repeal Obamacare

Related by string. repealing Obamacare * repealed . repealing . Repeal . repeals . Repealing . Repeals . Repealed : favors repealing . repealed Prohibition . repeal DOMA . repeal POTA . repealing DOMA . repeal DADT . repealing DADT / ObamaCare . obamacare . OBAMACARE : repeal ObamaCare . Repeal Obamacare . repealing ObamaCare . Bury Obamacare . defunding Obamacare . defund Obamacare . defund ObamaCare * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 75 repeal ObamaCare 64 repealing ObamaCare 62 ObamaCare 62 Obamacare 62 repealing Obamacare 61 defund Obamacare 60 defunding Obamacare 58 Balanced Budget Amendment 57 repeal 57 defund NPR 57 repeal DOMA 57 fillibuster 56 repeal DADT 56 obamacare 56 Senator DeMint 55 PELOSI Well 55 Repeal Amendment 54 defunds 54 defund ObamaCare 54 defund Planned Parenthood 53 Stupak Pitts amendment 53 doc fix 53 JOHN BOEHNER 53 repealers 53 reauthorize NCLB 53 PAYGO 53 senate democrats 52 defunding ACORN 52 invoke cloture 52 earmark moratorium 52 repealing 52 Speaker Pelosi 52 defund 52 single payer 52 Clintoncare 52 Demcorats 52 Rethugs 51 wasteful earmark 51 Single Payer 51 Affordable Care Act 51 SCHIP reauthorization 51 Stupak Amendment 51 tort reform 51 Obamanation 51 REINS Act 51 teapartiers 51 statutory PAYGO 51 defund ACORN 51 primaried 51 Harry Reid Nancy Pelosi 50 Majority Leader Hoyer 50 Broadcaster Freedom 50 Privatize Social Security 50 Senator Brownback 50 Betsy Markey D Colo 50 HillaryCare 50 Congresswoman Halvorson 50 Repealing Obamacare 50 KYL Well 50 MCCONNELL Well 50 Democrat ic 50 TERM LIMITS 50 RINOS 50 reauthorize SCHIP 50 Congressman Perriello 49 Repugs 49 BACHMANN 49 Congressman Sensenbrenner 49 DADT repeal 49 Act FOCA 49 MacGuineas 49 Bi partisan 49 Single payer 49 Steny 49 Banning earmarks 49 Paul Ryan R-Wisc. 49 PAYGO rules 49 impeaching Cheney 49 BROWNBACK 49 greenhouse gasses mirrors 49 PENCE Well 49 paygo rules 49 socialized medicine 49 Arlen Specters 49 RomneyCare 49 repubs 49 filibuster 49 cloture 49 REPEALED 49 Boehner 49 Defund ACORN Act 49 HOLTZ EAKIN 49 Coburn Omnibus 49 Stupak amendment 49 Downsize DC 49 Disclose Act 49 Congressman Nussle 49 Congresswoman Capito 49 Repukes 49 privatize Social Security 49 REPEAL 49 TORT reform 49 bi partisanship 49 Tort Reform 49 Republicans 49 defunding Planned Parenthood 49 Porkulus 49 Repubs 49 Repuglican 49 defunding NPR 49 ABX1 1 49 BILL KRISTOL 49 WELNA 48 Rethuglicans 48 SINGLE PAYER 48 Trojan horse Braley 48 YouCut 48 SANTORUM 48 Majority Leader Frist 48 reauthorizing SCHIP 48 Simitian Palo Alto 48 Republicrats 48 Tea Partiers 48 progressives 48 cloture motion 48 reform 48 Doc Fix 48 PASS ID 48 dems 48 kemcha Way 48 DISCLOSE 48 Republician 48 KUCINICH 48 rethugs 48 immigration reform 48 Tea Baggers 48 Repeal 48 BOEHNER 48 48 Dingy Harry 48 JOHN WARNER 48 Socialized Medicine 48 Senator Stabenow 48 Repuglicans 48 Repulicans 48 Stupak Pitts 48 Repubicans 48 Ney Kanjorski 48 JACKIE JUDD 48 nonpartisan redistricting 48 convene constituent assembly 48 DISCLOSE Act 48 coddle terrorists 48 Eric Cantor R Va 48 WYDEN 48 unyielding partisanship 48 GOP'ers 48 Obamanomics 47 paygo 47 nondefense discretionary