Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 79 TSXV 79 TSX Venture 74 Toronto Venture Exchange 73 TSX V 68 CNSX 67 Toronto Stock Exchange 63 Qualifying Transaction 62 Canadian Venture Exchange 62 TSX.V 61 TSX 60 TSX Venture Exchanges 60 Venture Exchange 59 Exchange accepts 59 symbol PRB 59 symbol FGT 59 symbol XPL 59 symbol IVW 59 Frankfurt Freiverkehr & 58 Sunridge trades 58 Qualifying Transaction pursuant 58 symbol SGC 58 TSXV CA 58 TSX VENTURE 58 Eurogas Corporation 58 symbol SRN 58 TSX VENTURE CNE 58 symbol SER 57 symbol OCE 57 Corporation TSX VENTURE 57 CERF LP trades 57 symbol LGO 57 ticker symbol IMM 57 trading symbol TEZ 57 Common Shares 57 symbol GEX 56 Amex Exploration 56 Symbol RXE 56 TSX VEN 56 Private Placement Brokered 56 symbol DIB 56 symbol FEX 56 symbol YEL 55 Stock Exchange CNSX 55 symbol APH 55 Suroco Energy Inc. 55 symbol ZNR 55 symbol RXR 55 Jourdan Resources 55 symbol JRN 54 symbol PMN 54 Madalena Ventures Inc. 54 symbol ALH 54 Private Placement 54 Eurogas International 54 Corp. OTCBB USVO 54 TSXV STC 54 Reverse Takeover 54 symbol JOR 54 symbol EBY 54 symbol LSG 54 LSE Exchanges 54 TSX V WER 54 Eloro Resources Ltd. 54 NSGold 54 symbol BKP 54 Alternext Exchange 54 Eurotin 54 symbol OPL 54 TSX CML 53 Mega Moly 53 Kaboose trades 53 NuLoch Resources Inc. 53 Lithic Resources Ltd. 53 symbol NSV 53 CFQ CFS 53 symbol ZNC 53 symbol SLG 53 TSX VENTURE BTP 53 Axia trades 53 NZSX APX 53 Fieldex Exploration Inc. 53 symbol MXG 53 symbol SMY 53 Anaconda Mining Inc. 53 symbol CFL.UN 53 Zaruma Resources Inc. 53 Onsino 53 TSX VENTURE ARR Arco 53 symbol XDC 53 Nanika Resources Inc. 53 NYSE Amex 53 Proposed Qualifying Transaction 53 Kinetex Resources Corp. 53 WEE Pink Sheets 53 symbol XAG 53 symbol KYM 53 ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR 52 Petro Uno 52 Lateegra Gold Corp. 52 symbol KAB 52 Gossan trades 52 symbol APE 52 Private Placement Non Brokered 52 Quotation System Inc. 52 TSX VENTURE GEG 52 Minera IRL Limited 52 symbol HBP 52 TSX VENTURE STM 52 TSX RMX 52 Georox Resources Inc. 52 symbol CXP 52 AEI TSX VENTURE 52 TSX VENTURE CXB 52 Trelawney Resources 52 Boxxer Gold Corp. 52 Zimtu Capital Corp. 52 TSX VENTURE PEM Premium 52 Adanac Molybdenum Corporation 52 symbol ZAO 52 TSX VENTURE NQE 52 HAS NOT REVIEWED AND 52 symbol UVICF 52 symbol HEQ 52 symbol XBC 52 TSX VENTURE HMG FRANKFURT 52 Symbol Change 52 Value Escrow Agreement 52 TSX OPW 52 Barclay Hambrook P. Eng 52 TSX VENTURE GAX 52 Lomiko Metals Inc. 52 Amex DEJ TSX Venture 52 TSX VENTURE RG 52 Roxgold 52 TSX VENTURE CDB PINK 52 StrataGold Corporation 52 Verena trades 51 TSXV TRX 51 NEX 51 symbol FEL 51 Solfotara 51 Perlite Canada 51 MBMI RESOURCES INC. 51 TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE 51 LOMIKO METALS INC. 51 symbol SLQ 51 NGEx Resources Inc. 51 symbol KOG 51 TSX CRJ 51 Frankfurt Stock Exchanges 51 Concurrent