Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 72 Crime Suppression Unit 70 Narcotics Unit 70 Gang Unit 69 Crime Suppression Team 67 Gang Suppression Unit 67 Drug Enforcement Unit 67 Community Policing Unit 67 Violent Crimes Task Force 66 Narcotics Enforcement Unit 66 detective bureau 65 Safe Streets Task Force 64 Property Crimes Unit 64 METRICH 64 Uniform Patrol 64 Metro Narcotics 64 Traffic Safety Unit 63 FBI Safe Streets 63 Violent Crime Task Force 63 Metro Narcotics Unit 63 Gang Enforcement 62 Violence Suppression Unit 62 METRICH Enforcement Unit 62 LAWNET 62 Organized Crime Unit 62 Narcotics detectives 61 Major Crimes Unit 61 Tactical Unit 61 Marshals Fugitive Task Force 61 Problem Oriented Policing Unit 61 SCMPD 60 Narcotic Unit 60 Narcotics Task Force 60 Project Longarm 60 Operation Safe Streets 60 Problem Oriented Policing 60 Gang Task Force 60 Drug Task Force 59 Narcotics Squad 59 Caddo Shreveport 59 multi jurisdictional task 59 Warrant Apprehension Task Force 59 SOFAST 59 Criminal Investigations Unit 59 Special Crimes Unit 59 Tactical Narcotics 58 Selective Enforcement 58 saturation patrol 58 multiagency task 58 multiagency task force 58 COMSTAT 58 Gang Violence Suppression 58 Warrant Squad 58 BINTF 58 Fugitive Task Force 58 FBI Violent Crimes 58 Fugitive Squad 58 Interagency Drug Enforcement 57 Drug Enforcement Task Force 57 Criminal Apprehension Team 57 Enforcement Unit 57 MHPD 57 Statewide Narcotics Task 57 Gang Squad 57 Fairfield Hocking 57 Multi Jurisdictional Drug 57 Fugitive Unit 57 YPD 57 fugitive apprehension 57 multijurisdictional task 57 Metro Narcotics Task 57 JPD 57 Crimes Against Persons 57 Homicide Task Force 56 Narcotics Investigator 56 Vince Solazzo 56 Crime Stopper tip 56 Tactical Response Team 56 K9 unit 56 BGPD 56 Fifth Precinct 56 Crisis Negotiation Team 56 prostitution stings 56 Lone Star Fugitive Task 56 Hostage Negotiation Team 56 JPSO 56 HCPD 55 MPD 55 Violent Fugitive Task Force 55 Counter Narcotics Team 55 DPS Narcotics 55 Traffic Enforcement 55 Robbery Homicide detectives 55 Narcotics Strike 55 JCSO 55 MCSO deputies 55 Maryvale Precinct 55 Violent Offender Task Force 55 SLPD 55 Narcotics Enforcement Team 55 Criminal Investigations Section 55 Interdiction Team 55 Trafficking Area HIDTA 55 Tactical Response Unit 55 Savannah Counter Narcotics 55 Canine Unit 55 Interdiction Unit 55 reverse prostitution sting 55 Drug Interdiction Unit 55 Selective Traffic 55 Critical Incident Team 55 Counter Narcotics Alliance 55 Marshal Fugitive Task Force 55 Narcotic Task Force 55 CFSEU 55 Gang Suppression 55 Crime Suppression 55 Special Investigations Unit 55 BAYANET 55 LBPD 55 Narcotic Enforcement Team 55 Butte Interagency Narcotics 55 Tehama Interagency Drug Enforcement 55 DINT 55 Fugitive Apprehension Unit 55 Safe Streets 54 Community Policing 54 Sheriff Office 54 Drug