Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 63 volcanos erupted 60 characters Sparky Lyle 56 Disruptions uncertainty 55 Repligen filings 53 volatile 53 WNS ADS 52 Yasmina Reza hilarious 51 Impossibly melodramatic family 51 highly capitalized Milanka 50 floodwaters deluged 49 bedeviled Andean 48 poisonously 48 Equity NAVs 47 repressed rage 47 Resentments 46 shutdown brinksmanship 46 painter Javier Bardem 46 beta coefficient remained 46 argumentativeness 46 including Ghazaliyah Amariyah 46 Ferroelectric Random Access 45 Vigilante roadblocks 45 beta coefficient included 45 serpent tongued woman 45 CBOE Vix 45 ECONOMIC REPORT Consumer 45 jeera pepper 45 sided Pellman 45 swirly cone 45 scarred rap mogul 45 corrosively 45 raged unabated 44 ethnic Tuareg nomads 44 overran checkpoint 44 mood swings irritability 44 WALL STREET Stocks 44 simmering cauldron 44 Still Gerasimowicz 44 ignite incinerating those 44 produces tingling numbness 44 MF NAVs 44 This mindless paralyzing 44 volcano Mount Merapi 44 Jeanthenor 44 Nicknamed Irritable Kan 44 midsummer swoon 44 FUTURES MOVERS Oil 44 Violence begets 44 demeanor belied 44 COMMODITIES Markets 44 nationalist rhetoric 43 Dislocation maybe 43 envy jealousy 43 Sensex plunges 43 Sensex sheds 43 sporadic bouts 43 Kasper Kirkegaard currency 43 PRECIOUS Gold rises 43 Sandra Ebner 43 treachery deceit 43 RPT GLOBAL MARKETS Stocks 43 untempered 43 Takashi Hiroki 43 COFFEE Coffee 43 yield curve inverting 43 Thina Saltvedt 43 intuition toughness 42 cucumber Illich 42 weepiness 42 programmable OTP memory 42 METALS Copper rises 42 neighboring Qadasiyah province 42 transformative eras 42 Pollsters attribute 42 Inflationary fears 42 Ingushetia Chechnya 42 trending sideways 42 cliff towered 42 Marketmen attributed 42 Rubin Dhillon 42 intolerance bigotry 42 Lisa Vorderbrueggen covers 42 TREASURIES Bonds dip 42 PRECIOUS Gold ticks 42 Rob Montefusco 42 Hitoshi Inagawa Tokyo 42 Sangeeta Persaud began 42 toxically 42 Yuji Nakagawa head 42 Benchmark indices 42 simmering geopolitical tensions 42 shock Ruby Bengen 42 Geopolitical tension 42 stoking sectarian 42 Liang Yunxiang 42 Castorseed futures 42 ASIA MARKETS Asian 41 Nonferrous metals 41 stockists amidst 41 rampaging militiamen 41 Euroshares outlook 41 Dissolve gelatin 41 Stan Geberer 41 MARKET WATCH Energy 41 Russia Kamchatka volcanoes 41 hubris arrogance 41 Milanka Index 41 gave sarcastic ode 41 Laki volcano spewed 41 METALS Copper dips 41 NAPHTHA Asian naphtha 41 TSEC #.TT 41 CBOT oats 41 Paramitra Securities 41 flammable liquid derived 41 MARKET REPORT Stocks 41 Sectoral indices 41 lacerating wit 41 Merriam Webster Dictionary defines 41 Compulsive shoppers 41 debate Stavros Lygeros 41 Factional fighting 41 DRAM ICs 41 RPT TREASURIES Bonds 41 moody irritable 41 unabashed patriotism 41 GOLD Comex 41 COFFEE Coffee prices 41 Premarket Dow 41 Summary Box Commodities 41 sporadic outbursts 41 hyperactivity distractibility 41 Kosovska Mitrovica Serb 40 Commonwealth Thurtell 