Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 63 KINSHASA AFP 61 Lederer contributed 61 expert Christof Heyns 60 condemns SKorea 60 HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 59 DR CONGO 59 Dharam Shourie 58 DR Congo MONUC 58 observer Du Zhaoyu 58 visit 58 MaximsNewsNetwork 57 spokesman Iyad Nasr 57 spokesman George Somerwill 57 Writer Edith Lederer 57 spokesman Philippe Moreux 57 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 57 NEW YORK ENEWSPF 57 Celine Schmitt 57 Children Fund http:/ 57 UNITED NATIONS @ 57 KINSHASA Reuters 57 spokeswoman Margherita Amodeo 57 representative Staffan de 56 Resident Humanitarian Coordinator 56 spokeswoman Shantha Bloemen 56 UN Secretery General 56 defenders Margaret Sekaggya 56 Country Team UNCT 56 Ica Edith M. Lederer 56 Extends Mandate 56 Jimmy Carter bigot 56 spokeswoman Sophie Boutaud 56 Eskinder Debebe 56 ERITREA ETHIOPIA 56 GOMA Congo 56 spokesperson Martin Nesirky 56 Sudan Ashraf Qazi 56 PREAH VIHEAR Cambodia 56 moon bahn kee 56 General SRSG 55 Louis Georges Arsenault 55 By Irwin Arieff 55 Logan Abassi 55 Emmanuel Goujon 55 EL GENEINA Sudan 55 spokesman Mamadou Bah 55 clear Stefano Zannini 55 spokesperson Stephane Dujarric 55 backed Radio Okapi 55 Lisa Schlein reports 55 spokesman Ben Malor 55 Mikhail Balanov 55 Inspectors Arrive 54 DRC Monuc 54 UN ENVOY 54 Chesnels story 54 Cote d' Ivoire ONUCI 54 DR Congo Monuc 54 Volunteers UNV 54 APA Monrovia Liberia 54 spokeswoman Laura Boldrini 54 MOGADISHU AFP 54 Envoy Criticizes 54 East Timor Atul Khare 54 Abdul exulted 54 representative Miroslav Jenca 54 Statement Attributable 54 UN 54 writer Patrice Citera 54 BAN KI MOON 54 spokesman Kouider Zerrouk 54 Population Fund UNPF 54 representative Sergio Vieira 54 co ordinator Jan Egeland 54 Turkish diplomat Ozdem 54 helicopter gunship patrolled 54 PEACEKEEPERS 54 spokesman Milos Strugar 54 SECRETARY GENERAL BAN KI 53 Nick Birnback spokesman 53 Blood Stained Hands 53 UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL 53 UNITED NATIONS Sept 53 By Nazih Siddiq 53 JERUSALEM BNO NEWS 53 Burundi Carolyn McAskie 53 BC AF GEN 53 APA Dakar Senegal 53 Edith Lederer contributed 53 KHARTOUM SUDAN 53 UNITED NATIONS Reuters 53 General Koffi Annan 53 spokesman Toussaint Kongo 53 FONDS PARISIEN Haiti 53 representative Myrta Kaulard 53 Kemal Saiki spokesman 53 WESTERN SAHARA 53 UNITED NATION 53 Kosovo Harri Holkeri 53 Veronique Taveau 53 Mideast envoy Robert Serry 53 Photo Bernat Armangue 53 Jessica DuPlessis 53 Vincent Lusser spokesman 53 Gerard Aziakou 53 de la Llosa 53 Patrick Worsnip 53 Per Engebak 53 GOMA DR Congo 53 GAZA CITY AFP 53 envoy Ashraf Qazi 53 Alain LeRoy 52 endangering Gazan 52 Christiane Berthiaume spokeswoman 52 sponsored Radio Okapi 52 UNITED