Financing 51 subscription receipts 51 Chesstown 51 PIRET units 51 LOUNOR EXPLORATION INC. 51 GoldQuest Mining Corp. 51 Patrician Diamonds Inc. 51 Redcliffe Exploration 51 Prospero disclaims 51 Quest PharmaTech Inc. 51 symbol OEX 51 TSX VENTURE ASD 51 NSGold Corporation 51 Xtierra 51 TSX VENTURE BWN 51 Issuer Bid 51 symbol IOG 51 TSX VENTURE LOV 51 Ltd. TSX VENTURE 51 symbol CRK 51 Newstrike Capital Inc. 51 Washmax 51 TSX V IWB 51 NASD OTCBB 51 symbol WIX 51 Aranka Gold Inc. 51 YOOIF 51 Avala Resources Ltd. 51 Advanced Explorations Inc. 51 Quaterra Resources Inc. 51 symbol KGL 51 Filing Statement 51 TSX YK 51 OTC Bulletin Board 51 CNW Temex Resources 51 symbol CUM 51 symbol WSCE 51 Hana Mining Ltd. 51 de Valores de 51 symbol NWURF 51 Typhoon Exploration 51 private placement 51 symbol EFL 51 PetroWorth Resources Inc. 51 symbol NFI.UN. 51 AMEX 51 SearchGold TSX VENTURE 51 symbol APV 51 Strateco TSX 51 IIROC Resume 50 Mega Precious Metals 50 NXA 50 Final Prospectus 50 Ausam Energy 50 NEWS AGENCIES 50 Taseko Mines Limited 50 CNQ 50 Nortec Ventures Corp. 50 Novadx 50 Creso Resources 50 SearchGold Resources Inc. 50 Duran Ventures 50 TSX Venture EXS 50 Graniz Loan 50 Waseco Resources Inc. 50 Aurogin Resources Ltd. 50 YGC Resources Ltd. 50 symbol VEN 50 TransAmerican Energy Inc. 50 BULLETIN TYPE Qualifying Transaction-Completed/NewBrookland Greens 50 Trading Symbol 50 NASDAQ SmallCap 50 Remain Halted 50 Manicouagan Minerals Inc. 50 RJK Explorations Ltd. 50 Ashburton Ventures 50 symbol EAS 50 symbol EGE 50 symbol TOL 50 Rodinia Lithium Inc. 50 Frankfurt D5R 50 Azimut Exploration Inc. 50 GSPG 50 Finder Warrants 50 symbol PEH 50 Nyah Resources 50 Willowstar 50 Commences Trading 50 PACIFIC ASIA CHINA 50 IIROC Halt 50 TSX V RBX 50 symbol AOI 50 Crowflight Minerals Inc. 50 Private Placement Financing 50 SOX Solex 50 TSX VENTURE RDK FRANKFURT 50 TSX RVX 50 Listing ARG 50 Pediment Gold Corp. 50 Grants Incentive 50 Pelangio Exploration Inc. 50 Trade Resumption 50 Knick Exploration Inc. 50 Richview Resources Inc. 50 Acrex Ventures Ltd. 50 symbol URE 50 Fjordland Exploration Inc. 50 TSX VENTURE KTX 50 PRNewswire FirstCall Response Biomedical 50 TSX VENTURE CTH 50 Verena Minerals Corporation 50 Ontex Resources Limited 50 TSX VENTURE GAP 50 symbol EGZ 50 Anooraq Resources Corporation 50 Resulting Issuer 50 Amalgamation 50 symbol BRU 50 Veraz Petroleum 50 NASD OTC Bulletin 50 symbol AXX 50 Canuc 50 Macusani Yellowcake Inc. 50 Wintraysan 50 symbol ZPP 50 symbol NOG 50 PEZGF 50 symbol JIN 50 Threegold Resources Inc. 50 TSXV ALE 50 JNX 50 Redhawk Resources 50 ENCORE RENAISSANCE RESOURCES CORP. 50 symbol ILA 50 Corporation NEX BOARD 50 TSX VENTURE GXG 50 symbol AZZ 50 pinksheets 50 Diadem Resources Ltd. 50 Ecometals Limited 50 Ltd. TSXV 50 symbol URST 50 mineral exploration 50 Auryx Gold Corp. 50 Viridis Energy Inc. 50 CDU NYSE Amex 50 AMEX QMM 50 NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES 50 Columbia Yukon Explorations 50 TSX VENTURE FEX 49 Hinterland Metals Inc. 49 trading symbol WGF 49 Orezone Gold 49 TSX VENTURE DMA 49 TSX VENTURE EGZ OTCBB 49 NYSE Amex Equities 49 TSX VENTURE QTA 49 SpectrumGold 49 Bolero Resources 49 Apogee Minerals Ltd. 49 First Tranche 49 OTCBB NWURF 49 symbol NGX 49 Commence Trading 49 Teuton Resources Corp. 49 Cease Trade Orders 49 ISIN WKN Lomiko 49 TSX VENTURE GXM FRANKFURT 49 Bayswater Uranium Corp. 49 Bayswater Uranium 49 TSX VENTURE DAN 49 NYSE Amex XPL 49 TSXv 49 Symbol DRV 49 Rockgate Capital Corp. 49 TayCon Capital Corporation 49 symbol XLT 49 NGEx 49 Inc. OTCBB RGUS 49 Bellhaven Copper & 49 Energizer Resources 49 TSX VENTURE MAM 49 PanWestern Energy 49 Avanti Mining Inc. 49 KWG Resources Inc. 49 Announces Debt Settlement 49 symbol ZMR 49 Yangarra Resources Ltd. 49 contents hereof 49 TSX DEJ 49 Linda Hohol 49 GLR Resources Inc. 49 Coalhunter 49 Corp. TSXV EVG 49 Brokered Financing 49 BONAVENTURE ENTERPRISES INC. 49 CROWFLIGHT MINERALS INC. Crowflight 49 TSX ELD 49 symbols INN.UN INN.DB.A INN.DB.B 49 Private Placements 49 OTCBB 49 Volta Resources 49 Million Bought Deal 49 STETSON OIL & 49 Acero Martin Exploration 49 Make Normal Course 49 Xebec trades 49 TSXV MRS 49 SEDAR 49 symbols NPI.UN 49 AMEX BAA 49 TSX OSK FRANKFURT 49 CDNX 49 SilverCrest Mines Inc. 49 Solara Exploration Ltd. 49 TSX ATN 49 Galahad Metals Inc. 49 symbol PTX 49 BAM Investments 49 symbol HPX 49 VANCOUVER BC #/#/# 49 Chrysos Capital 49 Canaco Resources Inc. 49 Announces Brokered Private 49 Weststar Resources Corp. 49 Queenston Mining Inc. 49 Bri Chem Corp. 49 CEO Website 49 Orbus Pharma Inc. 49 symbol QAR 49 Gitennes 49 Nortec Minerals Corp. 49 Canuc Resources Corporation 49 TSX VENTURE TFA.A 49 Beaufield Resources Inc. 49 Graniz 49 BrazMin 49 Geoinformatics Exploration Inc. 49 TSX VENTURE BTR FRANKFURT 49 CNSX RXE 49 symbol TLR 49 GVLGF 49 Oilexco Incorporated Oilexco 49 Candente Gold Corp. 49 Edgewater Exploration 49 symbol CLM 49 Warrant Term 49 symbol GTU 49 MARKHAM ONTARIO Marketwire #/#/# 49 DeeThree Exploration Ltd. 49 Flow Through Private Placement 49 PetroCorp Group 49 Grants Incentive Stock 49 CNW Metalex Ventures 49 Viridis Energy 49 NFX Gold 49 Uravan Minerals Inc. 49 #/#/# Quaterra Resources 49 Corp. TSX VEN 49 TSX VENTURE ADT 49 TSX VENTURE TRC 49 Proposed Private Placement 49 Adex Mining Inc. 49 Homeland Uranium 49 Receives Conditional Approval 49 Ltd. Noront 49 Greystar Resources Ltd. 49 AIM OMI 49 UNOR 49 Brazauro Resources Corporation 49 Amalco 49 symbol TSH 49 PMT.DB.B 49 symbol FTG 49 TSX VENTURE RM OTCQX 49 TSX TIO 49 Grayd Resource Corporation 49 Metallum 49 CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. 