40 Platinum palladium 40 Geopolitical worries 40 Tradewinds NWQ specializing 40 Unremitting 40 SCUD Single stage 40 intraweek low 40 Norman Paech awoke 40 adulterates 40 MUMBAI Indices 40 BASE METALS Base 40 Memory FRAM 40 fire Minnetto 40 Stockmarkets 40 Bombings assassinations 40 NCDEX Jeera futures 40 Oil steadies 40 Loonie tumbles 40 Comity aside 40 CLCV1 Loading 40 temper 40 Passenger Pilar Abaurrea 40 Futures augured 40 flashbacks nightmares sudden 40 prickly temperament 40 TONIGHT Clear 40 territorial disputes souring 40 TONIGHT Mostly 40 Inflaming 40 tuning pegs adjust 40 India chana guar 40 FUTURES MOVERS Crude 40 debilitatingly 40 typical Neon Deion 40 PRECIOUS Gold extends 40 FRIDAY Mostly sunny 40 Curfew imposed 40 Chicuong Dang 40 Summary Box Copper 40 TREASURIES Bond 40 WCoast Products Gasoline 40 Calcium carbide 40 Prescription sleeping pills 40 hotheadedness 40 obstreperousness 40 Broader indices 40 organic carbons 40 self proclaimed shellacking 40 Tense calm 40 SHFE warehouses 40 escalating geopolitical tensions 40 spittle spewing 40 tempered 40 affect lability mood 40 demonstrators hurling rocks 40 Volcanic gases 40 Bargain hunting lifts 40 Catalyst Semiconductor designs 40 geosynchronous orbit reached 40 GLOBAL MARKETS Euro 40 Sprinkle liberally 40 vengefulness 40 nightmares flashbacks angry 40 directness warmth 40 EURO GOVT Bund 40 shrapnel wounds proliferate 40 See Futures Movers 40 TREASURIES Bonds climb 40 Robert Minikin senior 40 Fierce gunbattles 40 despotic tendencies 40 Bituminous coal 40 Pure unadulterated 40 Lionel Mandrake 40 Exuding 40 econ worries 40 Reuters Jeffries CRB 40 spitefulness 39 Mobs rampaged 39 * MEIR ON 39 Nitric acid 39 irritability mood swings 39 volcanic temper 39 Yingxi Yu precious metals 39 unprovoked Huffer 39 Bushfire arsonists strike 39 Simmering resentment 39 irritability anxiety 39 Easing tensions 39 MARKET WATCH 39 Euroshares outlook lower 39 EMERGING MARKETS Latam 39 Thierry Lacraz strategist 39 leaking potassium hydroxide 39 phosphoric acids 39 selfishness greed 39 bigotry intolerance 39 Secondline stocks 39 regains #k 39 greed avarice 39 anxiety sleeplessness 39 secessionist sentiment 39 anxiety flashbacks nightmares 39 Suffused 39 Like Latakia Banias 39 Volatile 39 NYMEX Crude dips 39 muscle cramps dizziness 39 fomented ethnic 39 Stocks tumble 39 microscopic algae reproduces 39 Aaberg suicide 39 Shahzad Chamdia Sec 39 plagues Diyala province 39 song GNO 39 drumfire 39 ANKARA Turkey Foreigners 39 distractedness 39 ECB hawkishness 39 FOREX Yen edges 39 resentfulness 39 nervousness irritability 39 futures DJc1 39 TELECOM STOCKS Telecoms 39 Sleeplessness anxiety depression 39 squirted Aidan 39 Latam stocks 39 GLOBAL MARKETS Asian 39 flirtatiousness 39 Cook whisking constantly 39 brusk 39 greed sloth 39 MARKET WATCH Crude 39 GLOBAL MARKETS Dlr 39 CBOE Vix volatility 39 iconic abbey 39 boiling cauldron 39 bungled el Masri 39 sodium hydrochloride 39 Tom Pawlicki precious metals 39 stiffer