Judge Stefan Underhill 39 Keroack appointment 39 liberal orthodoxy 39 overrule Roe v. Wade 39 Kelo eminent domain 39 Violent Radicalization 39 MHPAEA 39 Seventh Circuit 39 banned interracial dating 39 Anti SLAPP 39 Crim.R. 39 Dean Christopher Edley 39 qui tam relator 39 Bader Ginsburg 39 Secure Fence Act 39 Career Intern 39 Act VAWA 39 Eric Menhart 39 Gonzales v. Carhart 39 McCarran Ferguson Act 39 Fourth Amendment 39 infamous Dred Scott 39 DOD 39 Regulatory Flexibility Act 39 non refoulement principle 39 Commodity Futures Modernization Act 39 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 39 prohibits racial profiling 39 Enhanced Interrogation Techniques 39 Kenneth Cuccinelli 39 Judge Bork 39 39 Millionaires Amendment 39 anti miscegenation laws 39 Brett Kavanaugh 39 De Baathification 39 Quo Warranto 39 Menthol flavoring 39 Arkansas Gov. Orval 39 NSA warrantless wiretapping 38 Appointments Clause 38 Tenured faculty 38 Monica Goodling 38 Acquisition Reform Act 38 Fifteenth Amendment 38 Praying Parents 38 Geneva Conventions 38 separationists 38 requestor petitioner 38 Hate Crimes Prevention 38 takings clause 38 DADT discharges 38 EFCA 38 Corporate Personhood 38 Kestenband 38 Scalia 38 Stupak Pitts 38 coeducation 38 Korematsu 38 Justice William Leaphart 38 RIAA subpoenas 38 Gag Rule 38 Insurrection Act 38 REAL ID Act 38 Motor Voter 38 Williamses suspensions 38 Workplace Religious Freedom 38 DOMA unconstitutional 38 coed dorm rooms 38 Fifth Circuit 38 Justice UCMJ 38 opinion concurring 38 ObamaCare 38 Judge Rakoff 38 COBRA subsidy eligibility 38 Sovereign Immunity 38 coercive interrogations 38 law 38 Enumerated Powers Act 38 Douglas Kmiec constitutional 38 Ledbetter v. 38 Graduation Competency Assessments 38 Tracy Schmaler 38 interdistrict transfers 38 professor Eugene Volokh 38 Justice Costa Pleicones 38 warrantless surveillance 38 Judge Kermit Lipez 38 Laurie Zelon 38 Administrative Procedures Act 38 Whistleblower Act 38 Lanham Act 38 Overseas Voter Empowerment 38 retroactively nullify 38 Geneva conventions 38 constitutionally protected speech 38 advocate Viplav Sharma 38 Solomonese 38 arbitrability 38 Rodearmel 38 extraterritorial application 38 Tinker v. 38 Rita Garman 38 laches 38 alleging libel slander 38 issue preclusion 38 spousal notification 38 defunded 38 Commodities Futures Modernization Act 38 sovereign immunity doctrine 38 habeas corpus petitions 38 homosexual orientation 38 legalizes racial profiling 38 RIAA 38 Katsas 38 Oregon Assisted Suicide 38 LAW '# 38 Exit Exam 38 5th DCA 38 filing amicus briefs 38 gays 38 Charlene Nguon 38 Foreign Sovereign Immunities 38 OCGA § #-#-# [007] 38 Rooker Feldman 38 Armenian genocide resolution 38 Norway brokered truce 38 constitutional ammendment 38 Act NLRA 38 Stolen Valor Act 38 Ann Lousin professor 38 Privacy Act 38 Denis Henigan legal 38 Jackson Vanik Amendment 38 Troubled Asset Relief Program 38 n othing 38 PL #-# [001] 38 SCOTUS 38 Fifth Amendments 38 MRFF 38 Duncan Getchell 38 harshest interrogation techniques 38 Mohica Cummings 38 wise Latina remark 38 UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 38 Delinquency Prevention Act 38 overbreadth 38 JustChildren 38 Handgun Ban 38 Sheri Klouda 38 Adequate Education 38 La.Code Crim.P. art 38 OFCCP 38 oversigning 38 IGREA 38 FCC untrammeled 38 construed