Suppression Unit 54 Undercover narcotics 54 GIITEM 54 Violent Crimes 54 Repeat Offender Program 54 JCPD 54 Major Crimes 54 Cyber Crimes Task Force 54 CSPD 54 LOPD 54 Regional Fugitive Task 54 FCPD 54 Blue CRUSH 54 Narcotics Detectives 54 Anti Crime 54 GRPD 54 Marshal Fugitive 54 Detective 54 HIDTA 54 saturation patrols 54 HPD 54 GCSO 54 LCSO 54 PGPD 53 detectives 53 Criminal Investigations Division 53 Forensic Identification Unit 53 Robbery Unit 53 Narcotics 53 Chief Ken Hohenberg 53 spokesperson Joel DeSpain 53 Enforcement Detail 53 SPPD 53 RCSO 53 Apprehension Team 53 DRPD 53 MUPD 53 PVPD 53 I-#/I-# Drug Task Force 53 Enforcement Task Force 53 JSO 53 Trumbull Ashtabula Group 53 KCSO 53 Drew Juden 53 undercover narcotics 53 Detective Sgts 53 Child Abuse Unit 53 IUPD 53 Mahoning Valley Law Enforcement 53 Fugitive Apprehension Team 53 Methamphetamine Enforcement 53 CCSO deputies 53 Homicide Squad 53 Gridley Biggs Police 53 Major Crimes Task 53 Violent Crime Impact 53 narcotics 53 Crime Scene Investigations Unit 53 JCAT 53 Crime Scene Unit 53 Methamphetamine Task Force 52 Drug Squad 52 Lyndell Davis 52 Tumon Tamuning Precinct 52 Savannah Chatham Metro 52 Chief Tim Deeringer 52 KDPS 52 WCSO 52 KPD 52 GPD 52 Chad Crynes 52 ODPS 52 Kevin Palmatory 52 GBPD 52 Accident Investigation Unit 52 ICAC Task Force 52 IIMPACT 52 Tactical Enforcement 52 Roving Anti 52 Highway Interdiction Unit 52 HCSO 52 Penticton RCMP 52 Chief JB McCaleb 52 Neighborhood Watch 52 Graffiti Task Force 52 METRICH Drug Task Force 52 SMPD 52 RHPD 52 Multi Jurisdictional Task Force 52 County Multijurisdictional Drug 52 BCSO 52 FBI Cyber Crimes 52 patrol 52 RPD 52 Neighborhood Watches 52 Cyber Crimes Unit 52 FWPD 52 ACSO 52 K9 Unit 52 FMPD 52 ZPD 52 GRAMNET 52 Chief Eric Paolilli 52 NBPD 52 DFW FAST 52 Crime Reduction 51 Collision Reconstruction Unit 51 Operation Crackdown 51 Sex Crimes Unit 51 Ohio Violent Fugitive 51 CCPD 51 KCPD 51 Ohio Fugitive Apprehension 51 Violent Crimes Unit 51 MARMET Drug Task Force 51 Task Force OCDETF 51 SEMO Drug 51 Vehicle Enforcement 51 OPP Drug Enforcement 51 Det 51 Child Exploitation Unit 51 C3I Unit 51 Criminal Investigation Branch 51 Computer Crimes Unit 51 UMPD 51 Homicide Unit 51 Criminal Investigation Unit 51 SheriffÕs Office 51 Arson Task Force 51 OCSO 51 Case Squad 51 Narcotics Task 51 Crimes Stoppers 51 Hermitage Precinct 51 patrolmen 51 Marshals Fugitive 51 COMPSTAT 51 Auto Theft 51 Chief Demetrius Drakeford 51 Traffic Homicide Unit 51 Criminal Investigation Division 51 Westside Interagency Narcotics 51 Ptl 51 Violent Offenders Unit 51 Police 51 Fugitive Apprehension 51 Accident Reconstruction Team 51 Drug Interdiction 50 anonymous tipline 50 Lakewood Busti 50 Crash Reconstruction 50 Wetaskiwin RCMP 50 clandestine meth lab 50 Patrol 50 WPSO 50 Sheriffs Deputies 50 uniformed officers 50 KCKPD 