49 Tsodilo Resources Limited 49 Dumont Nickel 49 TSX MGA 49 Blacksteel 49 TSX VENTURE BRI 49 symbol JEX 49 Jiminex Inc. 49 TCK.B 49 CNW Starfield Resources 49 Entree Gold Inc. 49 DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY 49 TSX VENTURE AQM 49 PanTerra Resource Corp. 49 HBNRF 49 Phoenix Oilfield Hauling 49 GlobeStar Mining Corporation 49 XEL LSE XEL AIM 48 VIOR INC. TSX VENTURE 48 TSX VENTURE RMI FRANKFURT 48 MGH FRANKFURT MI5 48 Stans Energy Corp. 48 Limited Mawson TSXv 48 TSX VENTURE DON 48 TSX ETG 48 NYSE Amex PZG TSX 48 Sanu Resources 48 TSX VENTURE GCR 48 STRATHMORE MINERALS CORP. 48 RYL.DB.A RYL.DB.B RYL.DB.C 48 S1O 48 TSX EQN ASX EQN 48 OTCBB Pink Sheets 48 Baymount Incorporated Baymount 48 Exchanges Symbol MMG 48 Goldcrest Resources Ltd. 48 EACOM Timber Corporation 48 Seafield Resources Ltd. 48 Share Consolidation 48 symbol PLB 48 Proposed Transaction 48 AireSurf Networks Holdings 48 Research Alert 48 symbol WXX 48 Ucore Rare Metals 48 Carmax Explorations Ltd. 48 Aurizon Mines Ltd 48 PIF.DB.B 48 CNW HydraLogic Systems 48 CDU AMEX CDY 48 TSX VENTURE RPM 48 symbol XG 48 SOCIETE D' EXPLORATION MINIERE 48 Uracan Resources Ltd. 48 ticker EKTAb 48 Mexivada Mining Corp. 48 TSX SUE 48 Subscription Receipts 48 Pacific Rodera Energy 48 Kobex Resources Ltd. 48 NASD.OTC Bulletin Board 48 Flow Through Offering 48 Oroco Resource Corp. 48 Strongbow Exploration Inc. 48 TSX VENTURE PGS Paget 48 Selkirk Metals Corp. 48 symbol CFN.UN 48 Aurcana Corporation 48 Arrangement Agreement 48 TSX VENTURE LEX 48 Mukuba Resources Limited 48 disinterested shareholder 48 Nevsun Resources 48 KWG Resources Inc 48 Avion Gold 48 NYSE Alternext 48 Resverlogix Corp. trades 48 Finders fees 48 LEVIS QUEBEC Marketwire #/#/# 48 Temex Resources Corp. 48 Jenex Corporation 48 INC. TSX VENTURE 48 Opawica Explorations Inc. 48 CXZ 48 Prophecy Resource Corp. 48 Excalibur Resources 48 Rockhaven Resources Ltd. 48 TSX AMM 48 Uragold Bay Resources 48 Erdene Gold 48 symbol WRY 48 ticker symbol ARA 48 TSX VENTURE MTP 48 QG1 48 symbol ARZ 48 Geodex Minerals Ltd. 48 GGL Diamond Corp. 48 optionee 48 Kinbauri Gold Corp. 48 Killdeer Minerals Inc. 48 PERSHIMCO RESOURCES INC. 48 NCIB 48 Terra Ventures 48 Sandspring Resources Ltd. 48 Strathmore Minerals Corp. 48 Pershimco Resources Inc. 48 Tribute Minerals 48 symbol BIN 48 Valeura Energy Inc. 48 Murgor Resources Inc. 48 Mining Issuer 48 Tirex Resources Ltd. 48 Amalgamation Agreement 48 symbol PIX 48 accelerated expiry 48 symbol FCO 48 symbol NHYT 48 PINK SHEETS 48 HARTE GOLD CORP. Harte 48 TSX VENTURE APE 48 Bellamont Exploration Ltd. 48 TSX BRT 48 THEMAC Resources Group 48 Goldrea Resources Corp. 48 AfNat 48 MineralFields Group MineralFields 48 WesternZagros Resources Ltd. 48 FR OTCQX FRMSF 48 OTC.PK 48 Resources Ltd. 48 TSX VENTURE MBG 48 NEYYF 48 Petromanas Energy Inc. 48 OTC BB 48 Cardero Resource Corp. 48 TSX VENTURE BWN Brownstone 48 Creso Exploration Inc. 48 TSXVN 48 ASX IAU 48 Nasdaq SmallCap Market 48 Moto Goldmines Limited 48 Zoloto Resources