Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 67 capping stack 66 LMRP cap 65 containment dome 64 riser pipe 63 Helix Producer 62 Discoverer Enterprise 61 ruptured wellhead 61 marine riser 61 static kill 61 blowout preventer 60 LMRP 60 package LMRP containment 60 leaking Macondo 59 insertion tube 58 Marine Riser Package 57 hat containment dome 56 gusher 56 deepwater Macondo 56 Coast Guard Admiral Thad 56 Suttles 55 ton containment dome 55 robotic submersibles 55 Adm Allen 55 gushing wellhead 54 ruptured undersea 54 leaking riser pipe 54 Discoverer Enterprise drillship 54 Doug Suttles 54 riser insertion tube 54 LMRP Cap Containment System 54 blowout preventer BOP 54 containment vessel 54 broken riser pipe 54 wellhead 53 seafloor 53 leaking riser 53 Coast Guard Adm. Thad 53 blownout 53 Discoverer Enterprise drill 53 Thad Allen 53 robotic submarines 53 damaged riser 52 containment valve 52 ruptured pipe 52 BP Macondo 52 drillship Discoverer Enterprise 52 gushing unchecked 52 blowout preventer stack 52 preventer 51 Doug Suttles BP 51 Macondo 51 Containment dome 51 Discoverer Clear Leader 51 leaking pipe 51 BP 51 BP PLC BP BP.LN 51 Admiral Thad Allen 51 Adm. Thad Allen 51 ruptured undersea well 50 undersea robots 50 inverted funnel 50 Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer 50 damaged riser pipe 50 package LMRP 50 underwater robots 49 kinked pipe 49 gallons/#.# [003] 49 undersea gusher 49 underwater robot 49 officer Doug Suttles 49 Robotic submarines removed 49 lighter seawater 49 called flange spool 49 Blow Out Preventer 49 robot submarines 49 siphon tube 49 Q# vessel 49 transition spool 49 gushing 49 spewing wellhead 49 spokesman Bill Salvin 49 BP.N 48 Deepwater Horizon 48 Rear Adm. Thad Allen 48 Toisa Pisces 48 cofferdam 48 undersea robots monitoring 48 drillpipe 48 fewer centralizers 48 BP Macondo well 48 subsea dispersants 47 preventer BOP 47 COVINGTON La. BP 47 BOP blowout preventer 47 package LMRP cap 47 subsea containment 47 Q# [001] 47 submersible robots 47 Viking Poseidon 47 National Incident Commander 46 ruptured Macondo well 46 BP ruptured Macondo 46 busted wellhead 46 icelike crystals 46 Steve Rinehart 46 activate blowout preventer 46 Adm. Thad 46 BP PLC 46 icelike slush 46 Robot submarines 46 offshore drilling rig Deepwater 46 icelike crystals clogged 46 LMRP cap containment 46 LMRP Cap 46 cement plugs 46 seafloor gusher 46 deepwater wells 46 Horizon exploded 46 rig blowout preventer 46 blind shear ram 46 delicately choreographed effort 45 spewing unimpeded 45 deepwater gusher 45 spokesman Mark Proegler 45 Failed blowout preventer 45 icelike crystals formed 45 undersea robot 45 bullheading involved 45 smaller containment dome 45 Macondo wellhead 45 leaking wellhead 45 Robotic submarines 45 gushing undersea 45 Deepwater Horizon rig exploded 45 wellbore 45 vents perforations 45 admiral Thad Allen 45 activating shutoff device 45 paycheck Jurisich 45 Discoverer Enterpriser 45 deepwater blowout 45 seepage detected 45 Blowout Preventer 45 Development Driller II 44 activate shutoff device 44 Adm Thad Allen 44 giant shears 44 dispersant 44 injectivity test 44 Blowout preventer 44 Vice Admiral Thad 44 Doug Suttles BP PLC 44 Development Driller 44 Deepwater Horizon wellhead 44 icy crystals 44 Proegler 44 blowout preventers 44 Coast Guard Commandant