50 Accident Reconstruction Unit 50 Fatal Accident Crash 50 BCSO deputies 50 DCSO 50 Upper Peninsula Substance 50 VCIT 50 #nd Precinct 50 APD Child Abuse 50 Gun Violence Task Force 50 Billdt 50 detective sergeant 50 CMPD 50 Task Force JTTF 50 Marshals Service Fugitive Task 50 Domestic Violence Response 50 SBPD 50 LAPD Robbery Homicide 50 Organised Crime Unit 50 Chief Timothy Codispoti 50 Vehicular Crimes 50 Highway Interdiction 50 County OVI Task 50 Plainclothes detectives 50 WEMET 50 Marshals Violent Fugitive 50 DRPS 50 Regional Warrant Apprehension 50 Major Accident Investigation 50 Interagency Narcotics Task Force 50 Violent Crimes Impact 50 C. Allen Pylman 50 Patrolman 50 OPP Canine 50 Career Criminal Apprehension 50 Cal MMET 50 Wilkens Precinct 50 Keith Kameg 50 Criminal Investigations Branch 50 DUI saturation patrols 50 Robbery Homicide 50 County Strategic Counterdrug 50 Prostitution sting nets 50 CCSO 50 Operation CeaseFire 50 Collision Reconstruction Team 50 Homicide Detail 50 Robbery Task Force 50 Ontwa Township Edwardsburg 49 DATF 49 Operation Disruption 49 Gord Eiriksson 49 GPD Criminal Investigation 49 Enforcement Narcotics 49 NYPD Hate Crimes 49 Homicide Bureau 49 Bias Crimes Unit 49 Integrated Child Exploitation 49 ECSO 49 BCPD 49 Safe Neighborhoods 49 III CORPS 49 busted meth lab 49 Neighborhood Enhancement 49 Benny Womack 49 Capt. Rudy Beu 49 SCINT 49 antigang 49 Po lice 49 Rapides Parish sheriff 49 Meth Task Force 49 Wayne Walles 49 SJPD 49 Homicide Unit detectives 49 Dededo Precinct 49 Dwight Crotts 49 Yaniero 49 Steve Staletovich 49 #th Precinct 49 Narcotics Unit executed 49 Traffic Investigations Unit 49 Community Oriented Policing 49 busting meth labs 49 Northumberland Montour Drug 49 Capt. Ed Grennon 49 Investigations Unit 49 DWI checkpoint 49 Violent Gang 49 WFPD 49 Narcotics Investigations 49 OBPD 49 Sixth Precinct 49 Chief Eric Lambes 49 undercover prostitution sting 49 conducting saturation patrols 49 OPP Emergency Response 49 Settingsgaard 49 OCDETF 49 NAPD 49 Project Safe Neighborhoods 49 Sheriff Arnold Zwicke 49 EasTex Crime Stoppers 49 Criminal Investigation Bureau 49 Underage Drinking Task Force 49 Detective Sgt 49 Temiskaming OPP 49 Trafficking Areas 49 Arahovites 49 Division OCID 49 ACPD 49 Yuba Sutter CHP 49 Anti Piracy Task Force 49 Interagency Narcotics Team 49 Emergency Response Pacer 49 Jason Grellner 49 Leo Griego 49 nonsworn 49 LCSO deputies 49 OVI checkpoint 49 RCPD 49 catalytic converter thefts 49 OSP troopers 49 Baiocchetti 49 Multi jurisdictional 49 Accident Investigation Team 49 Hate Crimes Task Force 49 NHPD 49 Kip Gaskins 49 Homicide Detective 49 TAVIS 49 LMPD 49 Rick Dellebuur 48 Gangs Squad detectives 48 TAPD 48 Robbery Homicide Unit 48 Impaired Driver 48 GLLU 48 conducting sobriety checkpoints 48 Chief Lester Aradi 48 Honesdale Borough Police 48 