spending 47 health care 47 wishy washy mealy mouthed 47 Individual Mandate 47 DINOs 47 # hcr 47 birther nonsense 47 FairTax 47 DEMINT 47 Obamacrats 47 bipartisanly 47 NANCY PELOSI 47 Privatizing Social Security 47 Teabaggers 47 Charlie Bass RN.H. 47 defunding 47 WALLACE Senator 47 Enumerated Powers Act 47 Lame Duck session 47 Rethuglican 47 Rep Eric Cantor 47 fully inclusive ENDA 47 Rohack 47 KUDLOW 47 earmark laden 47 BUY AMERICAN 47 privatizing Social Security 47 Catfood Commission 47 tea baggers 47 GIGOT 47 Stupak Pitts Amendment 47 Eric Cantor R-Va. 47 Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. 47 LAMAR ALEXANDER 47 By Ron Chimelis 47 ELVING 47 ORSZAG 47 RUDIN Well 47 HANNITY Well 47 regressives 47 repugs 47 Affordable Care 47 Obummer 47 Kuchinich 47 TANCREDO 47 inclusive ENDA 47 Denny Rehberg 47 cloture vote 47 Legislatively 47 GINGRICH Well 47 Repub 46 pro choicer 46 DADT repealed 46 Pete Stark D-Calif. 46 CAFE standards 46 Congressman Kucinich 46 PEPFAR reauthorization 46 Romneycare 46 Congressman Nadler 46 VAN HOLLEN Well 46 Tea baggers 46 Nancy Pelosi 46 CAVUTO Well 46 HJ Res 46 Nader Camejo ticket 46 Wonkbook 46 Owcharenko 46 favors repealing 46 Teabagger 46 Senator JOHN McCAIN 46 invoked cloture 46 demagoguing 46 shamnesty 46 Tim Huelskamp 46 SEBELIUS Well 46 Haridopolis 46 RUSH Okay 46 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 46 STOP SPENDING 46 McBama 46 BARTIROMO 46 Grand Obstructionist 46 MARY AGNES CAREY 46 Brad Dayspring spokesman 46 Democratsâ € ™ 46 Continuing Resolution 46 Hoyer D Md 46 Insure Missouri 46 Democratically controlled Legislature 46 HARRY REID 46 STEPHANOPOULOS 46 Conscience Clause 46 Marco Rubios 46 DASCHLE 46 Congressman Pombo 46 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-Fla. 46 NTUCF 46 Senator Voinovich 46 WASSERMAN SCHULTZ 46 Bob Corker R Tenn 46 teabaggers 46 GIANNOULIAS 46 Defunding 46 PUBLIC OPTION 46 DREAM ACT 46 ANNCR 46 JEFF SESSIONS 46 Hodes Shea Porter 46 DiFi 46 NEW TAXES 46 Congressman Hulshof 46 GRASSLEY Well 46 Herszenhorn 46 Ranking Member Snowe 46 Obamaites 46 congresscritters 46 Values Agenda 45 Fairness Doctrine 45 PATRICK LEAHY 45 Senator Wyden 45 Hillarycare 45 reich wing 45 EFCA 45 BRZEZINSKI 45 HOUSE MINORITY LEADER 45 Paygo 45 GOP Leader Mitch 45 Republicants 45 GEITHNER 45 Bunning filibuster 45 Rep. McMorris Rodgers 45 congressperson 45 reforming entitlements 45 ROVNER 45 trickledown economics 45 Jacki Schechner spokeswoman 45 Joan McCarter 45 fiscally sustainable 45 appoint strict constructionist 45 Senator Jim DeMint 45 Demoncrats 45 KRAUTHAMMER 45 CARFA 45 Chairman Reince Priebus 45 Sentate 45 NORMAN ORNSTEIN 45 filibuster delaying tactic 45 Kelliher DFL Minneapolis 45 Demcare 45 DuHAIME 45 James C. Capretta 45 Kirstin Brost spokeswoman 45 Democratically controlled Congress 45 Affordability Agenda 45 Senator Bingaman 45 congresspeople 45 DEMINT Well 45 DeMint 45 repealing DOMA 45 Senator Bayh 45 SCHIP 45 R.