breezes 39 Maurice Brighthaupt depicted 39 Patio heaters 39 extreme fractiousness 39 Website 39 lemon juice parsley 39 GLOBAL MARKETS Oil 39 MARKET CLOSE NZ 39 STOCKS Futures slip 39 Wiam Wahhab pro 39 Guarseed futures 39 LME LATEST Metals 39 ethnic bloodletting 39 Remove saucepan 39 faintest hint 39 sulfurous gases 39 sodium potassium calcium 39 bland backbencher 39 NEW YORK Stocks 39 Territorial disputes 39 Nominal GDP includes 39 Euro steadies 39 sporadically emitting 39 solvents surfactants 39 Gold steadies 39 lowers inhibitions 39 PRECIOUS Gold steady 39 METALS Copper slips 39 disappointment befuddlement 39 V1XI 39 Thierry Lacraz 39 METALS STOCKS Gold 39 Gunbattles erupt 39 Stephen Malyon currency 39 Sectarian bloodshed 39 IN THESE 39 SWAPS Spreads 39 Lee Jae mahn 39 STOCKS NEWS ASIA 39 EMERGING MARKETS LatAm 39 Vacillating 39 marketâ 39 Hazy sunshine 38 radiate warmth 38 manager Philippe Husser 38 VIENNA Austria Crude 38 Tentulia river 38 joyous revelry 38 FOREX Dollar recovers 38 alerts 38 mood swings 38 uncivil discourse 38 internals indicate 38 Vix volatility index 38 demonstrators hurling stones 38 stockpiled paving stones 38 Di Galoma 38 steep selloffs 38 tempers 38 PRECIOUS Gold edges 38 Mine clearers 38 Communal tension 38 FOREX Yen slips 38 Nimit Khamar analyst 38 Sporadic bursts 38 geopolitical instability 38 tectonic belts 38 Broader stock 38 METALS Copper falls 38 Aussie dlr 38 stoked sectarian tensions 38 options expiries 38 Summary Box Metals 38 perceived riskiness 38 TREASURIES Rise 38 stirring Raising Sand 38 WRAP Rebar 38 irritability depression 38 Stocks waver 38 acerbity 38 COMMODITIES Oil 38 enflames 38 Recession intensifies GenX 38 Carsten Fritsch commodities 38 IT pivotals 38 volatility 38 Reprisal killings 38 wittedness 38 cheeks sunken 38 WEST CENTRAL Temperatures 38 Koichi Kurose chief 38 Kapaskhali futures 38 Nature abhors 38 compulsivity 38 Patriotic fervor 38 Michaloliakos capitalized 38 inspect floodwalls 38 geopolitically unstable 38 intra EMU 38 Shallower quakes tend 38 Summary Box Wheat 38 TONIGHT Mostly clear 38 #:# Hrs IST 38 inorganic arsenic particularly 38 militancy wracked 38 Homs Banyas 38 politically incorrect verbal broadsides 38 tense Capt. Marghis 38 Robert Montefusco 38 FOREX Yen gains 38 Wall Street waffled 38 heady cocktail 38 TREASURIES Longer dated 38 repressive regimes lacks 38 Lee Kyoung min 38 breeds complacency 38 insurers Ambac Assurance 38 kindness gentleness 38 irrationalism 38 onion garlic celery 38 Remove skillet 38 blinding squalls 38 Narrowly focused 38 pentup 38 Frederic Panizzutti metals 38 STOCKS Futures dip 38 corrosive flammable 38 Sule Pagoda flash 38 corrosiveness 38 Frayed nerves 38 eastern borderlands 38 Palladium platinum 38 CBOT feedgrain 38 KCBT wheat 38 BY BEH YUEN 38 mercurial temper 38 Blowouts onshore Fear 38 Eurozone peripheral 38 yeller Roos 38 Mealy mouthed 38 #-#/#-year highs [001] 38 twister materialized coiling 38 Futures augured modest 38 Bring medium saucepan 38 