filibuster proof majority

Related by string. * Filibuster . FILIBUSTER : filibuster proof . filibuster proof Senate . filibuster proof margin . Bunning filibuster . filibuster proof supermajority / Proof . proofing . proofs . proofed : Rabbit Proof Fence . proof vests . bullet proof . fool proof / ma jority . MAJORITY . Majority : Senate Majority Leader Harry . House Majority Leader . Senate Majority Leader . Majority Leader Harry Reid * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 75 filibuster proof 63 filibuster proof margin 63 filibuster proof Senate 62 supermajority 59 filibuster proof supermajority 59 GOP filibusters 56 overcome filibusters 56 overcome procedural hurdles 54 Republican delaying tactics 53 filibuster 52 GOP filibuster 52 fillibuster proof majority 51 supermajorities 51 overcome procedural hurdle 50 filibusters 50 congressional majorities 50 electoral votes 50 Democrat Martha Coakley 50 Democrat Carte Goodwin 50 Democrats 49 Electoral College 49 Edward Kennedy 49 invoke cloture 49 procedural roadblock 49 razor thin majority 48 Specter defection 48 invoking cloture 48 cloture 48 Republicans 48 governorships 47 alienating moderates 47 Senate 47 cleared procedural hurdle 47 cloture votes 47 Democrat Niki Tsongas 47 Bundesrat upper house 47 gunmaker immunity bill 47 Democratically controlled 47 intraparty squabble 46 Demcorats 46 midterm elections 46 cloture vote 46 nominaton 46 fillibuster 46 procedural hurdle 46 CCAGW rated 46 fifths supermajority 46 intraparty battle 46 senate democrats 46 Sen. Edward 46 Margolies Mezvinsky served 45 heavily gerrymandered 45 Barbara Cubin 45 Bayh disillusionment 45 Ted Kennedy 45 award delegates proportionally 45 climactic Christmas Eve 45 Jeffords defection gave 45 Paycheck Fairness Act 45 procedural hurdles 44 oust Craddick 44 thirds quorum 44 midterm balloting 44 Stupak Pitts amendment 44 GOP moderates 44 procedural roadblocks 44 downticket races 44 judicial confirmations 44 Joementum 44 wafer thin majority 44 governors mansions 44 early pacesetter Buechel 44 repeal ObamaCare 44 pledged delegates 44 Ben Cardin D-Md. 44 defund Obamacare 44 Waxman Markey climate 44 filibustered nominees 43 noncontroversial nominees 43 unanimous consent 43 committee chairmanships 43 incumbent Casey Cagle 43 Bunning filibuster 43 majorities 43 unyielding partisanship 43 Olympia Snowe 43 undeclared superdelegates 43 SCHIP reauthorization 43 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 43 ban judicial filibusters 43 unpledged delegates 43 Dem ocrats 43 appoint placeholder 43 Safety Modernization Act 43 Kirsten Gillibrand KEHR' sten 43 repealing ObamaCare 43 Congress convenes 43 Bork nomination 43 speakership 43 lameduck session 43 Altmire Y 42 GOP stalling tactics 42 repeal Obamacare 42 bipartisan comity 42 DeGette Y 42 Leader Mitch McConnell 42 abolish judicial filibusters 42 incumbent Saxby Chambliss 42 Peter Torkildsen 42 Patriot Act reauthorization 42 NTSB Airliner engines 42 FMAP extension 42 Nominations Sent 42 AMT patch 42 Mukasey confirmation 42 midterm elections shadowed 42 wealthiest estates 42 override veto 42 thirds supermajority 42 Governorships 42 filibustered 42 successfully filibustered 42 banning judicial filibusters 42 cites strident partisanship 42 Blumenauer Y 42 fifths