Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 75 warlords overthrew 74 warlords toppled 74 longtime dictator Mohamed 73 warlords overthrew socialist 72 clan warlords toppled 72 warlords overthrew longtime 71 warlords overthrew dictator 70 warlords overthrew dictatorship 70 Siad Barre 69 warlords toppled dictator Mohamed 68 warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed 68 ousted dictator Mohamed 67 Mohammed Siad Barre 66 Warlords overthrew longtime 66 dictator Siad Barre 65 clan warlords ousted 65 dictator Mohamed Siad Barre 64 warlords toppled dictator 64 dictator Mohammed Siad 63 militias overthrew socialist 62 clan warlords overthrew 60 Mohamed Siad Barre 60 overthrew socialist dictator 59 ruler Mohamed Siad 59 strongman Mohamed Siad 59 warlords overthrew Mohamed Siad 59 Muhammad Siad Barre 58 overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad 56 socialist dictator 56 Somali warlords toppled 56 Muhammad Siyad Barre 54 longtime dictator Mobutu 54 clan warlords 53 ruler Mohamed Siyad 53 ruler Mohammed Siad 52 Mohamed Siyad Barre 51 dictator Mobutu Sese Seko 49 ousted dictator Fulgencio 49 dictator Francois Papa 49 Gen. Suharto 49 Oubangui River 49 unpatrolled waters 49 arid Horn 49 strongman Mohammed Siad 48 President Maaouya Sid'Ahmed 48 lawless Horn 48 overthrew dictator 48 Somali dictator Mohamed 48 Sese Seko 47 clan militiamen 47 Anastasio Somoza Debayle 47 Siyad Barre 47 Nicaragua leftist Sandinista 47 violently suppressed pro 47 violently suppressing mass 47 Laurent Desire Kabila 47 Maaoya Sid'Ahmed Ould Taya 47 Hamas violently wrested 47 waged bloody 47 gondola styled 47 Lower Jubba region 47 president Melchior Ndadaye 46 Marcos Pérez Jiménez 46 father Gnassingbe Eyadema 46 Mengistu Haile Mariam 46 Ravalomanana clashed 46 lawless coastline 46 violently suppressing 46 President Maaoya Sid'Ahmed 46 Mohamed Farah Aideed 46 violently suppressed 46 longtime dictator Zine 46 Museveni southerner 46 Anwar Sadat assassination 46 authoritarian ruler 46 overthrowing dictator Fulgencio 46 bloodily suppressed 46 pirate gangs 46 overthrew Sharif 46 General Ne Win 46 toppled dictator Mobutu 46 Rwandan Patriotic Front RPF 46 military juntas 46 Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a 46 Ange Felix Patasse 45 Gen. Alfredo Stroessner 45 waged guerrilla 45 #-# collaborationist Vichy 45 intervened militarily 45 hardline Taleban 45 Yemenia Flight IY# crashed 45 bloodiest crackdown 45 UN protectorate 45 Sandinista guerrillas 45 extremist Hutu militias 45 Hussain Mohammad Ershad 45 tribe Hashed 45 toppled Ferdinand Marcos 45 Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi 45 Sid'Ahmed Taya 45 commit sedition 45 dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam 45 Beledweyn town 45 chubby mustachioed Prabhakaran 45 overthrew Thaksin 45 Gen Augusto Pinochet 45 Patasse 45 Hossain Mohammad Ershad 45 Vizcatan 45 Ahmed Sekou Toure 45 Anastasio Somoza dictatorship 45 overthrown 44 Massoud Halasa estimated 44 embattled Libyan strongman 44 Duvalier dictatorship 44 Moamer Gadhafi 44 clan militias 44 Galgadud region 44 Preakness Impeachment 44 Comoros archipelago 44 unleashing militia 44 El Abidine Ben 44 dictator Fulgencio