Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 82 equivalent BOE 72 boes 70 BOEs 63 boe 63 equivalents boe 60 mmcf equivalent 59 Oil Equivalent 58 equivalent Mcfe 57 Barrel bbl 57 cfe 56 Netback 55 Mcfe 54 Mmboe 54 Mbbl 54 mbbl 54 mboe 53 Boe d 52 Proved reserves 52 oil equivalent MMBOE 52 oil equivalent MMBoe 52 equivalent boe 52 oil equivalent mmboe 52 MMBoe 52 operating netback 52 6mcf 1bbl ratio 52 Netbacks 51 probable reserves 51 equivalent mcfe 51 equivalent MBOE 51 EBITDAX 51 Proved Reserves 51 1P reserves 51 mmboe 50 MBoe 50 unbooked resource potential 49 mbbls 49 MBOE d 49 oil equivalent MMboe 49 #.# MMbbl 49 cubic feet equivalent Bcfe 49 Trafina 49 probable 2P reserves 49 Mmcfe 49 plus probable 2P 49 -Andrea Seabrook 49 ngl 49 oil equivalent Mmboe 48 operating netbacks 48 #/boe 48 boes d 48 proved reserves YE# 48 Proved + 48 equivalent mboe 48 mboe d 48 cubic feet equivalent bcfe 48 mcfe 48 boed 47 MMBOE 47 mmbbl 47 Total Proved 47 Forrestania Nickel Project 47 MBOE 47 Recoverable reserves 47 Adjusted Distributable Cash 47 Mboe 47 #.# Tcfe 47 ngls 47 thousand cubic feet 47 mmcfe d 47 -RCMI 47 mcfe d 47 standardized distributable cash 47 Mbbls 46 Boe 46 Billion Cubic Feet 46 recoverable reserves 46 MBbls d 46 2P reserves 46 DPIIP 46 Distributable Cash 46 Proved Producing 46 bcfe 46 Trillion cubic feet 46 tcfe 46 EBITDA 46 Proved Plus 46 Proved Reserves Increase 46 mmbo 46 MBoe d 46 Adjusted EBITDAX 46 mcf 46 unrisked resource 46 2P Reserves 46 cubic feet BCF 46 kboe d 45 Bcfe 45 mcfd 45 Adjusted EBITDAR 45 situ bitumen production 45 Probable reserves 45 MMboe 45 -Judge Kozinski 45 Remainco 45 Operating Netback 45 Broadcast Cash Flow 45 Mboe d 45 unrisked gross 45 Tcfe 45 boe conversion 45 Adjusted Earnings 45 audited Consolidated 45 accompanying unaudited consolidated 45 Mcf 45 non GAAP 45 Operating netbacks 45 #.#/BOE [001] 45 proved undeveloped PUD 45 Adjusted EBIT 45 equivalent Mmcfe 45 bbls 45 boe d 45 COGE Handbook 45 EBITDAC 45 MMCFE 45 DAILY PRODUCTION 45 Contingent Resources 45 depletion depreciation 45 mscf 45 Condensed Consolidated Income 45 #.#/boe [001] 45 Bbl d 45 equivalent Tcfe 45 pro forma 45 Consolidated EBITDAR 45 adjusted EBITDA 45 BOEPD 45 #bcf [001] 45 FFO FFO 45 Baytex 45 netbacks 44 GLJ Report 44 BOEd 44 Oil MBbls 44 1bbl 44 -Cnd 44 MMBbls 44 WestFire 44 Mineral Reserve 44 Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA 44 Sm3 oe 44 -Follow Vishay 44 cubic feet MMcf 44 mln boepd 44 Distributable Income 44 BOE d 44 comparability purposes 44 Costs Incurred 44 USGAAP 44 Total Proved plus 44 FIFO EBITDA 44 adjusted distributable cash 44 Normalized EBITDA 44 Consolidated Cash Flow 44 Certain comparative 44 Place DPIIP 44 NON GAAP MEASURES 44 2P reserve 44 consolidated OIBDA 44 -Neurotrauma 44 NGL bbls d 44 -MOSAID Technologies 44 Adjusted Pro Forma 44 nonGAAP 44 Jingemia 44 Proved Undeveloped 44 undrilled locations 44 Probable Reserves 43 - -Majority Whip Roy Blunt 43 Proved Developed Reserves 43 QEP Energy 43 MBOED 43 adjusted ebitda 43 netback 43 TAQA Bratani 43 petajoules equivalent PJe 43 Proved Reserve 43 mmbbls 43 Tampen area 43 USOGP 43 depletable base 43 -FALL CAMP 43 mln boe 43 Non GAAP Measures 43 Boepd 43 ProspEx 43 -CITY HOLDING COMPANY 43 leased NGL 43 MMCFE d 43 NON GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES 43 gravity condensate 43 boepd 43 #.