majorities 42 Senator HILLARY CLINTON 42 Democrat Kay Hagan 42 congressional recess 42 Majority Leader Harry Reid 42 primaried 42 Democratically controlled Legislature 42 Earmark critics 42 struggled inconclusively 42 Lame Duck session 42 Scott Brown R-Mass. 41 override vetoes 41 Recess appointments 41 Demcoratic 41 Demo crats 41 filibuster delaying tactic 41 incumbent Gruening 41 Teddy Kennedy 41 nominee Walter Mondale 41 filibuster Alito 41 lieutenant governorship 41 Banning earmarks 41 cloture motion 41 Democrat Jeff Merkley 41 Overriding veto 41 James Jeffords 41 Speakership 41 invoked cloture 41 Sen. Arlen Specter D-Pa. 41 downballot 41 congressional bargainers 41 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 41 Congress adjourns 41 filibustering 41 impeaching Cheney 41 Most Sunnis boycotted 41 offered angry denouncements 41 Niki Tsongas 41 Majority Leader Frist 41 subcommittee chairmanships 41 senators 41 Biggert N 41 RNC chairmanship 41 lame duck session 41 judicial filibusters 41 Electorally 41 self proclaimed shellacking 41 Said Donilon 41 partisan gridlock Perino 41 Minority Leader Tom Daschle 41 Broun N 41 Tax Extenders Act 41 voter apathy inexcusable 41 notoriety Korbulic told 41 judge Priscilla Owen 41 bipartisanship 41 superdelegates 41 father Delbert Latta 41 Senate Majority Leader 40 incumbent Suzi Oppenheimer 40 DISCLOSE Act 40 Propositions 1A 1F 40 CDU FDP coalition 40 Sens. Zell 40 Ben Nelson D-Neb. 40 Centrists 40 Rule XXII 40 By Ron Chimelis 40 spokesman Rodell Mollineau 40 Jim Jeffords 40 Majority Leader Bill Frist 40 pyrotechnic punctuation 40 South Carolinian Strom 40 blended Congresses 40 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 40 eliminate judicial filibusters 40 Cloture 40 Senate Majority Leader Harry 40 DADT repealed 40 cacuses won 40 midterm election 40 Roland Burris D-Ill. 40 Pam Gulleson 40 filibuster proof majorities 40 monthlong recess 40 Snowe 40 Bilbray Y 40 Republican Norm Coleman 40 studiously avoided involvement 40 Status Passed 40 Inamine celebrated 40 challenger Jon Runyan 40 Lisa Murkowski 40 doc fix 40 repealing Obamacare 40 Democrat Al Franken 40 Chafee DeWine 40 Trump flirtation 40 slaves Hollaway 40 statutory PAYGO 40 Electoral Votes 40 speaker gavel 40 congressional reapportionment 40 Alito confirmation 40 Bilbray N 40 Ben Cardin D Md 40 Miers withdraws 40 S. #/HR [002] 40 horsepower carbureted engine 40 hyperpartisan 40 Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 40 Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. 40 unelected superdelegates 40 apportioning delegates 40 Bilirakis N 40 ticket splitters 40 overturn Roe v. Wade 40 Representative Jim Ramstad 40 earmark moratorium 40 Moderate Dems 40 Chafee RR.I. 40 Disclose Act 40 unpledged superdelegates 40 nonconfidence motion 40 Democrat Barbara McIlvaine 40 strategist Steve Schale 40 awarding delegates proportionally 40 Alito nomination 40 Potomac Primaries 40 gubernatorial vetoes 40 approves impeaching Blagojevich 40 Partisan bickering 40 superdelegate endorsements 40 Supermajority 40 comedian Al Franken 40 Sen. Jim Jeffords 40 Kyl Cornyn 40 defund ACORN 39 CHIP reauthorization 39 Rostenkowski ouster 39 inclusive ENDA 39 partisan polarization 39 Rep. Benjamin Cardin 39 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 