Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 76 furnishing alcohol 70 furnishing alcoholic beverages 68 indecent assault indecent exposure 68 disseminating indecent material 65 sexual intercourse indecent assault 64 involuntary deviant sexual intercourse 63 pleaded nolo contendere 63 aggravated assault resisting arrest 63 DOB #/#/# [007] 63 disorderly conduct intoxication 62 seconddegree 62 thirddegree 62 indecent assault endangering 62 harboring runaway 62 pandering obscenity involving 62 loitering prowling 61 terroristic threats harassment 61 aggravated assault terroristic threats 61 criminal trespass criminal mischief 61 pleaded nolo 61 unlawful trespass 60 Terroristic threats 60 flagrant nonsupport 60 criminal mischief disorderly conduct 60 involuntary deviate sexual intercourse 60 aggravated felonious sexual 60 Trafficking Controlled Substance 60 forgery uttering 60 Public Drunkenness 60 terroristic threats disorderly conduct 59 depressant stimulant narcotic 59 trespassing resisting arrest 59 petty larceny misdemeanor 59 aggravated indecent assault 59 criminal mischief criminal trespass 59 Charge DUI 59 burglary grand larceny 59 menacing reckless endangerment 59 imitation controlled substance 59 aggravated battery aggravated assault 59 trespassing disorderly conduct 59 felony DWI 59 underage consumption 59 Charge VOP 59 unlawful mischief 59 willful concealment 58 petit larceny misdemeanor 58 Underage Consumption 58 1st Degree Burglary 58 fraudulently obtaining controlled substance 58 reckless endangerment disorderly conduct 58 Felonious assault 58 unsworn falsification 58 degree hindering prosecution 58 misdemeanor petit larceny 58 rape involuntary deviate 58 reckless endangerment resisting arrest 58 capias warrant charging 58 Forged Instrument 58 Petit Larceny 58 PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS 58 Charge Disorderly conduct 58 felony terroristic threats 58 Simple Assault 58 lewdness disorderly conduct 58 brewed beverages 58 indecent assault corrupting 58 firstdegree 58 hindering apprehension 58 indecent solicitation 58 disorderly conduct criminal trespass 58 Furnishing Alcohol 57 resisting arrest hindering apprehension 57 felonious sexual 57 habitual offender revocation 57 corrupting minors 57 1ST Degree 57 Receiving Stolen Property 57 uttering forgery 57 misdemeanor indecent exposure 57 Matamoras PA 57 larceny shoplifting 57 intoxicating liquor 57 Criminal Trespassing 57 criminal trespass resisting arrest 57 criminal mischief resisting arrest 57 Charge Disorderly intoxication 57 felonious larceny 57 Criminal Attempt 57 Pleaded guilty 57 Vehicular Assault 57 petit larceny 57 wrongful entrustment 57 NORTH CANAAN 57 resisting arrest disorderly conduct 57 Unlawful Imprisonment 57 Criminal Impersonation 57 DOB #/#/# [001] 57 Charge Felony 56 Charge Uttering false 56 2nd Degree 56 false personation 56 drunkenness disorderly conduct 56 Criminal trespass 56 controlled substance hydrocodone 56 Aggravated Harassment 56 petty larceny 56 2nd Degree Assault 56 DUII reckless 56 Drug Paraphernalia 56 aggravated assault reckless endangerment 56 fixed abode pleaded guilty 56 aiding felon 56 harboring felon 56 aggravated misdemeanor punishable 56 Sagle ID 56 Indecent Assault 56 § #a subd 56 controlled substance oxycodone 56 recklessly endangering another 56 controlled substance 56 possessing amphetamines 56 disorderly conduct resisting arrest 