#/boe [002] 43 Non GAAP Adjusted EBITDA 43 NiMin 43 unrisked 43 AvenEx 43 retroactively restated 43 Standardized Distributable Cash 43 Non GAAP Measure 43 Taxable equivalent 43 mmcfed 43 Non GAAP 43 Pro forma EBITDA 43 Undiscovered Resources 43 condensed consolidated interim 43 MMbbl 43 Fairquest 43 MBbls 43 - -Changzhi 43 DAILY PRODUCTION # 43 forward.looking statements 43 SMURFIT STONE CONTAINER CORPORATION 43 Probable 2P 43 Limited TSX HPX 43 #,#-#,# boepd 43 Inferred Resources 43 -Fond du Luth Casino 43 Note Certain reclassifications 43 recoverable bitumen 43 Great Divide Pod 43 ounces Ag eq 43 3P reserves 43 Proved Developed 43 unevaluated properties 43 Undiscounted 43 equivalent MMcfe 43 pro forma adjusted EBITDA 43 Company Periodic Filings 43 proved 1P reserves 43 Trillion Cubic Feet 43 COGP 43 Cyries 43 TBtu 43 Proven Undeveloped Reserves 43 Non GAAP Measurements 43 retrospectively adjusted 43 Best Estimate Contingent 43 capital employed ROACE 43 FFOM 43 Accounting Principles GAAP 43 Proved plus 43 eg. Proved Producing 43 Notikewin horizontal 43 unproved reserves 43 Estimated Proved Reserves 43 Crocotta 43 NON GAAP 43 Sproule Associates Limited 43 TRAFINA 43 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS IN THOUSANDS 43 bbl 43 ROFE 43 Shareholder Equity 43 Items Affecting Comparability 43 Pro forma 43 MBbl 43 antidilutive 43 EDITDA 42 Non GAAP Pro Forma 42 #.#Mb d 42 Total Proved Reserves 42 Canadian Generally Accepted 42 Battrum 42 equivalent mmcfe 42 #,#-#,# boe d [002] 42 adjusted EBITDAR 42 Kotaneelee 42 normalized EBITDA 42 Largo website 42 -Edgewater Networks 42 Cash Flow Statement 42 Indicated Resources 42 mmcfe 42 Bscf 42 Annualized Adjusted EBITDA 42 MBbl d 42 Reconciliation Tables 42 vertical stratigraphic 42 Proved undeveloped reserves 42 EOG RESOURCES INC. 42 per Mcfe 42 Contingent Resource 42 Adjusted EBITDA 42 Operating Netbacks 42 EBDDT 42 -stockcar 42 scf d 42 liquids NGLs 42 unrisked prospective resources 42 Natural Gas Liquids NGLs 42 Kereco 42 Business Spectator glossary 42 Roszkow 42 6 Mcf 1bbl 42 Cash Distributions 42 restated restated -INC. SEGMENT INFORMATION 42 #.#/Mcf 42 mmscfpd 42 trln cubic feet 42 AOSC 42 Recurring FFO 42 Shellbridge 42 per mcfe 42 barrels MMBbls 42 Payout Ratio 42 GLJ 42 unaudited consolidated interim 42 distributable cash 42 Puskwa 42 ROACE 42 probable 2P 42 ANSYS INC. AND 42 gas equivalent Bcfe 42 MMbbls 42 barrels mmbbls 42 unrisked prospective 42 Highpine 42 Glitne 42 GAAP EARNINGS 42 Q4 F# 42 Measured Indicated 42 Per boe 42 Arab Light Murban 42 -RESIDENCE 42 mmcfpd 42 Mcf equivalent 42 thousand BOEPD 42 probable recoverable reserves 42 undepreciated assets 42 OPANA franchise 42 -Tomine 42 Pembina Brazeau 42 financialstatements 42 Weighted Average Price 42 #bcf [002] 42 Non GAAP Reconciliations 42 Distributable Cash Flow 42 Million Barrels 42 Wolfcamp Shale 42 EBITDA1 42 Recycle Ratio 42 Standardized distributable cash 42 -PORR 42 MMCFED 42 per MCFE 42 Ps.