Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 47 Henry B. Eyring 45 LDS Church Quorum 45 Dieter F. Uchtdorf 45 Gordon B. Hinckley 45 Apostles 44 twelve apostles 42 Joseph B. Wirthlin 41 Uchtdorf 41 Wilford Woodruff 41 Elder Bednar 41 Didache 40 LDS apostle 39 apostles 39 Elder Christofferson 38 Vestry 38 Twelve Apostates 37 presbyters 37 Ezra Taft 37 apostle 36 Cook Aoraki 36 vestries 36 Mithraic 35 Quorums 35 Sanhedrin 35 Revelation #:#-# [006] 35 Westminster Confession 35 episcopacy 35 Ben Bulben 35 catecheses 35 Holy Scripture 35 35 Sacristy 34 convent chapel 34 Brompton Oratory 34 vestry 34 Matthew #:#-# [005] 34 Capernaum 34 synodal 34 Dieter Uchtdorf 34 kings emperors 34 rockface 34 Mount Tallac 34 Corcovado mountain 34 Titus #:#-# 34 Teresa Benedicta 34 Nicene Creed 33 Holy Synod 33 Quorum 33 apostolic 33 Pentecostal Charismatic 33 deaconesses 33 Cheops 33 Dei Verbum 33 Father Kolvenbach 33 prophet Ezekiel 33 LDS Church 33 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION 33 koinonia 33 Ndingi 33 ordained clergy 33 Matt. #:# [001] 33 Roman Pontiff 33 Prophet Elijah 33 Archbishop Hepworth 33 Holy Cross Immaculata 33 Consecrated 33 Apostle Creed 33 Schilthorn 33 Supreme Pontiff 33 eucharist 33 patronal feast 33 floorless dive coaster 33 Haleakala volcano 33 Acts #:#-# [005] 33 Isaiah #:#-# [005] 32 Holy Pascha 32 incarnate Son 32 De Veuster 32 deacons 32 Catechesis 32 Arsia Mons 32 Hierarchs 32 Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai 32 Matthew #:#-# [003] 32 Uhuru Peak 32 Saviour Jesus Christ 32 Christ Himself 32 Holy Baptism 32 Athanasius 32 Devil Staircase 32 sacred Scripture 32 Apostle Adotey 32 ascend 32 extinct volcano 32 Mormon scriptures 32 crucifixion resurrection 32 apostolic succession 32 Pontifical Household preacher 32 Dogmatic Constitution 32 Khufu 32 Universi Dominici Gregis 32 sermon preached 32 Theophany 32 ecumenical patriarch 32 queens princes 32 Holy Priesthood 32 canonized saints 32 Colossians #:#-# [001] 32 Vatican Sistine Chapel 32 Redemptoris Mater Chapel 32 Shaar Hashamayim 32 Matt. #:# [003] 32 Birmingham Oratory 32 angel Moroni 32 Anglican Cathedral 31 Isaiah #:#-# [001] 31 Dormition 31 Baha'u'llah 31 Paryaya Peetha 31 Emperor Constantine 31 Anglican Church 31 Theotokos 31 scriptures 31 deacons priests 31 Mount Meru 31 Trinitarian theology 31 Patriarchal 31 glacially carved 31 Edgar Mount Gongga 31 Cistercian Order 31 Pius IX 31 Josephus Flavius 31 Sacred Liturgy 31 Archbishop Cremona 31 Ephesians 31 Tengboche 31 Scripture 31 Papal Homily 31 Harney Peak 31 Scafell Pike 31 Apostle Paul 31 scripture 31 Risen Lord 31 Benedictine Monastery 31 Episcopalians Presbyterians 31 Easter Triduum 31 kabbalists 31 gospels 31 emperor Constantine 31 Archbishop Ndingi 31 Sacramentum Caritatis 31 triune God 31 Joshua #:#-# 31 apostleship 31 magisterium 31 transubstantiation 31 granite monolith 31 granite domes 31 Huayna Picchu 31 Quirinale Palace situated 31 Acts #:# [002] 31 church 31 Apostolic 31 Coadjutor Archbishop 31 Sherpa Tenzing 31 