Metro Homicide Unit 48 Operation Relentless 48 Chief Frank Scialdone 48 Eric Pilya 48 Drug Trafficking Organization 48 Joint Criminal Apprehension 48 CrimeWatch 48 Organized Crime Enforcement 48 Internet Crimes Against 48 Collision Reconstruction 48 John Arahovites 48 homicide detectives 48 Josh Scharman 48 Chief Jody O'Guinn 48 Operation Safe Passage 48 IMPD 48 Serious Crimes Unit 48 Gang Resistance 48 Evidence Technician 48 Iasparro 48 Organized Crime Drug Enforcement 48 DUI Saturation Patrol 48 KVET 48 Ascension Parish Sheriff 48 Cheyenne Albro 48 KENNEWICK Wash. Kennewick 48 Michael Gaimari 48 Operation Kingfish 48 By Sara Daehn 48 Territorial Policing 48 Operation Clean Sweep 48 Vineland Boyz gang 48 Crime Stoppers hotline 48 Yves Lacasse 48 MPPD 48 LMPD Homicide 48 KSP Trooper 48 Child Exploitation Section 48 scrap metal thefts 48 Graffiti Hotline 48 Cargo Theft 48 GJPD 48 Drug Enforcement Unit DEU 48 SAPD 48 OVI arrests 48 ICE Fugitive 48 Langley RCMP 48 OPP canine 48 Matt Rabbai 48 Integrated Homicide 48 UAPD 48 Repeat Offender Parole 48 Crimes Task Force 48 Team IHIT 48 Farabella 48 WPD 48 Barrie OPP 48 Andrew Kaho 48 Schismenos 48 Orillia OPP 48 Lino Azul 48 Violent Criminal Apprehension 48 Hate Crimes Unit 48 Marco Borboa 48 UPD 48 Traffic Collision Investigation 48 police 48 CrimeLine 48 #rd Precinct 48 Sgt 48 Organised Crime Investigation 48 Organized Crime Task Force 48 Weapons Enforcement 48 Operation Ranmore 48 enterings 48 Sex Offender Apprehension 48 Beauregard DeRidder Narcotics Task 48 Lalo Villegas 48 Citywide Vandals Task Force 48 Nuisance Abatement 48 Ric Roush 48 Mark Pawlina 48 Great Lakes Fugitive Task 48 Levy Pangue 48 Ken Zeeb 48 TPD 48 SWAT 48 NOPD 48 CBPD 48 ticketing speeders 48 Brett McKitrick 48 Illegal Immigration Prevention 48 Crimestopper 47 CVPD 47 Ken Savano 47 spokesman Javier Sambrano 47 IVFP 47 Crime Prevention 47 James Battavio 47 Crime Stopper 47 officers 47 confidential informants 47 County Sher iff 47 Seacoast Emergency Response 47 Benny Scarbrough 47 Mario Sulay 47 Richenberger 47 EPPD 47 Nipawin RCMP 47 MPSO 47 Violence Suppression Team 47 Hilltop Crips 47 Violent Fugitive Apprehension 47 Accident Investigation Squad 47 Crimestoppers Hotline 47 Kelley Cradduck 47 GFPD 47 Rapides Parish Sheriff 47 Arson Bomb Squad 47 Sikeston DPS 47 Operation Strikeout 47 Innocent Images 47 Saturation patrols 47 Woodstown Barracks 47 daytime burglaries 47 Dededo precinct 47 Shoulder Tap 47 HPD Homicide 47 OPP Anti Rackets 47 Derel Schulz 47 Adult Probation 47 Lt. Tyreece Miller 47 Matt Harshberger 47 Savannah Chatham Metropolitan 47 HIDTA Task Force 47 Violent Crimes Fugitive Task 47 spokeswoman LaShana Sorrell 47 OPP Organized Crime 47 Beauregard Parish Sheriff 47 Sgts 47 NCSO 47 prostitution sting nets 47 Clandestine Laboratory 47 ILEAS 47 Chief Steven Krokoff 47 