Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 66 abut 47 just 46 regarding 46 more 44 concerning 44 around 42 talking 42 About 41 how 39 over 38 talked 38 what 38 talk 37 worth 37 relates 37 More 37 surrounding 37 nearly 36 roughly 36 than 36 equates 35 or 35 why 35 almost 35 affecting 35 aloud 34 actually 34 honestly 34 some 34 much 34 exactly 34 discussing 34 that 34 frankly 34 less 33 little 33 so 33 relating 33 affects 33 there 33 people 33 relate 32 only 32 but 32 still 32 compares 32 Be truthful 32 hear 32 bothers 32 when 32 affect 32 pertaining 32 equating 32 Around 31 ton 31 mere 31 Just 31 they 31 from 31 really 31 lot 31 all 31 candidly 31 answering questions 31 Almost 31 many 31 going 31 regards 31 beforehand 31 subject 31 Regarding 31 I 31 because 30 clouding 30 lots 30 shy 30 contributes 30 happened 30 related 30 do 30 overshadowing 30 'm 30 equate 30 raises 30 this 30 vaguely 30 tell 30 afterward 30 know 30 discuss 30 pertains 30 with 29 it 29 now 29 truthfully 29 worried 29 scared 29 heard 29 entailed 29 raised 29 understandably