NATIONS 52 Photo Johannes Eisele 52 Edie Lederer 52 MORGES Switzerland BUSINESS WIRE 52 IN SUDAN 52 Arab nomads allied 52 BRAZZAVILLE 52 Sergio Pinheiro 52 Integrated Peacebuilding Office 52 By MARTIN WALKER 52 DIRECTOR GENERAL OF 52 Lark Previn daughter 52 Haiti Hedi Annabi 52 Elisa Burchett 52 Photo Monika Graff 52 Nuclear Watchdog 52 UN spokeswoman Radhia 52 UNAMID peacekeeper 52 spokesman Jaya Murthy 52 Kosovo UNMIK voiced 52 Ending Impunity 52 By VERDEL BISHOP 52 MIRANSHAH Pakistan Reuters 52 TEGUCIGALPA 52 spokesman Hamadoun Toure 52 Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie 52 writer Edith M. 52 Ivana Vuco 52 Hla Hla Htay 52 Wyclef Jean Bruce Springsteen 52 Humans Rights Watch 52 spokesman Michel Peremans 52 © Sapa 52 Ivory Coast UNOCI 52 PANGANDARAN Indonesia 52 #Â Â Â Â 52 Condemns Murder 52 WCup lookahead capsules 52 REFUGEES IN 52 OIC Ihsanoglu 52 IN DARFUR 52 Alvaro Rivas 52 Sudan Ameerah Haq 52 worker Bettina Goislard 52 Kevin Dietsch Enlarge 52 writers Anne Gearan 51 THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 51 Brenden Varma 51 El Mostafa Benlamlih 51 spokesperson Marie Okabe 51 Writer Patrice Citera 51 UN SECRETARY GENERAL 51 Photo LM Otero 51 Jocelyne Zablit 51 Director Michel Sidibe 51 waterborne bacterial infection 51 spokeswoman Elena Ponomareva 51 prematurely resettling 51 Lt. Col. Boulbars 51 Azouz Ennifar 51 Oliver Rosenbauer spokesman 51 KIWANJA Congo 51 Tunisian Hedi Annabi 51 Lehaz Ali PESHAWAR Pakistan 51 SIRTE 51 COTABATO 51 YAMOUSSOUKRO 51 Maj. Falah al Mihamadawi 51 spokesman Miguel Langarica 51 Fidele Sarassoro 51 KINSHASA Nov 51 writer Edith Lederer 51 Les Luchter 51 coordinator Valerie Amos 51 ASSEMBLY OF FIRST 51 Cholera Outbreak Kills 51 Chadians uprooted 51 GOIANIA Brazil 51 DR.Congo 51 Guillaume Ngefa 51 DR Congo MONUSCO 51 Macharia Kamau 51 NEW PHASE 51 Tripartite Mechanism 51 Isabelle Abric spokeswoman 51 Human Settlements Programme 51 Photo Keizo Mori 51 Côte D' ivoire 51 Shantha Bloemen spokeswoman 51 COLOMBO SRI LANKA 51 spokesman Kris Janowski 51 NYALA Sudan 51 TAIYUAN 51 Peacekeepers Killed 51 Frank Jordans contributed 51 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 51 TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY 51 Ugandan peacekeeper 51 Joy Portella spokeswoman 51 François Lonseny Fall 51 Photo Seth Wenig 51 monumental explorations 51 UNAMIS 51 Francoise Gruloos 51 Mouctar Bah 51 Organization FAO 51 Julian Guyer LONDON 51 Yeardley battered 51 Marie Guéhenno 51 Photo Hiro Komae 51 Callimachi contributed 51 BEAVERTON OR #/#/# 51 Ivory Coast ONUCI 51 By Jason Roessle 51 Teleconference Instructions 50 Iranian gunboats encircled 50 spokesman Firas Kayal 50 Madnodje Mounoubai 50 correspondent Edith M. 50 LALIT K JHA 50 