Thad 44 LMRP containment cap 44 Static Kill 44 inflatable booms 44 absorbent boom 44 crippled blowout preventer 44 Kill Procedure 44 Helix Q# 44 Marcia McNutt 44 seabed 43 burned skimmed 43 blowout protector 43 oil spill 43 COO Doug Suttles 43 preventer malfunctioned 43 Quote BP.N Quote 43 leak 43 #,# gallons/# 43 subsea dispersant 43 spewing 43 Coast Guard admiral Thad 43 spraying dispersants 43 drillship 43 leaking Macondo well 43 Icy slush clogged 43 beaker shaped drywell 43 bullheading probably 43 MC# [002] 43 super skimmer 43 busted wellhead corked 43 skimmer 43 annulus 43 Vice Adm. Thad 43 rectangular containment dome 43 LMRP containment 43 submarines repositioned 43 Tony Hayward 43 corroded pipeline 43 crystals clogged 43 Paul Zukunft 43 perforated pipe 43 Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling 43 riser 43 offshore rig Deepwater 42 changer Montero 42 Max McGahan 42 BOP stack 42 containment boom 42 hydrates 42 BPâ 42 RIG RIG 42 skimmers booms 42 drain excess cerebrospinal 42 ton contraption 42 Retired Coast Guard 42 seabottom 42 Bill Salvin 42 ROBERT La. 42 oversized deli slicer 42 Deepwater Horizon gusher 42 Salvin 42 Graham MacEwen 42 BP Deepwater Horizon 42 Discoverer Enterprise flares 42 Deepwater Horizon blowout 42 Helix Producer containment 42 dispersants 42 flapper valve 42 jagged pipe 42 offshore rig exploded 42 BP leased Deepwater 42 undiscovered leak 42 should hydrocarbon seepage 42 guided undersea robots 42 spewed uncontrolled 42 containment booms 41 drillstring 41 tube inserted 41 rig exploded 41 Mike Utsler 41 runaway Macondo 41 Coast Guard Rear Admiral 41 Ahmed el Droubi 41 Underwater robots 41 Barring calamity 41 seabed Deepwater Horizon 41 shutoff valve 41 undersea puncture wound 41 pin Bill Salvin 41 runaway geyser 41 gallons/#.# [001] 41 CX# #D 41 chemical dispersant 41 oil flowed unimpeded 41 Barataria Bay 41 BPAmerica 41 intermediate casing 41 undersea reservoir 41 Ben Iesau 41 Deepwater Horizon spill 41 spillcam video 41 skimmer vessels 41 frac plugs 41 deepwater spigot 41 ammonia coolant pump 41 OF MEXICO 41 scrutinizing underwater 41 spokesman Tristan Vanhegan 40 rig Deepwater Horizon 40 skimming vessel 40 Donald Van Nieuwenhuise 40 rubber gasket 40 flange 40 adviser Carol Browner 40 underwater gusher 40 centrifuge machines 40 inner piping 40 hydrate formation 40 shear rams 40 undersea 40 Mark Proegler 40 Undersea robots 40 Tropical Storm Bonnie 40 Beaudo 40 Deepwater Horizon disaster 40 Discoverer Inspiration 40 Forties pipeline 40 Cheal A7 40 sunken tanker 40 Richard Brahm 40 BOEMRE 40 drilling fluids 40 chemical dispersants underwater 40 skimming vessels 40 Deepwater Horizon BOP 40 BP Plc 40 Lona O 40 NUN ges er 40 orbiting complex 40 Blowout preventers 40 siphon contraption 40 deepwater drilling 40 Chandeleur Islands 40 evaporated dispersed 40 grout curtain 40 Ronnie Kenniar 40 protective booms 40 Flow Rate 40 Wereley 40 Containment Dome 40 deactivation switch 40 Macondo blowout 40 DDIII 40 cutoff valve 40 sunken Deepwater Horizon rig 40 chemical dispersants 40 tarballs 39 Undersea sensors 39 Ed Overton 39 Underwater robots steadily 39 Perdido Pass 39 kinked pipe likely 39 skimmable oil 39 runaway gusher 39 Gullfaks 39 Robot subs 39 flame arrestor 39 skimming boats 39 #,#-#,# b d [001] 39 Adviser Carol Browner 39 underwater plumes 39 Ump impressed 39 flange transition 39 gallons/#.