Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 76 Voting 73 vote 67 balloting 63 casting ballots 61 ballots 61 votes 60 cast ballots 59 polling 57 ballot 56 absentee balloting 55 vot ing 54 Vote 54 absentee voting 53 voter 53 Polling 52 votings 52 voters 52 tabulation 52 electors 52 electing 51 voted 51 ballotting 51 absentee ballots 51 election 51 overvoting 50 panelist abstained 50 polls 50 voting machines 50 voter turnout 50 revoting 50 undervoting 50 voter registration 50 eSlate 49 Ballot 49 polling stations 49 recountable 49 elections 49 polling places 49 Absentee balloting 49 DRE voting 49 optically scanned ballots 48 polling booths 48 absentee ballot 48 polling station 48 Balloting 48 excuse absentee balloting 48 opti scan 48 precincts reporting Landrieu 48 overvoted 48 electoral 47 DRE machines 47 provisional ballots 47 precincts 47 polling precincts 47 WINvote 47 Early Voting 46 disenfranchisement 46 revote 46 Election 46 slaves Hollaway 46 VOTING 46 Absentee voting 46 voter purges 46 AccuVote TS 46 Election Day 46 electronic pollbooks 45 instant runoffs 45 voter disenfranchisement 45 Single Transferable Voting 45 Recording Electronic 45 Absentee ballot 45 undervoted 45 nominating 45 absentee ballot requests 45 disenfranchising 45 Votes 45 voter turnouts 45 polling booth 45 pollbook 45 punchcard machines 45 ballot boxes 45 provisional ballot 45 Oshurakhunova 44 manual recount 44 disenfranchising voters 44 Presidential Preference 44 iVotronic voting 44 UniLect Patriot 44 pollbooks 44 eSlate voting machines 44 InkaVote Plus 44 Voter 44 counting provisional ballots 44 effectively disenfranchises 44 enfranchising 44 unvoted 44 disenfranchise 44 eleciton 44 Instant Runoff Voting 44 Wolosik 44 Inslee Larsen Baird 44 elector 44 FPTP electoral 44 Electoral College 44 Votenet 44 Elections 44 punchcard 44 precints 43 manual recounts 43 Tain constituency 43 punchcard ballots 43 proportional allocation 43 Diebold AccuVote 43 canvassing 43 recanvassing 43 Instant Runoff Voting IRV 43 voting machines EVMs 43 precinct provisional ballots 43 Racially divided 43 punchcard voting 43 voter registration rolls 43 vot ers 43 vote.The 43 AccuVote TSX 43 pollwatchers 43 Masoumeh shrine 43 Ginnold 43 Accu Vote 43 caucus 43 Ballots 43 LINK * 43 OMOV 43 Optical Scan 43 exit polls 43 primaries 43 AutoMARK machines 43 electorial 43 Repolling 43 proportional representation 42 voter apathy 42 HCPB 42 Voots 42 AccuVote 42 precints reporting 42 KAMPA AG Weg 42 Voter turnout 42 outvoting 42 Voter registration 42 recanvass 42 misprinted ballots 42 counting 42 absentee ballots postmarked 42 recount 42 TSx 42 precinct 42 Tempert 42 overvote 42 nonpartisan clearinghouse 42 campaigning 42 polling stations countrywide 42 Unaffiliated voters 42 iVotronics 42 Low voter turnout 42 eSlate machines 42 disfranchise 42 Cogeco Cable subordinate 42 disenfranchises voters 42 provisional ballots cast 42 Populex 42 Tanner Tillotson 42 VOTE 42 Unopposed candidates 42 Tabulation 42 Pashtoun 41 Single Transferable Vote 41 hanging chad controversy 41 reelections 41 KUNERT Aktiengesellschaft 41 proportional electoral 41 voter rolls 41 InkaVote 41 caucused 41 Mixed Member Proportional 41 