Photo Bas Czerwinski 50 Czech supermodel Karolina 50 By Nicholas Rigillo 50 Opportunist # 50 Writer Maria Sanminiatelli 50 Palestine Count Folke 50 Yasmina Bouziane spokeswoman 50 Human Rights Bertrand Ramcharan 50 reporter Godfrey Olukya 50 marry financier Arpad 50 KINSHASA Oct 50 Union UNAMID peacekeeping 50 Sebastien Lapierre 50 spokesman Kemal Saiki 50 Dr. Rafaela Gentilini 50 killed instantly Aind 50 Photo Ezio Petersen 50 50 envoy Anna Tibaijuka 50 spokesman Damien Personnaz 50 Annan Urges 50 PRESS DIGEST MALAYSIA 50 condemns NKorea 50 DJIBOUTI 50 Liberia Unmil 50 Photo Yves Logghe 50 spokeswoman Hua Jiang 50 ETHIOPIA ERITREA 50 United Nations 50 Zimbabwe Haile Menkerios 50 By Carol Aun 50 PEACEKEEPING 50 BAIDOA Somalia 50 Las Fotos 50 Matthew Kahane 50 By Brad Brevet 50 strife torn Sudanese 50 Stabilisation Mission 50 Waheedullah Massoud 50 Carley Petesch contributed 50 By Dorene Internicola 50 DRC MONUSCO 50 Funds DREF 50 Um Shalaya 50 Dr. Nicholas Alipui 50 Elman Peace 50 FREETOWN Sierra Leone 50 Perseveranda So 50 YANGON AFP 50 morgan greywolf # * 50 Space Station Status 50 AL ARISH Egypt 50 KINSHASA 50 Nick Wadhams 50 COTABATO Philippines Xinhua 50 Movies Birth 50 official Heidar Heidari 50 Photo Rune Hellestad 50 Herve Ludovic de Lys 50 spokesman Nourredine Mezni 50 Angelo Gnaedinger 50 Fighting Escalates 50 Administrator Henrietta Fore 50 Ethnic Uighur 50 NY# NY# NY# 50 Anupama Rao Singh 50 Peacekeeping Atul Khare 50 South Kivu Province 50 Afghanistan Tom Koenigs 50 confidante Win Tin 50 release HREA http:/ 50 BANDA ACEH Aceh 50 BBSNews #-#-# NASA 50 SAYS SECRETARY GENERAL 50 B B WB7BBI 50 Patrick Kolan IGN 50 de Recherche Nucleaire 50 Mohamed Hasni 50 Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha 50 Sudan expels 50 Population Activities 50 Taye Brook Zerihoun 50 Zlatan Milisic 50 Koen Vanormelingen 50 KATV LLC 50 50 foundation 50 YOGYAKARTA Indonesia 50 Photo Eugene Hoshiko 50 Klaus Stohr influenza 50 AIDS UNAIDS 50 spokesman Maurizio Giuliano 50 UNICEF 50 UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 50 Envoy Ibrahim Gambari 50 Organisation Against Torture 50 EL FASHER Sudan 49 Shola Omoregie 49 special envoy Abdelilah 49 Chris Cycmanick 49 NNN UNNS 49 Economy Juan Temistocles 49 Girlie Linao 49 ANTARA News Xinhua 49 REDD Programme 49 investigator Manfred Nowak 49 EmbeddedJanitor # 49 Brito Sozinho 49 dethroned Oprah Winfrey 49 Least Developed Countries Landlocked 49 PanAfrica 49 spokesman Said Arikat 49 Organization Against Torture 49 BC ME GEN IRAQ 49 umbilical cord Christiane Berthiaume 49 Brannavan Gnanalingam Milestone 49 Irwin Arieff 49 By REBECCA TODD 49 Taylor Sainte 49 KABUL AFP 49 FOOTBALL NEWS 49 GALE STREET INN 49 KHARTOUM Dec 49 CBS Kelly Cobiella 49 Minister