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describe APDN 65 FINANCIAL CONDITION AND 65 www.BMRN.com 65 Pervasip actual 65 SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT 65 Nanometrics disclaims 65 Premier Exhibitions disclaims 65 expressed orimplied 65 concerning Epigenomics AG 65 DJ AIGCI Handbook 64 Mr. Gharapetian 64 STATEMENTS AND 64 Thomas Skimming P.Eng 64 statements arebased 64 UNDER THE PRIVATE 64 looking statements.Forward 64 Private Securities 64 Capstone cautions 64 OmniVision expressly disclaims 64 ImmuneRegen undertakes 64 MATERIALLY FROM THOSE PROJECTED 64 Laurion cautions against 64 express Luminex 64 ASUR filings 64 Marani Brands filings 64 concerning Idera Pharmaceuticals 64 terms Measured Indicated 64 NovAtel assumes 64 Ateba Resources Inc. 64 Loudeye assumes 64 thedate 64 http:/investors.formfactor.com/edgar.cfm 64 please visit www.sucampo.com 64 RESULTS INDICATED OR IMPLIED 64 thoseexpressed 64 Decoding Financial 64 reflect PREIT 64 Salary.com expressly disclaims 64 Vimicro beliefs 64 Forward Looking Statement 64 Emailwire.com ™ www.emailwire.com 64 foregoing paragraphs 64 ClearOne assumes 64 HDG assumes 64 www.marketaxess.com 64 Novavax assumes 64 looking statements includingbut 64 SearchMedia cautions readers 64 ADAM disclaims 64 SIMILAR EXPRESSIONS ARE INTENDED 64 www.metabolix.com 64 WHY ACTUAL RESULTS COULD 64 Dataworks disclaims 64 TranSwitch indebtedness 64 CONCERNING FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS 64 RESULT ACTUAL RESULTS MAY 64 affect Petroflow 64 www.solerainc.com 64 http:/ir.cdeledu.com 64 www.norsat.com 64 risksand uncertainties 64 Forward Looking Information 64 CAUTIONARY STATEMENT Certain 64 Explor Resources inc 64 PCTEL disclaims any 64 Cautionary Statements section 64 Forward Looking StatementsThis 64 ePlus undertakes 63 Amedia assumes 63 Quicksilver Resources filings 63 Quinton Hennigh Ph.D. P.Geo 63 Seabridge cautions 63 intents beliefs 63 HISTORICAL FACT ARE FORWARD 63 www.omrix.com 63 reflect Intelsat intentions 63 Aventine disclaims 63 www.nfp.com 63 IS DEFINED IN 63 www.web.com 63 footnotes 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Cremonese P.Eng 63 Silicon Image assumes 63 Interfor undertakes 63 Company website www.nyandcompany.com 63 please visit www.goldenhopemines.com 63 PRWeb disclaims any 63 RR Donnelley disclaims 63 Avantage Financial GmbH 63 CommVault beliefs 63 GroupWeb Emailwire.com 63 Orthovita undertakes 63 BlackRock cautions 63 D. Medicals 63 NovaBay disclaims any 63 Numerex assumes 63 Girard M.Sc. P.Geo 63 Orexigen cautions 63 anticipations estimates 63 www.airvana.com 63 Document Capture undertakes 63 Sify undertakes 63 www.veraznetworks.com 63 Rurban undertakes 63 OTI visit www.otiglobal.com 63 filingswith 63 Openwave assumes 63 STATEMENTS WITHIN THE MEANING 63 www.intelligroup.com 63 www.utekcorp.com 63 http:/www.wendys-invest.com/safeharbor 63 #-# vphl Norwegian 63 Playlogic assumes 63 ViryaNet Ltd. 63 StockerYale undertakes 63 Village inc 63 http:/www.memorypharma.com 63 Dyax cautions investors 63 reflect HRTE 63 please visit www.direxionshares.com 63 reflecting Achillion 63 http:/www.cimatron.com 63 contained herein constitutes 63 PDI undertakes 63 IN SOME CASES 63 Cognex disclaims 63 statementscontained 63 Azimut Qualified Person 63 DIFFER FROM THOSE PROJECTED 63 market fluctuations investee 63 MAY CONTAIN FORWARD LOOKING 63 document.getElementById root root 63 