diocesan clergy 31 rector emeritus 31 Psalm #:#-# [004] 31 Whernside 31 Cistercians 31 granite outcrops 31 Aorangi Terrace 31 Lumen Gentium 31 St. Faustina Kowalska 31 Ephesians #:#-# [002] 31 Episcopacy 31 perpetual adoration 31 Jesus Christ 31 Alexiy II 31 Bahá'u'lláh 31 beatitudes 31 Prophet Muhammad ascended 31 promontories 31 Sister Faustina 31 confirmands 30 LDS Apostle 30 Boggy Peak 30 communio 30 god Ra 30 Penitential 30 Ephesians #:#-# [001] 30 Chaplet 30 Genesis #:#-# [002] 30 Luke #:#-# [002] 30 Anglican congregations 30 canticle 30 Fuji san 30 Three Hierarchs 30 pinnacles 30 Redeemer 30 Triune God 30 confer priestly ordination 30 Luke #:#-# [003] 30 apostle Paul 30 Resurrected Christ 30 holy catholic 30 Benedictine monasteries 30 Holy Sprit 30 New Testament 30 Mgr Mercieca 30 Acts #:#-# [006] 30 Unchurched Next Door 30 Priesthood 30 Ecclesiastes #:#-# [002] 30 Epworth UM 30 Heidelberg Catechism 30 friary 30 blesseds 30 metropolitan archbishops 30 Ignatius Loyola 30 corniced 30 Lord Bahubali 30 Pastoral Epistles 30 Jesus Crucifixion 30 liturgical feast 30 Mary Magdalen 30 prophet Isaiah 30 Anglicans Lutherans 30 Eucharistic mystery 30 Eucharist 30 Josephites 30 Areopagus 30 Father Cantalamessa 30 Archangel Gabriel 30 Bible 30 Domitian 30 Bishop Mulvee 30 sweeping panoramas 30 Authorised Version 30 Sadducees 30 Jesse Duplantis 30 popes 30 Numbers #:#-# [002] 30 Mass concelebrated 30 Pontifex Maximus 30 Patriarch Athenagoras 30 Atop Everest 30 mountaintop fortress 30 Chiara Lubich 30 Evangelium Vitae 30 Jasna Gora 30 Laban Rata 30 Elder Wirthlin 30 ecclesiastical 30 false cornice 30 cinder cone 29 Luke #:#-# [001] 29 Randel Everett 29 1 Corinthians #:#-# [002] 29 Baptismal 29 Hebrews #:#-# [005] 29 Revelation #:#-# [001] 29 Irenaeus 29 Queen Beatrix accession 29 Ecclesiastes #:#-# [001] 29 de Chardin 29 Luke #:#-# [004] 29 LDS 29 Psalms #:#-# [002] 29 Eucharistic liturgy 29 Cenacle 29 Josephite 29 Episcopal Synod 29 sacred liturgy 29 Mystical Body 29 Gospels 29 sefirot 29 Spruce Knob 29 unto Himself 29 lectio divina 29 Revelation #:#-# [004] 29 conciliar 29 shadows lengthen 29 eucharistic 29 volcanic cliffs 29 Micah #:#-# 29 Pulag 29 Psalm #:#-# [001] 29 Presiding Bishopric 29 Apostles Creed 29 Jesus Christ Himself 29 Chogolisa 29 Creeds 29 Deepwater reefs 29 Archbishop Iakovos 29 antiphon 29 Apostle 29 Baptismal Covenant 29 Mariamne 29 Passionist 29 Karl Rahner 29 Climber rescued 29 #:#-# [015] 29 JI Packer 29 archangel Gabriel 29 Great Commandment 29 Risen Christ 29 Ezekiel #:#-# [002] 29 Dominican friars 29 enthrones 29 Psalms #:#-# [001] 29 Acts #:#-# [001] 29 Maui Haleakala 29 Sacred Scripture 29 saints canonized 29 Redeemed Christian Church 29 Basilica 29 heroic virtues 29 Eucharistic Prayer 28 Davidic 28 Psalms #:#-# [003] 28 Eucharistic 28 Holy Scriptures 28 parish priests 28 Acts #:#-# [002] 28 eucharistic ministers 28 Dun Gorg 28 Church 28 Liturgies 28 Encyclical Letter 28 Beatitudes 28 Pope Benedict XIV 28 Petit Piton 28 Lk #:#-# [002] 28 mummification chamber 28 