Chan Sarun 49 Education Associates HREA 49 spokeswoman Ida Thuesen 49 http:/ 49 WFP Alain Jaffre 49 Mwakawago 49 Congo Leila Zerrougui 49 Ammar Karim BAGHDAD 49 Photo Mohammad Kheirkhah 49 dateline Khartoum 49 By JOHN HENZELL 49 organization Sawasiah 49 Jean Tobie Okala 49 Group UNDG 49 Environmental Programme UNEP 49 Khazimiyah Hospital 49 Stort spokeswoman 49 CIRENDEU Indonesia 49 Charles Onians 49 Roger Meece 49 Brooke Shields Salma Hayek 49 Sukehiro Hasegawa 49 Michel Forst 49 Jerzy Skuratowicz 49 Felix 49 UNICEF UNAIDS 49 Desmond Boylan 49 Haiti Hédi Annabi 49 ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE 49 Darfur Unamid 49 Bangladeshi peacekeeper 49 DIRECTORS OF AFRICAN QUEEN 49 Muhammad Anshori 49 Herat Adraskan district 49 Situational Analysis 49 Humanitarian Envoy 49 Haiti Edmond Mulet 49 UN Secy Gen 49 Autopsies Scheduled For 49 Ethiopia Cherif Mahamat 49 spokesman Moshood Jimoh 49 Kills Naked Coupl 49 UNAIDS Secretariat 49 buffer zone patrolled 49 SUDAN Darfur 49 Carolyn McAskie 49 governor Julien Mpaluku 49 spokeswoman Maki Shinohara 49 Dr. Hassan Gutale 49 PRISTINA Serbia Montenegro 49 Medicins Sans Frontiers MSF 49 mass polio vaccination 49 Amran provinces 49 Sudan Sima Samar 49 UN Envoy Urges 49 NOUAKCHOTT 49 Humanitarian Co ordinator 49 spokesman Robin Waubo 49 stray bullets MSF 49 Human Rights Sergio Vieira 49 KINSHASA Congo 49 writer Nadia Abou 49 MAPUTO 49 TheRaven# # 49 Sange Flament put 49 Laurens Jolles 49 Kimua 49 BOUAKE Ivory Coast 49 BBSNews #-#-# BAGHDAD 49 Nasser Abu Bakr 49 Horst Faas retired 49 MEZHDURECHENSK Russia 49 By ALAN BALDWIN 49 Erlinda Basilio 49 Photo Misha Japaridze 49 KHARTOUM Oct 49 Nick Birnback 49 Simon Munzu 49 Kosovo Pieter Feith 49 envoy Robert Serry 49 ABIDJAN Reuters 49 Unknown gunmen ambushed 49 spokeswoman Gail Bindley 49 Photo Winslow Townson 49 KHARTOUM Sudan Sudanese 49 shack demolitions 49 Rupa Kumar Kolli 49 Damian Onses Cardona 49 identities Carlos Payan 49 Georgia Heidi Tagliavini 49 CHIHUAHUA MEXICO 49 Photo Achmad Ibrahim 49 MaximsNews Network 49 N'DJAMENA Reuters 49 Indigenous Populations 49 Sudan Georg Charpentier 49 MARJAH 49 Eritrea Unmee 49 Populations Fund UNFPA 49 Peacekeeping Jean 49 Human Rights UNHCHR 49 Myanmar Tomas Ojea 49 Lt. Mohammad Esah 49 N'DJAMENA 49 warplanes accidentally strafed 49 AU Peacekeepers 49 MONTERREY MEXICO 48 Union mediator Djibril 48 By Hassan Hafidh 48 #-# 48 OUAGADOUGOU 48 FOR ITS CONTENTS 48 http:/ 48 Photo Damian Dovarganes 48 PORTLAND ORE 48 Burma Razali Ismail 48 Knut Ostby 48 JOWHAR Somalia 48 By Evelyn Leopold 48 Tamrat Samuel 48 BANTUL Indonesia 48 Sierra Leone UNIPSIL 48 Kalma refugee camp 48 CastrTroy # 48 Aveba 48 Philippine Permanent Representative 48 Police UNPOL 48 Haile Menkerios 48 