Detective Sergeants 47 housebreaks 47 ADPS 47 Vehicle Theft 47 Frontenac OPP 47 Sex Crimes Child Abuse 47 spokeswoman Maureen Buice 47 Hobbema RCMP 47 Driftwood Crips 47 Kamsack RCMP 47 Occupant Restraint Enforcement 47 Orillia OPP detachment 47 roving DUI 47 High Intensity Drug 47 Carl Kinnison 47 Tracy Molfino 47 Ferdelman 47 Gridley Biggs 47 NMPD 47 BRPD 47 Homicide Detectives 47 HPD homicide 47 FOP lodge 47 Clint Norred 47 Chickasaw Nation Lighthorse 47 nuisance abatement 47 Home Invasion Robbery 47 KCSD 47 Chief Gary Coderoni 47 Sureño street 47 unregistered sex offenders 47 Ron Cloward 47 Gary Stansill 47 Drug Enforcement Agency 47 spokesman Bucky Burnsed 47 Bernard Melekian 47 Napanee OPP 47 Team VCIT 47 LCPD 47 Army Staff 47 Ceja taskforce 47 Gene Lillard 47 ELPD 47 Lt. Kurt Brasser 47 Violent Offenders Task Force 47 KSP Detective 47 Jeff Godown 47 Tom McCluskie 47 Hagatna Precinct 47 County Sherrif 47 Sheriff Deputies 47 Michael Billdt 47 Violent Felony 47 Drug Enforcement 47 Miscia 47 DiAiso 47 Fugitive Investigative 47 Chief Lauren Signer 47 UWPD 47 Toonerville gang 47 Investigating Armed Robbery 47 Patrolwoman 47 Sheriffs Offices 47 Sobriety checkpoint 47 Spiroff 47 Comstat 47 Capt. Lyndell 47 DEU 47 Lt. Shawn Martyak 47 DWI checkpoints 47 Child Exploitation Prevention 47 Ptlm 47 Orana Local 47 Chuck Niess 47 MDPD 47 Codiac RCMP 47 SDPD 47 Elder Abuse Unit 47 OPP detachment commander 47 Chief Dominic Iasparro 47 Crime Scene Investigations 47 BPSO 47 multiagency 47 CSAFE 47 Narcotics Taskforce 47 Charlie Rosenzweig 47 CKPS 46 Antoinette Ursitti 46 Poquoson Sheriff 46 Tennessee Methamphetamine Task 46 LAPD Hollenbeck 46 Barrio Azteca gang 46 Barry VanNostrand 46 Strike Team SOFAST 46 Operation FALCON 46 Homicide Investigation 46 Unsolved Homicide 46 Drug Enforcement CODE 46 Cowlitz Wahkiakum Narcotics Task 46 Nortenos gang 46 Huntington Violent Crime 46 UTPD 46 multijurisdictional 46 Houloose 46 Investigation Safe Streets 46 Savannah Chatham metro 46 Chief Neil Ferdelman 46 Bootheel Drug 46 Chilliwack RCMP 46 TCSO 46 Clearfield Borough 46 Jody Farabella 46 Sheriff Perry Reniff 46 apprehending fugitives 46 Kenora OPP 46 OVI Task Force 46 Chief Ed Grennon 46 Codiac Regional RCMP 46 Fitchet 46 P olice 46 Tasking Unit 46 Matulavich 46 Gord Molendyk 46 Macon Bibb Fire 46 SARP 46 Critical Incident Response 46 LAPD detectives 46 Isla Vista Foot 46 MARMET 46 anti gangland Purana 46 Lt. Kurt Boshart 46 Forensic Identification Section 46 Murder Suspect Sought 46 Investigative Unit 46 Vandegraaf 46 Gaimari 46 Kris Wolski 46 Trafficking Area 46 Biker Enforcement 46 Chief Huntley Nevels 46 Undercover detectives 46 Calcasieu Parish Sheriff 46 Capt. Marijan Grogoza 46 Marshal Violent Fugitive 46 Special Weapons 46 C3I 46 Detective Lt. 46 Gerry Hepp 46 crash reconstructionists 46 Lt. Randy Listrom 46 Fabian