Direct Recording 41 uncounted provisional 41 voter caging 41 DeBeauvoir 41 Jon Greenbaum 41 poll 41 paperless touchscreen 41 referendum 41 suffrage 41 Electronic DRE 41 caucus goers garnering 41 disfranchised 41 computerized voter registration 41 voter fraud 41 IBADAN Nigeria Nigeria 41 UniLect 41 disenfranchises 41 PCOS precinct 41 caucusing 41 TrueVoteMD 41 lone nay 41 unyielding partisanship 41 Harold Moskowite 41 voter registrations 41 miscounted votes 41 elect 41 Optical Scan PCOS machines 41 FWAB 41 hanging chad debacle 41 41 undervotes ballots 41 Instant Runoff 41 Proportional representation 41 41 reelecting 41 41 Wirecard AG Grasbrunn Munich 40 proportional representation PR 40 Touma Conway 40 Diebold machines 40 ineligible felons 40 nonpartisan 40 uninstructed shares 40 tabulators 40 disenfranchise voters 40 KUNERT Aktiengesellschaft corresponding 40 iVotronic 40 Optical Scanners 40 Harsman 40 pollworkers 40 dangling chads 40 Proportional Representation 40 newcomers Rafael Palmeiro 40 faithless electors 40 Kale Pesta 40 eSlates 40 SHARE CAPITAL Authorized Unlimited 40 pollers 40 revotes 40 iVote 40 Avanteos Investments Avanteos Investments 40 repolling 40 turnout 40 preelection polls 40 tabulator 40 cast provisional ballots 40 voter suppression 40 retabulated 40 Uncounted ballots 40 overvotes 40 undervote 40 Polling stations 40 Electors 40 provisionals ballots 40 ballot stuffing 40 infamous hanging chad 40 Kathy Nickolaus 40 Moepya 40 cast Bruzzo 40 top vote getter 40 undirected proxies 40 DREs 40 optical scan 40 precincts reporting 40 aldermanic runoffs 40 Sequoia AVC Advantage 40 optical scanning 40 ordered repolling 40 committeeperson 40 iVotronic touch screen 40 parlimentary 40 Votomatic 40 retabulation 39 precincts reporting Sestak 39 voter ID 39 AutoMARK 39 Hanging chads 39 Turnout 39 Niko Jialishvili 39 uncounted votes 39 Abstentions 39 nonbinding straw 39 elction 39 Overseas Absentee Voting OAV 39 Accuvote 39 39 loose Alaina Whitaker 39 Kamran Daneshjoo senior 39 Keyssar 39 eSlate voting 39 Fan balloting 39 Voters 39 Unilect 39 nonbinding referendums 39 elec tion 39 Rwanda Habumugisha 39 Director Jane Platten 39 disenfranchise minority 39 keyword cingular 39 iVotronic machines 39 Hacking Democracy 39 miscount 39 Unofficial tallies 39 paperless DREs 39 absentee voter 39 eSlate electronic 39 Dan Tokaji 39 precinct committeemen 39 downballot 39 Anfrel 39 Exit polls 39 Adjournment Proposal 39 CCAGW rated 39 Zoha Yess 39 pollworker 39 Mosery 39 Harry Baals Government 39 fabulously brainless movie 39 Ross Perot siphoned 39 Cobb LaMarche 39 precincts counted 39 reapportionment 39 SPLOST referendum 39 Pollworkers 39 poling station 39 electoral commission 39 uncounted provisional ballots 39 depress turnout 39 miscounts 39 Dixville incorporated 39 tabulating 39 ticket splitters 39 caucuses 39 optically scanned paper 39 39 electorate 39 Absentee ballots postmarked 39 IRV 38 disenfranchised 38 HAVA Help 38 unenrolled voters 38 Final Vote 38 prefectural chapters 38 Kathy Kozuszek 38 Scytl 38 tabulations 38 wife Gloria Furano 38 plurality 38 mso style qformat 38 Pat Mansard 38 38 arxes Network Communication 38 Faisal Hamadi 38 Unenrolled voters 