#.# [006] 42 Pengrowth 42 #,#,# cu ft 42 equivalent Bcfe 42 FFOPS 42 http:/ 42 #.#/Mcfe 42 unrisked resource potential 42 GAAP BASIS 41 Bottrel GORR 41 Depletion expense 41 mbbls d 41 Enerplus 41 cubic feet equivalents 41 mscf d 41 Operational EBITDA 41 NPV8 41 -hip shakin 41 Questar E 41 MCFE 41 Joarcam 41 Bina Bawi 41 unrisked recoverable 41 Tcf 41 Billable headcount 41 GAAP 41 Historical Pro Forma 41 #.#/BOE [002] 41 Condensed Consolidated 41 Probable Probable 41 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated 41 TSX BTE.UN 41 bbl mmcf 41 DSR * 41 OCF margin 41 Mb d 41 interim unaudited consolidated 41 Quifa 41 REITs FFO 41 Mbbl d 41 BCFE 41 Probable Reserve 41 #.#/bbl [001] 41 underlift 41 Standardized Measure 41 Funded Debt 41 barrels mmbbl 41 Cardium horizontal 41 energy equivalency conversion 41 PJe 41 Discretionary cash 41 AFFO 41 #-# MMcfe d 41 Proved Proved 41 Netherland Sewell & 41 Fully taxable 41 Ltd. GLJ 41 MMBbl 41 Mmcfe d 41 Petrodelta 41 Calvalley 41 Bois d' Arc's 41 inplace reserves 41 Adjusted Operating Expenses 41 equivalent tcfe 41 3P Reserves 41 Adjusted FIFO EBITDA 41 EARNINGS MEASURES 41 cubic feet Mmcf 41 Non GAAP Financial 41 Cutbank Ridge 41 Natural Gas MMcf 41 Fully diluted 41 EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS 41 Qtr Qtr 41 COGEH 41 mbbl d 41 Bayoil imported 41 bo d 41 LOE decreased 41 Mmcf 41 Mmbtu 41 NOK#.# [005] 41 horizontal wells drilled 41 condensed consolidated balance sheets 41 unrisked unproved resources 41 NYSE UPL 41 Cardium formation 41 Production Hedged 41 Probable Mineral Reserves 41 Certain reclassifications 41 Derivative Liabilities 41 Consolidated EBITDA 41 AECO natural 41 Veresen 41 Rio Magdalena 41 NGL margins 41 JORC Code 41 cubic feet Bcf 41 Rubiales Piriri 41 OIBDA 41 unaudited -PULMICORT 41 inferred resources 41 Cawley Gillespie 41 Ricinus 41 Supplemental Non GAAP 41 FFO allocable 41 Guayuyaco Block 41 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 41 Imputed Revenue 41 economically recoverable 41 Proved Producing reserves 41 cu ft gas 41 LifePoint LifePoint Hospitals 41 ANOI 41 PHOENIX TECHNOLOGIES LTD 41 gas equivalent Tcfe 40 PanOcean 40 Downstream CCS 40 Probable Mineral Reserve 40 Developed Producing 40 Exall Energy 40 Exceptional Items 40 Production Volumes 40 Canext 40 Topoyaco 40 Not Meaningful 40 PrimeWest 40 Unrisked 40 depth TVD 40 commercially recoverable 40 - -osmium 40 -Name Directory DND 40 EBITDAS 40 OML# 40 horizontal Cardium 40 Exchangeable Share Ratio 40 Adjusted FFO 40 Kaskida 40 AND SUBSIDIARIES SUPPLEMENTAL DATA 40 Sm3 40 Basic #,#,# #,#,# [001] 40 MMscf 40 Normalized EPS 40 Billion Barrels 40 FFO 40 Paddock Lindstrom 40 equivalents Bcfe 40 NGLs bbls d 40 #.#/mmBtu 40 Alange Energy 40 normalized FFO 40 #.