section #E [001] 63 financialstatements 63 PreMarketData.com undertakes 63 www.elcompanies.com 63 www.bisys.com 63 schedules hereto 63 IntelGenx assumes 63 Emailwire.com ™ http:/www.emailwire.com 63 Intellon assumes 63 ARLP Annual Report 63 http:/www.chinacleanenergyinc.com 63 WesternOne Equity assumes 63 Connetics disclaims 63 SciClone filings 63 OR CHANGES 63 EFI undertakes 62 website www.octoplus.nl 62 ARE NOT INDICATIVE OF 62 Form 8K filed 62 Chemed communications 62 OF SECTION #A 62 www.epixpharma.com 62 TIBCO assumes 62 Valcent disclaims 62 Akeena Solar assumes 62 mergers dispositions 62 technical inaccuracies 62 http:/www.marketaxess.com 62 www.affymax.com 62 AudioCodes filings 62 cause actualresults 62 BioSante undertakes 62 www.titanpharm.com 62 website www.navios.com 62 Onyx undertakes 62 recoverable reserves probable 62 THIS NEWS RELEASE 62 PLEASE REFER TO 62 ALDA assumes 62 respecting DST 62 Natus disclaims 62 Aimco assumes 62 Tucows filings 62 www.spectrumpharm.com 62 Looking Statements Statements 62 www.pluristem.com 62 Somaxon cautions readers 62 www.dft.com 62 http:/www.cortexpharm.com 62 AMONG OTHERS INVESTORS ARE 62 www.makosurgical.com 62 negations thereof generally 62 Iomai undertakes 62 Medicago disclaims 62 NiSource expressly disclaims 62 Sparton assumes 62 Packeteer assumes 62 Markland Technologies filings 62 Looking Statements Safe Harbor 62 forwardlooking 62 mysunshinecoast.com.au may 62 http:/www.marinabio.com 62 similarexpressions 62 Siebel Systems assumes 62 Univest Corporation files 62 flammable aromatic oils 62 visit www.oncolyticsbiotech.com 62 AFFECT MICROSEMI 'S 62 THE CANADIAN SECURITIES AUTHORITIES 62 GTC undertakes 62 withrespect 62 AMETEK filings 62 THESE STATEMENTS FOR REVISIONS 62 symbol KCR CNSX 62 http:/www.celgene.com 62 http:/www.verisign.com/ 62 Elixir Gaming cautions 62 concerning Intercell AG 62 www.pdi inc.com 62 www.cypressbio.com 62 toupdate 62 Tessera assumes 62 PINNACLEDIGEST.COM S PAST PERFORMANCE 62 DE BEIRA 62 pressrelease 62 differ materiallyfrom 62 Risks Regarding Forward 62 EVEP undertakes 62 AVANIR disclaims any 62 www.migenix.com 62 website www.immunogen.com 62 http:/www.tripos.com 62 http:/www.maybachfinancial.com/terms.php 62 Medtronic periodic 62 whenever SOAPWIRE 62 projections anticipations 62 GoFish periodic filings 62 DELETE OR EDIT COMMENTS 62 TranSwitch filings 62 ENGINEERING.com Incorporated Announces 62 WebSideStory undertakes 62 Company undertakes noobligation 62 Osisko Releases 62 Antigenics undertakes 62 Safe Harbor Statements 62 Applied Energetics undertakes 62 www.wellcare.com 62 Reconciliation Tables 62 www.chembio.com 62 regarding Alseres 62 EDGAR www.sec.gov edgar.shtml 62 EFJ undertakes 62 Schiff Nutrition disclaims 62 HickoryTech undertakes 62 www.amarincorp.com 62 website www.aeroflex.com 62 Magma undertakes 62 Funds Declare Dividends 62 de la société daté 62 Kungsleden AB publ discloses 62 Pharming website http:/www.pharming.com 62 DiaMedica cautions 62 law FSNA undertakes 62 Synplicity disclaims 62 inactive textual references 62 http:/www.JazzPharmaceuticals.com 62 http:/www.simcere.com 62 www.roxmark.com 62 SAFE HARBOR Statements 62 HTA periodic 62 http:/www.numerex.com 62 Tumbleweed cautions 62 Vena Qualified Person 62 www.lgi.com 62 Statement Certain 62 CONTAINS CERTAIN FORWARD LOOKING 62 MarketAxess periodic filings 62 CHDT undertakes 62 TEWI actions 62 programs visit http:/www.dendreon.com/ 62 