Batista 44 Somalia 44 King Gyanendra sacked 44 Argentina Isabel Peron 44 Gen. Omar Torrijos 44 Himler Rebu 44 dictators Francois Papa 44 Slobodan Milosevic crackdown 44 Francois Bozize 44 toppled dictator Fulgencio 44 Carnation Revolution 44 hardline Islamist Taliban 44 President Sidi Cheikh 44 Abedine Ben Ali 44 Kittikachorn 44 predecessor Ange Felix 44 Francisco Macias Nguema 44 al Shabaab rebels 44 foments occasionally riot 44 Captain Moussa Camara 44 Antananarivo mayor 44 Belgian colonizers 44 anarchy chaotically ruled 44 topple Somchai 44 Maguindanao unopposed 44 Francois Papa Doc Duvalier 44 Laurent Kabila 43 coups fomented 43 toppled dictator Anastasio 43 Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang 43 Beled Hawa 43 diarrhea CDAD 43 bloodless palace 43 Chiang Kai shek Nationalists 43 Council SICC 43 al Abidine Ben 43 Doc Duvalier 43 dictator Anastasio Somoza 43 brutally crushing 43 Duvaliers 43 AND TALBOT COUNTIES 43 Aristide ouster 43 ruler Mobutu Sese 43 Hiraan region 43 Askar Akayev 43 African tribes revolted 43 Gen. Efrain Rios 43 tribal confederation 43 Gen Ne Win 43 Mohammed Farah Aidid 43 Aristide disbanded 43 backed Janjaweed militia 43 father Francois Papa 43 Bakol region 43 Darod clan 43 Tutsi dominated 43 anarchic Horn 43 el Abidine Ben 43 Lt. Gen. Prosper Avril 43 Correia Seabra 43 militarily intervened 43 LIBREVILLE Gabon Gabon 43 Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza 43 Dergue 43 Ethnic Somalis 43 Lendu tribes 43 Russian Ultranationalist 43 King Jigme Singhye 43 Marxist Sandinista 43 Arab nomads known 43 Rival clans 43 hardline al Shabaab 43 hereditary succession heralded 43 dictatorship 43 Gen. Mbuza Mabe 43 BY SYLVIA RECTOR 42 brutally crushed 42 Gen. Robert Guei 42 Majerteen 42 biggest bauxite exporter 42 Lutwa 42 Islamic Courts UIC 42 Pol Pot bent 42 Mogadishu warlords 42 overthrew democratically elected 42 Ugandan exiles 42 staged bloodless coup 42 Sool region 42 Hashed tribe 42 Tunisia Zine 42 ruthlessly suppressed 42 Odjani 42 bloodless putsch 42 spokesman Abdourahim Said 42 Badr Brigade SCIRI 42 ethnic minorities predate 42 Visit 42 Al Shabaab militia 42 warlord Abdullahi Yusuf 42 Zaidi imamate 42 Al Omari mosque 42 Somalia lawless 42 al Shebab 42 RRa Radical 7 42 François Duvalier 42 clashed sporadically 42 jungle raj 42 Las Qorey 42 Rassemblement Congolais pour 42 Mobutu Seko 42 Ethiopians dislodged 42 Abidine Ben 42 autocratic rule 42 Ould Taya 42 Al Khalifa dynasty 42 Mahamadou Issoufou 42 Mobutu Sese Seko 42 hardline Shebab 42 Riots ensued 42 Nkunda Tutsi rebels 42 Kismayo Somalia third 42 ousted Mobutu 42 King Gyanendra seized 42 François Bozize 42 deterring pirate 42 voter Ruben Rozenberg 42 longtime dictator Lansana 42 sheltering Osama bin 42 longtime dictator Suharto 42 commander Ali Kushayb 42 Daniel arap Moi 42 Gen. Manuel Noriega 42 Khmer Rouge Pol Pot 42 allied Janjaweed militia 42 ruthlessly persecuted 42 Tito Okello 42 Abdiqasim Salad Hassan 42 Gnassingbe Eyadema 42 Jean Claude Baby Doc 42 Sheikh Adan 42 Papa Doc 42 Beled Hawa district 42 geographically diverse homebuilders 42 Batista dictatorship 42 Ratsiraka 41 Mathieu Kerekou 41 businessman Gyude Bryant 41 Gyanendra seized 41 