Rocket Attack Kills 48 Photo Andres Kudacki 48 Marixie Mercado 48 Fabrizio Bensch 48 Coordinator Valerie Amos 48 ADDIS ABABA AFP 48 gEvil beta # 48 Waubo 48 Afghan Civilians Killed 48 Domenick Yoney RSS feed 48 Photo Wilfredo Lee 48 French acronym Monuc 48 Photo Altaf Qadri 48 Amir Dossal Executive 48 Pierrette Vu Thi 48 BORDER WITH 48 Yvonne Terlingen 48 TOTTENHAM MANAGER HARRY REDKNAPP 48 Evelyn Leopold 48 Democracy Fund UNDEF 48 Sonita Taylor 48 Nepalese peacekeeper 48 March.# Sh.M.Network 48 Kosovo Lamberto Zannier 48 Jaya Murthy 48 representative Adama Guindo 48 Spokeswoman Emilia Casella 48 refugee agency 48 FACTBOX Developments 48 Education Initiative UNGEI 48 Ambassadors Tea Leoni 48 TUZ KHORMATO Iraq 48 MOGADISHU Nov 48 Aeneas Chuma 48 Suicide Bombers Strike 48 Bob Brownne Tracy 48 Bulengo 48 HE STRESSED 48 Refugees António Guterres 48 Peter Makal 48 DILI East Timor 48 AFRICAN UNION 48 Action contre la 48 Nick Wadhams contributed 48 Rwanda Tutsi led 48 Peacekeeper Killed 48 Photo Muhammed Muheisen 48 spokesman Sayat Shirinian 48 xFenixKnightx 48 KALAYA 48 Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi 48 Promote Gender Equality 48 By Malcolm Maclachlan 48 worker Nobutaka Watanabe 48 nontoxic solvent 48 Zukang 48 Photo Khalid Tanveer 48 Human Rights Navanethem Pillay 48 Photo Hassan Ammar 48 Eradicate Polio 48 activist Mustafa Osso 48 Vicente Guterres 48 By KEVIN TUTTY 48 CAMDEN NJ BUSINESS WIRE 48 Ali Yussef 48 SLGN appears 48 Mutrif Siddig 48 tribunal indicts 48 NORTH BILLERICA Mass. 48 Dazed survivors wandered 48 Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem Mohamad 48 MAPLE PLAIN Minn. 48 LiquidCoooled # 48 Photo Nell Redmond 48 Lendu militiamen 48 Libya Abdelilah Al 48 Diplomat Killed 48 Nils Kastberg 48 Pierre Esperance 48 Joelle Bassoul 48 ABECHE Chad 48 French acronym MONUC 48 Condemns Deadly 48 Commissioner Louise Arbour 48 Frontieres Doctors Without Borders 48 Middle East envoy Terje 48 PADANG Indonesia 48 Minister Nard Ndoka 48 writer Gabriel Alcocer 48 NDJAMENA 48 Rebels Threaten 48 BUJUMBURA Burundi 48 Writer Carley Petesch 48 ambassador Prince Zeid 48 Photo Mike Groll 48 Fernando Esquer 48 translator Nour Weidi 48 NEWS VIDEO 48 Afghanis Killed 48 Toussaint Kongo Doudou 48 NDJAMENA Chad 48 internally displaced Somalis 48 Simbo Choiseul 48 UNAIDS WHO 48 ARUSHA TANZANIA 48 Gen. Khalilullah Zaiyi 48 eastern DRCongo 48 UN 48 KABUL Afghanistan Militants 48 official Natiq Hayat 48 officer Ivana Vuco 48 HONIARA Solomon Islands 48 Li Heping Beijing 48 Threatens Sanctions Against 48 BANDA ACEH 48 UNDP UNFPA 48 FSBO #/#/# Wood 48 Dan McNorton spokesman 48 Sudan Jan Pronk 48 VOA Margaret Besheer 48 MOGADISHU SOMALIA 48 Intensifying skirmishes 48 virulent diarrheal disease 48 