# [002] 39 absorbent booms 39 Oleander Benton cook 39 Morganza La. 39 BP Plcâ 39 twisted appendages 39 Coast Guard admiral 39 Kvitebjorn 39 spokesman Graham MacEwen 39 Undersea robots maneuvered 39 Draugen 39 Submersible Voraxial 39 subsea wells 39 Endeavour payload bay 39 Toby Odone 39 toxic dispersants 39 Transportable Enhanced Oil 39 removing bolted flange 39 employee Utsler 39 robotic submersible 39 remotely operated 39 basement Gikas 39 plc Miscellaneous #.#.# 39 No.2 reactor 39 Lubchenco 39 deepwater drilling moratorium 39 Seepage detected 39 Peter Neffenger 39 carboy 39 Junichi Matsumoto 39 layman translation 39 RPCM 39 dispersing chemicals 39 BP Plc BP.N 39 dispersant Corexit 39 leaking 39 BP BP.L BP.N 39 captain Demi Shaffer 39 oilspill 39 NEW ORLEANS Robotic submarines 39 colossal siphon 39 Disposable Transducers Markets Independently 39 riser insertion tool 39 Vigdis fields 39 tanker Volganeft 39 centrifuge cascade 39 Michael Bromwich 39 ON THE GULF 39 ammonia tank 39 centrifuges 39 sunken rig 39 effort BP wellsite 39 tarnished Juckniess 39 commander Thad Allen 39 Tranquility Node 39 Ira Leifer 39 39 frac fluid 39 Dr. Marc Gallini 39 Port Fourchon 39 Montara wellhead 39 spill 38 spokesman Junichi Matsumoto 38 CallWave WebMessenger solutions 38 Deano Bonano 38 Websense ThreatSeeker 38 skimmers 38 undersea plumes 38 ROVs 38 overdelivering BP 38 Rear Adm. Mary 38 K2 ST4 38 spraying chemical dispersants 38 erupts magma 38 spokesman Vladimir Buyanov 38 suction hose 38 Transocean Development Driller 38 valve malfunctioned 38 QEI Quetzal 38 unstemmed flow 38 Norne field 38 appraisal sidetrack 38 vessel Helix Q# 38 Coast Guard Rear Adm. 38 Elektron oxygen generator 38 robotic submarines watching 38 Capt. Ron LaBrec 38 Ninky prospect 38 unbound compute resources 38 giant BP PLC 38 Enforcement BOEMRE 38 use fewer centralizers 38 RITT 38 hydrocarbon saturations 38 blowdown drum 38 Deepwater Nautilus 38 drilling rig exploded 38 kinked pipe near 38 seepage 38 washing ashore 38 AKD# 38 icy hydrates 38 downhole pump 38 valves latched onto 38 exploratory Macondo 38 rust colored slick 38 fragile marshlands 38 Visund platform 38 Gullfaks C platform 38 Robertkiri 38 fracture stimulation 38 sidetrack appraisal 38 coastal Plaquemines Parish 38 tar mats 38 Deepwater Horizon rig 38 semi submersible drilling 38 Joheida Fister spokeswoman 38 Volgoneft 38 DDII 38 Containment Cap 38 cement slurry 38 Cretaceous Massive 38 Unified Command 38 Jane Lubchenco cautioned 38 Arbuckle Pipeline 38 Helix Producer vessel 38 Pad #B 38 robotic submarine 38 Endeavour robotic arm 38 looser fitting 38 External Tank 38 coffer dam 38 Technip deepwater pipelay 38 ECO sensors 38 Ceresco Dam downstream 38 spokesman Osamu Yokokura 38 Port Fourchon La. 38 Ugla Abid al 38 containment 38 mscf d 38 Gatorade Duels 38 GULF OF MEXICO 38 Dan Rabun 37 Stena Carron 37 suction tube 37 PRNewswire FirstCall Hornbeck Offshore 37 Demographers cite steady 37 subsea template 37 blowout preventor 37 PipelineManager 37 valve 37 Atchafalaya Bay 37 together snugly choking 37 cracked eyebar 37 deepwater blowouts 37 Daren Beaudo 37 valves 37 Jumonville # 37 Nembe creek 37 DAVID BARSTOW 37 Portage Diversion 37 gas hydrates 37 Cisco Interoperability Verification 37 