-Va. 45 Blue Dogs 45 Prop. 1F 45 Governor Branstad 45 Scott Pelath 45 demagogued 45 PAUL RYAN 45 Linc Chafee 45 Kristina Wilfore 45 CIR ASAP 45 Representative Jeff Flake 45 Healthcare Reform 45 coddle criminals 45 Representative JOHN BOEHNER 45 CHIP reauthorization 45 Regressives 45 democraps 45 PELOSI 45 downticket races 45 Democratically controlled 45 Progressive Caucus 45 Lambrew 45 Expanding SCHIP 45 Tea Party movement 45 bipartisanship 45 DeGette Y 45 Bilirakis N 45 unelect 45 cramdown legislation 45 ILLEGAL immigration 45 Enzi Barrasso 45 Mike Pence R-Ind. 45 Baucus Grassley 45 fiscally responsible 45 Feingold D Wis 45 Waxman Markey 45 Congressman Tancredo 45 SHERROD BROWN 45 Demercrats 45 Taxpayer Protection 45 strict constitutionalists 45 Tort reform 45 consituents 45 Bilbray N 45 Joe Liebermann 45 Cramdown 45 CORNYN Well 45 SECRETARY GEITHNER 45 Louise Slaughter DN.Y. 45 Bedbugs Bite Act 45 repukes 45 Social Security COLA 45 Baucus Tester 45 Bilbray Y 45 Degette 45 Porkbusters 44 Single Payer Health 44 harry reid 44 Elective abortions 44 strategist Carl Forti 44 HUME Well 44 Antenori 44 shameless demagoguery 44 Ken Salazar D Colo 44 nonconfidence motion 44 Propositions 1A 1F 44 HR# [003] 44 BRAZILE 44 FMAP extension 44 Bowles Simpson 44 repub 44 LIASSON 44 Reps. Eric Cantor 44 Janice Schakowsky 44 Democrats 44 Congresswoman Dina Titus 44 tea partiers 44 regulate payday lending 44 applying meat cleaver 44 Frist R Tenn 44 Representative Jeb Hensarling 44 Bob Corker R-Tenn. 44 LIMBAUGH 44 Borosage 44 Congressman Grijalva 44 Supermajority 44 Justin Amash 44 Ezra Klein 44 McSame 44 Congressperson 44 DENNIS KUCINICH 44 blatantly unconstitutional 44 Constitutionalists 44 Repulican 44 DREAM Act 44 TOM OLIPHANT 44 Repeal ObamaCare 44 PAWLENTY Well 44 Michele Bachmann R-Minn. 44 Don Nickles 44 Death Panels 44 oust Craddick 44 SENATOR KERRY 44 CALLER Yeah 44 Wally Herger 44 Bernie Sanders 44 Congressmembers 44 Broun N 44 Michelle Bachman 44 Democratic Leader Steny 44 Repubican 44 Streamlined Procedures Act 44 ROVE Well 44 Vinehout 44 MOLLY IVINS 44 EJ Dionne Jr. 44 Jeb Hensarling 44 overrule Roe 44 Speaker Bosma 44 Jon Kyl R Ariz 44 DODD Well 44 Senate 44 constituants 44 Rosa DeLauro 44 Nathan Deal R-Ga. 44 statists 44 demagoging 44 DAVID CHALIAN 44 spokesman Linden Zakula 44 HARVEY WASSERMAN 44 SCHUMER 44 ERIC CANTOR 44 Progressives 44 Aderholt Y 44 preventing unintended pregnancies 44 RUSH ARCHIVE 44 MBT surcharge 44 ALIPAC 44 Ernest Hollings DS.C. 44 voted aye 44 Earmark Ban 44 Congressman Rehberg 44 BULB Act 44 porkulus 44 Overriding veto 44 KONDRACKE Well 44 LIEBERMAN Well 44 supermajorities 44 Aderholt N 44 republican democrat 44 Obstructionists 44 healh care 44 RINOs 44 pork barrell 44 Representative Roy Blunt 44 democrat republican 44 DADT 44 Congressman Boustany 44 MITCH MCCONNELL 44 Al Franken D Minn 44 Hometown Democracy Amendment 44 SCHIEFFER 44 socialist Marxist 44 Demint 44 Representative Denny Rehberg 44 AXELROD 44 Defund 44 Plakon 44 SJR# [001] 44 principled conservatism 44 Tax Extenders Act 44 hyperpartisan 44 Senator Snowe 44 OUT OF OFFICE 44 Jason Altmire 44 Medicare 44 Arlen Specter R-Penn. 44 Congresspeople 44 Rep. Steny Hoyer D-Md. 44 redistributionist 44 HOUSE SPEAKER 44 nanny staters 44 TPers 44 Defunding Planned Parenthood 44 Congressman Altmire 44 Mike Castle R-Del. 44 http:/ 44 FRIST 44 EJ DIONNE 44 Republican 44 Congresswoman Titus 