38 elected 38 Referendum 1A 38 outpolling 38 awards 38 Canvassing 38 Voter Registration 38 Election Commission 38 commissioner Rene Sarmiento 38 Pulsion Medical Systems 38 blatant gerrymandering 38 unofficial tallies 38 Sobella Mejias 38 Sangguniang Kabataan elections 38 Data Modul AG 38 Hart Intercivic 38 uncounted absentee 38 optical scan PCOS 38 Optical Scan PCOS 38 DaMarcus Ware 38 Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko 38 Unofficial totals 38 Aaron Conetta 38 chairman Badru Kiggundu 38 Agnes Garvin 38 Allowing noncitizens 38 Palmar Olason 38 disenfranchised felons 38 Linda Schade 38 enfranchisement 38 yes Inslee Larsen 38 Proportional Representation PR 38 optical scanners 38 undervotes 38 tabulate votes 38 MicroVote machines 38 nonpartisan 38 Wessel Kroeschell 38 nonincumbents 38 Democrats caucused 38 Monserrate expulsion 38 chads 38 circulate nominating petitions 38 central tabulator 38 Diebold TSx 38 constituencies 38 NONE OF THE ABOVE 38 Participacion Ciudadana 38 gerrymandering 38 Midterm Election Poll 38 vot 38 lacked quorum 38 Ballot counting 38 tiny Dixville Notch 38 encourage disaffected Sunnis 38 aldermanic races 38 Legislature redraws 38 member proportional MMP 38 commissioner Gregorio Larrazabal 38 voter intimidation 38 mismarked ballots 38 Davydovych 38 Overriding veto 38 Hart eSlate 38 VVPAT 38 Electronic Voting 38 Presidential Election 38 casting 38 BALLOT MEASURES 38 uninominal 37 revoted 37 electon 37 Lemkau misfortune 37 robocalling 37 Ziriax 37 HAVA compliant 37 Diebold Election 37 Polls 37 absentee balloting procedures 37 VBH Holding AG 37 Diebold Accuvote 37 CCBOE 37 committeewomen 37 UOCAVA voters 37 unpledged super 37 Ion Sancho Leon 37 Larry TenPas 37 randomly selected precincts 37 Propositions 1A 1F 37 Verified Voting Foundation 37 clustered precincts 37 Referenda 37 Ballot papers 37 37 AutoMark machines 37 nominees 37 re districting 37 precinct caucus 37 Tibisay Lucena 37 37 referenda 37 Gonzalez Toureilles 37 unaffiliateds 37 Dieudonne Mirimo 37 Julia Kiden 37 uncounted ballots 37 Supermajority 37 redistricting 37 Provisional ballots 37 UOCAVA 37 lections 37 repoll 37 teacher Qais Youssif 37 nonpresidential election 37 precinct chairmen 37 Disenfranchising 37 Joe Mansky Ramsey 37 Elections Ion Sancho 37 37 downballot races 37 Appenzell Switzerland passed 37 Borisov GERB 37 BLUE proxy 37 reapportioning 37 precinct caucuses 37 Pepsi 37 VoteTrustUSA 37 Nader Camejo 37 Acadian Asset 37 Steve Harsman director 37 spokeswoman Bethany Derringer 37 unicameral Parliament 37 Opposes abortion 37 Reapportionment Committee 37 Vos Caudill 37 easily hackable 37 Jim Pleuss 37 Voters 37 rampant disorganization 37 Leonard Olli 37 vote getter 37 BOEE 37 Rex Quidilla 37 Blyleven Alomar 37 Ghibaudy 37 Clerk Kathy Nickolaus 37 Marci Andino 37 undeclareds 37 disfranchisement 37 Absentee ballots 37 referendums 37 Voter registrations 37 Akylbek Sariev 37 suppress voter turnout 37 Nazarbayev Nur Otan 37 Inc DBD 37 Joseph Trimarchi 37 felon disenfranchisement laws 37 Campaigns uncork 37 outlawed interracial marriages 37 reelect 37 felon purge 37 Hamdiya al Husseini 37 Seeks Sweeping Changes 37 democratic 37 Witness Faleh 