56 administering noxious substance 56 Criminal Trespass 56 Unlawful Possession 56 misdemeanor criminal trespass 56 Resisting arrest 56 burglary criminal mischief 56 Disorderly intoxication 56 resisting evading 56 disorderly conduct persisting 56 Class IIIA felony 56 aggravated assault recklessly endangering 56 attempted disseminating indecent 55 misdeameanor 55 unlawful possession 55 DOB #-#-# [007] 55 negligent vehicular homicide 55 controlled substance paraphernalia 55 probation detainer 55 felony carnal knowledge 55 Criminal Possession 55 common nightwalker 55 Petit larceny 55 hypodermic instrument 55 Gross Sexual Imposition 55 mischief uttering threats 55 uttering forged instruments 55 Terry Shadd 55 Charge FTA 55 DWLS 55 Aggravated Burglary 55 DWLR 55 vehicular homicide drunken driving 55 eluding resisting arrest 55 DOB #-#-# [005] 55 abetting statutory rape 55 terroristic threats criminal mischief 55 dob #/#/# [003] 55 2nd Degree Murder 55 fraudulently obtaining prescription 55 SIMPLE ASSAULT 55 Aggravated DUI 55 Zaccaro pleaded guilty 55 Aggravated menacing 54 drug paraphernalia 54 DWLSR 54 Domestic Battery 54 Reckless homicide 54 nol prossed 54 Residential Burglary 54 Second Degree Assault 54 Drive LaPlace 54 Wanton Endangerment 54 Charge Resisting officer 54 Breach Probation 54 Controlled Dangerous Substance 54 statutory rape child molestation 54 Aggravated Child Abuse 54 vehicular homicide vehicular 54 DWI careless 54 Reckless endangerment 54 Charge Larceny 54 IN SKOWHEGAN 54 First Degree Burglary 54 terroristic threats recklessly endangering 54 possessing drug paraphernalia 54 intoxication disorderly conduct 54 degree statutory sodomy 54 Felony DWI 54 involuntary manslaughter reckless endangerment 54 intoxicants reckless 54 dihydrocodeinone 54 OUIL 54 felony grand larceny 54 RETAIL THEFT 54 possessing bladed article 54 Second Degree Burglary 53 Aggravated DWI 53 involuntary manslaughter aggravated assault 53 Criminal Mischief 53 Aggravated burglary 53 habitual criminality 53 DOB #/#/# [003] 53 Ledgewood Drive 53 terroristic threats reckless endangerment 53 hiding corpse 53 UNDERAGE DRINKING 53 reckless endangering 53 Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 53 IN WILTON 53 criminal trespass 53 disorderly conduct criminal mischief 53 possessing amphetamine 53 criminal mischief 53 burglary criminal trespass 53 CDS paraphernalia 53 degree wanton endangerment 53 felony aggravated unlicensed 53 Nanette LaFleur 53 Stacie Mullins 53 custodial indecent liberties 53 felony aggravated battery 53 Sparrowbush NY 53 defiant trespass disorderly conduct 53 Criminal Sexual 53 Terroristic threatening 53 forged instrument 53 uttering forged instrument 53 criminal trespass disorderly conduct 53 misdemeanor 53 2nd Degree Burglary 53 assault recklessly endangering 53 Michael Petelis 53 aggravated unlicensed 53 indecent assault 53 involuntary manslaughter felonious assault 53 resisting arrest obstructing 53 recklessly discharging firearm 53 Actual Bodily Harm 53 DWS revoked 53 larceny petit 53 Disorderly conduct 53 Aggravated battery 53 1st Degree Assault 53 assault forcible confinement 53 rape indecent assault 53 abstracting electricity 53 reckless endangerment terroristic threats 53 feloniously pointing firearm 52 resisting obstructing 52 RR1 Box 52 degree disseminating indecent 52 Honesdale Borough Police 52 burglary petit larceny 52 possessing cannabis resin 