recriminatory 38 FOREX Yen falls 38 risker assets 38 gold XAU = 38 glycols 38 outgas 38 Ethnic clashes 38 Cover loosely 38 Houston Astrodome descended 38 DJIA Loading 38 corrosive 38 Uneasy calm 38 Mardy Collins flagrantly fouled 38 formenting 38 Dollar tumbles 38 Greenhouse gases trap 38 CBOE Vix index 38 periodic nosedives 38 internecine feuding 37 Forward premia 37 rumbling volcano nearby 37 speculative froth 37 Yingxi Yu 37 trades inversely 37 EURO GOVT Bunds 37 insomnia irritability 37 Jeera Futures 37 S.Lanka rupee 37 CarMax 2Q 37 Consumer Discret Select Sector 37 cell coolant pump 37 London midmorning Footsie 37 Lean hog futures 37 biliousness 37 Haussler cupped 37 cruel inconsiderate domineering 37 spelled PNV 37 inflaming sectarian 37 Guar seed futures 37 midday Footsie 37 RNRL Essar 37 ALEX ROARTY 37 multimonth highs 37 SUGAR Sugar 37 Ellis Eckland 37 Defiant Gaddafi 37 guilt worthlessness 37 Partly cloudy breezy 37 crustiness 37 altitude Uzcategui 37 already parched scrubland 37 ancient hatreds 37 FOREX Dollar slides 37 irascibility 37 Diyala religiously 37 unabating 37 BULLION MORNING Gold 37 CBOT oat futures 37 Ruskiewicz appalling 37 TREASURIES Prices rise 37 tribal resentments 37 Religious fanaticism 37 Jovian atmosphere 37 Mathieu Amalric stumbles 37 Rossy ditched 37 Parul Jain deputy 37 Cocoa futures 37 Fighting erupts 37 sporadic clashes erupted 37 gut wrenching dilemmas 37 Tetsuhisa Hayashi chief 37 stokes fears 37 hate Chaim Levine 37 conflict foments 37 fieriness 37 doctor Jana Bures 37 rages unabated 37 MILWAUKEE Carlos Zambrano 37 colorless flammable 37 hemorrhage arterial thromboembolic 37 Randy Lert 37 TREASURIES Bonds pare 37 sulfuric compounds 37 oilprices 37 hilly mountainous terrain 37 Tatsuo Kageyama 37 autocatalyst metal 37 Soyabean futures 37 Foresthoefel 37 Ker Chung Yang 37 Gregorio Vergara 37 Ignorance breeds 37 pares gains 37 lives Toni Brocuglio 37 Zagel declared mistrial 37 outsize ego 37 Clashes ensued 37 Retailer Jeronimo Martins 37 ethnic animosities 37 silicate rocks 37 Raza Haider provincial 37 Curfew relaxed 37 Eds Contains livestock 37 Acrid black 37 Mount Merapi rumblings 37 Stocks zigzag 37 Antigovernment protests 37 colorless crystalline 37 unquiet 37 SIMMERING 37 NYMEX Crude slips 37 #-#/#-month [001] 37 waged sporadically 37 IDA GROVE Iowa KTIV 37 AMIDST 37 inflaming extremism 37 contrasting starkly 37 TREASURIES Yields 37 Geoff Voller 37 Ed Silliere broker 37 spittle spraying 37 city martin spinks 37 Masafumi Yamamoto currency 37 Conflicting casualty counts 37 Mao Nan 37 MARKET REACTION STOCKS 37 exclusionism 37 FOREX Yen rises 37 TREASURIES Prices fall 37 Harry Tchilinguirian senior 37 Curfew clamped 37 red chili flakes 37 sclerotic bureaucracy 37 unnecessarily inflames 37 kindliness 37 cultural demiglace 37 Lingering worries 37 Chiang infidelities 37 Suki Cooper 37 fled Isea 37 inflationary pressures adversely affecting 37 GLOBAL MARKETS Asia 37 Sodium cyanide 37 TREASURIES Treasuries 37 