SAFE HARBOR 62 MSc Qualified Person 62 www.pediatrix.com 62 risks anduncertainties 62 GIVE OUR 62 Streetinvesting.com undertakes 62 concerning AudioCodes 62 Ivernia SEDAR profile 62 READER ADVISORY 62 FORWARD LOOKING INFORMATION WITHIN 61 Immucor assumes 61 FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS 61 IMPAX undertakes 61 www.qustream.com 61 Visit CTT 61 www.approachresources.com 61 http:/www.captaris.com 61 THAT ARE NOT HISTORICAL 61 laws Petrominerales assumes 61 apply prospectively 61 BOS periodic 61 PolyMedix filings 61 statementsare 61 #.Forward looking 61 www.intrusion.com 61 statementsaEUR 61 www.premdinc.com 61 Regarding Mineral Resources 61 reflect events orcircumstances 61 Complaint alleges violations 61 www.covantaholding.com 61 GTC cautions 61 Attribution Policy 61 NII Holdings disclaims 61 powerful stimulants methylenedioxypyrovalerone 61 www.multimediagames.com 61 PSLRA safe harbor 61 Continuous Disclosure Obligations 61 Yucheng filings 61 Selectica assumes 61 STATEMENTS RELATING TO 61 www.darden.com 61 Brascan SoundVest Funds 61 THOSE DESCRIBED IN 61 An allegorical tale 61 obligation toupdate 61 update theseforward looking 61 i2 expressly disclaims 61 www.amagpharma.com 61 Technest Holdings filings 61 http:/www.actions-semi.com 61 Timminco disclaims any 61 THAT INCLUDE SUCH WORDS 61 www.drhc.com 61 NOTE REGARDING FORWARD LOOKING 61 www.prosepinc.com 61 MAKES ANY 61 Disclaimer c 61 www.inmetmining.com 61 BRITISH COLUMBIA SECURITIES COMMISSION 61 NYSE Euronext disclaims 61 http:/www.spectrumpharm.com 61 www.immuneregen.com 61 Geokinetics undertakes 61 http:/www.lecroy.com 61 RELY UPON THIS 61 www.invescopowershares.com 61 evaluating Questcor 61 Primus Guaranty assumes 61 www.powersecure.com 61 Ampal assumes 61 Yucheng assumes 61 Pharming website www.pharming.com 61 www.td.com investor calendar arch.jsp 61 USC § #u 61 www.pelangio.com 61 THE AMENDED SCHEDULE 61 limitedto 61 Repligen contemplated 61 www.amvescap.com 61 Finsat GCE 61 NLEOMF maintains 61 visit www.solitaireminerals.com 61 http:/www.biomedrealty.com 61 Van Kampen Closed End 61 Vimicro undertakes 61 www.givenimaging.com 61 www.durect.com 61 www.exelixis.com 61 Orckit assumes 61 ACTUAL RESULTS COULD DIFFER 61 Biomerica contains 61 Offerors Commercial applies 61 contained herein contains aEURoeforward 61 Favrille filings 61 www.iff.com 61 XFMedia undertakes 61 www.addaxpetroleum.com 61 www.soligenix.com 61 AND ASSOCIATED 61 E mail glen@bristolir.com 61 Manugistics assumes 61 www.nac tsx.com 61 www.dundeereit.com 61 http:/www.sap.com/ 61 www.syntapharma.com 61 DSMA Smartstox content 61 statements encompass Sento 61 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BY OR 60 www.achillion.com 60 www.adeonapharma.com 60 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 60 http:/www.chinaxd.net 60 GrowthWorks refers 60 ITEX undertakes 60 www.diodes.com 60 www.petroresourcescorp.com 60 website www.arbitron.com 60 http:/www.ziffdavis.com 60 News Source JusticeNewsFlash.com 60 SEC 'S WEBSITE 60 STRIKE PRICE COMPARES TO 60 www.cytomedix.com 60 www.biomsmedical.com 60 NxStage anticipates 60 www.infonet.com 60 www.seahawkdrilling.com 60 visit www.c cor.com 60 www.identive group.com 60 APPLICABLE CANADIAN SECURITIES LEGISLATION 60 http:/www.idenix.com 60 www.etelecare.com 60 http:/www.mcgraw-hill.com/ 60 #-#-# ir@newmarkettechnology.com 60 website www.VectorGroupLtd.com 60 Rules #b 60 www.villageedocs.com 