39 E. Sununu 39 Republi cans 39 really poweful antibiotics 39 Unanimous consent 39 Carte Goodwin 39 Stupak Pitts Amendment 39 lieutentant governor 39 enact bitterly contested 39 branded carpetbagger 39 Mike Castle R-Del. 39 Speaker Denny Hastert 39 ObamaCare 39 uncommitted delegates 39 Monserrate expulsion 39 unicameral assembly 39 Incumbent Richard Cordray 39 Arlen Specters 39 remaining uncommitted superdelegates 39 Democratic Leader Steny 39 Corey Boles Of 39 GOP 39 Sens. Elizabeth Dole 39 Defund ACORN Act 39 Aderholt N 39 Sen. Wyche Fowler 39 teacher's pet performance 39 Democrat Larry Kissell 39 reacted cautiously mindful 39 veto override 39 subcommittee chairmanship 39 procedural hurdle hindering 39 bipartisan lawmaking 39 Arlen Specter 39 incumbent Lauch Faircloth 39 Blue Dogs 39 eyebrow arching blowout 39 operative Maria Cino 39 Desormeaux angled Big 39 Hobbled Dems eager 39 unicameral Legislature 39 incumbent Marilyn Musgrave 39 reauthorize SCHIP 39 aye votes 39 Daschle apologizes 39 Elizabeth Dole RN.C. 39 newcomer Ned Lamont 39 Daschle DS.D. 39 convening constituent assembly 39 Gejdenson 39 shifted rightward 39 Chairman Mohammadmian Soomro 39 Repubs 39 repeal DOMA 39 Unenrolled voters 39 MTBE waiver 39 Cullen Jim Holperin 39 PROMISES PROMISES Jobs 39 weeklong recess 39 Russ Feingold D Wis 39 quorum 39 surname Pei 39 speaker rostrum 39 trans inclusive ENDA 39 Alan Mollohan 39 ideologic conversation 39 postelection session 39 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 39 Barbara McIlvaine 39 openly gay nonincumbent 39 Nancy Cordes reports 39 Leader Harry Reid D-Nev. 39 repeal DADT 39 germane amendments 39 regressives 39 Democatic 39 FLORIDA Marco Rubio 39 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 39 intraparty contests 38 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 38 Working industriously 38 DeConcini supported 38 GIANNOULIAS 38 rightward drift 38 reauthorizing SCHIP 38 independents caucusing 38 Gabrielle Giffords D-Ariz. 38 Maryland Rep. Steny 38 Judge Priscilla Owen 38 Bransford Appeal 38 defund NPR 38 Deo Ferrer Daily 38 WELNA 38 tea partier Joe 38 cloture motions 38 honoring Barbara Mikulski 38 Castle DeGette 38 Democrat Denise Majette 38 reapportionment 38 Repub licans 38 Voldemort Harry Potter 38 Filibusters 38 Rhetoric aside 38 libertarian leaning conservatives 38 Kirstin Gillibrand 38 procedural maneuver 38 Wasserman Schultz 38 SMRR endorsement 38 nomination 38 candidate Carl Romanelli 38 ANWR drilling 38 RYAN GRIM 38 GOP appropriators 38 overwhelming majorities 38 Prop 1F 38 WASSERMAN SCHULTZ 38 Majority Leader Tom Daschle 38 Democratic 38 Democrat Nick Lampson 38 Easter recess 38 strategist Mark Mellman 38 Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand 38 proportional allocation 38 Reps. Steny Hoyer 38 leaders cajoled bargained 38 Pam Resor 38 Bilirakis Y 38 Stupak Amendment 38 Reid pointedly refrained 38 Jim Ramstad 38 HOUSE MINORITY LEADER 38 Reps. Marty Meehan 38 legislative logjams 38 precincts reporting Sestak 38 Andy Arrenquin Appeal 38 Abdnor 38 Democrat Roxanne Conlin 38 challenger Renee Ellmers 38 Sens. Blanche Lincoln 38 Education Affordability Reconciliation 38 GOP STOLE AMERICA 38 Bryan DeMain Appeal 38 By Roger Cleaveland 38 incumbent Barbara Cubin 38 