Pacheco 46 Morehouse Parish Sheriff 46 YCSO 46 Investigating Homicide 46 Melfort RCMP 46 Chaguanas CID 46 Terrorism Task Force 46 Chief Gemme 46 CPD 46 Pedro Zardeneta 46 Ofc 46 roving saturation patrols 46 Lakewood Busti Police 46 Rob Petrovich 46 Strategy TAVIS 46 Public Safety 46 Domestic Violence Task Force 46 Michael VanWaldick 46 Fanfarillo 46 Sex Offender Notification 46 Tactics Swat 46 Chief Sheila Smallman 46 Corrections Fugitive Apprehension 46 Juvenile Probation Office 46 Avondale CIB 46 Sensitive Crimes 46 Narcotics Investigation 46 Crime Stoppers Hotline 46 patrolman 46 Kevin Gessler 46 Caddo sheriff deputies 46 DARE instructor 46 Criminal Investigative Division 46 OVI checkpoints 46 Marshal Service 46 SIEDO 46 Operation Ceasefire 46 Synarus Green 46 Art Heun 46 Homicide Det 46 Capt. Ciro Chimento 46 Hostage Negotiation 46 Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline 46 Code Enforcement 46 Narcotics Enforcement Task Force 46 Embona 46 YCSO deputies 46 spokesman Jacob Bettin 46 Ken McClenic 46 Graffiti Abatement Program 46 Problem Oriented 46 Mickey Cobras 46 plain clothed officers 46 Sexual Assault Felony 46 Chief Ralph Evangelous 46 Savano 46 Gavalier 46 LAPD Wilshire 46 Fugitive Apprehension Strike 46 robberies burglaries 46 Arson Strike 46 Norteno gang 46 Mounted Patrol 46 Blooming Grove barracks 46 Dutoi 46 Kamloops RCMP 46 Benny DuBose 46 Elgin OPP 46 Lance Huish 46 MCSO 46 Chief Jeffry Cossette 46 Chief Monte McGougin 46 Kiyler 46 conduct saturation patrols 46 Krokoff 46 Patrolmen 46 COPPS 46 Tim Eirich 46 Victim Assistance Unit 46 Rick Farfour 46 Lt. Fred Hoysradt 46 Arthur Brillon 46 Steinbach RCMP 46 Andy Oblad 46 Brenda Gresiuk 46 Felony Enforcement 46 Calvert Investigative 46 Robert Kegler 46 Chief Blair Ulring 45 Task Force ICAC 45 Detective Justen Kasperzyk 45 purse snatching 45 OWI arrests 45 Ouachita Parish Sheriff 45 Neighbourhood Policing Teams 45 RUPD 45 CyberCrime Unit 45 Capt. Marissa Tindale 45 Capt. Wendell Raborn 45 conducting sobriety checkpoint 45 Chief Malcolm McMillin 45 Sheriffs Office 45 Chief Louis Fetherolf 45 Fugitive Operations 45 spokeswoman Kristen Veverka 45 confidential tipline 45 Crime Unit 45 Agat Precinct 45 County Sheriff 45 Lt. Dan Hahr 45 Tri Cities Crime Stoppers 45 Trafficking Areas HIDTA 45 Sex Crimes 45 SHREVEPORT LA KSLA Shreveport 45 Chief Cel Rivera 45 Coquitlam RCMP 45 Police Collision Reconstruction 45 QCPD CIDU 45 Evangeline Parish Sheriff 45 Officer Lalo Villegas 45 Evansburg RCMP 45 spokeswoman Kristi Pankratz 45 Kelan Poorman 45 FSPD 45 Crime Scene Investigators 45 Dennis Kilcoyne 45 Incident Response Team 45 Econo Lodge Motel 45 James Ergas 45 Shreveport Caddo Crime Stoppers 45 Crime Scene Technicians 45 Maj. Randy Schalburg 45 Tamuning Tumon 45 Safer Neighbourhood Teams 45 Chief Terry Timeus 45 spokesman Clint