60 AND ALL SALES 60 www.digirad.com 60 www.bnyconvergex.com 60 BY SUCH FORWARD 60 www.crucell.com 60 entitled Caution Concerning 60 www.biodeliverysciences.com 60 Colfax disclaims 60 http:/www.torreypinestherapeutics.com 60 www.bakerhughes.com 60 http:/www.AMCORE.com 60 caption Item 1A 60 website www.diamyd.com 60 concerning VAALCO 60 www.callgenie.com 60 please visit http:/www.cnepetroleum.com 60 symbol ZAOFF 60 MAY INCLUDE FORWARD LOOKING 60 www.ibioinc.com 60 www.mtiglobalinc.com 60 AUDI AG wholly owned 60 Somaxon cautions 60 www.medipattern.com 60 Regarding Forward Looking Statements 60 www.idgenterprise.com 60 IS NOT FOR DISSEMINATION 60 website www.danaher.com 60 www.bankofny.com 60 #.Such forward 60 please visit www.transitiontherapeutics.com 60 safeharbor 60 visit www.nasdaq.com indexes 60 andassumptions 60 Sunovia filings 60 Company website www.nashfinch.com 60 ATG undertakes 60 AVGCF Avion 60 TEWI officials 60 through GroupWeb EmailWire.com 60 www.imany.com 60 www.kriaresources.com 60 www.amicogames.com 60 AudioCodes assumes 60 www.smsc.com 60 www.icpsolar.com 60 www.acelimited.com 60 AltiGen assumes 60 www.dynexcapital.com 60 worldspan.com 60 Orbitz Worldwide Investor Relations 60 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 60 www.diceholdingsinc.com 60 reflect Thallion 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Sess 60 please visit www.broadridge.com 60 RR Donnelley periodic filings 60 Dolly Parton Collector Edition 60 CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS RELEVANT 60 symbol NVN 60 visit www.jbhunt.com 60 Qualify Forward Looking 60 See www.chdtcorp.com 60 CPEX undertakes 60 http:/ir.cbeyond.net/events.cfm 60 http:/www.wuxiapptec.com 60 AMWO 60 http:/www.mheducation.com 60 Private Securities Litigation 60 STATEMENTS Except 60 Generex undertakes 60 Leadis disclaims 60 Transcept periodic 60 please visit http:/smallcappower.com/disclosure.aspiritually inclined 60 attached condensed consolidated 60 SkillSoft courseware content 60 Proxy Statements 60 www.allaboutmannatech.com 60 www.wipro.com www.wiprocorporate.com 60 under Chapter 6D 60 info@cabancorp.com Website www.cabancorp.com 60 Chapter 6D 60 Mike Magrum PEng 60 regarding AngelCiti 59 AnnualReport 59 exhibits thereto 59 Banc Intranets product 59 TEN undertakes 59 symbol CRK 59 www.lipperweb.com 59 bargain Adgate 59 http:/www.millennium.com 59 PRIVATE SECURITIES LITIGATION REFORM 59 COFI removal 59 Waratah Coal filings 59 Verifiability Articles should 59 eTelecare assumes 59 http:/www.TaraGoldResources.com 59 visit www.smuckers.com 59 www.canforpulp.com 59 BECAUSE THIS 59 www.AssetAcceptance.com 59 www.lyris.com 59 Forward Looking Statements 59 website www.competitivetech.net 59 Administaff filings 59 www.interland.com 59 date hereof disclaim 59 couldcause 59 symbol LGO 59 www.datatrak.net 59 symbol FTG 59 IS FOR INFORMATIONAL 59 GigOptix disclaims any 59 THAT MAY CAUSE 59 www.hcpi.com 59 www.alliedenergy.com 59 Agreement constitutes discloseable 59 visiting www.epicept.com 59 please visit http:/www.sunesis.com 59 http:/www.wallstreetgrand.com/disclosure.html 59 www.hanmifinancial.com 59 CoStar assumes 59 Platina Energy believes 59 symbol FPTB 59 www.maxygen.com 59 CRHI 59 OSI Geospatial Inc 59 DJ AIGCISM reference 59 symbol PEH 59 www.themedicinescompany.com 59 Infinium Labs undertakes 59 website www.billbarrettcorp.com

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