Ltd. 48 TSX VENTURE PXR 48 Olivut Resources Ltd. 48 Takara Resources 48 PMAH 48 symbol AVZ 48 TSX VENTURE CGP FRANKFURT 48 Magnum Uranium Corp. 48 TimberWest Stapled Units 48 Cardero Resource 48 Nextraction Energy Corp. 48 TSX GIX FRANKFURT GF6 48 Carpathian Gold 48 OTC Pink Sheet 48 Converge Global 48 Alange Energy Corp. 48 TSX PEZ OTCBB 48 FRANKFURT GDQ 48 Cayden Resources 48 Luiri Gold Limited 48 Vulcan Minerals 48 Canterra Minerals Corporation 48 Million Convertible Debenture 48 Sungro Minerals Inc. 48 Brokered Placement 48 Louvem Mines Inc. 48 AQM Copper Inc. 48 shares issuable thereunder 48 Junex TSX VENTURE 48 Inc. TSX ETG 48 TSX V EOX 48 Prominex 48 OTCBB APCSF 48 Pink Sheets 48 Closes Flow Through 48 TSX VENTURE STC 48 RockBridge TSX VENTURE 48 Suroco 48 TSX FRA Franconia 48 NEITHER THE 48 Richview Resources 48 Ltd. TSXV QEI 48 PAWEF 48 Threegold 48 ReMac Zinc Corp. 48 CUSIP Number 48 Announces Private Placement 48 OTC.BB 48 Simberi Mining Corporation 48 Announces Non Brokered 48 FOR THE ADEQUACY 48 Corp. TSX AXR 48 Corp. TSX.V MXR 48 cusip number 48 Yellowhead Mining Inc. 48 TSX DNT 48 NioGold Mining Corporation 48 Pediment Exploration Ltd. 48 Galahad Metals Inc 48 ARF.UN symbol 48 TSX VENTURE WRI 48 COGECO subordinate voting 48 Altius Minerals Corporation 48 TSX VENTURE YEL FRANKFURT 48 Fieldex 48 Corp. Joins OTCQX 48 RDNAF 48 symbol NWI 48 Atna Resources Ltd. 48 symbol FWR 47 Issuer Name 47 Rodinia Minerals Inc. 47 DE BEIRA 47 Arranges Private Placement 47 Grizzly Discoveries Inc. 47 Comaplex 47 NYSE Amex NYSE Amex 47 Cigma Metals Corporation 47 Flow Through Shares 47 Ucore Uranium Inc. 47 symbol THI 47 Nevsun Resources Ltd. 47 CROCF 47 Announces Revocation 47 TSX VENTURE HMI 47 Closes Private Placement 47 symbol THMD 47 Petrolympic Ltd. 47 Amends Private Placement 47 Bolsa de Valores 47 Corporation AMEX XRA 47 Intrepid Minerals 47 Goldeye TSX VENTURE 47 Symbol MMG 47 NEX BOARD 47 Normabec Mining Resources 47 vesting provisions 47 Almaden Minerals Ltd. 47 Incorporated URSA Major 47 finder fee payable 47 Tiex 47 Tangarine Payment Solutions 47 FCC TSX FCC.NT 47 TSXV CNE 47 TSXV STC News 47 Medworxx Solutions Inc. 47 TSX VENTURE TAE 47 Pro Spect Or 47 TSX VENTURE NVT 47 IZN 47 Pinksheets 47 TSX YRI NYSE AUY 47 Perlite Canada inc 47 QF7 47 TSX Symbol 47 Cloudbreak Resources Ltd. 47 Frankfurt Deutsche Borse 47 TSX POM 47 Effective Date 47 VIO FRANKFURT VL5 47 OTCBB RMIOF FRANKFURT D4R 47 Argex Mining Inc. 47 Kierland Resources 47 Argentex Mining 47 Oslo Axess 47 TSX Venture TME Frankfurt 47 KCrew 47 Explor Resources Inc. 47 Compensation Warrants 47 TSX VENTURE SUP 47 VG FRANKFURT VN3 47 Ltd. PLZ TSX 47 symbol UVI 47 symbol DFE 47 Amalco Common 47 TSX VENTURE SSS SCT 47 Seriatim 47 Waymar Resources Ltd. 47 SHEETS CPSJF Capella 47 Skygold TSX VENTURE 47 NASDAQ Global 47 Stikine Gold 47 TSX VENTURE WML FRANKFURT 47 TSX