52 involuntary manslaughter recklessly endangering 52 Wysox Pa. 52 First Degree Assault 52 controlled substance Xanax 52 FAILURE TO APPEAR 52 Resisting Arrest 52 Unlawful Restraint 52 Malicious Wounding 52 administering stupefying drug 52 spirituous liquor 52 grand larceny petit larceny 52 IN PITTSFIELD 52 unlawful restraint 52 possessing controlled substance 52 aggravated felonious 52 degree criminal mischief 52 DOB #-#-# [006] 52 False Imprisonment 52 vehicular homicide reckless 52 Charge Battery 52 vehicular manslaughter criminally negligent 52 NE Nimishillen Township 52 child molestation statutory rape 52 attempted forcible sodomy 52 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 52 felonious possession 52 BREACH OF PEACE 52 Indecent Liberties 52 patronizing prostitution 52 pled guilty 52 possessing methylamphetamine 52 IN WINSLOW 52 Aggravated robbery 52 aggravated incest 52 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 52 aggravated assault aggravated battery 52 Felony Child Neglect 52 maltreating detainees conspiracy 52 defaced firearm 52 aggravated DWI 52 lewd molestation 52 Hindering Prosecution 52 harmful intoxicants 52 DOB #/#/# [002] 52 disorderly conduct 52 Trafficking Cocaine 52 reckless endangerment 52 Reckless Endangering 52 Buttafuoco pleaded guilty 52 statutory sodomy 52 forfeiture specification 52 W. Kettelle 52 fleeing eluding 51 breaching recognizance 51 Third Degree Assault 51 Carrying Concealed Weapon 51 lewd lascivious molestation 51 Newcombtown Road 51 narcotics paraphernalia 51 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 51 forcible rape forcible sodomy 51 hindering prosecution 51 statutory rape statutory sodomy 51 recklessly endangering safety 51 SW Pataskala 51 Underage Possession 51 Massieville Road 51 resisting arrest eluding 51 burglarious instruments 51 vehicular homicide involuntary manslaughter 51 vehicular eluding 51 Disorderly conduct intoxication 51 reckless endangerment criminal mischief 51 possessing methamphetamine 51 drug paraphernalia resisting arrest 51 aggravated vehicular hijacking 51 Bash Nied Funeral Home 51 degree criminal trespass 51 gross lewdness 51 capias warrant 51 criminal impersonation 51 breaching conditional discharge 51 SE Massillon 51 Terroristic Threats 51 Patrolman Beau Broadley 51 North Grosvenordale 51 Disorderly Conduct 51 distributing oxycodone 51 • CHARGED 51 nolled 51 Charge Aggravated battery 51 Charge Driving 51 concealing homicidal death 51 resisting arrest criminal mischief 51 pandering obscenity 51 Criminally Negligent Homicide 51 felony 51 attempted malicious wounding 51 Malicious destruction 51 deviant sexual intercourse 51 OUI liquor 51 felony eluding 51 unsworn falsifications 51 aggravated indecent liberties 51 NW Massillon 51 burlgary 51 mischief endangering 51 Charge Burglary 51 2nd Degree Felony 51 Criminal Recklessness 51 NJSA 2C :# 5b 51 Wyoming DFS 51 Felony Aggravated 51 Jeffery Planey 51 Vehicular Homicide 51 Criminal Solicitation 51 probation VOP 51 ungraded misdemeanor 51 aggravated assualt 51 felon possessing firearm 51 transmitting child pornography 51 forcible lewd act 51 identity theft forgery 51 Unlawful Manufacture 51 willful cruelty 51 arson recklessly endangering 51 IN BINGHAM 51 aggravated vehicular assault 51 fictitious license plates 51 abusing corpse 51 PUBLIC INTOXICATION 51 Terroristic threat 51 Charge Domestic 51 uttering forged document 