votes 38 Props aplenty 38 Gerrymandered districts 38 Incomplete returns 38 Republican Sen. Saxby 38 Southerner Jimmy Carter 38 decennial redistricting 38 Paul Wellstone Mental 38 chairmanships 38 midterm congressional 38 Democrat Teno Roncalio 38 Senators Olympia Snowe 38 bipartisan 38 partisan acrimony 38 Blanche Lincoln Ark. 38 veto overridden 38 Baucus Grassley 38 eminently electable 38 MOLLY IVINS 38 entrenched incumbents 38 John McArdle CQ 38 Filibustering 38 Rep Joe Sestak 38 partisan gridlock 38 Kelliher DFL Minneapolis 38 Waxman Markey cap 38 reelections 38 nominee Kendrick Meek 38 Senator Christopher Dodd 38 challenger Larry Kissell 38 Sen. Carte Goodwin 38 Caesar Trunzo 38 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 38 adviser Bob Shrum 38 Lumbee recognition 38 expel Monserrate 38 Chairman Duf Sundheim 38 Kymm Mann Appeal 38 foregoing Magicalia shall 38 party centrists rebelled 38 Teresa Fasanello Hunterdon 38 independents Bernie Sanders 38 defeating Tusk 38 bipartisan coalitions 38 FHA Modernization Act 37 http:/ @ 37 MCCONNELL Well 37 Russ Feingold 37 By Greta Wodele 37 Midterm elections 37 perhaps delusive certainty 37 Broadcast Decency Enforcement 37 GOPers 37 dems 37 Stephanie Herseth 37 leadoff Iowa caucuses 37 spokesman Austin Shafran 37 CongressDaily reports 37 RUDIN Well 37 Collateral Alda 37 homophobe Antonin Scalia 37 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 37 House Speaker Terie 37 Birthright Citizenship Act 37 Mary Landrieu La. 37 partisan gamesmanship 37 prodded rebellious 37 Norm Coleman R-Minn. 37 BY JACQUELINE LEE 37 partisan gerrymander 37 upstater 37 intraparty battles 37 unseat Djou 37 Earl Pomeroy 37 Rod Grams 37 savings KayCee persuaded 37 Budoff Brown 37 Mary Landrieu D-La. 37 bathtub Kathleen Savio 37 Senator Olympia Snowe 37 Dan Maffei 37 soonest constitutional amendment 37 revotes 37 legislature adjourns 37 Demoratic 37 Carl Levin D-Mich. 37 bitterly partisan 37 Cass Ballenger 37 curbing malpractice lawsuits 37 Peronist party 37 Nader candidacy 37 E. Travaglini 37 Dick Durbin D Ill 37 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 37 Streamlined Procedures Act 37 Chairman Reince Priebus 37 Re publican 37 Congresswoman Deborah Pryce 37 gerrymandered districts 37 GOP'ers 37 Proportional representation 37 centrist Heath Shuler 37 me chills Turbeville 37 DFLer Al Franken 37 TERM LIMITS 37 Bunning relents 37 Hoyer Murtha 37 Democratsâ € ™ 37 exurban counties 37 JIL' uh brand 37 Ryan Boschetti DT 37 Hoyer D Md 37 Bernanke reappointment 37 Bakiyev Ak Jol 37 partyâ 37 DFL Minn 37 Businessman Herman Cain 37 Trian nominees 37 Democrat Daniel Mongiardo 37 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 37 Wayne Allard 37 Al Franken 37 impeaching Sanford 37 mathematical impossibility 37 bleepin golden 37 Hillary CLinton 37 Act EFCA 37 Democratic Pary 37 Archaeologist Avi Gopher 37 Suzi Oppenheimer 37 Webcast Instructions 37 Stupak Pitts 37 Justice Priscilla Owen 37 menthol exemption 37 renomination 37 procedural maneuvers 37 Ahern Fianna Fail 37 precincts reporting Landrieu 37 Filibuster Reform 37 BY JACK CHANG 37 Simitian Palo Alto 37 Dems 37 WRDA bill 37 speaker Nancy Pelosi 37 convention delegates 37 Judd Gregg 37 Representative Niki Tsongas 37 Wyche Fowler 37 staffer Dan Maffei 37 Sharon Renier 37 excuse absentee balloting 37 Jon Kyl R-Ariz. 37 Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.