Psalm #:#-# [007] 28 holy Eucharist 28 Eucharistic Sacrifice 28 intercessors 28 Andean mountaintop 28 archbishop emeritus 28 Diaconate 28 Sacred Scriptures 28 Scriptures 28 Luke #:#-# [005] 28 Caesarea Philippi 28 Nephites 28 canonical gospels 28 Triduum 28 Matthew #:#-# [004] 28 Theodosius 28 tallest spire 28 Wesleyan Holiness 28 Redeemed Church 28 XSELLERATOR TM 28 catechumenate 28 cog railway 28 Kitzsteinhorn glacier 28 Kala Patthar 28 St. Faustina 28 angels shepherds 28 Pharisees 28 ecclesial movements 28 majestic 28 Beloved Disciple 28 Báb 28 Jesus resurrection 28 Ecclesiastical History 28 Luminous Mysteries 28 Eusebius 28 mission ad gentes 28 CH Spurgeon 28 New Testament gospels 28 Eph. #:# [002] 28 Lectionary 28 Pelagius 28 Peyresourde 28 oblates 28 Redemptoris 28 Sant'Andrea della Valle 28 hushed contemplation 28 Hebrew scripture 28 IMB trustees 28 Proverbs #:#-# [001] 28 Episcopalian Church 28 Saint Thérèse 28 Solemnity 28 God RCCG 28 Revelation #:#-# [003] 28 Yahushua 28 Transubstantiation 28 circumambulating 28 Evangelical Pentecostal 28 princes princesses 28 divine beings 28 prophets 28 Lord Supper 28 Pentecost 28 sacraments 28 Mount Shuksan 28 Justin Martyr 28 apostolic exhortation 28 Har HaBayit 28 Christology 28 faithfulness 28 primatial 28 Evangelical Theological Society 28 Christ resurrection 28 Curé d' Ars 28 Jeremiah #:# [001] 28 Blessed Damien 28 Neocatechumenal Way 28 Universalist 28 Matthew #:#-# Jesus 28 Sacraments 27 synodal assembly 27 Blessed Virgin 27 Revelation #:# [001] 27 Coptic Orthodox 27 Bahaullah 27 Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro 27 paschal 27 prophet Elijah 27 His Beatitude 27 ecclesial communities 27 Sodality 27 Ephesians #:#-# [003] 27 Psalm #:#-# [006] 27 Longs Peak 27 Bishop Nickless 27 Jn #:# [002] 27 Deuteronomy 27 Crucified Christ 27 Mt Kosciuszko 27 ski mountaineers 27 Anna Katharina Emmerick 27 Ephesians #:# [002] 27 Divine Mercy 27 Thessalonians #:#-# [003] 27 Yotei 27 BGCT 27 Golgotha marking 27 Great Pyramid 27 Hebrews #:#-# [002] 27 rimrock 27 Glorious Mysteries 27 Rev. WA Criswell 27 Olympus Mons 27 Mary Magdalene 27 slickrock 27 Divine Presence 27 #.#km ascent 27 Personal Ordinariate 27 Ordinations 27 Sawmill Own 27 biblical texts 27 Revelation #:#-# [002] 27 heavenly realms 27 Mount Pulag 27 divine liturgy 27 Old Testament prophecies 27 scriptural passages 27 paschal mystery 27 Krakow archbishop 27 pagan temple 27 Baptists Lutherans 27 Revelation #:# [002] 27 God Himself 27 AW Tozer 27 fiduciary Bruce Wisan 27 Tilma 27 Baptism 27 Redeemer Statue Brazil 27 Luke #:#-# [006] 27 Mgr Cauchi 27 Matthew #:#-# [001] 27 Dercum Mountain 27 angel Gabriel 27 Prophet Mohammed ascended 27 Climber dies 27 Colossians #:# [002] 27 synod bishops 27 Via Ferrata 27 Paschal Mystery 27 Romans #:#-# [004] 27 sacramentally 27 unbaptized 27 confirmed Unigirl 27 Capitoline hill 27 Genesis #:#-# [001] 27 Sainthood Causes 27 Bishop Tikhon 27 orthodox Anglican 27 synoptic gospels 27 Redemptoris Mater 27 sinlessness 27 Eph #:# 27 Colossians #:#-# [003] 27 Alp d' Huez 27 Titus #:# 27 Acts #:#-# [004] 27 Sacramental 27 Lord Jesus Christ 27 Deuteronomy #:#-# [002] 27 Isaiah #:# [001] 27 Acts #:#-# [003] 27 Kala Pattar 27 Ezekiel #:#-# [003] 27 Jeremiah #:#-# [003] 27 Bahá'í Faith 27 Saint Faustina 27 Dolorous Passion 27 Jubilees 27 St. Alphonsus Liguori 27 Archbishop Roussin 27 charism 27 Jesus Himself 26 Leviticus #:#-# [003] 26 Cristo Redentor 26 Orthros 26 Isa. #:# [002] 26 Reformed theology 26 ecclesiology 26 Romans #:#-# [006] 26 Synoptic Gospels 26 Holy Father 26 Christ crucified 26 Namsan 26 Tertullian 26 Congregational Churches 26 Eucharistic ministers 26 Alaskan glacier 26 catechesis 26 Cardinal Wyszynski 26 Capuchin priest 26 King Zedekiah 26 scripture passages 26 Chruch 26 climbs steeply 26 Caritatis 26 Protestant Reformers 26 biblical admonition 26 Christ 26 Catechetical 26 Psalm #:# [004] 26 ascending 26 Christian texts Mariamene 26 hateth 26 Blessed Mother 26 lectionary 26 Holiness 26 chrism 26 Genesis #:#-# [006] 26 Holy Sacrament 26 seracs 26 triduum 26 granite cliffs 26 kairos moment 26 Ephesian 26 expository preaching 26 II Corinthians #:# 26 Polish Pontiff 26 Clingman Dome 26 Mariology 26 New Testament Gospels 26 diakonia 26 Laodicea 26 Nursia 26 scriptural texts 26 Picturesque mountain 26 Theologically speaking 26 Accountability ECFA 26 RW Stott 26 Deuteronomy #:#-# [003] 26 Romans #:#-# [001] 26 pre conciliar 26 Gnostic sect 26 Gyalzen Sherpa 26 Congregationalists 26 Mount Everests stacked 26 Revelation 26 Popes 26 Mk. 26 presbyter 26 laity 26 Exodus #:#-# [004] 26 Mount Parnassus 26 rocky ridge 26 guide Tenzing Norgay 26 Sheol 26 Greek Orthodox Patriarchate 26 saints 26 Tenderfoot Second 26 Homilies 26 biblical 26 John Eudes 26 Galatians #:#-# [003] 26 presbyterate 26 Lavish nuptials represent 26 intercessor 26 Ras Tafari 26 1 Corinthians #:#-# [003] 26 liturgical norms 26 Blessed Pius IX 26 Hebrew scriptures 26 Holy Spirit 26 baptize 26 Genesis #:#-# [003] 26 legendary Alpe d' 26 Wanda Dorosz 26 Tensing Norgay 26 tapering silvery tower 26 heavenly realm 26 Southwestern Seminary 26 #:#,# [002] 26 crag 26 KJV 26 #:#,# [008] 26 Norbert Joos 26 General Motors IDMS 26 Paul Tillich 26 Jesus 26 communicants 26 Colorado fourteeners 26 Focolare movement 26 Blessed Seelos 26 Holy Bible 26 Deepholm 26 spokesman Darren Boch 26 Kit DesLauriers 26 encyclical Evangelium Vitae 26 canonical Gospels 26 righteousness exalts nation 26 Matthew #:#-# [002] 26 MorphoSys AG Lena 26 Klein Matterhorn 26 Genesis #:# [002] 26 Stratosphere Tower 26 Kievan Rus 26 Gros Piton 26 Old Testament 26 Papacy 26 monasticism 26 canopied altar 26 inerrant Word 26 Testament epistles 26 Hebrew prophets 26 Methodios 26 Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist 26 Mount Bierstadt 26 El Teide 26 Amplified Bible 26 Charles Borromeo 26 Teewinot Mountain 26 Word Incarnate 26 Charismatic Renewal 25 Secular Franciscans 25 Philippians #:#-# [003] 25 apocryphal gospels 25 canonized saint 25 circumambulate 25 dicastery 25 Matthew #:#-# [006] 25 Greek Orthodox Cathedral 25 West Buttress route 25 biblical prophets 25 Sacerdotalis 25 Presentation Sisters 25 altitude mountaineering 25 glorify Him 25 Scriptural 25 Galatians #:#-# [002] 25 Syangboche 25 sitteth 25 Godhood 25 Schoenstatt 25 Express chairlift 25 Faustina Kowalska 25 Apostolic Letter 25 diaconate 25 Veritatis Splendor 25 hierarchy 25 job Doak ambles 25 1 Thessalonians #:#-# 25 Ascending 25 Corinthians #:#-# [005] 25 Sacrament 25 St. Josemaria 25 Gregorian Chant 25 Divine Mercy devotion 25 Buddhas carved 25 Bishop Sartain 25 Mount Kinabalu 25 Ethiopian eunuch 25 Incarnation 25 gentle slope 25 Nehemiah #:# 25 Votive Mass 25 Corpus Domini 25 Blessed Virgin Mary 25 Gleb Sokolov 25 singer Andrae Crouch 25 ascended 25 Maggid 25 rocky ledges 25 incarnate Word 25 towering spiers 25 Focolare 25 Irene Mordarski 25 periodically eg semiannually 25 perpetual virginity 25 bodily resurrection 25 Portet d' Aspet 25 Kanchenjunga 25 Apostolic Faith Church 25 Jn #:#-# [002] 25 Vinson Massif Antarctica 25 Messianic prophecies 25 Penitents 25 rises majestically 25 eucharistic prayer 25 Promised Messiah 25 Galatians 25 IOGCC 25 Chimney Tops 25 heavenly kingdom 25 Ps. #:# [004] 25 Encyclical 25 Apostolic Tradition 25 Yahuweh 25 Psalm #:#-# [003] 25 Psalm #:# [002] 25 Old Testament scriptures 25 Patricius 25 Philoptochos 25 Rongbuk glacier 25 prophet Muhammad ascended 25 Deut. #:# [002] 25 Everest Lhotse 25 salvific 25 Hebrew Bible 25 Trinitarian 25 Render unto 25 unclimbable 25 Heaviside Layer 25 RCCG 25 whoever humbles 25 ecclesia 25 Norgay 25 princes 25 patristic 25 Brother André 25 Marie Vianney 25 Redeemer Episcopal Church 25 Romans #:#-# [002] 25 Mount Kilamanjaro 25 Italian Reinhold Messner 25 Archdiocesan Cathedral 25 PAR Springer Miller 25 sacred Scriptures 25 Redemptoris Missio 25 Sorrowful Mysteries 25 parasha 25 Familiaris Consortio 25 Arimathea 25 Margaret Mary Alacoque 25 Lk #:#-# [001] 25 Assissi 25 ekklesia 25 Spiritual Exercises 25 ascends 25 Hebrews #:# [002] 25 cf. Acts 25 Isaiah #:#-# [002] 25 Psalmist 25 Kachina Peak 25 pinnacled 25 Cardinal Bernardin 25 evangelical counsels 25 Divine Revelation 25 Columbanus 25 campesinos fled 25 Carthusian 25 Eucharistic celebrations 25 Emmons Glacier 25 switchback trail 25 Apostle Church 25 Epistles 25 Gospel 25 lenticular clouds 25 Italian mountaineer Reinhold 25 Holy Ghost 24 apostolates 24 Old Testament Book 24 unclimbed mountain 24 Jn #:#-# [001] 24 ancient sages 24 #:#,# [009] 24 Psalms #:# [002] 24 Biblical 24 Against Heresies 24 elevation 24 Catholic Church 24 boomed ashore 24 Dantean 24 Lords Spiritual 24 Cursillo 24 Romans #:#-# [005] 24 UIAA 24 teetering precariously 24 Tryfan 24 telemarkers 24 Lord hath 24 #:#-#:# [007] 24 Trappists 24 ski descents 24 confraternities 24 Friars Minor 24 biblical prophet 24 Focolare Movement 24 Tenebrae service 24 enthroned 24 Annunciation Cathedral 24 HCSB 24 Levitical 24 Maravillas de 24 Old Testament scripture 24 Exodus #:#-# [001] 24 Ecclesiasticus 24 Dingboche 24 priestly 24 