44 Ryan Rudominer spokesman 44 spokesman Paul Sloca 44 NAT GAS Act 44 VAN HOLLEN 44 HJRes 44 Defund NPR 43 DEMS 43 Moveon 43 Dr. Rohack 43 Holtz Eakin 43 Simpson Mazzoli 43 Military Readiness Enhancement 43 Steny Hoyer D Md 43 Jim Demint 43 Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin 43 invoking cloture 43 Congresswoman Bachmann 43 Congressman Jim Nussle 43 filibuster proof 43 bipartisan 43 #zer# 43 Tom Periello 43 CHRIS MATTHEWS HOST 43 Senator Frist 43 democrates 43 SECRETARY LEAVITT 43 Marilyn Musgrave 43 RAISE TAXES 43 KILMEADE 43 Demorats 43 HAGEL 43 Tom Perriello 43 Repeal Obamacare 43 Blue Dog 43 Ignatieff Liberals 43 unconstitutional overreach 43 CCAGWPAC 43 Ed Feulner 43 Russ Feingold D Wis 43 Heath Shuler DN.C. 43 Sherry Boehlert 43 Gerry Connolly D-Va. 43 VRWC 43 Michelle Bachmann 43 Whip Jon Kyl 43 Applause. 43 Senator Enzi 43 Jane Hamsher 43 Nancy Boyda 43 Bolkcom 43 Socialism communism 43 rinos 43 Sens. Jon Tester 43 JANSING 43 Swift Boated 43 Dorgan Snowe 43 fiscally conservative Tea Party 43 McBush 43 theocons 43 nonsecurity spending 43 Quinn amendatory veto 43 Sen. Jim DeMint 43 NEWT GINGRICH 43 trans inclusive ENDA 43 Igor Volsky 43 CORNYN 43 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 43 Joe Donnelly D-Ind. 43 exterminate venemous snakes 43 43 theSenate 43 Tea Party patriots 43 Jeff Flake 43 Clear Skies Initiative 43 Lumbee recognition 43 Representative Debbie Wasserman 43 HEALTH CARE REFORM 43 Bernard Schaber 43 Sens. Bob Corker 43 medicare medicaid 43 Employment Non Discrimination 43 Lynn Woolsey D Calif 43 BOEHNER Well 43 RALPH NADER 43 Congressman Jeff Flake 43 GOP retakes 43 Ratowitz 43 Steve Beren 43 S CHIP 43 SCHIEFFER Well 43 GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY 43 libtard 43 Michele Bachmann 43 Repower America 43 Post Ezra Klein 43 GOP 43 Businessman Herman Cain 43 Rhetoric aside 43 launched furious counterassault 43 Majority Leader Harry Reid 43 Paycheck Fairness Act 43 Aeryl 43 HENRY WAXMAN 43 BOB MCMULLAN 43 Senate Majority Leader Mitch 43 democrats 43 fetal personhood 43 Repealing 43 Democraps 43 Diagnoses vary 43 HASTERT 43 Deficit Reduction 43 John Shadegg R-Ariz. 43 cloture motions 43 Operation Offset 43 Demo crats 43 Shays Meehan 43 barney frank 43 undeclared superdelegate 43 MAX BAUCUS 43 Obamao 43 Gramm Rudman 43 spokeswoman Lori Lodes 43 cloture votes 43 progressive netroots 43 DAVID BROOKS 43 unfunded entitlement 43 redistributionism 43 wackadoo wing 43 DIRECTOR BOLTEN 43 legislatively 43 R PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE 43 Joe Solmonese president 43 John Larson D-Conn. 43 RENDELL Well 43 Discharge Petition 43 democrate 43 DENNIS KUCINICH Well 43 Newt Gingrich 43 Affordable Choices 43 legislating morality 43 YOU PERSONALLY 43 By Roger Cleaveland 43 BACHMANN Well 43 BARNICLE 43 Founding Fathers envisioned 43 Palinites 43 ROVNER Well 43 BY ROGER CLEAVELAND 43 Tea Party adherents 43 Jeffords defection gave 43 libtards 43 PennSecurity Fuels Initiative 43 Representative Bruce Braley 43 KEITH CRAIN 43 Filibustering 43 Cornyn 43 BARBARA BOXER 43 openly gay nonincumbent 43 Alan Mollohan 43 Congressman Broun 43 Ben Cardin D Md 43 