widow Jiang Qing 41 harbored bin Laden 41 backed Janjaweed militias 41 impoverished Arabian Peninsula 41 Emperor Haile Selassie 41 Mobuto Sese Seko 41 Didier Ratsiraka 41 father Hafez 41 Tutsi paratroopers assassinated 41 Mohamed Qanyare Afrah 41 Djindjic Serbia 41 lawless Somali 41 Marshal Josip Broz Tito 41 Militiamen loyal 41 Shining Path guerrilla 41 François Bozizé 41 Gyanendra sacked 41 ethnic Hutu militias 41 Museveni southerner overthrew 41 harshly suppressed 41 brutally suppressing 41 President Ange Felix 41 Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya 41 Saddam Hussein iron fisted 41 SOLD WITHIN THE 41 Musharraf overthrew 41 militia loyal 41 shea palm 41 Isaaq clan 41 Most Bakeel tribes 41 Col. Ely Ould 41 overthrew dictator Ferdinand Marcos 41 brutal dictatorship 41 strongman Lansana Conte 41 Gen. Ne Win 41 Suchinda Kraprayoon 41 ARPCT 41 Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed 41 secular warlords 41 UNITA rebel 41 Moamar Gaddafi 41 Fulgencio Batista 41 Group 41 warring fiefdoms 41 Robert Guei 41 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL 41 late strongman Slobodan 41 Operation Scorched Earth 41 Las Anod 41 BY CAROL CAIN 41 Sandinistas overthrew 41 unelected hardliners 41 Deadly clashes 41 Celadon Dedicated Services 41 Toubou 41 SANAA Yemeni 41 Nimeiri 41 busiest waterways 41 janjawid 41 portray Madame Morrible 41 Hiiraan region 41 waved machetes 41 Duvalier dictatorships 41 creation Willy Loman 41 Mebazaa 41 ousted dictator Ferdinand 41 Jan.# Sh.M.Network 41 fomenting rebellion 41 backed shah 41 oust dictator Ferdinand 41 Duvalier clan 41 TRIPOLI Libya Moammar Gadhafi 41 SpOC SpCO SpMet PVI 41 Daniel Arap Moi 41 olp 41 famously Robert Redford 41 Sa'da 41 overthrew Mobutu 41 Janjaweed militia allies 41 strongman Moamer Kadhafi 41 Marxist dictator Mengistu 41 Socialism PNDS 41 Sectarian clashes 41 Sekou Toure 41 Tibetan serfs 41 al Shabaab militia 41 Hashid confederation 41 despotic regime 41 Zine el Abidine Ben 41 Colonel Mengistu 41 BY VINCE ELLIS 41 Ould Abdallahi 41 absolute monarchy 41 Shebab fighters 41 monarchic rule 41 Mahaday 41 Jean Pierre Baptiste 41 Assad autocratic 41 Adzhara 41 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi 41 Buddhist theocracy 41 renegade Tutsi general 41 Field Marshal Thanom 41 President Maaouya Ould 41 El Bur 41 Jean Bertand Aristide 41 Guebuza Frelimo party 40 mountainous Kabylie region 40 shadowy Mai Mai 40 warring militias 40 hardline Islamist insurgents 40 Mohammed Farah Aideed 40 Aliodor Place 40 Idriss Déby 40 Ahmed Madobe 40 Shah Reza Pahlavi 40 violently overthrow 40 Military Industrialization Organization 40 clan fiefdoms 40 strongman Slobodan Milosevic 40 officers Gen. Melud 40 spokesman Henri Mova 40 Chile Salvador Allende 40 enemy Habeb 40 extremist Hutu militia 40 Maj. Moises Giroldi 40 Mukhabarat secret 40 violently repressed 40 overthrow Deby 40 Abidine ben Ali 40 JG Photo Jurnasyanto 40 monarchs excepted 40 From Pissed Off 40 Milosevic ouster 40 Arab nomads allied 40 BY MARK PHELAN 40 Somoza dictatorship 40 prime minister Mohammed Ghannouchi 40 Duvalier dynasty 40 ruler Omar Bongo 40 impoverished landlocked 40 Zine Al 40 Papa Doc Duvalier 40 ruler