VENTURE AQM BVLAC 47 National Instrument #-# 47 Metallic Ventures Gold 47 Centiva Capital Inc. 47 TSX VENTURE PTX 47 SHEETS CTNXF FRANKFURT GWN 47 Leezamax 47 Ateba Resources Inc. 47 NWT Uranium Corp. 47 Aurtois 47 Rockcliff Resources Inc. 47 symbol LOR 47 TSX VENTURE PCQ 47 Chesstown Capital Inc. 47 TSX BZA 47 - RESOURCES LTD [003] 47 Normal Course Issuer Bid 47 AMEX AAU 47 NGQ 47 symbol SPL.B 47 Genoil TSX VENTURE 47 Nevado Resources 47 Solitaire Minerals Corp. 47 Escrowed Shares 47 Lima BVL 47 symbol TWF.UN 47 TSX VENTURE ELO 47 Purchase Warrants 47 Exall Energy Corporation 47 Goldeye Explorations Limited 47 Valucap 47 symbol UBR 47 TSX AXR NYSE Amex 47 TSX VENTURE ADI 47 TSX VENTURE MAA 47 Shear Minerals Ltd. 47 ASX ORE 47 LBSV 47 Incentive Stock 47 TSX VENTURE MEN 47 TSX ANX 47 Extenway Solutions 47 Chrysos 47 Ven DG7 FSE 47 Artek Exploration Ltd. 47 Whitecap Resources 47 symbol STN 47 SCM FRANKFURT S5N 47 Alberta Capitalization Unlimited 47 symbol TEAR 47 BrazAlta 47 Enters Option Agreement 47 TSX VENTURE PML BVLAC 47 Flow Through Financing 47 Biosign Technologies Inc. 47 Vior 47 Frankfurt Freiverkehr 47 TSX XG 47 Linear Metals Corporation 47 Explorator Resources Inc. 47 BonTerra Resources Inc. 47 Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. 47 Talmora Diamond Inc. 47 ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. 47 TSXV Venture Exchange 47 Non Brokered Offering 47 TSX VENTURE GZD FRANKFURT 47 Fury Explorations Ltd. 47 Tawsho 47 CLQMF 47 TSX V AUR 47 Inc. AMEX BQI 47 Argentex Mining Corporation 47 VVC EXPLORATION CORPORATION 47 Frankfurt P7J.F 47 Baymount Incorporated 47 Goldnev 47 Welichem Biotech Inc. 47 Gowest Amalgamated Resources 47 symbol MILL 47 Trimax Corporation 47 TSX VENTURE BRL 47 NYSE Amex QMM 47 ticker symbol TCS 47 Sabina Silver 47 TSX VENTURE WER 47 TSX LRM 47 Reporting Issuer 47 symbols TCK.A 47 Mega Uranium Ltd. 47 Vistior 47 Romios 47 SGV TSX 47 Sanatana Diamonds Inc. 47 TSX symbols GTU.UN 47 OR ACCURACY OF 47 Synchronica plc Synchronica 47 Qualifying Transaction QT 47 Ringbolt Ventures Ltd. 47 Brownstone Ventures Inc. 47 Canacol Energy 47 BrazAlta Resources Corp. 47 EVOGF 47 Pretium Resources Inc. 47 TSX Venture AHR 47 Newstrike 47 TSX AV.UN TSX 47 Oremex Resources 47 Tinka Resources Limited 47 PZG FRANKFURT P6G 47 ATW Gold 47 symbol DGC 47 Rocmec announces 47 OCTI 47 TintinaGold Resources Inc. 47 Xmet 47 Amerix Precious Metals 47 TSX VENTURE GXL Geoinformatics 47 Brigus Gold Corp. 47 TSX VENTURE VAL 47 NWest Energy 47 TSX VENTURE SSR 47 Panoro 47 TSX GMX 47 symbol EET 47 Aurvista 47 symbol OX 47 AQUILA RESOURCES INC. 47 symbol NXX 47 shares issuable pursuant 47 symbol ADE 47 TSX RIC 47 Private Placement Closed 47 Avaranta 47 Aumento 47 NASDAQ Small Cap 47 #,#,# warrants exercisable 47 Orex Exploration Inc. 47 Urodynamix Technologies Ltd. 47 symbol CUQ 47 CNW Northgate Minerals 47 TSX