enact commonsense 43 strict constitutionalist 43 Claire McCaskill D-Mo. 43 NCLB reauthorization 43 SJR# [002] 43 spokeswoman Antonia Ferrier 43 Congressman Oberstar 43 Reps. Bob Goodlatte 43 McLame 43 Illegal Alien Amnesty 43 impose surtax 43 Cynthia Mckinney 43 Cloture 43 Irv Slosberg 43 PPACA 43 Dems 43 O'REILLY OK 43 heatlh care 43 Herbert Hoovers 43 Speaker Nancy Pelosi 43 Speaker Designate 43 MARK SHIELDS 43 Representative Eric Cantor 43 Lame Duck Session 43 Devin Nunes 43 Socialized medicine 43 John Kline R-Minn. 43 JULIE ROVNER 43 Gabrielle Giffords D-Ariz. 43 GOPers 43 Larson D Conn 43 deficit hawks 43 eliminate judicial filibusters 43 Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn 43 Congressman Gingrey 43 fiscally ruinous 43 Repug 43 Trevor Foughty 43 drug reimportation 43 43 Debt Ceiling 43 Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi 43 David Dayen 43 unelected bureaucrat 43 socialism Marxism 43 refighting 43 Waxman Markey bill 43 Martin Meehan D-Mass. 43 fairness doctrine 43 Senator Inhofe 43 OUR TAX DOLLARS 43 BAUCUS 43 R-Wis. 43 0bama 43 Eric Cantor 43 JOHN CORNYN 43 Van Hollen D Md 43 GOOOH 43 CONgress 43 fin reg 43 NHGOP 43 Raúl Grijalva 42 swiftboated 42 Armey 42 Trickle Down Economics 42 pre-#/# worldview 42 nancy pelosi 42 RICHARD DURBIN 42 gunmaker immunity bill 42 KBTX deliver 42 Elton Gallegly 42 Majority Whip Clyburn 42 HOWARD DEAN 42 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 42 partisan bickering 42 Republic Jonathan Chait 42 liberals progressives 42 earmarkers 42 GRASSLEY 42 Congressman LoBiondo 42 Rep. Jeff Flake 42 setting Koffenberger 42 filibuster proof majority 42 outlaw abortions 42 Deo Ferrer Daily 42 Cloward Piven 42 Brad Dayspring 42 Reps. Randy Neugebauer 42 LUNTZ 42 CANTOR 42 Dingy Harry Reid 42 Congresswoman Bono Mack 42 Kirstin Gillibrand 42 AMERICAblog Joe Sudbay 42 KENT CONRAD 42 Participatory democracy 42 reauthorize PEPFAR 42 hopey changey stuff 42 Rep. Wamp 42 Congressman Tiahrt 42 Republcian 42 Altmire Y 42 Debt Limit 42 Hopey Changey 42 DFL'ers 42 appoint conferees 42 Congressman Stupak 42 Mediscare 42 Edwards DN.C. 42 Jane Corwin 42 Carrie Budoff Brown 42 Seventeenth Amendment 42 Senator Olympia Snowe 42 DARRELL ISSA 42 Congressman Conyers 42 Republicrat 42 Congressman Chip Cravaack 42 Peter Welch D-Vt. 42 Rep. Anh 42 Populist Caucus 42 Congressman Pallone 42 wasteful earmarks 42 republicans 42 overcome filibusters 42 Mike Ross D-Ark. 42 SNOWE 42 Joe Pitts R-Pa. 42 nutroots 42 Belshé 42 Rahm Emanuel D Ill 42 LIBERALS 42 Turzai 42 Pam Resor 42 Medicare donut hole 42 Obamaism 42 42 Speaker Hastert 42 OVERBY 42 Wyden Snowe 42 Robin Vos 42 Unemployment Extensions 42 Bolshevik plot 42 RICK SANTORUM 42 H.Res [002] 42 President Elect Barrack 42 Speaker Naifeh 42 colorblind society 42 Leonard Boswell 42 award delegates proportionally 42 Laughter. THE PRESIDENT 42 Peter Suderman 42 BEGALA 42 Pat Toomey R-Pa. 42 WashTimes 42 Teresa Fasanello Hunterdon 42 Senator Kyl 42 spokesman Rodell Mollineau 42 Wyden Gregg 42 Paul Ryan R-Wis. 42 Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi 42 Indian descent raghead 42 Approps 42 Tad DeHaven budget 42 Blanche Lincoln