# 37 reauthorize NCLB 37 convene constituent assembly 37 Aderholt Y 37 Judge Bork 37 Reps. Sander Levin 37 Election Day 37 Feinstein D-Calif. 37 DEFICIT REDUCTION CBO 37 delays Belbo 37 unprecedented obstructionist tactics 37 unpledged super 37 Democrat Dianne Feinstein 37 Roland Burris D Ill 37 HUME Well 37 commonwealth reflexively 37 emphasize numeric keypad 37 bi partisanship 37 Stupak amendment 37 undeclared superdelegate 37 inspirational stem winder 37 Josh Kendrix Appeal 37 Chairman Collin Peterson 37 BY JENNIFER MENSTER 37 Kirsten Gillibrand 37 policywise 37 Maggie Jeffus 37 pollster Geoffrey Garin 37 coattail effect 37 apocalyptic aura 37 Reapportionment 37 Jim Bunning R Ky 37 Blanche Lincoln 37 Bayh centrist 37 Armenian genocide resolution 37 Bennet Romanoff 37 Barbara Boxer D-Calif. 37 Merkley Levin 37 Demcrats 37 Stu Rothenberg editor 37 Ernest Hollings 37 Roe v. Wade 37 KYL Well 37 Republican Lauch Faircloth 37 ACESA 37 Democratically controlled Congress 37 statutory paygo 37 subdued Steinmeier 37 screeners collective bargaining 37 Robert Casey D-Pa. 37 Social Security COLA 37 nonjudicial statewide 37 impeach Blagojevich 37 Reichert Burner 37 Mike Enzi Wyoming 36 Castle DeGette bill 36 defund ObamaCare 36 Sens. Pedro Espada 36 moderate Republicanism 36 unfairly disenfranchise 36 uncommitted superdelegates 36 BY GEORGE PAWLACZYK 36 FINEMAN 36 superdelegate endorsements erasing 36 Travaglini Lees 36 DFLers 36 Joe Gershtenson director 36 BCS bowl berth 36 remarkable turnabout 36 WMUR Granite State 36 Denise Majette 36 Marco Rubio R Fla 36 Menthol flavoring 36 nominating convention 36 thirds majorities 36 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY 36 For Koch Beame 36 Ken Salazar D Colo 36 fiercely contested remake 36 imperitive 36 unity Alienating 36 Rep. Nancy Pelosi 36 Ric Keller 36 troop withdrawal deadlines 36 defunding ACORN 36 Corker McCaskill 36 Marco Rubios 36 sizable majorities 36 undecideds 36 UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol 36 immigration reform 36 Caroline Kennedy 36 reformer mantle 36 Sen. Evan Bayh 36 FAA reauthorization 36 L. Sandy Maisel 36 Sen. Darrel Aubertine 36 ROVNER 36 constitutional amendment HJR 36 southern hemisphere scalp 36 COREY CLARK Tallahassee 36 governorship 36 MILC program 36 Debbie Stabenow D-Mich. 36 EFCA 36 farthest frontiers 36 defunding Obamacare 36 constitutional amendments outlawing 36 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 36 faithless electors 36 Ratifying treaty 36 troop withdrawal timeline 36 Sen. Christopher Dodd 36 US#.# trillion [001] 36 Kemp Hannon 36 Closing Tax Loopholes 36 Mikulski amendment 36 nominating contests 36 Employment Non Discrimination 36 Republican 36 presidency 36 Schumer Gillibrand 36 Kelly barks excitedly 36 Democrat Chellie Pingree 36 spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle 36 Bob Corker R Tenn 36 AMT fix 36 Claire McCaskill D-Mo. 36 Tony Foriest 36 Italia Federici co 36 Mondale Dukakis 36 Republican Randy Altschuler 36 lamer duck 36 nominating conventions 36 Charest Liberals 36 stopgap spending 36 Doc Fix 36 lamented Dick Armey 36 Sens. Sherrod 36 BY MARIA BARAN 36 campaign