liberally 38 Judge Johnnie Rawlinson 38 interstate commerce clause 38 Bilski v. Kappos 38 Funeral Picketing 38 Michael Dreeben 38 congressionally directed 38 Pell Grant 38 Repeal DADT 38 Provost Susan Hockfield 38 blatantly unconstitutional 38 CAN SPAM 38 Civil Rights Initiative 38 resolution equating Zionism 38 NSA surveillance 38 particularity requirement 38 JAG Corps 38 Sup reme Court 38 Due Process Clauses 38 Alquist Priolo 38 Judge Raner Collins 38 Justice Scalia 38 Judge Joseph Tauro 38 Faretta v. California 38 Sarbanes Oxley Act 38 Justice Felix Frankfurter 38 Legalize gay marriage 38 Ex Parte Milligan 38 lesbian servicemembers 38 clawback provision 38 Desegregation 38 SLAPP suits 38 Charles Nesson Harvard 38 Geneva Convention 38 Bonauto 38 M4 harshest 38 TARP recipients 38 invidious discrimination 38 NCLB mandates 38 TOTENBERG 38 de jure segregation 38 Bacow 38 Torture Memo 38 sweeping antifraud 38 promissory fraud 38 Log Cabin Republicans 38 Faragher Ellerth defense 38 Justice Kathryn Mickle 38 Employment Non Discrimination 38 FREE SPEECH 38 Alien Tort Statute 38 statutes prohibiting 38 AKP narrowly escaped 38 OLC 38 Equal Protection 38 MUWAA 38 Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier 38 GSEU 38 Volcker Rule 38 FDCPA 38 Grutter 38 U.N. resolutions 38 homosexuality bisexuality 38 Judge Tatel 38 spousal privilege 38 Sixth Circuit 38 Judges Sonya Sotomayor 37 Religious Freedom Restoration 37 spokesman Ed Yohnka 37 PASSHE 37 California Unfair Competition 37 Ninth Amendment 37 Act ADEA 37 Racial Privacy 37 compulsory unionism 37 Stratechuk 37 UPMIFA 37 Gay Straight Alliances 37 Elena Kagan 37 retroactive immunity 37 Conscience Clause 37 al Odah v. 37 constitutionally permissible 37 Mrs. Schlafly 37 sua sponte duty 37 noncompetition agreement 37 Plaintiff Motion 37 felon disenfranchisement 37 condoned torture 37 Sigma Chi chapter 37 Defendants Motion 37 NCBCPS 37 SEOG 37 UNGA Resolution 37 Competes Act 37 disenfranchises voters 37 terrestrial loophole 37 Norris LaGuardia 37 Akhil Amar 37 noncurricular clubs 37 Rule #:#-# [002] 37 Commerce Clause 37 Clerked 37 retroactivity clause 37 sexual orientation 37 Sharra E. Greer 37 forbidding gays 37 Controlled Substances Act 37 law blacklisting ACORN 37 Appropriations Act 37 RICO statute 37 concurring opinion Justice Antonin 37 Patriot Act Renewal 37 torture memos 37 stare decisis 37 en banc rehearing 37 USAPATRIOT Act 37 Jackson Vanik amendment 37 director Rebecca Glenberg 37 Harold Hongju Koh 37 Naval ROTC 37 habeas stripping 37 Bipartisan Campaign Finance 37 Reauthorization Act 37 Immunities Clause 37 False Claims Act 37 Clinger Cohen 37 Consolidated Appropriations 37 Protection Clause 37 Professor Charles Nesson 37 First Amendement 37 dissenting opinion 37 House Concurrent Resolution 37 Nonproliferation Act 37 Promise Scholarship 37 v. Barnette 37 Juicy Campus 37 omnibus appropriations bill 37 Harlan Fiske Stone 37 Telles Irvin 37 overenrolled 37 § #b [002] 37 Klingenschmitt 37 Prof. Alan Dershowitz 37 Federal Cigarette Labeling 37 Powell Doctrine 37 i2hub 37 Barbara Grutter 37 dismiss al Marri 37 unconstitutionally discriminatory 37 BAIPA 37 spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler 37 RESTORE Act 37 OLC memos 37 Unruh Civil Rights 37 Spokesman Brian Roehrkasse 37 presumptively