Nasiriyah Kut 37 Darrang districts 37 notorious Lyari slums 37 Summary Box Wholesale 37 heaping spoonfuls 37 MUMBAI Benchmarks 37 RTTNews Eurozone 37 geopolitical tension 37 Felleti recalls 37 weak dlr 37 beads toting parasols 37 restive 37 unburned islands 37 leavens 37 Cyclically 37 brent crude oil 36 KL mart 36 Nagging worries 36 alerts 36 tamps down 36 copra Kozhikode 36 Mitsubishi Nunan 36 Seytoff dimissed 36 simmering anxieties 36 Anna Prohaska 36 bluechip stocks 36 JGBS Japanese government 36 Taurog became 36 malignity 36 STOCKS Indexes flat 36 sectarian hatreds 36 Reactions ranged 36 Sulfuric acid 36 splurging restrained 36 O expiry 36 PARIS 36 fervent nationalism 36 fomenting communal 36 Furthermore Loral 36 dangerously overheated 36 ebullient offstage personality 36 recriminating 36 temperamental Lanza 36 naïvete 36 Bryce Hallowell Steve 36 Dwindling stockpiles 36 sleeplessness anxiety 36 stoke inflationary 36 Andreas Nigg fund 36 Caution prevails 36 Ali Rmeity 36 CBOE Volatility 36 Summary Analyst 36 overwhelmed Cotillard 36 Anbar Nineveh Salahuddin 36 Richard Iley 36 Molke Leth 36 degreasing solvent 36 daredevil verve 36 Curfew lifted 36 Richard Heene lambasted 36 NYMEX Crude ends 36 EURO GOVT Bonds 36 Mining XME 36 easing geopolitical tensions 36 Maestro Olivier 36 arouse passions 36 Rich Porco Mummer 36 dipping crosscourt forehand 36 exuding 36 ethno communal 36 confusion sleepiness 36 Khamenei sternly 36 Vyas Jayabhanu head 36 GRAINS Soybeans 36 Islamist militancy sectarian 36 Puree soup 36 Fighting rages 36 Relatively tame 36 ionic contaminants 36 COMMODITIES Gold 36 warplanes bombed rebel 36 MALAYSIAN rubber 36 tasteless odorless 36 gaseous vapors 36 Eliane Tanner 36 lawmaker Temir Sariyev 36 Rupee eases 36 fraying tempers 36 Read Market Snapshot 36 oxidizing substance 36 Excess nitrogen 36 wife Maricel Alvarez 36 MARKET DIRECTION Stock 36 Metal realty 36 Widespread disgust 36 Summary Box Grains 36 dissolving coral reefs 36 handshakes belied 36 veers dangerously close 36 PRECIOUS Gold drops 36 Normalcy returns 36 overemotional 36 Yadgar Mohammed Mustafa 36 laceratingly 36 Akram Annous Middle East 36 36 corrosive fluids 36 Consumer durables realty 36 SILICON STOCKS Tech 36 megadisasters 36 internecine clashes 36 seasonably cool temperatures 36 Sule Pagoda focal 36 Tony Machacek 36 LME nickel 36 interclan 36 Inflation devalues 36 unpublicized charitable 36 dischord 36 extreme mood swings 36 Dow Jones Hibors 36 Sharemarket closes 36 MCXCOMDEX 36 Tatsuo Kageyama analyst 36 consumptive lifestyles 36 clinginess 36 perceived affronts 36 judgmentalism 36 STOCKS SNAPSHOT Indexes 36 neutralizes acid 36 ignite simmering 36 Vincent Delisle 36 writes Zulfiqar frets 36 GLOBAL MARKETS Equities 36 wit irreverence 36 stride Yergin 36 Sporadic incidents 36 reigniting fears 36 irrational 36 disintegrative 36 Oozing 36 distractibility impulsivity 36 CBOT soyoil 36 inflames passions 36 hysterical outbursts 36 fragile truces 36 needlessly enflamed world 