discouraged counterprotest 36 Dale Sweetland 36 rinos 36 Sen. Olympia Snowe 36 unanimity 36 DFLer Franken 36 Cassreino 36 backed Iraqiya bloc 36 senators Saxby Chambliss 36 Barry Goldwater landslide 36 retroactive immunity provision 36 Rep. Steny Hoyer D-Md. 36 Priscilla Owen 36 Julian Zelizer congressional 36 Representative Marty Meehan 36 Martin Olav Sabo 36 renominate Greenspan 36 conservative jurist 36 nonpartisan redistricting 36 earth Tamburro 36 Samuel Alito 36 Undecideds 36 Democr 36 DADT repeal 36 Pulivendula assembly seat 36 lawmaker Ethan Berkowitz 36 Rahm Emanuel D Ill 36 anxiously ponder 36 GW Battleground 36 Judge Robert Bork 36 Diana DeGette D Colo 36 Wayne Allard retires 36 judicial nominees 36 Clintoncare 36 greatest deliberative 36 reelection 36 Individual pegmatites 36 Ethan Hastert 36 lamented partisan bickering 36 Jon Kyl R Ariz 36 Al Franken D Minn 36 Tina Benkiser 36 presidential nomination 36 AgJobs bill 36 Congressman Joe Sestak 36 Rep. Renee Ellmers 36 Judicary Committee 36 Derbyshires betrayed Prince Jefri 36 recriminalize abortion 36 ON DEADLINE 36 Favre painkilling injection 36 Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg 36 Mappus Christian 36 Marty Meehan 36 Lilly Ledbetter Fair 36 activist Parag Jain 36 Hulu Selangor parliamentary 36 parliamentarian Alan Frumin 36 Reps. Rahm Emanuel 36 Dante Dimille volunteer 36 DFL'ers 36 ANWR provision 36 Coburn Omnibus 36 Democratic Farmer Laborite 36 Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 36 repubs 36 Increased Accessibility Act 36 intraparty fights 36 Switzerland Fabian Cancellera 36 socialist Bernie Sanders 36 Daniel Lipinski 36 implored Bunning 36 George LeMieux R Fla 36 ELIZABETH KALFSBEEK Special 36 wavering moderates 36 Lauch Faircloth 36 REINS Act 36 upstart Ned Lamont 36 Charles McC 36 rightward tilt 36 & Christiane Pelz 36 Senate bargainers 36 EDWARD KENNEDY 36 PSKXF 36 Reps. Chaka Fattah 36 presumptive nominee 36 Speaker Nancy Pelosi 36 Orrin G. 36 Lincoln Chafee RI 36 Betsy Markey D Colo 36 Judy Nerat 36 Progressive Anthony Pollina 36 Kit Bond R-Mo. 36 overrule Roe 36 unionize workplaces 36 overturning Roe v. Wade 36 parliamentary unicameral 36 Mary Landrieu 36 Supporter Chuck Schumer 36 Increasing Adoptions Act 36 wealthiest Americans 36 http:/ 36 persuade uncommitted superdelegates 36 reappoint Bernanke 36 antiestablishment tea 36 Incumbents beware 36 Democrat Chet Culver 36 SCHIP 36 sweeping overhaul 36 Comedian Al Franken 36 Christopher Dodd D-Conn. 36 BY JOHN BRENNAN 36 Betty Wahle 36 Rob Senderoff resigned 36 needless partisanship 36 archconservative Tea Party 36 David Souter 36 Cuss Free Week 36 racially tinged campaigns 36 Obstructionists 36 Angelyn Frazer 36 Paul Sarbanes D-Md. 36 Sen. Arlen Specter R-Penn. 36 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 36 Bundesrat 36 Mike Enzi R-Wyo. 36 politically perilous 36 liberals 36 renominated 36 lipstick maxim 36 Speaker Franco Marini 36 Minority Whip Steny Hoyer 36 Ind Conn 36 Seventeenth Amendment 36 Janice Rogers 36 Edward M. 36 AND SENATE 36 Speaker Albio Sires 36 hopeful Alexi Giannoulias 36 Hartley Nagle 36 senate 36 challenger Kristi Noem 36 Proposition 1a 36 DEE BURKE Delta 36 voting blocs 36 PELOSI Well 36 haphazard piecemeal 36 anoint successor 36 apportion delegates 