Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 74 continues 72 continuing 71 continue 54 continued unabated 53 began 53 continual 52 contined 51 ongoing 50 persisted 50 Continuing 50 proceeded 49 relentless 48 Continued 48 contines 47 continues unabated 46 continuation 46 resumed 45 steady 44 intensified 44 con tinued 44 started 43 contiued 43 constant 43 begun 43 continuous 43 unrelenting 42 Continue 42 Continues 41 despite 41 sustained 41 unabated 41 unceasing 41 recommenced 40 continues apace 40 contine 40 tocontinue 40 redoubled 40 progressed 40 saw 40 continued apace 39 remained 39 persistent 39 continous 39 ceaseless 38 accelerated 38 further 38 furthered 38 willcontinue 38 helped 38 renewed 38 intensifying 38 throughout 38 commenced 38 did 37 ended 37 ensuing 37 struggled 37 persevered 37 steadily 37 ceased 37 halted 37 ability 37 Pollsters attribute 36 continually 36 prolonged 36 subsequent 36 continuted 36 Qassim Jassim 36 culminated 36 faltered 36 continuesto 36 prompted 36 never wavered 36 waned 36 continuingly 36 persisting 36 onging 36 felt compelled 35 continuos 35 undeterred 35 inability 35 managed 35 slight downtick 35 relentlessly 35 repeated 35 slowed 35 continueto 35 strong 35 Continual 35 worked diligently 35 able 35 steadfast 35 doubledigit 35 contin ued 35 hastened 35 decadeslong 35 persists 35 beginning 35 progresses 34 coincided 34 contining 34 MARKET WATCH Energy 34 accelerating 34 albeit unevenly 34 commented 34 incessant 34 encouraged 34 prompting 34 progessing 34 forced disappearances extralegal 34 gathers pace 34 consistent 34 maintained 34 tried 34 unremitting 34 supervisor Jody Noiron 34 re mained 34 seemingly unending 34 Depsite 34 attempted 34 begain 34 stopped 34 concluded 34 went 34 spurred 33 enabled 33 led 33 redoubling 33 rapid 33 Macro headwinds 33 endured 33 Withstanding 33 resuming 33 Steady 33 unable 33 Curtis Okumura 33 persist 33 sporadic 33 apace 33 rebounded 33 unwavering 33 intend 33 seemingly inexorable 33 intensify 33 ceasing 33 continute 33 ensued 33 intensifies 33 MARKET REPORT Stocks 33 battled valiantly 33 abates 33 incite sectarian tensions 32 reinitiated 32 latter stages 32 remainder 32 uninterrupted 32 extended 32 subsided 32 recommencing 32 reiterated 32 worked tirelessly 32 counterculture indulgence 32 abated 32 vowed 32 LME LATEST Metals 32 Sephora boutiques 32 evidenced 32 BIOTECH STOCKS Drug 32 ceases 32 longstanding 32 expected 32 during 32 drove 32 exited 32 coupled 32 likelyto 32 seemingly unstoppable 32 abated somewhat 32 failed 32 disciplined underwriting 32 kept 32 gently subsiding 32 EOIR insufficient cash 32 Soybeans grains 32 Tianqiao Chen Chairman 32 spite 32 forges ahead 32 contiues 32 expects 32 decadelong 32 Richard Heene lambasted 32 Mr Calavrias 32 witnessed 32 Summary Box Foreclosures 32 OSV segment 32 overthe 32 TREASURIES Treasuries 32 commented Weizhou Lian 32 effors 32 Somewhat offsetting 32 Shao Ning deputy 32 continu ing 32 Wyoming Bickers 32 interrupted 32 markets gradual ebbing 32 will 31 Vonnegut battled 31 HMFI 31 reamined 31 abilityto 31 increased 31 GITA GIS 31 #/#-inning scoreless 31 Metretek Florida 31 following 31 eir 31 Ongoing 31 ii Immtech ability 31 unabating 31 continuously 31 ramped 31 reemerged 31 remains 31 ourbusiness 31 stated Per Loof 31 Mr. Melnuk 31 reasserted 31 diligently 31 macroeconomic headwinds 31 Grains soybeans 31 Pivotals 31 poised 31 Marketmen attributed 31 con tinue 31 considerable 31 custom folding carton 31 rapidness 31 didn ` t 31 stayed 31 Largely offsetting 31 orthostatic