#bcm [002] 40 unaudited consolidated balance sheet 40 Summarized consolidated 40 BioFuel Announces 40 Comparative Figures 40 Cinco Terry 40 intersegment eliminations 40 Unaudited Pro Forma 40 CIM definitions 40 pro forma EBITDA 40 Stock Compensation Expense 40 barrels MBbls 40 voyage charters 40 Interim Consolidated 40 kb d 40 = Average [001] 40 ATCF 40 2P 40 #mmscmd 40 c Calculated 40 #.# Mbbl d 40 Costayaco Field 40 Cardium wells 40 Fully diluted EPS 40 gj AECO spot 40 Netherland Sewell 40 Six Months Months 40 income teb 40 Bc d 40 QUARTER QUARTER 40 proforma 40 Elm Grove Field 40 Sheikh Adi 40 Barrels Per Day 40 AJM Petroleum Consultants AJM 40 footnotes thereto 40 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 40 Proved Developed Non 40 depreciation depletion 40 unrisked unproved reserves 40 MMLP 40 Etame Field 40 trln cubic meters 40 SS NOI 40 Timan Pechora 40 bbls mmcf 40 #.#/bbl WTI 40 Operating Cash Flow 40 Introductory teaser rates 40 CX# #D 40 MBOEPD 40 Oil Sands 40 income allocable 40 #XD [001] 40 unescalated 40 Pro forma EPS 40 Bpd 40 bn cu ft 40 endedDecember 40 OP Unit 40 Bbl 40 TCFE 40 Consolidated Condensed Financial 40 EBITDA distributable cash 40 TEB adjustment 40 Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated 40 COFI removal 40 Petsec 40 Mcm 40 Montney horizontal wells 40 MCFPD 40 -http:/ 40 FINANCIAL MEASURES 40 #.#bn cubic meters [002] 40 TSX CLL 40 estimated #.#mn b [001] 40 acre spacing 40 Proved 1P 40 operatingincome 40 MMcfe d 40 netincome 40 Energen Resources 40 MMscf d 40 unitholder distributions 40 Bbls 40 equity accounted investees 40 reconciles GAAP 40 monthsended 40 Marcellus Shale acreage 40 - -Theatre Workshop 40 unaudited condensed 40 Non GAAP adjusted EBITDA 40 hydrocarbon reserves 40 cubic feet mcf 40 CIECO 40 GJ d 40 ended September# 40 Natural Gas Equivalent 40 liquids realizations 40 drilling recompletions 40 BOED 40 gross unrisked 40 Supplemental Schedules 40 #.# bcfe 40 40 Notes thereto 40 bbls d 40 Operating netback 40 Chamaelo 40 TO NON GAAP MEASURES 40 Individual Annuities segment 40 #,#-#,# boe d [001] 40 Confirms Monthly Distribution 40 Unlevered Cash Flow 40 undeveloped leasehold 40 #.# perdiluted 40 Non GAAP Disclosures 40 HOPFED BANCORP INC. 40 continuingoperations 40 asset monetizations 40 Q4 #F 40 Normalized FFO 39 Probable 2P reserves 39 http:/ 39 Adjusted Homebuilding EBITDA 39 3TEC 39 equivalents Mcfe 39 QCR HOLDINGS INC. CONSOLIDATED 39 #.#/Bbl 39 segment adjusted OIBDA 39 unaudited consolidated balance sheets 39 Inferred mineral resources 39 Gold Eq 39 Patos Marinza 39 Canadon Seco formation 39 net Cardium horizontal 39 Predecessor Successor 39 Pro Forma Adjusted EBITDA 39 mcfpd 39 Elk Antelope 39 Besbolek 39 Diluted FFO 39 rebased amounts 39 mbbl mbbl 39 unaudited 39 Oselvar 39 delineation wells 39 Inferred resources 39 #-#-#-# W5M [004] 39 Cerro Negro concession 39 Cash Flow Margin 39 estimated #bcm [001] 39 Montney wells 39 NOK#.