51 Aggravated Sexual Battery 51 possessing crack cocaine 51 nolle prossed 50 Obstructing Governmental Administration 50 uttering forged documents 50 involuntary deviant 50 DRUG CHARGES 50 narcotic paraphernalia 50 IN WATERVILLE 50 DOB #-#-# [002] 50 assault reckless endangerment 50 aggravated sodomy 50 negligently discharging firearm 50 pandering sexually oriented 50 Cascanet 50 Road Hookerton 50 felony malicious mischief 50 disseminating obscenity 50 Oakview Apartments 50 Hindering Apprehension 50 sexually assualting 50 child endangerment 50 Pen. Code 50 recklessly evading 50 Charge Probation 50 degree criminal trover 50 false imprisonment recklessly endangering 50 Sylvia Mojica 50 forcible touching misdemeanor 50 possessing cocaine 50 Petit Theft 50 Charge Possession 50 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 50 commit involuntary deviate 50 media minHeight = 50 Felony DUI 50 OUI negligent 50 taking indecent liberties 50 Felony Possession 50 #W# block 50 indecent liberties 50 defiant trespassing 50 Scranton letters testamentary 50 DWI aggravated unlicensed 50 DOB #/#/# [006] 50 intoxicants 50 controlled substance Oxycodone 50 BPSO Jail 50 ar rested 50 issued summons 50 Attempted Assault 50 forgery uttering forged 50 occasioning bodily harm 50 Charge Failure 50 degree terroristic threatening 50 Grand Larceny 50 uninspected motor vehicle 50 distributing crack cocaine 50 intoxicated aggravated unlicensed 50 risking catastrophe 50 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 50 false imprisonment aggravated assault 50 Felony Conspiracy 50 Unlawful Taking 50 Persistent Felony Offender 50 negligent homicide aggravated assault 50 sen tenced 50 occasioning actual bodily harm 50 Criminally negligent homicide 50 lewd wanton 50 pleaded gulity 50 Attempted armed robbery 50 Defendant pled guilty 50 Attending dogfight 50 unregistered motor 50 Southpark Circle 50 Manufacture Delivery 50 Opelousas La. charged 50 weapon uttering threats 50 unlawful intercourse 50 Felony Child Abuse 50 Uttering Threats 50 Blankenburg twin Dr. 50 aggravated assault false imprisonment 50 Morrisdale 50 Indecent assault 50 manslaughter criminally negligent 50 Patrolman Deron Ilarraza 50 Amanda Bodoh 50 ungraded felony 50 Attempted Theft 50 nd Degree 50 buggery indecent assault 50 Amanda Lynn Livelsberger 50 thirddegree domestic 50 degree reckless endangerment 50 enters Alford plea 49 Custodial Interference 49 Motor Vehicle Homicide 49 Reckless Endangerment 49 Timear Lewis 49 Mislabeling fur 49 causing grevious bodily harm 49 controlled substance methamphetamine 49 DWUI * 49 pleaded nolo contendre 49 Dingmans Ferry PA 49 child molestation plying 49 vehicular assault 49 char ged 49 petit theft 49 Drug Paraphernalia Possession 49 Degree Sexual Abuse 49 seconddegree battery 49 Huntingdon Magistrates Court 49 IN PALMYRA 49 Controlled Substance 49 Charge Lewd 49 resisting arrest 49 Conewago Twp 49 Official Misconduct 49 While Ability Impaired 49 nonforcible 49 Statutory Sodomy 49 #.