blood 31 cease 31 again 31 Inflationary fears 31 Recessionary pressures 31 remained unshaken 31 over 31 UVB radiation evident 31 technology crystalline ingot 31 demonstrated 31 inour 31 CBOT feedgrain 31 returned 31 prolongued 31 forced 31 culminating 31 hampered 31 Castorseeds futures 31 Loan Facilitation Services 31 growthin 31 herculean efforts 31 regained 31 remains undiminished 31 abruptly halted 31 intends 31 pros pects 31 isexpected 31 allowed 31 temporarily halted 31 efforts 31 redoubles 31 notwithstanding 31 refurbished midsize sedans 31 torrid 31 unabatedly 31 escalated 31 wellpositioned 31 solid 31 ofour 30 reaffirmed 30 propensity 30 hurt midprice apparel 30 crescendoed 30 Sean Skahan 30 willingness 30 Slightly offsetting 30 Margin compression 30 MARKET CLOSE NZ 30 unflagging 30 MF NAVs 30 ebbed 30 gradual monetary tightening 30 Mr Pensabene 30 relented 30 recent 30 TSX TCW 30 Mrs Ridout 30 internals indicate 30 La Currita mine 30 Mr. Hidayatallah 30 could 30 polydipsia polyuria 30 Dr. Karasch 30 redoubled efforts 30 services Internap frees 30 WALL STREET Stocks 30 hindered 30 however 30 declined 30 Summary Box Rates 30 Achieves Double Digit 30 rages unabated 30 strength 30 Mr. Liu Guocai 30 contin ue 30 severely hampering 30 Mr. Shokrgozar 30 loan origination volumes 30 ~ #bps 30 Liddy renegotiate 30 Dr. Serge Belamant 30 SMALL MIDCAPS Stocks 30 mineable ounces 30 Boding 30 growt 30 undertook 30 Stable Outlook incorporates 30 Intermagnetics draws 30 came 30 seemingly neverending 30 manifested itself 30 wafer ASPs 30 declining 30 added 30 Summary Box Metals 30 stated Jure Sola 30 reaped rewards 30 stated Roy Zisapel 30 S.Korean bonds 30 abdominal pain asthenia 30 resulted 30 stemmed 30 Said Gorder 30 advantageously positioned 30 midcourse phases 30 sawmill curtailments 30 astrong 30 tended 30 highlighted 30 underscores 30 Mr. Xianshou Li 30 fares Grus 30 astonishing Siemionow 30 halting 30 #/#-week [001] 30 QQ Membership 30 BY DAVID BOHR 30 demonstrable measurable 30 economc 30 stepped 30 subsides 30 Incoming barometers continue 30 seemingly endless 30 regrouped 30 decade Sai Gunturi 30 6Sports video Jayhawks 30 begins 30 seeming reluctance 30 HOMAG Group 30 reversers throw 30 petered 29 stated Mel Brekhus 29 noticeable uptick 29 Tubing Segment 29 Dick Alario Chairman 29 Tyler Colvin homered 29 remains undimmed 29 commitmentto 29 chose 29 sea Ribardi 29 Particularly pleasing 29 mile La Colombiere 29 Equity NAVs 29 enduring 29 neared 29 stated Xiaofeng Peng 29 halts 29 Appreciable downside risks 29 commented Rami Hadar 29 impeded 29 captured Fangak 29 Dostis recalled 29 Cosa Nostra stranglehold 29 Maj. Gen. Abdul Kareem 29 Utility Proprietary 29 lookforward 29 worsened 29 impoved 29 the 29 ending 29 Washow continued 29 fueled 29 wavered 29 downward repricing 29 seemed 29 Rupee trims 29 THE INFLUENCE GAME Lobbyists 29 macroenvironment 29 S.African stocks 29 Spurring 29 persistently 29 beats fcast 29 undiminished 29 overcame 29 EURO GOVT Bunds 29 Radakovich steadfastly declined 29 Sustained 29 auguring 29 Esculier 29 Resumed 29 bouyed 29 poises 29 persistence 29 maintain 29 Nabriva 29 MGI PHARMA marketed 29 unending 29 jumpstarted 29 renewed vigor 29 PLIVA acquisition 29 growth client discontinuances 29 EURO GOVT Bonds 29 Gloom deepens 29 EVTeam 29 spruce fir sawlogs 29 premium jackup 29 co incided 29 surgeon Lemole 29 unceasingly 29 withstood 29 GOODYEAR Ariz. Fausto Carmona 29 Jim Wachtman President 29 increasing 29 reaccelerated 29 desite 29 tends 29 reentered 29 continuance 29 steel