Statfjord 37 inject methanol 37 Cosco Busan spill 37 John B. Nathman 37 lava dome 37 GAG machine 37 Supermajors BP LON 37 bullheading 37 Taiwanese supertanker 37 pipes corroding 37 spinning gyroscopes 37 Oil Skimmer 37 Nickolenko 37 Transocean blowout preventer 37 Chemical dispersants piped 37 CX# #XD 37 subsea blowout 37 hydrate crystals 37 operating submersible robots 37 Loop Current 37 Flowing tubing pressure 37 Forties Pipeline 37 BP Plc BP.L 37 remained unstopped 37 bemused Ifill 37 Pateke 3H 37 ADMIRAL ALLEN Well 37 Khaled al Attiya 37 spokesman Yukio Edano 37 rainbow colored sheen 37 toxic ammonia coolant 37 chicken pox Brumley 37 hydrates formed 37 Councilman Arnold Fielkow 37 spent fuel rods 37 FlexRig 37 submersible pump 37 BP PLC BP. 37 Sevan Driller 37 PTTEP Australasia 37 eclipses Exxon Valdez 37 drilling rig 37 breathing tube 37 avoiding extinction Sallinger 37 gallon milk jugs 37 hydraulically activated 37 D' Giovianni 37 Muhsin Khadar al Khafaji 37 Transocean Deepwater Horizon 37 station Zvezda module 37 impeller blades 37 cloudy dispersant 37 Transocean Discoverer Enterprise 37 Super Scorpio 37 Tordis 37 Snorre 37 Gheit predicts 37 No.3 reactor 37 absorbing booms 37 Pascagoula refinery 37 depressurised 37 SKS Satilla 37 Fukushima plant 37 ashore Nungesser 37 operation Hirasaki 37 spokesman Brennan Matherne 37 Langeled 37 Chandeleur Sound 37 ADMIRAL ALLEN 37 R. Bromwich 37 centralisers 37 station Zarya module 37 Yazoo Backwater Levee 37 Nembe Creek pipeline 37 psi flowing 37 ridge vent 37 Van Nieuwenhuise 37 Ebouri 37 Shell LON RDSB 37 gasket 37 #,# nonproducing wells 37 #XD [001] 37 geyser 37 deepwater exploratory 37 Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr 37 bathyscaph 37 LON BP 37 centralizers 37 bbls 37 rocket oxidizer 37 Pass Loutre 37 casing 37 Songa Saturn drillship 37 Demirgul 37 Deepwater Horizons 37 sunken Deepwater Horizon 37 filter feeders sucking 37 Pirs Docking Compartment 37 cofferdams 37 foam slurry created 37 contributive Kilmer told 36 BP rig exploded 36 spokesman Daren Beaudo 36 Yesterdays kill 36 clot 36 offshore drilling rig 36 spokesman Toby Odone 36 Schlesselman volunteered 36 turret mooring 36 Zeus Elastic Application Delivery 36 Methane crystals 36 livewell 36 Development Driller III 36 Macondo wellbore 36 Adm. Vladimir Masorin 36 frac fluids 36 then permanently entomb 36 Arta # 36 overseers drastically 36 semi submersible rig 36 Bua Ban North 36 outfall pipe 36 Guntong E 36 magma chamber 36 choke valve 36 BP.L 36 electric submersible pump 36 daggerboard 36 guiding robot submersibles 36 massive underwater plumes 36 coolant loop 36 Tony Odone 36 Supermajors BP LSE 36 URL weblink 36 Winehouse inhaling fumes 36 finals eal 36 Ixtoc 36 Seberaba # 36 Orphan Basin 36 spokesman Ray Melick 36 ruptured wellhead mile 36 Russian cosmonaut Alexander Kaleri 36 ultracracker 36 weathered tar mats 36 Governorate * 36 MONTEGUT La. 36 Redoubt erupted 36 Jeff Meendering 36 oiled turtles 36 uranium enriching centrifuges 36 storage offloading vessel 36 deepwater 36 ton Hansa Stavanger 36 true Dwight Damman 36 offshore drilling moratorium 36 gaffe prone Tony 36 MCFGPD 36 fracture stimulation stages 36 somber remembrances 36 Toby Odone BP 36 Rough seas halt 36 hydraulically fractured 36 Blood Pressure Transducers Reusable 36 deepsea 36 