# subd [002] 49 involuntary deviate 49 felony nonsupport 49 Aggravated Arson 49 Baunee 49 lewd lascivious behavior 49 Probation Violation 49 drug paraphenalia 49 Hayesville NC 49 Teaticket Highway 49 intoxicating substance 49 Appletree Lane 49 Attempted Burglary 49 degree custodial interference 49 Careless Driving 49 Controlled Substance Marijuana 49 Unlawful Delivery 49 CHILD ENDANGERMENT 49 Magisterial Judge 49 Rhomberg Ave 49 Criminal Contempt 49 Veh. Code § 49 burglarious tools 49 AETD VIP abstain 49 Promoting Prostitution 49 Degree Rape 49 armed robbery aggravated assault 49 FORGERY 49 Ptlm 49 inflicting corporal injury 49 Evading arrest 49 Felony Larceny 49 Candlewood Drive 49 Degree Kidnapping 49 narcotic controlled substance 49 Bristol Pk 49 possessing brass knuckles 49 Indecent exposure 49 Sandlewood Drive 49 Kasey G. Kazee 49 IN FAIRFIELD 49 Lunbeck Road 49 Kentville provincial 49 Public Lewdness 49 probationable 49 incest statutory rape 49 NE Massillon 49 Stonybrook Drive 49 IN CANAAN 49 forcible compulsion 49 Sexual Conduct 49 Parole Violation 49 Cory Andrewski 49 depressant stimulant 49 Browndale 49 IN NORRIDGEWOCK 49 Castorland 49 Domestic Abuse Battery 49 Heatherwood Drive 49 indictable quantity 49 wreckless endangerment 49 Controlled Substance Methamphetamine 49 Laceyville Pa. 49 unlawfully imprisoning 49 alcohol OUI 49 Aggravated Criminal 49 Official Oppression 49 obtaining pecuniary advantage 49 Carrying concealed weapon 49 opiates opium 49 Commit Theft 49 Stonehedge Drive 49 Armadale Magistrates Court 49 Woodlane Drive 49 Cocaine Possession 49 Voluntary Manslaughter 49 criminal mischief misdemeanor 49 Albrightsville 49 felony vehicular eluding 49 POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA 49 mutilating corpse 49 terroristic threatening 48 aggrevated assault 48 Bridgeton Blotter 48 Ticonic Street 48 Lockport Olcott Road 48 MOTOR VEHICLE 48 issuing worthless 48 involuntary manslaughter negligent homicide 48 Rapper DMX pleads guilty 48 possessing marijuana 48 armed robbery carjacking 48 WILKES BARRE WILKES BARRE 48 Arresting officer 48 unlawfully possessing firearms 48 unlawfully discharging firearm 48 Rathdrum ID 48 disorderly conduct obstructing 48 Terroristic Threatening 48 While Intoxicated 48 chargedwith 48 Aggravated Murder 48 Veh. Code § #.# 48 dob #/#/# [004] 48 Rhett Epler 48 possessing heroin 48 Beayon 48 rape forcible sodomy 48 aggravated malicious wounding 48 N'hamp 48 POLICE SERVED warrant 48 Reckless Conduct 48 aggravated assault 48 Rytky 48 unlawful driveaway 48 .5 gram 48 Christopher Vydfol 48 roadways laned 48 larcency 48 unlawfully possessing 48 abduction false imprisonment 48 distribute Oxycodone 48 Huttleston Ave 48 assault uttering threats 48 IN SOLON 48 South Abington Twp 48 RR2 Box 48 dob #/#/# [002] 48 misdemeanor criminal mischief 48 disorderly persons 48 morphine pills 48 Charge Shoplifting 48 felony malicious wounding 48 aggravated vehicular manslaughter 48 Malicious Destruction 48 Vehicular Manslaughter 48 forgery uttering false 48 Edin Dzubur 48 OUI 48 Drug paraphernalia 48 reckless endangerment custodial interference 48 facsimile firearm 48 Pleading guilty 48 capias contempt 48 Hyndman Pa. pleaded guilty 48 VGCSA 48 sexual imposition 48 Lewdness 48 Aggravated Driving 48 commit indictable offense 48 Rebecca Matteau 48 felony counts 48 Marijuana Possession 48 Courtyard Circle 48 COVENTRY ROAD 48 Terroristic Threat 48 Attempted Homicide 48 deviate sexual intercourse 48 willful trespass 48 Ashwood Drive 48 possessing concealed weapon 48 Bantam Superior Court 48 degree malicious mischief 48 Roaring Brook Twp 48 hydrocodone alprazolam 48 PROBATION VIOLATION 48 statutory rape sodomy 48 DRUG POSSESSION 48 intoxicants DUII 48 Distribute Controlled Substance 48 RESISTING ARREST 48 Aggravated Kidnapping 48 forcible