vise squeezing 29 double digit 29 DOW JONES INDEX 29 endures 29 expect 29 begin 29 highlighed 29 adamantly defended 29 FUEL CHEM segment 29 con tinues 29 seasonlong 29 seeming inability 29 unimpeded 29 BRISTOL Tenn. Matt Kenseth 29 slackened 29 technological innovations adversely affecting 29 Decelerating 29 re iterated 29 fundamentals 29 Summary Box Treasurys 29 gradual 29 Fluctuating commodity 29 heightened attentiveness 29 reverse Boey 29 TheBullionDesk.Com analyst James 29 refused 29 steadier 29 remains unshaken 29 intensifed 29 Bleier attributed 29 Daniel DiPofi 29 tosuccessfully 29 Chairman Laiwang Zhang 29 fought gamely 29 continuing apace 29 economicconditions 29 persevere 29 stockists amidst 29 tried unsuccessfully 29 concluded Frederic Dugre 29 took 29 Composite Fibers 29 Female GIs 29 Summary Box Grains 29 propeled 29 Negative Outlook reflects 29 starting 29 thereby negatively impacting 29 significantly tougher comparatives 29 strove 29 Mellon Arena saluted 29 coach Dick Blasy 28 curtailed 28 gathers steam 28 Summary Box Stocks 28 implored 28 Reports Double Digit 28 bucked 28 GOM deepwater 28 Jim Famalette 28 Leno ribbed 28 banks commods 28 peace Milioni 28 posied 28 con tinuing 28 Uzi Yemin 28 product commercializations 28 threemonth 28 Summary Box Commodities 28 sputtered 28 blood thinners Lovenox 28 prove RITEK 28 CEO AJ Verdecchia 28 continueing 28 tendency 28 Jérôme Caille 28 cautiously envisaging 28 Bronte Howson 28 Metal Framing 28 capacity utilisations 28 Hortefeux insisted 28 Marc Oczachowski 28 resiliance 28 BaseMetals.Com analyst William 28 Dennis Eidson Spartan 28 climaxed 28 RGU additions 28 fundamentals underpinning 28 moist snuff category 28 Chad Deaton 28 spurring 28 infringe MOSAID patents 28 overall 28 Mr. Jifan Gao 28 LightPath commented 28 witnessing 28 Steadily 28 Bob Stanzione ARRIS 28 stubbornly refuses 28 responded 28 goals visit 28 PLO renunciation 28 shaft dewatering 28 halt 28 seeming 28 embarked 28 Glance Miners 28 resume 28 seemed unphased 28 service athenaCollector SM 28 Expects 28 PC OEMS 28 Ms. Bouvette 28 grwoth 28 QSGI commented 28 Rs.#.#cr 28 contin ues 28 proceeds apace 28 Luebke concedes 28 dislocates finger 28 decelerated sharply 28 Mr. Kozato 28 TREASURIES Bonds pare 28 due 28 consistently 28 gloabl 28 pumping coiled tubing 28 aided 28 result 28 Amla batted 28 multibrand strategy 28 Worsening arthritis 28 Latam stocks 28 COMMODITIES Markets 28 revises 4Q 28 von Rickenbach 28 inherent cyclicality 28 Kaff kaff 28 steadfastly refusing 28 positioned 28 urged 28 Terrified Kenyans 28 Posts Double Digit 28 acted swiftly 28 Recession intensifies GenX 28 Sincere soul 28 unstinting 28 Deflationary pressure 28 reflected 28 ╒ s 28 decelerated markedly 28 Unrelenting 28 Wireless postpaid subscriber 28 Gomez trickled tantalizingly 28 difficulty assimilating 28 HSMS division 28 efforst 28 usurper Zionist 28 asignificant 28 helping 28 occasional bursts 28 mightily 28 encouraging 28 articulately advocated 28 fundamentals reassert 28 director Rodman Flender 28 stymied 28 diversifying geographically 28 RWN reflects 28 consequent 28 Bouyed 28 fended off 28 Seemingly oblivious 28 STOCKS Techs 28 Motocourse continues 28 CDEL commented 28 unlevered balance sheet 28 yearlong 28 APNewsBreak Egg 28 Solzhenitsyn unflinching accounts 28 CEO Klaus Heinemann 28 upend nascent 28 CSFB strategists 28 long 28 SNAPSHOT US 28 resumes 28 Note FortBendNow reserves 28 Goodbody Stockbrokers adds 28 RPT GLOBAL MARKETS Stocks 28 unhindered 28 inflationary pressures adversely affecting 28 