Seaglider 36 Gassco 36 corroded pipe 36 fiberglass reinforced patch 36 wells unplugged unprotected 36 overheating fuel rods 36 Salvors 36 frac'd 36 riser pipe floating 36 leased Deepwater Horizon 36 Rowdy Mardi Gras 36 Tropical Storm Elida 36 Deepwater Horizon drilling 36 Meramec River breathed sigh 36 slushy mixture 36 terrain Arthaud 36 Flatrock discovery 36 Nicoletti Divani 36 debris Khoda 36 destruction Billiot 36 swell packers 36 underwater plume 36 fragile glimmerings 36 BOPs 36 cryogenic propellants 36 Bua Ban 36 operator Gassco 36 Ebouri field 36 yellow inflatable booms 36 # oilspill 36 Dzheitune Lam 36 Sabine Neches waterway 36 al Ubeidi BP 36 Keathley Canyon block 36 Permanent Multipurpose Module 36 fraced 36 unregulated fracking 36 insert tube 36 Kollsnes 36 Dai ichi complex 36 Fukushima reactor 36 Tasour # 36 Cheal A4 36 drywell 36 bilge pump 36 toolpusher Jason Anderson 36 corrosive brine 36 BOEM 36 GCCF 36 Moqueta 36 coated riverbanks 36 Tindalo 36 tub spout 36 spokesman Hugh Depland 36 Zvezda module 36 Oiled turtles 36 OF MEXICO Icelike 36 operator PTTEP Australasia 36 motherboard tray 36 FloLogic System 36 EverGreen Burner 36 Calliope Gas 36 Campeche Sound 36 irritant potassium hydroxide 36 undescribable Matteson 36 Jengo Fett literally 36 Stentys stent 36 Absorbent pads 36 Cymtec Scout 36 Supsa 36 Prats crab dealer 36 spacewalkers bolted 36 ET 6H 36 filmy layer 36 reactor cores 36 calandria tubes 36 Deepwater Horizon explosion 36 underwater shutoff valve 36 czar Carol Browner 36 units Masateru Araki TEPCO 36 Kerry Brougher 36 blowout preventer failsafe 36 neutrally buoyant 36 anaerobic methane digester 36 Subsea Production 36 hose bib 36 corrosive saltwater 36 orbiting astronauts 36 drilling rigs adrift 36 deepwater rig exploded 36 trains Magliari 36 icelike buildup thwarted 36 BOED 36 spraying subsea dispersant 36 Al Jariya 36 contentious chemical dispersant 36 Pacific Responder 36 rig explodes 36 hagfish predators include 36 BZh 35 workover rig 35 Upper Mirador 35 reclogging 35 derrick 35 Jiaolong 35 #/#th choke 35 spillcam coverage 35 Bredford Dolphin 35 oiled pelican 35 Qulin downstream 35 BP PLC Deepwater Horizon 35 tonne truss segment 35 ET 7H 35 Centralizers 35 Zvezda Service 35 fracced 35 Prudhoe Bay oilfield 35 Transocean rig 35 Steve Wuori 35 Setbacks mount 35 Petty Ofc 35 rover Spirit 35 website early 35 Pad #A 35 decanter 35 shock absorber fluid 35 Japanese Kibo lab 35 Ares IX rocket 35 seawater 35 injection wells 35 Khudainatov 35 Latif Jasim al Dulaymi 35 angina cardiogenic shock 35 Fredriga 35 Voraxial 35 Jane Lubchenco 35 Opflex ™ 35 Petty Officer Dana Warr 35 offshore drilling rig exploded 35 downhole pumps 35 Discovery payload bay 35 stone sarcophagus 35 African blackfooted penguin chick 35 Barletta Cos. 35 Digital Takeoff Table 35 Alex Rainert Foursquare 35 thrust reverser 35 gooey rust colored 35 THAD ALLEN 35 Lopez Gatell 35 luckless Briton 35 vacuum skimmers 35 engineer Brett Cocales 35 heat exchanger 35 OMX SFT1V 35 Veslefrikk 35 Montara oilfield 35 corroded pipelines 35 deepwater rigs 35 booms skimmers 35 soon Lamonaca 35 tar balls 35 Captain Khlebnikov icebreaker 35 Petrohawk drilled 35 Paal Kibsgaard 35 Hydrates foiled 35 Taurus XL rocket 35 major pelican rookery 35 semisubmersible rig 35 centralizer 35 narrowband tactical 35 