Peacekeeping Mission 48 By Phil Guie 48 Ambush Kills 48 Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari 48 UNAMID peacekeeping 48 UnitedNations 48 ALLARD Special 47 spokesman Michel Bonnardeaux 47 Truce Holds 47 Georgia EUMM 47 y h r 47 Bogonko Bosire 47 envoy Vijay Nambiar 47 KOZAK B. 47 ALAPAHA Ga. 47 Zabit Khan local 47 UNDP UNICEF 47 HARGEISA Somalia 47 spokesman Assane Ba 47 Sakher Abu El Oun 47 Dessallien 47 CONAKRY 47 French frigate Nivose 47 Bjorn Ljungqvist 47 Botswana Ketumile Masire 47 KIGALI 47 schoolchildren Fayez 47 dave id 47 Aids Epidemic Update 47 Lt. Col. Ahmad Yani 47 tutored Novitzky 47 drones buzzed overhead 47 Special Representative Rodolphe 47 Photo Armando Franca 47 Amin Awad 47 commanders Anatole 47 Civilians Killed 47 GUNUNG SITOLI Indonesia 47 Crisis Worsens 47 representative Jean Arnault 47 By GEOFF LONGLEY 47 Actor Don Cheadle 47 UNDP UNEP 47 Damien Personnaz 47 coordinator Rashid Khalikov 47 Photo Emilio Morenatti 47 Diganta television 47 Mayi Mayi militiamen 47 spokesman Yutaka Arima 47 Owali 47 Spokesman Stephane Dujarric 47 Sudan strife torn 47 Stephane Dujarric 47 HARLAN ULLMAN UPI 47 Death Toll Tops 47 chief Valerie Amos 47 Choscal Hospital 47 Gianfranco Rotigliano 47 Evictions COHRE 47 APA Addis Ababa Ethiopia 47 Centre UNIC 47 LUANDA 47 Social Affairs DESA 47 Panapress 47 Photo Alberto Saiz 47 Puli Alam district 47 Cluster Munition Monitor 47 diplomat Staffan de 47 East Timor Sukehiro Hasegawa 47 ultranationalist Buddhist monks 47 Suicide Bomber Wounds 47 Commission IGLHRC 47 QUITO ECUADOR 47 Jeremy Kressmann RSS feed 47 Patrick Lavand'homme 47 Nellika Little spokeswoman 47 MASERU 47 BISSAU 47 envoy Tomas Ojea 47 Tehran Roberto Arbitrio 47 diplomat Sergio Vieira 47 Without Borders MSF 47 Khalilullah Rahmani 47 BBSNews #-#-# 47 Preparedness Agency DPPA 47 GOMA Democratic 47 Ambassador Uichiro Niwa 47 HUNTSVILLE Ala. BUSINESS WIRE 47 Martissant slum 47 Fred Blaise 47 Sreten Lukić 47 Legal Counsel Nicolas 47 Geneva Sylvie Corbet 47 Stefano Zannini 47 SREBRENICA Bosnia Herzegovina 47 Blind Side eclipses 47 NIAMEY Niger Niger 47 LISA RATHKE 47 Jon Brause 47 Lew Amselem 47 General Yigit Alpogan 47 Dr. Naseer Homoud 47 BANG Media 47 Rompres #/#/# 47 elrous0 # * 47 Photo Hasan Jamali 47 chairman Alpha Konare 47 charity Medecins sans 47 Photo Heng Sinith 47 general Denis Caillaux 47 Food Programme UNWFP 47 Rohan Minogue 47 Photo Vadim Ghirda 47 UNICEF UNFPA 47 WEST PATERSON NJ 47 COOPERATE WITH 47 envoy Jan Eliasson 47 Rafeeuddin Ahmed 47 AIDS Epidemic Update 47 SEMARANG Indonesia 47 Anne Chaon 47 Benedicte Goderiaux 47 NNN KUNA 47 SANTO DOMINGO 47 Ambassador Meron Reuben 47 James Spielmann 47 Ebadullah Ebadi 47 SUNNYVALE Calif 47 Favre desperation heave 47 Photographer