HM Ershad 40 hardline Islamist movement 40 Anastas I. Mikoyan 40 overthrew Chiang Kai 40 Kadhafi iron fisted 40 East Asia CEPEA 40 President Lansana Conte 40 FX Fig Leaf 40 Government TFG 40 Liberation Movement MLC 40 arid impoverished 40 invaded East Timor 40 autocratic ruler 40 warlord 40 owned VTOL 40 Mengistu regime 40 predecessor Eduard Shevardnadze 40 MOGADISHU Somalia Fighting 40 Islamist al Shabaab 40 theocratic regimes 40 Gamal Nasser 40 imamate 40 Nicaragua Sandinistas 40 southern Casamance 40 CARLOS MONARREZ • 40 Khamis Brigade 40 overthrew 40 Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys 40 Maaouya Ould Taya 40 Vicente Guterres 40 Gen Sani Abacha 40 Sadeq al Ahmar 40 François Papa Doc 40 Tigrean 40 leader Arturo Beltran 40 PUBLISHED RATINGS CRITERIA AND 40 bloody gunbattles 40 impoverished Himalayan 40 semiautonomous Puntland region 40 Portuguese colonizers 40 Digitized replays 40 CHISINAU Moldova Moldova 40 al Sadr Mahdi 40 strongman Zine El Abidine 40 Derg regime 40 dictator Lansana Conte 40 BY PATRICIA ANSTETT 40 Rwandan Hutu militias 40 Bob Denard 40 Serb strongman Slobodan 40 leftist insurgencies 40 By Jaclyn O'Malley 40 dictatorial regime 40 SHANNON SHELTON • 40 Boniface Alexandre 40 Catholic Kipkelion Monastery 40 General Robert Guei 40 BY BRIAN DICKERSON 40 Col Qaddafi 40 Halyard Mission 40 ethnic Lendu 40 • 40 sprawling Cite Soleil 40 Joseph Kasavubu 39 Maaouiya Ould Taya 39 shah Mohammad Reza 39 la democratie RCD Goma 39 Dhusamareb 39 Wabho 39 ruler Askar Akayev 39 allied janjaweed militias 39 dictator 39 Tonton Macoutes 39 NOUAKCHOTT Mauritania Mauritania 39 Bozizé 39 brutally suppressed 39 Wadia Amar university 39 Pol Pot genocidal 39 al Shabaab fighters 39 Pascal Lissouba 39 Alfredo Stroessner 39 coup d' etats 39 revolutionaries overthrew 39 SOURCEFIRE ® SNORT ® 39 pirate havens 39 Francois Duvalier 39 Emile Lahoud stepped 39 overthrow Rios Montt 39 SOMALIA 'S 39 Pulse CO Oximetry Pulse 39 atheistic communist regime 39 ruthlessly crushed 39 restive Ogaden 39 hardline Islamist insurgent 39 northern Equateur province 39 Bourguiba 39 overthrew Aristide 39 leader Jonas Savimbi 39 authoritarian rule 39 Rassemblement congolais pour 39 iron fisted rule 39 39 constituent republics 39 Illegal stonings 39 plp 39 Kikwit 39 dictator Colonel Muammar 39 Murtala Obasanjo 39 Oromo Liberation Front OLF 39 Roberto Michelleti 39 Tandja dissolved 39 Warships patrolling 39 日 星期四 #:# BJT 39 Saleh ouster 39 Saw Maung 39 brother Antauro 39 Ortega Sandinista 39 1 SecuRemote VPN 39 separatist guerillas 39 neighboring Djibouti 39 Lansana Conté 39 Abdel Malek al 39 Mamadou Tandja 39 rlk1 39 FDLR fighters 39 bloody internecine 39 Saddam ouster 39 PUSIC 39 semiautonomous northeastern 39 emir Sheik 39 Paraguayan dictator 39 Nur Mohammed Taraki 39 Somalias 39 allied Basij militia 39 Ji Ungpakorn 39 feuding drug cartels 39 dictator Ne Win 39 code EEN ISIN 39 Hawthi Shiite 39 rival Darod clan 39 coups assassinations 39 Mohammad Reza Shah 39 stroked neatly trimmed 39 image sensors #-#/# 39 Casamance MFDC 39 Mobutu 39 Habr Gedir 39 Militant separatist 39 Sab'awi 39 CONTINUE OVER THE WARNED 39 Mobuto 39 WITH HIGHER GUSTS 39 Magarha 39 Ziguele 39 CytoCore