spokesman Murat Lecompte 35 reactor coolant pump 35 Daren Beaudo BP 35 Launch Pad #A 35 electrical submersible pumps 35 home instruction Swibinski 35 oil corralling booms 35 Gulf 35 Deepwater rig 35 rig 35 Fukushima Daiichi plant 35 ET 5H 35 Transocean semi submersible 35 payload fairing 35 frac stages 35 Deepwater Horizon exploded 35 Sougarret 35 Convicted sniper John 35 intertank region 35 hydrazine tank 35 Caminada Headland 35 Thierens 35 Deep Horizon rig 35 units drillship semisubmersible 35 MMscfd 35 Giove B 35 concrete pilings 35 Plaquemines Parish sliver 35 Rio Ariari 35 Merapi crater 35 awaiting fracture stimulation 35 Boepd 35 #,# -# pips 35 reactor containment 35 Rhonda Murgatroyd hired 35 grossing Disney Pixar 35 external stowage 35 Gullfaks B 35 Samantha Joye professor 35 reservoir characterization 35 numbing Milbury 35 Mike Modano Nieuwendyk 35 Chuandongbei gas field 35 salt dome caverns 35 pad #A 35 BP Militia Qadasiyah 35 evaporative emission 35 Aspect CSS 35 submersibles 35 Shell Forcados fields 35 Didier Hirsch 35 conning tower 35 Breagh appraisal 35 Maui Various Artists 35 Solid Rocket Boosters 35 Boe d 35 anticorrosion 35 Chalmette La. refinery 35 Absorbent boom 35 INVESTIGATION Border 35 pipe 35 ARID tool 35 CBGB Kristal 35 Van Oorschot 35 Gullfaks C 35 oceanographic scientist 35 BP Oil Spill 35 Transocean Deepwater Horizon rig 35 orbital module 35 Thistle Alpha 35 drilling rig Deepwater 35 BP Militia Kerbala 35 Underpromising 35 river Kathy Kinane 35 Tara Gaila 35 Steve Lohrenz biological 35 Harmony compartment 35 Guy Cantwell 35 stained rubber ducky 35 Membership fluctuates 35 Joe Boudrow 35 blind shear rams 35 Masorin 35 Dick Kreck column 35 email NEWS ALERT 35 Brice O'Hara 35 Anand Vadapalli 35 TTB newbuild program 35 domed lookout 35 drawspan 35 supercold liquid hydrogen 35 methane hydrates 35 WBEXT 1A 35 BP PLC BP 35 whales seabirds 35 backwater levees 35 Ngwa Suh Staff Writer 35 Tranquility node 35 probe Blowout preventer 35 brown pelicans coated 35 brake override systems 35 H2Omaxx 35 Dogu Ayazli 35 COREXIT 35 excess cerebrospinal fluid 35 island volcano Krakatoa 35 gallons/# [002] 35 BP deploys deepsea 35 LKC interval n 35 Naro rocket 35 closely Paustenbach 35 Queen Bess 35 Ixtoc blowout 35 bulbous bow 35 oiled birds 35 BP.LN 35 Floating booms 35 GLAST spacecraft 35 Timan Pechora Project 35 resembles deli slicer 35 Barataria Bay Louisiana 35 Lynda Giguere 35 addiction Samant 35 BP Militia Maysan 35 #,#,# bpd 35 offloading tankers 35 BOEPD 35 Visund 35 Blackford Dolphin 35 Elektron 35 Mcfd 35 Tweneboa 35 Containment booms 35 ON BARATARIA BAY 35 Eagle Atome 35 Iceland Eyjafjallajokull glacier 35 Szolnok Formation 35 jackup fleet 35 Dumpster divers Instead 35 hydrophone 35 rocky jetty 35 Spokeswoman Roz O'Hearn 35 Talmadge Creek 35 BIOTRONIK Home 35 spacewalkers 35 globules 35 SCHRIEVER La. 35 hoax Alderden 35 Ixtoc spill 35 circuit breakers relays 35 spokesman Shogo Fukuda 35 Albacora 35 Mount Redoubt 35 mesh scaffold stent 35 Houston Tristan Vanhegan 35 gaseous hydrogen 35 #,#-#,# bpd [002] 35 drought buster Kula 35 BP Militia Salah 35 Idle Iron wells 35 Deep Panuke 35 sea turtles washed ashore 35 flowrate 35 iRGD peptide 35 Avouma 35 MMcfd 35 Tense negotiations 35 Hywind 35 Lake Pontchartrain pronounced PAHN 35 Ku Maloob Zaap 35 Horizon rig