Kidnapped 47 Aida Girma 47 By HELEN MURDOCH 47 Peacekeeping Operations Alain 47 Pascale Meige Wagner 47 Joann Lockard spokeswoman 47 KOBE Japan 47 Rupert Colville 47 Commission UNIIIC 47 Jean Marc Mojon 47 Slashfood Editor Posted 47 Photo Hussein Malla 47 Pakistan Martin Mogwanja 47 SUKHUMI Georgia 47 HEADQUARTERS IN 47 Omar Sobhani 47 Sri Lanka Neil Buhne 47 hammering monsoon rains 47 name Biospherics 47 ethnic Hutu rebels 47 spokesman Dan McNorton 47 ScrewMaster # 47 El Hadji Malick Sow 47 Women Unifem 47 Alvaro De Soto 47 Constantine Mishin Lutzky 47 Avert DAT files 47 Activities UNFPA 47 SC/# 47 Rouba Kabbara 47 NGO Médecins Sans Frontières 47 UNRCCA 47 coordinator Jan Egeland 47 Kieran Dwyer 47 Accelerated Reduction 47 Haiti cholera outbreak 47 Mohamed Keita 47 Action Service UNMAS 47 Development GAID 47 Manuel Bessler 47 sm# # 47 Gwyneth Paltrow Ivanka Trump 47 morgan greywolf # 47 ATTACKS IN 47 chief Meng Sutie 47 PORT MORESBY 47 Gregory Coontz 47 Dzheirkhanov 47 near Gagnoa 47 Sec. Gen 47 Photo Tina Fineberg 47 MITCHEL FIELD NY 47 Bertrand Ramcharan 47 Fighting Resumes 47 Masood Hyder 47 By Matt Zapotosky 47 General WNTD Awardee 47 SOLO Indonesia 47 Helene Caux spokeswoman 47 Immigrants USCRI 47 Julien Harneis 47 Special Session UNGASS 47 Shelling Kills 47 QUETTA Pakistan AFP 47 Missile Destruction 46 FLORIAN Austria 46 CASTEL GANDOLFO Italy 46 spokeswoman Catherine Ntabadde 46 Photo Mustafa Quraishi 46 KUPANG Indonesia 46 Violence Kills 46 JODHPUR India 46 Nouri al Nouri 46 Biodiversity Outlook 46 Calle Magdalena Encinitas 46 RAMADI 46 Western Asia ESCWA 46 Centre INSEC 46 Interview Rogge 46 CEREMONY HELD 46 General Ban Kimoon 46 Environment Programme Unep 46 EcoGeek Technology 46 Baghdis 46 KINSHASA Sept 46 missiles #mm cannon 46 CAYENNE French Guiana 46 Unoci 46 Feliciano Ovalle 46 Visit LIMRA 46 Alexander Yakovlev Russian 46 Global Compact UNGC 46 Agency Kul Bhushan 46 DAVID GARRICK Staff Writer 46 Photo Ariel Schalit 46 Chagrined palace officials 46 Heimo Laakkonen 46 Maman Susanto 46 JAMRUD Pakistan 46 Photo Tertius Pickard 46 ANTARA News AFP 46 BY MARK EMMERT 46 OJIYA Japan 46 MELVILLE W.Va. 46 Clemens sat expressionless 46 BAKORNAS PB 46 Spokesman Martin Nesirky 46 WORLD HERITAGE 46 Shiite Stronghold 46 Simon Pluess 46 Services WFSV 46 SophosLabs ™ 46 Rana Sidani spokeswoman 46 Anton Rychener 46 Kenyan Wangari Maathai 46 Eliana Nabaa spokeswoman 46 KOUROU French Guiana 46 CONVENTION ON 46 envoy Terje Roed Larsen 46 By MOTOKO RICH 46 Untouchables Bugsy 46 backed Janjaweed militias 46 Humanitarian Affairs Ocha 46 SESSION OF 46 MIRANSHAH Pakistan 46 WANA Pakistan Reuters 46 Miroslav Jenca 46 Organization UNESCO 46 FAO WFP 46 GLAND Switzerland 46 universal Shhhh 46 MARTIN VAN BEYNEN 46 Vincent