37 tabulating machines 37 Caucus goers 37 Quidilla 37 prefectural constituencies 36 voter registrars 36 duplicate registrations 36 Diebold AccuVote TS 36 Rodermund 36 Parliamentary Elections 36 Electoral 36 cadidate 36 Lisbon Treaty referendum 36 WITHHOLD 36 Oscar Battaglini 36 Chapra Lok Sabha 36 Kandahar Paktika 36 article Ehrenstein 36 36 Abdul Hafiz Anshary 36 nonpartisans 36 Tain Constituency 36 Local 2L 36 Existing Warrants 36 runoffs 36 chairwoman Brigalia Bam 36 Dorothy DeShields 36 Capital Authorized Unlimited 36 Mark McGwire Bill Plaschke 36 BC STV 36 precint 36 LHS Aktiengesellschaft 36 precincts reporting Bilbray 36 electoral rolls 36 voted overwhelmingly 36 fill unexpired 36 Pollsters surveyed 36 Cleveland LB Kamerion 36 parliamentary elections 36 poling 36 officer Dale Ofsoske 36 canvass 36 Photo Identity Cards 36 Ballot boxes 36 Dobill 36 Bob Chilmonik 36 challenger Mirhossein Mousavi 36 Commission SSRC 36 abolish judicial filibusters 36 handcount 36 unaffiliated voters 36 parliamentary unicameral 36 supermajority 36 apportioning delegates 36 nonvoters 36 votable 36 incumbants 36 exit pollers 36 ImageCast 36 clickers handheld 36 IVS Associates 36 districting 36 Rona Peligal acting 36 Glaiser 36 unprecedented obstructionist tactics 36 Voting Machine 36 commissioner Elaine Manlove 36 tally sheets 36 Lois Wexler 36 Shukran Ahmad 36 Travaglini Lees amendment 36 poling stations 36 Eric Sundwall 36 Shareholder Nominees 36 Commissioner Craig Pridemore 36 photocopied ballots 36 spokesman Aykut Tavsel 36 Abdul Hussein Hendawi 36 Republican Randy Altschuler 36 Greatest Hometown Heroes 36 Jaikumar Vijayan covers 36 Expatriate Iraqis 36 Exit Poll 36 Wendy Noren 36 nays 36 Campaigning 36 Paper Ballots 36 TNS Sofres Unilog 36 Tlakula 36 Kari Verjil 36 mso style noshow 36 chairperson Brigalia Bam 36 nonconfidence 36 Al Kolwicz 36 constitute quorum 36 Caltech MIT 36 majority 36 tallies 36 Mailed ballots 36 MassVOTE 36 enfranchised 36 Stephen Ansolabehere political 36 bylaw amendments 36 Jim Sendelbach 36 defining interracial marriages 36 unpledged superdelegates 36 justify reimposing such 36 Slockett 36 award delegates proportionally 36 unverified provisional ballots 36 Gerrymandering 36 member Marguerite LaMotte 36 presumptive nominee Wolfson 36 Gerrymandered 36 Maj. Falah Mohammedawi 36 Indelible ink 36 committeepeople 36 voter pamphlet 36 ATHENS Greece Greeks 36 Akufo Addo NPP 36 Angie Nussmeyer spokeswoman 36 Mary Lou Slinkard 36 applicable xv 36 Candidacies 36 gerrymandered districts 36 Voting Assistance Program 36 Fazil Ahmad Manawi 36 elctions 35 Brisk polling 35 EVMs 35 Trading Brokerage 35 Verified Voting 35 35 Andy Cilek 35 nominee Vincent Sheheen 35 Ion Sancho 35 Jamie Shew 35 Option A4 35 Televised debates 35 Prop. 1F 35 Lipsio 35 consitutional amendment 35 Delhi Rajasthan Madhya 35 challenger Manuel Rosales 35 FairVote 35 #/#rds majority 35 absentee ballots mailed 35 Egerdal 35 Independent Anthony Pollina 35 pregnant chads 35 ISO IEC standardization 35 caucusers 35 voter registration forms 35 multimember 35 Diebold Election Systems 35 vote rigging 35 Matthew Damschroder director 35 Audit Trail VVPAT 35 multicandidate presidential 35 