raised fist imperiously 28 Uri Lupoliansky rode 28 profitablity 28 mounting 28 reaps rewards 28 outpitching Derek Lowe 28 Painfully slow 28 preferring instead 28 deferred gratification 28 Spier Wells 28 progressing 28 forecaster Todd Kimberline 28 rebounded nicely 28 Chief Executive Jim Famalette 28 MUMBAI Snapping 28 Formulated Systems 28 Fumed Metal Oxides 28 FOREX Dollar pares 28 outsmart outmaneuver 28 commences 28 Carrier air conditioner 28 footballing prowess 28 haulted 28 President Walter Merschat 28 TREASURIES Prices 28 inits 28 Eltek commented 28 iconic condensed soups 28 Bonynge encouragement 28 PRECIOUS Gold extends 28 growthand 28 initiated 28 Mount Merapi rumblings 28 eased 28 Geoffrey Rotstein 28 By Cori Bolger 28 IC COMMENT 28 preached patience 28 underscored 28 protracted 28 Steeled 28 stuttering affliction continues 28 underlying fundamentals 28 Certegy maintains 27 liquid phosphate fertilizers 27 Rural UniFi initiative 27 Tasering Shaun 27 Williston Basin Bakken 27 Cian Nihill 27 Christopher H. Atayan 27 Premarket Dow 27 RPT TREASURIES Bonds 27 Xu Zhiyuan strategist 27 aggressively 27 thequarter 27 extending 27 merchandise markdowns 27 ClickPay 27 commercialism creeping 27 Hay baling 27 evidencing 27 deterioriated 27 Patterson UTI Reports 27 Jonathan Gencher vice 27 accelerate 27 risked destabilizing 27 resilience 27 unfaltering 27 attempting 27 grants.government grants 27 appeared 27 worked feverishly 27 Engineered Support Structures Segment 27 progressive convalescence 27 unrelentless 27 stroke humorist Keillor 27 forhis 27 looming expirations 27 Windless 27 induced Dileo 27 thelong term 27 mother Tamera Wleklinski 27 mood darkens 27 inched upward 27 stifled 27 falloffs 27 Robert Pijselman CEO 27 Trump stared icily 27 #bps YoY [001] 27 trended upward 27 TREASURIES Bond 27 WNS ADS 27 impelled 27 rearmament stops 27 Symbolizing 27 steadily eroding 27 Fearing lessening 27 slowed markedly 27 deepening 27 Unremitting 27 Impossibly melodramatic family 27 deepens 27 intermittent 27 Multimarket 27 Moshe Gavrielov Xilinx 27 resumption 27 cautiously optimistic 27 decided 27 going 27 CEO Daryl Otte 27 Ethylene Oxide Ethylene Glycol 27 seasonally weakest 27 rising 27 unvaryingly flat chemically 27 C4 Processing 27 embarked upon 27 proceeded cautiously 27 Delivers Double Digit 27 BioAstin superior antioxidant 27 tremendous 27 redouble efforts 27 uncapped seafloor gusher 27 manged 27 Magnetti Marelli components 27 deteriorated alarmingly 27 stymieing 27 intuition toughness 27 theglobal 27 besiege Misrata 27 Owen Warhorses 27 Paul Arling UEI 27 Marketable Alternative 27 selembu 27 relentlessness 27 newfound 27 contrasted markedly 27 ourability 27 Allmer lifelong goal 27 Barrie Shineton 27 FEMSA Comercio 27 deepened 27 computational workflows 27 Fiberglass Composite Pipe 27 Xiaofeng Peng Chairman 27 cyclically depressed 27 licensee Bausch 27 strenghth 27 robust 27 Irrigation Segment 27 attests 27 mechanic Allingham 27 mutually agreeable resolution 27 floundered 27 tirelessly 27 intercarrier compensation payments 27 steep canyons hampered 27 seeming unwillingness 27 #-#/#-month highs 27 nearterm 27 gaining momentum 27 coped brilliantly 27 CEO Heikki Takala 27 Unimpressed environmentalists called 27 Griffith Observatory astronomer 27 particularly 27 Sidarth Balaji 27 Gartner analyst Mikako 27 struggled mightily 27 Investica adds 27 emerging Oreana 27 CLARKY 'S VERDICT 27 andour 27 Nassef Sawiris commented 27 Chief Executive Gregory Spierkel 27 Morten Singleton analyst 27 Taxable assessed valuation 