Ark. 42 Mrs. Dahlkemper 42 Shira Toeplitz 42 taxer 42 teabagger 42 filibusters 42 John Boehner 42 Opposes gay marriage 42 Daschle DS.D. 42 Laissez faire capitalism 42 GENDA 42 VOTE NO 42 Tax Extenders Bill 42 Senator HILLARY CLINTON 42 MADDOW 42 Landske 42 @ PoliticalBrief 42 Tea Partyers 42 Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 42 Schumer Gillibrand 42 tea partier 42 RON WYDEN 42 Obamaā 42 Congressman Bilbray 42 Hyde Amendment 42 Brian Beutler 42 Repbulican 42 repealers already 42 Tea Party Movement 42 CCAGW PAC Endorses 42 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 42 gubmint 42 liberals 42 lamer duck 42 Personhood Amendment 42 Obamessiah 42 Chafee DeWine 42 Congressman Waxman 42 prevent unintended pregnancies 42 LGBT equality 42 PayGo 42 TAX CUTS 42 Peter Defazio 42 Paul Wellstone Mental 42 Senator Jon Kyl 42 McCaskill Corker 42 Violent Radicalization 42 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 42 Representative NANCY PELOSI 42 Representative Lloyd Doggett 42 spokesman Drew Hammill 42 Congressman Fattah 42 Representative Zach Wamp 42 SECRETARY SPELLINGS 42 Dale Risinger 42 spokesman Brad Dayspring 42 Al Gore lockbox 42 Steny Hoyer D-Md. 42 Jim Sensenbrenner R-Wis. 42 Louise Slaughter 42 Rebublican 42 Congressional Progressive Caucus 42 filibustered 42 unspent stimulus 42 RON PAUL 42 Waxman Markey cap 42 Tea Party 42 Shadegg 42 policys 42 arrogant elitists 42 unconservative 42 Congresspersons 42 Filibuster Reform 42 Lee Terry R-Neb. 42 GOPs 42 IN OPENING TEASER 42 policywise 42 spokesman Sergio Gor 42 Stokes MOTHERS Act 42 hyper partisanship 42 PROMISES PROMISES Jobs 42 SGR formula 42 Head Start reauthorization 42 Demo crat 42 Orin Hatch 42 hopey changey thing 42 COREY CLARK Tallahassee 42 Sustinet 42 creeping socialism 42 FinReg 42 STRIVE Act 42 spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle 42 Ms. Zinga 42 supply sider 42 MITT ROMNEY 42 reregulate 42 B. Larson D-Conn. 42 lamestream press 42 MIKE BARNICLE 42 # hcr # 42 Paycheck Fairness 42 Raise Debt Ceiling 42 Blumenauer Y 42 David Sirota 42 unicameral Legislature 42 Murphy DN.Y 42 legislation 42 conserative 42 overturning Roe v. Wade 42 Budowsky 42 Dave Murzin 42 Right Went Wrong 41 Jamie Dupree 41 Jim DeMints 41 porkfest 41 J. James Rohack 41 Corker McCaskill 41 WRDA bill 41 SJ Res 41 Brad Ellsworth D-Ind. 41 CAFÉ standards 41 Bi partisanship 41 Jakabovics 41 haphazard piecemeal 41 ron paul 41 Rep. Justin Amash 41 Brother Jeb 41 anti choicers 41 Budoff Brown 41 Peterson D Revillo 41 Hill D-Ind. 41 Congressman Ramstad 41 gun grabbers 41 Bob Goodlatte 41 HOW MANY COVERED 41 Gingrey 41 DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ 41 Thelma Drake 41 David Herszenhorn 41 SPEAKER PELOSI 41 paygo rule 41 Obamans 41 GINGRICH 41 Ron Kind D-Wis. 41 Jeanne Poppe 41 IMPEACHED 41 Coburn R Okla 41 GLADLY 41 Majority Leader Bill Frist 41 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 41 TAPPER 41 Zack Wamp 41 CCAGW 41 BETTY NGUYEN 41 Pam Gulleson 41 Pelsoi 41 Shadegg R Ariz 41 RICHARD LUGAR 41 TEA partiers 41 mcjoan 41 cramdown 41 Mr. WESSEL 41 Diana DeGette D Colo

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