confinement uttering threats 48 Pled guilty 48 disseminating obscene 48 adjudicated delinquent 48 terroristic threats resisting arrest 48 Aggravated Sexual Assault 48 IN HARTLAND 48 Amston 48 Vandling 48 DISORDERLY 48 Hammondsville 48 B felony punishable 48 unlawfully possessing weapon 48 Public Indecency 48 ACME BAR AND GRILL 48 Recklessly Endangering Another 48 revoked license 48 Forcible Touching 48 visit crimefinder 48 Pattershall 48 Judge Cara Eschuk 48 armed robbery false imprisonment 48 Blacksnake Road 48 Charlene Stites 48 kidnapping false imprisonment 48 Hydrocodone tablets 48 possessing narcotic 48 Roadstown Road 48 Aggravated Battery 48 Rusiewicz Funeral Home 48 OVIs 48 WARRENSVILLE CENTER ROAD 48 Manufacturing Methamphetamine 48 pleaded guilty 48 Hartrey Avenue 48 Assault Causing Bodily Injury 48 aggravated assault forcible confinement 47 grevious bodily harm 47 alcoholic beverage container 47 illegally disbursing 47 preliminarily arraigned 47 reckless endangerment endangering 47 East Fultonham 47 criminal nonsupport 47 Sparpaglione 47 buglary 47 DOB #-#-# [003] 47 Lewd Conduct 47 parole detainer 47 racketeering conspiracy bribery 47 defacing firearm 47 OMVI 47 Richlands Magistrates Court 47 Richard Heene pleaded guilty 47 Kenneth Weiand 47 criminal tresspass 47 forcible lewd acts 47 forcible fondling 47 larceny forgery 47 Assault Causing Bodily Harm 47 Applewood Drive 47 SECOND DEGREE 47 Commit Robbery 47 Morningview Drive 47 underaged drinking 47 Falsifying Business 47 inattentive careless 47 lascivious conduct involving 47 Lisa Torney 47 DWUI 47 Child Endangerment 47 IN SOMERSET COUNTY 47 Road SW Pataskala 47 Lummi Nation Police 47 reckless endangerment dereliction 47 Charge Violation 47 Bodily Harm 47 DUI manslaughter DUI 47 ungraded misdemeanor arising 47 OWI convictions 47 Charge Aggravated 47 Bail Jumping 47 Charge Aggravated assault 47 Charge Resisting arrest 47 unlawfully possessing firearm 47 Hedgewood Drive 47 Nictaux 47 firstdegree murder 47 forcible lewd 47 teacher Matthew Hirschfelder 47 Degree Sexual Assault 47 Possum Hollow Road 47 aggravated unlicensed operation 47 Morongo Basin Jail 47 Camelin Hill Road 47 Adult Detention Facility 47 Controlled Drug 47 Evading Arrest 47 Freemansburg Ave 47 kidnapping felonious assault 47 lewd lascivious 47 LaClede Avenue 47 aggravated assault discharging firearm 47 aiding abetting counseling 47 summonsed 47 roadway laned 47 Taking Indecent Liberties 47 Millville Blotter 47 disseminating pornography 47 Suspended License 47 Applewood Lane 47 ticket returnable 47 Cobblestone Lane 47 lascivious battery 47 child enticement 47 n CHARGED 47 capias warrants 47 Second Degree Murder 47 Angela Krasowski 47 Rabah Samara 47 degree larceny 47 Judge Emil Giordano 47 Commit Felony 47 Deliver Cocaine 47 uttering threats mischief 47 forcible rape sodomy 47 Highview Drive 47 Loglisci pleaded guilty 47 Diaz Arevelo 47 MONTEREY POLICE LOG 47 Skifter Ajro 47 aggravated statutory rape 47 Felonious Assault 47 Negligent Homicide 47 Aggravated assault 47 pleaded innocent 47 IN STARKS 47 roughing unsportsmanlike conduct 47 Eric Canori 47 else minHeight = 47 #N# block [001] 47 unlawful carnal knowledge 47 Jessica Botzko 47 Reckless Homicide 47 causing grievous bodily 47 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 47 DUI CASE 47 Gerald Feissner ruled 47 Schedule VI 47 FVPA assault * 47 premediated murder 47 Forcible