Houver 46 Factbox Military 46 Amos Namanga Ngongi 46 CBS wire 46 spokesman Zemedkun Tekle 46 General Rahmatullah Raufi 46 Hani Khalaf 46 Attack Injures 46 Nairobi UNON 46 CHIANG MAI Thailand 46 Matt Pavelek 46 northwestern Bajur 46 editor Evie Righter 46 Organization WTO 46 Photo Andrew Medichini 46 Toby Lanzer 46 Photo Muzaffar Salman 46 Aid Worker Killed 46 Veronique Taveau spokeswoman 46 Photo Tony Avelar 46 Cesar Uruena 46 By DAN EATON 46 46 By PAUL GORMAN 46 KABUL Afghanistan KABUL Afghanistan 46 Relief Coordinator 46 wrinkled nylon 46 Michel Bonnardeaux spokesman 46 Frank La Rue 46 Dr Festo Kavishe 46 Central Asia UNRCCA 46 Photo Bela Szandelszky 46 Strongly Condemns 46 Kingsley Amaning 46 funded Radio Okapi 46 DERA MURAD JAMALI 46 KUNDUZ 46 Portugal Lusa news 46 Gleb Garanich 46 Tourism Organisation UNWTO 46 Servicemen Killed 46 spokesman Kuol Diem 46 Declares Cease Fire 46 PRNewswire USNewswire AJC 46 Christine McNab 46 GENEVA 46 Derschau 46 Peacebuilding Support Office 46 DAKAR Senegal 46 watchdog Dileep Nair 46 Cambodia Suos Sothea 46 YAMOUSSOUKRO Ivory Coast 46 FOREIGN PRESS 46 Barzan Tilli Choli 46 spokeswoman Ariane Quentier 46 Ali Abdallah Nassour 46 Capt. Hady Hatef 46 Photo Natacha Pisarenko 46 West Africa UNOWA 46 Heart Federation WHF 46 PRISTINA 46 RECIFE 46 Greenberg videotaped confession 46 BY MARK WILSON 46 Analyst Mark Lipacis 46 Ted Chaiban 46 h r h 46 backed Janjaweed militia 46 Burundi AMIB 46 Asean Intergovernmental 46 Andrej Mahecic spokesperson 46 KHARTOUM Reuters 46 António Guterres 46 Georg Charpentier 46 aEUR #/#/# 46 People Rights ACHPR 46 LAIYANG China 46 Recovering Addicts 46 Navy SEAL Cmdr 46 Jane Cocking Oxfam 46 PRISTINA Serbia 46 writer Salad Duhul 46 Marilyn McHarg 46 Ban Ki moon 46 envoy Ahmedou Ould Abdallah 46 YANGON Reuters 46 General Alishah Paktiawal 46 BUENA CENTER 46 Jean Fabre 46 Vitaly Titov 46 OIC UNMEE 46 INSEEC Schools 46 spokesman Adolphe Manirakiza 46 Othman Belbeisi 46 spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis 46 Helene Caux 46 official Tajammal Shah 46 Photo Rick Rycroft 46 Explosive Factory Khurmal 46 UNs 46 Libya Abdel Elah 46 moderatorrater # 46 already overrun Kibati 46 Photo Darko Bandic 46 Alexa Weibel Posted 46 spokesman Alexander Ivanko 46 By GILES BROWN 46 Counterpunch reposted 46 HIV malaria tuberculosis 46 Mohammad Khazaee 46 COLUMBIA MARKET WIRE #/#/# 46 Suicide Bombers Attack 46 Juan Méndez 46 DRCongo 46 NUCLEAR PROGRAMME 46 Araria Kishenganj 46 Rupert Colville spokesperson 46 BUNIA Congo 46 ANTANANARIVO 46 Landlocked Developing Countries 46 Disengagement Observer Force UNDOF 46 Option NV EURONEXT 46 Photo Saurabh Das 46 Hugo Arvizu 46 MICHAEL SCHWEITZER DAILY 46 Resident Co ordinator 46 Sha Zukang Under 46 UN Peacekeepers