islandwide referendum 35 Fred Galey 35 Yermoshina 35 Kek Galabru prominent 35 WoolPoll 35 mayoral runoff 35 plebiscites 35 Fresenius SE arising 35 voter registrar 35 candidate Luc Jochimsen 35 redraw boundaries 35 provisionals 35 nonpresidential 35 Intelivote 35 Reapportionment 35 Kenn Gividen 35 Franking 35 repolls 35 GOLD proxy 35 FPTP 35 Libertarian Party candidate 35 Arrangement Resolution 35 Trena Parker 35 Demcoratic 35 delegates proportionally 35 Problems Emerge 35 Commissioner Cathy Flaig 35 nonvoting 35 Precincts 35 Voter ID 35 racially polarized voting 35 Precinct committeemen 35 Sosebee Hunter 35 Camp Samory 35 Overwhelming majorities 35 Chicago Beulah Shoesmith 35 SPLOSTs 35 Clerk Bob Balink 35 Romilda Vane chocolates 35 Thierno Seydou Bayo 35 Hart InterCivic eSlate 35 startling ponyhawk 35 constiuency 35 township committeemen 35 phone ballotting 35 Tynjala 35 Most Sunnis boycotted 35 Chris Steineger 35 caging lists 35 mosque loudspeakers exhorted 35 precatory 35 chosen Miss Photogenic 35 Schultz Voots 35 OnMilwaukee Best Dining 35 appellate judgeships 35 Verjil 35 AccuPoll 35 Repoll 35 Paul Ngarambe 35 Rebecca Mercuri 35 Lover Chancler 35 constituency Certner 35 Burdish 35 Ed Mahern 35 Democrat Larry Kissell 35 Safa al Obeidi 35 uncounted absentee ballots 35 precleared 35 Authorized Unlimited number 35 Assembly Constituencies 35 quorum 35 Druk Yellow 35 Estelle Fennell 35 Accuvote machines 35 Callands Gretna District 35 Automark 35 http:/ 35 Runoff Election 35 Sima Samar chairwoman 35 voter registration drives 35 Cecilia Goldberger 35 Recount confirms 35 Constitutional amendment 35 enfranchise 35 grammys 35 hotly contested mayoral 35 Sequoia ImageCast 35 FG Wahlen surveys 35 Lisbon Treaty Referendum 35 supermajority requirement 35 Democratic committeemen 35 canidates 35 Butun Kyrgyzstan 35 rookies 35 secretary Sam Rwakoojo 35 Novato Sanitary 35 voted aye 35 nominate 35 Ballot stuffing 35 TouchPlay lottery 35 ZESN 35 nonvoter 35 -Andrew Micklin 35 Hamdiya al Hussaini 35 Patricio Ballados expatriate 35 35 Sizable majorities 35 Sifo poll 35 Kid Rock sat courtside 35 Electoral Commission 35 Elections Canvassing 35 Contested races 35 defeating Tusk 35 resoundingly endorsed 35 nonpartisan redistricting 35 outvote 35 constituting quorum 35 Referendum 35 presidentials 35 caucus goers 35 MPC Muenchmeyer Petersen 35 NCMPs 35 Preferential Primary 35 Referendums 35 Commission Chairwoman Lidiya 35 Investment Funds ICVC 35 convention Schon Marques 35 barangay SK 35 Sequoia AVC Edge 35 Uncontested races 34 Absentee Voting 34 Andrae McGary 34 Kris Theilen 34 FedEx 34 Ziguele 34 votegetters 34 proportionate representation 34 partial dissents 34 adult suffrage 34 FVAP 34 Yarmoshyna 34 EPICs 34 Corbid 34 Optical Scanner 34 reregistering 34 Chairman Fazel Ahmad 34 Wyden Ore. 34 Jeff Preisner 34 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 34 Petition circulators 34 Yulia Timoshenko bloc 34 circulating nominating petitions 34 Julie Aranibar 34 Norris Selke 34 miscounting 34 oust Ruedrich 34 ayes 34 legalized medicinal marijuana 34 Gregg Underheim 34 systematic disenfranchisement 34 UR Votes Count 34 excercised 34 Lee Lundrigan 34 Daniel Tokaji 34 