27 dwindled 27 #bps QoQ [001] 27 remain 27 slowdown Governor Perng 27 MAp airports 27 Pressure Cylinders 27 Assessed valuation AV 27 escalating 27 inched 27 disorientation seizures 27 EurUsd EURUSD 27 NJRHS 27 paused 27 Roy Ayliffe director 27 origination volumes 27 Company nanocrystalline materials 27 Michael Targoff 27 rebounded smartly 27 gale force SE'ly winds 27 lengthy 27 grows tiresome 27 phenomenonal 27 Multiplied Media announces 27 Derrick Hasterok graduate 27 stemming 27 subdued 27 HearUSA Reports 27 con stant 27 trended upwards 27 slump deepens 27 successfully transitioned 27 Debra Erenberg Midwest 27 RUGBY UNION Chinnor 27 growing 27 Mr. Shukhman 27 slight 27 slowing 27 racetracks outpaces customers 27 Nationwide economist Fionnuala 27 superlong sector 27 sparked 27 would 27 flat yield curve 27 Fabio Grosso clinched 27 tireless efforts 27 HHR crossover 27 Bob Calderoni 27 Broadspire segment 27 Telecel Vodafone 27 outlook dims 27 natural propagation stevia 27 produced glaring contradictions 27 Mr. Darren Latoski 27 Ansvar Insurance 27 inabilty 27 pressured 27 commercialize Qutenza 27 Ms. Bronicki 27 grew 27 CardioNet MCOT TM 27 halfcourt trapping 27 behavior adrenal insufficiency 27 Intensifying 27 iFinix CEO Benhope 27 Kinsevere HMS plant 27 endurable cease fire 27 reinvigorated 27 tone hind limb 27 integrating Aleris 27 StockMarks framework 27 Coatings Segment 27 officer Veronica Ronee 27 erractic 27 theoverall 27 caisse network 27 benefited 27 unwavering commitment 27 our 27 Pontiac G6 Buick LaCrosse 27 various iZ3D visualization 27 Korty stressed 27 battled 27 NEW DELHI Expressing 27 Wintemute concluded 27 EMERGING MARKETS LatAm 27 threatened 27 improved 27 mutually beneficial arrangement 27 Dancing Elephants helps 27 TREASURIES Prices rise 27 thesuccess 27 Jabil defines 27 Ken Huseman Basic 27 recovers 27 Chief Economist Fionnuala 27 TREASURIES Longer dated 27 CDIY segment 27 nonfood discretionary 27 proceded 27 fanned 27 SILICON STOCKS Tech 27 fourthquarter 27 John Paloian RR 27 Sopra Group ambition 27 recommences 27 interrupt 27 METALS Copper dips 27 recommence 27 FibTimer strategies define 27 let 27 dovetailed perfectly 27 appreciating renminbi 27 sustain 27 misfiring lineout 27 andgeneral 27 takeovers prodded 27 cyclical tailwinds 27 unflagging commitment 27 Suite NFS 27 RCB batsmen 27 relentless pursuit 27 Medivation clinical trials 27 Basic Plastics 27 perennially underperforming 27 barrenwort extraction efficiency 27 slackens 27 Visit 27 commercialize ZYFLO CR 27 tonnages mined 27 utmost prudence 27 Mr. Erhartic 27 NYSE Amex EGO 27 falter 27 propelled 27 Dr. Reza Barazesh 27 symbol SQP 27 PhilNaRe 27 NEW DELHI Buoyed 27 IsoTis clinical trials 27 proceeding apace 27 Underlying inflationary pressures 27 Thomas Sandgaard CEO 27 went unheeded 27 doe eyed Bratz dolls 27 EMERGING MARKETS Latam 27 furth er 26 TBR believes 26 sustaining 26 backorders signaled 26 fueld 26 decling 26 LAAP region 26 trending downwards 26 Mr. Hawatmeh 26 compelled 26 Peer Schatz QIAGEN 26 combined 26 reappeared 26 nonworking microphones 26 PRO BASEBALL Twins 26 causes thick mucus 26 restaurant reimaging 26 bloodshot glassy eyes 26 durng 26 Engineered Products Segment 26 excesses Neverland became 26 joined 26 Safeguard participates 26 depletes wild 26 Cominar objectives 26 upped 26 monthslong 26 NZ sharemarket rises 26 Hengel hiking 26 Loren Loverde director 26 steadily eroded 26 Loonie rises 26 seizures hallucination 26 start 26 NEW ORLEANS Spooked 26 wish LeVon 26 Vehvilainen 26 economys 26 ASHINGTON FC