Pater Noster 24 Prophet pbuh 24 #ft [004] 24 Corinthians #:#-# [002] 24 mountian 24 disciples 24 tallest freestanding mountain 24 Deuteronomy #:# [003] 24 Thessalonians #:# [001] 24 Episcopal Church 24 Jaizkibel 24 Catechist 24 snowfield 24 Gentiles 24 Catholicity 24 Babylonian Captivity 24 Western Cwm 24 Hospitaller Order 24 apostolic zeal 24 LUSSO Collection 24 Christ COGIC 24 Jn #:# [003] 24 Abdu'l Baha 24 maternal intercession 24 Genesis #:#-# [005] 24 Chomolungma 24 Pastores Gregis 24 Sherpa Tenzing Norgay conquered 24 Jn. 24 Reformed Episcopal Church 24 precipitous cliffs 24 mountain 24 #:#-# [004] 24 Misty Mountains 24 anciently 24 Faithfulness 24 Snowfields 24 Hebrews #:#-# [004] 24 Roman Catholic Church 24 Rom #:# [002] 24 prophet Micah 24 Benedict XVI 24 reigning empress 24 Hickory Nut Falls 24 Kohanim 24 Sherpa Tenzing Norgay 24 ziplining 24 Passionists 24 Hebrews #:# [001] 24 Cor #:#-# [001] 24 Rashi explains 24 L' Enfance du 24 Consecration 24 Rosa Mystica 24 Disappointment Cleaver 24 Antiochian Orthodox Church 24 charisms 24 Patristic 24 Greek Melkite 24 monastic vows 24 Khumbu Glacier 24 synoptic Gospels 24 Alpe d' 24 endureth 24 unto Thee 24 buildings antennae spans 24 Eastertide 24 companion Tenzing Norgay 24 Epistle 24 Petrine ministry 24 cluttered LaBonge told 24 Zechariah #:# [002] 24 RoomLinX 24 catechetical 24 Lenten Retreat 24 Catholic Charismatic Renewal 24 Malachi #:# 24 Hebrew Scriptures 24 belched ash 24 Pastores Dabo Vobis 24 Ephesians #:# [001] 24 circular staircase 24 Hiker dies 24 divine mercy 24 sunlight penetrates 24 Glyder Fawr 24 Isaiah #:#-# [003] 24 Saint Joseph Oratory 24 #:#-# [039] 24 Maui Haleakala volcano 24 God incarnate 24 Mount Kanchenjunga 24 Mount Olympus 24 Only Begotten Son 24 Annunciation Church 24 saith unto 24 psalms 24 Divine Creator 24 Lev. 24 #:#-# NIV [001] 24 Benedictines 24 Priestly Fraternity 24 intercessory prayers 23 proclaimers 23 Mattia Preti 23 Corinthians #:#-# [004] 23 Psalms #:# [003] 23 Archbishop Barsamian 23 Vulgate 23 scripture verses 23 Catechists 23 Saint Adalbert 23 Siula Grande 23 anno Domini 23 Romans #:# [001] 23 gradual incline 23 Via Crucis 23 cherubim 23 spiral staircases 23 Devarim 23 spiral stairway 23 Duns Scotus 23 Hebrews #:#-# [003] 23 hymnody 23 TSX BLD NASDAQ BLDP 23 sacred scriptures 23 Exodus #:#-# [005] 23 #:#,# [003] 23 Unleavened Bread 23 Biblical texts 23 Confraternity 23 Harry Kikstra 23 Prophet Isaiah 23 Baboquivari Peak 23 Matt. #:# [002] 23 Baptizer 23 Eucharistic prayer 23 supreme ruler 23 Archimandrite 23 LifeTeen 23 Old Testament prophets 23 Apostle Parish 23 Solemn Mass 23 above timberline 23 Thyatira 23 Qomolangma 23 Isaiah prophecy 23 daredevil Robbie Knievel 23 Sepulchre 23 Widow Mite 23 ordained priesthood 23 skilled survivalist 23 Henri Nouwen 23 Suffering Servant 23 Centesimus Annus 23 #:#,# [010] 23 sepulcher 23 Wonderworker 23 El Diente 23 Great Tribulation 23 GuideStone 23 Pumori 23 OAKLEAF 23 conquered Mount Everest 23 steep couloirs 23 summitting 23 Apostolic See 23 Tanggula