# billion [001] 39 MMLP Annual Report 39 Adjusted Diluted EPS 39 noninterest expense totaled 39 -Activities NI #-# 39 GLJ Petroleum Consultants 39 Recurring EBITDA 39 #,#-#,# b d [002] 39 Breitburn 39 Geomark 39 BOPD gross 39 Interest Coverage Ratio 39 Texalta 39 Oil MBbl 39 Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 39 noninterest expense decreased 39 ENDED SIX MONTHS ENDED 39 BOPD NAR 39 * Reclassified 39 reportable segment 39 Adjusted distributable cash 39 Sproule Associates 39 Tableland Saskatchewan 39 #.#/diluted share 39 risked unproved resources 39 Dodsland 39 Predecessor Period 39 mineable reserve 39 liquid NGL 39 Sanish field 39 Proven Reserves 39 Etame Marin block 39 kbd 39 Deepwater Tano Block 39 Costayaco field 39 Lease Operating Expenses 39 Mineable 39 Adjusted EBITDA1 39 Comprehensive Income Loss 39 CAPITAL RESOURCES 39 Income Statement 39 Pertra 39 TCE ratio 39 - -Sobe Samsung Honda 39 Peyto Energy 39 estimated #.#bcm [002] 39 -Heptares Therapeutics 39 per Mmbtu 39 Drake Woodrush 39 OMOC N 39 gigajoules GJ 39 Proved Developed Producing 39 Ante Creek 39 retrospectively restated 39 Qara Dagh 39 NET LOSS TO ADJUSTED 39 historicalfacts 39 barrel Bbl 39 Block #/#a [001] 39 Distribution Coverage Ratio 39 distributable cash flow 39 Mmcfed 39 scf bbl 39 MMbtu 39 RECONCILIATION OF NON GAAP 39 Neuquen Basin 39 GAAP Adj 39 Bakken acreage 39 EBIT Margin 39 unaudited condensed consolidated 39 constituteforward looking 39 MMBO 39 Fully Converted 39 #,#-#,# b d [001] 39 -GUSTAV SANDSTROM 39 -Heri tage 39 Cretaceous reservoir 39 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. 39 Alange 39 attached condensed consolidated 39 Adjusted OIBDA Margin 39 #compared 39 Normalized EBIT 39 -MOG.A 39 REPORTED GAAP 39 EBITD 39 mmscf d 39 1P 2P 39 Aishwariya fields 39 MMcfepd 39 L#b A# 39 Total Capitalization 39 costless collars 39 non GAAP Measures 39 Snøhvit 39 Cost Per Ton 39 cubic feet bcf 39 Distributable cash 39 NPV# 39 equity excluding AOCI 39 Pro Forma EBITDA 39 Cautionary Information 39 Discretionary Cash Flow 39 Chief Executive Randy Eresman 39 MNOK #.# 39 - -supervisory ranger 39 amortization DD 39 Supplemental Data 39 EBITANCE 39 adjusted EBITDAS 39 non gaap 39 SEGMENTED INFORMATION 39 Cana Woodford 39 EROI 39 #,# =Jaegle 39 Reported Adjustments Adjusted 39 -Caregiver Connection 39 L8 D 39 API gravity 39 AFFO payout ratio 39 Competent Persons Report 39 barrel bbl 39 Petrofund merger 39 OMLs 39 silver equivalent AgEq 39 Consolidated Cash Flows 39 -Inkpop 39 LUXOTTICA GROUP CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL 39 condensed consolidated balance sheet 39 Mirzaani Field 39 Sanish wells 39 Brent Dated 39 Gross Addition CPGA 39 recompleted 39 Royalty Interests 39 cubic feet mmcf 39 - -Ascaron 39 http:/ 39 Arkoma Woodford 39 BBLS 39 CARBO Ceramics 39 dekatherm 39 MMBD 39 Constant Currency 39 Pro Forma Adjusted 39 -T Rautiainen FIN 39 IFRS 39 Wexpro 39 Midstream Refining 39 Montney acreage 39 Bluesky formation 39 Gas MMcf 39 Pulp Chemicals 39 Q1 F# 39 Condensed Statement 39 #.#mn b d [002] 39 NGLs 39 -gasline 39 -Louisa Ada Seltzer 39 -6News Jennifer 39 Austral Pacific 39 Forent 39 Mecaya 39 thispress release 39 Alvheim Vilje 39 Provident Upstream 39 Bcf 39 Adjusted Homebuilding 39 capital employed ROCE 39 38 equivalents MMcfe 38 #.