Confinement 47 Forcible Rape 47 aggravated assault NJSA 2C 47 Commit Aggravated 47 Jahmal Ollivirre 47 Piecemakers Country Store 47 administering poison 47 Teddy Kiriakidis 47 Felony punishable 47 grand larceny 47 Shorb Ave 47 Attempted Armed Robbery 47 Disorderly Conduct Public Intoxication 47 personal recognizance 47 Urbandale Ia 47 petit larcenies 47 Paternal grandmother 47 LARCENY 47 Gourgeois 47 indecent exposure disorderly conduct 47 forced oral copulation 47 Public Intoxication 47 MONMOUTH STREET 47 Darell Livingston 47 OUI convictions 47 Kristilyn Smith 47 Pen. Code § § 47 criminal trespassing 47 Roxicodone 47 Misdemeanor punishable 47 Danielson Superior Court 47 Knollwood Circle 47 Norwich Superior Court 47 Szwalla faces 47 degree grand larceny 47 Jelani Solomon 47 felony larceny 47 N. Codorus Twp 47 Brattleboro barracks 47 MARIJUANA POSSESSION 47 Causing Injury 47 DUI manslaughter vehicular homicide 47 Vaghari 47 Kendis Circle 47 witness tampering obstruction 47 Woodcrest Drive 47 Prohibited Weapon 47 Obstructing Justice 47 WLPD 47 knowingly concealing 47 bribery witness tampering 47 Lamountain 47 Sandpoint ID 47 Felony Theft 47 Criminal Summons 47 awaiting arraignment 47 Springside Drive 47 WF dec 47 holds Juris Doctor 47 posses sion 47 resisting arrest trespassing 47 impairing morals 47 Hartford Tpke 47 Offense Conspiracy 46 custodial interference conspiracy 46 Randy Epler 46 Warrant Arrest 46 issued summonses 46 Ada Senenfelder 46 undergo psychosexual evaluation 46 Evid. Code § § 46 Martin Brahler 46 Howard Gnesen Road 46 Attempted Aggravated 46 unclassified misdemeanor 46 Whitall Avenue 46 Felony Evading 46 spouse false imprisonment 46 Pamphylia Avenue 46 corruptly endeavoring 46 Grand Jury Indictments 46 Sumac Drive 46 Gabriel Paulick 46 Swanville 46 SCOTTSDALE Ariz. Charles Barkley 46 Linnie Burton Jr. 46 Serial flasher 46 South Telshor Boulevard 46 Superintendent William Colarulo 46 POLICE HEADQUARTERS 46 Malicious Assault 46 con victed 46 sexually assaulting developmentally disabled 46 C NewPark Mall 46 conditionally bailed 46 Acocks Green Birmingham 46 rearraigned 46 cultivating marijuana 46 Trefney pleaded guilty 46 DOB #-#-# [001] 46 charged 46 STOLEN GOODS POSSESSION OF 46 prepubescent minors 46 OxyContin Percocet 46 homicide aggravated assault 46 St. Apt 46 Litchfield Bantam 46 Salandra Funeral Service 46 IN ANSON 46 aggravated menacing 46 Wiconisco 46 Kidnapping Assault 46 misbranding drugs 46 Kenmar Drive 46 Woodhill Drive 46 Tyrone Everhart 46 Endangering 46 traffick cocaine 46 Abdel Nur pleaded guilty 46 Kylertown 46 Distribute Cocaine 46 Statutory Rape 46 Joe Curioso III 46 Firearm Possession 46 baby sitter Chasity 46 committing indecent 46 Resisting Law Enforcement 46 vehicular homicide 46 neighbor Stephanie Sprang 46 Deaverview Road 46 Varmint Trace 46 Barterbrook Road 46 Dangerous Weapon 46 Adrian Snape 46 #.# subd [003] 46 Stagger Inn Again 46 DOB #-#-# DUI 46 meth precursor 46 id. § 46 spokesman Hiroki Itakura 46 Kathleen Dorsett 46 NJSA 2C :# 2a 46 co habitant 46 College starters #/cf 46 Serious Bodily Injury 46 own recognizance 46 forcible sexual intercourse 46 Child Neglect 46 Wyalusing Township 46 espionage desertion 46 IN CORNVILLE 46 Zilhaver 46 Christopher Toppi 46 Schellsburg 46 Vicodin narcotic 46 CSH abstain 46 vehicular negligent 46 IN SMITHFIELD 46 Controlled Substance Possession 46 surreptitious intrusion 46 Yadira Torres