Norred 45 RCMP Forensic Identification 45 Dfc 45 Operation Streetsweeper 45 Cuyahoga Fugitive 45 Shinder Kirk 45 Jason Dombkowski 45 assisted LifeStar Ambulance 45 Jerry Edblad 45 Integrated Gang Task 45 Seventh Precinct 45 Tuggerah Lakes Local 45 Sherriff Office 45 Agassiz RCMP 45 Mounted Unit 45 OSP Lt. 45 Randy TenBrink 45 Integrated Homicide Investigative 45 Kurt Knecht 45 Marshal Fugitive Task 45 LSPD 45 Berks Lehigh Regional 45 Anti Violence Intervention 45 IPSD 45 DARE 45 DUII arrests 45 Major Procurement Fraud 45 Operation Safer Streets 45 Dale Stalder 45 Vermilion Parish Sheriff 45 Operation Anvil 45 Chief Steven Settingsgaard 45 DRUG ARREST 45 Darryl Boykins 45 Chief Ronnie Bastin 45 Violent Crime 45 Lt. Allen Vandayburg 45 Marshals Service Violent Fugitive 45 County Sheriffâ € 45 HPD Robbery 45 Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers 45 CrimeSolvers 45 Calcasieu Sheriff 45 Vineland Boyz 45 Sexual Assault Unit 45 Critical Incident Investigation 45 gang 45 CHATTANOOGA WRCB Chattanooga 45 AIDSOTF 45 Bob Sobba 45 OPP Criminal Investigation 45 Kovalyk 45 Saginaw Chippewa Tribal 45 Gang Violence 45 Chief Ronal Serpas 45 Clandestine Laboratory Response 45 IUPD Lt. 45 Newburgh Bloods 45 Metro Gang Task 45 Capt. Zim Schwartze 45 Detectives 45 Burnaby RCMP 45 Newberg Dundee Police 45 Cybercrimes Task Force 45 Bondarek 45 Alternative Sentencing 45 Marshals Service fugitive 45 Collision Analysis 45 apprehending criminals 45 Matt DuRose 45 ICE HSI 45 ICSO 45 Gun Trafficking 45 narcotics detective 45 Lac du Flambeau Tribal 45 Major Wendell Cofer 45 Strike Force 45 AND COURTS 45 detective 45 PD 45 meth lab bust 45 OHP Trooper 45 Stonegarden 45 Chief Perry Gallow 45 Francine Hennelly 45 law enforcement 45 Joe Tymkowych 45 Capt. Tad Kepley 45 Fatal Accident Unit 45 Mike Baranyay 45 Roger Boatner 45 Chief Merle Harl 45 Hazardous Devices 45 Mike Yoell 45 OSHP 45 Oakview Apartments 45 Sureno gang 45 Don Ramsdell 45 WVSP 45 Tip Line 45 Crimesolvers 45 John Nebl 45 crime stoppers 45 Residential Burglaries 45 Border Enforcement 45 Illana Spellman 45 Arturo Gallegos Castrellon 45 Narcotics Enforcement 45 VicPD 45 Foot Patrol 45 Trevor Iida 45 Arrest Robbery Suspect 45 Coffs Clarence 45 Financial Crimes Task 45 Robert Herm Desena 45 Kalavik 45 Hyvl 45 McNeilance 45 seatbelt violators 45 Dino Sgambellone 45 Asset Forfeiture 45 Cockeysville Precinct 45 WeTIP 45 Community Problem Oriented 45 ICE HSI agents 45 Nivakoff 45 Jimmie Wideman 45 deputies 45 unmarked cruiser 45 Collision Investigation 45 Michael Radzilowski 45 spokeswoman Jessie Haden 45 Chief Brent Dite 45 Mitch Peixoto 45 Lukhozi 45 Heavily armed SWAT 45 Lt. Gerard Pelkofsky 45 Compstat 45 Chief Sandra Spagnoli 45 spokesman Matt Jablow 45 Prostitution sting 45 Juvenile Sex Crimes 45 John Crombach 45 Anthony Bigongiari 45 OF PUBLIC SAFETY