36 Tricia Yeoh director 36 RON WYDEN 36 #/#rds majority 36 Mark Critz 36 9am 4pm Eastern 36 Darlene Hooley 36 constitutionally ineligible 36 Terri Schiavo feeding tube 36 Congressional Catfight 36 EJ DIONNE 36 Nevada Caucuses 36 Democrat Sharon Renier 36 Don Nickles 36 Chuck Hagel R-Neb. 35 AL FRANKEN 35 Democrat Darrel Aubertine 35 Bipartisanship 35 Leninist CPN UML 35 Evan Bayh D 35 % REALIZED EARNINGS 35 antiestablishment fervor 35 bipartisanism 35 Sens. Bernie Sanders 35 SNOWE 35 DocuTech manages 35 FHA modernization 35 Johnson R-Conn. 35 outsized candidacies 35 Sen. Abraham Ribicoff 35 midterm shellacking 35 Politics '# 35 panelist abstained 35 fiscally conservative Democrats 35 Sens. Patrick Leahy 35 Obamacare 35 Representative Peter DeFazio 35 re lection 35 Values Agenda 35 gerrymander 35 Representative Steny Hoyer 35 Repugs 35 Arlen Specter R-Pa. 35 Hatoyama DPJ 35 Cornyn Kyl 35 Reps. Shelley Berkley 35 Degette 35 Sotomayor confirmation 35 presidential nominating contests 35 Tanner Tillotson 35 school gymnasiums auditoriums 35 intraparty bickering 35 secular Iraqiya slate 35 diabetes Danesh 35 strict constructionist judges 35 Repeal Amendment 35 theSenate 35 staunchest allies deteriorated 35 Leader Dean Skelos 35 BJPennfan 35 mesmerized Valenti recalled 35 Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse 35 Michelle Elaine Astumian 35 centrists 35 appointing Roland Burris 35 By Amy Klamper 35 dubious Muzzle Awards 35 DFL challenger 35 Military Readiness Enhancement 35 Lieberman I-Conn. 35 hyperpartisanship 35 Chuck Hagel Nebraska 35 Senator Lincoln Chafee 35 Julia Boseman 35 Democrat Ashwin Madia 35 limiting itemized deductions 35 Barbara Mikulski D Md 35 Richard Lugar R-Ind. 35 partisan gerrymandering 35 razor thin majorities 35 grand bargainers 35 LIASSON Well 35 Gov. Elbridge Gerry 35 SJR# [001] 35 Liddy Dole 35 challenger Kay Hagan 35 Syrian Emile Lahoud 35 Don Carcieri 35 Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall 35 Democrat Kendrick Meek 35 ceding warmaking powers 35 considered tossups 35 GOPs 35 Jack Layton NDP 35 wasteful earmark 35 Ranking Member Snowe 35 former segregationist Strom 35 Samuel Alito Antonin Scalia 35 H. Res 35 FinReg 35 MAGGIE CALDWELL 35 Todd Rokita 35 RCP Average 35 strategist Carl Forti 35 Elizabeth Dole 35 Harry Reids 35 Riiska 35 Minority Leader Harry Reid 35 gerrymandering 35 Max Baucus Mont. 35 Gillibrand DioGuardi 35 wishy washy mealy mouthed 35 Nita Lowey 35 defeating Alexi Giannoulias 35 Birch Bayh 35 tortured Washa 35 Leodis McKelvin fumble 35 Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand 35 democraps 35 Democrat Peter Shumlin 35 ENDA 35 partisan rancor 35 Saxby Chambliss R 35 Tea Party tidal wave 35 Senators Jeff Merkley 35 Sigurdardottir Social 35 supports Zelaya reinstatement 35 Barack Obama ber AHK 35 Ken Dennard Reba 35 DN.H. 35 stalwart Barbara Boxer 35 Bernanke renomination 35 stopgap measure expires 35 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 35 ANWR 35 signaled impatience 35 Iraqiya bloc narrowly 35 NANCY PELOSI 35 segregationist Dixiecrat 35 Sentate 35 Stuart Rothenberg 35 constitutionally questionable 35 cramdown 35 Ben Cardin 35 chairwoman Sen. Dianne 35 Sparking outrage 35 SENATE RACE

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