redraw legislative 34 National Latino Congreso 34 Sequoia Voting 34 Rosicka 34 candiates 34 Recorder Bob Balink 34 Ken Mettler 34 Auditor Tom Slockett 34 Charles Jagneaux 34 Carmelita Clarkson 34 relected 34 WNBC Marist poll 34 hanging chads 34 Demcorats 34 Antonia Ricigliano 34 gallup poll 34 defeated Eduardo Montealegre 34 Treftlin 34 HAVA 34 Bill Sodemann 34 Fifteenth Amendment 34 Primary Runoff 34 assembly constituencies 34 Mandity 34 Dorothy Goosby 34 AVC Advantage 34 frequent churchgoers 34 Pat McElraft 34 Dr. Afari Djan 34 Voting Integrity 34 Working industriously 34 Beulah Shoesmith Elementary 34 congressional apportionment 34 delegates proportionately 34 multimember districts 34 Maharashtra Haryana 34 legislatives 34 Clerk Wendy Noren 34 precincts reporting unofficial 34 Libertarian Kathie Glass 34 Albert Eden Roskill 34 COLOMBO Sri Lankans 34 postals 34 BBWAA awards 34 Josip Kregar 34 unicameral parliament 34 Districting 34 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings 34 Te Tai Hauauru electorate 34 systematic purging 34 Bernadette Nutall 34 Sharon Patchak Layman 34 Absentees 34 plebiscite 34 Roosevelt Gondwe 34 Altmire Y 34 manufacturer eInstruction 34 Hussein Hendawi 34 heavily gerrymandered 34 Electing 34 Statewide Uniform 34 Mark Handley Andrus 34 constitutencies 34 Matt Damschroder 34 Passionately opposed 34 Elector Photo 34 Pledged delegates 34 MicroVote 34 Participation Amount 34 canvass COCs 34 Low Turnout Expected 34 Citizens Absentee Voting 34 Noor Mohammad Noor 34 counted Zapatero Socialist 34 tallying 34 elder statesman Adnan Pachachi 34 Election Inspectors BEI 34 delegates 34 Maymin 34 Linda Rosicka 34 election.The 34 dele gates 34 SJ Res 34 Jere Swarr 34 sovereignly express 34 GK Butterfield D 34 Teammate Dustin Pedroia 34 lever machines 34 Swede Lennart Johansson 34 effectively sidetracking 34 Raichur Koppal Uttara Kannada 34 Ms. Bysiewicz 34 chief Lidiya Yermoshina 34 Falmlen 34 officer Mawethu Mosery 34 Measure #-# [001] 34 challenger Blake Farenthold 34 Pat Hollarn 34 runoff 34 Polling booths 34 Hometown Democracy amendment 34 overwhelming majorities 34 Voter apathy 34 Keystone Poll 34 Stephen LaRoque 34 ABSENTEE VOTING 34 Councilwoman Lucille Kring 34 Clarus Poll 34 Conny McCormack 34 Guy Sattley 34 Proposition 1F 34 ordered repoll 34 PCOS machine 34 Malawi Electoral Commission 34 candidate Frank Rennicke 34 Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir 34 Mainpuri Lok Sabha 34 cloture votes 34 Notified details 34 Ehren Gonzales 34 revote Cushing 34 Mike Labno 34 S iVotronic 34 Dzieduszycka Suinat 34 Don Kurre 34 Richard Struckhoff 34 preclearance requirement 34 BBWAA balloting 34 troubled Surkh Rud 34 Commissioner Lee Pinkoson 34 Witzel Behl predicted 34 Bo Lipari 34 Kaye McGarry 34 northern Sumy 34 Deadwood Anjelica Huston 34 ComBOTS AG 34 bidding 34 advocating politically expedient 34 Rodolfo Pajo 34 Tim Likness 34 invoking cloture 34 counted 34 majoritarian MPs 34 Libertarian Ken Blevens 34 massively outspent 34 rights xix xx 34 ELECTION UPDATE 34 Karim Jari 34 dimpled pregnant 34 Voter Confidence 34 Polycarp Haununu 34 JEMB 34 Senate Elections Reapportionment 34 Gusti Putu Artha 34 televote