develops cost 39 Counter Terrorism ARPCT 39 Taya loyalists 39 Janjawid militia 39 freenow# 39 NOTE YOU WILL 39 Baladwayne 39 Maoist revolt 39 Lendu militia 39 Anya Nya 39 Melchior Ndadaye 39 Zaidi Shiite imamate 39 corrupt dictatorships 39 Ethiopian Woyanne 39 brutal dictatorships 39 brushy canyon lands 39 President Maaouiya Ould 39 Tutsi rebel 39 #-#-# Email 39 Somalia transitional 39 Sandinista guerrilla 39 Best Orchestrations Doug Besterman 39 Penguin NF P 39 Nationalists fled 39 Sharif Sheik Ahmed 39 force colonels defected 39 southerner overthrew brutal 39 al shabab 39 Tunisian strongman Zine 39 invade Anjouan 39 Ould Cheikh Abdallahi 39 Jason Rosenhouse received 39 predecessor Askar Akayev 39 teenager Ogun Samast 39 Huthi rebels 39 al Ahmar compound 39 backed janjaweed militia 39 Liberia Mali Niger 39 Mai Mai militias 39 Ali Abdullah Saleh 39 SMARTREND WATCHING FOR 39 BY RICHARD RYMAN 39 leftist Sandinista 39 disintegrating Yugoslavia 39 Lehtinen R Fla 39 Gamal Abdul 39 communist Khmer Rouge 39 violently quashed 39 Anarchy reigned 39 ethnic Tuareg rebels 39 looting sprees 39 BY BRIAN McCALLUM 39 DRC Ituri 39 overthrow 39 semi autonomous Puntland 39 Hindu monarchy 39 deputy Gen. Sekouba 39 bloodless coup d' état 39 warlord Abdi Awale 39 Tontons Macoutes 39 French acronym GSPC 39 overthrowing democratically elected 39 Mao Zedong communists 39 Lissouba 39 Gedo region 39 Ahlu Sunna Wal 39 Mohammed Reza Pahlevi 39 Tandja morphed 39 BioNeutral proprietary platform 39 Fulgencio Batista dictatorship 39 Timeout Finland 39 39 monarchy abolished 38 Rwandan Hutus fled 38 clan warfare 38 Maumoon Gayoom 38 Paris HAV.PA 38 Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo 38 Palipehutu 38 Pahlavi monarchy 38 Front RPF 38 chief Gen Rookmangud 38 misruled 38 Payable Date Dec 38 KEITH SARGEANT • 38 overran Gaza 38 Somaliland Puntland 38 Ould Haidalla 38 OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING 38 BY MATT HELMS 38 38 Ethiopian troops 38 Sékou Touré 38 President Askar Akayev 38 Hamid Raja Shalah 38 Gen. Tito Okello 38 BILL BOWMAN • 38 coup d' états 38 eastern Nord Kivu 38 Laurent Nkunda renegade 38 Symbol MNLU OTCBB 38 PBX VENTURES LTD 38 dictatorships 38 Ntaryamira 38 Joseph Mobutu 38 Pain Na Kon 38 archfoes 38 Al shabaab fighters 38 Lansana Conte 38 President Abdullahi Yusuf 38 secessionist rebellion 38 abortive uprising 38 Hassan Gouled 38 BY JIM TOTTEN 38 Manchu Dynasty 38 warlord Doku Umarov 38 approximately 38 Lord Cornwallis surrendered 38 democratically elected Hutu 38 harboring al Qaeda 38 lawless Somalia 38 Constituent Assembly abolished 38 formerly Zaire 38 - -Dellapenta 38 Chiang Nationalist 38 Stable Hand 38 Kagame Tutsi rebel 38 hateful taunts 38 contra rebels 38 brutally repressive 38 metabolic disorders Saizen R 38 SLORC 38 longtime dictator Ferdinand 38 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft SI 38 ruler Sheik Sabah 38 Ange Félix Patassé 38 Muammer Gaddafi 38 Gen. Ziaur Rahman 38 Stansted Southampton Aberdeen 38 strongman Manuel Noriega 38 BY JOSH SALM 38 leader Maj. Daouda 38 Shermanesque terms 38 Dehiba crossing 38 mosque hardline clerics 38 Bertrand Aristide 38 ATTRIBUTABLE TO CEPHALON INC. 38 sulfadoxine