36 Gloria Borger CNN 36 risk aversion eases 36 sullen demeanor 36 materialism consumerism 36 Dionysian madness 36 CBOE volatility 36 Pope decries 36 MF Global Meir 36 Gently reheat 36 spews ash 36 acid alkali 36 METALS Copper ends 36 Tey Tze Ming 36 youthful ardor 36 dry sundowner winds 36 iShares MSCI Chile Investable 36 CyberTrader Tower 36 Flare ups 36 Caucusus region 36 acrid 36 Antofagasta #p 36 Galeras eruptions 36 Summary Box Corn 36 WINNIPEG Closing 36 manic 36 Cavendish covets 36 PRECIOUS Gold slips 36 indiscreet asides 36 RPT GLOBAL MARKETS 36 Varying casualty counts 36 Yoshikoshi 36 skordalia 36 tumults 36 Sulphur dioxide 36 Hydrofluoric acid 36 FOREX Dollar tumbles 36 Nick Kalivas 36 bubbliness 36 flamboyant gayness 36 volatilized 36 Centrifuges enrich uranium 36 Garth Mackenzie 36 pesticides solvents glues 36 tomatoey sauce 35 Scald milk 35 acids solvents 35 Franz Wenzel strategist 35 neighboring Songkhla 35 vividly dramatized 35 Yasuhiro Onakado chief 35 tightfisted lenders 35 oscillating wildly 35 powdered seasoning 35 #/#Z Solar activity 35 TREASURIES US 35 drifts aimlessly 35 & Sensors Tubular 35 Chadian rebels attacked 35 tumbles anew 35 Mood swings 35 AMID THE 35 PMSing 35 corrosive cynicism 35 #-#/#-year peak [001] 35 Masaki Fukui senior 35 demeanor belies 35 GRAINS AND SOYA 35 Shorter maturities 35 implosive 35 MIAPJMT#PUS 35 jealousy possessiveness 35 CRU TU 35 wild gyrations 35 CORN WHEAT 35 Melt margarine 35 Nasdaq COMP 35 IN THE MIDST 35 sugar caramelizes 35 youthful naivete 35 Jens Lehmann Klinsmann 35 seemingly unperturbed 35 1/bbl 35 fiery temper abruptly 35 Kenichi Hirano strategist 35 Ben Le Brun 35 TREASURIES Bonds rise 35 BoE Besley 35 simmers beneath 35 Crisil Joshi 35 Capt. Thalib Thamir 35 notoriously volatile 35 nationalistic passions 35 colorless liquid 35 Starter Bartolo Colon 35 FED FOCUS Fed 35 mobs rampaged 35 FOREX Dollar rallies 35 Digitally Programmable Potentiometers DPP 35 HARMAN designs manufactures 35 F/A-#D Hornet fighter 35 earnings preannouncements 35 Gujjar Meena 35 enflaming 35 Internecine 35 Sectarian divisions 35 Douma suburb 35 until mixture thickens 35 breeds cynicism 35 NYSE MOO 35 Potassium hydroxide 35 Sensex soars 35 backfiring Sommer 35 tiredness irritability 35 Kevin Algeo 35 Jacques Porta 35 volatilty 35 Temperature extremes 35 Vix index 35 B. Ruckelshaus 35 indecision breeds 35 Kills Alison Mosshart 35 options expirations 35 Heat wok 35 febrile atmosphere 35 odorless liquid 35 geopolitical jitters 35 Guillaume Duchesne 35 stabbed Alenson 35 PHILIPS PHG 35 Acrylic acid 35 Indecisiveness 35 Yoshinori Nagano senior 35 Volatile Markets 35 sheer unadulterated 35 speaker Rauhi Fattouh 35 Marevna 35 Volatile IPOs 35 Analyst Stephen Schork 35 motley batch 35 whiplashed 35 brattiness 35 Sharemarkets 35 Ingushetia Dagestan 35 Summary Box Stocks 35 oils solvents 35 Tetsuya Ishijima senior 35 Bart Melek global 35 outburts 35 industrial minerals borax 35 already besets Kirkuk 35 overhead compartments