#/barrel [003] 38 DNOI 38 FFO payout ratio 38 Chemicals Segment 38 West Bukha 38 scf d = 38 Per Bbl 38 Connacher 38 quarter# 38 Juanambu 38 Block #b 38 OPERATIONS TO ADJUSTED 38 Lisewo 38 tables summarize 38 MMBOE d 38 TUSK Energy 38 Diluted 38 GMX Resources NASDAQ 38 Lower Montney 38 JDZ Block 4 38 Proven Mineral Reserves 38 OMOC 38 Murta Member 38 commented Dinges 38 Ozona Northeast 38 accompanying condensed consolidated 38 Plus Probable 38 cf d 38 Upper Montney 38 MMCFE D 38 Basker Manta Gummy 38 Minesite costs 38 excluding AOCI 38 Lambouka Prospect 38 AEO# reference case 38 WESTWOOD ONE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL 38 Capital Employed 38 - -larg 38 - Non GAAP [031] 38 NuLoch 38 Adjusted diluted 38 = Non GAAP [014] 38 AC/P# 38 equivalent BCFE 38 La Creciente 38 mcf d 38 Chaza Block 38 gj 38 #.#x #.#x [003] 38 Fully Diluted Comparable FFO 38 Annualized ROE 38 Ferrellgas annualized 38 GMXR 38 Trust Units 38 earnings pershare 38 IEO# reference case 38 Petrominerales 38 Reported ments 38 ft md 38 SAGD 38 MDC PARTNERS INC. RECONCILIATION 38 mboepd 38 Cardon IV 38 Bcfe d 38 items impacting comparability 38 Capital Expenditures 38 Glauconite 38 bopd 38 Midstream MLP #,# 38 Cautionary Statements section 38 Birchcliff Energy 38 #.#/unit [001] 38 Lower Abo 38 Dejour 38 MMLP Quarterly Report 38 MMcm 38 mb d 38 MMbbl d 38 Adjusted Gross Profit 38 Drill intersections 38 MSTB 38 Sawn Lake Project 38 endedSeptember 38 BERKSHIRE HILLS BANCORP INC. 38 Mmcf d 38 - -Sebastien Tortelli 38 EURs 38 Proved undeveloped 38 NAREIT FFO 38 FY #E [001] 38 Mmcfd 38 EBITDA adjusted EBITDA 38 Throughput volumes 38 Million Cubic Feet 38 4Q FY# 38 inferred ounces 38 Morichito Block 38 #.#per diluted 38 Proved Probable 38 ExAlta 38 OF CONSOLIDATED 38 Kebabangan 38 per share1 38 Proven Undeveloped 38 Segment EBITDA 38 EBIDA 38 Tupi Iracema 38 MMcfed 38 MMSTB 38 EBDITA 38 #.#mb d [002] 38 NOK#.# billion [002] 38 unproved resource 38 Average dayrate 38 AZERI LT FOB Ceyhan 38 Puguang Gas Field 38 Supplemental Schedule 38 EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA 38 unrisked reserves 38 From Operations AFFO 38 Wolfberry wells 38 Adjustment Non GAAP 38 adjusted OIBDA 38 Mahogany Deep 38 mmcf 38 cubic feet MMCF 38 OOIP 38 Paperboard Packaging segment 38 Sawn Lake 38 #.#/barrel [002] 38 USD#.#m USD#.# [002] 38 excludes unrealized gains 38 Exchangeable Unit 38 BCF 38 Specialized REITs industry 38 Tangible Common 38 audited consolidated 38 Mbbl Mbbl 38 Mcfpd 38 Notikewin formation 38 THE GROUP INCORPORATED 38 Waskahigan 38 Privateco 38 LTM Adjusted EBITDA 38 Stratic 38 expenses LOE 38 Tintaburra Block 38 Regulation G 38 -Press mainpage 38 pershare 38 Nikanassin 38 visit http:/ 38 #.#mn barrels [002] 38 #-#-#-# W6M 38 Annual Audited Consolidated 38 MTOE 38 Lower Bossier Haynesville 38 Proved Probable -Schematic illustration 38 information visit 38 PetroGlobe 38 revenues teb 38 JORC 38 MMCFPD 38 proforma EPS 38 Non GAAP Gross Margin 38 Non GAAP Operating Margin 38 Indicated mineral 38 Kairiki