pyrimethamine 38 Guinness NF H 38 Somali transitional 38 Islamist militia 38 Abgal clan 38 Addicts Victorious meeting 38 arch foe Ethiopia 38 entered Inkhil Dael 38 Haut Uélé 38 Patrice Lumumba Congo 38 Indiscriminate shelling 38 Council SLORC 38 Fierce clashes 38 Imamate 38 Bas Uele 38 eastern borderlands 38 Leopoldo Galtieri 38 Peru Alberto Fujimori 38 bloodless coup 38 Enyele 38 President Sidi Mohamed 38 DRY WEATHER 38 Shabaab fighters 38 Carausius 38 Islamic fundamentalist Islah 38 overthrew Saddam Hussein 38 repressive dictatorship 38 Nasdaq Adv Dec 38 Mohammed al Tajer 38 oust dictator Fulgencio 38 Jalaluddin Haqqani commander 38 tyrannical dictators 38 • • 38 JONAH KERI INVESTOR 'S 38 AFRC RUF 38 engineer velvet revolution 38 armed intefadeh 38 pines nostalgically 38 KUB Gas LLC 38 Shiite Huthi rebels 38 Islamist Muslim Brotherhood 38 MARK SNYDER • 38 Gebril Hewadi doctor 38 Islamist insurgency 38 sheik Aeifan al Issawi 38 Egypt Mamluk rulers 38 thereof Management Discussion 38 BY CINDY HODGSON 38 y h r 38 REGIONAL THEATER TONY AWARD 38 multicandidate presidential elections 38 overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista 38 Sadat assassination 38 #S #W 38 British protectorate 38 Buckaroos wore 38 fascist dictatorship 38 Murule 38 Ednar Ducoste 38 Cabinda FLEC 38 Dir Khas 38 glioma rarer 38 Mohamed Reza Pahlavi 38 quell rebellions 38 Leftist rebels 38 Libya Moammar Gaddafi 38 tyrannical rule 38 du Rwanda FDLR 38 coups d' état 38 tropical Chapare 38 President Hafizullah Amin 38 al Shaabab 38 Chechen rebel Doku Umarov 38 ruler Lansana Conte 38 Islamic Maghreb AQMI 38 Wangchuck dynasty 38 Domitien Ndayizeye 38 Hugo Banzer 38 Sein Lwin 38 TONY GRAHAM • 38 Sender Cargotec Corporation 38 Ismael Omar Guelleh 38 THEREON AS WELL AS 38 impoverished Himalayan kingdom 38 luh sah LEH 38 boss Salvatore Toto 38 taco pal 38 kingpin Arturo Beltran Leyva 38 Artibonite Resistance 38 ruthlessly purged 38 Hurwa district 38 Abdul Salam Arif 38 Misrata Khoms Zenten Al 38 branches secessionist rebellion 38 Gen Ziaul Haq 38 Sheik Sharif Ahmed 37 Houthi rebels 37 ARTHRITIS AQUATIC PROGRAM #:#-#:# 37 Ptolemaic dynasty ruled 37 日 星期二 #:# BJT 37 harboring al Qaida 37 Col Ely Ould 37 Dinsoor Belet Weyne Bandiradley 37 democratically elected Salvador Allende 37 parliamentary speaker Omurbek 37 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 37 Hashid tribe 37 Goz Amir 37 Tense calm 37 Gulbuddin Hekmatyar renegade 37 overran Saigon 37 parliament speaker Omurbek 37 dictator Jean Bedel 37 north secessionist movement 37 annex scuffled 37 Zaydi 37 autocratic monarchy 37 strongman Suharto 37 Contract Compliance Ariba 37 deter Gadhafi loyalists 37 SAM MAGUIRE 'S IRISH 37 cunning ruthlessness Milosevic 37 Tandja dissolved parliament 37 Ahmad Tejan Kabbah 37 Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko 37 MOUNT HOLLY HAS ISSUED 37 Jean Claude Baby 37 Escambray mountains 37 Kuwait emir Sheik Jaber 37 Maj. Salou Djibou 37 Equateur province 37 By Kemuel Stewart 37 BY GEORGE ROBINSON 37 overthrew Allende 37 Sectarian bloodshed 37 Bulo Hawo 37 Yugoslav republic 37 ® Franchising BuyMax 37 Islamist insurgents 37 commercializing dermatological products 37 al Shabaab