Weisberg 35 DRAMeXchange #Mb DDR DRAM 35 allantoin 35 Arsenio Hall thrived 35 interminable sufferings 35 Satoru Ogasawara 35 astro economics 35 nationalism xenophobia 35 Curfew reimposed 35 sublimates 35 NOVeA 35 TI MSP# ultra 35 Jesper Dannesboe senior 35 heightened geopolitical tensions 35 TRADING DAY 35 depressed Maruca Kovac 35 35 chana futures 35 Indonesia Merapi volcano 35 S.Africa rand steady 35 Add broth 35 Religious fundamentalism 35 blissfully untouched 35 instructor Eddie Marsan 35 INDEXDJX 35 investors treaded cautiously 35 wittiness Squire 35 thankfulness Doherty 35 UoM consumer 35 deepened rifts 35 sectarian bloodshed unleashed 35 softened gelatin 35 touchingly vulnerable 35 Kristjan Kasikov currency 35 Dhiraj Agarwal 35 Deadly clashes 35 HYPERLINK mailto chirinosf@caphotocasts 35 SNAPSHOT US 35 monotonous grind 35 wilfulness 35 sheer nastiness 35 Jennifer Dowty 35 imperiousness 35 electoral skullduggery 35 ISSOUDUN France 35 Sporadic gunbattles 35 Spacewalking astronauts plug 35 Lara Rhame currency 35 fast Yazel 35 everything Mordic 35 STOCKS Indexes 35 whimsy narcissism voyeurism hucksterism 35 until sugar dissolves 35 Marsha Revel sentenced 35 menacing uncommunicative demeanor 35 NMCE rubber futures 35 magnesium silicate 35 communal tensions 35 Roiling 35 Consumer Discretionary Sector 35 humor pathos 35 aggravate latent 35 S.Africa 35 mesh bodysuits 35 unhedged exposures 35 joy Fons 35 petty jealousies 35 CANADIAN MARKETS 35 passive aggressiveness 35 Binky Chadha 35 Sen. Burnet Maybank 35 introspections 35 belt al Hamadani 35 northern Agadez 35 molten alloyed aluminum 35 Prudential Bache broker 35 efficient Quantum Dot 35 ZURICH AFX Shares 35 unparliamentary behavior 35 periodic bouts 35 Seen Little Changed 35 Subprime woes 35 mercurial moods 35 destabilises 35 FMCG scrips 35 RUBBER Malaysian rubber 35 Savanth Sebastian 35 equities Andrew Sekely 35 combustive 35 Sector Snap Airlines 35 TREASURIES Prices 35 irreverent wit 35 romantic longings 35 Chile Chaiten volcano 35 trigerred 35 #.# MACBETH Shakespeare 35 ordinary Karla Solferino 35 disinhibited 35 Formic acid 35 temperedness 35 PHLX Semiconductor Sector 35 Vaidosova smashed 35 legal ramifications Urbahn 35 sublimating 35 Naresh Chand bursting 35 foments occasionally riot 35 gases vapors 35 By ALICIA GALLEGOS 35 immigration populist Pim 35 rageaholic 35 indexes fluctuated 35 stone pelting mobs 35 FDIC Insured Savings Account 35 Tensions flared anew 35 inflaming racial 35 drift downwards 35 Sectarian passions 35 emit fumes 34 counterpointed 34 Yingxi Yu Singapore 34 LME ASIAN WRAP 34 Bernd Wuebben senior 34 shifting loyalties 34 religious pluralists 34 restive Niger delta 34 encou 34 enkindle 34 JSE Alsi 34 Unrelenting 34 slightest whiff 34 tribal enmities 34 Karsten Junius 34 protectionist isolationist 34 Lansing Mich. Brendan Farrington 34 RPT GLOBAL MARKETS WEEKAHEAD 34 Staub enraged 34 FOREX Dollar pares 34 Stocks fluctuate 34 India guar futures 34 cornstarch mixture