unconstitutional 37 Skocpol 37 Seventeenth Amendment 37 IJ erred 37 concurring opinion Justice 37 IOLTA 37 DMCA subpoena 37 habeus 37 Clarence Thomas 37 ERISA 37 constitutionally invalid 37 GUPS 37 THECB 37 GRAD Act 37 FOIA exemptions 37 Justice Leland DeGrasse 37 amicus briefs 37 COPPA 37 noncitizens 37 Roaming Horse 37 maximum Pell Grant 37 FCC indecency 37 Term Abortion Ban 37 Pleicones 37 jus ad bellum 37 Legal Counsel OLC 37 Alien Tort 37 Uniformed Code 37 originalist 37 EEOC enforces federal 37 Richard Pildes 37 prefatory clause 37 Martha Minow 37 Judge Jay Bybee 37 Judeo Christian morality 37 PERB 37 Fourteenth Amendments 37 Mississippi Tort Claims 37 TMLC 37 officer Gina Leguria 37 judge Emmet Sullivan 37 FREEDOM OF 37 Act FACA 37 SERE 37 unconstitional 37 habeas 37 McCarran Ferguson 37 recoup unrecovered TARP 37 Superintendent Pat Hamamoto 37 FACTA 37 Susan Aspey spokeswoman 37 Judge Cabranes 37 Judge Alito 37 Aziz Huq 37 Patriot Act Reauthorization 37 Net neutrality 37 Paperwork Reduction Act 37 ORS #A.# 37 Act FOIA 37 LOGCAP III 37 admendment 37 Officer Jaye Fenderson 37 Windfall Elimination Provision 37 DMCA safe harbor 37 Glenberg 37 constitutionality 37 Repeal Amendment 37 Polsby 37 PASPA 37 Chai Feldblum 37 Montreux Convention 37 Elias Zacarias 37 Copyright Royalty Board 37 Wis. Stat 37 Gramm Leach Bliley Act 37 MCRI 37 Planned Parenthood #-# 37 nonlawyers 37 racial quotas 37 DISCLOSE 37 Federal Torts Claim 37 racial segregation 37 elective despotism 37 FFEL 37 Wickard v. Filburn 37 respectfully dissent 37 Sallie Mae 37 Jack Senterfitt 37 accused infringer 37 promisor 37 unmarried cohabitators 37 Brandeis 37 Bomotti 37 Hudood Ordinances 37 v. Wade 37 FFELP 37 Alexander Nuxoll 37 NJDOE 37 Hathaway Scholarship 37 Partial birth 37 CIR ASAP 37 Lieutenant Watada 37 MUKASEY 37 grandparent visitation 37 REPEAL 37 warrantless electronic 37 Granholm v. Heald 37 net neutrality 37 Steeh ruling 37 UC Regents 37 ZDERA 37 Scheidler v. 37 IEEPA 37 LE2d 37 Offshore Moratorium 37 enacting DOMA 37 C. Sowder 37 Denhalter 37 sex marriage 37 Turnaround Grants 37 Malaria Reauthorization Act 37 Mishandling classified materials 37 professoriate 37 CAN SPAM Act 37 waives sovereign immunity 37 WIC Reauthorization Act 37 secretive Bonannos 37 Antideficiency Act 37 court prejudicially erred 37 Equal Benefits 37 ACLJ amicus brief 37 Jonathan Entin 37 professor Charles Nesson 37 SEC Rule #b 37 Fighter Weapons 37 Tenth Amendments 37 KRS #A.# [001] 37 Chancellor Erroll Davis 37 pacifist Constitution 37 § #c 37 9th Circuit Court 37 screeners collective bargaining 37 Constitutionality 37 Humanitarian Law 37 reargument 37 Harold Koh 37 Palin retweet 37 Teacher Incentive 37 outlawed racial segregation 37 Religion Clauses 37 OSPIRG 37 Eighth Amendments 37 Scheindlin ruled 37 La. RS #:# [002] 37 UNSC Resolution 37 Bisexual Gay Lesbian 37 Garcetti v. 37 Orantes injunction 37 MOA AD 37 Hajzus 37 USC § #b [002] 37 supermajority requirement 37 Title IX gender 37 Kenji Hakuta 37 overrule Roe 37 retroactivity provision 37 Rony Portillo director 37 undergraduate admissions 37 Zivotofskys 37 Reg FD 37 Digital Millenium Copyright 37 Amicus Curiae Brief 37 Intelligence Surveillance Act 36 La.Code Civ.P. art 36 Border Protection Antiterrorism 36 Age Discrimination 36 attorney Edwin Kneedler