insurgents 37 Augusto Pinochet dictatorship 37 agitate agitate agitate 37 Baha'u'llah Persian nobleman 37 Kurdish guerillas 37 ethnic Albanian guerrilla 37 Peter Gatdet 37 Antoine Gizenga 37 sub clans 37 Abdel Karim Qassem 37 prime minister Seini Oumarou 37 génocidaires 37 shouting slogans denouncing 37 warlord militias 37 Libya autocratic ruler 37 President Idriss Déby 37 Shining Path insurgency 37 Ismail Omar Guelleh 37 autocrat Hosni Mubarak 37 insurgent redoubt 37 Saddam Hussein Fedayeen 37 Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq 37 By KRISTY DAVIES 37 Golkar Suharto 37 Winterfield Quilters 37 Maoist Shining Path 37 son Sirajuddin 37 Jebel Marra mountains 37 negotiated truces 37 Arab nomads blamed 37 KYRGYZSTAN 'S 37 Yemen Shabwa province 37 Abdullo fled 37 topple dictator Fulgencio 37 Idale 37 37 Sinaloa drug cartels 37 rebel Oromo Liberation 37 unprovoked Huffer 37 Mudug regions 37 Showbiz bits 37 dictatorial rule 37 Nkunda Tutsi 37 BOPD TD 37 Al shabab fighters 37 spokesman Kikaya Bin 37 Arab Janjaweed militia 37 Janjawid militias 37 autocrat Slobodan Milosevic 37 breakaway Bosnian Serb 37 Askar Akaev 37 MOGADISHU Somalia Somalia 37 Darfuri rebels 37 reclaimed farmlands 37 Shining Path Maoist 37 Mohammed Zia ul 37 Samuel Doe 37 Marehan clan 37 Ba'thists 37 JAKE LOWARY • 37 Jean Bedel Bokassa 37 Kyrgyzstan Tulip Revolution 37 dictator Hugo Banzer 37 Shaebia 37 Beletweyne 37 Jakrapob Penkair protest 37 Egypt blockaded Gaza 37 Saddam Husein 37 NATO warplanes pounded 37 waged sporadically 37 moo GAH' bay 37 INCOME TAX BENEFIT EXPENSE 37 father Heydar 37 Dergue regime 37 al Houthi followers 37 Matabeleland massacres 37 Coulibaly orchestrated 37 INVESTOR 'S BUSINESS DAILYPosted 37 Naim Deeb Ghali 37 Gnassingbé Eyadema 37 autocratic modernizer 37 Saddam Hussein Ba'ath Party 37 predecessor Hafez 37 Asterisk Appliance Genuine Asterisk 37 Hawthis 37 BASIS Estimated Actual 37 Mahdi fighters 37 disputed Sool 37 Sectarian killings 37 leftwing guerrillas 37 Herb Gould 37 Ahlu Sunnah 37 1 ® Littermaid 37 LOW PRICE STOCK 37 autonomous Malay 37 By Sylvie Belmond 37 Portuguese colony 37 including Bayer Celldex 37 BURMA 'S 37 Kenya postelection 37 Afars 37 waging offensives 37 Hezbul Islam 37 Hema militias 37 Kagame Rwandan Patriotic 37 impunity prevails 37 Gnassingbé Eyadéma 37 Tuareg fighters 37 République Démocratique du 37 Yugoslavia disintegrated 37 Qaddafi loyalists 37 Somali warlords 37 ethnic Tuareg nomads 37 widescreen LCD #X optical 37 brutally repressed 37 atheistic communist 37 tribal borderlands 37 feuding warlords 37 developing biomedical countermeasures 37 secessionist uprising 37 Udaya Nanayakkara blaming 37 tark test 37 tyrannical dictator 37 President Jamil Mahuad 37 portable toilets trucked 37 politician Severo Moto 37 Darfurian rebels 37 predecessor Habib Bourguiba 37 Mangudadatus blamed 37 Muslim separatist guerrillas 37 al Houthi rebels 37 renegade Tutsi General 37 Alawite minority 37 leader Amiot Metayer 37 EPRDF TPLF 37 despotic 37 Allende bodyguards 37 Tigrayan 37 Baluch nationalist groups 37 Kolingba 37 Shining Path guerrillas 37 sectarian bloodshed unleashed 37 #,# BID PRICE 37 shockingly commonplace 37 emperor Haile Selassie