Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 90 sold -#,# -#.# [005] 89 sold -#,# -#.# [006] 88 sold -#,# -#.# [001] 87 sold -# -#.# [001] 86 sold -#,# -#.# [002] 75 LONG BEACH Vanguard 70 LONG BEACH Blackrock 70 Research Affiliates Llc 69 Pepsico Inc PEP 67 Advisors Llc 67 Strs Ohio 66 Blackrock Investment Management Llc 65 Interesting Options Volume 65 Crossover Alert 64 Downtrend Spotted 64 Trend Continues Lower 64 Options Trader Alert 64 Trend Continues Down 64 THE TREND CONTINUES UP 64 Trend Continues Up 64 TO REBOUND AFTER 64 Downgrade Alert Watch 63 WEEK HIGH RECENTLY ECLIPSED 63 PriceWatch Alert Targets 63 -#,# shares 63 Investment Management Llc 63 THE TREND CONTINUES HIGHER 63 Uptrend Spotted 63 AFTER YESTERDAY 'S RALLY 63 ABOVE AVERAGE VOLUME 63 Winning Streak Continues 63 Sees Continued Downward Momentum 62 Asset Management Llc 62 Sees Continued Upward Momentum 62 #/#/# PriceWatch Alert Targets [001] 62 Trend Continues Higher 62 Posts Large 62 Options Activity 62 Buying Pressure 62 TO POTENTIALLY PULLBACK AFTER 62 Bullish Moving Average 62 BULLISH MOVING AVERAGE CROSSOVER 62 Bearish Technical 61 Bearish Harami Pattern 61 Bullish Harami Pattern 61 Showing Bullish 61 PRESSURE IN SHARES OF 61 Shows Bullish Technicals 61 Capital Llc 61 UPTREND SPOTTED IN SHARES 61 Crosses Pivot Point 61 ON SHARES OF 61 WATCH FOR CONTINUED GAINS 61 ON #.#X ABOVE AVERAGE 61 Bullish Engulfing Pattern 61 Bearish Engulfing Pattern 61 Upgrade Alert 61 UPWARD MOMENTUM LOOKS TO 60 crossed bullishly above 60 Downward Momentum Looks 60 PROFILE CO 60 Alert Trend Down 60 Technical Uptrend Reversal 60 Increases Quarterly Dividend 59 SMARTREND DETECTS CONTINUED BUYING 59 PriceWatch Alert Up 59 Declares Second Quarter 59 High Recently Eclipsed 59 Capital Management Llc 59 SMARTREND 'S CANDLESTICK SCANNER 59 Bullish Technical Alert Trend 59 WATCH FOR SHARES OF 59 % SINCE SMARTREND 59 VOLUME WATCH FOR POTENTIAL 59 Given Neutral Rating 59 Upward Momentum Looks 59 crossed bearishly below 59 Corporate Event Announcement 58 IN SHARES OF 58 Declares Fourth Quarter 58 #.# nachbörslich ab 58 Increases Dividend 57 Declares Dividend 57 Chuck Royce 57 Q3 Profit Rises 57 See Continued Downward 57 SMARTREND WATCHING FOR POTENTIAL 57 % ON HEAVY 57 For #/#/# Covered [001] 57 Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend 57 See Continued Upward 57 INDUSTRY DETECTED IN SHARES 57 LRCX 56 Volume Increase Hits 56 Posts Large Volume Increase 56 Declares Third Quarter 56 TERMS OF RELATIVE PERFORMANCE 56 Q1 Profit Rises 56 LOOK FOR SHARES OF 56 Announces Quarterly Dividend 56 RANK THE HIGHEST IN