VENTURE KNB FRANKFURT 47 TSX BWT 47 CAL OTCBB CALVF 47 Comaplex Minerals Corp. 47 Newmex 47 CYGAM Energy 47 Canfe 46 Petromanas Energy 46 MGRN 46 Sangoma Technologies Corporation 46 TSX VENTURE ARK 46 BOWMORE 46 NYSE AMEX BQI 46 Nuvolt Corporation Inc. 46 symbol ARX 46 Company Tier Reclassification 46 FT Units 46 issuable upon exercise 46 Quetzal Energy 46 UURAF 46 Increases Bought Deal 46 Roca Mines Inc. 46 Cease Trade Order 46 Grants Options 46 symbol CYN 46 OTCBB USVO 46 Spider Resources 46 Zincore 46 Zazu Metals Corporation 46 SENSIO Technologies 46 TSX VENTURE TOX 46 PRNewswire FirstCall Chemokine Therapeutics 46 G6H Grizzly 46 Orezone Resources Inc. 46 Minsud 46 symbol AGXM 46 Cannasat Therapeutics 46 Rubicon Minerals Corp 46 Proventure Income Fund 46 symbol SYA 46 TSX RDV 46 AMEX DEJ 46 TSX VENTURE SVL 46 ticker symbol BCV 46 JEEC 46 AXEA 46 LGC Skyrota trades 46 Equicom 46 WKN A0HGKQ 46 TSX VENTURE LUC 46 POWERTECH URANIUM CORP. Powertech 46 Arehada Mining Limited 46 Engages CHF Investor Relations 46 Coronation Minerals 46 HNW trades 46 EuroZinc Mining Corporation 46 Northquest 46 Goldbrook Ventures Inc. 46 Lexam VG Gold 46 TrueContext Mobile Solutions 46 Dacha Capital 46 TSX VENTURE OPL 46 TSX VENTURE BVT FRANKFURT 46 ticker symbol KMLD 46 Proposed QT 46 Ticker BLZ additional 46 MagPotash 46 Trading Symbol TSX 46 BXX 46 AIM RMM 46 IDVC 46 Goldstake Explorations Inc. 46 Petaquilla Minerals 46 Listing Approval 46 Newstrike Resources Ltd. 46 Cynapsus Therapeutics Inc. 46 MCKE 46 TSX VENTURE RSG FRANKFURT 46 TSX VENTURE OCO Oroco 46 TSX VENTURE MDV FRANKFURT 46 NYSE PSE MFC 46 Icron Technologies Corporation 46 Inc. TSX GVX 46 Med BioGene Inc. 46 Indico Resources Ltd. 46 Nuinsco Resources Limited 46 TSX WLF 46 symbol BKX 46 Tawsho Mining 46 AQN 46 LLFH 46 CriticalControl Solutions Corp. 46 Blackdog Resources Ltd. 46 OTCBB YGDC 46 TORONTO CANADA Marketwire #/#/# 46 GEOCAN Energy 46 Rubicon Minerals Corporation 46 symbol BUC 46 Increases Private Placement 46 NYSE CSFS 46 QUEENSTON MINING INC. 46 symbol TYP 46 OTCBB FRANKFURT 46 TSX VENTURE VRW 46 Non Brokered Financing 46 UUL 46 NiCo 46 Cannasat Therapeutics Inc. 46 VGGCF 46 46 Polaris Geothermal Inc. 46 Warrantholders 46 Silvermex Resources Ltd. 46 Inventronics 46 TSX WGI 46 Puma Exploration 46 IXSBF 46 PetroFrontier 46 OTCBB PAWEF 46 SDRG 46 TSX VENTURE FGC 46 Bowood Energy 46 PRNewswire FirstCall Banro 46 Paget Minerals Corp. 46 Sinchao Metals Corp. 46 TXX 46 Mohan R. Vulimiri 46 TSX VENTURE DOR 46 TSX CGS.S 46 Stronghold Metals Inc. 46 Opawica 46 FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. 46 TEX.A 46 Intercontinental Potash 46 TSX VENTURE NKA FRANKFURT 46 CNW Banro Corporation 46 Nevada Geothermal 46 TSX BTO 46 Inc. NGP TSX.V 46 Oremex Resources Inc. 46 Altair Ventures 46 TSX symbol KRY 46 Kola Mining Corporation 46 WSR Gold 46 Amalco Shares 46 TSX VENTURE TJS